On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 09:46:14PM -0700, Dr. Yasha Karant wrote:
> 1.  Under the Intellectual Property guidelines of CSUSB, the University
> owns nothing of academic work, including work done as part of research,
> student projects, independent studies, or class work.  The Intellectual
> Property remains that of the originators:  faculty and students.

Then the faculty and students need to LGPL it.
> 2.  Working with the community is no problem, although as with all voluntary
> projects, there is no guarantee of continuity.  Once we have something
> operational (fully operational) per an SRS (or the equivalent), future
> development and maintenance may return to the "community".

Well, it can't get as worse we got the last few months. We need to
think positive, plex86 will rock and nobody would ever want to stop
developping it! :-)
> 3.  I am assuming that "ownership" is under the GPL or equivalent, as
> Plex86 is *NOT* a for-profit venture (unlike VMWare).

It's under the LGPL. I don't care about plex86 being for profit, as
long as the code is under the (L)GPL.

> 4.  Any innovative algorithms would be presented, along with implementations.

Those are not allowed to get patented. We need a clear written
statement about that.

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org
IRC: jeroen@openprojects

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