>  Maybe I misunderstand here, but this seems to be a
>  where -
>       A working Linux system using GRUB with MBR on HD-A,
>  file on HD-A
>       had a new disk drive HD-B added to it.
>       They did nothing apparently to reconfigure the box
>  bootwise.
>       They added the filesystems onto HD-B and used them for
>  whatever.
>       HD-B croaked.
>       When they removed HD-B from the ide BUS, things with
>  broke
>       Since everything for GRUB should be on HD-A which is
>  operational.....
>       Grub should not have a problem locating the .conf file
>  since it should still
>       exist on HD-A.
>  fail to work when DRIVE B is Removed from the IDE Chain?
>  >  >
>  >  > > The problem is, I have understood the problem.
>  >  can't boot when GRUB
>  >  > > can't find grub.conf.
>  >  >
>  >  > GRUB doesn't even come that far as was explained in
>  first
>  >  > message.
>  >  >
>  >  > If it booted into GRUB shell and then wouldn't find
>  >  config file,
>  >  > that would be a minor problem.
>  >  >
>  >  > > You can when it can.  When you remove hdb GRUB
>  >  > > can't find the .conf file and that is why you
>  boot.

>>OTTO's REPLY ----
>  I agree with the what you are saying.  Something is
>  when HDB is
>  removed.  I don't know what.  I can tell you that the
same thing will
>  happen if you add/delete a partition on 'HAD'.  We
>  conjectured that it
>  could be hardware, but they say its not so I don't know,
>  we do know
>  for a fact that it can't locate the .conf file by what
projection has
>  taken place.  It could be as simple as the partition are
>  renumbered or as complicated as a GRUB problem.  But the
addition and
>  removal of the drive is changing something.

I have not seen grub source, but Grub is apparently a
multi-load phase boot loader,
the MBR piece loads the rest of the boot loader
off of the /boot partition which then loads the OS etc.

Okay, Most boot loaders do not record things as Partition
numbers in the MBR piece.
Ie from an OS / LINUX perspective of hardware, it wont be
/dev/hda00 or whatever
in the MBR.

Instead, It will be hardcoded as a disk drive number from a
hardware perspective
IDE Controller, unit select info, the stuff you see in the
messages file
during boot and a
Block offset on the disk from whence to start looking for
the superblock.
This will be the first block number on the ide disk that
/boot starts physically at.

However, The MBR record should have the correct pointers to
HD-A drive and /boot partition since the system was
initially setup that way.
If you stick drive B back on the bus and change nothing
else, things work again
from what I understand here. I think your GRUB prompt is
coming out of the MBR piece
but you would have to check the source code.

Since the /boot filesystem
is where the CONF file and the rest of grub is apparently
located and is supposed
to be the first partition on the drive this should always

Now if you make /boot further in on the drive and then
change the sizes of the partition(s)
before the /boot partition and dont tell grub's MBR piece
about the change
you will have the kinda problem that Otto apparently had
with Grub, thats because
grub cant find the real start of the /boot partition since
the block offset into the
disk just changed. Otto would have to confirm that was the
case in his situation.

I think that Otto was on the right track, but was not
explaining his position clearly.
The issue here is apparently why does adding in Drive B Not
mess up
the MBR's sense of where Drive A is on the IDE chain , but
when drive B is removed
the MBR can't find drive A.

There must be a radical shift in how the BIOS is dealing
with the drives
since the original create of LINUX in a single drive
configuration, the addition
of the second drive and subsequent removal there of.

(Of course, this is only a theory mind you...)

Sort of an example to give you the idea of where I am going
here -

        At Create time of LINUX

                Drive A - bus address 123456 - recorded that way in MBR

        Add in Drive B
                        ROM BIOS reconfiguration of it's device tables.....

                        Drive A - bus address 123456  MBR points to 123456
                        Drive B - bus address 123455

        Remove drive B -

                        ROM BIOS reconfiguration of it's device tables.....

                        Drive A - bus address 123454   MBR points to 123456

                        Rom Bios loads MBR, MBR tries to load rest of Grub
                        from disk at bus address 123456 and fails
                        (no such device or address since BIOS changed the base
                        of drive A for whatever reason during reconfiguration.)

        reinstall drive B -
                        ROM BIOS reconfiguration of it's device tables.....

                        Drive A - bus address 123456  MBR points to 123456
                        Drive B - bus address 123455

                        Rom Bios loads MBR, MBR tries to load rest of Grub
                        from disk at bus address 123456 and succeeds

        Bios restores drive A address to original create time

In other words, this is probably a hardware/bios issue and
not anything wrong with GRUB itself. You are somehow
changing the low level
device references for the A Drive by removing the B drive
and the change in address is not consistent with the address
used for the original install
but somehow it resets to those values by reinserting the B
drive on the bus.

I guess you could put debug into grub to dump out the values
it gets from the BIOS initially to see how they change. More
likely this is a BIOS issue, the question is How to verify
or disprove it.
If we know this can happen, perhaps GRUB's MBR piece can be
modified to deal with it
by its creators.

The bus address references could simply be the index into
the bios drive tables plus their
address. You have to somehow account for scsi controllers
and ide controllers
and booting off the scsi controller drives, so it has to be
more than a table index
in the MBR. The "address" has to point to the controller
address and enough info
to fetch data off of the /boot sector for phase two of the

I have not done any OS development on PC's so take this with
a grain of salt....

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