[11] Veron - No obstacles
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"As far as I'm aware there are no real obstacles to prevent me joining United,".

"My representatives will go to Manchester to meet the club's chief executive this week 
and surely they will come away with an agreement."

[10] Veron gets exited
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"It is always a great pleasure to play with people of great calibre. I love players 
who have already made their mark in football history.

"But above all, Manchester United are a great team. And the team is always greater 
than any player."

That's our boy!

[9] Veron: Sven sold Utd to me
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"I spoke extensively with Mr Eriksson, with whom I have an excellent rapport,".

"He gave me a lot of advice and explained a lot of things. He really pushed me hard to 
come and play in England."

[8] Becks gets exited over Veron
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"I hope Veron will be with us in pre-season training. He's a very good player," 

"In fact, I'd go as far as to say he's a brilliant player. 

"He's one of the best in the world." 

[6] Veron: It's a deal!!
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
Keep all yer digits crossed, as this is in the Mirror!

As Juan says:

"I definitely want to sign for the club. It would fill me with pride to wear the shirt 
of Manchester United." 

[5] And we thought GMP weren't too bright
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
Dozens of Mexico City police officers have been involved in a shoot out - between 

It broke out when officers from one police department tried to arrest an officer from 

The wanted officer's colleagues tried to stop the arrest, causing a fist fight which 
escalated into a gunfight. No-one was hurt during the 20 minute shoot-out.

It's not clear whether the wanted officer was arrested, reports The News.

Clashes among police officers from different departments are not unknown in the 
Mexican capital.

[4] Becks succumbs to the pressure
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
Over his now departed mowhawk:

"I felt responsible for all the kids copying it. There were even some around my way in 
Chingford who were getting letters from their headmasters saying they would be banned 
if they had done it."

He added: "It was getting kids into trouble. I even saw a baby, about
six-months old with one, which is weird.

"I prefer it like it is now and I won't be growing it long again."

[3] Cragnotti in Gazzetta Dello Sport
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"Nothing is official but the deal is done." 

[2] Carroll no fool
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
>From Midas:

MiDAS have been informed that Manchester United are on the verge of 
completing the signing of Wigan goalkeeper Roy Carroll. 
The Northern Ireland international had been expected to join Leicester City, however, 
with Raimond van der Gouw now being 38, manager Sir Alex Ferguson sees the 23-year-old 
as ideal cover for number one choice Fabien Barthez.  The fee agreed is believed to be 
around £2.7 million. 

[1] Setting himself up to shoot himself in the arse
Posted Saturday, June 30, 2001 by tb:
"Most top players want to play in the Premiership, everyone understands that.  The 
other side of that, however, is that because this is Manchester city and because 
players they think something big [not massive - well remembered Keegs] is going to 
happen here. They might be persuaded that we are a better option."  [than who?  

"Add to that the lure of a tremendous fan base and support and the fact that a new 
stadium coming on line which will be as good as anything in the country and then we 
have a better chance than most in
our division."  [Yes indeedy King Kev, in fact one wonders how you can
possibly fail?  But fail you will]

"It is very important that players want to be part of something exciting and 
progressive. If you look back through history what many players have done is bought 
into something that they think is going to happen.  Although some may have the 
opportunity to join clubs that already have Premiership status they have to balance 
that with trying to look two years down the line and see where that club might be 
compared to Manchester City. [please come and join us, we'll be good one day - honest]

"It could well be that we overtake that club and that is what you try and tell them. 
They have to buy into our vision lock, stock, and barrel.
Sometimes players have to look at the potential and we have big time
potential here."  [Now where've we heard that?  Just like England in the European 
Championships last Summer.]

"Things have certainly changed over the last ten years.  Some players are now happy to 
sit on a bench at a big a club rather than play somewhere else.
Then again if they are happy to sit on a bench in some ways I wouldn't want them 

"I hope no City player went off this summer thinking how great it was that the season 
is over.  They hopefully went off sulking about being out of the Premiership, the 
league they want to play in." [Errr they were more than likely amazed that they didn't 
finish bottom]

"I want the players to be part of something successful and we have that opportunity 
now. I have the opportunity, the club has it, the fans have it and most importantly 
the players have it."

"Youngsters at the club should know they will not be blocked in their
progress. If they look at the players I have brought through at other clubs then they 
know they are going to get their chance."

[Oh yes - players like, Robert Lee, Andy Cole, David Ginola, Les Ferdinand, Faustino 
Asprilla, Shay Given, Philipe Albert, Keith Gillespie, Darren Peacock etc......]

"We need everybody rowing the boat in the same direction. We need the
Academy to produce players, we need the scouting system to work.  What I have found 
already from chatting to City people is that there are certain areas in which we can 
catch up other clubs."  [Name an area where you can't catch up?]

"That's no disrespect to the last regime but we have to keep doing
the right things."

The gun is now cocked and loaded, just give us a couple of years fun before you pull 
the trigger Kev.

"Keegan For England"

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