On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 3:39 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi
> Seriously I do not get why printing in the debugger cannot just print the
> text without putting these ^%&*^*&()**(&%^*( double quote around.

I believe the behaviour was introduced for the Workspace/Playground so
that inserting the result into the text wouldn't screw up the syntax
highlighting or running it again.  Perhaps this behaviour was
copied/inherited by the Debugger without considering it might be a
different use case.

cheers -ben

> Why do we change such basic functionality and in particular we do not
> propose ANY alternative.
> If you need a pop up and do not care of manipulating text this is ok but WHY
> the default behavior has to be changed.
> I hate so much that the GTTool ALWAYS want to IMPOSE a flow. Your &^%*^(&
> flow is not mine.
> Should I go and hack to get back the default behavior. WHY do I have to do
> that?
> Seriously.
> Especially since the solution was super simple: introduce a new binding
> living nicely close to PrintIt
> but no "we have to change the default one with something that may fuck your
> flow but who cares because my flow is better."
> Why do we get systematically this message? Why such changes are damaging TDD
> practices without any notices?
> May be I should use another Smalltalk at the end.
> Stef

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