*> IMHO i think a smooth as possible blender upload would benefit the
entire *
*> content production and bring the community of blender artists with their
great works on board. *

I completely agree.

This is not all about the "SL" people (who are stuck in the "mindset" of
Second Life).  We need to get beyond the mindset of those "stuck" in Second
Life mentality, and instead this needs to be viewed as look at all the
Blender artists (and other non-SL artists that do 3D graphic design) and
giving them an opportunity to take their creative work, and import it
directly into OpenSim + ModRex.  (Without having any "SL" experience at

I believe the best thing we can possibly do is create better content
creation tools for artists, and make it as EASY as possible to bring good
content in.  There is absolutely no reason to REQUIRE a persistent "always
on" Sync with the server (and content should be able to be created offline,
that's the whole point of using blender, and then simply uploaded with a
quick touch of the "SYNC" button).  Although it might not be a bad idea to
have a "toggle on/toggle off" sync button that could be left on (with a
persistent sync to the server) for those that just really enjoy burning up
bandwidth (or for those working/collaborating with others in real-time).
 But please make sure that persistent internet connectivity is not a
requirement, because mobile users (such as myself) would really prefer to
design things whenever/wherever and not have to have a persistent internet
connection to a server.  I would prefer to develop locally (offline), and
then simply just "sync" (import/export) the finished creation to a server
when I'm at a place with a high bandwidth internet connection.

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Peter Steinlechner

> IMHO i think a smooth as possible blender upload would benefit the entire
> content production and bring the community of blender artists with their
> great works on board. For people that love rapid prototyping Sketchup is a
> great, easy to learn and free option and after all - those who love to use
> prims like back in sl they can.
> From the social aspects i see no reason why this should hinder the artisan
> from inworld activities as well as from collaborative works and it rather
> frees them to work with less distractions.
> So much for my 5 cents in this topic and YAY!  We are not in SL anymore!
> realxtend rawks big time
> On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Tara Desoto <tarades...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> HI Senor Martin ..
>>   I hope you have been well !    I would like to give you a few comments
>> .    From my perspective ,  I would hope that you don't  remove Talented
>> Craftsmen , Artisans and Architects from the world Grids by creating only an
>> OFF line content creation  pipeline that removes the  Artisans avatar from
>> the worlds .    There are several reasons why I would like to see builders
>> remain in world and not simply pipeline content .    Some reasons are social
>> and cultural , some of the other reasons are economic .
>> Some Concerns I have ::
>>   Content Creators are very good citizens of a world grid .    Serious ,
>> large scale grid owners know that these content creators are critical to
>> there early success .   I personally sponser these creators much like a
>> Rennaissance Era Princess would .   I give them everything they need , money
>> , land etc to succeed . But they also need to see me in world ,  in order to
>> remain highly motivated as I want and need them to be .    I suppose I could
>> require the guys to be in world while they pipeline content , but then its
>> easy for them to say they were AFK working ..    So in terms of Global
>> management of a crew , I feel its essential that work is done in world..
>> Economically ,  I would hope to see builders in world , because these are
>> good jobs .  They also bring more content creators to the world grid as they
>> say that the world is a good place to live a virtual life ...    What kinds
>> of jobs and opportunities do we have in world if we remove the construction
>> trades  from our world grids  ?     We also do not want a world full of game
>> players .   Game players do not contribute content generally so they are not
>> productive in world .   They are consumers ..  We need consumers and
>> producers in world .   Economically , I feel its essential that people are
>> able to project there vision and plans upon the world  ( while they are in
>> world ) .   IF people only see a world as being a place for them to play a
>> game ,  this is going to dramatically reduce the amount of content that is
>> in world .  It could possibly lead to a near monopoly of content where the
>> world owner needs to create much of the content herself .   This is viable
>> in small scale operations , but is impossible in larger grids  for one
>> person to create content for 1000 regions , for example .
>>   I could go on and on about my reasons as to why I need to see my
>> artisans in world creating there masterpieces and my biggest concerns  that
>> I have is that I am very precise in what I require my guys to do and they
>> dont motivate like they do when they are with me  .  In many cases , if they
>> do not see me , they may not even really care about the job too much .   Who
>> knows if I can get the person to even produce in such a situation without
>> them  having direct contact with me .
>>   I also see mistakes that others do not see and In my view ,  Its going
>> to be hard for most of them to meet the requirements of my builds if they do
>> not have direct contact with me during the building process in world .
>> Part of this reason , is because they all like to take short cuts ,
>> regardless of how much money they are being paid .   I have never seen a
>> build where a person has created exactly what i want without changes having
>> to take place .   For example , I could say , this flooring is not right ,
>> I do not like those windows .. That should have been pure white cement and
>> not that shade you used... ETC ..  So a method of fixing things , some what
>> on the fly like this , would be very helpful . IF they can't do it in world
>> at least in some modest way , I think we are going to get less work done
>> than we would like to , because it is going to take them longer to fix there
>> builds.   In short and if possible  senor Martin ,  I would like you to
>> integrate blender  into the world building system so that we can some how
>> keep builders in world .   You probably have a colloborative solution in
>> place already ,  I am simply saying that this solution is important to the
>> success of larger grids.   Lastly ,  while it is probably a defeat for me if
>> all of my builders are creating content off world , but we all sincerely
>> appreciate your efforts in creating a working build system for Taiga .
>>  Thank you Senor Martin for taking the time to read my response
>>  Tara Desoto
>> --
>> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
>> http://www.realxtend.org
>  --
> http://groups.google.com/group/realxtend
> http://www.realxtend.org


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