Hi Alan
Sorry I only just spotted your email.
I have just made a commit, but it was technically a bug fix (or at
least half of it was), but I won't make any further commits.


On 11 March 2015 at 10:49, Alan W. Irwin <ir...@beluga.phys.uvic.ca> wrote:
> On 2015-03-10 21:41-0000 Phil Rosenberg wrote:
>> Hi Alan and Jim
>> Right, well Jim's patch series is committed and I have just made one
>> more additional commit regarding the buffer which I think now gives us
>> a buffer which is (pretty close to, if not completely) bug free!!! Or
>> at the very least it is sufficient to allow the wxWidgets driver to
>> render as well as from direct commands.
> Note, to everybody.  There is an official deep freeze notice near
> the end of this e-mail.
> @ Andrew, Phil, and Jim:
> Before getting to wxwidgets test results I regret to say that a recent
> plbuf change has nailed us again.  There is now a release showstopper
> where -dev tk produces really strange looking results.  I found this
> issue via checking -dev tk for the zoom regression where hitting the
> zoom button just produces a blank (black) plot.  I confirm that
> regression as well as a newly introduced regression for that device
> (two windows are displayed rather than one with one of them without a
> plot but with the plframe decorations and the other showing an
> xwin-like plot windows with no decorations). This new regression and
> the zoom regression are showstoppers for the current release so your
> confirmation and fix for these rendering regressions will be much
> appreciated.  You should also look carefully at -dev wingcc to see
> whether recent plbuf changes have introduced rendering regressions
> there as well (assuming you have looked in detail before at wingcc
> results for all examples, and therefore know what rendered nicely in
> the old days).
> If none of you beat me to it, I will follow up starting roughly 12 hours
> from now with a git bisect to find out the first commit that caused
> each of these regressions, and hopefully the fix for each regression
> will be straightforward after that.
> @Arjen:
> Just in case you remember how well wingcc rendered before, I would
> appreciate you double-checking how wingcc renders now.
> @Phil:
> Naturely, I found the above new rendering regression right at the end
> of a very long series of tests of wxwidgets which I will probably have
> to repeat once the above plbuf issue(s) are fixed (sigh).  So for what
> it is worth, here is the current status of wxwidgets on Linux as of
> commit id = afd37a9.
> I did this long test with the following command:
> for SEQ in $(seq -w 0 33); do
>   examples/c/x${SEQ}c -dev wxwidgets
>   read ANSWER
> done
> (where "read ANSWER" supplies a pause between examples
> so you don't have one zillion instances of wxPLViewer going
> at the same time).
> There is a definite improvement compared to when I ran such a test
> before, but I note the following large number of minor issues (mostly
> rendering issues and non of them are release critical) that still
> exist on Linux:
> * text much too small for all examples.  Increasing
> all text sizes by something close to a factor of two (say
> to fill all the squares by the numbers in example 2.2 just like
> for the xcairo, qtwidget, and xwin device) is needed.
> * Example 13; extra lines in "Maurice", "Vince", and "Rafael" parts
> of the pie chart, but the other slices are fine.
> * Example 17 is extremely slow to display and the erases are not getting
> done when the plot is rescaled.  Attached mode?
> * Example 20 is extremely slow to display and does not have any
> interactive capability (the third page should allow you to select a
> region with the cursor).  Compare the cursor capability shown with
> this example for -dev xwin.
> Note -dev wxwidgets cursor capability is currently similar to
> that of -dev xcairo and -dev qtwidget.  All three devices print
> out cursor position results for example 1 with the -locate option,
> but all three devices fail to allow the user to select
> a region in example 3.03.  So all three have to be updated
> to have the same cursor capabilities as -dev xwin.
> In addition, I presume this capability would only work
> for the qtwidgets case in attached mode (see below).
> * Example 26.02 still has an issue with too large a legend for
> the Cyrillic version of the plot.
