--- Drew Northup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > 
> "Dr. Yasha Karant" wrote:
> I'm an engineer.  I just happen to do computers--and
> have for about 14
> of my 21 (soon to be 22) years.  I'm getting a
> degree in Computer
> Engineering too--as if that matters when it comes to
> managing a
> project.  What is really important is that the
> leader:
> Be zealos about the continuance of the project
> Be courteous to other project members
> Be able to commit a great deal of time to things
> other than actual
> project work that will help sustain the project
> Be sure of what needs to be done, when, and how
> Be capable of division of labor and organization (I
> may not be able to
> clean my room some days, but on those days I
> certainly can manage to
> tell other people what needs to get done)
> Be committed to quality work--not quantity; as an
> engineer I care more
> how well it works than how many we made
> Be able to set valid and useful goals
> Be persistant
In my opinion, an excelent description of a very well
Project Leader. I assume that an University Proffesor
MUST HAVE all these qualities, but must of us don't
have it. It's a good oportunity to us to LEARN too.
> I agree about professionalism.  Unfortunately that
> isn't something that
> you can get a degree it.  It just happens to some
> people--and not to
> others.  It is very much like the force--but instead
> of just Anakin, we
> all have it if we wish to make ourselves try to find
> it.
> One man I have worked with in the past once gave a
> speech on Respect &
> Responsibility--the only two rules that you need in
> life.  You will find
> that this is true.  They are the definition of
> professionalism.  Once
> you have that you just need some idea as to what you
> are doing.
I agree.
> I don't want to boast, chide, or anything of the
> like--but that is the
> reason why Kevin let me take over this project.  I
> aspire to the rules
> of Respect and Responsibility--and I hope that
> others here feel the same
> about their basic essence that I do.
> Lets get coding, debugging, and working as a
> group--PLEASE!


José Enrique

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