[20]Oh Carroll
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:

We're being linked with Wigan goalkeeper Roy Carroll who says he wants to speak to new 
Latics boss Paul Jewell before deciding his future.

Carroll, a 23 year old Northern Ireland international, has also been linked with a 
move to either Leicester or Everton. 

[19] Court Bans Posh & Becks Pics
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:

The Sunday People will be unable to publish photographs of David and Victoria 
Beckham's new house after a court order was upheld. Becks got a temporary emergency 
injunction from a judge over the telephone last Saturday.

They heard the Sunday People was planning to publish some of the 30 pictures. This is 
the £3.5 million mansion at Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, which they were planning to 
move into last Sunday.

[18] Massive video plug
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
And now for an Amazon plug.  Anyone wanting to add a cheap video on ancient history to 
their collection should check out the review of this fine product submitted by a RED 
NEWS seller.

You'll need to scroll down to "Customer Reviews"
(link:http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00004CKJN/rednewsunitesfir) Soccer Leg 
Ends - Lee, Bell, Summerbee

[17] Phew that was close!
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
Exerpt from Sampras interview strangely not transmitted yesterday:

I was relieved afterwards, not that I thought that the YSB would beat me, but that I 
still had my wallet.

[16] Cockerknees - hypocrites? -surely not
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
In addition to Hill-Woods claims of poaching / illegal approaches and sneaky prefect 
type grassing up to the headmaster known to us as the FA - he can do well to remember 
hw the Arse first approached Wiltord and encouraged him to strike if Bordeaux refused 
to sell him to Arsenal. 

Double standards from the cockneys - never.................... 

[15] "You can't win Darth - if you strike me down I shall become stronger than you can 
possibly imagine"
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
Arsenal Chairman Peter Hill-Wood has been whinging on about reporting
someone [now could he mean us?] to the FA for making an illegal approach to Patrick 
Vieira.  However he has not got any proof of this.  Vieira has never mentioned United 
in his discussions with the press.  Whatever we believe Vieira is still a target or 
maybe that could be phrased Old Trafford is a target for Vieira?  Maybe we could end 
up with both Veron and Vieira?

Remember Mr. Hill-Wood when you're a club with United's popularity and
natural attraction (as Gilbert the Big Greenie would say "You can al'as dream") the 
pulling power is there naturally - I mean do you think our Editor gets to talk to so 
many women coz of his looks and natural charm or because of the club he supports?

We don't need to make an approach, they'll come to us.  On these grounds you may as 
well report us to Mr Dein's F.A. for making illegal approaches for your whole squad.  
I'll bet there's only a couple of them who would have turned down a move to us given 
the choice.  Arrogant us?  If you can't be arrogant after 3 championships on the trot 
then when can you be?

Let's face it Vieira wants to come to us and certainly does not want to play with the 
Arse again.  With the timing of his comments he obviously doesn't even want to go back 
to the Arsenal training ground.  However we'll give Arse a crumb of comfort here, 
whether he does is another matter entirely.  Of course if you force him to stay, Mr 
Hill-Wood, then we have every confidence you'll be able to paper over the (Arse)cracks 
with Patrick next season ........................ not.

[14] INCOMING.............
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
Look out for at least one incoming player beginning with a V at Old Trafford next week 
[we're not talking about Imre Veradi here folks]..... and if anyone asks ......you 
ain't seen me right?

[13] Naughty Cardiff Webmaster
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Check out the article on the Official Cardiff City site at 
(link:http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/) http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/ and click on 
the news story  "Spencer Prior will sign today"
It will no doubt be changed as soon as they realise so we've included the text below 
(and for those on the email news) - its the 2nd paragraph.
Spencer Prior should officially become a player today following the completion of the 
transfer from Manchester City. The deal has been finalised and the player should sign 
today at 10 o'clock. The contract for the player was received at the Football League 
and the P.F.A with a number of additions. 
Some of the major points within the contract is he must have a physical liaison with a 
sheep; also he will eat sheep's testicles. These additions have been cleared by the 
F.A and will be in the contract that Spencer will sign at 10 am this morning. We would 
like to take this opportunity to welcome Spencer as a new member of the clubs family.  
(link:http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/) http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/

[12 ] Welcome to SOAP........
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Welcome to SOAP........starring Patrick Vieira, Arsene Wenger, Marc Roger, Zinedine 
Zidane, Peter Kenyon, David Beckham, Juan Sebastian Veron.....
OK - if you've missed the last few episodes here's a simple round up:

Arsenal are trying to get Juventus to say to  Real Madrid that they won't sell them 
Zinedine Zidane if Real promise not to sign Patrick Vieira.  However  they then go on 
to say that Real have publicly agreed to this but once they've got  Zidane they will 
go for Vieira anyway.
[Always look a man in the  eye when  bargaining, Arsene - no not that eye!]  

And just to throw a Spaniard in the works - Arsenal are saying that Patrick cannot go 
to Manchester - unless David comes to London with a bag of money.
Confused?  You will be!

