[24] Trees to grow on money
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
[There is a joke in this somewhere]

The Bank of Scotland is making compost from old money - handing over used notes to 
Dundee City Council - who already compost household waste and whisky maltings.

They sell the results to garden centres and organic farmers, saving thousands in 
landfill costs. A council spokesman told the Daily Record: "We can compost anything 
carbon-based. Old money is as good as anything."
[This is nothing new - for years city have been using a mechanism called "The Transfer 
Market" to turn good money into bags of shite.]

[23] Becks Cupboard Sex
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:

Not that Becks - but this one:

Boris Becker says he had sex in a restaurant broom cupboard because he lost at 
Wimbledon. [I know someone who did it in a toilet on the train on the way back from 
Selhurst Park - does that count?]

After Pat Rafter defeated him in 1999, Becker went on a bender [leave it] in Mayfair 
and met Russian model Angela Ermakowa. Becker and Ermakowa had sex in an eaterie [a 
what?] called Nobu [I see]. He has since paid her £3 million after she gave birth to 
their child. [Surely that is way above the going rate - even for Mayfair]

Becker has told Sports Illustrated magazine: "It wasn't an affair. It was just 
poom-bah-boom!" [Second service?]

[22] On this day in history 1996...
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
...Ingerlund won their last trophy:

Uefa's Fair Play award at Euro 96.

[21] Blomqvist - make or break
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:

We covered this story previously about him doing unpaid pre-season training with 
United in a make or break effort to get back into the game - the MEN have some quotes 
from Jesper:

"This is the best solution for me and United don't have a problem 
with it." [Could be that idea of not paying a player any money - can see the appeal of 
that one to the PLC - but don't tink it'll catch on with the rest of the lads.]

"I have been doing a bit of training with my local club in Sweden, Omea, during the 
summer and the knee feels as good as it has done for the past two years.

"I had a week where it swelled up but other than that it has felt good. I had a 
holiday and played some beach volleyball and it stood up to that as well without any 
problem. It's the first time I have been able to play that for more than two years so 
that's a good sign.

"The opportunity to come back for pre-season training was more an offer from the club 
to help me than anything else. They haven't said anything about contracts after it. It 
is just a couple of months for me to see how the knee stands up.

"It means I can prolong my decision on my long-term future for another three months, 
which suits me. I am quite hopeful that everything will be OK.

"I still harbour hopes of proving my fitness and then maybe staying on at Old Trafford 
because I love the place. But if I had to guess, I wouldn't say my chances of 
remaining at United being more than about five per cent at the moment! I still have 
that dream but if it doesn't come true then I'll have to look elsewhere if the knee 
proves OK."

"I am going to give it a shot. It may be a small chance to stay on at United but while 
that slim chance is still there I will go for it. The club have been very good to me 
and because they say I have been a good professional in my time at Old Trafford they 
are prepared to let me train for a couple of months."

"I accept that I won't be paid. I am just grateful to be given this extra opportunity. 
It is better for me to come back to Manchester and work at a place I know instead of 
going elsewhere to try and prove my fitness. I am more confident than ever before that 
I'll be back playing again and free of the knee troubles. Who my future employers will 
be, I haven't got a clue."

[20] Ayala my Arse...
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:

United are reported to have made a bid for Valencia defender Fabian Ayala. You 
remember vs Munich - the solid looking lad who took no shit from anyone. 

The player's agent Fernando Hidalgo is quoted as saying: "There is an offer and I want 
Valencia to know about it," 

Hidalgo then claimed he had received a fax from United outlining the bid.

And now the story really falls to pieces:

Ayala's contract stipulates that he cannot leave for under £37 million, but it is 
extremely unlikely that United will offer anywhere near that amount. [Flying Pigs].

He then goes on to say that his client doesn't want to leave Spain as he loves it - 
and it would have to be a hell of a lot of money to tempt him. [This is the bit where 
he shows he is getting us mixed up with a club who wants to compete in the transfer 

[Thanks to Jason & others for this]

[19]Is Veron on?
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:

The chances of signing Juan Sebastian Veron are looking up after he was acquitted in 
the false passports affair enquiry. He was looking at a possible two-year ban over 
allegations that he used a fake European passport to avoid restrictions on the number 
of non-EU players in a team. 

It was expected though, that he'd probably get 6 months - reduced to 3 on appeal - so 
your have to say Ron, this is a bonus.

With his former boss at Lazio - Svengali Eriksson giving a move to OT his blessing 
things look bright. Until you remember that the PLC's tiny little arms that struggle 
to reach down into those deep pockets we've been filling with cash for years.

[18] United are not big spenders shock
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
ananova reports: Football analyst William Davies, of stockbrokers Capel-Cure Sharp, 
said: "United are the most commercially successful club in that they generate more of 
their own revenue than anyone else. However their main source of capital as a plc is 
the city and there is a price to pay for that; in the words of dear old Gordon Brown - 
probity and prudence.

[Question: Since flotation - How many times have United gone to the city with a rights 
issue to raise capital for any expansion project? Answer: None. They've always 
generated funds for buildiung by fleecing fans for more and more each year in ticket 
prices. So how efffectively have United exploited the benefits of PLC status since 
flotation? Answers on a postage stamp.]

