> Fred Flinstone was also doing a little solo act as "Hi Fi"
> Can you hear em
> Grab'em, nab'em
> Listen to them Rock, Listen to them sing
> Oh the Humming Bird is singing somethin somethin
> psst Wilma did ya hear?  I heard Hi Fi is a square (made with hand

        Didn't Pebbles and BamBam have a hit song something
        like "Open up your heart and let the Sunshine in".
        (This would be in the Flintstones...not that lame
        spinoff when they were teenagers)

        Also, Fat Albert and the Cosby kids always had some song
        at the end of their show, and live-action Bill used to
        dance around and make goofy faces.  I think it was a rule  
        in the 70's that you had to have a song near the end
        of almost every Saturday mornin' cartoon.


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