[CTRL] [6] The Thousand Conspiracy

2000-06-19 Thread Kris Millegan

The Thousand Conspiracy - Secret Germany Behind the Mask
Paul Winkler
Charles Scribner’s Sons©1943
New York
381 pps. – First Edition – Out-of-print


ON MAY 30, 1932, Bruening resigned. Von Papen followed as Chancellor and was
succeeded on December 2, 1932, by General von Schleicher. Von Papen's and
Schleicher's governments were the last two before Hitler's advent to power on
January 30, 1933. The main trends underlying these events were the following:

(a) When von Papen succeeded to power he expected to have Hitler's support.
It was with this in mind that he had procured subsidies from the
industrialists for Hitler. The latter's support would be very useful to him,
for although he governed with the aid of Presidential "decrees of
dissolution," no Chancellor could afford to dismiss the Reichstag too often.
The Nazis were the most important party in the Reichstag. Although they did
not have a majority at their disposal, their support was nevertheless of
great value to a government head. Besides, Hitler was an excellent "bogeyman"
who could serve to hold in check the parties of Germany's left, and
intimidate countries abroad. The latter, under the effects of this
intimidation, would be much more apt to make concessions to Germany in the
direction desired by the Prusso-Teutonics. Von Papen figured that the bargain
he had concluded with the Fuehrer was fair and satisfactory to both. He
therefore expected it to last, the more so because Hitler could not hope to
accede to power himself. Indeed the Marshal had pronounced an absolute veto
of this possibility and the Reichswehr did not look upon it favorably either.

(b) Von Papen knew that he could count on the support of the real masters of
Germany, the ruling Junker clique and heavy industry. He served them well and
had no doubts about his reward. Also, he had been on an equal footing with
Schleicher in the overthrow of Bruening, and the general accepted a place in
his cabinet as Minister of the Reichswehr. The Reichswehr would therefore be
behind him too. Possessing, in addition, Hindenburg's friendship and counting
on Hitler's integrity, von Papen imagined that he would remain at the head of
the government for many years.

(c) Von Papen, believing his regime to be a lasting one, let it be understood
that he had plans reaching far into the future. To consolidate his position
positively he projected a reform of the Weimar Constitution, a reform which
would have procured him quasi-dictatorial powers and would have put an end to
the parliamentary system, condemned to death by the Prusso-Teutonics. Then,
in the field of foreign policy, von Papen recommended ideas in the direction
of a "European Federation" under German control, and spoke of a rebirth of
the Holy Roman Empire. He had not, of course, taken any of his ideas from
Hitler but rather from purely Prusso-Teutonic sources. Nevertheless one may
say that if he had been able to maintain himself in power he would have tried
to carry out, internally as well as abroad, schemes almost identical to those
which Hitler was to produce later.

The result would have been practically the same and probably Prussian Gennany
under von Papen's control would have taken a direction about identical with
the one she took under Hitler. True, von Papen would have carried out some of
his plans at a different tempo, not possessing Hitler's brutally determined
spirit. But what he lacked in brutality he compensated for in subtlety and
his regime would doubtless have deceived foreign countries much longer.
Hitler's one merit is that of having brought the danger into the foreground,
into the public eye. The characteristic brutality of his expression and
action has resulted in making the world aware of the threat for which
actually the Prusso-Teutonic forces are responsible-more aware than if a more
commonplace individual, von Papen, for example, had pursued the same course.

The reason why von Papen was not the one finally to put these plans into
practice for the Prusso-Teutonics was that Hitler did not intend him to be.
Hitler was incontestably the stronger of the two. He was not going to allow
von Papen to get the credit for the performance, nor to content himself with
the role of "bogeyman." He might consider this role but only if he could play
it as a star. He had realized that von Papen expected to maintain himself in
power as compensation for his faithful service to the Prusso-Teutonics. He
therefore decided that he would not let him have that privilege: that he
himself would occupy that post and serve the same interests with even greater
devotion, allowing von Papen at most a position in the background.

Blackmail and Intrigue

The following sequence of events developed from the interplay of the motives
discussed above:

1.—Von Papen organized his cabinet with Schleicher as Minister of War and
representatives of the Junkers as holders of the greater number of
portfolios. Von Pap

[CTRL] Fwd: Philippines - Regional Isolation

2000-06-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Stratfor.com's Global Intelligence Update - 20 June 2000
Tomorrow's news is today's intelligence.
On Stratfor.com:

Ukraine after Chernobyl

Zimbabwe Risks South Africa's Ire

Manila's Mismanagement: A Reopening for Washington


The Philippine government has warned foreign governments not to
give in to ransom demands of the Abu Sayyaf, which has held 21
international hostages in the southern Philippines since April. The
comment came in response to reports that Malaysia, dissatisfied
with Manila's handling of the situation, has suggested paying for
the release of the hostages. Tensions between Manila and Kuala
Lumpur are heightening as the Philippine government attempts to
shift domestic and international attention from its inability to
quickly resolve the hostage situation. In the long term, this
diversionary tactic will do serious damage to the Philippines'
relations with its neighbors.


The Philippine government June 19 reiterated a warning to foreign
governments not to give in to ransom demands of the Abu Sayyaf, a
group that has been holding 21 hostages taken from a Malaysian
island in April. The statement followed the Malaysian foreign
minister's suggestion that paying a ransom may be a viable option.
In addition, Manila threatens to further strain relations with
Kuala Lumpur by again raising the Philippines' claim of sovereignty
over the Malaysian state of Sabah.

The government in Manila is increasingly isolating the Philippines
from its Asian neighbors. It is cultivating a tough image to shift
the blame and attention away from its inability to resolve domestic
problems. In the short term, such tensions will further complicate
negotiations for the release of the hostages. In the longer term,
the isolation may allow the United States to be drawn back into the

Would you like to see full text?

Since it began almost two months ago, Manila and Kuala Lumpur have
been split as to how to resolve the hostage situation in the
southern Philippines. Malaysia has expressed concern at the
apparent lack of progress in bringing the crisis to an end.

The Philippine government refuses even to consider ransom as an
option. In contrast, while on a visit to the Philippines June 15
Malaysian Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said, "in exceptional
circumstances like this there would have to be exceptional ways of
dealing with such matters."

The Philippine government faces mounting international criticism
and reports that both Malaysia and Germany are considering payment
for the hostages' release. In order to mitigate negative domestic
press as well, Manila has begun shifting blame for its inability
thus far to solve the difficult Abu Sayyaf problem.

For example, Philippine Senator Rodolfo Biazon, chairman of the
Senate Committee on National Defense and Security, suggested that a
Malaysian-based crime group was responsible for the kidnapping in
Sipadan, rather than the Abu Sayyaf, according to ABS-CBN News.
Biazon implied that this might be a reason behind Kuala Lumpur's
efforts to "meddle" in the hostage situation.

In addition, Philippine Immigration Commissioner Rufus Rodriguez on
June 13 called for the expulsion of the Malaysian ambassador to the
Philippines for his interfering in the hostage negotiations by
meeting with the Abu Sayyaf in May, according to the Straits Times.
Rodriguez's recommendation echoed similar calls by Philippine
senators in May.

The heightened tensions between Manila and Kuala Lumpur are
symptomatic of the Philippine government's reactionary tactics to
rebuild popular support and cover for its inability to solve their
problems. President Joseph Estrada's administration has suffered a
loss of popular support amid continuing economic malaise, an
escalation of fighting against separatists in the south and
accusations of graft and corruption.
For more on the Philippines, see:

The tensions have also spilled over to an older, more deep-seated
issue. Calls for a review of the Philippine's position on the issue
of the state of Sabah, claimed by both nations, have again arisen
in the Philippine Senate.

Raising the issue of Sabah further distracts from the domestic
issues and potentially plays to nationalism. In addition, the
Muslim separatist struggle in the Philippines traces its roots back
to the dispute over Sabah, cla

Re: [CTRL] CIA-Drugs Symposium: A Glimpse Behind The Veil

2000-06-19 Thread tenebroust

Kris, you deserve a great deal of accolades for organizing this event.  It couldn't 
have come at a better time and in a more productive climate for change.  I believe, as 
you and many of the other speakers at the event do as well, that the war on drugs and 
the financing of illicit covert operations by the CIA (and other intelligence 
agencies) with drug money is a NEXUS point for "the Conspiracy" of elite societal 
control and manipulation, and the means by which fascist, totalitarian, police state 
tactics are implemented to undermine the constitution and our freedom and rights.  It 
also explains why (some) drugs will NEVER be legalized, because there is TOO MUCH 
money being made that is financing TOO MANY illegal black programs, that is totaly 
secret and out of the public perception.
Thanks again for doing this and keeping us all informed.

On Mon, 19 June 2000, Kris Millegan wrote:

> from:
> http://www.disinfo.com/disinfo?p=folder&title=CIA%2DDrugs+Symposium%3A+A+Glimp
> se+Behind+The+Veil
> Click Here:  HREF="http://www.disinfo.com/disinfo?p=folder&title=CIA%2DDrugs+Symposium%3A+A
> +Glimpse+Behind+The+Veil">d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - CIA-Drugs Symposi…
> -
> CIA-Drugs Symposium: A Glimpse Behind The Veil
> "Whatever system we are living under, it is not a democracy, and we are not
> protected by the Rule of Law," said the former US Assistant Secretary of
> State for Housing & Urban Development.
> The US Government has known about drug trafficking among its assets,
> protected those assets helpful to whichever cause the US Government was
> backing at the time, and will never legalize any of the currently illicit
> substances as there is too much money being made from the War Against Some
> Drugs.
> These were the overall messages at the CIA-Drugs Symposium in Eugene Oregon
> (June 10th, 2000). "I'm just really tired of the situation we’ve got here,
> and I really don't want my children to have to deal with it," said organizer
> Kris Millegan in his opening remarks. With a showing of the film Secret
> Heartbeat Of America, by Daniel Hopsicker, detailing America’s secret history
> during the later half of the 20th Century setting the tone right away. This
> was not an event for those who didn’t want to know the truth, or who believe
> what they don’t know won’t hurt them!
> Speakers included Millegan, Hopsicker, Mike Ruppert (former LAPD narc and
> publisher of the newsletter From The Wilderness), Dedon Kamathi (former Black
> Panther, and still-outspoken activist), Catherine Austin Fitts (former
> Assistant Secretary of State for Housing & Urban Development under President
> Bush from 1989 to 1990), Cele Castillio, 12 veteran of the DEA, Rodney Stich
> (author and former FAA flight accident investigator), and Peter Dale Scott
> (former Canadian diplomat, Professor at University of California, Berkeley,
> and prolific author).
> "This report is full of lies, flat out lies, in terms of what they've already
> admitted," remarked Scott, about the report released by CIA-man Rep. Porter
> Goss (R-FL). The US Select Committee On Intelligence (May 11th, 2000) found
> "no evidence" of any involvement of any CIA employee or assets in the
> narcotics trade, at any time.
> In a report completed the week before the symposium, Scott writes that the
> committee has for some time, instead of exerting some form of oversight of
> the Intelligence Committee, "had been operated as a rubber stamp, deflecting
> public concern rather than representing it. It is however possible that never
> before has such a dishonest and deceptive document, on such an important
> subject, been approved without dissent by the full membership of the
> committee . . .The CIA practice of recruiting drug-financed armies is an
> ongoing matter."
> Cele Castillio, who was the DEA's sole American field agent in Guatemala and
> El Salvador from 1985 to 1990, told the room about his misadventures trying
> to investigate the trafficking in and out of those Central American countries
> during Oliver North’s Contra supply operations. "I was there, I saw it. I
> kept journals. I took pictures of the good, the bad and the ugly," claimed
> Castillio.
> "I met then Vice-President Bush at a party in the US Embassy in El Salvador
> once, and told him there was something funny about the Contras, after Bush
> asked me what I did. He just smiled and walked away."
> Castillio says he saw Bush meet later that day with Ollie North and others in
> the same US Embassy building. "It is going to get worse before it gets
> better," revealed Castillio about prohibition and the false War Against Some
> Drugs, "but we know who did this to us."
> As Kamathi, co-founder of Crack the CIA Coalition, and a record producer with
> Motown Records who focuses on Conscious Rap, as opposed to the
> Gangsterism-promoting Rap, said in his impassioned presentation, "When you
> think Crack, don’t think Black, think CIA!"
> Research by Preston Peet
> [E

Re: [CTRL] Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber

2000-06-19 Thread tenebroust

I read this article, and it is fascinating.  The CIA experimentation angle is most 
intriguing.  I highly recommend it.

On Sun, 18 June 2000, Michael Pugliese wrote:

>  http://www.theatlantic.com/cgi-bin/o/issues/2000/06/chase.htm
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Rabin book -- Barry Chamish review

2000-06-19 Thread Tenorlove

Forwarded for information and discussion purposes.

from http://www.rb.org.il

Rabin Assassination/Commentary: YOUR BROTHER'S BLOOD -- THE FIFTH

by Barry Chamish [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

MODIIN, Yom Rishon (Day One -- "Sunday"), 15 Sivan, 5760 (Gregorian
Date: June 18, 2000) (Hijri Date: 15 Rabi Awal, 1421), Root & Branch:
Just a year ago, there was only one truthful book about the Rabin
assassination, mine, entitled, "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin". Now there
are five, listed at the end of this review.

Michael Raz Steinkrycer, better known as just Michael Raz, is a former
police investigator, whose book "Your Brother's Blood" traces the Rabin
assassination back to 1924, when a religious leader named Dahan was
murdered by the socialist Haganah for arranging a peace track with Arab
religious leaders. Since then, anyone who challenged the authority of
the Bolshevist founders became a candidate for murder by the
enforcement arm of the Labor Zionists, the Shabak.

Raz's book has precisely the same theme as David Morrison's "Lies: The
Rabin Assassination and the Israeli Secret Service" and covers some of
the same ground; i.e. Bus 300, the false arrests of 17 soldiers in 1994
for allegedly stealing army weapons to be used by a non-existent right
wing underground. However, "Your Brother's Blood" enters realms where
Morrison feared to tread, such as the wrongful imprisonment of Amos
Baranes to cover up for a Shabak officer's murder of the soldier Rachel
Heller, the corrupt dominance of Yossi Ginosar and his perjury which
to the long incarceration of a Druze army officer Izat Nafso, and the
ugly suppression of Rabbi Uzi Meshulum and his congregation who dared
to expose the kidnappings of thousands of, mostly Yemenite, infants in
the early days of the state.

Raz's approach is invaluable to understanding how the mechanism of the
Rabin murder coverup works. Take the Baranes case. Though it was
that Rachel Heller's boyfriend, a Shabak agent named Bichovsky, was the

murderer, a stooge was set up to take the fall. None of this could have
happened without the approval and authorization of State Attorney
General Meir Shamgar, who was later called on by the Shabak to cover
up, first the truth of the Hebron massacre and turn Baruch Goldstein
into the fall guy and then the Rabin assassination, this time making
Yigal Amir the victim for another Shabak murder.

Like Morrison, Raz relies heavily on documentation supplied to him by
and Natan Gefen but comes up with some powerful new evidence as well.
Here are a few examples of how each Rabin book injects vital new
information into the investigation.

First, Raz finally sheds light on the mystery man of the murder
operation, Yekhezkiel "Khezi" Kalo. While it is universally known that
Shabak provocateurs Avishai Raviv and Yigal Amir were employed by the
Jewish Department based in Hebron, the chain of command is still fuzzy.

Their immediate superior was Eli Barak, head of this department, and we
know lots about him. He is a wife swapper, stalker, drunk driver, wife
beater and liar. In his most publicized act of debauchery, he stalked
the reporter Carmela Menashe. One of his group of wife swappers in the
suburban town of Kochav Yair was murdered in New York at the same time
Barak was visiting there. After smashing his car while drunk, Barak
lied to the police and testified that his passenger was behind the
wheel. All
in all, we have a picture of a violent misfit, just the type of
personality who would murder for "peace".

But, of Kalo, we knew next to nothing until the publication of the Raz
book. We knew he was head of the Non-Arab Anti-Subversive Department of
the Shabak and that he was Eli Barak's superior officer. How this
department differs from Barak's is still covered in mystery. A year and
a half ago, a terrified Kalo went public and in radio interviews and an
infamous newspaper article, claimed he didn't know Avishai Raviv and
separated from him by eight officers in the Shabak's chain of command.

Being kind, the approach didn't wash. No matter how many underlings
dealt with Raviv on a continuing basis, he was their commander.

Now look what Raz reveals about Eli Barak. He is not merely
"religious", but a graduate of a Bnei Akiva yeshivah, the very
organization which
supplies Judea and Samaria with many, if not most, of its Jewish
residents. In fact, the principal of Kalo's yeshivah was the fiery
Knesset member, Rabbi Ba-Gad.

So far, Kalo is merely a betrayer of his community. But let the
following fact sink in deep. While Yigal Amir was in Riga, Latvia
receiving Shabak training in 1992, Kalo was the Shabak officer in
charge of security for the region!!! It sure looks like he was in on
the Amir recruitment and subsequent exploitation from the very first

Then there is the dilemma of Health Minister Dr. Ephraim Sneh. In one
the most damning incidents of the murder, Sneh, then Health

[CTRL] FL's Delta Squad: Crime in the name of the Law

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Crime in the name of the Law

© St. Petersburg Times, published June 18, 2000

BRADENTON -- They prowled the streets of Manatee County, looking
for the perfect victims -- poor, troubled people no one would

Then, they robbed them. Beat them. And even bragged about it.

When it began to come apart, they hung together and conspired to
keep quiet. They saw themselves as above the law.

After all, they were the law.

The crimes committed by the Delta squad, an elite drug
interdiction team at the Manatee County Sheriff's Office, have
trickled out in shocking detail in federal court during the past
eight months.

It's a tale of rogue cops who routinely lied on police reports
and carried their own stash of crack cocaine to plant if they
couldn't find any on the people they wanted to bust.

"They developed their own set of rules and mind-sets about how
things should be," said Mark Lipinski, a Bradenton lawyer who
represents several Delta squad victims. "They preyed upon people
who were basically defenseless."

So far, the toll is jarring: Four Delta squad agents have pleaded
guilty to a variety of federal charges and await sentencing. More
than 100 charges have been dropped against 67 defendants in cases
made by Delta officers.

And the federal investigation, according to the lead prosecutor
on the case, is continuing.

Among the transgressions detailed in federal plea agreements:

Delta agents got a bogus search warrant for a Manatee County
duplex and planted crack cocaine there. A woman visiting the home
was arrested. As a result of her felony conviction, she lost
custody of her child. Before her encounter with the Delta squad,
she had no criminal record. Eventually, her conviction was
overturned and her child was returned.

Delta officers conducted an illegal search of a Bradenton motel
room and stole $9,000 from a man, who filed a complaint with the
Sheriff's Office. Later, deputies planted crack cocaine in the
man's car as retaliation for the complaint.

Delta agents routinely obtained search warrants based on lies: If
drugs had been bought outside a house, Delta officers would say
the buy had taken place inside the home and get a search warrant
for the house.

The officers brought crack with them on busts. If they didn't
find any in the homes or pockets of the people they were trying
to arrest, they would plant it. Fabricating cases wasn't the only
aim. The agents wanted to use seizure laws to take cars and other
property from their victims.

Sometimes the agents would give crack cocaine to people who were
helpful to their investigations.

One agent bragged that Delta operated under the "good old boy"
system and didn't have to abide by rules to which other deputies
were subjected.

How did the officers of the Delta squad get so out of control?

Sheriff's Office officials called them renegade cops who operated
under something approaching a code of silence.

Long-time Manatee Sheriff Charlie Wells, who is running for a
fifth term this fall, said that as soon as his office started to
see indications of bad cops among them, they began an internal

Based on evidence, Wells said he thinks the Delta crimes were
isolated incidents committed in a short time frame, perhaps three
to six months.

"Unfortunately, we still hire police officers from the human
race," Wells said. "Fortunately for us, this didn't go on for a
long time."

Others, however, aren't so sure.

"This way of doing things seemed to be a fairly entrenched, okay
way of doing things," said Jeffrey Del Fuoco, lead prosecutor on
the case from the U.S. Attorney's Office. "It just seems to me
that this kind of a network doesn't spring up overnight."

Wells is known for his old-school law enforcement approach:
County jail inmates wear black and white striped uniforms and
work on a jail farm. The Delta task force, started in 1986, was
designed to combat the drug trade from street level to suppliers.
Despite the Delta scandal, Wells seems to have retained his
popularity in conservative Manatee County.

As the November election approaches, his only opposition comes
from a retired sheet-metal worker who has no law enforcement
experience, no political party affiliation and paltry campaign
funds. Wells' contribution list includes many of the county power
brokers. Why isn't anyone taking on Wells?

"Nobody thinks they have a chance, I guess," said Thomas
Williams, Wells' only challenger. "He's got too much money behind
him. He's got powerful people behind him."

Nevertheless, reverberations from the Delta scandal are unlikely
to end soon. Along with the continuing criminal investigation,
several lawyers have filed or are preparing civil lawsuits
seeking damages for those wronged by the Delta squad.

Blake Melhuish, a Bradenton lawyer who has represented a Delta
victim in criminal matters, said the federal plea agreements are
so detailed that they are virtual blueprints for civil lawsuits.

"There's no reason to wait anymo


2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 19, 2000

Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Raises Issues Not Previously Briefed Before The Eleventh Circuit;
Apparent Clinton-Gore Administration/Castro Collaboration In
Returning Elian To Cuba

Press Conference At 12:00 Noon at National Press Club
in Lisagor Room

Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000
Time: 12 O'clock Noon (EDT)
Place: National Press Club
Lisagor Room
529 - 14th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public-interest law firm
that battles corruption in government, has been active during the
Elian saga. Recently, in its Freedom of Information Act lawsuits,
it uncovered documents, pursuant to Court order, showing that
there is no valid policy with regard to deciding Elian's request
for an asylum hearing, but that instead the Clinton-Gore
Immigration and Naturalization Service ("INS")  had, pursuant to
an apparent deal, decided to become the de facto agent of the
Cuban government. Accordingly, the INS' decision to return Elian
to Cuba is void and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals must
reconsider its prior order.  The documents underpinning this
argument were not discovered until recently, and that is why
Judicial Watch is filing an amicus curiae brief with the Eleventh
Circuit. The lawyers of the Miami relatives did not raise these
arguments in the brief they filed last Thursday.

At the press conference today, Donato Dalrymple will appear via
telephone hookup from South Florida.

For more information, contact Richard Tomkins, Director of
Communications, at Judicial Watch, for further information -
(202) 646-5172.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hillary Hit on Guns and Tobacco at Merchant Marine Commencement

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Monday June 19, 2000; 7:25 PM EDT

Hillary Hit on Guns and Tobacco at Merchant Marine Commencement

It was a scene right out of First Lady Hillary Clinton's past,
when -- as a Wellesley validictorian -- she taunted her college's
commencement speaker, Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke, as an
out-of-touch limousine liberal.  Hillary's speech was such an
instant hit with the liberal intelligentsia she was profiled in
Life Magazine.

On Monday, as Senate candidate Hillary Clinton was waiting to
give her own commencement address to the U.S.  Merchant Marine
Academy at Kings Point, New York, midshipman validictorian Adam
Jay Vokac gave her some of her own medicine.

As the staunchly pro-gun control, anti-tobacco first lady sat
listening just feet away, Vokac went on a tear about the evils of
big government and spreading federal regulation.

"Guns and cigarettes have been hot topics lately," began the
defiant graduate.  "It seems that every day one reads about more
laws and legal actions against these industries.  Soon they will
be so restricted as to be essentially illegal."

Hidden behind dark sunglasses, Mrs.  Clinton didn't seem to
flinch as Vokac continued.

