SOTL wrote:

Hi All

As a user not a geek I have worked with and used Linux for some time but until recently I have not had the opportunity of using my computers on anything but dial up internet connections. Currently I have that opportunity. I would purchase a book on networking except that I have several older ones which did not help when I attempted networking several years ago. Likewise I find on line Howtos impossible since there are so many contradictory ones addressing different issues.

What I would like to do is network 2 linux computers so that one may copy files from one to the other and possible other connections later such as storing a data base on one that may be read by another.

Physically what I have is 2 computers 1 running Mandrake 10.1 and 1 running Mandrake 9.2 [sorry this computer can not be upgraded to 10.1 with current hardware and my current knowledge as that would mean network installation or the purchase of additional hardware or CDs] connected together with a hub which is also connected to an eithernet RJ45 line and the internet.

Each computer has internet capability and is fully operational in that I can and do get web sites and e-mail to and from each. Neither computer can ping the other.

First question: Do I need to install share? [Mandrake Control Center -> Network & Internet -> Internet connection Sharing]

Not to get them talking to each other. You may want to add it later, so that both can access the Internet at the same time, when one is online.

Second Question: How do I set up computers so that they maintain DSL addressing and are able to ping eachother?

I think you mean IP address, not DSL addressing. You can set up each with a static address.
This makes the rest of the setup simple, with the setup you have here.

Third question: Would it be better to use a firewall/router instead of a hub or would that add an unnecessary complication, which I do not need at this time, to my networking attempts [attempts based on past failures]?

You can do it ether way. It is not hard to set up a system with static IP addresses, and connected using a hub. Using a firewall/router when you are using a dialup connection actualy makes things harder. If you were using DSL or a cable modem, then it would be a good idea.


If you are going to use a hub, here is what I would do. Give each computer a static IP address. Use MCC if you are comfortable with it, or create/edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 if you are more comfortable with that. In ether case, make sure they have different IP addresses in the same netowrk. What I would use is:

Computer 1:
IP address

Computer 2:
IP address

Do not set a gateway on ether computer. A gateway is created when you make the dialup connection, and when the dialup connection is down, you do not have a gateway to the Internet.

If you want to be able to use names, instead of IP addresses when refering to the two computers, then you will want to add the IP addresses to /etc/hosts. You may also want to add the hostnames in MCC or /etc/sysconfig/networking. The hosts file probably looks like this:               localhost

You can edit it to add the hostnames.               localhost       one.localnet one       two.localnet two

You will probably want more creative names, but that should give you the idea. You will need to assign the IP addresses, and be able to ping the systems before going on two other things.

When it comes to file sharing, you have many options. The most common are NFS and Samba. Both will let yo mount directories from one computer on the other computer. If you only run Linux, then NFS will probably work well for you. If you also run Windows, you may want to use Samba, as it will also let Windows computers access directories on your Linux machines.

If you are using one of the flavors of SQL for your database, then you can also access the database server over the network, independly of the file sharing.

But I think we need to take things one step at a time. Lets get the machines hooked up to a hub or router, and talking to each other. Once they can ping each other, then it is time to work on things like firewall settings, file sharing, SQL servers, etc...


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