> * Example 28.04 has a strange colour change for certain ranges indicated
> below of the rendering of the
> "The future of our civilization depends on software freedom."
>                 ^^^^^^^^                        ^^^^^^^
> 3D string.  Those colour changes occur when the letters in the string
> are mostly reduced to the (expected) straight lines by the 3D affine
> transformation.  This may be due to some strange issue with my Debian
> stable wxwidgets software library and have nothing to do with PLplot.
> If you cannot reproduce those colour changes, I will send a screen
> shot.
> * Example 28.05 affine transformation issues.
> * Example 30.02 ugly looking gradient results are due to falling back
> to core software emulation of a linear gradient.  Instead, as
> discussed before a linear gradient based on the wxwidgets API should
> be used instead to get very nice results for this example (such as
> those from the cairo and qt devices).
> * Example 34: the qtwidgets device does not support draw mode.
> However, if you want to implement this someday you should follow what
> is done for xcairo (which is the only device so far that has draw mode
> capability).
> * To get proper interactive capability, must implement an
> attached driver option that does not launch a separate
> wxPLViewer instance.
> * There was also a the following warning being emitted by g++
> /home/software/plplot/HEAD/plplot.git/drivers/wxwidgets.cpp: In
> function ‘void plD_init_wxwidgets(PLStream*)’:
> /home/software/plplot/HEAD/plplot.git/drivers/wxwidgets.cpp:186:23:
> warning: converting to non-pointer type ‘PLINT {aka int}’ from NULL
> [-Wconversion-null]
> Did you really want to set the device id (which is just an integer) to
> zero here?  If so, you should use 0 rather than NULL.  But I thought
> that device id integer was supposed to be fixed and unique to each
> device in which case it would generally not be a good idea to zero it.  But
> on
> the other hand, I so far have not detected any issues from this
> zeroing so I don't think there is any urgency here
> (i.e., you can deal with this post-release).
>> [....] I guess that [good results for wxwidgets] means you can freeze the
>> core code Alan. I'm
>> going to just make a couple of wxWidgets mods this evening and then I
>> am going to stop meddling until after the release. I do still need to
>> sort the docs out as well.
> I think it is definitely time to be extremely conservative about all
> commits to master because we just experienced a counter-example where
> plbuf changes were committed without sufficient testing (in retrospect
> something that is all-too-easy to do since plbuf has such a wide
> impact). So I highly recommend dealing with all the above wxwidgets
> issues on a topic branch and waiting until after the release to merge
> those fixes to master while we focus on the master branch with dealing
> with the regressions introduced by the plbuf changes. Also, note I
> would be happy to make the next release cycle much shorter, i.e., have
> another release just as soon as you finish the above list and want to
> get those fixes quickly distributed to users.
> @Everybody:
> To make this decision official, this is notice from your release manager
> that we are now in deep freeze until release.  That is, only
> documentation changes and small and _very well tested_ fixes should be
> pushed to master during this deep freeze. In particular, because
> plbuf changes have such a wide impact, I ask everyone here to avoid
> commits to master that involve any plbuf changes at all during deep
> freeze unless such commit can be shown to fix a non-wxwidgets
> rendering regression caused by an earlier plbuf change in this release
> cycle.
> Also, despite the extra effort we are going to need to deal with the
> rendering regressions, I do honestly want to thank both Phil and Jim
> for all their hard work on wxwidgets/plbuf that has finally gotten us
> to the point where we can declare a deep freeze.  That's a really
> important goal for late in a release cycle, and I am really glad we
> have finally achieved that goal!
> Alan
> __________________________
> Alan W. Irwin
> Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
> University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).
> Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
> implementation for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); the Time
> Ephemerides project (timeephem.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting
> software package (plplot.sf.net); the libLASi project
> (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of Linux Links project (loll.sf.net);
> and the Linux Brochure Project (lbproject.sf.net).
> __________________________
> Linux-powered Science
> __________________________

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