Re: [SailfishDevel] [update] Hotfix to update1 ( ->

2013-12-17 Thread Alexander Bigga
Hi Simo,

I had the same issue. And I was a little afraid in the first moment ;-)

But rebooting fixed it and it works again.

Best regards

On 17.12.2013 20:34, Simo Salo wrote:
> To Development Team
> After the update my Jolla device remained "black" (did not come
> back to "system" screen).
> Had to boot the device. That did help though! :D
> Regards Simo
> 2013/12/17 Jani Kotakoski  >
> Dear Bernd,
> after update to , jolla-gallery stopped
> showing some of the images. They appear as thumbnails, but all other
> views show them as empty.
> As far as I know, I haven't done any ther changes with the device.
> Cheers,
> Jani
> Bernd Wachter  > kirjoitti:
> Hi all,
> we just discovered an issue in both  and 
>  today which
> causes update of the store token required for accessing store
> repositories to fail. A fix for that has been pushed a few minutes 
> ago:
> The update to version  you might be seeing 
> on your device soon
> contains exactly this one fix to keep store access working.
> Bernd
>  Devel mailing list
> -- 
> Dr. Jani Kotakoski from Jolla.
> Please excuse my brewity.
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Perl

2013/12/17 Damien Caliste :
>> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
>> is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.
> I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable API, 
> that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0, gobject-2.0 
> and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like libsoup, libcurl or 
> libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt provides abstractions for 
> them, but when porting, it's easier to keep these low level libraries, which 
> have a stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on Sailfish in that case with 
> these low level backends (already available in Mer).
> What do you think ?

glib-2.0 is going to be allowed soon. gobject-2.0 very likely also.

For the others, I've added them to the list of libraries/APIs we'll
review and think about adding. Where features overlap (e.g. libcurl +
libsoup), we'll probably pick only one of them. In that specific case,
we'll probably pick libcurl, as it has a good, controlled history of
ABI stability / proper soversioning: - libsoup on the other hand has
changed API in major ways between 2.2 and 2.4, for example:

As Artem mentioned in a later post to this thread, if you really
really want to have a library and it's not supported, you can always
include it as shared library (or link it statically if the license
allows) in your app. See for where you
should put these libs.

HTH :)
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Alessandro Portale
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Martin Kolman  wrote:
> I'll specifically point out that Cairo is a very nice
> vector drawing library and should be included.
> While there is the QtQuick 2.0 Canvas API, it seems to
> be GUI-only, without support for file output,
> which might be something many applications would like to
> do when doing simple image manipulation.

Hi, I am not familiar with the Cairo API. But Qt's pendant (code named
"Arthur") should offer about the same functionality. It should be
available in the Qt C++ API and be supported in SailfishOS.
See the QPainter documentation:
Also for the the image IO:

Note that these two areas of Qt are not part of the blacklisted
QtWidgets, but rather part of QtGui.
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] cannot hide() contextmenu

2013-12-17 Thread Bea Lam

On 17 Dec 2013, at 11:17 pm, Wim de Vries  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying a contextmenu. I can show() it, but not hide it.
> Clicking on the lower rectangle does not hide it:

Just remove the “anchors.fill: parent” from your ContextMenu declaration. The 
ContextMenu type internally adjusts its ‘height’ property in order to make its 
contents appear and disappear when you call show() and hide(), so if you fix 
the menu’s dimensions using anchors.fill, it will not be able to internally 
control its height, as anchors take precedence over width/height values.

In any case, you wouldn’t want to explicitly control the height of a 
ContextMenu because it automatically adjusts its height according to the number 
of items in the menu.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] GPS Location service (QTLocation or QTPositioning)

2013-12-17 Thread Aaron McCarthy

On Tue, 17 Dec 2013 12:49:54 Hendrik Borghorst wrote:
> I want to develop some kind of MTB tracking application.
> I develop in real device and want to know which module for position data
> is the best way to go.
> On the device I see that qt-location and qt-positioning is installed. As
> qt-positioning is part of qt 5.2 I would think this is the way to go.

Qt Positioning will be the recommended API to use to get positioning 
information. Acceptance into the store will happen after we have updated to Qt 
5.2, the first Qt release that includes Qt Positioning.

> If it is qt-positioning I would like to know what I have to do to get
> precise gps data. At the moment it seems that I only get only bad
> location data.

Define bad.

Please ensure that you have configured the position source to allow all 
positioning methods. There are two positioning sources used on the Jolla 
device, wifi and AGPS. You should receive a wifi based fix within a couple of 
seconds, followed shortly after by a more accurate GPS fix. You can check this 
by peeking the home screen. The satellite icon will blink when the most 
accurate requested fix has not yet been obtained, and be on when it has.


Aaron McCarthy
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread
Hi Damien,

feel free to develop a more complete client for :)
Better two than none :D

I will develop it anyway because I want to learn some SilicaUI stuff :)


On 17 December 2013 22:58, Damien Tardy-Panis wrote:

> Hi Andrea,
> I'm already working on a "more complete" SomaFM client (more features:
> channels favorites, songs bookmarks, channels sorting, channels quality,
> support,...)
> I checked your code to learn some stuff btw :-)
> Everything is ready except the actual streaming music player which I just
> started
> It will be available in a couple of months maybe depending on my
> availability.
> I just received my Jolla and I want to use the app for testing for some
> time before submitting it.
> Damien
> On Tuesday 17 December 2013 22:39:09 wrote:
> > I will start working as soon as possible to SailSoma, the porting of
> > CuteSoma ( client) from N9 to SailfishOS :)
> >
> >
> > On 14 December 2013 10:41, AL13N  wrote:
> >
> > > if there are people who are working on apps, and want to let it know,
> so
> > > that no other devs will waste time making the same apps, you can add
> these
> > > here:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > in the appriopriate section.
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Devel mailing list
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia Developer
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Damien Tardy-Panis
Hi Andrea,

I'm already working on a "more complete" SomaFM client (more features: channels 
favorites, songs bookmarks, channels sorting, channels quality, support,...)
I checked your code to learn some stuff btw :-)
Everything is ready except the actual streaming music player which I just 

It will be available in a couple of months maybe depending on my availability.
I just received my Jolla and I want to use the app for testing for some time 
before submitting it.