"With Real Madrid they receive help from local and national government because they 
feel it is important for Spain that the club does well. They also have wealthy 
individuals willing to bung in a million or two whenever it's needed.

"Also in Spain and Italy the leagues do not sell their TV rights as one and the top 
clubs have broken away to sell their rights individually. This can be worth as much as 
£50million per season, while United are tied into the collective agreement with the 
Premier League.

"So this is undoubtedly a concern for United. In the past they did not need as many 
signings because they had their remarkable array of youth talent. That appears to be 
drying up and there is a concern that United are being left behind in the transfer 

"I think it will improve for United and TV revenue will improve. Pay-per-view could 
come in and the clubs may break away and negotiate their own TV deals, but the next 
big thing will be the sale of TV rights over the internet which is about five years 

"There must also be a limit to the number of individuals who have £20million or 
£30million to give to Real Madrid so it's got to level out." 

[But at the end of the day - no matter how much money is coming in - what is to stop 
it going back out again in players wages? Nothing. If you want the best you've got to 
pay. We should be settling for second best just to protect shareholder dividends. That 
is why there is a conflict of interest if the shareholders are not also fans.]

[17] Skyjacked Games - the Manchester United List
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
Manchester United confirmed live fixtures so far:


Sun 19 Manchester United v Fulham


None confirmed


Sat 27 Manchester United v Leeds


Sun 4 Liverpool v Manchester United (1130)

Sun 24 Arsenal v Manchester United


Sat 1 Manchester United v Chelsea

[16] Skyjacked Games - The Full List
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
Full list of all confirmed live fixtures:


Sun 19 Manchester United v Fulham

Mon 20 Everton v Tottenham

Tues 21 Arsenal v Leeds

Sun 26 Newcastle v Sunderland

Mon 27 Bolton v Liverpool


Sun 9 Charlton v Fulham

Sun 16 Ipswich v Blackburn

Mon 17 Leicester v Middlesbrough

Wed 19 Chelsea v Charlton

Sun 23 West Ham v Newcastle

Mon 24 Southampton v Aston Villa

Sun 30 Ipswich v Leeds


Sat 13 Liverpool v Leeds

Sun 14 Aston Villa v Fulham

Mon 15 Tottenham v Derby

Sun 21 Leeds v Chelsea

Mon 22 Middlesbrough v Sunderland

Sat 27 Manchester United v Leeds

Sun 28 Derby v Chelsea

Mon 29 Blackburn v Leicester


Sat 3 Leicester v Sunderland

Sun 4 Liverpool v Manchester United (1130)

Sat 17 Blackburn v Liverpool

Sun 18 Ipswich v Bolton

Mon 19 Charlton v West Ham

Sun 24 Arsenal v Manchester United


Sat 1 Manchester United v Chelsea

Sun 2 Everton v Southampton

Mon 3 Match TBA

Sun 9 Arsenal v Aston Villa

Sun 16 Match TBA

Mon 17 Match TBA

Sun 23 Liverpool v Arsenal

Wed 26 Arsenal v Chelsea (1200)

[15] Eastlands - Wastelands
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:

>From KA:

"Oh dear, where will it all end for poor massive club shitty. There are major faults 
at the new ground with the quality of steel used in  the construction of some of the 
spiral walkways into the ground. An agency  engineer ordered the wrong steel which was 
only noticed later when paying the  bill. He had left the agency by then. 

Also the concrete which forms the terracing  for seats has a problem which will get 
worse when they dig down after the  games to lower the surface level 13 metres and 
install extra seats for city  to use. It may go arse  upwards when the news breaks".

[At least it would be an opportunity to reassess Safe Standing areas.]

[14] Wembley shambles review
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
The government has established a review of the project to redevelop London's Wembley 
as a national stadium, demanding answers within eight weeks.

[In other words go and write a report that concludes the National Stadium (and 
everything else really) should be situated in London regardless of the evidence 
pointing to other locations and the fact that EVERYTHING ALWAYS goes to London 'cos it 
hasn't got enough stuff yet.]

Newly appointed Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Tessa Jowell said in a 
statement that businessman Patrick Carter would head the review. Jowell said his terms 
of reference were: "In the light of the FA's announcement on May 1 about the project 
to develop a new English national stadium at Wembley for football and rugby league, to 
examine if the project can be funded and managed at Wembley, or if that proved 
impractical, at another location in England.

[He has been given a map to examine all the possible locations. We can exclusively 
reveal it is the A-Z of London.]

[13] All in White...
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
...against the Shite

United have confirmed the kick-off time and strip for the Charity Shield on Sunday 12 
August. The match will start at 2pm, at the request of the local Dibble. 

We will be wearing the all-white version of the new away kit against the Scousers.

[12] Thieving Scousers?
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
Liverpool are reported to be in for Le Havre's brilliant 17 year old midfielder 
Anthony Le Tallec, a player we've been tracking. 

Le Tallec scored a couple for France U-16s in the 4-0 win over England in May.

