On Sep 10, 2:36 am, Dima Pasechnik <dimp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After some trial and error, I came 
> acrosshttp://r.research.att.com/tools/#gcc42

I mentioned this link in one of my (many) posts on this thread - sorry
if I didn't highlight it more.

> that describes a process of building gfortran using Xcode gcc-4.2
> (available since Xcode release
> 3.1.1, at least --- current is Xcode 3.1.4 released Sept 2009).
> This will work on both PPC and Intel Macs running at MacOSX version
> 10.5 or higher.

10.5 isn't a problem, as you pointed out; we apparently already use
gfortran there.

> I imagine this can be put into the fortran spkg.
> There are also instructions for MacOSX 10.4 (the Apple's gcc is older
> there, so the patch is different...)

This is what I would be interested in figuring out how to do, even
with help, if that really helped things (again, see #9808; I agree
with drkirkby that just to remove a few checks it isn't worth dropping
a platform, though it sounds like he's also right about ATLAS checks
being irrelevant).

> Instead of this, it looks easier to require gfortran from the above be
> installed (they provide binaries), just
> as gfortran is required on Linux.

As I point out in an earlier post, it isn't clear whether one can get
"just" the fortran compiler out of the Tiger binaries, because they
provide a custom gcc 4.2 - but Tiger in general only ships with
4.0.1.  Some snooping indicates that one can use the gfortran 4.0.3
with gcc 4.0.1, but unfortunately FSF doesn't seem to provide its
"prerelease" gfortran 4.0.1/3 available anywhere (Wikipedia says this
was considered an alpha of sorts, though I don't know if this is to be

Of course, this part may be rendered moot if the current discussion on
#9808 proves fruitful; then drkirkby can at the very least remove
references to G95 that have nothing to do with Darwin.

- kcrisman

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