"I am not a smoker, nor do I own a gun.  But shouldn't a
responsible individual be allowed to smoke or own a gun in a free

The crowd applauded as Mrs.  Clinton sat unmoved.

Vokac called it "a basic human right" not to have to live in fear
of the legal system.  He challenged his fellow graduates to
"strive to keep and regain our individual liberties promised to
us in the Bill of Rights.

"We must not stand by complacently.  The longer we wait to assert
our freedom, the longer it will be to truly obtain."

If Vokac's speech made the first lady nostalgic for the days when
she played the defiant rebel, her own prepared remarks betrayed
no hint of it.

Sounding more like a president than a first lady, Clinton tried
to touch on all the issues Navy Secretary Richard Danzig might
have, had she not bumped him as commencement speaker last month.
( See: Hillary Bumps Navy Secretary at Merchant Marine

Clinton pushed all the right buttons, invoking military pride,
national sacrifice, American security interests and even
burgeoning globalism. Still, the applause she received was less
than frequent and polite at best.

As always, she never missed a chance to tout the
"accomplishments" of the Clinton presidency.

Despite moderately good weather and the star power of a sitting
first lady, there were plenty of seats left empty at the edges of
the crowd. Only a handful spectators stood when she was
introduced.  Fewer still rose to their feet after her speech was

Even before Vokac's remarks, the estrangement between the Senate
candidate and the service academy was apparent.  She was
introduced twice as Hillary "Rodman" Clinton.

When her turn came, Mrs.  Clinton invoked the memory of another
first lady's visit to the academy, telling the graduates and
their guests:

"You stand in the tradition of the midshipmen that Mrs. Roosevelt
came to pay tribute to.  She spoke about the heroics of the cadet
midshipmen, who were at that time, waging freedom's fight in
World War II.  During the war years Mrs.  Roosevelt kept a prayer
by her bedside.  'Help me to remember,' it said, 'somewhere out
there a man died for me today.'"

Apparently unaware of declining combat readiness and plummeting
recruitment, Mrs.  Clinton praised the military of the Clinton
years as, "the best trained, best equipped, best led armed forces
anywhere, at any time in history."

And without a hint of irony she announced, "It is time for the
international community to join us in cracking down on
terrorists from arms dealers to bombmakers to cyber-criminals
to rougue states."

She did not mention the Chinese arms dealer her husband feted at
the White House in 1996, or the Puerto Rican bombmakers he
pardoned last year to help her with New York's Hispanic vote.

Two midshipman gave NewsMax.com their reaction to Mrs.
Clinton's speech as the graduates waited to accept their

"If Secretary Danzig had been the speaker, those empty seats
would be filled," one said, complaining that he thought a Senate
candidate's presence had politicized the event.

"As a New Yorker and a Republican, I probably had a bad attitude
about her coming here to begin with," said the other.  "But you
saw how few people stood up when she got here -- that gives you
an idea of her support."

The Secret Service was unobtrusive and one agent even agreed to
answer questions off-the record.  But when asked if he'd seen any
evidence of Mrs.  Clinton's notoriously abusive temper, the agent
told NewsMax.com, "I can't talk about things like that."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer*


2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Does anyone find it peculiar that the DOJ would alert Donato's
cousin about the raid on the Gonzales home?]


Published: Saturday, June 17, 2000 Section: LOCAL Page: 2B

By LUISA YANEZ Staff Writer
Ft. Lauderdale Sun Sentinel

Attempts by Elian Gonzalez's Miami relatives to see the boy one
last time have been rebuffed by his father, but other South
Floridians are getting audiences with the 6-year-old.

In a new twist in the case, Sam Ciancio, 41, a Broward County
roofing company owner who plucked Elian from the waters off Fort
Lauderdale, flew to Washington this week and visited for hours
with the boy and his father Tuesday.

Ciancio, who with the help of his cousin Donato Dalrymple saved
the boy's life on Thanksgiving Day, offered few details about the

"He's very happy, I can tell you that much," said Ciancio, whom
Juan Miguel invited to come to the Rosedale estate in Washington,
expenses paid.

Ciancio appears to have become a South Florida insider with Juan
Miguel's entourage, much like Dalrymple, of Lauderhill, did with
the Miami relatives while they had custody of Elian.

Nowadays, Ciancio appears to have a direct pipeline to Juan
Miguel.  Days after the raid, Ciancio said he was among a few
people informed the federal agents would take the boy April 22 --
by way of a 4:15 a.m.  telephone call.  The raid went down at
5:15 a.m.

Ciancio would not elaborate about his conversations with the
father.  The two spoke through a translator, he said.

"What I can tell you is that the Miami relatives should just give
up their legal case and let them go home to Cuba already.  This
thing is getting ridiculous."

The visit marked the second time Ciancio has met with Juan
Miguel.  At the first encounter in early April while Elian was
still in Miami, Ciancio, the father of two, changed his mind
about keeping Elian in the United States and publicly broke with
Dalrymple and the Miami relatives.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] APB News: CIA Analyst Slain

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

CIA Analyst Slain in Apparent Robbery

Cops: Victim, Friends Ambushed by Man Demanding Money

June 19, 2000
By James Gordon Meek

WASHINGTON (APBnews.com) -- A CIA analyst's slaying over the
weekend was the result of a robbery attempt and not tied to his
work at the spy agency, authorities said today.

Metropolitan Police said John D. Muskopf, 28, was walking with a
group of friends in Washington's Shaw neighborhood at 2:30 a.m.
Saturday when a mid-sized red or burgundy car pulled up.
Witnesses said a man jumped out of the car brandishing a handgun
and demanding money.

"It appears Mr. Muskopf refused," according to a police statement
about the incident.

The robber then allegedly opened fire on the group, striking
Muskopf in the head and neck before he fled.

No arrests have been made in the case but police said the suspect
is a black male in his late teens or early 20s, 6 feet tall and
weighing 200 pounds, with braided hair.

Occupation dismissed as motive

Muskopf was taken to D.C. General Hospital and pronounced dead at
5:45 a.m.

The area where Muskopf was shot is just two blocks south of the U
Street corridor in Northwest, known for dozens of trendy cafes
and bars. Howard University Hospital is closer to the crime
scene, but it is likely Muskopf was dead at the scene and later
driven to D.C. General because the medical examiner's office is
located there, said Officer Kenny Bryson.

Bryson said investigators do not think Muskopf was targeted
because he works at the CIA.

"Based on preliminary information we have, we don't think his
association or occupation had anything to do with the incident,"
he said.

Bryson said D.C. police are investigating the homicide and have
not sought the assistance of the FBI or CIA but would welcome
their help. CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said the agency would
cooperate with authorities if asked.

'A senseless tragedy'

Mansfield said Muskopf was assigned to the Office of
Transnational Issues, where he worked as an analyst on nuclear
proliferation and security matters.

Muskopf, who was single, was "very sharp as an analyst and very
well liked by his colleagues," Mansfield said.

"This is a senseless tragedy," he added. "John and his family are
in our thoughts and prayers."

Conspiracy theories linger

In March 1996, former CIA Director William E. Colby disappeared
from his cottage on the Wicomico River in Maryland, fueling
speculation about possible foul play.

Ten days later Colby's body surfaced in the river, but his death
was determined to be the result of a boating accident. Still,
conspiracy theorists suspected he might have been murdered for
his unpopular decisions as director in the mid-1970s, or over
undisclosed secrets.

Anyone with information on Muskopf's death is asked to call the
Crime Solvers Unit at 1-800-673-2777. A $10,000 reward has been
offered for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

James Gordon Meek is an APBnews.com editor

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Appeals Court Won't Be Bypassed in Microsoft Case

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Appeals Court Won't Be Bypassed in Microsoft Case

Monday, June 19, 2000
By Eun Kyung-Kim
Fox news

WASHINGTON — The U.S.  Court of Appeals, in a victory for
Microsoft, rejected on Monday a request by the government that it
stay out of the huge antitrust case.

In doing so, the court turned down a Justice Department motion to
summarily dismiss Microsoft's requested stay of a federal judge's
June 7 order to break the software-maker into two companies and
restrict its business practices.

The department had sought to have the appellate court bypassed in
the appeals process following U.S.  District Judge Thomas
Penfield Jackson's order earlier this month. The department wants
the case sent directly to the Supreme Court for review.

The decision on Monday thwarting that attempt was the latest in a
series of legal volleys between Microsoft and the government in
the wake of Jackson's order that Microsoft be split in half as a
remedy for violating antitrust laws.

However, the appellate court did say that in the event that
Jackson sent the case directly to the nation's highest court, it
would stand aside.

The Justice Department issued a statement applauding that part of
the ruling.

"We're very pleased with the court's ruling that it would stay
further proceedings if the district court certifies the case for
direct appeal to the Supreme Court," said department spokeswoman
Gina Talamona.

She added that the court had issued the same order in the case
brought against the software-maker by 19 states — indicating that
it would follow the government's view that the cases have been
consolidated.  Microsoft had argued that the state case could not
be certified to the Supreme Court.

Jackson postponed his split of Microsoft from taking effect until
the case makes its way through the appeals process.  However, the
restrictions he ordered on company business practices would start
taking effect on Sept. 5.

On Friday, the department told the federal appeals court that
Microsoft violated federal rules of procedure by asking it to
stay antitrust penalties before the trial judge ruled on the same

Last week, Microsoft asked the appellate court for a stay after
Jackson deferred a decision on a stay.  On Thursday, Microsoft
filed a brief in the appellate court arguing that it was not
required to wait for Jackson's ruling.

The Justice Department has requested that Jackson send the case
directly to the Supreme Court, bypassing the appellate court,
which has reversed Jackson's decisions regarding Microsoft in the
past.  The past record of the appellate court toward Microsoft is
the reason the software-maker maneuvered to get the case heard by
that court.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Gore campaign hires Democratic Master of Disaster, Mark Fabini

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 19, 2000
Vol 5, Number 38

Absolutely Fabiani

The Gore campaign hires the Democratic Master of Disaster, Mark Fabiani.

By Matthew Rees

Al Gore and the reporters who tail him have a strained
relationship. He feels the coverage of his campaign has been
excessively negative; they resent his seldom making himself
available for their questions. The solution may be Gore's new
deputy campaign manager for communications, Mark Fabiani, who is
unique in the fraternity of political flacks: He's liked and
respected by the people he works for—and by the reporters he

Fabiani's reputation stems primarily from his work in 1995-96 as
the White House's spokesman on ethics. Spending the vast majority
of his time on Whitewater and Vince Foster, he quickly
established himself as honest, cooperative, and forthright in
responding to reporters' questions (a striking contrast with his
predecessor, John Podesta, and his successor, Lanny Davis). From
his first day on the job, he called for a break with the White
House's practice of withholding documents from Congress and the
public, pushing instead for full disclosure.

At the time, his strategy was counterintuitive. Why, wondered
many White House officials—including Hillary Clinton—would we
voluntarily air our dirty linen? Because, reasoned Fabiani, the
appearance of a coverup was more damaging than the facts of each
individual case.

But there was more to Fabiani's disclosure strategy than just
dumping thousands of pages of documents on reporters' desks.
Having handled the press for Los Angeles mayor Tom Bradley, he
knew a few tricks of the trade. One is to release embarrassing
documents on Friday evenings going into holiday weekends so the
material gets out when fewer people are attending to the news.
Another is to selectively provide reporters with information
unflattering to the White House. Since congressional Republicans
would eventually publicize such information anyway, why not put
it out on the White House's terms, then downplay it as old news
when the GOP got it?

Thus, it was Fabiani, according to the Los Angeles Times, who
first gave the Associated Press a memo written by a onetime White
House aide, David Watkins, that claimed Hillary Clinton had been
deeply involved in the sacking of White House travel office
employees. And it was Fabiani who first shared with reporters
Mrs. Clinton's long-sought billing records from the Rose Law

For disclosures like these, and for his candor generally, Fabiani
is still winning plaudits from the press. "He would answer my
questions without misleading me, make documents available, and
didn't seem to hold my newspaper against me," says Jerry Seper, a
reporter with the conservative Washington Times.

Another Whitewater reporter, not known for being a Clinton shill,
recalls Fabiani as a "straight shooter" who was "willing to
concede the obvious" and wouldn't give "robotic answers straight
from the talking points." Chris Vlasto, an investigative producer
with ABC News who is loathed by Clintonites, pays Fabiani this
compliment: "He is one of the only White House officials I'd like
to go out and have a drink with."

Those who know Fabiani are not surprised by his success. The son
of a policeman, he grew up in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania—Joe
Namath's hometown—then moved to Ontario, California, as a
teenager. In high school, he was a champion debater and twice
came to Georgetown for debate camps. He had the good sense to
befriend a guest lecturer at these camps, a rising star in
Democratic politics named Robert Shrum. He and Shrum have
remained close, and today Shrum, Gore's chief media strategist,
is Fabiani's invaluable ally in the campaign's inner circle.

After college at the University of Redlands, Fabiani went to
Harvard Law School, where he made law review and won the good
opinion of professor Alan Dershowitz, who places him "among the
handful of smartest students [he's] ever had." When Dershowitz
was retained to assist in the defense of Claus von Bülow, a
Danish socialite accused of attempted murder, Fabiani (then on
leave from a clerkship with judge Stephen Reinhardt of the Ninth
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals) was the first person he asked to
join him.

Fabiani's eight-year stint with Tom Bradley came next; in 1989,
at the age of 32, he was promoted to chief of staff and became
one of two deputy mayors. During his tenure, he tackled
everything from the Los Angeles riots to the move of the Los
Angeles Raiders, and skillfully navigated the city's political
minefields. (The Los Angeles Times once wrote that he was "widely
regarded as a brash, sharp-witted ‘boy wonder.'") As Bradley was
the subject of numerous ethics investigations, the work was
invaluable training for his White House post.

When Bradley left office in mid-1993, choosing not to run for
reelection, Fabiani could have cashed in by staying in Los
Angeles. Instead, he moved to Washington to take an anonymous
position in the Justice Department, handling 

[CTRL] Vince Foster was murdered - on the big screen!

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Jim Carrey's new movie claims Vince Foster was murdered!

Culture/Society Announcement Keywords: VINCE FOSTER, HOLLYWOOD,
Source: saw with my own eyes
Published: not published Author: pjd
Posted on 06/18/2000 04:53:45 PDT by pjd

I saw a sneak preview of Jim Carrey's new movie 'Me Myself and
Irene' last night. I have to warn you that there is a LOT of very
tastless humor throughout the movie, but if you can get past
that, there were a number of very interesting features.

For instance, there is a scene where one of Carrey's son hacks
into the FBI main frame and shouts 'I knew it! Vince Foster WAS
murdered!' Then a shot of the FBI file showing that Foster was
murdered is shown on the screen.'

Another interesting scene was when a small army of heavily armed
EPA agents (EPA agents!) were set to make an arrest. They assured
everyone that there would be no bloodshed but, for safety
purposes, moved all the civilians (witnesses) miles away. Then
they discussed their plan, among themselves, to simply break in
and start shooting. When one agent asked, 'What if they're
unarmed?', the agent in charge replied, 'We'll just plant a gun
on them after they're dead.' The whole thing was 'shades of

There were a number of other very politically incorrect pieces in
the movie, like how some people will take perfectly innocent
statements or actions completely out of context in order to play
the role of oppressed victim.

Anyway, there were a lot of very surprising 'political'
statements in this movie. I don't know what it means with regard
to Jim Carrey.  The movie was very funny, but again, I warn you
there is a lot of tastelessness in it that would even make Eddie
Murphy blush.

What's up with Jim Carrey? Hollywood has recently dumped lots of
praise on him for his portrayal of Andy Kaufman in the very PC
'Man in the Moon'. But they are going to come down hard on his
latest politically incorrect.

The 'Vince Foster was murdered!' scene is worth the price of
admission right there. Check it out.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] White House Staffers Avoided Investigation by Taking Pay Cut

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Weekly-June 19, 2000

White House Staffers Avoided Investigation by Taking Pay Cut

New Allegation Made in Freeh Memorandum


Another level of criminal sophistication in the White House was
revealed by the Freeh memorandum, penned years ago but kept from
the public until recently.

The White House appears to have planned ahead for the criminal
activity of some of its key top-level staffers.

"Most of the current officials have avoided coverage [of the
Independent Counsel statute] simply by accepting a salary below
level II," wrote FBI Director Freeh in the memorandum.

"Although he is authorized by statute to appoint and pay
twenty-five persons at level II, the President currently pays
only six persons at that level."

Those six persons exclude people like Harold Ickes, Bruce
Lindsey, George Stephanopoulos, and Thomas McLarty, all credibly
accused of engaging in specific criminal activity while working
in the White House.

Escaping coverage by the independent counsel statute means that
corrupt White House staffers can only be prosecuted by the
Justice Department, where Clinton has put the fix in as well. By
appointing people like Lee Radek, Eric Holder, Webster Hubbell,
and Janet Reno as goal-keepers, he has made certain that all
investigations of corrupt staffers will lead nowhere and that no
prosecution will take place. None of these DOJ officials have
shown any regard for the law they have been appointed to uphold.

FBI director Freeh directly suggested possible White House intent
to circumvent the law:

 "As these numbers show, the White House has avoided mandatory
 coverage [of the Independent Counsel statute] for virtually
 all of its top level officials by simply paying them below
 level II. Whether or not this is an intentional effort by the
 White House to limit the number of "covered" senior officials,
 it certainly exposes a loophole in the independent counsel

John Huang should have had IC.

Freeh did point out in the memo, however, that John Huang was
covered by the Independent Counsel statute and should have had
one appointed:

 "...it is almost nonsensical that the Independent Counsel
 Statute could be invoked for Peter Knight and Joan Pollit
 [chairman and treasurer of the Clinton-Gore Committee] but not
 for Don Fowler and John Huang.

Had John Huang been prosecuted by an independent counsel instead
of by the Justice Department, then maybe he would have been tried
for espionage or treason. Freeh referred to Huang's close ties to
Chinese intelligence as justification for the appointment of an
independent counsel to investigate Chinagate.

Published in the Jun. 19, 2000 issue of The Washington Weekly.
Copyright © 2000 The Washington Weekly. Now Free Access to All
Stories at http://www.federal.com

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Los Alamos scientists statements probed

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 18, 2000

Los Alamos scientists statements probed

By Todd R. Eastham

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scientists at a key U.S. nuclear weapons
facility have made "contradictory statements" about security
breaches which suggest someone is hiding something -- either
espionage or negligence that could cost them their jobs, a senior
official said Sunday.

 Edward Curran, director of the Energy Department's Office of
Counterintelligence, said "several contradictory statements made
by these people (with access to two highly sensitive computer
hard drives) ... tend to indicate they had some knowledge" of how
and why the hard drives disappeared and then reappeared Friday
under suspicious circumstances.

 Asked by a television interviewer if he could rule out espionage
at this time, Curran said "absolutely not." He added that the FBI
is treating the room where the hard drives were found "as a crime

 Still, Curran's boss, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, who
faces pressure from some lawmakers to resign, all but ruled out
espionage in a separate interview with NBC's "Meet the Press."

 Noting that all 26 people who had access to the vault in which
the hard drives were kept had been given lie detector tests,
Richardson said, "I believe there has been no espionage. It
doesn't appear the disks left the division."

 He blamed the incident on "human error, a mistake..."

 Curran said the FBI is putting all of its resources into
determining whether the hard drives were copied, or tampered
with, and "hopefully, we'll have some answers here today."

 The "best-case" scenario is the hard drives were misplaced out
of negligence or inattention to security procedures and never
left the secure area at Los Alamos where they were found, said
Curran, speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation."


 Under that scenario, the scientist or scientists who misplaced
them may have not come forward because they are "terrified" of
the consequences, he said. A breach of security could lead to
lost jobs or possible criminal prosecution, even if there was no
criminal intent.

 "There are contradictory statements being made and there are
several people involved" with access to the hard drives, Curran
said. "We were not even notified of this for three weeks. That in
itself is a major violation of the rules."

 Richardson said the three-week lapse "is inexcusable. I am
outraged." He vowed to "get to the bottom of this" lapse.

 "I have brought massive, massive security upgrades to the lab,"
he added, upgrading physical security with armed guards, and
computer security with procedures that stop classified
information from being transferred to unclassified computers, as
well as introducing polygraph tests.

 While refusing to rule out espionage, Curran also said "there is
no question in my mind this is a cultural question," where
scientists at the facility resist or resent security procedures
and seek to circumvent them.

 He cited efforts by researchers to avoid taking polygraph tests
to protect lab security, and to ensure they pass the tests if
they are forced to take them. "We know scientists scheduled to
take the polygraph are preparing to defeat the polygraph," Curran

 Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," Deputy Energy Secretary T.J.
Glauthier defended improvements in security at Energy Department
labs over the past year, but conceded "we had not properly
accounted for the human element" and needed to make greater
efforts to "change the culture at these laboratories."


 While no evidence of espionage had been uncovered and "the vast
majority are doing their jobs well" at the department, Glauthier
admitted the agency probably harbored "a few bad apples" who had
compromised security out of negligence or, possibly, criminal

 Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican and chairman of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, told "Face the Nation"
he found the reappearance of the hard drives tucked behind a
copier highly suspicious. "The FBI had done a rigorous
examination of the room and didn't find anything" in two previous
searches, he said.

 The hard drives, which contain what officials describe as highly
sensitive information on nuclear weapons, were found to be
missing when parts of the lab were evacuated after wildfires
threatened the facility last month.

 Shelby called on Richardson to resign and said the security
breach at Los Alamos, the second major lapse at the lab
discovered in just over a year, "is just another example of the
lax attitude" toward security in the Clinton administration.

 He cited the loss of sensitive laptop computers at the State
Department and the failure to prevent the transfer of secret
documents to an insecure personal computer at the home of a
former director of the CIA.

 Shelby, also appearing on "Fox News Sunday, said security
breaches under the Clinton administration are endemic and pose a
continuing threat to the United States and its allies.


[CTRL] 'Suicide' of House Intelligence Staff Director Raises Suspicion

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Sunday June 18, 2000 5:43 PM EST

'Suicide' of House Intelligence Staff Director Raises Suspicion

Widely quoted in the press these days is Congressman Porter Goss,
Republican of Florida and chairman of the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence.

Mr. Goss has had a thing or two to say about the lax security at
Los Alamos and the possible theft of U.S. nuclear secrets.

But recent disclosures about the woeful condition of U.S.
national security and the purview of Goss' House Intelligence
Committee should raise some questions about the death of John

John Millis served as staff director of the House Intelligence
Committee, in charge of the committee's day-to-day work.

He was found dead just two weeks ago on Sunday, June 3, in a
suburban Virginia motel.

Police say they were called to the Breezeway Motel in Vienna,
Va., at 8:12 p.m. and informed there was a man threatening to
kill himself.

 The police say they found Millis' body in the bathroom, dead of
a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

A former CIA official brought this strange death to the attention
of NewsMax.com.

The official said Millis was a "man of responsibility," and he
expressed surprise he would end up dead in "a fleabag motel."

 The buzz in the Washington intelligence community is that Millis
was being blackmailed. Some are surprised that his death hasn't
set off alarm bells.

 Even if the death was as claimed, a suicide, any unusual death
of someone so knowledgeable about U.S. national security is
typically treated with great concern.

For example, Millis could have been a target of a foreign
intelligence agency. The fact that Millis' death, considering his
high position, has drawn so little attention has some spooks
scratching their heads.

The 47-year-old Millis was a veteran CIA operations officer. He
left the CIA in 1993 to join the House Intelligence Committee. In
1996, Millis had investigated and uncovered the Clinton
administration's role in helping Iran transfer arms to Bosnian
Muslims. At the time Iran was on the State Dept.'s list of
terrorist states.

