Jon Alen,

>     That is an opinion, and even if valid, it does not change the fact that 
> Peirce invented and defined "the commens."  I find it misleading to use his 
> peculiar term to mean something else.

Isn't our duscussion about the meaning of a particular term, i.e. commens? And, 
my contribution, about the need to look at the wider context in order to grasp 
the direction of a thought?

>         > > At that point, I agree that a case can sometimes be made for 
> either side; but my default assumption is that his later writings reflect his 
> more considered views, and hence should be given slightly more weight 
> accordingl
> > 
> >     > 

Fine that you made clear that it is just your default assumption and not the 
nature of the case.

Look, with regard to your interpretant, I prefer not want to 
discuss this with you. It feels like a boy coming to my shop asking for a cents 
worth of candy. I reply, which kind you would like: jelly beans, mint or 
licorice? And the boy responds: I want candy because that is all there is. 
There is no such tihng as a jelly bean, or mint or liquorice.



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