Oh, sorry, Onur and I were talking about installing drivers for a Nvidia 
GeForceII GTS (agp) with an i815 mobo.  We always got errors and could not 
get them installed.  But now with agpgart support in the kernel for the i815 
mobo, we were hoping for success.  
I wish you luck with the dialpad thing. :)

On Monday 15 January 2001 10:29 am, you wrote:
> Have no fear. I also have a Voodoo3 3000 PCI and you are correct. You do
> not need that agp. I had it originally when I compiled and installed my 2.4
> kernel from an rpm. But I found out that you can still configure it or make
> changes to your kernel without having to mess around with any more rpm's or
> tarhalls. I configured my kernel for total optimization. It only has
> support for my NIC card, Voodoo3, and SBLive! exclusively. I choose no to
> all the other hardware types. Since I have no "real" agp bus (tec nically
> my motherboard came hardwired with a video inline agp support. I selected
> "Direct" for my PCI access mode. I disabled all the other "crap" don't I
> don't have or plan on using on this cpu. I love the improved speed. I
> actually wrote out all the changes that I made. It  took me three and a
> half hours to document everything  while I  was configuring my kernel. I
> was trying to configure my kernel to be able to use dialpad. The free
> telephony service from dialpad.com. They ! !
> have  support now for linux. I was trying to configure my kernel to the
> specs that they had in their FAQ but it appears that the kernel that was
> used was a real old one. If this one works. I will post my findings to the
> newbie list. I will run a gauntlet of tests for the next few hours. Wish me
> luck on the dialpad thing.
> Cheers
> -- Al
> > Hey, I compiled /ran the new kernel on my test machine and saw the
> > options about agpgart support and support for the 440BX/i810/i815 mobos. 
> > Is that what you are refering to here?  Didn't see anything about Sunrpc
> > locking fix. Where's/what's that?
> >
> > Doesn't one have to download and install a patch to get the nvidia
> > drivers to work with 2.4.0?  I thought I read something about it
> > somewhere, but can't find it now.  Have you heard anything about it?
> >
> > Should agpgart support be compiled in or as a module, do you know?
> >
> > My test machine has a pci voodoo3, so I didn't get to test out any of
> > these options.  With some other little problems, I'm still nervous about
> > doing it to my pride and joy.   At least I know how to do it and retain
> > ability to boot into the old kernel now.  (messed that one up the first
> > time!)
> >
> > TIA,
> > -s
> >
> > On Friday 12 January 2001 05:05 pm, you wrote:
> > > 2.4.0-ac6
> > > o Sunrpc locking fix ()
> > > o Made agpgart smarter about i815 (Charles McLachlan)
> > >
> > >
> > > I have a slow connection, so will take time for me to download, but if
> > > it will be easier for you, you better check this out. I guess we
> > > finally have it !
> > >
> > >                              Onur
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