Millis left a wife and five children.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bill Richardson's express checkout

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-EDITORIAL • June 19, 2000

Bill Richardson's express checkout

 "Americans can be reassured," Bill Richardson said a year
ago. "Our nation's nuclear secrets are today safe and secure."
Well, the secretary of energy's secret is out: He and his
employees apparently can't keep one, not even if Americans' lives
depend on it. On Friday Mr. Richardson announced that
investigators had found two computer hard drives said to contain
information on nuclear weapons that experts describe as highly
sensitive. Department of Energy (DOE) officials said further
testing was necessary to confirm that they were the two devices
missing since early May. Interestingly, searchers found them
behind a copying machine in an area that the FBI had already
searched twice. Their miraculous reappearance, not unlike that of
Hillary Clinton's old billing records, suggests that whoever may
have had the devices nervously returned them in the uproar of
their disappearance. Whether their absence was a matter of
espionage or of incompetence is not yet certain. What troubles
lawmakers of both parties in the meantime is that there seems to
have been no procedure in place to require immediate notification
of top DOE officials of the problem. Nor was any system in place
to track who went in and out of the secure area where the hard
drives were stored. Complained Rep. Bart Stupak, Democrat of
Michigan, "Most Americans would find it hard to believe that the
public library has a more sophisticated tracking system for
Winnie the Pooh than Los Alamos has for highly classified nuclear
weapons data." Why have an express checkout line at a nuclear lab
of all places?
 Mr. Richardson says he's changed all that. Officials at Los
Alamos will now have to keep track of who comes and goes in the
secure area and with what. Why hadn't he foreseen the need for
even library-level security? Mr. Richardson says that he failed
to take into account something he refers to vaguely as the "human
element," as in, "[A]ll I am saying is that what we haven't taken
into account here, and this is a regret I have, is the human
element, the human error."

 Unless Mr. Richardson is suggesting that DOE is somehow at
risk of alien espionage, the statement is almost meaningless.
Most security measures are designed with "human" incompetence or
espionage in mind. Try and imagine the outrage of people such as
Mr. Richardson if a utility executive explained that information
on the operation of a nuclear power plant had fallen into the
hands of terrorists because he had failed to consider the "human

 Mr. Richardson says he will explain himself in person to
lawmakers as early as this week. He ducked an appearance before
the Senate Intelligence Committee last week, no doubt to get his
"spin" straight and to avoid TV cameras. Given that America's
nuclear secrets still aren't safe and secure a year after he
promised they would be, one important question he should expect
to answer is why he should keep his job.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Webster Hubbell, felon

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-EDITORIAL • June 19, 2000

Webster Hubbell, felon

 For the record, in an 8-to-1 decision the Supreme Court
voided Hubbell's misdemeanor guilty plea to tax-evasion charges,
determining that Whitewater prosecutors improperly based their
tax allegations on information gleaned from 13,120 pages of
financial documents Hubbell submitted to them under a grant of
limited immunity. But that ruling had no effect on the felony
plea Hubbell also made last June. In that case, he admitted that
over a five-year period he lied to federal bank regulators about
legal work he and Hillary Rodham Clinton had done for a
fraudulent real estate project which contributed to the collapse
of Madison Guaranty, which cost taxpayers more than $60 million.

 Appointed chief justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court and
associate attorney general of the U.S. Justice Department,
Hubbell resigned in disgrace in March 1994 from the No. 3
position at Justice with Whitewater prosecutors hot on his trail.
In December 1994, Hubbell pleaded guilty to a felony, admitting
that he had effectively embezzled $400,000 from the Rose firm and
more than a dozen clients, including Madison, by submitting false
billings used to finance personal expenditures. Like Al Capone,
Hubbell neglected to pay taxes on his ill-gotten loot, and he
pleaded guilty to a felony charge of tax evasion as well.

 Hubbell spent 17 months in prison and promised to pay his
back taxes and penalties as well as make restitution to the Rose
firm. It didn't quite work out that way, however. Based on the
financial documents Hubbell had submitted under a grant of
limited immunity, prosecutors discovered that Hubbell and his
wife earned more than $1 million from 1994 through 1997. But they
managed to pay less than $30,000 against their tax obligations of
$894,000, including taxes and penalties due on the embezzled
funds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax payments due
from his "consulting" work. During the same four-year period,
however, according to an April 1998 indictment for tax evasion,
the Hubbells did manage to spend $750,000 on clothes, personal
accessories, domestic help, private school tuition for their
children, etc. And there was the amended tax return for 1994 that
added $77,000 in income after their tax records were subpoenaed.

 It was Hubbell's June 1999 guilty plea to tax evasion that
the Supreme Court overturned, leaving three felony convictions on
his rap sheet and, so far, the taxpayer holding the bag.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton's 'jackboot' liberalism

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Washington Times-June 19, 2000

Clinton's 'jackboot' liberalism

Doug Bandow

 By all accounts, President Clinton worries constantly about
his legacy. He need not: His assault on constitutional values, as
well as conventional morals, is unmatched. Indeed, he has gutted
the Democratic Party's commitment to civil liberties.

 Democrats like Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, and Michael
Dukakis all represented a humane liberalism with a commitment to
civil liberties. No one would make that claim about Bill Clinton,
who represents a new political philosophy: jackboot liberalism.

 Record numbers of wiretaps, repressive "anti-terrorism"
legislation, support for mandatory minimum sentences for drug
offenses, suspicious Internal Revenue Service audits of political
opponents, White House interference with banking investigations,
attacks on anti-abortion protesters, threats against critics of
federal housing projects, media intimidation, bureaucratic witch
hunts, brutal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and FBI
raids, interference with state laws relaxing use of marijuana for
medical purposes, purloined FBI files. It is a record that puts
Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon to shame. And it continues

 With administration support, Congress is pursuing
legislation to enhance penalties for methamphetamine production.
The Methamphetamine Anti-Proliferation Act would also impose a
dangerously sweeping ban on information pertaining to drugs and
drug paraphernalia. No good is likely to come from the measure,
since it will be no more effective than past laws in stopping
drug use. Even worse, though, buried within the legislation are
provisions gutting Fourth Amendment protections against
unreasonable searches and seizures. The federal government would
be allowed to carry out secret searches — now allowed only in
special circumstances — with notice given three or more months
later, if ever (the 90-day requirement could be extended

 Moreover, the government would not need to provide an
inventory of any intangible property, most importantly computer
files or document copies, that were seized. Basic to the
operation of the Fourth Amendment is knowing what the government
has done. Asks David Kopel, research director of the Independence
Institute, "how can a person challenge a warrant if they never
find out about it until after the harm has been done?"

 An invisible search is inherently unreasonable. Those who
dislike being constrained by the Fourth Amendment hid their
handiwork in the meth bill for a reason: it wouldn't pass
otherwise. So, according to a Senate Judiciary Staffer quoted by
the Asheville Tribune, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin
Hatch, Utah Republican, and the Justice Department buried the
change "deep in the bill, and nobody noticed until the thing had
already passed."

 No notice, no hearings. Committee spokeswoman Jeanne Lapatto
even disclaimed any knowledge of the provision. The Senate
approved the legislation, S. 486, last fall with little debate.
The companion measure, H.R. 2987, now is coming before the House
Judiciary Committee, where Rep. Bob Barr, Georgia Republican, a
former federal prosecutor, is leading the opposition. Mr. Barr
opines that "It's unconscionable that someone would try to sneak
these provisions into an unrelated bill."

 He has gained the support of bill sponsor Rep. Christopher
Cannon, Utah Republican, as well as House Judiciary Committee
Chairman Henry Hyde, Illinois Republican. But proponents were not
content to stick the measure in the meth bill. The same
provisions are also buried in Senate bankruptcy legislation, now
in conference with the House. Conference committee reports are
ill-read and notoriously difficult to defeat. Which is why the
administration used this tactic to gain authorization for
warrantless "roving" wiretaps (of phones used by or near
particular individuals): a measure previously defeated on its
merits was snuck into a conference committee bill after both
houses had voted on the original measures.

 The potential deception does not stop there. An aide to Mr.
Barr worries that even if the provisions are stripped from both
the meth and bankruptcy bills, "I think we'll see it again, later
in the appropriations process. Justice has decided to do whatever
it can" to pass the measure. That is, if the amendment fails in
its current form, proponents are likely to try to stuff it into
one or more omnibus spending bills, which are often approved in a
rush at the end of the budget year.

 Especially after the disastrous 1995 government shutdown,
legislators hesitate rejecting any appropriations measure,
irrespective of the poison pills attached. At least in the
republic's early days, legislators occasionally read the measures
on which they were voting. Today it is a rare lawmaker who knows
the substance of the bills before him, let alone the details.
Congressional inattentiveness is bad enough at any

[CTRL] OT: Story of Clinton library still lacks happy ending

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Subject: CAS: WT: Story of Clinton library still lacks happy ending

June 19, 2000

Story of Clinton library still lacks happy ending

By Jennifer Harper


 This is the tale of a library, and it's a gothic tale indeed.

 There is discord and intrigue, drama and angst. In the past
three years, the 27.7-acre site for the William Jefferson Clinton
Presidential Library in downtown Little Rock has given both both
the city and the president bouts of heartburn.

 All is still not well in the land of presidential papers and
papers about presidential policies (and capers).

 "We've got a local government which is secret, and a series
of catastrophes that go back to the library," says Eugene Pfeifer
III, the son of an early and prominent Arkansas family who has
stubbornly refused to part with a vacant warehouse and a bit of
land the library wants. "The city is practically broke."

 Both warehouse and adjoining land are in the middle of the
library site — locally referred to as "Murky Bottoms" — and the
last of the land the city needs to complete its acquisition and
start building what city fathers insist will be a major tourist
and academic destination.

 The 62-year-old developer is irked and offended by city
directors who labeled the library a "presidential park," and used
revenues from a park bond fund intended for the zoo to cover the
$16 million price of the land itself.

 Mr. Pfeifer has sued the city of Little Rock, and Little
Rock in turn has filed a condemnation lawsuit to get his

 The riverfront site — run-down, but rife with potential —
may yet become a glorious thing, though it's already been
parodied by Clinton critics who propose such things as a
"Lewinsky Wing." One Little Rock newspaper columnist, perhaps not
entirely serious, has already collected for inclusion a thong
bikini "said to be identical to the one that attracted the
president's eye."

 There will be archives and a museum, a partnership with the
University of Arkansas and a policy center. The president may
have an apartment there.

 If a library in Little Rock were not enough, lately there
has been talk of the library acquiring Knollwood Lodge, a
peaceful retreat on bucolic Lake Hamilton near Hot Springs, 56
miles west of Little Rock, now owned by the estate of Raymond
Clinton, a relative of the president's.

 It would serve, dryly noted the Arkansas Democrat Gazette,
as the "ex-president's Camp David."

 Some speculate that this expansion could ease annoyance
among the 30 towns that also hoped to win the library —
Fayetteville, Hope and Hot Springs among them.

 In the meantime, Mr. Pfeifer and the also-rans are not the
only angry parties. Little Rock housewife Nora Harris sued the
city, too, claiming the fund raising was illegal. She lost in
court, and vows to appeal until her money runs out. In what Mr.
Pfeifer describes as "the first skirmish," his case had an
initial hearing in April.

 The battle with his city has given him some heartache.

 "My great-grandfather Philip Pfeifer owned a general store
right there on Markham Street before the Civil War," he sighs. "I
love this beautiful town."

 But he believes city fathers have erred. They are
"arrogant," he says, and he thinks the residents would have voted
to finance the library under more forthright terms.

 "I think these officials served their friend, the president,
poorly," Mr. Pfeifer says. "They didn't have the confidence to
assume that they could sell the idea to the people in the proper

 There are other complications.

 "The president is miffed at Arkansas and the Supreme Court's
recommendation he be disbarred, and with our lawsuits," notes Mr.
Pfeifer. "Some say he's looking elsewhere, which would be such a

 Skip Rutherford, a friend of the president's who has been
leading the campaign to get the library for Little Rock, warned
several weeks ago that Georgetown University might be back in the
running for the library. That came in the wake of the suggestion
that the president be disbarred for lying to the courts. Mr.
Rutherford has since said maybe he had overstated the risk of the
library going elsewhere, but Little Rock friends of the president
said he was "pretty steamed" about the prospect of disbarment,
and felt embarrassed that the home folks were being mean to him.

 However, the National Archives, which would operate the
library, has signed a $3.5 million lease on an old Oldsmobile
agency warehouse for storage of Mr. Clinton's papers until the
library is completed.

 "I am not a Clinton hater," Mr. Pfeifer says, and asks with
no trace of irony: "How could he move his library and go against
his word? It would be a mark against his integrity."

 Such rumors aside, everything is grand with the library on
the other side of the fence.

 "Better than expected," says Mr. Rutherford, who first met
the president when their young dau

[CTRL] Fw: The People of Nigeria resist the IMF.

2000-06-19 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Soren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: (50 Years) The People of Nigeria resist the IMF.

> From: Kwesi Owusu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Welcome to Nigeria, Mr. Larry Summers
> Lagos was literally a ghost town last weekend. The streets were empty,
> except burning tyres and smoking debris and the rhythmic hooting of a few
> okada (bike) riders. The atmosphere was tense if not highly charged and
> palpable. As I moved around observing the mass protests against the IMF
> induced fuel price hike, one sight was constant. Youths had turned many of
> the city's high ways into football pitches. I sat down to watch a match.
> Suddenly armed police in a station wagon pulled up. Rather than make way,
> the youths continued to play. The policemen hooted their horns frantically
> but they were ignored.
> Then the ball went out of play. One of the youth strolled up to the police
> team. 'Wetin you dey do for road?' ('what are you doing on the road?'), he
> asked. One of the policemen grinned. Then another youth walked up to his
> mate and told him to let them pass. 'They are policemen' he said. The
> youth replied, 'Yes, I can see that. Is that why they are on the road when
> NLC says everyone should be off the road?' The youths removed the
> goal posts and allowed the policemen to pass.
> The policemen's response was quite unprecedented in a city like Lagos
> not too long ago random violence was as predictable as missing a bus. But
> then some things can change and these are not the times of the brutal
> military dictatorships. The last few days have also been quite
> as the people test the democratic mantle of President Obasanjo's
> particularly its capacity to accommodate mass political dissent.
> The inept introduction of the price hike by the Nigeria National Petroleum
> Corporation (NNPC) was a guaranteed trigger to popular outrage. A 50 per
> cent increase in petroleum products by any stretch of the imagination was
> bound to impact disproportionately on low income families, at the time
> even the modest minimum wage increase announced by President Obasanjo on
> Day had yet to be implemented by most employers. This increase
> affects only 18 per cent of the workforce. In a poor country like Nigeria,
> where the total per capita income averages $280, the government was
> asking for trouble.
> Oil arouses considerable passion here. For many Nigerians, it symbolises
> both the promise and perceived failure of their nation. Otherwise how does
> one explain why Africa's leading oil producer should import petroleum
> products whilst its refineries stand idle for want of basic repairs. Or
> massive pollution of the Niger delta by petroleum companies and the
> displacement of local communities in order that the affluent west can
> continue to enjoy cheap fuel.
> Popular outrage alone does not however change the minds of governments,
> especially this one, under such tremendous pressure from the IMF to
> implement stringent measures that are at odds with what this country and
> people desperately need. And is it not ironic that whilst western
> allowed Abacha and his corrupt gangster regime to default on debt
> repayments, they are now hell bent on squeezing the last drop of blood out
> of a new democratic government that is struggling to restore social and
> economic stability.
> The Federal government has made known its intention to use the gains from
> oil revenues for poverty alleviation. The IMF has vetoed this strategy,
> demanding that the revenue be diverted instead to them. The last time the
> IMF pressed home this kind of dogmatic and politically illogical agenda by
> eliminating fuel subsidies in order to free resources for foreign debt
> servicing, the army stepped in when riots ensued. That was in 1993. This
> time, history has been kinder to Nigeria.
> The national strike against the petroleum price increases has led to the
> rise of a new political power outside of the government and the
> The current impasse between Obasanjo and the National Assembly and an
> ineffective opposition partly explain this. Perhaps ore significantly, as
> the government edged nearer towards a standby deal with the IMF, a
> leadership vacuum was created at the centre of the state. The National
> Labour Congress stepped into the brief, having successful negotiated an
> increase in the minimum wage and campaigned for a broad range of urgent
> social and economic reforms.
> What distinguished the national strike from even the celebrated 13 day
> strike that rocked the Tafawa Balewa administration in 1964 was the
> of its leadership - consistent, disciplined, non sectarian and critically,
> committed to the democratic ideals of the fifth Republic. Led by the
> charismatic Adams Oshiomhole, the NLC's maste

[CTRL] CANF Losing Clout,Out Of Touch

2000-06-19 Thread William Shannon

Cubans watch power slip away
By Tamara Lytle and Rafael Lorente
Washington Bureau

Published in The Orlando Sentinel on June 18, 2000

WASHINGTON - For years, the Cuban American National Foundation had the field
mostly to itself when it came to U.S. policy toward Cuba.

Backed by the Cuban-American community`s campaign donations and reputation as
a solid voting bloc, the foundation was often the only powerful voice in the
nation`s capital talking about Cuba.

But the saga of a 6-year-old shipwreck survivor plucked from the waters
between Havana and Miami has exposed a loss of clout for the foundation that
even generous campaign donations may not be able to restore.

Elian Gonzalez is not the reason for the foundation`s slip from power, but
his "miracle" rescue and high-profile legal struggle have turned a national
spotlight on the group`s decline.

The biggest challenge facing the foundation is a growing effort by U.S.
businesses and farmers to restore trade between the United States and Cuba.
Lobbying by groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Farm
Bureau has added powerful, contrasting voices to policy debates involving

Those familiar with the situation also point to Pope John Paul II`s 1998
visit to Cuba and his stand against the U.S. trade embargo; the 1997 death of
Jorge Mas Canosa, the foundation`s powerful and charismatic leader; the end
of the Cold War in Europe and elsewhere; and the loss of White House
influence that peaked during the Reagan and Bush administrations.

The Cuban-American community`s apparent losing battle to keep Elian Gonzalez
in the United States, and the negative publicity the battle has generated
throughout the country, has just added to the foundation`s woes.

"The foundation`s finest hours are behind it," said William Goodfellow of
Center for International Policy, a think tank that promotes peace in Central
America. Jose Cardenas, the foundation`s Washington representative,
disagrees. He says the group will soon redouble its efforts in Washington,
even adding staff, to counter the business and farm lobbies.

"For the first time, we have real opposition," Cardenas acknowledged. "But
that doesn`t necessarily mean that, because we have opposition, we`ve lost

The foundation`s finest hour may have been during the Reagan and Bush years.
Backed by two powerful presidents for more than a decade, the foundation
generated thousands of dollars a year in campaign contributions to gain
access and influence.

But the contributions have continued to flow in the years since.

Since 1980, the foundation`s political action committee, Free Cuba PAC, has
donated more than $1 million to federal political candidates. Despite strong
anti-Castro support from Republicans, the PAC has split its contributions
almost evenly between the GOP and the Democratic Party.

But the PAC`s contributions tell only part of the story. The foundation`s
leaders and board members have also given substantial amounts to federal
candidates and elected officials.

A computer analysis of donations from foundation directors shows that, as a
group, they have given at least $220,000 to federal political candidates just
since the 1996 elections. They also have donated more than $100,000 to the
Free Cuba PAC during that time.

Though it lacks the millions of dollars wielded by other politically active
groups, the Cuban-American community has succeeded by concentrating on an
issue - Cuban independence - that few others care about, Goodfellow said.
"They`re sort of the foreign-policy equivalent of the National Rifle
Association," he said.

But largesse alone does not buy the sort of power it used to.

Mas Canosa`s death left the Cuban foundation without the kind of charismatic,
untiring leadership it was used to in Washington - and in South Florida,
where the foundation now competes for power and attention with the likes of
Miami Mayor Joe Carollo and Democracy Movement leader Ramon Saul Sanchez.

And the Elian Gonzalez case is a high-profile reminder that most of the rest
of the country does not share the foundation`s passionate hatred of Castro,
especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakup of the Soviet

Pope John Paul II`s visit to Cuba - just the fact Castro allowed it to occur
- also hurt the foundation`s cause because the Roman Catholic leader`s
message was that the world should reach out to Cuba for the sake of its

American businesses and farmers have begun to feel much the same way, hoping
to open a new market for their goods. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is leading
the charge to end the decades-old U.S. embargo on trade with Cuba, starting
with food and medicine.

Farmers, Goodfellow said, have now "gotten up a head of steam." "I think it`s
only a matter of time before the restrictions on food and medicine are
lifted. I think the embargo will unravel," he said.

Goodfellow noted that Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., a powerful lawmaker who has
worked to stren

[CTRL] Fulani Jumps Buchanan Ship

2000-06-19 Thread William Shannon

Buchanan Loses Campaign Ally
By Douglas Kiker
Associated Press Writer
Monday, June 19, 2000; 12:59 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– Liberal activist Lenora Fulani resigned from Pat Buchanan's
presidential campaign and withdrew her support, saying the socially
conservative candidate has divided the Reform Party by excluding other

In a letter announcing her resignation as campaign co-chair, Fulani said
Buchanan put his conservative issues above their common interests in
political reform, trade and foreign policy.

"I must and do object to your efforts to transform the party into a party of,
and for, only social conservatives," Fulani wrote Buchanan on Sunday.

She said Buchanan's political maneuverings to consolidate power were
"contributing to polarizing, rather than unifying the disparate forces in the

Bay Buchanan, her brother's campaign manager, said she enjoyed working with
Fulani and regrets her departure. She rejected Fulani's criticisms.

"We have not indicated that we do not welcome people with different views,"
Bay Buchanan said Monday. "But clearly Pat is not going to walk away from
those issues."

Fulani, who will remain in the Reform Party, also complained that Buchanan
and his sister refused to support her bid to become the national chairwoman
of the party founded by Ross Perot.

"Supporting me for chair was the test of whether you still intended to
broaden your coalition and maintain the party's commitment to
left/center/right alliances," Fulani wrote. Rejecting her, Fulani said, shows
Buchanan is trying to move the Reform Party "in a direction that most
American independents do not support."

Bay Buchanan said, "It simply could not and would not be with the best
interest of the party to support her for chair."

Fulani also pointed to the contentious party meeting in Nashville, Tenn.,
earlier this year in which former party chairman Jack Gargan was ousted.
Buchanan's refusal to support her in trying to get Gargan re-elected as
chairman "demonstrated that you were more than willing to 'stick it' to your
friends as well as your enemies to achieve ... your own ends," Fulani wrote.

In an interview Monday, Fulani said she met with Buchanan on Thursday and
discussed her feelings about the campaign, specifically whom he might choose
as a running mate. Fulani had hoped he would consider choosing someone more
liberal to show his commitment to a "left-right coalition." Buchanan did not
show any interest in that, she said.

"Obviously, Pat has chosen to run his campaign in a much more narrow way to
appeal to the right and he has not taken the effort to reach out beyond his
initial base despite his initial interest in doing so," Fulani said.

Fulani's endorsement of Buchanan surprised many. A longtime liberal activist
and sometime presidential candidate, Fulani and Buchanan are on the opposite
end of the political spectrum on almost every issue.

But Buchanan, after leaving the Republican Party to run for the Reform
Party's nomination, wooed Fulani with his support of same-day voter
registration, political reform, campaign finance reform, opposition to some
international trade agreements, and foreign policy.

© Copyright 2000 The Associated Press

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Bible Code=Bollocks

2000-06-19 Thread William Shannon

The Wall Street Journal
The Code Cracks
by David Murray
June 9, 2000

"God does not play dice with the universe," Einstein famously remarked. But
he didn't rule out numerical puzzles.

