[22] Carroll to sign for Everton?
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
There are a few reports doing the rounds that Roy Carroll may sign for Everton because 
they can offer him more first team football. Apparently he's worried about damaging 
his International chances if he doesn't play enough first team games - with Fabien as 
the obvious first choice in front of him.

[21] Fergie on extended contracts
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Fergie on Butt & Scholes contracts:

"I am delighted they have agreed new contracts, it's great news for the club, and for 
the fans. They have grown up at United and that is shown in their outstanding play and 
commitment to the club."

[20] Kenyon on extended contracts
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Peter Kenyon had this to say on the extended contracts:

"The club is extremely pleased to have reached agreements with Paul and Nicky. They 
have been an integral part of Manchester United’s success over the last ten 
years and we look forward to emulating this in the future."

[19] Yorkie in the comfort zone
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Yorkie has vowed to clean up his act after admitting he spent too much of last season 
in a "comfort zone". Would that "comfort zone" be with his head nestling between 
Jordan's huge heaving breasts? (Thanks for the mammories.) And that thought brings a 
whole new meaning to the phrase "Silicon Valley".

Yorkie spoke to The Sun:

"I allowed myself to sink into a comfort zone last season and that was wrong. I was 
going out too much and it was doing me no good. But I never want to leave United and 
it is time to sort things out. Only I can do that."

Yorke's biggest regret is a night out with international team-mate Russell Latapy 48 
hours before United's final match of the season which saw him suspended by Sir Alex 
Ferguson and the new Rangers striker arrested for drink-driving.

His biggest regret is when he went out on a bender with Russell Latapy only 48 hrs 
before the final match of the season. Fergie suspended him.

"It is the worst thing I have done in my career. To go out like that before a game is 
wrong, whether we'd won the title or not. It was that comfort zone thing again, 
thinking everything would be okay and it did not matter. But it was wrong, 

"The manager made it clear in no uncertain terms how he felt. I could not believe what 
I had done. But we talked again this week and he has opened the door - told me he 
doesn't harbour grudges and given me a chance to prove myself. It's a chance I will 
not waste."

[Thanks to LD]

[18] On this day....
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
...in 2000 England were eliminated from the race to host the 2006 World Cup as it was 
awarded to Germany. That'll be the same country where they have implemented Safe 
Standing in their stadia won't it? And that'll be the same Safe Standing that was 
being blocked by our Sports Minister (Banks) and FA - because FIFA & UEFA wouldn't 
accept it and it would damage "our" World Cup bid.


[17] Fergie on Vieira
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Fergie has commented on the Vieira debate for the first time.

"We know he has asked to leave. Are they [Arsenal] going to condemn the boy for 
wanting to come to United? They seemed quite protective of Sol Campbell, asking 
Tottenham's fans to be sympathetic towards him, but then they try to decide where a 
player should or shouldn't go.  When players of that quality ask to leave it is only 
natural we will be interested."

"As far as I am led to believe we haven't spoken to Arsenal yet, so we don't know the 
exact situation.  I rate him as a player, who doesn't? If the opportunity arose who 
wouldn't be interested in him? Gerard Houllier said in midweek that Liverpool should 
be interested in Vieira. So would we."

[16] JSV - according to Che Govanor
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by Doc'sArmy:
Fergie on Veron

"Veron is a terrific player, that's for sure.  He's an attacking midfielder with good 
physique, good stamina. He has a good attitude towards the game. He will improve us, 
I'm sure of that."

"He will also give us plenty of options. We need that one player who will give 
everyone at the club a lift.  We need an outfield player who can influence everyone 
like our keeper Fabien Barthez does."

(Ed. The use of "Che Govanor" in the headline looks to me like a weak attempt by the 
author of this story to flog some of his T-Shirts of the same name. Nice try Mark, but 
you can't pull the wool over our eyes - oh no. )

[15] A packet of sweets & a cheeky smile ...
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Wenger on Arsenal's latest 21 year old Japanese target Junichi Inamoto

"I can confirm that Inamoto is my other target and we are quite close."

Which is nice.

[14] Born today
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
United goalkeeper Nicky Culkin is 23 today - which is nice.

And while we're on the subject, the poor man's Eric Cantona, or at least for the 
Massive's,  Georgi Kinkladze is 28 today - and you have to say what a great impact he 
has had on world football - just as all those blues predicted.