On Tuesday 17 December 2013 22:39:09 wrote:
> I will start working as soon as possible to SailSoma, the porting of
> CuteSoma ( client) from N9 to SailfishOS :)
> On 14 December 2013 10:41, AL13N  wrote:
> > if there are people who are working on apps, and want to let it know, so
> > that no other devs will waste time making the same apps, you can add these
> > here:
> >
> >
> >
> > in the appriopriate section.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> >

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Artem Marchenko
Guys, Harbour states that we can actually ship whichever libraries you want
together with the apps as long as we follow the specific rules (that are
beyond my skills).

Could somebody skilled (maybe Jolla sailors themselves?) create an example
of using some standard Qt module such as QtGraphicalEffects? And maybe some
non-Qt lib too.
You know, many packages already exist in Mer repositories, so probably we
don't even need to compile anything, just wrap the binaries correctly.

Then a list of libraries supported by Harbour will be not an issue
completely. Supported - fine, smaller app size; not supported - okay, we
ship module together with the app.

Best regards.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Martin Kolman wrote:

> 17.12.2013 21:08, Graham Cobb:
>  On 17/12/13 19:01, Damien Caliste wrote:
>>> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
 is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.

>>> I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable
>>> API, that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0,
>>> gobject-2.0 and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like
>>> libsoup, libcurl or libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt
>>> provides abstractions for them, but when porting, it's easier to keep these
>>> low level libraries, which have a stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on
>>> Sailfish in that case with these low level backends (already available in
>>> Mer).
>>> What do you think ?
>> I support this, at least for Glib/Gobject.  Glib is a useful library
>> and, for any app which uses it at all, it will be likely to be
>> completely embedded throughout the code.  While the GUI of such an app
>> will need to be reworked for Sailfish, the 80% of the code which
>> actually does something might be able to be left relatively untouched.
>> Graham
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
> I'm also all for this! :)
> I'll specifically point out that Cairo is a very nice
> vector drawing library and should be included.
> While there is the QtQuick 2.0 Canvas API, it seems to
> be GUI-only, without support for file output,
> which might be something many applications would like to
> do when doing simple image manipulation.
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Artem Marchenko
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread
I will start working as soon as possible to SailSoma, the porting of
CuteSoma ( client) from N9 to SailfishOS :)

On 14 December 2013 10:41, AL13N  wrote:

> if there are people who are working on apps, and want to let it know, so
> that no other devs will waste time making the same apps, you can add these
> here:
> in the appriopriate section.
> Thanks!
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia Developer
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Tuesday 17 December 2013 20:20 Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
> >Kimmo, I just pushed an update. TimePicker apparently doesn't support
> >showRangeIndicator anymore..?
> Works nicely! - something I was already looking for..

Great to hear. Then I can soon - well after Christmas - submit it to Harbour.

> functionality should
> be added to the Jolla native clock (which timer can adjust only hours and
> minutes)

He, I simply alias hours to minutes and minutes to seconds ;)

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Wallpaper disappeared after update

2013-12-17 Thread Triton Circonflexe
Had to reboot the phone but it did the trick.

Thanks a lot !

2013/12/17 Kimmo Lindholm 

> Try this in terminal: pkcon install jolla-preload-ambiences
> >>Ahoy,
>  I just received my Jolla and got a problem after the update : the
> wallpaper totally disappeared from the home page although it still seems to
> be there (in the settings background for example, where it is really
> blurred).
>  There are 2 details that might be of importance here :
>  - I uninstalled the tutorial application (no need after the first run,
> especially for a N9 user)
>  - the gallery shows "0 photos"
>  I tried to restore the tutorial but it is not present on the store.
>  Is there any way to get the wallpapers back and restore the ambiance (the
> dark blue one with the boat is just perfect) ?
>  Thank you.
> --
>  Triton.
> ___
> Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Wallpaper disappeared after update

2013-12-17 Thread Kimmo Lindholm

Try this in terminal: pkcon install jolla-preload-ambiences


I just received my Jolla and got a problem after the update : the wallpaper 
totally disappeared from the home page although it still seems to be there (in 
the settings background for example, where it is really blurred).

There are 2 details that might be of importance here :
- I uninstalled the tutorial application (no need after the first run, 
especially for a N9 user)
- the gallery shows "0 photos"
I tried to restore the tutorial but it is not present on the store.

Is there any way to get the wallpapers back and restore the ambiance (the dark 
blue one with the boat is just perfect) ?

Thank you.

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Wallpaper disappeared after update

2013-12-17 Thread Triton Circonflexe

I just received my Jolla and got a problem after the update : the wallpaper
totally disappeared from the home page although it still seems to be there
(in the settings background for example, where it is really blurred).

There are 2 details that might be of importance here :
- I uninstalled the tutorial application (no need after the first run,
especially for a N9 user)
- the gallery shows "0 photos"
I tried to restore the tutorial but it is not present on the store.

Is there any way to get the wallpapers back and restore the ambiance (the
dark blue one with the boat is just perfect) ?

Thank you.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Gabriel Boehme

it would be really great, if you could allow the System Information and
Feedback imports/stuff (QML).

Thank you very much and keep up the great and hard work! :)


> 5)
> New APIs are approved as we go along - we'll inform you when you're
> allowed to use new APIs in Harbour apps on the mailing list. If you
> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app
> that is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel. The current
> list of approved APIs can be found on

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] [update] Hotfix to update1 ( ->

2013-12-17 Thread Simo Salo
To Development Team

After the update my Jolla device remained "black" (did not come
back to "system" screen).
Had to boot the device. That did help though! :D

Regards Simo

2013/12/17 Jani Kotakoski 

> Dear Bernd,
> after update to, jolla-gallery stopped showing some of the
> images. They appear as thumbnails, but all other views show them as empty.
> As far as I know, I haven't done any ther changes with the device.
> Cheers,
> Jani
> Bernd Wachter  kirjoitti:
>> Hi all,
>> we just discovered an issue in both and today which
>> causes update of the store token required for accessing store
>> repositories to fail. A fix for that has been pushed a few minutes ago:
>> The update to version you might be seeing on your device soon
>> contains exactly this one fix to keep store access working.
>> Bernd
>> --
>> Devel mailing list
> --
> Dr. Jani Kotakoski from Jolla.
> Please excuse my brewity.
> ___
> Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] qca-qt5 for Jolla phone

2013-12-17 Thread Ruediger Gad

as far as I can see, qca-qt5 is not available in the pre-installed
repositories of the Jolla phone.
So, my questions are:
- Is it planned to make it available (qca-qt5 is already in
nemo:devel:mw on Mer OBS.)?
- What would be the process to make it available and how long would it
roughly take?
  I filed the PR on github that added the packaging for the actual qt5
version and would be willing to help here if I can.
- Are there alternatives to adding qca-qt5 to the pre-installed
repositories in order to allow apps on Harbour to use it as dependency?