The Bible Code, a 1997 bestseller by Michael Drosnin, argued that hidden
messages are embedded in the biblical text. Similar books soon followed; a
movie was even made on this theme ("The Omega Code"). The popular press, no
doubt intimidated by the code's statistical complexity, wrote about it with
cautious respect. To this day, there is the lingering impression that, no
matter how far-fetched it seems, a code may be buried in the Bible for a
computer to discover.

This impression is badly misguided. Recent analysis has done a great deal to
refute the whole idea.

Mr. Drosnin's inspiration was a 1994 article in the prestigious journal
Statistical Science. Eliyahu Rips of Hebrew University, with some of his
colleagues, reported meaningful sequences of widely spaced letters in the
Hebrew text of Genesis, revealing the names of famous, post-biblical-era
rabbis near references to the seasons of their birth or death. The odds of
chance alone providing the results were said to be only one in 50,000. Robert
Kass, the editor of Statistical Science, wrote at the time that the
"baffling" paper was published in the hope that "someone would be motivated
to . . . figure out what was going on."

But for many, the article was treated as the last word. The theological
premise behind such credulity is that the Torah -- the five books of Moses --
contains all truth. All information is "in there," past, present and future,
waiting to be unlocked.

Enter Mr. Drosnin, finding predictions of current events. Using a computer,
he found, for instance, "Yitzhak Rabin" in Genesis close to "assassination."
The names of other prime ministers and leaders were discovered, conceptually
linked to words suggesting real-world events.

How did he do this? The Bible code is based on searching for equidistant
letter sequences (ELS). For example, starting with the initial letter, one
skips to the sixth, 12th and 18th and then determines whether the four-letter
sequence constitutes a word -- say, "Newt."

For the search, the 304,805 Hebrew letter-appearances in the Torah were
arrayed without spaces or punctuation marks. A computer looked for matches by
"stepping" to every nth letter in the array, going either forward or backward
or even diagonally. Mr. Drosnin's match for "Yitzhak Rabin" had a "step
value" of 4,772. That is, 4,771 letters separated the spelling sequence of
Rabin's name.

In a sense, the code "works," but how? In the November 1999 issue of
Statistical Science, Brendan McKay of Australian National University and
colleagues from Hebrew University argue that the original paper was "fatally
defective," the results an artifact of the experiment's design.

One problem is the wiggle room for "reading" the text. In biblical Hebrew,
vowels have to be imputed from context, and syntax is potentially ambiguous.
And there are several variants of the Hebrew Bible: Different texts produce
different orderings of the letters, with devastating effect on the code. In
short, a researcher can format and sift until he hits upon an amenable
sequence. What's more, Hebrew spellings weren't standardized until the 16th
century. Is it Moses Ben Maimon or Maimonides? Yitchak? Or Yitzhak? Or Itzak?
Wiggle, wiggle.

It is true that finding linked pairs is wildly improbable if you have only
one opportunity to make the match. But the computer's sleepless sifting
provides millions of opportunities and settles for "close" results. As
physicist David Thomas suggests in the magazine Skeptical Inquirer, it's like
buying a million lottery tickets to improve your odds of winning $5.

At the time of the Bible-code craze, it was said that finding clusters of
"meaningful" words in the Torah was wildly improbable. Hence the Great
Cryptographer. But the probabilities were not calculated properly, since the
textual sequences are not really independent events, like flipping a coin.
Rather, the pattern-finding was "tuned" to the text, which has regularities
that skew the probabilities. When Mr. Thomas looked for the sequence "Nazi"
in a text by Isaac Asimov, he found an improbable number of hits. That's
because Asimov was writing about science and the noun "geNerAliZatIon"
appeared often. Critical researchers also found "meaningful" sequences in
"War and Peace" and "Moby Dick."

Given the capacities of computers to automate the search, and given
sufficient license to construe a "goal," the wonder is not that we find
hidden messages in the Bible or any other book but that we should ever fail.
Those who wish to find meaning in the Bible may prefer to rely on their heads
and hearts, not a computer.

Mr. Murray heads the Statistical Assessment Service in Washington.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytiz

[CTRL] Bin Laden Using Canada As Base Of Anti-U.S Ops?

2000-06-19 Thread William Shannon

Bin Laden using Canada to plot US attacks

Monday, June 19, 2000

NORTH AMERICA | Canadian intelligence officials say Saudi terrorist Osama bin
Laden may be using Canadian soil to plot terror attacks against the United

Bin Laden, who is allegedly responsible for a pair of attacks on U.S.
embassies in Africa in 1998, may be using Canada's open society and proximity
to the U.S. as a means to establish bases there to conduct operations against
Washington, according to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

In its annual report, CSIS said, "One of the prime motivators of terrorism
today is Islamic religious extremism. In the past few years, Sunni Islamic
extremism, exemplified by terrorist financier Osama Bin Laden, has emerged as
the preeminent international terrorist threat."

In December, Canadian authorities captured Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian born
man, as he tried to cross into the United States from western Canada with
what US authorities said were bomb-making components.

Other arrests of a number of his associates was an indication that extremists
had intensified their activities in North America, according to the CSIS

"While previously limited to support activity, efforts by Sunni extremists in
Canada and the United States appear to have escalated to coordinating attacks
on North American soil," the report said.

In May, President Clinton accused Ressam of being financed by bin Laden, a
charge Ressam's lawyers have denied.

Canadian intelligence also believes that extremists were trying to manipulate
immigrant communities in Canada.

"Despite warnings by the Canadian government that it is deemed unacceptable,
certain governments consider it in their best interests to monitor the
activities of political opponents living in Canada and coerce expatriate
nationals," said the report.

Edward Luttwak, a terrorism expert for the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, told CNSNews.com that he believes Canada should better
scrutinize their immigrants and other foreign visitors.

"The question is, why not Mexico? The reason is that it's much easier to
operate in Canada because there's very little effort made to keep track of
what people are doing," he said.

"There's much less scrutiny of the immigrant entries than there normally is
in the United States," he said. "What Canada should do for itself is to be
somewhat more vigilant at the immigration entrance. The US-Mexican border is
fenced in parts and the border patrol makes an effort at least to cover that
border seriously."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] "Mind Reading Machine," "TIME"- JULY 1, 1974

2000-06-19 Thread Mr.Rodriguez

"TIME MAGAZINE" (JULY 1, 1974- page 37)


The experiment looks like some ingenious test of
mental telepathy. Seated inside a small isolation
booth with wires trailing from the helmet on her head,
the subject seems deep in concentration. She does not
speak or move. Near by, a white-coated scientist
intently watches a TV screen. Suddenly, a little white
dot hovering in the center of the screen comes to
life. It sweeps to the top of the svreen, then
reverses itself and comes back down. After a pause, it
veers to the right, stops, moves to the left,
momentarily speeds up and finally halts - almost as if
it were under the control of some external

In fact, it is. The unusual experiment, conducted at
the Standford Research nstitute in Menlo, Park,
California, is a graphic display of one of the newest
and most dazzling breakthroughs in cybernetics.* It
shows that a computer can, in a very real sense, read
human minds. Although the dot's gyrations were
directed by a computer, the machine was only carriying
the orders of the test subject. She, in turn, did
nothing more than think about what the dot's movements
should be.

Brainchild of S.R.I. Researcher Lawrence Pinneo, a 46
year-old neurophysiologist and electronics engineer,
the computer mind-reading technique is far more than a
laboratory stunt. Though computers can solve
extraordinarily complex problems with incredible
speed, the information they digest is fed to them by
such slow, cumbersome tools as typewriter keyboards or
punched tapes. It is for this reasons that scientists
have long been tantalized by the possibility of
opening up a more direct link between human and
electronic brains.

[Brain Waves]

Although Pinneo and others have experimented with
computer systems that respond to voice commands, he
decided that there might be a more direct method than
speech. The key to his scheme: the
electroencephalograph, a device used by medical
researchers to pick up electrical currents from
various parts of the brain. If he could learn to
identify brain waves generated by specific thoughts or
commands, Pinneo figured, he might be able to teach
the same skill to a computer. The machine might even
be able to react to those commands by, say, moving a
dot across a TV screen.

Pinneo could readily pick out specific commands. But,
like fingerprints, the patterns varied sufficiently
from one human test subject to another to fool the
computer. Pinneo found a way to deal with this problem
by storing a large variety of patterns in the
computer's memory. When the computer had to deal with
fresh pattern, it could search its memory for the
brain waves most like it. So far the S.R.I. computer
has been taught to recognize seven different
commands-up, down, left, right, slow, fast and stop.
Working with a total of 25 different people, it makes
the right move 60% of the time.

Pinneo is convinced that his barely passing grade can
be vastly improved. He foresees the day when computers
will be able to recognize the smallest units in the
English language-the 40-odd basic sounds (or phonemes)
out of which all words or verbalized thoughts can be
constructed. Such skills could e put to many practical
uses. The pilot of a high-speed plane or spacecraft,
for instance, could simply order by thought alone some
vital flight information for an all-purpose cockpit
display. There would be no need to search for the
right dials or switches on a crowded instrument

Pinneo does not worry that mind-reading computers
might be abused by Big Brotherly governments or overly
zealous police trying to ferret out the innermost
thoughts of the citizens. Rather than a menace, he
says, they could be a high-civilizing influence. In
the future, Pinneo speculates, technology may well be
sufficently advanced to feed a computer directly back
into the brain. People with problems, for example,
might not don mind reading helmets ("thinking caps")
that let the computer help them untangle everything
from complex tax returns to matrimonial messes. Adds
Pinneo: "When the person takes this thing off, he
might feel pretty damn dumb."


Now, please visit:
 (click on: "Mind Reading Machine"- Alan Yu; it was
posted again last week)

If you are in a hurry, read this excerpt:
  In 1975 a primitive mind reading machine was
tested  at
 the  Stanford  Research Institute.  The machine used
a computer
which  recognizes a limited amount of words by
monitoring a  per-
son's silent thoughts.  This technique relies upon
the  discovery
that  brain  wave tracings (EEG) show distinctive
patterns  that
correlate  with individual words - whether the words
are  spoken
aloud or merely subvocalized (thought of).

  ( Walter  Bowart:  Operation Mind  Control. 1978 p.

  This kind research indeed prove that they should
have had the ab

[CTRL] Gas Embargo

2000-06-19 Thread Gavin Phillips



Take a stand a join millions of others who are tired
of paying these outrageous gas prices.
You've heard of the Gas out scheduled for the 28th.









Read this article that points out price gauging by the
oil industry.
How much abuse are Americans going to take before we
stand up for our
constitutional and consumer rights?
Americans educate yourselves about the oil industry's
back-office misconduct depleting
millions of your hard earned money.

Illinois State Legislatures just passed another gas
tax that will become
> effective on Wednesday, June 28th.  Illinois has the
> prices in the entire country (Hawaii comes in
first).  Hawaii is
> understandable due to the geographic location, but
Illinois is located
> in the Midwest and there is not any valid
justification for the sky
> rocketing gas prices for the state of Illinois.
There is also no valid
> reason in which Illinois residents have to spend 1/3
of their paychecks each week
> for fuel.  By 6/28/00 the cheapest Unleaded gas will
be $2.49.  Congress
> is even outraged with Illinois gas prices and the
taxes are often
> compared to gas prices in Europe (Europe gas prices
are the highest in the world
> $5.63 for the cheapest unleaded).  There will be a
state wide gas strike on
> 6/28/00.  Please do not buy any gas on that date.
Try to buy gas the day
> before and the day after. The residents of Illinois
must make their
> voices heard, or gas prices will continue to
increase.  It is up to "YOU"
> to take this initiative into your own hands in order
to make a difference.

The Gas out method will definitely send a consumer
message that we will not
go silent into the night. Better yet, you should write
letters to your elected
state officials to demand investigation into these
price gauging misconducts by
the oil industry. If you don't no one will and silence
is acceptance. As an American
Taxpayer, we the people have a right to tax
representation and government empowerment to preserve
our rights.
Taxation without representation is the message.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the
people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary
of the existing government, they can exercise their
constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their
revolutionary right to overthrow it."
-Abraham Lincoln
You can fool some of the people some of the time and
all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool
all of the people all of the time."
-Abraham Lincoln

Richard J. Durbin (D) - 1/03
267 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2152 (Ed Greelegs)
FAX Number 202-228-0400

Peter G. Fitzgerald (R) - 1/05
Washington, DC 20510
(202) 224-2854 (Mike Cys)
FAX Number 202-228-1372

George H. Ryan (R) - 1/03
Office of the Governor
207 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-6830
FAX Number 217-782-3560

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] (Fwd) Fw: Alert/U.S. sovereignty or World Trade Organization

2000-06-19 Thread Alamaine

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Subject:Fw:  Alert/U.S. sovereignty or World Trade Organization
Date sent:  Mon, 19 Jun 2000 12:22:02 -0500
- Original Message -
From: Liberty Study Committee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: LibertyStudyCommittee List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2000 11:47 PM
Subject: Alert/U.S. sovereignty or World Trade Organization

> June 17, 2000
> Dear friend of liberty,
> On Tuesday, June 20, an opportunity that comes only once every five
> years will occur.  The U.S. House will answer the question:  Should the
> United States of America remain a sovereign nation or be subjugated to
> the whim of unelected foreign bureaucrats?  The question will come in
> the form of  H.J. Res. 90 which directs the U.S. to withdraw from the
> World Trade Organization (W.T.O.)
> H.J. Res. 90 directs the United States to maintain its sovereignty by
> withdrawing its membership and funding from the W.T.O.  It was
> introduced on March 6, 2000 and is cosponsored by 10 courageous
> members of the U.S. House - Democrat and Republican alike. On
> Tuesday, June 20, two hours of debate will take place followed by the
> vote.
> During the debate, opponents of H.J. Res. 90 will tell you that the
> W.T.O. does not diminish U.S. sovereignty.  However, the Congressional
> Research Service wrote, "As a member of the WTO, the United States
> does commit to act in accordance with the rules of the multilateral
> body.  It [the U.S.] is legally obligated to ensure national laws do not
> conflict with WTO rules." (8/25/99)
> During the debate, opponents of H.J. Res. 90 will tell you that the
> W.T.O. does not usurp Congress' constitutional authority to set tax
> policy.  However, the Wall Street Journal wrote, "A recent decision by
> the 'WTO Appellate Body' ruled that $2.2 billion in United States tax
> breaks violate WTO rules and must be eliminated by October 1, 2000."
> During the debate, opponents of H.J. Res. 90 will tell you that the
> W.T.O. does not violate principles of taxation without representation.
> However, Article I, Section of the Constitution gives the U.S.
> Congress - not unelected officials overseas - the sole authority to lay
> and collect taxes.
> Furthermore, the Associated Press wrote, "...the agency [WTO]
> deliberates in secret" (6/08/00)  The design and operation of the
> W.T.O's dispute resolution system is established in the Uruguay Round
> Dispute Resolution Understanding (D.S.U.).  The D.S.U. provides only
> one specific operating rule - that all of the panel's activities and
> documents are confidential.  Under this W.T.O. rule, dispute panels
> operate in secret.  According to the Financial Times, "...the WTO is the
> place where governments collude in private against their domestic
> pressure groups." (April 30, 1998)  Those of us who are fighting for
> liberty and national sovereignty are such a "pressure group."
> During the debate, opponents of H.J. Res. 90 will tell you that
> the W.T.O. advances "free trade."  However, Lew Rockwell wrote in
> The Free Market, "As early as 1994, it was clear that the WTO charter...
> was a Trojan horse for economic planning...no surprise that some
> multinational corporations favored the treaty because it would impose
> huge costs on potential competitors.  The architects of the WTO had
> openly stated that the treaty wasn't about free trade."
> During the debate, opponents of H.J. Res. 90 will tell you that
> withdrawing from the W.T.O. is "unthinkable."  However, we believe that
> it is unthinkable not to withdraw from the World Trade Organization.
> "It [the W.T.O.] is an egregious attack upon our national sovereignty,
> and this is the reason why we must vigorously oppose it.  No nation can
> maintain its sovereignty if it surrenders its authority to an
> international collective. Since sovereignty is linked so closely to
> freedom, our very notion of American liberty is at stake in this issue,"
> wrote Congressman Ron Paul.
> The vote on H.J. Res. 90 was scheduled with little notice.  Please take
> the little time that was given to us and think about this very important
> issue.  We have posted additional information for you to consider on our
> special Web site.
> If you agree we should maintain our national sovereignty, then the U.S.
> should withdraw from the W.T.O., and you must urge your U.S.
> representative to vote "yes" on H.J. Res. 90.
> Please go to http://www.stopwto.org.
> We believe that the W.T.O. is the trade ministry for future global
> government. We believe that the U.S. should always be a part of the
> global economy, but never a part of a global government.
> Please go to http://www.stopwto.org to read more about this very
> important issue and to let your representative know what you think.
> Kent Snyder
> Liberty Study Committee
> http://www.libertystudy.org
> To contribute to the Liberty Study Committee, please go to
> htt

[CTRL] Sparbuch Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Alamaine

>From Wash (DC) Post

Austria Defuses Flap Over Secret Bank Accounts By John Burgess
Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday , June 16, 2000 ; E04 Austria yesterday sidestepped a new diplomatic
confrontation, this time over secret bank accounts. An international body
combating money laundering withdrew threats to kick Austria out of the group,
saying the country was moving to attach names to close to 24 million anonymous

Austria is under pressure from the European Union for allowing in its
government politicians whom the union views as neo-Nazis. But long before that
became an issue, Austria was sparring with other industrialized countries over
its sparbuch accounts, a banking tradition dating to the Austro-Hungarian
empire of World War I days.

Switzerland has done away with much of its famous banking secrecy. In Austria,
however, such secrecy continues to thrive, with close to $100 billion on
deposit anonymously, U.S. officials say. Anyone can open accounts there without
giving a name. Money is deposited or withdrawn on presentation of a passbook
and a secret number, or through automated teller machines.

U.S. officials contend that this can provide impenetrable cover for the
laundering of foreign crime money. The fact that 24 million accounts exist in a
country of 8 million people is taken as evidence: "Unless every man woman and
child has three of them . . . a lot of people outside Austria are finding these
attractive," said Stuart Eizenstat, deputy U.S. Treasury secretary.

The Financial Action Task Force, a grouping of 26 countries that is trying to
establish world standards for financial openness, threatened to expel Austria
by June 30 unless there was action to change the sparbuch system.
A bill moving through the Austrian parliament to dismantle the system and
require disclosure of names addresses the concerns, the group announced
yesterday. "Austrian banks will have to make fundamental changes in how they do
business," said Eizenstat.

The accounts are touted on numerous Internet financial sites. "The world's only
true secret bank account," says one site that offers to set them up for
clients, although similar accounts are available in Hungary, the Czech Republic
and Slovakia. "Not even your bank knows who you are. . . . A great way to
bypass the taxman."

Still, no one knows just how often the accounts aid crime. Based on passbooks
and cash, the accounts are simply too cumbersome for hiding significant amounts
of money, said Austrian Embassy spokesman Martin Weiss. "Money laundering is
done in more modern ways."

Weiss said the vast majority of the accounts contain only small amounts of
money--probably only 6,000 to 7,000 contain more than $300,000 each.
Austrians are accustomed to having anonymous accounts, so there was some
political resistance to changing the law. People are "afraid of the Big Brother
scenario . . . that's a natural reluctance that you don't want the government
sitting on your shoulder all the time," he said.
© 2000 The Washington Post Company


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
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Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the v

[CTRL] The Reason JFK was Assassinated!

2000-06-19 Thread Bard
Title:  Freedom's End - President Kennedy versus Federal Reserve.








This It's food for your mind 


No United States president since Abraham 
  Lincolndared to go against the system and create his 
  ownmoney, [until President John F. Kennedy].  
  President Kennedy was not afraid to buck the system... 

        No United States president since 
  Abraham Lincoln dared to go against the system and create his 
  own money, as many of these so called elected presidents were 
  actually only instruments or puppets of the Bankers. That is 
  until President John F Kennedy came into Office. 
        President Kennedy was not afraid to 
  buck the system for he understood how the Federal Reserve 
  System was being used to destroy the United States. As a just 
  and honorable man, he could not tolerate such a system, for it 
  smelled of corruption from A to Z. Certainly he must have 
  known about the Greenbacks which Abraham Lincoln created when 
  he was in office. 
        President Kennedy signed a 
  presidential document, called Executive Order 11210, which 
  further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. 
  This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal 
  clearance to create his own money to run the country, money 
  that would belong to the people, an interest and debt free 
  money. He had printed United States Notes, completely ignoring 
  the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the 
  Federal Reserve. 
        It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy 
  was out to undermine the Federal Reserve System of the United 
        But it was only a few months later, in 
  November of 1963, that the world received the shocking news of 
  President Kennedy's assassination. No reason was given, of 
  course, for anyone wanting to commit such an atrocious crime. 
  But for those who knew anything about money and banking, it 
  did not take long to put the pieces of the puzzle together. 
  For surely President Kennedy must have had it in mind to 
  repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and return back to the 
  United States Congress the power to create its own money. 
        It is interesting to note that, only 
  one day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States 
  notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. 
  Was this through an executive order of the newly installed 
  president, Lyndon B. Johnson? Was President Johnson afraid of 
  the Bankers? Or was he one of their instruments? At any rate 
  all of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed. 
  And not a word was said to the American people. 
  A Lesson To Learn 
        There is much that can be learned from 
  our past history. Here we are in 1997, and the United States 
  is still operating under the Federal Reserve System. It has 
  already plunged our country over five trillion dollars into 
  debt, a debt it will never be able to pay and has been 
  responsible for every kind of corruption imaginable. Yet, 
  barely a peep of protest can be heard from the American 
        All the Bankers have to do to keep 
  their power is to get rid of the few politicians who are 
  honestly working for a reform in our economic system, and the 
  people at large remain ignorant and controlled. It is obvious 
  the American people need to be awakened to the truth. 
        The population at large must be 
  educated on the Federal Reserve, and then unite together to 
  put pressure on the Government to get the Federal Reserve Act 
  of 1

Re: [CTRL] [whitespeak] This Patriot will NEVER support the Demo/Repub Duopoly!

2000-06-19 Thread Bard

Ingrid, In my view, that is exactly what happened to JFK.  Am a firm
believer in one should vote their principles; never voting for a person one
doesn't KNOW.
It's so unfortunate that so many ignorant Citizens vote based on 'info?'
obtained from the thugs of controlled media, and don't take the time to do
their own research on candidates.
Does my Heart good to think I furnished you with a reason to Vote.
Did you ever visit the Web Site re. JFK's issuance of Treasury currency and
LBJ's withdrawal of it from circulation;  he had it destroyed.  If not, will
send you the url.
If a Citizen does not Vote, he/she is sanctioning the status quo and
continues to exist in a state of denial of the wrongs inflicted.
The Post you cite (7277) you'll note the document is dated 9/61.  This is
the period when Kruschev turned down JFK's plea to disarm.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom

> -Original Message-
> From: Ingrid Svensson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 10:20 PM
> Subject: Re: [whitespeak] This Patriot will NEVER support the Demo/Repub
> Duopoly!
> Bard, One of your messages showed what we already knew, that the
> U.N. with the support of western nations, plans to disarm the
> world while strengthening the firepower of a global police force
> who is governed by unelected, unaccountable leaders.
> The next message says to vote.  Isn't it pretty obvious that if
> we vote for someone who will make a difference on the real
> issues, our votes will be nullified?  If they not nullified here,
> there will be international pressure.
> I don't know how we can stop this monster.  Getting out of the
> U.N. is a great idea.  Maybe that IS a good reason to vote and an
> issue that should be priority #1 with all Presidential,
> Congressional and Senatorial candidates.  Unfortunately, if the
> internationalists are threatened, those we elect will go down.
> But thanks for giving me a reason to vote, Bard.
> Ingrid

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [BCPolitics] re "Light Unto The Nations" Contested... (fwd)

2000-06-19 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:16:38 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [BCPolitics] re "Light Unto The Nations" Contested...

or "Who has the mandate of heaven?"

