On Sunday 27 February 2005 16:47, Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> SOTL wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >
> > Sorry for screaming but I do feel a bit better now.
> >
> > I added 1 computer to the network so now there are a total of 3 as
> > follows:
> >
> > MSI with name of Reality_Check @ with Mandrake 10.1
> > HP with name Meatloaf_Night @ with Mandrake 9.2
> > IBM with name Big_Nate @ with Mandrake 10.1
> >
> > I do not have the ability to install 10.1 on the HP with out replacing
> > the CD reader with a DVD reader.
> >
> >>From any one box I can ping either [or both at the same time] of the
> >> other two
> >
> > boxes. For example from the IBM box I can ping MSI by using
> > and/or HP by using
> >
> > I can not ping either of the other boxes by using names. For example I
> > can not ping MSI or HP by using the names Reality_Check or Meatloaf_Night
> > nor can I ping the IBM box from either MSI or HP using Big_Nate.
> >
> > So, numbers work; names do not work.
> You need to put the names in /etc/hosts is each box, or run a name
> server on the lan. YOu may want to look at the tmdns package - I have
> not used it, or even done more then look at the description of the
> package, but it looks like it may be fore networks like yours.
> > I was able to access the MSI box from both the HP box and the IBM box by
> > using the following:
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> > or fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I was not able to access any box by
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> >
> > I was not able to access the IBM box from either the HP box or the MSI
> > box using
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> > or
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> >
> > I was not able to access the HP box from either the IBM box or the MSI
> > box using
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> > or
> > fish://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/to/directory
> >
> > So, one function apparently correctly two did not function as expected.
> >
> > I checked packages for the IBM and HP against   the MSI.
> >
> > The MSI and IBM have the following packages installed:
> > kdeutils-kdessh
> > openssh
> > openssh-askpass
> > openssh-askpass-gnome
> > openssh-client
> > openssh-server
> > scanssh
> > sshd-monitor
> >
> > The HP package are somewhat different and due to inadequate notes I may
> > not have the content exactly correct so we will skip that at this time.
> >
> > First Question:
> >
> > Are there other packages that are required to ssh into a box that I do
> > not have listed above?
> On the box you want to ssh into, you need the openssh-server and openssh
> packages, and the libs they are dependant on. You also need to start the
> sshd daemon running. It is not started by default.
> chkconfig sshd on
> service sshd start
> > Second Question:
> >
> > If there are no additional packages required why does one work [of sorts]
> > and one not?
> >
> > That above [of sorts] is important as after completing I left work went
> > home did laundry and returned to work to attempt to make the other two
> > boxes work.
> >
> > Firing up all 3 computers the 2 which I was not able to access by fish
> > came up normal and functioned normal.
> >
> > The MSi box which I was able to access by fish came up with video up to
> > 3/4 way through KDE boot at which time it lost video and maybe key and
> > mouse too as they did not appear to be functioning either.
> If the screen just went black, then you may have to tweek the monitor
> settings. Maybe decrease the number of colors, or resulation. This is
> usualy caused by trying to use higher settings then the monitor
> supports. (This is a big improvment from the older monitors - they would
> let out all the magc smoke if you did that!)
> > I shut the box down by turning power off [bad practice] since I appear to
> > have no control of box.
> You may be able to get the box to reboot using Ctrl-Alt-DEL - it takes a
> bit, because it does a controlled shutdown/reboot. You may also be able
> to get a CLI login prompt by hitting Ctrl-Alt-F1.
> > I repeated the above several times with identical results.
> >
> > I attempted to access box by fish and was able to do so.
> >
> > I placed Mandrake 10.1 disk in DVD drive and did an upgrade.
> >
> > Booting box after upgrade I still got blank screen and most possible no
> > mouse and no keyboard.
> >
> > Third Question:
> >
> > How does one go about establishing why, how issue develops and how does
> > one repair?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Frank
> For networking problems, looking in the logs in /var/log is a good lace
> to start. Especialy on the machine you are trying to connect to. A lot
> of the time, you will see a message telling you why the connection was
> not allowed. 

Thanks for the information on where to look.
I found the following in my auth.log file
Sorry but I have no idea of what it means.

Feb 27 15:05:00 Big_Nate sshd[13832]: Did not receive identification string 
from ::ffff:

> Firewalls can make things especialy interesting.

Firewall for all 3 boxes are set to standard which I believe is off.
There is NO firewall/router being used because of potential firewall issues. 
Boxes are connected by hub, not a switch, but a hub.

> For X problems, trying a lower resulation setting, and/or less colors is
> a good place to start. Booting to run level 3, and running tools like
> drakxconfig is a good place to start. You can tweek settings, and try
> them out without having to reboot.

Sorry but I don't get this at all.

Box has worked with same settings for weeks with numerous ups and downs but 
first time I connect to box by ssh box immediately has no video. 
Now I know  consequences happen but the odds of a box crashing with this type 
of problem at exactly that time appear to me to be very remote unles the two 
events are cause and effect.
Looks to me like since I logged on and did not logout by SSH box is confused 
about video. I did not log out as I could not figure out how to logout on SSH 
so I just closed the fish screen on Konqueror. 
Actuall what it looks like is I double loged into user screen.

> When it comes to things like being able to access a machine by IP
> address, but not name, you have to learn about DNS, and how it works. I
> don't know how to give a short and simple explination on how to
> troubleshoot it. When you tell a machine to connect to another machine,
> it has to translate the name you give it to an IP address. This is a
> multi-step process. FIrst, /etc/host.conf to see where it should check.
> Then it checks the things listed. On my system, it checks /etc/hosts
> first, and if it doesn't find it there, it then looks at
> /etc/resolv.conf to get the name server(s) it is susposed to check next.
> It then asks the name server for the IP address for the name. So, for
> machines on your local network, it works out well to have them listed in
> /etc/hosts. For larger networks, it pays to run a local name server for
> this...

Thanks I believe I have more configuration to do.


> Mikkel

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