

Other fun tactics:


-          "Hold on, we are looking for a new vendor and would love to
evaluate your products, please hold on while I transfer you to our
purchasing specialist." - Then proceed to transfer the call to the
unsuspecting accountant lady with an accent so thick you can't make out
anything she says over the phone, and has no idea what a toner cartridge
even is...


-          "Oooh, I'm so glad you called... we have about 18,000 devices
across all of our global office we need to procure a new vendor to
supply (pause to allow the sound of dollar signs rattling in their
eyesockets to come across the line).  We have standardized on the
<insert bogus make/model name here> line of printers, what are your
prices for them in lots of 5,000 or more?" - Agree to allow them to get
back to you when they can't immediately find the correct cartridge in
their system.


-          "Absolutely... we just had to drop our last vendor because
they didn't comply with MIL-SPEC #8675309 as per the new gov't regs. I
assume you do?"





From: Jeff Frantz [mailto:jfra...@itstechnologies.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 1:33 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Ink & toner "cold callers"


I tell them we're a paper-free environment my nutty tree-hugging boss
insists everything gets scanned and no paper is allowed.  I explain we
have no printers, copiers or anything that generates a piece of paper.
All we have are scanners and shredders.  The reactions you get are





From: John Aldrich [mailto:jaldr...@blueridgecarpet.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 1:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Ink & toner "cold callers"


I'm assuming most of you are like me and in charge of the "consumables"
for your laser copiers/printers/fax machines. How do you have your
people trained to deal with the cold-callers who try to get you to buy
the toners? 

Mostly, my users are trained to refer the call to me, but it's starting
to get old with upwards of 3 or 4 calls per week and having to tell them
"sorry, we're under a maintenance contract. Goodbye" and hang up. It's
45 seconds to a minute I'd rather spend reading this list, etc. :-)

I thought about emailing my users and telling them that there are only 3
people who order ink & toner and if the caller doesn't ask for one of us
by name, they aren't our supplier, and that I'd prefer the caller never
get passed along; but I'm afraid that if I do that, someone might go
ahead and order toner from someone other than our normal suppliers. (I
don't have a lot of faith in my "users" :-))








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