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 09:42:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] Wang's Words of Wisdom

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 12:27:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Chineseproverbs] "Mandate of Heaven"

Does anyone know the origin of the above Chinese saying?

[Moderator's note: Hello - it is an interesting question in Confucianism, so though it 
is not a proverb, per se, I'd like to offer a quick note. 'Tianming' is the Chinese, 
and it plays an important role in government in ancient China. Essentially 'Heaven' 
bestows its authority on a human being (a 'tianzi' or 'wang' or 'jun') to rule the 
empire, and instigates changes in rulers when the former ceases to upholding his 
reverence for, and virtues of, his forefathers; the mandate implies acting humanely 
towards the ruled peoples, and reducing their overall hardships.

If you would like to discuss this further, I would suggest subscribing to my Confucius 
list. Just send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and in the body of the 
message write subscribe confucius

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [LIFE-GAZETTE] "A Light Unto The Nations"...Contested. (fwd)

2000-06-19 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 11:08:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] "A Light Unto The Nations"...Contested.

> Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 18:08:38 EDT
> Subject: Some Jews Who Converted To Christianity
> You may forward this to any lists if you want to.
> I suggest/perceive that immigration & citizenship rights, laws & rules are
> arbitrarily  & subjectively applied. Israel's laws are seemingly as
> capricious & confused as any, perhaps more so than  the norms of other
> nations-States-Countries.

"Officially", from the Constitutional documents I have read, Israel is
first and foremost to be a haven for those defined as "Jews". However, I
like the slogan better, ie "A Light Unto The Nations". I think it should
be put to a contest, sort of a "God's Chosen People" contest or "Who is
Numero Uno?"

 Israeli poster Hannah Weiss indeed has the best
> take on this phenomena as I've encountered. It would be neat if she would
> respond to your solicitation for participation. She is passionate and
> articulate.

Her material is scholarly.

> One ought not be too shocked & super-critical by Israel's inconsistencies &
> contradictions.

I'm not. I just think it was premature. The Soviets offered the
Jews/Semites an autonomous region in the far east. They should have taken
it for a dry run before instigating 50 years of war in the Middle East.
If that had succeeded they could have "cashed out" and moved on. After
all, a shekel is a shekel even if it is called a ruble.

 If it were up to me:  IMHO: The aspect of "persecution" &
> "discrimination against" for being considered a "jew" (whether religious or
> not), genetic  (whether "semitic" or not) has to be the raison d'etre for
> full welcome admission to modern Israel.

The persecution here is not primarily against Jews/Semites. They are the
subculture most protected from even criticism. The most hated subculture
in Canada-USA are those who believe the teachings of Christ, ie TRUTH, or
as the Romans said "Veritas odium parit". And the gaggle of churchocratic
parasites paraded on CBC's "Moral Divide" are not the real McCoys. They
don't have what it takes, from RC's to Salvation Army. As Jesus Christ
said, "You will be hated of all people". When the Grahams or Wojtylas
stand before huge adoring crowds are they "hated of all people"? I rest my
   It is easy to prove by social-psych study that followers of Christ are
most hated in Canada. It is easy to prove that Jews/Semites are almost
immune even from scholarly critism.

> The over-riding religious  folk culture  cannot be dismissed. Jews are not
> born as sterile intellectuals &
> agnostics & cynics & skeptics & agnostics.

You forgot "atheists". Somewhere here I have a quote from Golda Meier
lamenting the difficulty of national cohesiveness when some 30% of
Israelis were atheists. Is that the spiritual legacy which Jacob/Israel
wanted passed on? Would Jacob/Israel grant aliyeh rights to White Atheists
(as some of these people are)?

 "Jews," whether mostly secularized
> or not, exist in a World full of competiting theologies & philosophies &
> ethno cultures.

Well, you know what Mao said on this.

> For instance: IMHO: Most "real Jews" are proud of HATIKVAH, the Israeli
> national anthem.
> It sounds a lot like the Czech Smetna's symphonic MOLDAU (sp?) (i think).
> When I heard it in MUSIC APPRECIATION 231, I was kinda shocked. When I heard
> the ancient Roman Catholic GREGORIAN CHANTS, I may have initially identified
> it as
> Hebrew prayer chanting.
> Furthermore: I observe a whoie lot of Islamic affectations in Hebrew prayer
> service, or is that Hebrew affectations in Islamic prayer services (?).
> There is a  universal human element in incantations to deity(ies).

They started to teach us Gregorian Chants during my short career as an
Anglican choir boy:

"O' come ye Immanuel,
O' come ye to Israel"

But don't ask me to sing/chant it!

> Last sentence but not least: You cannot get it out of your mind that  the
> original dichotomy of Jewish theology versus the Christian theology is the
> KEY differentiation.

OK, I'll accept that this is so. Now, all you, Hannah, Yair Davidy et al
have to do is provided a REASONED explanation as to why
"Antichristism" which began with the arrival of Jesus Christ is
justified. Or, as the De Sola Poole Traditional Jewish Prayer Book says,
"Judaism has never called for an unreasoned faith". CONVINCE ME that the
Antichrist position is more reasonable and you win. I think I've heard
about all the Semite/Jewish arguments there are. Surprise me!

 The "Jews For Jesus" people are a major turnoff for
> Israelis, including those in charge of establishing & enforcing immigration
> rules.

See above re REASONED defence of that. Paul

[CTRL] This condition of unintelligent respect...the financier needs.

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

"This condition of unintelligent respect on the part
of the general public is exactly what the financier needs in
order to remain unfettered by the democracy.  He has, of course,
many other advantages in dealing with opinion.  Being immensely
rich, he can endow universities, and secure that the most in-
fluential part of academic opinion shall be subservient to him.
Being at the head of the plutocracy, he is the natural leader
of all those whose political thought is dominated by fear of
Communism.  Being the possessor of economic power, he can dis-
tribute prosperity or ruin to whole nations as he chooses.  But
I doubt whether any of these weapons would suffice without the
aid of superstition.  It is a remarkable fact that, in spite
of the importance of economics to every man, woman, and child,
the subject is almost never taught in schools and even in uni-
versities is learnt by a minority.  Moreover, that minority do
not learn the subject as it would be learnt if no political
interests were at stake.  There are a few institutions which
teach it without plutocratic bias, but they are very few; as a
rule, the subject is so taught as to glorify the economic status
quo.  All this, I fancy, is connected with the fact that super-
stition and mystery are useful to the holders of financial power.

"Finance, like war, suffers from the fact that almost
all those who have technical competence also have a bias which
is contrary to the interest of the community.  When Disarmament
Conferences take place, the naval and military experts are the
chief obstacle to their success.  It is not that these men are
dishonest, but that their habitual preoccupations prevent them
from seeing questions concerning armaments in their proper per-
spective.  Exactly the same thing applies to finance.  Hardly
anybody knows about it in detail except those who are engaged
in making money out of the present system, who naturally cannot
take wholly impartial views.  It will be necessary, if this
state of affairs is to be remedied, to make the democracies of
the world aware of the importance of finance, and to find ways
of simplifying the principles of finance so that they can be
widely understood.  It must be admitted that this is not easy,
but I do not believe that it is impossible.  One of the impedi-
ments to successful democracy in our age is the complexity of
the modern world, which makes it increasingly difficult for
ordinary men and women to form an intelligent opinion on po-
litical questions, or even to decide whose expert judgment de-
serves the most respect.  The cure for this trouble is to im-
prove education, and to find ways of explaining the structure
of society which are easier to understand than those presently
in vogue.  Every believer in effective democracy must be in
favour of this reform.  But perhaps there are no believers in
democracy left except in Siam and the remoter parts of Mongolia."

--Bertrand Russell, "In Praise of
Idleness" (1932), pp. 79-81.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

> Wrong! The Talmud is only studied by the ultra ortodox. Just about everyone in
> Israel has studied the actual Bible because the Bible is Jewish national
> history and part of school studies in the same way we learn about American
> history in schools here.

Especially the New Testament part of the Bible!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Verbose Idiocy Exposed, was Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Mon, 19 Jun 2000, Aleisha Saba wrote:

> I think the most important statement attributed to Jesus the Christ, was
> "beware of those who say they are Jews and are not".   Zionists - are
> these those who say they are Jews and are not?

There are Mormon Zionists, Lutheran Zionists and Evangelical-Protestant
Zionists. Some have their own churches designated as Zionist
churches. When is this bunch of narrow-minded, bigoted know-nothings on
the right who post the same tired old lines as we see, going to learn?
In the same Chapter of Rev. you are told to beware those who say they are
Apostles (Christians) and are not. Like who? How about Pope Willie The
(Learned Elder of Zion)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Lest We Become Oppressed ?

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Bob Stokes wrote:
> In a message dated 00-06-18 17:24:33 EDT, Joshua2 writes:
> << They
>  are our very own occupying troops, and would shoot you and me down like rabid
>  dogs in the street if ordered to even though we pay their wages and are the
>  citizens of the country they suposedly work for. >>
>  This is not true.  You don't know, you haven't been there, I was for
> twenty years.  You are misinformed, it is the controllers of the Soldiers,
> Sailors, Airmen and Marines who misuse our military.  We need a strong
> military to preserve our freedom (such as it is) but we shouldn't be
> policeman for Corporate thieves.  We have no need to be in a foreign country
> without a declared war.  Control of the "Elites" is what we need, not control
> of the man behind the gun.  Perhaps control of the high ranking officers in
> charge would be the way to do this, but as Congress is corrupt, so are the
> Generals and Admirals ... most of the high-ranking officers aren't in it for
> the money, just the power.
>  The elites won't order the military to fight civilians on a large scale
> because they know they would lose.  Members of the military are no longer in
> the dark.  They have access to the internet as provided by the military
> itself.  They can see the different threads.

I hope you're right Bob but I am forced to believe otherwise. The government
and the Military have been eroding the Posse Comitadas (?) protections over a
period of years now, and all it takes is for the Presidents signature to use
the military against its own citizens.

And then there's shit like this...


Now comes documentation on other plans the Pentagon was
pursuing in those days. Articles by Tim Weiner in the New
York Times Nov. 19 and Nov. 23 tell of some of them.

The military plans approved for development by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff on March 13, 1962, as part of the CIA's
Operation Mongoose included:

u Operation Bingo, a plan to fake an attack on the U.S.
base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, providing cover for a
devastating U.S. military assault on Havana.

u Operation Dirty Trick, a plot to blame Fidel Castro if
the 1962 Mercury space flight carrying John Glenn crashed.

u A "Remember the Maine" incident, in which "we could blow
up a U.S. warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," said a
Pentagon memorandum. "We could develop a Communist Cuban
terror campaign in the Miami area," it went on, "in other
Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign
could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the
United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route
to Florida (real or simulated), or create an incident which
will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has
attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner."

The Times reports said no there is no evidence that these
plans were ever carried out. Perhaps.

Perhaps others that did become operational are still
classified "top secret." Cuba has provided very convincing
evidence, for example, of bacteriological and biological
warfare aimed at its crops and livestock.

Nevertheless, these few scenarios reveal enough about the
mentality of the military to demolish the benign image of
U.S. foreign policy so carefully cultivated by the rulers of
this country. In truth, Washington hasn't changed since the
days when U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Smedley Butler said he had
been nothing but a gangster working for U.S. banks and
corporations in Latin America in the 1920s. 

Department Of Defense:

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR
Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders:
1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:
1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991:
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR
Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1992:
Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Adm Wm. Crowe, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR

[CTRL] AP: Nader Is Worth Nearly $4M

2000-06-19 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Is it really possible to campaign against the system while personally
profiting from it?

Monday, June 19, 2000


Ralph Nader's worth is nearly $4 million


WASHINGTON - Green Party presidential contender Ralph Nader, a longtime
consumer advocate and critic of corporate America, is worth millions of
dollars, thanks to investments in high-tech companies, according to
published reports.

For years, he refused to reveal even the slightest personal financial
information. But Nader, who expects to become the Green Party's nominee for
president this weekend, discussed the topic in interviews with the Baltimore
Sun and Washington Post, detailing personal assets approaching $4 million.

He also disclosed financial information in a report filed with the Federal
Election Commission.

Nader was unavailable for further comment yesterday.

The Sun reported Saturday that Nader earned more than $512,000 over the last
16 months, mostly in speaking fees. The newspaper also said Nader's personal
holdings were conservatively valued at more than $3.9 million, including a
stock portfolio heavy on high-tech holdings.

He has nearly $1.2 million in stock in Cisco Systems, an Internet networking
company. He also owns smaller amounts of five other technology-related
stocks and has more than $2 million in two money market funds, the
Washington Post reported yesterday. He listed no debts. Nader, 66 and
unmarried, rents an apartment in Washington, and does not own a car or real

Nader said he did not take a salary from any of the public-advocacy groups
he founded during his career as a champion of consumer rights, and lives on
just $25,000 a year.

In campaign speeches, Nader rails against the concentration of wealth and
power by corporate America. But he makes no apologies for his own wealth,
saying he could have been even richer had he not been funneling 80 percent
of his earnings back into civic projects.

"I'd like to set an example that people who have means should use those
means to better society," he told the Post.

Among the self-financed projects he cited are efforts to organize Public
Interest Research Groups on college campuses. He also has started research
centers devoted to health and safety, has worked on behalf of American
Indian rights, child protection and solar energy education.

His running mate, Winona LaDuke, is an American Indian activist.

Other organizations he founded include Public Citizen and the Center for
Auto Safety.

Despite what appears to be a new openness forced by his long-shot
presidential bid, Nader told the Post he would not release his personal
income tax forms.

"Assuring privacy rights for all Americans has been one of my active
engagements for many years," he said.

© 2000 Philadelphia Newspapers Inc.

Robert F. Tatman
Jenkintown, PA, USA
"Y Gwir Yn Erbyn y Byd"--Y Bardd Cymraeg
"The Truth Against the World"--motto of the Welsh bards

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-19 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Ben B. Day" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: [a16-international-planning] (unknown)

> The text of the following can also be found at:
> http://www.cs.umb.edu/~bday/unification.html
> ---
> by Ben Day
> June 2000
> One of the landmarks to emerge from the A16 D.C. protests was the
recognition - even in the mass media - of the largely decentralized nature
of the protest movement gathering momentum across the world to oppose the
practices of international financial institutes.  This was a sharp break
from Seattle, after which the media seized upon Mike Dolan, who happily
played the role of obligatory white male "responsible" for organization of
the protest.  No, this time the "leaderless" quality of the movement was
embraced, but it came hand-in-hand with what has become both an accusation
against and a defense of protestors: the non- or even anti-hierarchical
structure of this patchwork of individuals, affinity groups, and independent
organizations springs, it is said, from the vast diversity of issues and
complaints that lead them into the streets.  This diversity, although it has
been proclaimed by its members as a vital and empowering expression of a
democratic opposition, has led critics and commentators to view the thrust
of global discontent as so completely diluted and amorphous as to preclude
any resolution that would largely satisfy all participants.  "They could not
even agree on a slogan," wrote David Montgomery for his 16 April Washington
Post article, "just a vague, all-encompassing phrase: `global justice.'"
> The question that now confronts us all is this: does or will our diversity
undermine our solidarity?  Although we may currently gain strength from the
broad range of criticisms entertained against international financial
institutes - ranging from nationalist protectionist proponents to advocates
of global government to anarchist calls for the withering away of oppressive
government altogether - at the point at which we become effective, that is
at which we begin to affect change, this diffuseness could cripple our
unity.  Would a tokenist response from various international organizations -
agreeing to stricter environmental regulations, or protection against the
use of sweatshop labor - be enough to placate large numbers of protestors?
Would a move towards change in any direction at all necessarily split the
movement down the middle along one of its many f(r)actional lines?
> In short, it is clear that some level of broad agreement has been achieved
through a negative critique of such organizations as the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (Bank), and the Development Banks.  But
it remains to be seen whether all or most protestors could rally behind any
positive programme of reform, reconstruction, or destruction.  This essay
begins with the premise that it is not enough to know what we all don't
want, and attempts to locate an Archimedes Point that all parties could
seize upon - without watering down their strength, focus, or diversity -
with which to move the world.
> The diversity of criticisms leveled at such institutions as the IMF and
the Bank, as well as the powerful national governments standing just behind
them and multilateral trade organizations facilitating their reforms, have
arisen due to their practices - both the harm they've directly perpetrated
and the improvements they've stood in the way of.  The substance of these
criticisms, then, have ranged the broad spectrum of sectors who feel that
they've suffered at the hands of such policies: environmental groups
lobbying against careless release of pollutants and destruction of natural
beauty and resources, indigenous peoples whose cultures have been uprooted,
organized labor forced into a wage race to the bottom competing with labor
overseas, anti-capitalist and disenfranchised political ideologies of all
stripes - from anarchists to the Greens, small business owners overrun by
massive corporate franchises, as well as a concerned student movement that
attaches itself to these and hundreds of other bodies spanning the left and
the right, the top and the bottom.
> Although it is precisely what these institutions have done and continue to
do that mobilizes us, our goal should be not to change what decisions they
make, but who makes their decisions, to change who "they" are.  The
practices of global capital are symptomatic of global power structures.
These structures are not abstract: go to the IMF web page and look at the
table of "Quotas, Governors, and Voting Power."  You will there find the
weighted votes of the IMF's "shareholders" - United States 17.35 percent,
Japan 6.23 percent, Germany 6.08 perce

Re: [CTRL] Very Important! RE: Corporate control of water.

2000-06-19 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The next war will be fought over water rights.  It may be between Israel and
Syria (the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee); India and Pakistan (the
Indus); Turkey, Syria, and Iraq (the Euphrates); or the U.S. and Mexico (the
Rio Grande)--among many, many possibilities.  Oil is relatively passe; there
are, after all, alternative sources of energy that can be developed when the
petroleum runs out.  But there is *nothing* left when the water runs out...
And we dare not deprive the rich of their swimming pools, do we?

- Original Message -
From: "Nurev Ind Research" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:43 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Very Important! RE: Corporate control of water.

> Subject:
>  water as a kind of petroleum for free trade purposes
>   Date:
>  Mon, 19 Jun 2000 00:26:15 -0500 (CDT)
>   From:
>  Organization:
>  ?
> To:
>  undisclosed-recipients:;
>  "organised theft of water from the poor", Shiva added: "the moment you let
> the market determine the situation, all that will happen is that the
> swimming pool of the rich will get a higher priority over the drinking
> water of the poor".>
> ==
> DEVELOPMENT: Poorest Countries Call For Right to Water
>  http://www.oneworld.org/ips2/june00/16_56_031.html
> DEVELOPMENT: Poorest Countries Call For Right to Water
> By Gareth Harding
> BRUSSELS, Jun 12 (IPS) - Activists from seven of the world's poorest
> countries have called for access to water to be made a fundamental human
> right and brought under the democratic control of those dependent on its
> use.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] How insane are we? Anything ??? for money.

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research



By Adrienne Anderson
Denver, June 16, 2000

  A recent ruling by a Denver judge sets the stage
for EPA to begin to flush plutonium-contaminated
Superfund site wastes into the public sewer systems,
irrigate area parks with it, mix it with industrial
and domestic sewage sludge, bag and sell it to
unsuspecting home gardeners as "fertilizer", and
spread the rest on a 50,000 acre piece of farmland the
sewage district bought with public funds in Deer
Trail, Colorado (east of Denver) as "beneficial
biosolids", where wheat and other crops are grown
and sold through the nation's commercial food supply
for human consumption.

  A four year citizens' investigation reveals that
the site is loaded with staggering levels of nuclear
wastes, which EPA has simply axed off the books as
"contaminants of concern" at the
massively-contaminated Lowry Landfill, which such
notorious polluters as Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons
Plant (which made plutonium bomb triggers), Martin
Marietta (which builds Titan missiles), Coors (which
also made nuclear fuel rods for the Atomic Energy
Commission in the 60's) and a host of 200 other area
polluters and defense contractors used for years as
their liquid radioactive and hazardous waste dump.

  I filed a federal whistleblower case on this
outrageous plan in 1997 when I served on the board of
the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District, which had
secretly entered into a deal with the Lowry Landfill's
owner (City and County of Denver) and Waste
Management, Inc. (operator of the site) to flush this
problem down the drain, unbeknownst then to the sewer
plant's workers which I'd been appointed to represent,
or the public at large. My whistleblower case
(Anderson v. MWRD Case No. 97-SDW-7) was won at the
initial stage, with a ruling that I was being
harassed, threatened and discriminated against by MWRD
for speaking out against this plan on behalf of the
workers, appealed, and then appealed to the
Administrative Review Board of the Department of
Labor, who ruled in my favor that the case be
reinstated and heard on the merits.

  With this recent ruling, Metro Wastewater has
stepped up its union-busting efforts at the sewage
plant, with a history of using extortion-type tactics
in efforts to force their own workers to back their
plan to receive plutonium-contaminated Lowry Landfill
Superfund site wastewater for several years, even
though the facility is not licensed to handle nuclear
waste, and its workers are not even protected by OSHA.

  Metro Wastewater and its partners to the plan,
including the EPA, then waged a campaign of defamation
against those of us who have spoken against this
outrageous plan, which has drawn 100% written
opposition from citizens in comments to both EPA and
the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. All public
opposition was ignored to carry out this absurd,
precedent setting plan, using the EPA's controversial
Section 503 Clean Water Act loophole as a means to
dispose of the most dangerous wastes on the planet,
including radioactive wastes that remain deadly
with half-lives of tens of thousands of years.

  The Denver Judge, Steven Phillips, in response to
an appeal for an injunction sought by farmers, union
workers, students and other citizens here and
nationally opposed to EPA's outrageous plan, has, in
effect, tossed the matter to federal court for action,
should the plaintiffs continue to seek court aid to
block the plan. The federal court here, however, are
complicit in the cover-up of major components of this,
having already sealed from public view several major
court decisions on matters citizens have the right to
know, like which polluters have paid how much into the
clean-up fund. The two federal judges to seal key
rulings about Lowry Landfill -- Sherman Finesilver and
Zita Weinsheink -- are also at the heart of other
controversial pollution cases in Denver, where
polluters got off the hook. Finesilver handled the
Rocky Flats case, where a federal grand jury
reportedly attempted to indict DOE and Rockwell
officials as individuals and sought immunity to tell
their findings for the public good, with no success,
date. Weinsheink was the judge in a case over
contaminated drinking water and associated deaths of
children in the Friendly Hills neighborhood, where
Weinsheink refused the bereaved families a jury trial,
despite preliminary ruling confirming that the huge
defense contractor had indeed contaminated their
public water supply, and had even acted in a
conspiracy to cover up evidence. Both Rocky Flats and
the U.S. Air Force/ Martin missile factory are
Superfund sites themselves, as well as contributors of
highly toxic wastes to the Lowry Landfill Superfund
site, southeast of Denver.

  Today, developers and their political pawns in
municipal and county government plan to turn the
radioactive wasteland around Lowry Landfill into
subdivisions and shopping centers. The Mayor of

[CTRL] Very Important! RE: Corporate control of water.

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 water as a kind of petroleum for free trade purposes
 Mon, 19 Jun 2000 00:26:15 -0500 (CDT)

DEVELOPMENT: Poorest Countries Call For Right to Water


DEVELOPMENT: Poorest Countries Call For Right to Water

By Gareth Harding

BRUSSELS, Jun 12 (IPS) - Activists from seven of the world's poorest
countries have called for access to water to be made a fundamental human
right and brought under the democratic control of those dependent on its

Meeting in Brussels last week, the so-called P7 Summit - which groups
together politicians, academics, aid workers and environmental campaigners
- issued a declaration roundly condemning the use of water as a commodity.

