At 04:24 PM 4/11/1999 Jon wrote:

>> Marty's great. I know from sad experience that his last one, HERE'S TO THE
>> HONKY-TONKS, was not up to his high standard...
>One of those counter-conventional wisdom sorts of things, as that was made
>for a roots-oriented indie, while his earlier, generally better albums were
>made for MCA, several with Tony "Schizo" Brown producing/co-producing.

As you've pointed out before, the demonization of Tony Brown isn't fair,
and he's had a hand in a lot of great 
records by "conventional wisdom" standards. But he does a fairly good job
of demonizing himself in those CW quarters, or at least these, <g> with
some of his "Naked Nashville" clips.

Couldn't help but think of Tony Brown last night when seeing Kelly Willis'
*first* Opry appearance. (wasn't she somethin'?<g>) He couldn't get her an
appearance when he was producing her on MCA? And is what I keep hearing are
her best sales numbers yet for WHAT I DESERVE what got her the gig? Just


"Time begins on Opening Day" -Thomas Boswell 

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