[16] Massive hunt
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
For the pub landlord, as Paul Ritchie says:

"I have an idea of who said those damaging things. 

"For his own sake I hope he has the decency to come into the open now and admit it to 
us. From what I gather, one or two of the lads know who did it and they will not 
forget it. 

"If he is man enough to come to us when we report back to Maine Road for pre-season 
training and admit he made a mistake, we could start to put this behind us. 

"But if he doesn’t, then people will make up their own ideas and that could lead 
to a terrible situation. 

"A football dressing room is like one big family and the players feel as though we 
have someone here who doesn’t want to be a part of it.If that’s the case 
he should get out because the longer this goes on, the more people will be under 
suspicion — and that’s not fair on anyone."

Div 2 here we come 

[15] Becks on McClaren
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
"Obviously he's a great coach and we want him to stay,"

[14] Quote from Norman Chester research
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
'At larger clubs it is now felt quite strongly that it is difficult for "ordinary" 
fans to follow clubs these days,'

So what are Utd going to do about it then?

[13] Hope you are reading this PLC
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
More from the Observer:

'Meanwhile, some Premier League clubs are cutting or freezing the cost of their 
tickets amid growing evidence that soaring prices have made going to games too 
expensive for younger fans. Private surveys by clubs show many teenagers stop coming 
at 15, 16 or 17 when their parents stop paying for them and they have to find the 
money themselves'. 

Especially when those tickets are at full adult prices (apart from the family stand, 
and what 15 to 17 year old wants to be in there?)

'Sunderland, Aston Villa, Newcastle, West Ham, Derby, Charlton, Southampton and 
Leicester are all introducing more fan-friendly ticket prices for next season'. 

'Derby have taken the most radical steps. From August it will cost just £50 for an 
under-10 'junior junior' season ticket - £2.60 a match - and only £95 for under-21s, a 
mere £5 per game. 'That's cheaper than going to non-league football,' points out 
County spokesman Jim Fearn'. 

'Sunderland have cut season ticket prices by 10 per cent across the board. An 
under-12s season ticket next year will cost £95, under-16s will pay £133 while their 
under-22s - designed to help students and people in their first or second jobs - will 
fork out £125 less than older adults to see 19 top-flight games'. 

'Older supporters will also benefit. Derby have reduced the qualifying age for 
half-price senior citizens' tickets from 60 to 55 (for both sexes), while Newcastle 
have brought in a cut-price OAP ticket for the first time'. 

[12] Loadsamoney
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
Jon Henderson and Denis Campbell in the Observer

Manchester United have broken through the £20 million barrier for Premiership 
television income, which, after adding in European and cup games, takes their total TV 
revenue for 2000-01 up to £30 million. It makes their reported bid for Arsenal's 
Patrick Vieira and their recent acquisition of Ruud van Nistelrooy seem less excessive.
United's £20.42m pay-out from their Premiership appearances on Sky and the BBC's Match 
of the Day represents a 74-per-cent rise on the previous season, when they were the 
top earners with £11.73m. Next season, with the new domestic contract worth well over 
£1 billion and the introduction of pay-per-view coverage, the figure for the most 
successful club is expected to be close to £40m, which some analysts fear may make 
clubs perilously dependent on television income. 

[11]  Teddy the boss
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
"For 20-odd years football has been my life, so the natural progression for me would 
be to manage Spurs - though that's hopefully miles in the distance." 

"I've come back to make Tottenham better. The good days are coming back." 

Perhaps he should have told Sol that

[10]  Barca favourite for Vierra
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
For 24 million apparently. They had also had contact with Campbell. Edwards would 
rather eat his own share dividends than cough up that kind of money.

[9] Becks made an idiot out of me
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
Mexican Oteo says:

"Perhaps they should cut off Beckham's right leg, not his hair," joked Oteo. "I can't 
see what the fuss is all about, it's not as if it makes him less of a player, is it? 