[11] Veron & Vieira
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Alan Nixon in The Independent reports:

"It appears, however, that Veron will have to wait for United to sign him - as Sir 
Alex Ferguson would prefer to buy Arsenal's Patrick Vieira and has set a deadline for 
the transfer saga involving the Gunners midfielder. Ferguson will give Vieira and his 
agent, Marc Roger, until 31 August, the final day for eligibility to play in the first 
phase of the Champions' League.

Vieira wants to go to United but Arsenal will fight bitterly to keep him. They would 
only do business if they got David Beckham or Roy Keane in an exchange deal.

United will only complete the Veron deal when either Vieira is sold somewhere else or 
the deadline passes. So Veron has to be patient, but that should not be too testing 
given that the fear of a two-year ban from football has been lifted. There is the 
intriguing possibility that United could end up with both Vieira and Veron."

[10] Veron No??
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Midas have a different angle from other sources - insisting that the Veron talk is 
bollocks - although they are wrong to say that United "are not and have not been  in 
negotiations with Lazio" - even Kenyon has admitted that they have had talks (see news 
item [1] below).

Anyway - Midas's take on it:

This let-off [passport trial] is still irrelevant to Manchester United, who are not 
and have not been  in negotiations with Lazio for the Argentinian midfielder. Veron 
himself said: "I'm not leaving. I want to wait and see what happens here.  The rumours 
of me being close to Manchester United? None of them are true."

[This sounds like the old quotes from pre-trial given about 2 weeks ago?]

[9]Shotgun firing blanks?
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Unlike Yorkie, it appears John Gregory must have had his weapon deactivated? The man 
who could write his own manual on how not to man-manage players - and also the man 
famous for his shotgun threats after Yorkie left - well now it seems he wants him back.

The Mail reports that he made one tentative enquiry as soon as last season had 
finished but was told that United wanted to recoup all of the £12.6million they paid 
Villa for the 29-year-old three years ago. 

Villa now hope that Fergie is sick of Yorkie's private life revelations and will go 
for an £8m offer.

[8] Every man & his dog says Veron is coming
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
Are we actually going to sign one of these big names then? 

The rumour mill has been in overdrive around OT with the word being that Veron WILL 
sign in the next week. This is supported by more talk coming out of Italy - see news 
items [6] and [7] below - particularly his Agent's comments.

[7] Veron speaks
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
JSV speaks to "La Red"!:

"Now that this weight has been removed I can start to think about my 
future" he told La Red [Yes really] of Buenos Aries. 

"But only now can one start to speak calmly." 

[6] Veron's agent rules out Spain...
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
......and rules in Manchester.

His agent is getting excited now - he can smell the money.


"An Italian club is interested in Veron but we are already negotiating with Manchester 

Mascardi also said that JSV won't be moving to Real Madrid or Barcelona. Inter is 
probably the Italian club in for him.

[5] The Pope is a red.
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by redend:
The Pope's a Red. Official !
At the end of his address in the Ukraine yesterday El Papa (an ex player) said two 
simple words: 'Be United.' 

[4] Massive delusions
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
This headline was spotted in the MEN

"Keegan's World Cup nightmare"

I think someone should tell the messiah that he doesn't have the Ingerlund job 
anymore. The one he's got is worse, much worse.

[3] Bury Friendly latest
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
Ticket's for the Manchester United Pre-Season Friendly hade nearly sold out.  As of 
12:00 today, there were only 1,000 tickets available for visiting Supporters and only 
500 for home supporters.  Tickets are priced at £10:00 for adults and £5:00 for 
juniors or OAP's.  Contact 0161 705 2144 or 0161 764 4881 for credit card or postal 
enquires.  The Ticket Office is open from 0900 to 1700 for the sale of Tickets

[2] Lazio may now play hard to get
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
As Cragnotti says "What if I keep Veron?" 

"With this sentence we have to see what Veron wants. Until some weeks ago he wanted to 
leave Lazio. Now we have to see what he thinks about it, and he could stay. It's all 
up to him."

[1] Kenyon goes all shy
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by tb:
"We had discussions with Veron prior to the hearing".

"These were put on hold until a decision was made. Now he's clear we can review the 

Come on don't be shy, what exactly was the position Peter?

[25] Safe Standing - tonight on Talk Sport
Posted Wednesday, June 27, 2001 by redend:
This item is a bit too long for the news - so check it out on the forum for more info.

Talk Sport ran a debate (a very pro standing one too) on Safe  Standing last Friday - 
due to the success and interest, they are  devoting more time to the issue 
tomorrow(Wednesday 27th June, 7:00PM -10:00PM - Kevin Day and Mark Webster) Medium 
Wave 1053 & 1089 or  live broadcast on the web (link:http://www.talksport.net) 

You can email the show before and during at (link:http://www.talksport.net) 
http://www.talksport.net - click on "Email the Show"

Telephone number: (in UK)- 08704 20 20 20 or 08700 40 50 60

Outside UK - +44 207 959 7800 
SAFE STANDING - Its About Freedom of Choice
(link:http://www.safestanding.com) http://www.safestanding.com

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