Steffen Nurpmeso via Postfix-users:
> Michel Verdier via Postfix-users wrote in
>  <>:
>  |On 2023-08-09, Fourhundred Thecat via Postfix-users wrote:
>  |
>  |> do you think this would be OK, or does the hostname and IP (be it
>  |> localhost.local) have to be there ?
>  |
>  |Why don't you remove completely this header in your postfix using for
>  |example header_checks ? Received is frequently removed to hide internal
>  |IP if you don't need to trace them.
> Yeah the wonderful suggestion of this super helpful list (thanks
> again!) for my setup (laptop postfix on "forbidden address" relays
> to in-VPN postfix which then sends out) was
> inet n -   n       -       -       smtpd
>           -o syslog_name=vpnsub
>           -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=no
>           -o 
> smtpd_relay_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination
>           -o cleanup_service_name=vpnsub_cleanup
>   vpnsub_cleanup   unix  n       -       n       -       0       cleanup
>           -o {header_checks=regexp:{{/^Received:/ IGNORE}}}
> where is the address where postfix listens on the VPN.
> Shouldn't this be adoptable?  (Ie special "cleanup" service.)

We could add a section to the STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README text
(and perhaps include that in SOHO_README). This could be useful
even with non-VPN use cases.

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