I have the Macmillan release "Delux Linux Operating System 6.5" which is
Mandrake 6.1. It comes with the "Install" CD, a "Sources" CD, and an "Extras"
CD, plus three books, but they all contain nearly the same information.

A limited version of PartitionMagig is on the Extras CD, but I like the program,
and have used it for several years, and have PM v4. I first got a copy of PM v2
on a PCPLUS Mag SuperCD for free. Then, when I decided to try Linux, I also
decided to go buy the full-featured version of PM. The freebe only created DOS

I don't know what is on the CheapBytes set, but if it has only one CD, I'd say
PM's not on it. I'm not sure, but you may be able to DownLoad a trial version
of PM from the PowerQuest web site, at least it'd be worth checking out. I
don't have the URL handy, but you should be able to do a search on either
PowerQuest or PartitionMagic to find it.

Alternatively, you could go to your local software store and pick up a copy of
the Macmillan release of Mandrake, at least it'd be less costly than the retail
PM. I got mine at Best Buy for about $35.00 for Mandrake 6.1 (Mandrake 6.0 was
only $30.00).

Now, the limited version of PM which comes with the Macmillan release will only
create (I think) one Linux partition on your HD. You will need to read the
install guide to be sure, and for how to use it. I didn't bother with it
because as I said, I have the full featured version.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpfull


On Wed, 27 Oct 1999,Collin J. Davidson wrote:
  | I have a Cheapbytes Mandrake 6.1 CD, is a version of partition magic on that
  | or can you only get it with the officail CDs?
  | ----- Original Message -----
  | From: John Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  | Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 11:26 AM
  | Subject: Re: [newbie] Partition setup help
  | > On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, you wrote:
  | > > The solution, then is to create the partitions using the DOS fdisk
  | utility,
  | > > including the ones you want for Linux. Then restart the 'puter, and run
  | fdisk
  | > > again, but this time remove the partitions you want for Linux. Install
  | Win9x,
  | > > then install Linux, recreating the partitions with disk druid. I think
  | this will
  | > > work.
  | > >
  | > The problem with this, is that it makes the Linux
  | > partitions visible to Windows, which, I've heard, can cause
  | > corruption, as Windows tries to "fix" the "grunged" file
  | > system and can't.
  | > >
  | > > A more expensive solution, but much easier
  | > > is to get PartitionMagic, and > do the job with it. You
  | > > can resize, move, and reformat partitions at will. >
  | > > Anything but formatting will not destroy the information
  | > > on the partitions. > It's a great tool, and I recomend it
  | > > highly. The bad news is the cost - about > $70.00 here in
  | > > Toledo, Ohio USA.
  | > >
  | > The good news is, a version is included on most packaged
  | > versions of Linux these days (at least RedHat and Mandrake
  | > versions. <G>)
  | > >
  | > > I use it, because as my needs change, I
  | > > don't have to do a rebuild to rearange my partitions. I
  | > > started out with 2 Gig for Linux, and 6 Gig for Win95. Now
  | > > it's about half and half (4 Gigs each).
  | > >
  | > Yeah...it's pretty useful! :-)
  | > John
  | >

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