
> FWIW, Country Music monthly generally has better writing and more thorough
> coverage than CMW, and it's cheaper, too, which is why I subscribe to it.
> Of course, you don't get the latest news as quickly that way, but things
> move slowly around here anyhow.

Yeah, but kinda like that weekly tabloidesque fix....  And if I 
subscribed, what would I read in the checkout line??  Grocery store 
visits would lose one of their few redeeming elements.  CMW, for ex., 
is where I've kept up with cool news like Billie Jean Horton getting 
mugged, etc.  I mean, who else reports Billie Jean news?  Who else 
even *dreams* that their readership would know who Billie Jean is 
(was?).  Gotta love 'em.


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