And finally, as I often say to the Mrs when she says I should lose the swelling beer 
belly: "What d'you mean? The doctor told me I have the body of an athlete." 

Unfortunately it's Mary Peters. 

(She is 62 today (Mary Peters - not the Mrs) - I thought you should know that).

[13] Poor kid ....
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
....doesn't stand a chance

Noel Gallagher's ex-wife Meg Matthews is the world's worst mum, according to a survey. 

She boasted she would shell out 50 grand on their daughter Anais's first birthday 
party last February - but instead went on a five-week bender in Thailand. 

But at least her Dad hasn't taken her to the massive theatre of comedy yet.

Now that would be cruelty.

[12] Scholesy on his deal
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
After signing a new deal (story [9]) Mr Scholes had this to say (also on MUTV):

"A lot of people say English players have to go abroad to make themselves better 
players but as United are competing on a world stage anyway I don't think that 

Speaking about the fact that other players have recently signed new deals:
"I don't think that mattered. I wanted to stay and that was the most important thing. 
It doesn't matter what other people are doing as long as you're happy."

"We've shown in the past that we've got good team spirit and that's because we've been 
together for so long. Hopefully that will continue."

On Veron:
"There's going to be competition, you have to expect that at a club like this. I think 
Veron is the best in the world in his position, so it will be difficult to get into 
the team. I'll have to work hard and play well. Why should I leave when it's going so 
well? I've got no reason to leave."

[11] Butt talks
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Following his signing (story [10])of a new contract Nicky had a few things to say 
(speaking on MUTV):

"I'm delighted, the club are going places and when you play that's what you want to be 
involved in. We've won our fair share of Championships and people forget how important 
that is, but the European Cup is the one for us next year."

On Veron:
"Squad additions are good for any club. A big squad is vital, and the lads know 
they're not going to play every game. But we'll get our fair share of games and we'll 
win things. Veron's a world class player. He'll be a great player for the club and for 
the players round him. Hopefully there will be more competition in midfield and 
therefore more trophies. He's a very adaptable player and he's got all the talent in 
the world. He's a great player and that's what United want."

On the agreement with Fergie:
"I never considered moving. As long as the manager keeps his promise about my games - 
and he always does, then I'm very happy to stay. The manager's here for one more year, 
that's a big part of why I signed. Hopefully he'll be here beyond that too, and we'll 
continue to attract the top name players."

[10] Nicky signs too
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Nicky Butt has also signed his new contract. There had been speculation that he might 
leave with a lot of clubs sniffing round our Butt. 

However, as one snout informed us, he was happy with the deal he'd agreed with Fergie 
and unless something drastic happened he would sign up. So the imminent arrival of 
Juan Sebastian Veron has not put off the Gorton snapper. 

Nicky (aged 26) has signed a new 5 year deal taking him through to the end of June 

[9] Scholesy signs up 
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by redend:
Paul Scholes has signed a new contract committing himself to United in a 6 year deal. 
Scholesy is 27 in November so the deal will take him through to almost 33 years old.

[8] But he has got his fishing gear out 'just in case'
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
"I am the coach of Italy now, but who knows what will happen in the future? My 
contract runs out after the World Cup. I have coached Bayern Munich in Germany and I 
enjoyed that experience. I admire the passion of the English game very much and 
perhaps I could coach a club there one day, but now I am focused on Italy.

[7] Trappatoni doesn't fancy Kenyon's job
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
On Fergie's successor

"Whoever comes next will need to be brave because the memories of Ferguson will be 
everywhere. In football it is hard enough to follow a coach who has been a great 
champion but it is even harder when the man has the steel and charisma that Ferguson 
has got. This will be one of the biggest challenges in football, maybe the biggest. 

"He will be getting some of the greatest players in the world, like Keane and Beckham, 
but they are players to whom Sir Alex Ferguson is Manchester United. Maybe they will 
have to appoint someone from outside of the English leagues. Whoever is making the 
decision has got a very tough job as well. They need to appoint a man of strength who 
can take up a huge challenge. Making that judgement is not a job I would like."

[6] Is that a gun in yer pocket our Terry?
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
>From the MEN:

CORONATION Street star Nigel Pivaro said today that a security alert at Dover Customs 
was sparked when a guard mistook his mobile phone for a gun. He spoke out after he was 
alleged to have driven off at in his blue Audi when security officers at Dover tried 
to search him.

