Often the reason of annoyance is either time consuming or simply complicated to 
Anyway, personally, I am not really perturbed by the button location. The 
print-it in the debugger is no more an annoyance when the Cmd-c bidding can 
simply copy the print-it. It is exactly what I wish to do most of the time.

What seriously bother me, is the instability of Athens, which cannot be fixed. 
And the highly-suboptimal Git integration. These are what may make me move away 
from Pharo.


> On Aug 7, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> Thanks for your thoughts. And thanks for giving these new quirks time to 
> settle :).
> Actually, I am looking for what is annoying and I specifically interested in 
> the reasons why it is annoying. Please feel free to report the bits that 
> annoy you.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Aug 7, 2016, at 3:57 PM, Dale Henrichs <dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On 8/7/16 6:16 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>> Hi Stef,
>>> That is why we made the default printing not affect the text editor, and 
>>> this feature is around since almost 2 years and, except of you, there was 
>>> no other complain.
>> I believe that this is a logical fallacy ... many developers are too busy 
>> actually trying to do work with these tools and don't have time or 
>> inclination to get involved in an argument :)
>> There are a number of odd, awkward, hidden, "old way does not work anymore" 
>> things that I am running into as I have just been using Pharo5.0 for a 
>> couple of months ... I understand that when the GUI changes one must give it 
>> a little bit of time to "settle in" and see if my annoyance is due to the 
>> fact that things have changed or if the "old way was better" ...
>> I don't like the funky popup prints either --- they often obscure the 
>> underlying text and when I do something to see the underlying text I lose 
>> the printout --- occasionally it is useful as a preview but that's not the 
>> only use case .. often the result is what I want ...
>> But I am trying to do real work and I really don't have the time to get into 
>> an embroiled argument over things so far I feel less productive (the 
>> debugger buttons are a real annoyance) but perhaps with practice and 
>> patience I will eventually see the light of putting heavily used menu items 
>> off in a corner ...
>> BTW, I've basically given up on using browser shortcuts altogether ... I am 
>> assuming that the shortcuts will be changing yet again in 6.0 so I'm not 
>> going to try to memorize shortcuts that will be changing every 6 months :)
>> While I am complaining --- is there a way to be able to change the width of 
>> the inspector panes in a debugger? I'm almost never able to see what I want 
>> to see in the inspector panes because they aren't wide enough and unlike 
>> every other pane in the universe, I can't grab the pane and change its width 
>> ... I'm sure you have a good argument for why it can't be moved --- but that 
>> doesn't stop me from being annoyed ...
>> Optimized code is often uglier than the cleanly crafted beautiful code that 
>> runs too damn slow ...
>> I could go on and on, but I'm sure you've good reasons for all of the the 
>> things that you have changed and this isn't the only GUI in the world that 
>> is annoying to use :)
>> Remember that I am still in the phase of "give it a little bit of time to 
>> "settle in" and see if my annoyance is due to the fact that things have 
>> changed or if the "old way was better" ... "
>> Dale
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Being happy is a matter of choice."

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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