[10] Fergie praises McLeish over Latapy
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
And throws out a non too subtle message to Dwight:

'Alex keeps in touch quite a lot and recently I was admiring his decision about 
Latapy,' he said. 'I told him it was a decisive decision. Sometimes you have to make 
your stand and let them know you're in control.' 

[9] The Messiah to throw book at boozers
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
"The first thing I want to do, and I have already talked to the chairman about this, 
is introduce a rule book. 

"The players know then what they can and can't do. Even though some of the rules are 
very obvious, we all need to know where we stand. Discipline has never been a problem 
for me. I sit with the players, I tell them what I expect and what the club expects of 

Judging on last season, the players did exactly what was expected of them

[8] Players union go to court
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
FIFPRO aim to block the transfer agreement done by the EU and EUFA/FIFA

FIFPro's lawyers say the new FIFA rules break most national laws on freedom of work 
and are contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights. They argue the proposed 
system benefits soccer club owners who wish to continue with a lucrative trade in 

Players who wanted to change clubs would need an international transfer certificate 
which would be impossible to obtain in practice for a footballer who broke 
unilaterally with his club, they said. 

[7] More junk from Italy
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
As 2 more Serie A players give 'non-negative' samples (Whatever that means?)

No names until second tests have been carried out

[6] Confused - you will be
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
Here is a Babblefished translation of a report on Veron from the Spanish. I think you 
can get the jist of it!!

Any Spanish speakers out there let us know and we'll send the original

Manchester United negotiates the draftee of Verón J. ELORZ. Madrid The Manchester 
United seems arranged to please its technician, Sir Alex Ferguson, in its desire to 
reinforce properly to the equipment to fight the next campaign to reconquer the 
Champions League. Martin Edwards, president of the red?diablos, and Peter Kenyon, 
executive director, will today meet in Manchester with the Argentine representative 
Gustavo Mascardi to know the situation and the possibilities contractual of 
contracting Juan Sebastián Verón, next to vascofrancés Bixente Lizarazu both players 
tried by the 
Scottish technician to reinforce their establishment. The?brujita, that it still has 
three years of contract with the Lazio, is to misfortune in the Italian champion since 
jumped to the arena the presumed irregularity in the transaction of its communitarian 
passport, a subject that still has in vilo the international Argentinean, whose 
judgment recently was posponed until 
October. The first club in moving the English champion is the first equipment in 
moving card to try to take control of the services of one of the best midfield players 
of the world at the moment, after which the president of the Lazio, Sergio Cragnotti, 
hardly opened weeks ago for the first time the possibility of transferring the 
Argentine star, who fulfills his second season with the celestial square, at where 
arrived coming from the Parma, that pocketed 4,600?kilos? by its crossing. The United 
wants to know, before 
seating to negotiate with the Lazio, which are the economic pretensions of the 
platense midfield player, since Mascardi also has maintained contacts with other 
clubs, among them Real Madrid. 

[5] Scholes reckons Greeks won't be bearing any gifts
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
"I don't think that will have scared Greece,". "They are a very good team.

"It was nice to get that early goal tonight. It gives a lot of confidence to the team.

"When you are at home you want to get after the opposition early and we did that. It 
was a great atmosphere tonight, very good to play in. And we got the win."

[4] Becks in scouse love in
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
"It's my job to put the balls in and me and Steven Gerrard said if there's a chance to 
swap me in the middle and him on the right we'll do that.

"It worked well at Anfield (against Finland) - Steven proved he's got a great engine 
and is a powerful runner. When he gets the ball he takes some stopping.

"It's nice to get another goal for England - I just hope it carries on now."

[3] Becks on game
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
"He (Sven) has said we did well first half. It was hard in the second half with so 
many changes - but to come out and win it (the second half) 1-0 was great for the lads.

"The manager said before the game Mexico play a little bit like Greece so we've not 
treated it as a friendly.

"The way we played tonight, particularly in the first 25 minutes, we proved we weren't 
taking it that way.