Kent Police refused to name the man they were hunting, but ferry operator Hoverspeed 
said it was 41-year-old Pivaro, who plays Terry Duckworth in the ITV soap.

They said one of their security officers discovered the actor was wearing a shoulder 
holster which they claimed contained a gun.

But Pivaro, who played bad boy Terry Duckworth in the soap, rang a TV breakfast show 
to refute the claims.

He insisted the object the guard had found was a mobile phone and not a gun. He 
explained he drove away because he had simply ''had enough'' and ''did not like the 
way he was treated'' by security guards.

He said he had spoken to his lawyer. ''If police want to talk to me I'm quite happy to 
do that,'' he said.

A Hoverspeed spokesman said: ''It was definitely him. He is a very well known face and 
he was recognised by our check-in staff straight away.

''They also saw his boarding card, ticket and passport. Once he was checked in, he 
went into the security search area.

''One of our staff conducted a frisk search and felt he was wearing a shoulder holster 
and a gun. When he was asked if that was the case, Mr Pivaro said it was just an 
imitation. He then got in his car and sped off the wrong way down a one-way street.''

A spokeswoman for Kent Police said: ''We are still looking for whoever it was that 
left the Hoverport in such a hurry.'

[5] Ellis Park disaster inquiry is set
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
>From Soccernet:

Public hearings into the deaths of 43 South African soccer fans in the country's worst 
sporting disaster will begin in Johannesburg on July 16, the judge overseeing the 
inquiry said on Thursday.  Testimony from spectators and soccer officials who 
witnessed the fatal crush outside Johannesburg's Ellis Park stadium on April 11 will 
be heard. 

'The objective is to find out what happened that night, what events led to the 
disaster and what measures can be taken to prevent a similar occurrence,' High Court 
Judge Bernard Ngoepe told reporters. 

Forty-three people died and more than 100 were injured in the crush as an estimated 
75,000 spectators tried to cram into into a stadium with a 60,000 capacity. 

Soccer managers and analysts have blamed the deaths on poor crowd control, shoddy 
match organisation and greed. (Sounds familiar)

South Africa's Sports Minister Ngconde Balfour has said he does not expect the 
disaster to affect the country's bid to host the 2010 World Cup, wich has been 
promised to Africa. 

The hearings will last two weeks and will resume on August 20 after an adjournment. 

[4] Muck Up TV
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
Currently MUTV is broadcast from 17:00 until 23:00

With the Far East tour coming up these times will change.  Currently NTL have no plans 
to extend the time MUTV is broadcast on their digital network.

Don't know how this leaves them for showing the late night broadcasts of United games 
on MUTV for next season either.

And a response from the horses mouth (we assume it was the mouth) as MUTV say:

"MUTV will be broadcasting all the games live on SKY Digital , the programming will be 
made available to all our cable customers who will decide whether they will increase 
the transmission times on their platform. Again this is the scenario with the midnight 
games . MUTV have no authority to insist that extended transmission time is made 
available on any other platform other than SKY digital".

So it's Rupert or nothing. Cheers!

(Thanks to Lippy and Jane for this.)

[3] The Utd response
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
[To Veron - what else?]

As you would expect:

"There are still details to iron out. We have had a very good meeting with him, 

Get a bigger effing iron then!

[2] And that's all folks!
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
As Cragnotti concedes defeat and resigns.

Cragnotti holds an 80% stake in processed food giant Cirio, who in turn own a majority 
stake in Lazio.

He announced he would be leaving the club soon, possibly as early as Friday.

"The Cragnotti family will put their stake in the club onto the market," he said.

"I don't want to destroy Lazio the investments will proceed. "Concerning my sons," he 
continued, "it will be their decision as to whether they will continue working for 

However, Cragnotti did confirm that, although he is distancing himself from the club, 
he would complete the transfer negotiations currently in progress.

[1] Cragnotti comes over all Corporal Jones
Posted Friday, July 6, 2001 by tb:
Not a pleasant image I'll grant you, but here is what El Presidente says about the 
Veron deal:

"the deal will be concluded next week"

More information will be forthcoming (from Lazio) later this morning.

This gives the Utd suits another 7 days to screw things up. I doubt the blood pressure 
will take it

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