My app MeePasswords requires qca-qt5.
So far, I succeeded in building it in the SDK and successfully ran it on
my device (I manually added the qca-qt5 dependency via zypper.).
The biggest problem right now is the qca-qt5 dependency.

I'd be very happy if it was possible to get MeePasswords into the Harbour.

Thanks and best regards,


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Damien Caliste
> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
> is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.
I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable API, 
that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0, gobject-2.0 
and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like libsoup, libcurl or 
libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt provides abstractions for them, 
but when porting, it's easier to keep these low level libraries, which have a 
stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on Sailfish in that case with these low 
level backends (already available in Mer).

What do you think ?

All the best,

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Martin Kolman

17.12.2013 21:08, Graham Cobb:

On 17/12/13 19:01, Damien Caliste wrote:

think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.

I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable API, 
that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0, gobject-2.0 
and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like libsoup, libcurl or 
libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt provides abstractions for them, 
but when porting, it's easier to keep these low level libraries, which have a 
stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on Sailfish in that case with these low 
level backends (already available in Mer).

What do you think ?

I support this, at least for Glib/Gobject.  Glib is a useful library
and, for any app which uses it at all, it will be likely to be
completely embedded throughout the code.  While the GUI of such an app
will need to be reworked for Sailfish, the 80% of the code which
actually does something might be able to be left relatively untouched.

___ Devel mailing list

I'm also all for this! :)
I'll specifically point out that Cairo is a very nice
vector drawing library and should be included.
While there is the QtQuick 2.0 Canvas API, it seems to
be GUI-only, without support for file output,
which might be something many applications would like to
do when doing simple image manipulation.
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Tanghus
On Sunday 15 December 2013 18:41 AL13N wrote:
> > Currency Converter:
> > Kitchen Timer:
> > 
> > The capcha for your site is ridiculous, so posting it here instead :)
> It's not my site (it's for embedded linux), but that captcha _is_
> ridiculous... i couldn't answer one question, after dozens of reloads, i
> ended up researching the Linus Torvalds question and cycle the captcha
> until i got that one... :-(

ROFL. Thanks for adding my - still half-baked - apps :)

> Since we don't have anything yet, this is a place where we can put some
> documentation until there might be a better place... though, otoh, since
> this is about embedded Linux, it's not exactly a wrong place either...

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Tanghus
Kimmo, I just pushed an update. TimePicker apparently doesn't support 
showRangeIndicator anymore..?

On Sunday 15 December 2013 21:56 Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
> Thomas, I pulled your kitchen-timer, built and deployed as rpm, and tested
> it on device, it gives me just white screen when started.
> -kimmo
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Thomas Tanghus
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:49 AM
> To: Sailfish OS Developers
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?
> Currency Converter:
> Kitchen Timer:
> The capcha for your site is ridiculous, so posting it here instead :)
> On Saturday 14 December 2013 11:41 AL13N wrote:
> > if there are people who are working on apps, and want to let it know,
> > so that no other devs will waste time making the same apps, you can
> > add these
> > here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > in the appriopriate section.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
> Thomas Tanghus
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Kimmo Lindholm
>Kimmo, I just pushed an update. TimePicker apparently doesn't support 
>showRangeIndicator anymore..?

Works nicely! - something I was already looking for.. functionality should be 
added to the Jolla native clock (which timer can adjust only hours and minutes)

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] [update] Hotfix to update1 ( ->

2013-12-17 Thread Jani Kotakoski
Dear Bernd,

after update to, jolla-gallery stopped showing some of the images. 
They appear as thumbnails, but all other views show them as empty.

As far as I know, I haven't done any ther changes with the device.


Bernd Wachter  kirjoitti:
>Hi all,
>we just discovered an issue in both and today which
>causes update of the store token required for accessing store
>repositories to fail. A fix for that has been pushed a few minutes ago:
>The update to version you might be seeing on your device soon
>contains exactly this one fix to keep store access working.
> Devel mailing list

Dr. Jani Kotakoski from Jolla.
Please excuse my brewity.___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml and opengl/c++

2013-12-17 Thread Wim de Vries

Works fine.

On 12/17/2013 12:16 PM, Thomas Perl wrote:


2013/12/6 Wim de Vries :

Some of you referred to the 'OpenGL Under QML'
I got the example working in Sailfish.
Only one problem.
It doesn't show up within 'ApplicationWindow'. I have to comment
ApplicationWindow{} out and use the Item as root element.
Same problem to get it in 'Page'.
Possibly there is already a Sailfish 'OpenGL Under QML'?

I've posted an example here to demonstrate how this would be done in theory:

Obviously for a real application, you will have to make sure to stop
the timer when the window goes into the background, etc..

HTH :)
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Graham Cobb
On 17/12/13 19:01, Damien Caliste wrote:
>> think you need an API (library or QML import) for your Harbour app that
>> is not yet approved, let us know on sailfish-devel.
> I posted before about the Glib stack with Cairo,   that propose a stable API, 
> that may help to port applications to Sailfish. Namely, glib-2.0, gobject-2.0 
> and cairo-1.0, plus some other low-level libraries, like libsoup, libcurl or 
> libjpeg-turbo. I know they are low level and Qt provides abstractions for 
> them, but when porting, it's easier to keep these low level libraries, which 
> have a stable API anyway. QML is used for UI on Sailfish in that case with 
> these low level backends (already available in Mer).
> What do you think ?

I support this, at least for Glib/Gobject.  Glib is a useful library
and, for any app which uses it at all, it will be likely to be
completely embedded throughout the code.  While the GUI of such an app
will need to be reworked for Sailfish, the 80% of the code which
actually does something might be able to be left relatively untouched.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Tanghus
Thanks for testing. Both my apps failed to work on the updated SDK, and I 
haven't had time to look at getting them working again.

