Have no fear. I also have a Voodoo3 3000 PCI and you are correct. You do not need that 
agp. I had it originally when I compiled and installed my 2.4 kernel from an rpm. But 
I found out that you can still configure it or make changes to your kernel without 
having to mess around with any more rpm's or tarhalls. I configured my kernel for 
total optimization. It only has support for my NIC card, Voodoo3, and SBLive! 
exclusively. I choose no to all the other hardware types. Since I have no "real" agp 
bus (technically my motherboard came hardwired with a video inline agp support. I 
selected "Direct" for my PCI access mode. I disabled all the other "crap" don't I 
don't have or plan on using on this cpu. I love the improved speed. I actually wrote 
out all the changes that I made. It  took me three and a half hours to document 
everything  while I  was configuring my kernel. I was trying to configure my kernel to 
be able to use dialpad. The free telephony service from dialpad.com. They !
have  support now for linux. I was trying to configure my kernel to the specs that 
they had in their FAQ but it appears that the kernel that was used was a real old one. 
If this one works. I will post my findings to the newbie list. I will run a gauntlet 
of tests for the next few hours. Wish me luck on the dialpad thing.

-- Al

> Hey, I compiled /ran the new kernel on my test machine and saw the options 
> about agpgart support and support for the 440BX/i810/i815 mobos.  Is that 
> what you are refering to here?  Didn't see anything about Sunrpc locking fix. 
>  Where's/what's that? 
> Doesn't one have to download and install a patch to get the nvidia drivers to 
> work with 2.4.0?  I thought I read something about it somewhere, but can't 
> find it now.  Have you heard anything about it?
> Should agpgart support be compiled in or as a module, do you know?
> My test machine has a pci voodoo3, so I didn't get to test out any of these 
> options.  With some other little problems, I'm still nervous about doing it 
> to my pride and joy.   At least I know how to do it and retain ability to 
> boot into the old kernel now.  (messed that one up the first time!)
> TIA,
> -s
> On Friday 12 January 2001 05:05 pm, you wrote:
> > 2.4.0-ac6
> > o Sunrpc locking fix ()
> > o Made agpgart smarter about i815 (Charles McLachlan)
> >
> >
> > I have a slow connection, so will take time for me to download, but if
> > it will be easier for you, you better check this out. I guess we
> > finally have it !
> >
> >                              Onur
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