On 12/09/2010 09:44 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Everything from here...
> -------------------- 
> to here 
> is being ignored by postfix or will cause errors.  These all need to be under 
> an smtpd_foo_restriction heading.  You have most it duplicated once, if not 
> twice, below.
yeah, well, I had actually commented out that section & used the one
below, but in copying it for the email, I left off that part..

> So here's my proposal for your new main.cf Paul.  I'm sure others will chime 
> identifying any mistakes I may have made, or with other helpful suggestions.  
> I tried to remove all the default parameters you had duplicated, and changed 
> biff to no since you don't use the biff service on Lenny, nor Pine nor any 
> other text mode mail reader in an SSH shell, AFAIK.  The idea here is to 
> wholesale replace your current main.cf file with the following:
> #######################################################################################################
ok, put in place & reloaded..

mail.info now has this:
Dec  9 10:32:06 paulandcilla postfix/master[17432]: warning:
/usr/lib/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

# ls -l /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 191128 Oct 30 11:52 /usr/lib/postfix/smtpd

> Unfortunately you won't know if it's all going to work until you actually 
> switch your DNS MX pointer to your Lenny box's DNS A record.  At that point 
> you should have an A of mail.pcartwright.com pointing to, and 
> an MX record pointing to mail.pcartwright.com.  At that point you'll need to 
> replace these
> myhostname = paulandcilla.homelinux.org
> mydestination = homelinux.org
> myorigin = homelinux.org
> with
> myhostname = mail.pcartwright.com
> mydestination = pcartwright.com
> myorigin = pcartwright.com
> for your inbound mail to work correctly.  Since you aren't even using Postfix 
> at all right now, you may as well go ahead and make these changes now.
so, at this point you are saying all I need to do to host my own email
is add tzo.com ( or whatever DNS service..) to point to my static IP and
I'm done?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800

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