BARNARD wrote:

> I tend to agree with JP that the "Tupelo" vein of twangy
> alt-rock was never destined to break big,


> but should be distinguished from
> the Austin-and-elsewhere style of *country* outside the Nasvegas
> mainstream.  This latter vein, to my mind, is another thing altogether,
> and something that with the right marketing and support could do
> better....

If wishes were radio programmers...?

J.P. wrote:

> I'm talking about country music that is only alternative when defined
> against Nashville.  Without crap like Shania Twain and Tim McGraw, The
> Derailers are just plain country.  The format we need probably will not be
> pushing the stuff Blackstock to which Blackstock was referring.

Not exactly on J.P.'s point here, but this reminds me of that Sara Evans clip
yesterday, wherein she talks about dumping Pete Anderson for more mainstream
producers at her record company's insistence, though she admitted that she
wouldn't mind being "the Queen of country music someday". And the new record's
selling better from the sound of it. Or should I say, selling better *for* the
sound of it?


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