[11] Sharpey staying at Bratfudd
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
Former "wing king" [who writes this bollocks?] Lee Sharpe looks set to stay with 
Bradford for the new year after the arrival of Harry Redknapp at Portsmouth.

He was expected to move to Portsmouth on a free after impressing Graham Rix but 'Arry 
doesn't fancy him. 

[9] Vieira quotes
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
>From The Sun

"I won't let you [Arse] decide my next club."

"I can say categorically I will not be signing for an Italian club. [So Juve story is 
bollox?] I'm still under contract to Arsenal so it is illegal for me to say which club 
I would like to join.

"And it would be disrespectful of me to say which clubs I would turn down. But I have 
already ruled out Italy.[And Manchester city - its hard to say anything that could 
disrepect them]"

"Nobody will tell me where to go [I think a few Arse fans might] - not Arsenal, not my 
agent, nobody. 

"I will only go to a club with the ability to win the biggest prizes [Thats us isn't 
it?] every year and the ambition to sign the best players [Oh - maybe not.]. I feel 
relieved my decision has been made and made public."

"I said what I wanted to say in my meeting with Mr David Dein and Mr Wenger earlier 
this month and, as far as I am concerned, I am making a clean break."

[8] One for all you one-handed surfers?
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
You have to time it right though:


Or maybe:


[7] Latest on Veron
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
Lazio vice president Elisabetta Cragnotti, the daughter of the  president and owner 
Sergio, speaks about Veron and the decision of  tomorrow: "We are waiting for the 
final decision (today) and we are hopeful. But we have to wait till tomorrow before we 
can release any further comments."

[6] Petit talks the rent boy talk
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
As we said - the deal wasn't sealed - until now...

"Chelsea made the approach to me a long time ago. I wanted to come back to play in 
England and Chelsea were very determined and very strong and that's why I made my 
decision. [In other words they wouldn't budge on the pre-contract agreement so he was 
shafted by the Rent Boys.]

"I think it's going to be more difficult this year for Manchester United and I think 
the Premier League will be more open than in the past few years. I think we have a big 
opportunity to fight for the title."

[5] Vierra's mate is sympathetic
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
As new Rent Boy Petit says:

"I spoke to him two or three weeks ago but we did not speak about the future,"

"He just told me he was frustrated that I left Arsenal. For me, he is my close friend. 
If he leaves I will understand the situation - that's never changed for me, he's my 

[4] Fowl behaviour
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
Kay Martin, a secretary to a New Zealand MP, got the fright of her life a few weeks 
ago. According to the Auckland Sunday Star, she and a friend were chatting over a 
drink when they heard a chicken squawking. The bird sounded in some distress, so they 
went outside to investigate, thinking perhaps that it had escaped from one of the 
neighbours. But, there were no chickens anywhere.

Then Martin realized with horror that the sound was coming from her own kitchen - 
coming, in fact, from the oven, where she had put a chicken in to roast half an hour 
earlier. "It was as if it was shrieking at me from its grave," she says. "It was so 
bizarre I just froze."

As they approached the oven, the squawking reached a crescendo. They took the tray 
out, and as the chicken began to cool, the squawking died away.

Martin chopped the neck off and threw it in the sink. She noticed that the vocal 
chords were intact. "Steam was coming up the neck from the stuffing," says Martin, and 
this had caused the dead bird to squawk.

She has not cooked chicken since.

[3] Fans get ripped off part 8998776587
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
>From the Mirror

Middlesbrough and Aston Villa are both stinging loyal supporters who  opt to use their 
installment payment scheme with a massive 29.8% APR this  season. 

Fans using a similar scheme at Arsenal are threatened with having  their season ticket 
reclaimed if they fail to keep up payments. Only Leeds come  out in credit from the 
18-strong top flight by operating an interest-free  policy. 

Despite a long campaign by ex-Culture Secretary Chris Smith against  the expense, 
clubs are continuing to kick fans in the teeth, according to  former England star 
Chris Waddle. 

Waddle said: "Football clubs should start to look after their fans  more carefully. 
They are the ones who mean so much to the future of the  club and we don't want a 
situation where corporate punters are being preferred at  the expense of the loyal 

Waddle was joined in his condemnation by Football Supporters  Association spokesman 
Steve Powell. "We find it deeply disappointing what clubs  are doing with these 
schemes," he said. 

"Chris Smith asked it to be made a priority of the Football  Commission to look at 
instalment plans. Yet clubs have looked at them and simply ignored  all the pleas to 
be sensible." (No surprises there then, no wonder the football authorities don’t 
want a fan friendly chair of the IFC)

A fan wanting to buy the most expensive pounds 470 season ticket at the Riverside in a 
12-month credit scheme will be forced to pay an extra pounds 140.

[2] Sven states the obvious
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
As he claims the following would enhance Serie A 

"Obviously there is David Beckham and Paul Scholes"

[1] Veron's ex boss says join us
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by tb:
As adopted Ingerlunder Eriksson says 

"To play for Manchester United is almost the greatest thing in football. I think if he 
does choose Manchester it would be an excellent choice."

"They are one of the best teams in the world with Bayern Munich and Real Madrid and 
they play very good football, so Juan Sebastian will enjoy himself." 

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