On Sunday 15 December 2013 21:56 Kimmo Lindholm wrote:
> Thomas, I pulled your kitchen-timer, built and deployed as rpm, and tested
> it on device, it gives me just white screen when started.
> -kimmo
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Thomas Tanghus
> Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 8:49 AM
> To: Sailfish OS Developers
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] working on apps?
> Currency Converter:
> Kitchen Timer:
> The capcha for your site is ridiculous, so posting it here instead :)
> On Saturday 14 December 2013 11:41 AL13N wrote:
> > if there are people who are working on apps, and want to let it know,
> > so that no other devs will waste time making the same apps, you can
> > add these
> > here:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > in the appriopriate section.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > ___
> > Devel mailing list
> --
> Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards
> Thomas Tanghus
> ___
> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Thomas Tanghus
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread ottulonen
Hi all,

I think the point was that while tweets are integrated in the ui of the 
notifications, tapping on the facebook icon simply opens the browser. I agree, 
this seems like it's just unfinished but should be there in the future.

By the way, I'd like to see the mail app recognize mailing lists and offer an 
option to reply to the list. Now I had to manually edit the address.

Best regards,

On Tue Dec 17 2013 16:53:07 GMT+0200 (EET), Kalle Vahlman wrote:
>2013/12/17 mourik jan heupink :
>> Hi Kalle,
>>> Pull from the bottom of the screen almost anywhere and at least for
>>> twitter you'll see a feed icon for reading and "share your thoughts"
>>> or similar text entry for tweeting.
>> Right! Had not yet discovered that one. Seems to be twitter-only though. I
>> guess facebook interaction is simply not there, yet?
>I would assume facebook should have it's own icon above the text entry
>when you focus it (why else there would be one for twitter?), but I'm
>not a user so don't know for sure...
>Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
>Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
>Tel +358 9 8567 6400
>Fax +358 9 8567 6401
> Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Making HTTP-requests

2013-12-17 Thread Gabriel Böhme

there should not be so much to hack with QNetwork. Just started with
QNetwork yesterday, it's not very hard to understand, even for a Qt/C++
newbie, like me. Now working with the JSON response seems to be a bit more
difficult. ;-)



Von meinem Nokia N9 gesendet schrieb am 17.12.13 17:14:
What is the preferred way to make HTTP-requests in Sailfish?
XMLHttpRequest doesn't cut it, since I need a custom user agent string.

Are there any QML-libraries or do I have to hack it with QNetworkRequest
and friends?
___ Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Making HTTP-requests

2013-12-17 Thread Andrey Kozhevnikov
Why not to make class with features you want and export it via 
setContextProperty to use on QML side?

On 17.12.2013 22:14, wrote:

What is the preferred way to make HTTP-requests in Sailfish?
XMLHttpRequest doesn't cut it, since I need a custom user agent string.

Are there any QML-libraries or do I have to hack it with QNetworkRequest
and friends?
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Making HTTP-requests

2013-12-17 Thread da4c30ff
What is the preferred way to make HTTP-requests in Sailfish?
XMLHttpRequest doesn't cut it, since I need a custom user agent string.

Are there any QML-libraries or do I have to hack it with QNetworkRequest
and friends?
___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Harbour news

2013-12-17 Thread Iekku Pylkka

Here is some short Harbour information:

In Week 52/2013 and 01/2014 our QA staff is working with reduced man power. We 
will be back full speed Tue 7. January 2014. So expect some delays in 
processing your submissions to Harbour, thanks for understanding.

We noticed that many forget to increment the rpm version number. Please ensure 
that each submission has a higher version-release, than the already approved 
version. We will add a version check to the web ui. But until then please check 
it yourself too, to avoid rejections.

It would make the testers life easier, if you would provide more detailed 
information about the changes you made if you submit a new version of your 
application in the web ui when you submit the rpm. The field is not mandatory 
and we don't want to force you. But a few sentences about what changed would 
help a lot, and will speed up QA for your application. Note that this 
information is not shown to your end-users - you may update the description 

Heads up: Soon we won't allow any files not needing the execution bit set, to 
have it set. So .png, .desktop and .qml files (and any other file you package 
with your rpm, except the binary) are not allowed to have permission 755, just 

New APIs are approved as we go along - we'll inform you when you're allowed to 
use new APIs in Harbour apps on the mailing list. If you think you need an API 
(library or QML import) for your Harbour app that is not yet approved, let us 
know on sailfish-devel. The current list of approved APIs can be found on

We are currently studying how the SDK could support you with 2) and 4).

So we wish you Happy Holidays  and a successful New Year! Happy hacking (but 
get also some rest :-))

Jolla Harbour Team
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Valerio Valerio


On 17/12/13 14:16, Alexander Bigga wrote:

Hi Valerio,

Am 17.12.2013 11:43, schrieb Valerio Valerio:

On 17/12/13 10:37, wrote:

So, can we use IMAP+CardDav+CalDav on Jolla?

CalDav for Calendar sync is not supported at the moment, will be offered
in a update, contacts and mail are supported by configuring a google

It's a bit funny to buy a phone with full opensource OS to get rid of
google and to realize afterwards that I need google for contacts

Question here was about syncing google mail/calendar and contacts, so 
the way to go is using the google account, if you want to configure your 
google email 'manually' via IMAP is also supported, just choose 'Email' 
account instead, at this time other services are not supported.

Best regards,


IMAP-Push, CardDav, CalDav are basics which Jolla (or better Sailfish)
really needs. It's so easy to use e.g. ownloud to synchronize all this

Looking forward to the next updates and the power of community apps.

Best regards,


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Kalle Vahlman
2013/12/17 mourik jan heupink :
> Hi Kalle,
>> Pull from the bottom of the screen almost anywhere and at least for
>> twitter you'll see a feed icon for reading and "share your thoughts"
>> or similar text entry for tweeting.
> Right! Had not yet discovered that one. Seems to be twitter-only though. I
> guess facebook interaction is simply not there, yet?

I would assume facebook should have it's own icon above the text entry
when you focus it (why else there would be one for twitter?), but I'm
not a user so don't know for sure...

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 8567 6400
Fax +358 9 8567 6401
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke

did anybody manage to create all-day events in the calendar? It shows
existing events as all-day but I can't find a UI for setting that.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread mourik jan heupink


Well, only one cycle. But: because of the missing features / issues we 
talked about in this thread, I am not yet using it as my 'production' 
phone, but kind of as a tablet to play with, for now.


On 12/17/2013 02:51 PM, Gianguido Sorà wrote:

Can you give us some details about battery life?
How many battery cycles you did?

