At 08:39 PM 1/23/2007 -0300, Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
> > First, we are still human. What happens in our physical life hits us just
> > like it does anyone else. Next, Christian belief is that life is sacred.
> > When tragedies strike, our spirit mourns for the loss.
>But if there's no loss, nor tragedy. In no time you'll meet them in
>heaven, and you may be certain they'll be there. Or is your faith so flimsy?


I don't know. During this discussion I imagined how I would feel if my 
children were killed. Either by some tragedy or by another person. All I 
can say is that I'd be grief-stricken. Maybe because I'll miss them in the 
few years I have remaining here on Earth. Maybe because I feel the loss for 
not being able to teach and enjoy things with them for now. That kind of 
thing. If they were killed by some other person, say a drunk driver, I 
would want justice. And I would try, and pray for God's help, to forgive them.

So, if you think feeling that way means I have a "flimsy" faith, OK.


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