afriend wrote: 
> Just think of DPL as some kind of random play with lots of options for
> fine-tuning the selection of the tracks you want to listen to.
> DPL uses sql queries to fetch tracks. Before DPL v3 the -source- of
> these sql queries had to be other plugins like SQLPlayList, TrackStat,
> or CustomScan. DPL asks these plugins if they want to provide any sql
> queries (=dynamic playlists) and if so, DPL will list them. 
> With DPL v3 I've added 2 new options: -built-in- dynamic playlists and
> the option to create your own -custom- dynamic playlists and use them
> directly in DPLv3, without relying on other plugins.
> For dynamic playlists think of SQLPlayList as a sql query generator with
> a user interface. It takes your playlist parameter choices and creates a
> sql query file (either sql.xml or as a xml template). It assists you in
> creating sql queries.
> Since DPL and SQLPlayList use the same sql query format you could easily
> export most of your SQLPlayLists as customized sql query files and uses
> them in DPL directly. That's probably good to bear in mind if
> SQLPlayList should ever stop working properly.
> So when I talk about using custom dynamic playlists I usually mean
> creating custom sql query files and putting them in the DPL custom
> playlist folder. It's a very powerful option because you can create
> exactly the kind of dynamic playlist you want. And it probably sounds
> more difficult than it actually is.
> It seems that CustomSkip does not properly skip songs in dynamic
> playlists because there's a block of code in CustomSkip that prevents
> that. I've uploaded a slighly revised version of CustomSkip to
> '*github*' ( that should fix
> this.
> In your case you would certainly benefit from a custom dynamic playlist
> tailored to your specific needs. Below is custom dynamic playlist based
> on your screenshot. Open your text editor, copy&paste the sql code below
> and save it as "nameofyourchoice*.sql.xml*". The file extension
> *.sql.xml* is important. Now put this file into the -DPL custom playlist
> folder- (should be in your playlist folder if you haven't changed the
> location).
> > 
  >   > 
  > -- PlaylistName:Random songs from collection - ignore songs in selected 
  > -- PlaylistParameter1:playlist:Select playlist to ignore:
  > select distinct tracks.url from tracks
  >     left join dynamicplaylist_history on
  >    and 
  >     where
  >    = 1
  >             and tracks.secs >= 'PlaylistTrackMinDuration'
  >             and is null
  >             and not exists (select * from tracks t2,playlist_track
  >                                             where
  >                                                     t2.url=tracks.url and
  >                                                     tracks.url = 
playlist_track.track and
  >                                                     playlist_track.playlist 
!= 'PlaylistParameter1')
  >             and not exists (select * from tracks t3,genre_track,genres
  >                                             where
  >                                            and
  >                                             and
  >                                             and
  >                                            in 
Word','Standards','Unreleased Rarity'))
  >     group by tracks.url
  >     order by random()
  >     limit 'PlaylistLimit';
> > 
> This new playlist should now appear in the not-classified group. Adapt
> it to your needs (name, excluded genre list).
> I'm not sure I understand. Same as in v2 you can't -create- new
> dynamic playlists in DPL with the user interface. The only way you can
> add new dynamic playlists to DPL (as explained in the beginning) is by
> adding sql query files to the DPL custom playlist folder or in other
> plugins like SQLPlayLists.
> I don't know how "adding to favorites" plays into this. But please
> note that you can only add dynamic playlists to LMS favorites that
> don't request further user input. Same as in v2, that hasn't changed.

Thanks again for the detailed response. I'm now beginning to understand.
Since I have absolutely no capacity to write SQL, can I assume that
SQLPLaylists can still be used to create custom play lists? From what I
can see, this still works. Regarding your fix for CustomSkip, has anyone
tested it yet? I'm not sophiticated enough to replace it and then go
backwards if necessary. The use of that filter is a key to most of my
custom playlists.

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