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread mourik jan heupink

On 12/17/2013 03:22 PM, Luca Donaggio wrote:

Is there a way to be notified of incoming mails in any folder (I'm using
IMAP)? Actually it seems to me that it monitors Inbox folder only.
With my N9 I used to mark some folders as fovourites and I got
notifications for new mails in all of them: anything like that?
I miss that too. I keep an eye on various imap folders through the day, 
and on sailfish that's not (yet) an easy task.

Also a 'mark imap folder as read' option would be very welcome. (I 
missed that very much on the N9)

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread mourik jan heupink

Hi Kalle,

Pull from the bottom of the screen almost anywhere and at least for
twitter you'll see a feed icon for reading and "share your thoughts"
or similar text entry for tweeting.
Right! Had not yet discovered that one. Seems to be twitter-only though. 
I guess facebook interaction is simply not there, yet?

It is a bit funny to say "anymore" given that N9 is from a different
company and with a different UI layer... ;)

True, true :-)

Thanks for the twitter tip!
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Luca Donaggio
Is there a way to be notified of incoming mails in any folder (I'm using
IMAP)? Actually it seems to me that it monitors Inbox folder only.
With my N9 I used to mark some folders as fovourites and I got
notifications for new mails in all of them: anything like that?

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 2:51 PM, Gianguido Sorà wrote:

> Can you give us some details about battery life?
> How many battery cycles you did?
> Il 17/dic/2013 14:48 "mourik jan heupink"  ha
> scritto:
> My list of questions/issues:
>> - there doesn't seem to be a way to interact with facebook / twitter,
>> even though I have added those accounts. (or am I missing something..?)
>> - on my N9 I could swipe to the right/left to get to the 'running apps'
>> screen. That doesn't seem to work anymore.
>> - And yes: I too miss N9 swype to enter text. I hope we'll see that
>> back..!
>> - I'd like to see a dutch T9/swype dictionary, for me the interface
>> language could stay english only
>> - Caldav! Without it, jolla can not become my primary daily phone. (i
>> depend on various caldav calendars)
>> For the rest: great! Anxiously awaiting future updates!
>> MJ
>> ___
>> Devel mailing list
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Luca Donaggio
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Alexander Bigga
Hi Valerio,

Am 17.12.2013 11:43, schrieb Valerio Valerio:
> On 17/12/13 10:37, wrote:

>> So, can we use IMAP+CardDav+CalDav on Jolla?
> CalDav for Calendar sync is not supported at the moment, will be offered
> in a update, contacts and mail are supported by configuring a google
> account.

It's a bit funny to buy a phone with full opensource OS to get rid of
google and to realize afterwards that I need google for contacts

IMAP-Push, CardDav, CalDav are basics which Jolla (or better Sailfish)
really needs. It's so easy to use e.g. ownloud to synchronize all this

Looking forward to the next updates and the power of community apps.

Best regards,


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Kalle Vahlman
2013/12/17 mourik jan heupink :
> My list of questions/issues:
> - there doesn't seem to be a way to interact with facebook / twitter, even
> though I have added those accounts. (or am I missing something..?)

Pull from the bottom of the screen almost anywhere and at least for
twitter you'll see a feed icon for reading and "share your thoughts"
or similar text entry for tweeting.

> - on my N9 I could swipe to the right/left to get to the 'running apps'
> screen. That doesn't seem to work anymore.

It is a bit funny to say "anymore" given that N9 is from a different
company and with a different UI layer... ;)

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 8567 6400
Fax +358 9 8567 6401
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Gianguido Sorà
Can you give us some details about battery life?
How many battery cycles you did?
Il 17/dic/2013 14:48 "mourik jan heupink"  ha

> My list of questions/issues:
> - there doesn't seem to be a way to interact with facebook / twitter, even
> though I have added those accounts. (or am I missing something..?)
> - on my N9 I could swipe to the right/left to get to the 'running apps'
> screen. That doesn't seem to work anymore.
> - And yes: I too miss N9 swype to enter text. I hope we'll see that back..!
> - I'd like to see a dutch T9/swype dictionary, for me the interface
> language could stay english only
> - Caldav! Without it, jolla can not become my primary daily phone. (i
> depend on various caldav calendars)
> For the rest: great! Anxiously awaiting future updates!
> MJ
> ___
> Devel mailing list
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread mourik jan heupink

My list of questions/issues:

- there doesn't seem to be a way to interact with facebook / twitter, 
even though I have added those accounts. (or am I missing something..?)

- on my N9 I could swipe to the right/left to get to the 'running apps' 
screen. That doesn't seem to work anymore.

- And yes: I too miss N9 swype to enter text. I hope we'll see that back..!

- I'd like to see a dutch T9/swype dictionary, for me the interface 
language could stay english only

- Caldav! Without it, jolla can not become my primary daily phone. (i 
depend on various caldav calendars)

For the rest: great! Anxiously awaiting future updates!

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] cannot hide() contextmenu

2013-12-17 Thread Wim de Vries

I am trying a contextmenu. I can show() it, but not hide it.
Clicking on the lower rectangle does not hide it:

import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0

Page {
id: pageT

id : timerWindow
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
height : 400
color : "#00FF00"
  anchors.fill : parent

id : timerWindow2 timerWindow.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
color : "#FF"
  anchors.fill : parent

   anchors.fill: parent
   property bool menuShown : false
   id: contextMenu
MenuItem {
text: "Option 1"
MenuItem {
text: "Option 2"

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] GPS Location service (QTLocation or QTPositioning)

2013-12-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Hendrik

What do you mean by "bad location data?"

Qt Positioning / Location should be way to go. The old Mobility  
Location (from which Positioning / Location descends) worked on the  
Nokia N9


Zitat von "Hendrik Borghorst" :

Hello guys,

I want to develop some kind of MTB tracking application.

I develop in real device and want to know which module for position data
is the best way to go.

On the device I see that qt-location and qt-positioning is installed. As
qt-positioning is part of qt 5.2 I would think this is the way to go.

If it is qt-positioning I would like to know what I have to do to get
precise gps data. At the moment it seems that I only get only bad
location data.

I know that currently the packages are not accepted in harbour.


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtSensors support in Harbour

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Perl

2013/12/17 Kimmo Lindholm :
> Is there any known workaround for acceleration sensor use? (or schedule when
> QtSensors 5.0 would be allowed in Harbour?)

QtSensors 5.0 is scheduled to be available for Harbour apps soon, it's
already been added to the list of approved QML imports, but it will
take some time until this comes into effect at Harbour intake.

