Hi Guys,

Since I've had no feedback on the remaining WIndows warnings I've gone
ahead and added pragma's to suppress the following warnings that
seemed to be appropriate for supression given that fixes aren't
possible/don't look easily resolvable, and the warnings don't point to
a real problem in the code either.

 24>D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been removed

164>..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored

 warning C4702: unreachable code

An svn update should fix these warnings.  In case of osgIntrospection
I've added the warning disable  pragma's to the
include/osgIntrospection/Export rather each header as doing so ended
up many lines of coding for just a single warning disable, not good
news when each code change comes with a potential from introducing
typo's + associated build/runtime problems.

This leaves one warning left:

> 2>..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
> used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
> 'volatile const unsigned int &'

For this I think the proper solution is to remove the &.  Thoughts?

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