On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 09:06:11AM -0500, Jos? Enrique Alvarez Estrada wrote:
> Hi:
> I particullary think it's very important to define
> some of this things. Since 1999, I'm trying to
> implement a mecanism to incorporate Open Source
> projects on universitie's courses, because I'm a
> Professor. I think the problem is deeper that it
> seems. I'll try to explain some concepts:
> [...]
> a) It's necessary to convert the traditional Computer
> Science's School into a "Software Fabric", like the
> Capability Maturity Model says, where student's may
> occupy all the "roles" and the professors becomes the
> project leaders.
> What's your opinion about that?

Very good idea, i fully agree with you.

My opinion is that it's preferable to convince academic
institutions to relicense student's work under the
[L]GPL, at least when they explicitally ask for.

I heard that some universities retain copyrights on
work made by students. This should be irrelevant as
long as they relicense it as free software.

I believe that this is _much_ more important that
getting the academic community to actually contribute
on free software projects, because this will naturally
come later if the first statement is accomplished.

Robert Millan

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