Treating water as a kind of petroleum to be traded according to market
principles would lead to further environmental degradation, wasteful and
inefficient farming methods, greater water poverty and an increased risk
of conflict, the conference concluded.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 1.7 billion people do
not have access to drinking water and half the world's population lacks
access to sanitary services.

Malin Falkenmark, of the Swedish International Water Institute, said this
problem was compounded by the fact that rampant population growth requires
more water to be diverted to food production, which uses 50-100 times more
water than households.

Falkenmark said that there was an urgent need for politicians to address
the "unavoidable trade-offs between feeding the population and protecting
aquatic ecosystems".

Honorary President of P7, Vandana Shiva, an Indian activist, said that
droughts and famines were less the result of natural disasters and
population growth and more often due to World Bank funding for cash crops
requiring huge amounts of water.

Twenty years ago the water table in drought-stricken areas of northern
India was 20 feet (about 6.5 metres) below the surface, but now wells were
being dug to 2000 feet to irrigate thirsty crops such as cotton, said
Shiva, director of the Indian Research Foundation for Science, Technology
and Ecology.

Describing the Washington-based bank's water privatisation reforms as an
"organised theft of water from the poor", Shiva added: "the moment you let
the market determine the situation, all that will happen is that the
swimming pool of the rich will get a higher priority over the drinking
water of the poor".

Mamadou Diouf, P7 coordinator from Senegal, also noted the "desperate
scramble for profit" water companies were engaged in. Diouf said that in
West African countries privatisation had turned public into private
monopolies and national resources into those of French multinationals.

The three-day conference, which was hosted by Green members of the
European Parliament (MEPs), rejected the conclusions of the second
ministerial World Water Forum in the Hague in March this year, which
treated water primarily as an economic commodity and refused to consider
access to water as a human right.

This ran counter to the conclusions of the UN "Earth Summit" in 1992,
which declared that "all peoples.have the right to access to drinking
water in quantities and of quality equal to their basic needs".

The P7 meet concluded that "all living beings have a right to water as
water is part of humanity's common heritage".

Instead of private companies monopolising the distribution of water, the
conference called for the management of water services to remain in the
public domain.

"The best managers of water are citizens and local communities," it

Undemocratic control over water leads to conflicts, several speakers
pointed out.

Fadia Daibes Murad, of the Palestinian Water Authority, said water was one
of the main reasons for the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Most of
the water in the mountainous area of the Palestinian water basin was being
expropriated by the Israelis for cash crop production, said Murad.

"If the water problem is not solved there will be no peace in the area,"
he said.

Imeru Tamerat, of Action Aid Ethiopia, took a more optimistic view,
arguing that "water basins have more often been the source of cooperation
than conflict".

The 10 countries in the Nile basin were increasingly working together to
agree common rules, he said. However, the water expert did say that huge
demands were being put on the river because of population growth and the
over-use of resources by Egypt.

Water knows no political boundaries. Therefore we need to challenge the
belief in the national ownership of water," he said.

Calling for a new form of "water democracy," the conference declared that
parliamentary assemblies should be set up to manage large river basins and
a World Water Parliament sho

[CTRL] JAIL 4 Judges

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

  Don't Give Up Hope!

   There is still a sure-fire, legal, non-violent
  way to regain a government of the People,
and it's under way now!


   The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law

Our goal is to first take California by storm, then the other
states by fall-out. What begins in California sweeps the nation.
By pressure of the other states, we shall create and call for
federal judicial accountability.

J.A.I.L. will be the next shot heard 'round the world. All
governments shall stand up and take notice. Every state will then
review its judicial accountability process.

J.A.I.L. is Powerful! J.A.I.L. is Dynamic! J.A.I.L. is totally in
the hands of the People! It is accountable to no governmental
body. Its edicts are enforceable by the People, and no government
can stand in its way. Yes, and it is 100% legal! Let's start the
fire in California that will burn through every state and take
the nation. Let us all focus our aim, hang together, and
accomplish one great thing for ourselves, our country, and our
posterity: Freedom!!!

Executive Summary

J.A.I.L. is a proposed amendment to the California Constitution
as a check against judicial misconduct and abuse of power.

The initiative creates three statewide Special Grand Juries in
California for the sole purpose of investigating complaints
against judges.

The Special Grand Juries will have the power to sanction judges
by levying fines and forfeitures against them; and for third-time
offenses, removal from the bench.

The Special Grand Juries will also have the power to indict
judges and subject them to criminal proceedings before special
trial juries who may sentence as well as convict the offending

  When J.A.I.L. Becomes Law, Corrupt Judges Will:

Be subjected to civil
Be removed from the
Be prosecuted
Serve time in prison!

   Your Donations Needed!
Send To:
   J.A.I.L. For Judges
 11304 Chandler Blvd. Unit 207
No. Hollywood, California 91603

 Make checks payable to "Jail4Judges"

   Voice Mail (818) 386-5804
 Attorney Gary Zerman (661) 250-0974

  For info by email and to get on the email list:

   Please help with your financial support.

 new -> Black Collar Crime



   What Can I Do?

  New California J.A.I.L. Petitions Now Available
  For Downloading

   Federal Jail Legislation

   Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
  Updated Feb 27, 2000

   Orange County Attorney Files RICO Suit Against
  Ten Judges

  Legal Comments Forum
  Updated Jan 17, 2000


Timely Updates and Event Schedule
  Updated Feb 20, 2000

Letters to JAIL
 Updated Feb 27, 2000

 Judicial Corruption
 Updated Feb 27, 2000

 Related Links
 Updated May 14, 2000

On Judicial Despotism
by Sen. John Ashcroft

World Net Daily
 Article Aug 30, 1999
 'Jail 4 Judges' targets judicial corruption Only 7 removed
 from bench in 9,529 abuse cases

Article August 13, 1999
  "Three Strikes For Law-Breaking Judges Proposed"

Article August 11, 2000
   "The "JAIL 4 Judges" campaign has been given the go-ahead to
collect signatures"

 Article April 4, 1999
   "LA Superior Court Judges 'Slush' Fund"

 Updated Feb 27, 2000


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politica

Re: [CTRL] Abe Lincoln was a Rothschild

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Great stuff Nicky. I always suspected he was a Jew because his name was Abe.
Get it? Abe? As in Abraham? You know what I mean? Although I have doubts about
Abraham being a Jew because it has the word ' ham ' in it and Jews don't eat

Keep up the good work. You are a light unto the nations.

> Nicky Molloy wrote:
> Pandora's Box
> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pandora.htm#Pandora's Box
> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/natural.htm
> by Alex Christopher
> Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However,
> during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse
> in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of "Pandora's Box",
> found the will of one A.A. Springsin an old will book dated around 1840.
> Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret it disclosed.
> But the fact is that wills, even though classified as public records the
> same as property and corporation records, are rarely combed through as he
> was doing. These documents can hold dark secrets hidden from public view and
> never uncovered because few research these old records.
> Thus secrets are hidden in public view so that when accused of concealing
> the records, bureaucracy can reply "It was on public record in plan view for
> any and all to find."
> The will of the late A.A. Springs lists his property and to whom the
> beneficiaries who included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were
> looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and left
> to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find
> the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a
> paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount
> of land in the state of Alabama which is now known as Huntsville, Alabama.
> At first Mr. Christopher and his colleagues could not believe what their
> eyes, because the name of his son was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN"!
> This new information added to what they had already learned about the
> Springs, whose real name was Springstein, was one more twist to this already
> enigmatic family. This unexpected knowledge about Lincoln set their hearts
> on fire to see what further secrets this new lead might disclose. Because
> everything they had so far found in the railroad and banking saga had been
> really mind-opening, they figured this one would be the same. So they
> investigated the local archives and historical records on families and found
> a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in a published genealogy of a Carolina
> family by the name of McAdden. This genealogy was a limited edition of the
> type once found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln resembled
> the following form of words:
> "In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family
> lineage of McAdden was visiting some of her family in the community of
> Lincolnton, North Carolina. During her stay in the Carolina's, she visited
> many neighboring families she had known for many years; one such was the
> Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young
> Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to
> succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There
> were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female.
> Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the
> name Lincoln was real or fabricated from the area of conception which was
> Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Springs were of the
> race that called themselves "Jewish", Lincoln was part Jewish and as part of
> the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by
> blood."
> The following data was derived from information that exists in the
> Smithsonian Institute, National Archives, the Congressional Library,
> Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults
> across the United States and Europe: "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three
> times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany
> (Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The
> German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the then President of
> the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln
> but he non-verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head
> before walking out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe done to so
> enrage and upset the royal European personage?
> It seems that promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days
> and the German King Leopold had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who
> was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although
> Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her
> life.
> In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Linc

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA In Charge of Arafat and Palestine

2000-06-19 Thread Kris Millegan

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\  CIA IN CHARGE IN PALESTINE

  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  - - - - - - - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 19 June:
The CIA role in occupied Palestine has been increasing yearly since the Oslo agreement
and the decision to install an Arafat regime to end the Intifada, control the 
population, and bring about a "final agreement" to legitimize Israeli domination.
 Now, with Ehud Barak pushing hard on the Americans to bring Arafat to Camp David
to consolidate all they have achieved as well as to save his own government, the
role of the CIA in safeguarding the Arafat regime is being still further escalated.
 Arafat and key members of his regime are being squeezed on all fronts now, with
both Clinton and Barak desperate to bring about what they will instruct history
to record as an "end" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict -- even if many of the
academic experts see this whole phase as more the beginning of a new and expanded
regional conflict.  The following published over the weekend about the still expanding
role of the CIA in the "peace process":


RAMALLAH, West Bank - Middle East Newsline, Saturday 17 June:  U.S. intelligence
is raising its profile in an effort to oversee and train Palestinian security officers
amid heightened tension in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Authority officials said the CIA will supervise the construction and
operation of the Palestinian intelligence headquarters north of Jericho. The building
as well as the training of PA security officers will be financed by the United States.

The PA has also decided to build a new headquarters for the General Intelligence
service in Ramallah. About 12 acres of land have already been allocated. Again,
CIA officers will supervise and finance the construction as well as the installation
of advanced surveillance and electronic equipment.

PA officials said CIA officers are also training Force 17, the praetorian guard
of PA Chairman Yasser Arafat. They said five CIA representatives are responsible
for the supervision and training of the PA security officers.

Opposition sources said the CIA and State Department funds several Palestinian 
in the West Bank. They said CIA representatives have attend the interrogation of
detained Palestinian opposition members.

PA officials said the CIA officers are also involved in monitoring the security
situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well as counterterrorism cooperation
between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli security sources report rising tension
in the PA territories and have warned of new violence by the end of the month amid
the stalemate in negotiations between Israel and the PA.

  Phone:  202 362-5266  Fax:  815 366-0800

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Nicky Molloy wrote:
> Talmud Exposed
> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud.htm#Talmud Exposed
> http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/natural.htm
> Contents:
> The Talmud is Judasim's Holiest Book
> Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud
> Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary
> Talmud Attacks Christians
> Christian Book Burning
> Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
> Tales of a Roman Holocaust
> A Revealing Admission
> Pharisiac Rituals
> A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman
> Genocide Advocated by The Talmud
> Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans
> The Teachings of Maimonides
> Deception and Dissimulation
> Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud
> The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book

Wrong! No Jew who ever lived thought that. EVER!

> The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its
> authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism.

Wrong! No Jew in all of history ever thought that.

> Evidence of
> this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My
> son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in
> the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

Total bullshit.

> The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be
> seen in the case of the Black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians have more knowledge
> of the Old Testament than the Israelis.

Wrong! The Talmud is only studied by the ultra ortodox. Just about everyone in
Israel has studied the actual Bible because the Bible is Jewish national
history and part of school studies in the same way we learn about American
history in schools here.

Ethiopian Jews, with very few exceptions, know very little about their Jewish
roots because they were isolated and forced into conversion to Christianity.
Many knew they were Jews but had little reason to practice their herritage
in the face of their neighbor's oppression. When they got to Israel they
caught up. Today they are full integrated into the general society.

> However, their religion is so
> ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no
> knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:
> "The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the
> Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis
> of modern traditions never came their way."

This is true.
> Because they don't traffic in Talmudic traditions, the Black Ethiopian Jews
> are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform
> marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.
> Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential
> rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism
> and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law).
> Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000
> rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership.
> N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's
> authority:
> "Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic
> scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the
> study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological
> Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held
> the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed
> in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times,
> April 10, 1993, p. 38).
> Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the
> basis for being one of the top world authorities on Jewish law. The rabbi's
> credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. All other
> studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993
> states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud
> to the exclusion of everything else."

Everything you've read up to this point is wrong. I know this for a FACT
because I am especially familiar the subject.

If you think that you are going to get any sensible information about the
Talmud from an outfit called - biblebelievers.org.au -, then you would be
as deluded as poor Nicky. If you want good info about the subject, there
are many books put out by Catholic and Protestant scholars who actually
know something about the subject at hand.

> The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is
> partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had
> not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of
> the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees),
> because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible.

This is such a ridiculous statement, only a really ignorant bigot could make
it and only really really ignorant bigots believe it. Thi

[CTRL] CIA-Drugs Symposium: A Glimpse Behind The Veil

2000-06-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.disinfo.com/disinfo?p=folder&title=CIA%2DDrugs+Symposium%3A+A
+Glimpse+Behind+The+Veil">d|i|s|i|n|f|o|r|m|a|t|i|o|n - CIA-Drugs Symposi…

CIA-Drugs Symposium: A Glimpse Behind The Veil

"Whatever system we are living under, it is not a democracy, and we are not
protected by the Rule of Law," said the former US Assistant Secretary of
State for Housing & Urban Development.

The US Government has known about drug trafficking among its assets,
protected those assets helpful to whichever cause the US Government was
backing at the time, and will never legalize any of the currently illicit
substances as there is too much money being made from the War Against Some

These were the overall messages at the CIA-Drugs Symposium in Eugene Oregon
(June 10th, 2000). "I'm just really tired of the situation we’ve got here,
and I really don't want my children to have to deal with it," said organizer
Kris Millegan in his opening remarks. With a showing of the film Secret
Heartbeat Of America, by Daniel Hopsicker, detailing America’s secret history
during the later half of the 20th Century setting the tone right away. This
was not an event for those who didn’t want to know the truth, or who believe
what they don’t know won’t hurt them!

Speakers included Millegan, Hopsicker, Mike Ruppert (former LAPD narc and
publisher of the newsletter From The Wilderness), Dedon Kamathi (former Black
Panther, and still-outspoken activist), Catherine Austin Fitts (former
Assistant Secretary of State for Housing & Urban Development under President
Bush from 1989 to 1990), Cele Castillio, 12 veteran of the DEA, Rodney Stich
(author and former FAA flight accident investigator), and Peter Dale Scott
(former Canadian diplomat, Professor at University of California, Berkeley,
and prolific author).

"This report is full of lies, flat out lies, in terms of what they've already
admitted," remarked Scott, about the report released by CIA-man Rep. Porter
Goss (R-FL). The US Select Committee On Intelligence (May 11th, 2000) found
"no evidence" of any involvement of any CIA employee or assets in the
narcotics trade, at any time.

In a report completed the week before the symposium, Scott writes that the
committee has for some time, instead of exerting some form of oversight of
the Intelligence Committee, "had been operated as a rubber stamp, deflecting
public concern rather than representing it. It is however possible that never
before has such a dishonest and deceptive document, on such an important
subject, been approved without dissent by the full membership of the
committee . . .The CIA practice of recruiting drug-financed armies is an
ongoing matter."

Cele Castillio, who was the DEA's sole American field agent in Guatemala and
El Salvador from 1985 to 1990, told the room about his misadventures trying
to investigate the trafficking in and out of those Central American countries
during Oliver North’s Contra supply operations. "I was there, I saw it. I
kept journals. I took pictures of the good, the bad and the ugly," claimed
"I met then Vice-President Bush at a party in the US Embassy in El Salvador
once, and told him there was something funny about the Contras, after Bush
asked me what I did. He just smiled and walked away."

Castillio says he saw Bush meet later that day with Ollie North and others in
the same US Embassy building. "It is going to get worse before it gets
better," revealed Castillio about prohibition and the false War Against Some
Drugs, "but we know who did this to us."
As Kamathi, co-founder of Crack the CIA Coalition, and a record producer with
Motown Records who focuses on Conscious Rap, as opposed to the
Gangsterism-promoting Rap, said in his impassioned presentation, "When you
think Crack, don’t think Black, think CIA!"
Research by Preston Peet

Mike Ruppert/Cele Castillio
At Web this site you can purchase tons of material about drugs and the CIA.
Read important exposes of US government involvement in a myriad number of
ways in the international drug trade and the implications for the US
populace. Subscribe to Ruppert's newsletter From The Wilderness for all the
latest news. Order Cele Castillio's book Powderburns (one hell of a graphic
description about his experiences in the service of the Dark Side, until he
became awake). Look out for Rupert's new section on suppressed writers. This
is one of the best Web sites available: well worth repeated visits!

Daniel Hopsicker
Order the explosive film In Search Of The American Drug Lords, as well as the
two-hour documentary Secret Heartbeat Of America. Both films should be shown
in every American Junior High and High School by DARE officers (who should
then have to 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Aleisha Saba

When I first read the Talmud, I was horrified and thought this cannot
be.   But thisi Mark 7 also makes me wonder, for at one time a printer
who published one of the first bibles (after the actual first published
bible, the "catholic" Guttengerg Bible) - after reading where Mark 7
contained an error resulting in this King James Bible being called The
Murderers Bible - and passage also in I Kings which was in error.   The
publisher of same paid dearly for the error, believe with nearly his

But the first actual bible put to print, was the famous Guttenberg Bible
and I had opportunity to read this - an original - at one time, and it
was in German, but what did I expect.

Acts 19 in the bible is a very cryptic piece of literaturespace of
time, space of time - Apollo, and book burning.  It is said Hitler had a
huge warehouse full of King James Bibles which had been confiscated and
were to be burned.  I do not believe this - but still wonder after all
Hitler when he took the standard wanted to restore the Hohenzollern's to
the throne.

I think the most important statement attributed to Jesus the Christ, was
"beware of those who say they are Jews and are not".   Zionists - are
these those who say they are Jews and are not?

Read the Koran a peaceful book; yet, in Saudi Arabia they just had
executions of pepole by bheading - like a Putin, is this how they intend
to keep control for it was Putin  who permitted the legs of little kids
to be amputated for Russins refused medical treatment in
Chechnyaafter theft of all of Chechnya's natural resources like the
work of a Henry Kissinger - this was friendly remeinder that "the
iniquities of othe fathers will be visited upon the children"..and a
heart broken mother was forced to have her child in a wheelchair pose
for a picture as example of Putin the KGB Butcher?

How this country has worshped the oil companies and crucified the arab
nations, is a paradox uno itself - for for this small Zionist State, the
State of Israel, taking billions of dollars from his country, seems to
have a strangle hold on America for some reason, and this thing called
religion has nothing to do with it...it is gold, oil, and skip the wine
- they are stealing the natural resources.

Albright - returns mercy with murder in the Balkans where she was once
saved by the very people she returned to kill.   Who is this horrible
butcher really?   She was "naturalized" twice, or was she ever
naturalized in first place; then we had Henry Kissinger, who was
naturalized and still is a KGB agent.   Builderburgers - most peple
thought they were a Hamberger Joint thanks to this news media the real
enemy within in, bought and sold rather cheap.

Well in this country we still have the vote and it would seem to me that
only a Buchanan can save this country from ultimate destruction.

Slowly now that they have destroyed small dairy farmers, the big guys
have bought up the land and go into business.

Slowly the drug companies dominate in a manner whereby one would be
better off smoking a bag of pot than taking Ritilin or Prozac - drugs
patented for a purpose and now forced upon elementary school children -
and I saw this done years ago and did not realize what I was
witnessingCFR entrance into our schools, mental health - ever know
how they grab there first - and using mentally retarded as experiments
in drug controland now they use this in schools like Littleton -
good example there, maybe those kids this little Jewish Mafia - maybe
they studied the Talmud and we did not know of thisbut legend has
Klebold's grandfather part of a Jewish Mafia which embraced murderers
and drug dealers.

So interesting item.   Beware of those who say they are Jews and are
not?   Things change, as a Godfather once said - and to think we have
let the Pope and Catholics take the rap for Murder Inc. when all he
time, they have taken control of our govrnment.

J. Edgar Hoover called this criminal element Communists.the
Communist Time Table and this time table is based on this astrological
expose of the astrologer's mark of doom - and we are enterieng the time
frame again - where the Book of Daniel, and Job and Revelations are
being used to commit mass murder and planned murder of a President -
that is unless the "scientists" still hold a tight rein on this source
of premediated murder by prophecy and hired gun.

The King Must Die - Long LIve the King - or will there be a Queen in
waiting- Long live the Queen.

This time I am ready for them; when they got JFK they traumatized a good
part of this nation, and demoralized a good portion - but me, they just
made mad when I got onto the fact, that there is a man made master plan
for murder, using the stars and testaments as a guide.

The Archer took aim on November 22, 1963and in June 1968 Jobs
Coffiin appear in the sky also known as Delphinius..and then we had
the White Rose - while RFK had quoted from Shakespeare when referring to
JFKand when he die


2000-06-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

June 26, 2000

Abuse of Trust
What happened behind the walls of residential church schools is a tragedy
that has left native victims traumatized
The school is gone now. But the hill where it stood is visible, down a dusty
gravel road, from Lorne Pratt's grandmother's house on the George Gordon
First Nation in Saskatchewan. Sitting at the kitchen table, Pratt looks out
the window and remembers the evening when, as a 12-year-old student, he
tried to commit suicide on the second floor of the old brick residence --
the only way he could think of to escape the constant sexual abuse he had
suffered over a five-year period. Now 32, an elegant man with high
cheekbones and deep, sad eyes, Pratt recalls how he wrapped an elastic belt
around his neck and hanged himself from the metal frame of his bunk bed,
feeling the elastic pull, struggling for breath, finally blacking out. He
was saved when school employees cut him down and rushed him to a hospital in
Regina, where he remained in a coma for five days. When he was finally
discharged, he was sent home to his mother, Leona, in Saskatoon -- never to
return to the school. "It was," Pratt says, "the happiest day of my life."
full story 

No Forgiving
Canada's largest churches are reeling under litigation costs arising from
their days running native residential schools
It was not your standard sermon. When Rev. Chris Rushton spoke from the
pulpit at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in downtown Ottawa three months
ago, his topic was native residential schools and the role of Canada's
Oblate orders in running them. Most congregants were aware that such schools
had existed -- in a long-ago time, in some faraway place. But suddenly
Rushton's message hit close to home. After outlining residential-school
litigation against his own order, the Oblates of St. Peter's Province,
Rushton said that St. Joseph's -- a city landmark that also runs a soup
kitchen and a women's centre -- was among the Oblate-owned assets that were
vulnerable should settlements force the order to start liquidating assets.
"I can understand them sitting in the pews there and saying 'Oh my gosh,' "
said Rushton, his order's provincial superior. "St. Joe's would be the last
asset to go. But does anybody really want to it be sold? Lives for 150 years
have been connected to this place."
[The full text of this article can be found in the June 26, 2000 edition of

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

Talmud Exposed
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/talmud.htm#Talmud Exposed


The Talmud is Judasim's Holiest Book
Some Teachings of The Jewish Talmud
Insults Against The Blessed Virgin Mary
Talmud Attacks Christians
Christian Book Burning
Sick and Insane Teachings of the Jewish Talmud
Tales of a Roman Holocaust
A Revealing Admission
Pharisiac Rituals
A Great Rabbi Deceives A Woman
Genocide Advocated by The Talmud
Jewish Talmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are Not Humans
The Teachings of Maimonides
Deception and Dissimulation
Judean-Christian Response to The Talmud

The Talmud is Judaism's Holiest Book

The Talmud is Judaism's holiest book (actually a collection of books). Its
authority takes precedence over the Old Testament in Judaism. Evidence of
this may be found in the Talmud itself, Erubin 21b (Soncino edition): "My
son, be more careful in the observance of the words of the Scribes than in
the words of the Torah (Old Testament)."

