would it be so much additional work to put the results in a form that
a javascript or any other html-related language could digest?

I mean, I am still in the phase of getting information, but I don't
see how is it possible that Jmol makes possible to render complex 3d
structures, and make zoom and pan possible (obviously not like zooming
and panning an image) and not possible for 2d plots

Could you explain better what do you mean by "finding the extent of a
matplotlib object"?


> I worked on a function that would wrap any matplotlib plot as a Sage
> Graphics object.  The idea was that you could do whatever you wanted in
> matplotlib, put your plot in a variable (say plt) and then just do
> Graphics(plt)
> and you would have a Sage graphics object that you could then combine
> with any other Sage graphics object, show, etc.  The mostly-finished
> code is athttp://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5128.  I'm having
> problems finding the extent of an arbitrary matplotlib object (in the
> get_minmax_data function), though, so it's at a standstill until me or
> someone else can figure that out.  If you're interested in working on
> it, post a note to the trac ticket and go for it!
> Jason
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