At 08:51 PM 1/23/2007 -0300, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:

> > Some things in Biblical teaching don't sound 'fair' to me. But I will
> > submit my sense of fairness to God's,
>Nnnnope! You will submit your sense of fairness to the biblical
>teachings. Not necessarily the same thing.

Wait. I believe Biblical teachings are God's Words. There is a lot of 
complexity in that concept I know. This could start the whole thread of 
"...the Bible was defined by men..." and "...there are secret writings the 
power mongers took out..." etc (that recent Da Vinci Code movie has caused 
a lot of stir in this arena, as ridiculous and baseless as the facts in the 
movie were...<sigh>). Anyway, I don't want to go down the Biblical 
authenticity debate road (I'm pressed for time just responding to these 

So, I do mean I want to submit my sense of fairness to God's. I believe the 
Bible reflects it, but I can't say I understand with complete, 100% 
certainty everything contained in the Bible. In the end, I want God's will 
to be done regardless of whether or not I've misinterpreted some portion of 

> > whereas you reject God's existence
> > because he doesn't fit your sense of logic.
>BTW, I don't reject god's existence, I just think the god you described
>is too limited. You froze him/her/it in time, you won't allow him/her/it
>to change. You won't allow him/her/it free will (which he/her/it grants
>you). You want to state what he/her/it can or cannot do. You want a god
>to your own size. I think you're headed for a big surprise, or not (you
>might just die).

I hope I didn't offend. My general phrase of ".... because he doesn't fit 
your sense of logic..." was directed toward the general group of atheists 
(well, maybe to Ed because I think I was responding to his text directly).

But you bring up an interesting point. And I would say all believers 
struggle with it. We put expectations on God based on our own 
understanding. But because of our current world, we can only interpret and 
suppose based on what we know. It may end up I'll meet Buddah and Muhammed 
in Heaven and we'll have a long discussion on how I misunderstood things 
down on Earth. All I can say is the beliefs I've arrived at so far have 
come from my study of the Bible, research into other religions, and lots of 

For even more fun, do you deny that God could limit Himself if He so chose? 
In other words, if He made a Covenant with humans, do you think He would 
stick to it?


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