"We were told we were coming off but we were all buzzing and in a good mood - we just 
wanted to play well."

[2] Becks and a very sad old man
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
As old big 'ead says that hair cut makes him look

"grotesque" and "like a yob".

"He looks more like more like a convict or an American wrestler.

"Maybe it was that missus of his, the one who tries to sing, and if it was not her 
idea in the first place I'm sure she did not object."

Becks responded after by saying: "I loved playing out there tonight. The only thing 
that upset me was Brian Clough's comments.

"I respect him as a manager - but for someone as big as that to come out and slaughter 
my wife and family I thought was very upsetting."

[1] Peace man?
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
According to the Moral, we are sniffing after Vierra.

With the share price at a 3 year low yesterday of 158p (still need an excuse to join 
Shareholders Utd?) the board are apparently looking for a 'moral boosting gesture' 
followig the flack over Fergies departure.

Err, is this aimed at the supporters or the City institutions?

Anyway can you see the scout master allowing his better player to come to us? - More 
likely to flog him abroad.

The Moral also says that Roly Poly, Kenyon and Fergie met yesterday in what was 
described as 'convivial talks'

Apparently the man with the plan has agreed to see out his contract. In return the 
board will have a re-think on his post managerial future.

[29] Teddy to sign for Spurs
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From PA

'Tottenham are expected to unveil Teddy Sheringham as Glenn Hoddle's first signing on 
Saturday. The club have called a press conference, and it is widely believed that the 
striker is rejoining Spurs from Manchester United on a Bosman free transfer. 
Sheringham spent five seasons at White Hart Lane before leaving for Old Trafford in 
1997. He is expected to sign a two-year contract with Spurs.'

[28] Pre-season Reds?
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
This posted on the lists for those Reds going on pre-season

'July 22 - Malaysia v Man Utd

July 24 - Singapore v Man Utd

July 29 - Thailand v Man Utd

If any of you plan to come to Malaysia, you are most welcome to look us up  at our 
clubhouse. We may be Independent but by no means defunct, there are  still many 
diehard supporters who are proud to belong to the One Club that  caters for genuine 
United supporters over here. Our clubhouse telephone  number is 603-78773070 or 
603-78775339. I have been raving about our  clubhouse so it's time for you to come and 
check it (and us)out for yourselves.

Chris Lee
Malaysian Red Devil'

[27] More on Fergie?
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
This sent in from Salfordlass to the e.mail lists:

'Mark Longden (Chair of Imusa) has asked me to forward the following message to all 
United email lists/contacts:

Reliable sources inform us that the situation with the gaffer will become clearer in 
the next few days. We have been told that the gaffer appreciates our support but feels 
that any militant action may inflame an already delicate situation. It seems our 
initial cautious approach was the right course of action.'

[26] www.FergieMustStay.com - its alive - almost
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by steaming:
www.FergieMustStay.com - the "site" is set to launch tomorrow - at 7:45 PM, Saturday 
26th May - nicely coincides with the 2nd anniversary of Fergie's greatest achievement 
- the Treble (The Real One) - and of course Sir Matt's birthday.

Basically its a pledge petition calling on all reds to stop (what d'you mean you don't 
anyway) contributing a penny to the PLC (except of course for match tickets) until 
they start to address the concerns of their loyal supporters. And that starts with 
treating Sir Alex Ferguson with the respect he deserves and doing their best to make 
sure we don't lose him at the end (or even before) of the season.

Fergie isn't the only issue - (above inflation ticket price rises season after season 
and loss of atmosphere immediately spring to mind) but its the one that has focussed 

The site will be keeping 3 running totals:
1. The number of Reds who have made the pledge (verified by email)
2. The total cash value being witheld by supporters boycotting merchandise etc.
3. The total cash value that they could be receiving if they started to look after 
their loyal supporters and make Manchester United into a club again. The PLC should be 
feeding the Football Club - not the other way round.

