> Sure it does.  Red Hat 5 is one of the most popular versions of linux. 
> When you produce a program for Linux, you should test it on every commonly
> used version of Linux out there, including RedHat, Debian, Caldera,
> Slackware, SuSE, and maybe others too.  It's still easier than testing it
> on even the common Windows configurations.  And it helps find bugs in your
> code (like with Netscape).  It would be best if they would distribute .RPM
> and .DEB and whatever files for their software.  The problem with
> installing software is always libraries, libraries, libraries.  It happens
> on Unix all the time, but Linux more than most.  I can download software
> and type "make solaris" and have a finished product come out the other
> end.  That's because there is a more-or-less universal set of libraries.  
> Linux doesn't have that and doesn't even have anything close to it.
> Linux changes libraries more than most of the developers change their
> underwear.

that's not entirely true. if you build under solaris 2.4, it's likely
that it will work under solaris > 2.4. however, if you build something
on 2.5.1 or 2.6, it will NOT work under 2.4 because of library
incompatibility issues. and i think stuff built on 2.6 won't work on
2.5(.1), but i haven't tested that myself.  linux isn't alone in
having library compatibility issues, but it arguably has more of them
than other OS's.  it also has a lot more different libraries by
default than other unix variants which, to me, is a good thing. 


  Time is like fingers        A    |  Tim Pickering ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Gesturing for me to stop -- Quake  |  UA Steward Observatory
   Why is the sun up?       Haiku  |  Tucson, AZ  85721     520-621-6523

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