The supremacy of the Talmud over the Bible in the Israeli state may also be
seen in the case of the Black Ethiopian Jews. Ethiopians have more knowledge
of the Old Testament than the Israelis. However, their religion is so
ancient it pre-dates the Scribes' Talmud, of which the Ethiopians have no
knowledge. According to the N.Y. Times of Sept. 29, 1992, p.4:

"The problem is that Ethiopian Jewish tradition goes no further than the
Bible or Torah; the later Talmud and other commentaries that form the basis
of modern traditions never came their way."

Because they don't traffic in Talmudic traditions, the Black Ethiopian Jews
are discriminated against and have been forbidden by the Zionists to perform
marriages, funerals and other services in the Israeli state.

Rabbi Joseph D. Soloveitchik is regarded as one of the most influential
rabbis of the 20th century, the "unchallenged leader" of Orthodox Judaism
and the top international authority on halakha (Jewish religious law).
Soloveitchik was responsible for instructing and ordaining more than 2,000
rabbis, "an entire generation" of Jewish leadership.

N.Y. Times religion reporter Ari Goldman described the basis of the rabbi's

"Soloveitchik came from a long line of distinguished Talmudic
scholars...Until his early 20s, he devoted himself almost exclusively to the
study of the Talmud...He came to Yeshiva University's Elchanan Theological
Seminary where he remained the pre-eminent teacher in the Talmud...He held
the title of Leib Merkin professor of Talmud...sitting with his feet crossed
in front of a table bearing an open volume of the Talmud." (N.Y. Times,
April 10, 1993, p. 38).

Nowhere does Goldman refer to Soloveitchik's knowledge of the Bible as the
basis for being one of the top world authorities on Jewish law. The rabbi's
credentials are all predicated upon his mastery of the Talmud. All other
studies are clearly secondary. Britain's Jewish Chronicle of March 26, 1993
states that in religious school (yeshiva), Jews are "devoted to the Talmud
to the exclusion of everything else." The Jewish Scribes claim the Talmud is
partly a collection of traditions Moses gave them in oral form. These had
not yet been written down in Jesus' time. Christ condemned the traditions of
the Mishnah (early Talmud) and those who taught it (Scribes and Pharisees),
because the Talmud nullifies the teachings of the Holy Bible. Shmuel Safrai
in The Literature of the Sages Part One (p.164), points out that in chapters
4 and 5 of the Talmud's Gittin Tractate, the Talmud nullifes the Biblical
teaching concerning money-lending: "Hillel decreed the prozbul for the
betterment of the world.' The 'prozbul' is a legal fiction which allows
debts to be collected after the Sabbatical year and it was Hillel's
intention thereby to overcome the fear that money-lenders had of losing
their money."

The famous warning of Jesus Christ about the tradition of men that voids
Scripture (Mark 7:1-13), which is used against Catholics by Protestants, is
in fact, a direct reference to the Talmud, or more specifically, the
forerunner of the first part of it, the Mishnah, which existed in oral form
during Christ's lifetime, before being committed to writing. Mark. chapter
7, from verse one through thirteen, represents Our Lord's pointed
condemnation of the Mishnah.

Unfortunately, due to the abysmal ignorance of our day, the widespread
Judeo-Christian notion is that the Old Testament is the supreme book of
Judaism. But this is not so. The Pharisees teach for doctrine the
commandments of rabbis, not God.

The Talmudic commentary on the Bible is their supreme law, and not the Bible
itself. That commentary does indeed, as Jesus said, void the laws of God,
not uphold them. As readers of Talmud, we know this to be true.

Jewish scholar Hyam Maccoby, in "Judaism on Trial," quotes Rabbi Yehiel ben

"Further, without the Talmud, we would n

[CTRL] Abe Lincoln was a Rothschild

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

Pandora's Box
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pandora.htm#Pandora's Box

by Alex Christopher
Little has been published about the early life of Abraham Lincoln. However,
during a search of some old property records and will in a small courthouse
in central North Carolina, Alex Christopher the author of "Pandora's Box",
found the will of one A.A. Springsin an old will book dated around 1840.
Upon reading the will he was shocked and amazed at the secret it disclosed.
But the fact is that wills, even though classified as public records the
same as property and corporation records, are rarely combed through as he
was doing. These documents can hold dark secrets hidden from public view and
never uncovered because few research these old records.

Thus secrets are hidden in public view so that when accused of concealing
the records, bureaucracy can reply "It was on public record in plan view for
any and all to find."

The will of the late A.A. Springs lists his property and to whom the
beneficiaries who included his children. Mr. Christopher and others were
looking to find what railroads and banks this man might have owned and left
to his son Leroy Springs. He didn't find anything like that, but he did find
the prize of the century. On the bottom of page three of four pages was a
paragraph where the father, A.A. Springs, left to his son an enormous amount
of land in the state of Alabama which is now known as Huntsville, Alabama.
At first Mr. Christopher and his colleagues could not believe what their
eyes, because the name of his son was "ABRAHAM LINCOLN"!

This new information added to what they had already learned about the
Springs, whose real name was Springstein, was one more twist to this already
enigmatic family. This unexpected knowledge about Lincoln set their hearts
on fire to see what further secrets this new lead might disclose. Because
everything they had so far found in the railroad and banking saga had been
really mind-opening, they figured this one would be the same. So they
investigated the local archives and historical records on families and found
a reference to one Abraham Lincoln in a published genealogy of a Carolina
family by the name of McAdden. This genealogy was a limited edition of the
type once found in the public libraries. The section on Lincoln resembled
the following form of words:

"In the late spring of the year of 1808 Nancy Hanks, who was of the family
lineage of McAdden was visiting some of her family in the community of
Lincolnton, North Carolina. During her stay in the Carolina's, she visited
many neighboring families she had known for many years; one such was the
Springs family. The sordid details had been omitted but obviously the young
Nancy Hanks had found herself in a compromised position and was forced to
succumb to the lust of A.A. Springs. She became pregnant as a result. There
were no details of a love affair or an act of violence on a helpless female.
Abraham Lincoln was the result of that act, which leads one to wonder if the
name Lincoln was real or fabricated from the area of conception which was
Lincolnton. Was there really a Thomas Lincoln? Since the Springs were of the
race that called themselves "Jewish", Lincoln was part Jewish and as part of
the Springs family, he also became a relative of the Rothschild family by

The following data was derived from information that exists in the
Smithsonian Institute, National Archives, the Congressional Library,
Courtroom Police files, public and private libraries and storage vaults
across the United States and Europe: "Abraham Lincoln was slapped three
times with a white glove by a member of the Hapsburg royal family of Germany
(Payseur family relatives) during a White House reception in 1862. The
German royal family member demanded a pistol duel with the then President of
the United States, Abraham Lincoln. The blows to the face stunned Lincoln
but he non-verbally refused to participate in the duel by bowing his head
before walking out of the reception room. What had ol' honest Abe done to so
enrage and upset the royal European personage?

It seems that promiscuity was running rampant in many families in those days
and the German King Leopold had an illegitimate daughter named Elizabeth who
was sent to America, where she lived in a very comfortable manner. Although
Leopold could not recognize her position, he was very interested in her

In the early or mid 1850s, Abraham Lincoln and Elizabeth began having sexual
liaisons that produced twin daughters named Ella and Emily in 1856. The
regal German father who was so royally upset with ol' honest Abe probably
had full knowledge of the true blood line of Lincoln. Abraham's wife, Mary
Todd Lincoln, did not find out about Elizabeth, Ella and Emily until 1865.

Lincoln's wife Mary Todd was into the occult. Abraham Lincoln was a
Rosicrucian and a member of the Order of the Lily's Council of Three along
with Paschal Bev

[CTRL] Pawns In The Game - exerpt 2/2

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pawns.htm#The Events Leading up to World
War Two

Hitler had not only failed to bring about the British alliance, but he had
earned the enmity of the Nazi War Lords who advocated totalitarian methods
for solving the very complicated and dangerous problem. They did not want an
alliance with England. They did not want to see Christianity flourish. They
did not agree with Hitler's "preventive" measures. They didn't agree with
anything Hitler did to hinder their plans to wage 'Total War,' first against
Russia, then against Britain and France. The 'hard core' of the pagan Nazi
War Lords demanded that Hitler take offensive action, as the best defence
against gradual encroachment by Communist underground and Stalin's armed
forces. When Hitler refused to go all the way with them, they decided to get
rid of him. The first attempt was made on his life. The Nazi War Lords next
tried to weaken the control he had gained over the German people.

They launched a campaign to sell their Aryan Pagan ideology to the German
people. They taught the superiority of the Aryan Race. They advocated war to
establish the undisputed supremacy of the Aryan State. They made it a
fundamental principle that all men and women of Aryan blood should give
unlimited obedience to the Head of the Aryan State and acknowledge no mortal
as above him. This campaign was attributed to Hitler, and the anti-Fascist
press throughout the world cried to high heaven that Hitler was a pagan, and
a Black-shirted totalitarian-minded Nazi War Lord. Thus started the clashes
between both Catholic and Protestant clergy and the state. The clergy
condemned the Nazi ideology on the grounds that those who preached it were
preaching the deification of men.

The Nazi leaders charged that both Catholic and Protestant clergy were
breaking the laws and defying the authority of the state. The Roman Catholic
and Protestant bishops replied by stating the extreme Nazi doctrines were
antagonistic and contrary to the Divine Plan of Creation. The Nazi leaders
countered with the argument that the Church had no right to interfere in
matters of state.

Hitler tried to pacify the clergy by banning the Grand, Orient Lodges which
were known to be the headquarters of the Aryan extremists throughout
Germany. The Nazi leaders rendered this step abortive changing them over to
"Orders of German Chivalry."

Hitler, in order to maintain a united front against Communism, tried to
pacify the Nazis by issuing an edict that any clergyman preaching against
the laws of the state, or questioning its supremacy, would be subjected to
the full process of the law and, if found guilty, would suffer the penalties
provided for such 'crimes.' This situation provides another example of how
the forces of evil divided two powerful forces which were both combating a
common enemy.

The anti-Fascist propaganda made the most of the disagreement between Hitler
and the Pope. It is true Pope Pius 'XI denounced Naziism in no uncertain
terms in the Encyclical of March 14th, 1937 "on the condition of the Church
in Germany." He told Roman Catholics that he had weighed every word of the
encyclical in the scales of truth and clarity. In reference to the Nazi
conception of the superiority of the Aryan race and the supremacy of the
state he said: "While it is true that the race or the people; the state or a
form of government; the representatives of a civil power, or other
fundamental elements of human society have an essential and honourable place
in the natural order, nevertheless, if anyone detaches them from this scale
of earthly values and exalts them as the supreme form and standard of all
things, even of religious values, deifying them with idolatrous worship, he
perverts and falsifies the order of things created and constituted by God,
and is far from true faith in God, and from a conception of life in
conformity therewith... Our God is a personal God, transcendent., Almighty,
Infinite Perfect. One in the Trinity of Persons and three in the unity of
the Divine Essence; creator of the universe; Lord; King; and ultimate
purpose of the history of the world; who does not suffer and can never
suffer any other divinity besides Him... Only superficial minds can fall
into the error of speaking of a National God, of a National Religion, of
foolishly attempting to restrict within the narrow confines of a single race
that God, who is the Creator of the world, the King and Law-Giver of all
peoples, before Whose greatness the nations are as small as drops of water
in a bucket" (Isaias XL-15).

In a pastoral letter dated August 19th, 1938, the bishops of Germany struck
out boldly against Nazi ideology. The letter says that the attitude of the
Nazi towards the Christian religion in Germany is in open contradiction with
the Fuehrer's assertions... (For the full text of these letters read, ("The
Rulers of Russia" by Rev. Fr. Fahey pp. 64-70). "What is aimed at is not
merely the checking of the growth

[CTRL] Pawns In The Game - exerpt 1/2

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

I have this book, it is very good.

Pawns In The Game
by William Guy Carr
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pawns.htm#The Events Leading up to World
War Two

The Events Leading up to World War Two
It has been told how the international bankers enabled Germany to secretly
re-arm, with the aid of Stalin, in spite of the restrictions imposed by the
Treaty of Versailles. In order to understand what happened in Germany to
bring Hitler into power, it is necessary to be familiar with the political
intrigue which went on between 1924 and 1934. 'The Secret Powers' always
have had their agents divide the population of countries. They plan to
subjugate into many religious, economic, political, social, and labour
groups. Their agents then divide the various groups into as many factions as
possible. Their motto is 'United we stand. Divided they fall.'

Most German citizens, excepting only Communists, were agreed upon the
following issues: That Germany had been winning the war when had she had
first been betrayed and afterwards victimized. That the national
money-lenders had used the so-called democracies of Britain, France, and the
United States, to defeat Germany's armed forces. That the Jewish-led
Communist Party assisted the international bankers by bringing about the
chaotic conditions that preceded the signing of the Armistice and the
revolution that followed. They agree that every patriotic German male and
female, should do his or her uttermost to build up post-war Germany, and
break the economic and military stranglehold placed on their nation by the
Treaty of Versailles.

Most political leaders, except Communists, were also agreed that in order to
free themselves of the economic sanctions imposed upon the nation, it was
necessary to break away from their dependence on the international bankers
for financial assistance in the form of interest bearing loans. In other
words, most German politicians, except Communists, were agreed that Germany
should depart from the practice of financing the nation's business by
incurring debts, a practice which had been imposed upon England In 1694,
France in 1790, and the United States in 1791, by the International bankers.
They realized that this system had resulted in astronomical National Debts,
the principal and interest payments on which were guaranteed and secured by
Direct Taxation of the people. The Fascist leaders in Germany decided they
were going to create their own money and use their national assets, such as
the value of their real estate, their industrial potentials, their
agricultural production, natural resources, and the nation's capacity to
produce, as collateral.

The people of Germany found that, generally speaking, their views regarding
future political and economic policy were shared by the people of Italy,
Spain, and Japan, and thus came into being THE AXIS POWERS, and the Fascist
Movement. Because of their dynamic personalities, Hitler, Mussolini and
Franco became the chosen leaders. History proves that these three men did a
great deal to help their countries recover from the effects of the preceding
revolutions and wars. The industrial and agricultural developments were
little short of miraculous. Their military rearmament was made possible by
the secret assistance given by the agentur of the Illuminati who planned to
bring the Fascist and Capitalistic countries into another World War.

When Hitler and Mussolini first rose to power they advocated the moderate
Fascist policy which demanded that the wrongs done their countries be
rectified; that they contain communism; and curb the powers of the
Illuminati who controlled finance and industry. But as time went on, both
Hitler and Mussolini came under the influence of the leaders of the hard
core of Nazi War Lords who claimed the only way to establish a permanent
peace in the world was by military conquest. The Nazi leaders sold the
top-military leaders in Italy and Japan solidly on the theories and plans
advocated by Karl Ritter in 1849. Franco in Spain refused to go along with
their totalitarian plans. His religious beliefs convinced him that an
ideology which denied the existence of an Almighty God was doing the work of
the Devil.

The Totalitarian minded leaders in Germany, Italy, and Japan were determined
to use Fascism to further their secret Long Range Plans in exactly the same
way as their opponents, the international bankers, used Communism. The
immediate plans of the War Lords were to first, defeat the Stalin-controlled
Empire; second, wipe out Communism in Europe; third, consolidate the control
of the Axis Powers on Continental Europe; fourth, invade Britain and France
and subjugate the people, and fifth, to invade and conquer the United States
by using two vast pincer movements. Japan was to land invading forces on the
west coast of Mexico in the south and in the Northwest Territories in the
north. Germany

[CTRL] Americans Narrowing Support for Abortion

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

Americans Narrowing Support for Abortion
 Times Poll: Results reveal a conflicted stance--they think it’s murder yet
lean toward leaving the choice to women. Still, support increases for
limiting the procedure’s availability.


By ALISSA J. RUBIN, Times Staff Writer

 WASHINGTON--More than a quarter-century after the Supreme Court
established a constitutional right to abortion, overall support for the
landmark Roe vs. Wade decision seems to be softening as Americans adopt a
more nuanced view of the circumstances under which abortions should be
allowed, according to a new Los Angeles Times Poll.
 Despite the increasing level of discomfort with the high court’s
ruling--43% of current survey respondents express support for Roe, compared
with 56% in 1991--the poll shows continued opposition to a constitutional
ban on abortion.
 Individual opinions about abortion are rife with ambivalence, the poll
suggests. Many respondents express positions that on their surface appear to
contradict each other but, upon exploration, reveal two strong but competing
sets of feelings.
 ‘Americans, in terms of their own code of morality, may view abortion
as murder and may be comfortable with it being illegal, but most Americans
don’t want to impose that on other people,‘ said Susan Carroll, a senior
research associate who studies abortion at the Center for American Women and
Politics at Rutgers University. ‘It’s kind of a live-and-let-live approach.
. . . Most Americans are in favor of letting people make their own
individual choices.‘
 More than half of those surveyed say abortion should either be illegal
in all circumstances or legal only in cases of rape, incest or when a woman’
s life is in danger. At the same time, more than two-thirds say that,
regardless of their own feelings on the subject, the highly personal
decision to obtain an abortion should be left to a woman and her doctor.
 Even more striking, while 57% of respondents say they consider abortion
to be murder, more than half of that group agree that a woman should have
the right to choose an abortion.
 These conflicting perspectives make abortion a particularly tricky
issue for politicians. President Clinton attempted to straddle the
ambivalence in his first presidential campaign by saying he wanted abortions
to be ‘safe, legal and rare.‘ So far, neither Republican presidential
candidate George W. Bush nor Democratic rival Al Gore have found a similarly
deft formulation.
 The issue could help--or hurt--both men. Nearly two-thirds of Americans
say they have no clear sense of either candidate’s position on the issue at
this point in the presidential race. But 34% of poll respondents say that if
they learn that a candidate’s position on abortion disagrees with their own,
it would be enough to change their vote.
 The Times Poll, supervised by polling director Susan Pinkus, surveyed
2,071 Americans from June 8 through Tuesday. The margin of sampling error
was plus or minus 2 percentage points.

 Sentiment Varies on When and Why
 Bush’s opposition to abortion appeared more likely to help his
candidacy than Gore’s support of abortion rights will help his. When told
that Bush opposes abortion, 27% of respondents say that makes them more
likely to vote for him. But only 18% of respondents say Gore’s support for
legal abortion would make them more likely to vote for him.
 Still, there may be risks in emphasizing a stand against abortion, some
experts say. If a candidate strongly opposes legal abortion, that could
mobilize opposition among sizable groups of voters, such as suburban women
and college students.
 ‘The country leans [toward] limited pro-choice,‘ said Bob Blendon, a
professor at the Harvard School of Public Health who tracks views on health
care issues.
 Public sentiment varies considerably based on when and why a woman
chooses to obtain an abortion, the poll shows.
 Nearly two-thirds of respondents say abortions should be illegal after
the first three months of pregnancy. While 85% support abortion when a woman
’s physical health is at risk, the level of support drops to 54% when only
her emotional health is at stake. And 66% say they support abortion when the
fetus is at risk of an abnormality.
 The poll shows growing support for RU-486, the ‘abortion pill‘ that was
developed in France and can be used during the first eight weeks of
pregnancy. Americans are almost evenly divided between those who favor
making it widely available (43%) and those who oppose doing so (46%). When
the question was first asked 11 years ago, 32% approved of making the drug
 Overall public support for a woman’s right to choose has remained
relatively steady over time. But with abortion rights constitutionally
protected by Roe vs. Wade, Americans appear to feel increasingly comfortable
considering limitations on its availability. Indeed, in some 

[CTRL] Drugs, Terror and Dud Bills

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

From: d.linen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Drugs, Terror and Dud Bills

AFR World

Drugs, terror and dud bills ...  oh dear, leader Kim

Sunday, June 18, 2000
By Peter Hartcher

When police in Moscow detained a North Korean found exchanging
illegally large amounts of US currency, they opened his overcoat
to find it stuffed with thousands of crisp, new $US100 bills.
The money turned out to be high-quality counterfeit.

And when he claimed diplomatic immunity, they checked out his
story.  They discovered that he was not just a diplomat but a
senior aide to the North Korean leader himself, Kim Jong Il, the
man known to his people as Dear Leader.

The greenbacks are so good because North Korea's Government spent
$US10 million ($16.5 million) to buy an intaglio printing press
of the same type used by the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
They've been called "supernotes".

The Congressional Research Service estimated last year that
Pyongyang was turning out at least $US15 million a year worth of
counterfeit US bills.  They have been seized in at least nine
countries, according to an American crime expert, David Kaplan.

This illustrates several things about North Korea.

First, its increasing desperation.  It once drew crucial economic
and strategic support from Moscow.  But when the Soviet Union
collapsed, Moscow lost interest in sponsoring global communism
and in 1995 failed to renew its security agreement with

North Korea was reduced from a client State of Moscow's to a
criminal State trying to pass dud currency in the laneways of its
one-time ally.

And it's not just counterfeiting.  North Korea's Government
exports an entire supermarket of illegal drugs to raise hard
currency.  Japanese Customs found a methamphetamine shipment in
1988 that had a street value of $US170 million - equal to a third
of all legal North Korean exports for the year.

It is sometimes said that the Russian State has been taken over
by mafia interests.  But in North Korea, "the State is the
mafia", according to the former American ambassador to Seoul,
James Lilley.

But even State-organised crime was not enough to compensate for
the absence of a functional economy.  North Korea's people have
been suffering from famine for four years.

China stepped in to keep North Korea from collapsing entirely,
supplying cheap oil, coal and grain.  But China, itself well
advanced in the transformation from a command economy to a market
one, has been increasingly impatient with Pyongyang's obduracy.
China pressed Dear Leader hard to start opening the country to
trade.  Left without any choice, he finally agreed to meet his
counterpart from the south, Kim Dae Jung.

Second, it tells us how closely the Dear Leader supervises his
regime's illegal activities. The office responsible for illicit
exports, Workers Party Bureau 39, was established under the
direct control of Kim Jong Il.

Likewise, he is thought by intelligence agencies in Seoul and
Washington to have been personally involved in organising his
regime's most horrendous acts of terrorism.  These include the
1987 mid-air bombing of Korean Air Lines flight 858 that killed
115 people and the 1983 bombing in Burma of a helicopter carrying
four South Korean cabinet ministers.

So it is truly stunning to see him turn so abruptly from bombs to
bouquets in dealing with South Korea.  The rapprochement between
the two Kims that occurred in Pyongyang this week began with a
handshake, moved on to hand-holding in the back of the official
limousine, and ended with a bear hug.  For two countries that
remain technically at war, this is quite extraordinary.

The summit promises much change.  First, it reduces the risk of
war in one of the world's tinderboxes.  Second, it improves the
chances that the criminal terrorist regime can be brought into
the community of civilised States.  Third, it promises to create
a new wave of economic vigour on the Korean peninsula if North
and South can manage economic integration. South Korea has big,
rich companies that want to build factories in North Korea, where
labour is very cheap and very well trained.

But it also promises to usher in a whole new era of competition
between the great powers. How?  South Korea's former foreign
minister, Han Sung-joo, now a professor at Korea University,
published an essay in Friday's Korea Herald in which he made
three key points. In summary:

One, the rapprochement will probably weaken the position of the
US on the Korean peninsula. This is because Seoul will have
increasing difficulty explaining the need for the US military
bases in South Korea, where Uncle Sam has 37,000 troops.  Their
future must now be in doubt.