HTH :)
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] QtSensors support in Harbour

2013-12-17 Thread Robin Burchell

On 17 Dec 2013, at 12:01, Kimmo Lindholm>> wrote:
Is there any known workaround for acceleration sensor use? (or schedule when 
QtSensors 5.0 would be allowed in Harbour?)

QtSensors will be added for use in the near future. We’ll drop a mail to the 
list when it has been done.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Bluetooth headset/carkit issue (and clock related feedback)

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke
On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Valerio Valerio
> you can access that info at anytime by doing a peak gesture:
But where's the date? Currently calendar has to be open on the home
screen to see that.

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] GPS Location service (QTLocation or QTPositioning)

2013-12-17 Thread Hendrik Borghorst
Hello guys,

I want to develop some kind of MTB tracking application.

I develop in real device and want to know which module for position data
is the best way to go. 

On the device I see that qt-location and qt-positioning is installed. As
qt-positioning is part of qt 5.2 I would think this is the way to go.

If it is qt-positioning I would like to know what I have to do to get
precise gps data. At the moment it seems that I only get only bad
location data.

I know that currently the packages are not accepted in harbour. 


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Quickfix for SailfishOS SDK available today.

2013-12-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha

The Upgrade was successful, and console.log is back!



Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :


sorry about that, there was a mishap in copying the updated files to  
the correct path. The mishap is being fixed and the update will be  
available shortly.

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 12:02, wrote:

Hi Juha

Unfortunately the Updater is giving me the error

"The hash of one component does not match the expected one"


Could not download meta information for component: Error: Bad hash.

I am running 1312 on OSX


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :


this Qt Creator fix will be available only as an update to the  
"1312" installer. We won't make another complete installer because  
of this.

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 10:22, wrote:

Hi Jarko

Super, I am very glad this was given priority.

Can you confirm, we can just update, no need to completely  
deinstall like previous SDK updates?


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

Hello again,

Today at 10:00 UTC we will publish an update for Qt Creator  
(SailfishOS SDK IDE), which fixes the missing application output  

The update will be made available via the SDK maintenance tool  
and Qt Creator will display an update notifier when it is ready  
for downloading.

Here's are the release notes for this update:

SailfishOS SDK IDE:
* Qt Creator updated to version 2.8.1-4
* Fixes missing application output logs - emulator traces can be  
now seen in Qt Creator's application output window.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish  
developers mailing list at

Happy hacking,
The Jolla SDK Team

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Vesa-Matti Hartikainen
> In the email you cannot copy when viewing the mail, but if you reply you can
> then select the plain text content to copy. Paste works in the mail editor.
Ok, that's a good workaround (this didn't work on N9).

>> - Browser can't share links
> Long tap a link and click share. If you  have twitter/fb/email configured
> you can share to those. To share current page go to tab view from icon in
> middle and select share from pulley menu by pulling the UI down.
That's not so obvious to find. I would have expected a pulley on top
the web page instead.


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke

> is that a payed account ? (google apps for business for e.g).
Yes. And push works fine on N9, BB10 and even Symbian.

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] qml and opengl/c++

2013-12-17 Thread Thomas Perl

2013/12/6 Wim de Vries :
> Some of you referred to the 'OpenGL Under QML'
> (
> example.
> I got the example working in Sailfish.
> Only one problem.
> It doesn't show up within 'ApplicationWindow'. I have to comment
> ApplicationWindow{} out and use the Item as root element.
> Same problem to get it in 'Page'.
> Possibly there is already a Sailfish 'OpenGL Under QML'?

I've posted an example here to demonstrate how this would be done in theory:

Obviously for a real application, you will have to make sure to stop
the timer when the window goes into the background, etc..

HTH :)
___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] QtSensors support in Harbour

2013-12-17 Thread Kimmo Lindholm

Is there any known workaround for acceleration sensor use? (or schedule when 
QtSensors 5.0 would be allowed in Harbour?)

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Valerio Valerio

On 17/12/13 10:37, wrote:

Hi Valerio,

that Google support page doesn't offer a real solution it seems.
It confirms that Google Sync will stop working and it says that IMAP, 
CardDav and CalDav are available instead.

So, can we use IMAP+CardDav+CalDav on Jolla?

CalDav for Calendar sync is not supported at the moment, will be offered 
in a update, contacts and mail are supported by configuring a google 

Best regards,


On 17 December 2013 10:27, Valerio Valerio 
> wrote:


On 17/12/13 10:11, Nils Jeisecke wrote:


- Fonts look generally pretty bad (most obvious in the launcher)
- Scrolling makes pixels look "jaggy". Open Terminal, type ls,
go to
app switcher and drag a little bit => pixels in the minimized
app start to dance around
- Android Tasks must be handled by the Sailfish Taskswitcher. BB10
does this right.
- Pinning would be useful
- email Push over Exchange does not work for me (using Google)

is that a payed account ? (google apps for business for e.g).
If not, access will stop working at the end of the year, does not
make sense to invest time and resource in a service that will stop
working in a few more days(unless google extent the support
again). Google suggests these alternatives:

Best regards,


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Kari Pihkala>> wrote:

2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock
Screen to Launcher
(instead of needing to go through Home)

i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better,
plus there's a pulley
menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this
is configurable

I also have difficulties with the Home screen and I would
rather use the
Launcher screen to switch between apps. I think the reason
is that

in Home screen:

  * Covers move around so I have to go through them one by
one to find the
app I need. Only if I continuously swap between two apps,
I might trust that
the app is the first or second one in the grid.
  * Cover texts/images change, so I have to read/decypher
images to
understand which app they relate to. This is slow.

in Launcher screen:

  * App icons don't move around. I can rely on my spatial
memory and find the
app always at the same spot. Often, I have already moved
my finger over the
app before the screen has stopped scrolling.
  * App icons don't change. Recognizing a familiar icon is
faster than
reading/decyphering images.

Perhaps the number of covers displayed on Home could be
customizable? I
would limit it to three small ones (or remove all). The
app icons could move
up to occupy the free space.

Also pinning the covers would help (I would pin most of them).

I never close apps, so I have all the time nine small
covers on the Home
screen. Am I doing it wrong?


