On Monday 17 April 2006 05:20 pm, Erast Benson wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-04-17 at 16:23 -0700, Alan DuBoff wrote:
> > However, what I personally would like to see is the same thing I've
> > always invisioned from the days of yesteryear...That we could have a full
> > distribution that rivaled any of the open source distributions with
> > Solaris as our core, rather than Linux (Debian specific, or shall we say
> > apt functionality). Who would have thought Solaris would become open
> > sources, the thought was laughable 4+ years when the topic surfaced.
> OK. Just to prevent an idea of splintering of Debian+OpenSolaris (i.e.
> NexentaOS) community. :-) Lets try to avoid a creation of yet another
> Debian+OpenSolaris community at the moment. Instead work with Nexenta
> guys to implement what you want.

Sure, and blastwave would like us to work with them so there is no loss in 
their camp either, as would the gentoo folks, the pkgsrc folks, and others as 

The problem is that Nexenta has done things their way (i.e., to merge with 
Debian), opposed to what would be right for Solaris. I'm not against joining 
efforts, but there needs to be some type of compelling reason for that to 
happen. I will admit you have some compelling reasons, but I still feel in 
the end it gets down to have a mechanism for all folks, not just Nexenta, or 
blastwave, or pkgsrc, or gentoo, etc...but one that will work for all of them 
if they choose.

It may very well be that this wouldn't work for a lot of folks and that they 
would develop their own set of libs as is being done now, but it could work 
for a lot of folks if done properly.

> Last month we made significant progress with Debian/Ubuntu communities
> cooperation. With Debian we are pushing[1] "solaris-<i386,sparc>"
> architecture upstream for dpkg, apt-get, debhelper, debianutils, etc.

I would like to point out that while I really like apt (apt is the $#!T as 
they say;-), I just need the same functionality. I don't believe it has to be 
a .deb package to work, it could be anything, even a revision of the SYSVR4 
packing system, or a variant of such.

> Join[5] Debian+OpenSolaris community today and help us to build a distro
> of your dream!

You folks have done a great job at merging Debian with OpenSolaris, I commend 
you for that. We need to think about the big picture, and that includes a lot 
of other players. If it is at all possible to create a system that would not 
only please you folks, but Blastwave, pkgsrc, or gentoo as well, all the 
better IMO.


Alan DuBoff - Sun Microsystems
Solaris x86 Engineering

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