"We knew he was a world-class player, we had been warned he would do us a great deal 
of damage. 

"It's not as if we didn't take any notice, we simply couldn't keep up with him. He has 
a very rare talent, his reputation is not undeserved. He made an idiot out of me. I 
was just relieved when they took him off at half-time. 

[8] Scholesy can't believe the PLC attitude
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
'It's amazing that there has been so much controversy surrounding the boss after all 
he has achieved. 

'It's crazy that it could all come to an end just like that. I have only had one club 
manager and I have enormous respect for him.' 

[7] Teddy in and Campbell out
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
Spurs announced last night that Campbell will be leaving WHL this summer.

Expect the media to work themselves up into a frenzy over this one.

We got Wesley Brown

[6] Fergie goes French 3 - perhaps
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
On Vierra:

"no bid has been made at this stage".

[5] Fergie goes French 2
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
On Lizarazu

"The player is very keen to join us as soon as possible."

[4] Fergie going French 1
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
"I went in again for Zidane recently but Juventus boss Roberto Bettega told me to stop 
wasting my time. Juventus want to build and that's the case elsewhere."

[3] The king to return to his kingdom?
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
According to the Moral/Soccernet, Eric is to return as coach for Fergies last season, 
presumably as Steve McClaren takes up with the smog monsters as has been widely 

No quotes, so is it a PLC inspired 'leak' to boost the share price, oops sorry appease 
the supporters, or is there some truth in it?

[2] Becks - we ignore who they are with Ingerlund
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
"There's never been that problem between the United and Liverpool lads. We've always 
got on well",.

"You have to get on well to perform like that. When you're with England, you've got to 
be just one, not Liverpool, United, Arsenal or Leeds.

"If players don't like each other when they play against Liverpool, Arsenal or 
whatever, that's got to be forgotten with England. You have to come together as a 

[1] Becks - Best Ingerlund yet
Posted Sunday, May 27, 2001 by tb:
"It's never felt as good before as it did in the first 25 minutes against Mexico. The 
football was unbelievable,".

"We wanted to prove to people that we can play good football and get results. The way 
we are playing, that sort of football, that is what I have had at Manchester United.

"I'm sure the Liverpool and Arsenal lads have had that as well. We can't get carried 
away but if we carry on like that, then it must be good for us."

[13] Tell us something we didn't know
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
The Norman Chester Centre latest stats

It says 11% of fans now earn more than £50,000 a year, with the largest numbers 
following London teams.

At Chelsea, they make up one third of the crowd, followed by Wimbledon (23%) and 
Arsenal (20%).

This compares with Sunderland (4%) and Everton (5%

Liverpool's Anfield stadium was voted the best ground to visit, with Old Trafford, 
Stamford Bridge and Elland Road the worst.

Middlesbrough, Bradford and Newcastle United have the biggest proportion of 
locally-born season ticket holders, on 84%. Manchester United has the lowest, at 46%.

More than half of those questioned said they supported a team because their father 
did, and 7% cited connections to their mother.

[12] Fergie tried to get Teddy to stay
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
Sheringham admitted:

"Alex tried to persuade me to stay in the last week. It was a tough decision,".

"He, Alex, was the first man I spoke to when I had made my decision.

"I have a lot of respect for the man. He was a bit disappointed but he understood the 

"I weighed up every angle and what could happen at Manchester United."

[11] Teddy to Spurs confirmed
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by tb:
He says:

"I am happy to have spent four great years there (United)," he said.

"I have won numerous medals and trophies but I felt the time was right.

"It was a very big decision, especially as Sir Alex wanted me to stay. But (Spurs' 
non-executive director) Daniel Levy convinced me it was the right move.

"There was a lot to take into consideration but it is good to be back. But the aim is 
to win something."

"I certainly hope we can sign players but that is more for the management side.

"I never talk about myself as a player but the experience at Manchester United will 
hold me in good stead."

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