2013/12/14 AL13N>>


Moving from N9/Meego two days ago, I find
Jolla/Sailfish very easy to
and have some feedback (wishlist?). I hope this is
the right place for
this feedback, otherwise please point me to the
correct place.

i'm not a jolla dev, nor do i have a jolla, but i'll
reply and give my

Current version: (notification for
version upgrade came almost
immediate I got online)

Sailfish/Platform specific:
1. From Lock Screen, swiping-up should bring me to
Home screen, but it
often brings up the Events screen even if there is no
notifications/events. A friend's N9 community
edition Sailfish allows
swiping from the left/right side on Lock screen -
the same doesn't work
my Jolla.

if you swipe up from the bottom, it brings event
screen, if you swipe up
from the middle, it brings home screen. takes some
getting used to...


Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread
Hi Valerio,

that Google support page doesn't offer a real solution it seems.
It confirms that Google Sync will stop working and it says that IMAP,
CardDav and CalDav are available instead.

So, can we use IMAP+CardDav+CalDav on Jolla?

On 17 December 2013 10:27, Valerio Valerio

> Hi,
> On 17/12/13 10:11, Nils Jeisecke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> - Fonts look generally pretty bad (most obvious in the launcher)
>> - Scrolling makes pixels look "jaggy". Open Terminal, type ls, go to
>> app switcher and drag a little bit => pixels in the minimized terminal
>> app start to dance around
>> - Android Tasks must be handled by the Sailfish Taskswitcher. BB10
>> does this right.
>> - Pinning would be useful
>> - email Push over Exchange does not work for me (using Google)
> is that a payed account ? (google apps for business for e.g).
> If not, access will stop working at the end of the year, does not make
> sense to invest time and resource in a service that will stop working in a
> few more days(unless google extent the support again). Google suggests
> these alternatives:
> Best regards,
> Valério
>> On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Kari Pihkala 
>> wrote:
>>> 2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
> (instead of needing to go through Home)
 i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a
 menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable

>>> I also have difficulties with the Home screen and I would rather use the
>>> Launcher screen to switch between apps. I think the reason is that
>>> in Home screen:
>>>   * Covers move around so I have to go through them one by one to find
>>> the
>>> app I need. Only if I continuously swap between two apps, I might trust
>>> that
>>> the app is the first or second one in the grid.
>>>   * Cover texts/images change, so I have to read/decypher images to
>>> understand which app they relate to. This is slow.
>>> in Launcher screen:
>>>   * App icons don't move around. I can rely on my spatial memory and
>>> find the
>>> app always at the same spot. Often, I have already moved my finger over
>>> the
>>> app before the screen has stopped scrolling.
>>>   * App icons don't change. Recognizing a familiar icon is faster than
>>> reading/decyphering images.
>>> Perhaps the number of covers displayed on Home could be customizable? I
>>> would limit it to three small ones (or remove all). The app icons could
>>> move
>>> up to occupy the free space.
>>> Also pinning the covers would help (I would pin most of them).
>>> I never close apps, so I have all the time nine small covers on the Home
>>> screen. Am I doing it wrong?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Kari
>>> 2013/12/14 AL13N 
> Moving from N9/Meego two days ago, I find Jolla/Sailfish very easy to
> use,
> and have some feedback (wishlist?). I hope this is the right place for
> this feedback, otherwise please point me to the correct place.
 i'm not a jolla dev, nor do i have a jolla, but i'll reply and give my

  Current version: (notification for version upgrade came almost
> immediate I got online)
> Sailfish/Platform specific:
> 1. From Lock Screen, swiping-up should bring me to Home screen, but it
> often brings up the Events screen even if there is no
> notifications/events. A friend's N9 community edition Sailfish allows
> swiping from the left/right side on Lock screen - the same doesn’t work
> on
> my Jolla.
 if you swipe up from the bottom, it brings event screen, if you swipe up
 from the middle, it brings home screen. takes some getting used to...

 maybe swiping left/right doens't work if you don't have a TOH?

  2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
> (instead of needing to go through Home)
 i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a
 menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable

  3. Easier (less taps) accessible configuration (eg WLAN, Bluetooth)
> from
> any screen (not just "Settings")
 wasn't there some kind of cover where you could do this? there's been a
 request for pinning covers, i would like this in combination...

  4. Need easier way view the current connection (All the connection
> related
> icons on Lock Screen are hard to decode at least initially - in
> particular
> for the Mobile Network Data icon, but WLAN icon also hard to decode)
> 5. More configurable settings (colour selection for text/notification
> icons/etc, background picture, additional items to be displayed on Lock
> screen)
 this is done via ambience iinm, but i agree that this Abience should
 really be allowed t

Re: [SailfishDevel] Quickfix for SailfishOS SDK available today.

2013-12-17 Thread Juha Kallioinen


sorry about that, there was a mishap in copying the updated files to the 
correct path. The mishap is being fixed and the update will be available 

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 12:02, wrote:

Hi Juha

Unfortunately the Updater is giving me the error

"The hash of one component does not match the expected one"


Could not download meta information for component: Error: Bad hash.

I am running 1312 on OSX


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :


this Qt Creator fix will be available only as an update to the "1312" 
installer. We won't make another complete installer because of this.

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 10:22, wrote:

Hi Jarko

Super, I am very glad this was given priority.

Can you confirm, we can just update, no need to completely deinstall 
like previous SDK updates?


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

Hello again,

Today at 10:00 UTC we will publish an update for Qt Creator 
(SailfishOS SDK IDE), which fixes the missing application output logs.

The update will be made available via the SDK maintenance tool and 
Qt Creator will display an update notifier when it is ready for 

Here's are the release notes for this update:

SailfishOS SDK IDE:
* Qt Creator updated to version 2.8.1-4
* Fixes missing application output logs - emulator traces can be 
now seen in Qt Creator's application output window.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish 
developers mailing list at

Happy hacking,
The Jolla SDK Team

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Vesa-Matti Hartikainen

On 12/17/2013 12:21 PM, Nils Jeisecke wrote:

- Cannot copy/paste in Mail or in Browser
 Copy & Paste is not yet ready for web content. The URL you can copy & 
paste just like any other text field.

