Hi All,

Thanks for the all the testing, a few more bugs and warnings have been
fleshed and should be now resolved, alas this has taken me pretty well
all the day, so it's now too late for me to go create the
OpenSceneGraph-2.8 today.  What I'll do is leave svn/trunk to be
tested over night and in morning if things look sane I'll go ahead and
make the 2.8 branch and the 2.8.0-rc1 from this.

Once 2.8.0-rc1 is done, it'll be time to even more build and runtime
testing, and for those planning to help out with packaging to start
creating packaging for the rc1.  In the past we've required a couple
rc's so we should expect the same, but your never know perhaps all the
i's have been doted and we'll be able to make rc1 gold and then I can
take the rest of week off :-)

With the rc1 done I'll be starting to nag people for feedback on how
their own projects are running against the rc1, testing against real
apps is what will start shaking down the build and runtime fully.

My aim is to the final get 2.8.0 tagged this week, and if possible
packages up for the main platforms.

Thanks for you assistance,
osg-users mailing list

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