
Removing the & generates another warning:

warning C4197: 'volatile const unsigned int' : top-level volatile in cast is
ignored    c:\OpenSceneGraphSVN\src\OpenThreads\common\Atomic.cpp    133

However, changing line 133 to just

return _value;

generates no warnings on Visual Studio 2008 sp1.

I also see these warnings:

warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'qu' used
c:\openscenegraphsvn\src\osg\matrixdecomposition.cpp    281    osg
warning C4512: 'CopyPointsToVertexArrayVisitor' : assignment operator could
not be generated    c:\OpenSceneGraphSVN\src\osgUtil\Simplifier.cpp
1654    osgUtil

- Donny

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Robert Osfield <>wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Since I've had no feedback on the remaining WIndows warnings I've gone
> ahead and added pragma's to suppress the following warnings that
> seemed to be appropriate for supression given that fixes aren't
> possible/don't look easily resolvable, and the warnings don't point to
> a real problem in the code either.
>  24>D:\Prog\Libs\3rdParty\include\GL/glut.h(549) : warning C4505:
> 'glutCreateMenu_ATEXIT_HACK' : unreferenced local function has been removed
> 164>..\..\include\osgIntrospection/Value(373) : warning C4180:
> qualifier applied to function type has no meaning; ignored
> 152>d:\prog\libs\openscenegraph\include\osgintrospection\typedconstructorinfo(36)
>  warning C4702: unreachable code
> An svn update should fix these warnings.  In case of osgIntrospection
> I've added the warning disable  pragma's to the
> include/osgIntrospection/Export rather each header as doing so ended
> up many lines of coding for just a single warning disable, not good
> news when each code change comes with a potential from introducing
> typo's + associated build/runtime problems.
> This leaves one warning left:
> > 2>..\common\Atomic.cpp(133) : warning C4239: nonstandard extension
> > used : 'static_cast' : conversion from 'volatile const long' to
> > 'volatile const unsigned int &'
> For this I think the proper solution is to remove the &.  Thoughts?
> Robert.
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