>I find _Summerteeth_ to be a mixed bag.  I appreciate the growth of the
>band and think their departure from alt-country is perfectly appropriate.
>It's a sonically stimulating record for me and it joins a collection
>ofother discs that I enjopy for the very same reason.  Enjoyable, but I
>can't say it's going to make my "best of" list.

    Since I got Summerteeth I've been trying to find the right
    time and place to make a comment and this might be the
    best spot yet.  I really have no problem with Wilco moving
    away from alt-country.  I really came to this alt-country thing
    relatively recently so there is a lot of stuff way outside the
    boundaries I like.  However, the key is that I have to like it.
    For me, Summerteeth just sort of lays there.  When I have
    it on in the office, I oftentimes go for a long period of time
    after it has finished before I notice that there is nothing playing.
    It is, perhaps, the perfect background music - it stays in the
    background.  While it's true that there are many interesting
    things going on, those things are only good if you really,
    really listen for them.  For me, the best music sort of grabs
    you by the throat and holds you down, whether we're talking
    about Metallica or a Julie Miller song.  This one just sort
    of lies in the corner.  Doesn't mean it's bad, rather just
    that I don't care for it.

Tom Baker

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