Jon, you’ve acknowledged the point that Gary R. made about your post (below) 
but I see another problem with it. You wrote, “If all objects of cognition are 
general, but no generals are real, then we can have no knowledge of anything 
real.” But Peirce does not say that all objects of cognition are general. All 
thought is in signs which, if factual, have the structure of a proposition, as 
he says in “New Elements.” All propositions include predicates which are 
general, but the objects of those signs (and thus of cognition) are not all 
general. In fact, as I quoted earlier, Peirce says that “the totality of all 
real objects” is a singular, not a general (EP2:209, CP 5:152), even though 
some of them (such as “second intentions”) may be generals.


Gary f.


From: Jon Alan Schmidt [] 
Sent: 23-Jan-17 21:01
To: Helmut Raulien <>
Subject: Re: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Universal/General/Continuous and 


Helmut, List:


Peirce had a tendency, especially late in his life, to label any philosophical 
stance with which he disagreed as "nominalistic."  However, my understanding is 
that the fundamental issue was (and presumably still is) whether there are any 
real generals--or as Peirce once put it, any real continua.  This includes both 
qualities (1ns) and habits (3ns); i.e., both "may-bes" and "would-bes."  Peirce 
was especially concerned about any approach that would posit something as real 
yet incognizable, or as inexplicable; he saw both of these moves as blocking 
the way of inquiry.  If all objects of cognition are general, but no generals 
are real, then we can have no knowledge of anything real.  If there are no real 
laws of nature, then predictable regularities are just brute facts.



Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA

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