I was away yesterday, but sorry to see the thread died, as I thought
Frank's questions were worthy of serious responses. I'll offer a
couple of thoughts toward answering the questions.

I have been only peripherally working in the hobby on and off,
starting with building a minimal-cost wheeled chassis, then going off
on a tangent and building a minimal cost and much smaller robot. Both
of these were considerably less expensive than Neil's 750-950 UKP
estimates, if I consider only the final parts and not the parts that
were tried and found wanting.

I wanted to answer the question of what is the smallest/cheapest
vehicle that I could run in my backyard. I figured that the 1/16 scale
tanks were too small, and that grass would foul up the tracks, so
something a bit bigger with decent ground clearance would be needed.
Some lessons learned were that a small wheeled vehicle of dimensions
w= 15", L= 12", 6" wheels, 4" ground clearance can operate on some
relatively benign outdoor terrains such as lawn grass, gravel, dirt,
quite well. This vehicle used four $10 motors, very low RPM, so the
thing is very slow, but very CHEAP! A single 7 AH battery easily lasts
an hour. I guess it is similar to an RC rock crawler, but simpler and
cheaper. However, most people are interested in tracked vehicles,
including me.

Earlier this year I started work on a tank. Like my previous efforts,
it is more of an experiment in reducing size, weight, power, and cost
than anything. I was therefore gratified to see that the Pitellis were
thinking on the same lines. I spent/wasted a lot of time selecting
what I thought would be the simplest-to-construct tracks. I wound up
choosing hinge tracks. I chose a tank that has narrow tracks (Russian
"Sprut" assault gun) because at scale, 2" hinges are about the right
size, and these smaller hinges weigh less. I wanted to use plastic
hinges, but couldn't find any that would work. I'm still not happy
with this choice though.

In my opinion the track/drive system is the biggest hurdle in building
a tank. I would vote for that as the core of any kit. Some more
thoughts later. Got to run.

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