Well Glen that is why they are coming out with the new web portal
Insight 2 

I do agree that team viewer is excellent and we have used it
over the years with the product development, EFT's,  border-left:#1010ff
2px solid; margin-left:5px; width:100%">  

I have found that using only
the Conext portal for troubleshooting is valueless...  

The level of
detail and remote control is lost, and I have resorted to installing a
remote PC control application on a laptop and leaving it at the customer's
site for a few months to be able to collect and control a troublesome
system using a local connection to the Combox. 

I found TeamViewer allows
bi-directional control of the laptop (lid closed and mouse disconnected)
from anywhere without having to setup a VPN or opening ports on a
customer's router, or using a dynamic DNS service. 

They even have an app
that lets me access it from my phone, a PC or a website. 


RE-wrenches  ON BEHALF OF Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
SENT: Friday,
November 30, 2018 7:22 PM
TO: Mac Lewis 
CC: RE-wrenches 
[RE-wrenches] mate 3s locking 

Hi Mac, 

I use a cell for some clients
with combox. I use Conext Insight for some, it is a web portal like
outbacks optics. Insight is nice because I just look at a specific site and
if I see green, I do not really worry too much. It is read only and that is
how Schneider gets around port forwarding. It has everything that is on the
combox from a data push out only. 

At this time I am field testing XW pro
which will use the conext gateway and adds the first wifi monitoring to the
power scene. Insight 2 will be out around february and it is read/ right
into the conext gateway. 

I like the new user interface alot more and it
has a fresh new look that works for me. The xwp has the cal rule 21 for
grid and microgrid, better parameters in the power electronics that may add
some flexibility in a higher power rating/surge than the current 6.8kw. 

Living large here now that we finally got to fill our 18 K gallons of
tanks with rain! We were down to 3K and that is bare minimum for a



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