(link:http://www.fergiemuststay.com) http://www.fergiemuststay.com

[25] Eric beach footie details
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Press Release


SCOTTISH COURAGE, the UK's leading brewers, today announced that they are to sponsor 
the Kronenbourg Cup, the British leg of the European Pro Beach Soccer League. The 
event, which will feature
5-a-side teams representing England, France, Switzerland and Spain, will be held on a 
specially prepared sand pitch in London's Hyde Park between  22 - 24 June and will be 
televised live on Sky Sports.

Some of the most outstanding international footballers from the past decade will 
compete in the tournament including the mercurial Frenchman Eric Cantona who will lead 
the Gallic challenge.  The Team England squad includes former Spurs duo Chris Waddle 
and Paul Walsh, ex Manchester United's Paul Parker, ex Everton and Leicester's Tony 
Cottee, ex Liverpool and Rangers Mark Walters and ex Newcastle United's John Beresford.

Former Manchester United midfielder Cantona is clearly relishing the prospect of the 
European Pro-Beach Soccer League coming to London:

"I am looking forward to returning to the UK for The Kronenbourg Cup.
Beach soccer is a highly entertaining game with non-stop action and lots of 
spectacular goals, but with so many of my former FA Premiership rivals in opposition, 
I know the matches will be very competitive too."

Maurice Breen, Brands Director - Premium Lagers, at Scottish Courage said:
"Beach soccer is one of the world's most exciting and fastest-growing sports and I am 
confident that the Kronenbourg Cup will capture the imagination of football fans and 
the wider British sporting public alike."

Tickets (priced £15) can be purchased in advance via the Kronenbourg 
Cup ticket hotline (Tel: 0870 738 9000).

The event is also being supported by Virgin Radio, Mars Drink and Smart Car.'

[24] The all new Manchester mix
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Superb effort from the Birdman


Oh, I could curse my bleedin' luck
I gotta break man siddy's duck,
I wish that big city phone would never ring,
But, it rings and I rise,
Wipe the tears out of my eyes,
I'm now a bitter and the constant hurting stings.

Cheer up, Kevin Keegan
Oh, what can it mean
To a MASSIVE name manager and a sh!te football team?

You once thought of me
As a Scouser turned Geordie,
But now Ive ended up here at siddy,
When will good times start and failure end
With bugger all  to spend ?
But how much, baby, do I really care?
Cheer up, Kevin Keegan
Oh, what can it mean
To a MASSIVE name manager and a sh!te football team?
Cheer up, Kevin Keegan
Oh, what can it mean
To a MASSIVE name manager and a sh!te football team?

Cheer up, Kevin Keegan
Oh, what can it mean
To a MASSIVE name manager and a sh!te football team?

fade out... (literally)'

[23] McClaren jets off without answer
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Ananova

'Steve McClaren jetted out to Florida today with his future still officially 
undecided. The 40-year-old, who has left Britain for a two-week family holiday, and is 
expected to be confirmed as Middlesbrough manager on his return. Neither Boro or 
Manchester United were saying anything today, but it is understood that the only major 
issue which still needs to be resolved is the size of the settlement.

It has already been suggested he could stage a raid on Old Trafford to relieve Sir 
Alex Ferguson of several of his squad players, although that may be a little premature 
at this point.'

[22] Lizarazu on Utd link
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bixente Lizarazu:

"I've heard stories about United's interest. But this really isn t the moment to talk 
about them. I just want to enjoy the moment of winning the Cup especially after what 
happened in Barcelona. But about United  we'll have to wait and see."

[21] Great t-shirts offer
Posted Friday, May 25, 2001 by bar-knee:
26-05-99 Barcelona T-shirts (in Barca's colours) are still available 

Price is £10 (+£1.50 p&p, £2.50 Ireland and Europe, £4 Rest of the world). Send 
cheques/postal orders, made payable to JPO to: Barca T-Shirts, Red News, P.O.Box 176, 
Manchester, M16 8LG

Drop us a line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you're interested and I'll get the lad who 
has done them to save you one - they are great, was wearing one myself in a silent 
protest on European Cup Final day.

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