Two, it improves China's position.  China orchestrated the
summit: Han says it is "on the centre stage in Korean affairs".
Further, China does not want North Korea, a neighbour, to
collapse.  It wants to keep it as a friendly buffer State.  But
it does not want to keep propping it up either.  If North Kor

[CTRL] Sai Baba Exposed

2000-06-19 Thread Nicky Molloy

From: d.linen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sai Baba Exposed

Sathya Sai Baba Exposed: Cult, Magic, And Brainwashing


The following site has two movies that show Sai Baba
cheating. The first movie is specially unique in that
it catches sai baba from a very good angle. Please
download the large screen version.  Click here to see
the movies
"The Findings" written by David and Faye Bailey are
online now for your reading. David and Faye were VIP
devotees for a few years before they found out about
Sai Baba's dark side.  Click here to read The Findings
A new sexual molestation story by Jens from Germany.
Click here to read
A new sexual molestation story by Hans from Australia.
Click here to read
Two young boys in Sweden have accused Sai Baba of
sexual molestation and as a result many of the
devotees have left Sai Baba. Recently Connie Larsson,
a Swedish actor and a VIP devotee of Sai Baba exposed
his sexual relationship with Sai Baba also. Here is an
article that was written about Connie Larsson in a
Swedish spiritual magazine. This article also touches
upon one of the stories of the young Swedish boy that
was molested:  Click here
There are many interesting discussions in the
following club between devotees and ex-devotees. Click
here to go there.
"Baba is not learned or highly educated. He is a
non-matriculate playing with undergraduates in the
Sathya Sai Colleges."
V K Gokak, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Man and The
Avatar, Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 1975, p. 97
V K Gokak is a long time VIP devotee of Sai Baba. He
was the head of Sai Baba's university.
Sathya Sai Baba & His Cult
This site has info on Sathya Sai Baba's cult, it does
not have any information on Sathya Sai Baba's bhajans,
movies, pictures, "miracles", books, dreams, etc. If
you are a Sathya Sai Baba devotee, you might get very
offended, so if you prefer, do not read any further
and go to another site. However, if you want to be a
serious, true seeker of the truth, then please
bookmark this site and read the contents. Thank you.
Sathya Sai Baba claims to be an Avatar -- a Hindu word
for God's descent into a human body. He supposedly has
millions of followers althogh no one really knows how
many followers there is. Sathya Sai Baba also claims
that he has the power to do anything he wills. There
are numerous stories by Sai Baba's devotees on how Sai
Baba has produced a ring -- out of nowhere -- for
them, how they were cured, etc. Sathya Sai Baba
supposedly can produce things out of nowhere by
circling his right hand and then with a quick downward
move, he grabs something and gives it to one of his
followers. As an ex-devotee of Sathya Sai Baba, I know
of four movies that clearly show him cheating on this
"miracle" that has made him very famous, rich, and has
brought to him millions of followers -- some are very
well known -- from all over the world. This web site
attempts to introduce to the readers the dark side of
Sathya Sai Baba.
Links to interesting sites on Sathya Sai Baba:
Watch Sai Baba cheat on video (4-5 clear, close-up
shots) & learn how Sai Baba really cheats
An entire book that analyses Sai Baba's powers is
online (A MUST READ!).
An account of sexual molestation and magic by one of
Sai Baba's much respected students (A MUST READ!).
Sai Baba's cancer causing habit and his recommendation
of it!
Sai Baba lies about one of his "miracles"
Sai Baba lies again about one of his "miracles"
Sai Baba makes two different remarks on the Star Of
Sai Baba Makes A Mistake, Not Once, But Twice
How come Sai Baba doesn't "create" Seiko watches
NHNE report on Sai Baba, murders in Sai Baba's
bedroom, kidney theft, and more
Interesting: Investigate the Murder at Satya Sai
Baba's Collage
Beware: very graphic picture of the burnt body of
Lokayya Poojary of the Satya Sai Junior College
What if Sai Baba can do miracles?
Links to other anti-Sai Baba web sites
Sai Baba's speech about the "rumors" on the internet
Links to cult resources
Message & Discussion Board

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] IGI Comes Under Scrutiny

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

June 19, 2000

Politics & Policy

IGI Comes Under Scrutiny in Attempt To Purchase Lobbying Group's

Staff Reporter

WASHINGTON -- Last spring, prominent Washington private
investigator Terry Lenzner traveled to Silicon Valley to drum up
business. He was convinced that the technology industry was ripe
for his services, one lawyer who met with him said.

His timing was good: The federal government's landmark antitrust
trial against Microsoft Corp. was just getting under way, and
many technology executives for the first time were starting to
pay attention to Washington. Who better than Mr. Lenzner, a
veteran of often-dirty political fights who had helped President
Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky case, to cater to their concerns?

Thanks partly to the Lewinsky case, Mr. Lenzner said last year to
a Dow Jones News Service reporter that he had succeeded in
finding work in the Valley. Some of that work, it is now
apparent, was for a client with an interest in the Microsoft
case. At least four employees of his firm, Investigative Group
International, have been linked to an elaborate, surreptitious
attempt to get internal information about the Association for
Competitive Technology, a Microsoft-backed lobbying group, by
buying their office trash. IGI hasn't said who its client is, and
Mr. Lenzner declined to comment.

IGI has offices in eight U.S. cities and three foreign nations,
and is recognized as one of the country's top security and
investigative groups. Its offices in Los Angeles and Berkeley,
Calif., are increasingly involved with the tech industry, and
according to its Web page, IGI has developed a specialty in
intellectual-property cases.

Fueling Suspicion?

A look at Investigative Group International

   Terry F. Lenzner
 U.S. Offices
   Washington, D.C.; Boston; Chicago; New York;
   Atlanta; Los Angeles; San Francisco; Seattle
 Former clients
   U.S. State Department, United Way of America, GTE,
   Gardner Museum (Boston), the state of Alaska
 Some services
   Asset searches, corporate risk and security consulting,
   due diligence, internal corporate investigations and
   litigation support

Source: The company

Mr. Lenzner's first big break came when he was hired by Sen. Sam
Ervin in 1973 as an investigator on the Senate Watergate
Committee. It almost ended badly. According to the 1978 book
"Chief Counsel," by former top Ervin aide Sam Dash, he came close
to being fired for allegedly exceeding his authority and leaking
information to the media.

A Harvard Law School graduate who had been dismissed by the Nixon
administration in a dispute over providing legal services to the
poor, Mr. Lenzner quickly gravitated to the "dirty tricks" aspect
of the Watergate investigation. He eventually unearthed crucial
information about the involvement of Nixon confidant Bebe Rebozo
in Nixon fund-raising activities. Mr. Dash writes that initially
he had to save Mr. Lenzner's job after advisers to Mr. Ervin
complained he was a leftist because of his legal-services work
and his subsequent role defending antiwar activists.

'He Needs Watching'

But it was Mr. Dash himself who later wanted to fire Mr. Lenzner
for failing to keep him informed about his work. By that time,
the investigator had won over Mr. Ervin, who said, "Oh no, Sam.
Don't fire Terry. ... Maybe his zeal has led Terry to do some
unorthodox things, but that only means he needs watching."

Zealousness -- and a knack for profiting from political
controversy -- have since become his hallmarks. In 1991, Mr.
Lenzner was called in by Bill Clinton's struggling presidential
campaign for opposition research. Later, he helped defend the
candidate from women claiming to be his former paramours. He
performed a similar role when the president was sued by Paula
Jones in 1994 for sexual misconduct, and also worked for Mr.
Clinton's criminal defense in the Whitewater investigation.

Among several controversies generated by his work were
allegations by congressional Republicans -- never fully
substantiated -- that he investigated the backgrounds of
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and members of his staff.

Pushing the Edge of the Envelope

Other groups allied with Microsoft besides the ACT have charged
that their offices have been broken into, but IGI hasn't been
linked to those incidents. Friends said they don't believe Mr.
Lenzner would take such a risk.

In the trash-buying incident, to get access to the building, IGI
leased office space through a front company, thereby sparing
itself a possible trespassing charge. While sneaky, the
trash-buying attempt probably wasn't criminal. In a 1998 Vanity
Fair magazine profile, Mr. Lenzner himself approvingly labeled
such tactics "very creative."

ACT's Jonathan Zuck said he may hire a lawyer to file a civil
lawsuit, perhaps over invasion of privacy, to find out who IGI
was act

[CTRL] [endsecrecy] Brigitte Bardot Convicted for Muslim Comment

2000-06-19 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

To: endsecrecy list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Brigitte Bardot Convicted for Muslim Comment
Date: Friday, June 16, 2000 12:18 AM

( What better way to introduce this new online service! Will Pamela Anderson
follow suit? www.care2.com is yet another website I just discovered by
reading the July/August issue of New Age magazine that specializes in
environmental news and lifestyle information. They claim their environmental
stories are pulled from 400+ global news sources. Care2 partners include
Inktomi, Looksmart / Altavista, NewsReal and Commtouch, Inc. The advertising
contact is Mary Donahue Quinlan. Phone: 212.883.4700. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

They have a section called Green Lynx: directory of environmental websites
which looks exactly like a Yahoo search engine. Transportation is under
Political and Human Issues. They say that "they need help to keep it the
biggest and best environmental directory on the Web. They carefully review
each site for quality and relevance, and will add your link within two weeks
if it is selected. Feel free to submit multiple websites you think deserve
to be included."

We'll see. Right now there isn't that much there yet, but it looks
promising. Plus the only email contact or phone listed is for sales, NOT
networking! Submit forms are NOT professional because you can't keep record
of correspondence!!! Unless they create more email addresses it will
probably be another green e-commerce attempt that will fail. There is
another one to send art at [EMAIL PROTECTED] @earth.Care2.com, but that's
it. Remy C.)


Bardot Convicted for Muslim Comment
Source: Associated Press
Publication date: 2000-06-15

PARIS (AP) -- A French court on Thursday convicted French actress and animal
activist Brigitte Bardot of inciting "discrimination, hatred or racial
violence" after she criticized a Muslim festival in which sheep are

Bardot also was fined $3,000 for a chapter in a book published in 1999 in
which she lamented that "my country, France, my homeland, my land is again
invaded by an overpopulation of foreigners, especially Muslims."

In the book, "Pluto's Square," she criticized the Muslim practice of killing
sheep for Aid-el-Kebir, a Muslim celebration marking the end of the holy
month of Ramadan.

The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship Among People had filed the
suit against Bardot.

Bardot was previously convicted for similar remarks made in 1996.

The Associated Press News Service
Copyright 2000 by The Associated Press
All Rights Reserved

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Los Alamos Nuke Hard Drives: Foster Case Deja Vu

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Sunday June 18, 2000; 11:19 AM EDT

Los Alamos Nuke Hard Drives: Foster Case Deja Vu

Pundits are already comparing the recovery of two Los Alamos Labs
computer hard drives full of U.S.  nuclear secrets to the
mysterious 1996 reappearance of Hillary Clinton's missing Rose
Law billing records, which turned up in the White House Book Room
two years after they were subpoenaed.

But in fact, the bizarre reappearance of the missing nuke files
-- found Friday behind a copy machine inside the lab's
appropriately named X Division -- more closely resembles the
mysterious recovery of Vince Foster's so-called suicide note.

"Officials were highly skeptical of the circumstances surrounding
the recovery because the area where the hard drives were found
had already been closely searched twice," reported The New York
Times on Saturday. "They were recovered under very questionable
circumstances," a senior law enforcement official told the paper.

Like the area at Los Alamos' X division where the hard drives
were found, Foster's briefcase had been searched twice by White
House officials -- once in the presence of FBI agents -- without
the discovery of anything resembling a suicide note.

The night of July 20, 1993, just hours after the deputy White
House counsel was discovered shot to death in a Virginia Park,
three senior Clinton aides entered his office to search for clues
that might explain their co-worker's sudden violent death.

Mrs.  Clinton's chief of staff Maggie Williams later explained
her presence as the product of emotional distress.  But Foster's
boss Bernard Nussbaum and White House personnel director Patsy
Thomasson testified that they were looking for a suicide note.

Thomasson told investigators that she came upon Foster's
briefcase under his desk, shuffled through its contents but found

Two days later, in front Park Police officers, Justice Department
officials and FBI agents, Nussbaum emptied the contents of
Foster's briefcase, held it aloft, peered inside and declared,
"It's empty."

But on July 26 that declaration suddenly became inoperative.
While packing up the contents Foster's office several bright
yellow scraps of paper tumbled out of the "empty" briefcase,
Nussbaum aide Stephen Neuwirth told investigators.

Nussbaum and Neuwirth hastily pieced together the scraps, which
revealed a list of work related complaints, but bid no one
goodbye and offered no hint its author was preparing to kill

What's more, the handwritten note had not a single traceable
fingerprint on it, despite being shredded by hand, allegedly by
Foster, and later pieced together by the White House aides.

Park Police, who generally bought the suicide theory, remained
skeptical about the way Foster's note magically materialized in a
briefcase that had already been searched twice.  "Our oldest,
blindest detective could have found that note if it was in
there," Park Police Major Robert Hines later testified.

Still, investigators decided not to explore too deeply the
frightening possibility that the note had been planted -- even
after three independent handwriting experts deemed it a forgery.

Now that the two missing nuke hard drives have re-emerged under
startlingly similar circumstances, which investigators admit are
"highly questionable," will those charged with maintaining U.S.
national security follow the evidence wherever it leads?

Or will investigators, like their Foster case counterparts, turn
a blind eye to highly disturbing evidence merely because it
points to a conclusion no one wants to contemplate?

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Intel aims at Transmeta with new notebook chips

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[I guess we will soon be seeing notebooks that are 2 pounds
lighter getting 10 hours on one charge of the batteries. --MS]

Intel aims at Transmeta with new notebook chips

By Michael Kanellos
Staff Writer
CNET News.com
June 16, 2000, 12:05 p.m. PT

URL: http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-2091498.html

A cavalcade of notebooks will hit shelves and e-commerce sites
soon, as Intel on Monday will come out with five new notebook
processors, including two low-power chips designed to compete
against Transmeta's Crusoe.

The Santa Clara, Calif.-based company will release a 750-MHz
Pentium III and two Celerons running at 650-MHz and 600-MHz for
the mainstream notebook market, said sources close to the

In addition, two lower-power processors for the ultraportable
market will emerge: a 600-MHz Pentium III that consumes an
average of less than a watt of power, as well as a 500-MHz
Celeron that consumes less than two watts. Nearly all major
manufacturers say they will incorporate some, or all, of these
chips into notebooks in the coming weeks.

Desktops also will be in the news next week, as Intel on the same
day will come out with its 815 chipset, which will allow PC
makers to marry the latest Pentium III technology without
adopting expensive Rambus memory.

All this silicon comes at a critical time for Intel. Pentium IIIs
and many Celerons have been in short supply since October because
of a factory capacity shortage, higher-than-expected demand and,
according to some, sporadic manufacturing difficulties. The
shortage has stunted sales. Rival Advanced Micro Devices,
meanwhile, has been grabbing more market share in the performance
desktop sector.

"Intel's supply capabilities scared a lot of customers," Simon
Lin, CEO of Acer Information Products Group, said in an interview
earlier this week. "Perhaps these alternatives will have a better

Notebook chips have remained one of Intel's more profitable
segments, but the company will soon see the emergence of a new
competitor in Transmeta.

Chip competition Transmeta, which has developed a low-powered
chip for notebooks, plans to show off at PC Expo later this month
a number of notebooks for the business market from major
manufacturers using its 5400 Crusoe processor.

"We're going to show a lot of great notebooks at PC Expo," said
Jim Chapman, Transmeta senior vice president of sales and

The company's coming out party is significant in that no company
to date has seriously competed against Intel in the business
market. IBM has already said it will show off a Transmeta-based
notebook. Compaq Computer and Gateway also are likely to be
there, as both invested in Transmeta earlier this year.

"Intel is getting within striking distance, and that may be all
they need," said Kevin Krewell, an analyst with MicroDesign
Resources. "If I am an MIS guy, and I have a choice between
Transmeta...and Intel, the corporate guy will probably go for

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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[CTRL] Drugs, terror and dud bills ... oh dear, leader Kim

2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

AFR World

Drugs, terror and dud bills ...  oh dear, leader Kim

Sunday, June 18, 2000
By Peter Hartcher

When police in Moscow detained a North Korean found exchanging
illegally large amounts of US currency, they opened his overcoat
to find it stuffed with thousands of crisp, new $US100 bills.
The money turned out to be high-quality counterfeit.

And when he claimed diplomatic immunity, they checked out his
story.  They discovered that he was not just a diplomat but a
senior aide to the North Korean leader himself, Kim Jong Il, the
man known to his people as Dear Leader.

The greenbacks are so good because North Korea's Government spent
$US10 million ($16.5 million) to buy an intaglio printing press
of the same type used by the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
They've been called "supernotes".

The Congressional Research Service estimated last year that
Pyongyang was turning out at least $US15 million a year worth of
counterfeit US bills.  They have been seized in at least nine
countries, according to an American crime expert, David Kaplan.

This illustrates several things about North Korea.

First, its increasing desperation.  It once drew crucial economic
and strategic support from Moscow.  But when the Soviet Union
collapsed, Moscow lost interest in sponsoring global communism
and in 1995 failed to renew its security agreement with

North Korea was reduced from a client State of Moscow's to a
criminal State trying to pass dud currency in the laneways of its
one-time ally.

And it's not just counterfeiting.  North Korea's Government
exports an entire supermarket of illegal drugs to raise hard
currency.  Japanese Customs found a methamphetamine shipment in
1988 that had a street value of $US170 million - equal to a third
of all legal North Korean exports for the year.

It is sometimes said that the Russian State has been taken over
by mafia interests.  But in North Korea, "the State is the
mafia", according to the former American ambassador to Seoul,
James Lilley.

But even State-organised crime was not enough to compensate for
the absence of a functional economy.  North Korea's people have
been suffering from famine for four years.

China stepped in to keep North Korea from collapsing entirely,
supplying cheap oil, coal and grain.  But China, itself well
advanced in the transformation from a command economy to a market
one, has been increasingly impatient with Pyongyang's obduracy.
China pressed Dear Leader hard to start opening the country to
trade.  Left without any choice, he finally agreed to meet his
counterpart from the south, Kim Dae Jung.

Second, it tells us how closely the Dear Leader supervises his
regime's illegal activities. The office responsible for illicit
exports, Workers Party Bureau 39, was established under the
direct control of Kim Jong Il.

Likewise, he is thought by intelligence agencies in Seoul and
Washington to have been personally involved in organising his
regime's most horrendous acts of terrorism.  These include the
1987 mid-air bombing of Korean Air Lines flight 858 that killed
115 people and the 1983 bombing in Burma of a helicopter carrying
four South Korean cabinet ministers.

So it is truly stunning to see him turn so abruptly from bombs to
bouquets in dealing with South Korea.  The rapprochement between
the two Kims that occurred in Pyongyang this week began with a
handshake, moved on to hand-holding in the back of the official
limousine, and ended with a bear hug.  For two countries that
remain technically at war, this is quite extraordinary.

The summit promises much change.  First, it reduces the risk of
war in one of the world's tinderboxes.  Second, it improves the
chances that the criminal terrorist regime can be brought into
the community of civilised States.  Third, it promises to create
a new wave of economic vigour on the Korean peninsula if North
and South can manage economic integration. South Korea has big,
rich companies that want to build factories in North Korea, where
labour is very cheap and very well trained.

But it also promises to usher in a whole new era of competition
between the great powers. How?  South Korea's former foreign
minister, Han Sung-joo, now a professor at Korea University,
published an essay in Friday's Korea Herald in which he made
three key points. In summary:

One, the rapprochement will probably weaken the position of the
US on the Korean peninsula. This is because Seoul will have
increasing difficulty explaining the need for the US military
bases in South Korea, where Uncle Sam has 37,000 troops.  Their
future must now be in doubt.

Two, it improves China's position.  China orchestrated the
summit: Han says it is "on the centre stage in Korean affairs".
Further, China does not want North Korea, a neighbour, to
collapse.  It wants to keep it as a friendly buffer State.  But
it does not want to keep propping it up either.  If North Korea
can now open itself to trade, it will grow stronger - a buffer


2000-06-19 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


Washington Weekly
Edward Zehr

It all began on May 7 when, according to a Fox News report, "lab
workers responsible for the disks discovered they had vanished
from a suitcase in the vault but did not report the loss to
higher-ups at the lab or to security, according to a lab

Michael Y. Park, a Fox news reporter, indicated that the hard
drives, which "disappeared"  from a vault at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory contained "detailed information on U.S.  and
Russian nukes." Although the exact nature of the information has
not been revealed, Republican senators investigating the incident
have described it as possibly the most serious security breach in
the nation's history.

The latest word as I finish this article is that the disks have
been found behind a photo-copying machine in a "secure" area of
the lab. An administration official told UPI Friday night that
the drives had been found "in very questionable circumstances"
and that the federal investigation of the matter is "far from
over."  The area where the hard-drives were found had been
searched at least twice before and investigators are certain that
they were not there at the time. The area is being treated as a
crime scene by the FBI.  The disks themselves are of no
importance -- the official told UPI that investigators would like
to know where the drives had been "from when they disappeared
until they were discovered."  He indicated that they are
"particularly interested in whether the hard drives 'have been
compromised' -- whether the classified information on them has
been accessed or downloaded."  At least 20 FBI agents are
investigating the security breach, together with security
personnel from the Department of Energy.

Having worked with classified information during most of an
engineering career that spanned three-and-a-half decades, a
couple of things immediately caught my eye in the brief news
accounts.  First I would point out that when one is handling
information as sensitive as this is said to be, things don't
simply "vanish."  There is (supposed to be)  a chain of
accountability that anchors the information to a person, or
persons, responsible for it's safekeeping. Because access to such
highly classified data is tightly restricted, it should be
abundantly obvious which (small group of) people are likely to
have seen it last. Given the urgency of the situation, it should
not take weeks or months to determine what happened. Although 85
people are said to have had access, it seems that only 28 people
were authorized to enter, unescorted, the vault where the disk-
drives were kept. Presumably at least one of these people knows
what happened to the missing data. The FBI is presently giving
lie-detector tests to those involved, in an effort to identify
the knowledgeable one(s), much to the annoyance of everyone

The other point that comes readily to mind is that, unless a
person has been suddenly afflicted with a rare brain disorder
that causes him to regress back to the psychological level of a
mindlessly irresponsible, infantile brat, that person does not
wait three weeks before informing someone in authority that the
nation's nuclear secrets are missing. As annoying as it must be
to be given a polygraph test under these circumstances, nobody
forced any of these people to involve themselves in work that
requires the safeguarding of highly sensitive classified
information.  Perhaps had they taken that part of the job a bit
more seriously they would not have been confronted with such an
irritating imposition.


Last Tuesday a Department of Energy security official told the
House Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee that
none of the 85 employees who had access to the classified vault
were questioned for two weeks after the hard-drives were reported
missing because lab officials were preoccupied with the wildfire
that was threatening the facility at the time. On the surface
this may sound plausible enough, but the disk-drives were found
to be missing soon after the fire had been reported. Since when
do brush fires take precedence over national security
investigations?  Do these people really find it so difficult to
walk and chew gum at the same time? Are the local security people
all members of the volunteer fire department? Wouldn't it have
made sense to inform somebody in Washington so that they could
look into the security problem while the local employees were
preoccupied with the fire?  Connoisseurs of mush-headed
bureaucratic double-talk will find none of this particularly
surprising -- or convincing.

What I am attempting to say, in brief, is that there is something
terribly wrong with this story. Highly sensitive information is
just not handled in this slapdash manner -- at least not in my
experience.  And if it were, why isn't somebody hanging from the
yardarm by now?

In an obvious attempt at damage control, the Clinton