In the email you cannot copy when viewing the mail, but if you reply you 
can then select the plain text content to copy. Paste works in the mail 

- Browser can't share links
 Long tap a link and click share. If you  have twitter/fb/email 
configured you can share to those. To share current page go to tab view 
from icon in middle and select share from pulley menu by pulling the UI 

Vesa-Matti Hartikainen
Jolla Oy
p. +358 50 487 6067

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Valerio Valerio


On 17/12/13 10:11, Nils Jeisecke wrote:


- Fonts look generally pretty bad (most obvious in the launcher)
- Scrolling makes pixels look "jaggy". Open Terminal, type ls, go to
app switcher and drag a little bit => pixels in the minimized terminal
app start to dance around
- Android Tasks must be handled by the Sailfish Taskswitcher. BB10
does this right.
- Pinning would be useful
- email Push over Exchange does not work for me (using Google)

is that a payed account ? (google apps for business for e.g).
If not, access will stop working at the end of the year, does not make 
sense to invest time and resource in a service that will stop working in 
a few more days(unless google extent the support again). Google suggests 
these alternatives:

Best regards,


On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Kari Pihkala  wrote:

2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
(instead of needing to go through Home)

i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a pulley
menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable

I also have difficulties with the Home screen and I would rather use the
Launcher screen to switch between apps. I think the reason is that

in Home screen:

  * Covers move around so I have to go through them one by one to find the
app I need. Only if I continuously swap between two apps, I might trust that
the app is the first or second one in the grid.
  * Cover texts/images change, so I have to read/decypher images to
understand which app they relate to. This is slow.

in Launcher screen:

  * App icons don't move around. I can rely on my spatial memory and find the
app always at the same spot. Often, I have already moved my finger over the
app before the screen has stopped scrolling.
  * App icons don't change. Recognizing a familiar icon is faster than
reading/decyphering images.

Perhaps the number of covers displayed on Home could be customizable? I
would limit it to three small ones (or remove all). The app icons could move
up to occupy the free space.

Also pinning the covers would help (I would pin most of them).

I never close apps, so I have all the time nine small covers on the Home
screen. Am I doing it wrong?


2013/12/14 AL13N 


Moving from N9/Meego two days ago, I find Jolla/Sailfish very easy to
and have some feedback (wishlist?). I hope this is the right place for
this feedback, otherwise please point me to the correct place.

i'm not a jolla dev, nor do i have a jolla, but i'll reply and give my

Current version: (notification for version upgrade came almost
immediate I got online)

Sailfish/Platform specific:
1. From Lock Screen, swiping-up should bring me to Home screen, but it
often brings up the Events screen even if there is no
notifications/events. A friend's N9 community edition Sailfish allows
swiping from the left/right side on Lock screen - the same doesn’t work
my Jolla.

if you swipe up from the bottom, it brings event screen, if you swipe up
from the middle, it brings home screen. takes some getting used to...

maybe swiping left/right doens't work if you don't have a TOH?

2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
(instead of needing to go through Home)

i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a pulley
menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable

3. Easier (less taps) accessible configuration (eg WLAN, Bluetooth) from
any screen (not just "Settings")

wasn't there some kind of cover where you could do this? there's been a
request for pinning covers, i would like this in combination...

4. Need easier way view the current connection (All the connection
icons on Lock Screen are hard to decode at least initially - in
for the Mobile Network Data icon, but WLAN icon also hard to decode)
5. More configurable settings (colour selection for text/notification
icons/etc, background picture, additional items to be displayed on Lock

this is done via ambience iinm, but i agree that this Abience should
really be allowed to be tuned/configured a bit...

6. Icon's Text on Launcher screen feels a bit hard to read (doesn’t look
very solid)


7. Add ability to have different colours to different inbuilt apps (eg.
Phone, messaging/SMS, etc) - they currently all look very similar on the
Home screen and colour differentiation would help usability greatly.

i think this would have issues with different Ambiences

8. Auto-correct while typing (maybe as a configurable option)
9. Please bring Swype to Sailfish!
10. Chinese writing input (find the button = with extra -, that should

allow configuration) i heard this on #jollamobile at freenode IRC

Jolla Applications:
1. Sometimes Email's connection frequency setting does not appear to be
observed - email isnt checked every 30 minutes as I had configured, and

Re: [SailfishDevel] Displaying additional QML Subdirectories in the QtCreator Projects Browser

2013-12-17 Thread Sven Putze

IMHO using the .PRO file to add files to the project is the right way: you put 
addiional files into OTHER_FILES and they will appear in the project tree. The 
qml.files = *.qml is some sort of filegroup that is used to define rules in the 
Makefile. They determine how to install what and where. All those filegroups 
are combined in the INSTALLS section of the .PRO file or the .PRF file. Have a 
look at

On 17.12.2013, at 08:22, wrote:

> Hi all
> In my Qt Projects I like to structure the QML files into subdirectories 
> according to their purpose, similar to the way that Sailfish provides  
> "cover" and "pages directories". As an example my current project has a "gui" 
> and a "backend" directory.
> In older version of the Sailfish template these directories were made visible 
> in the QtCreator Projects Browser (top-left pane of the screen) by a 
> "qml.files" entry in the project .pro file.
> e.g. qml.files = *.qml pages cover guy backend main.qml
> The files in the directories were displayed in QtCreator, and did need to be 
> explicitly added via QtCreator, or listed in the .pro file.
> This no longer works.
> The only way I have found with the 1312 SDK, is to explicitly add the qml 
> file via right click in the Project Browser. This adds an explicit entry for 
> the new file in the .pro OTHER_FILES setting.
> A wildcard addition to OTHER_FILES has no effect (e.g) "qml/gui/*.qml"
> Any ideas?
> Chris
> ___
> Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke
Oops, sent to early...

- With the white cover and it's ambient active you can hardly read
your network providers's name in the lock screen (not much of an
information loss but it looks rather strange)
- Cannot copy/paste in Mail or in Browser
- Browser can't share links
- Don't like the Browser's look and feel. It is totally out of place
with the rest of the OS.
- Regular disconnects from WLAN
- I had to manually setup the APN for T-Mobile

Don't get me wrong. It's great to have the device but it does wear the
beta tag for a reason. However I love to have double tap to wake-up
back ;-)

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] A new Jolla phone user - after 2 days of use

2013-12-17 Thread Nils Jeisecke

- Fonts look generally pretty bad (most obvious in the launcher)
- Scrolling makes pixels look "jaggy". Open Terminal, type ls, go to
app switcher and drag a little bit => pixels in the minimized terminal
app start to dance around
- Android Tasks must be handled by the Sailfish Taskswitcher. BB10
does this right.
- Pinning would be useful
- email Push over Exchange does not work for me (using Google)

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM, Kari Pihkala  wrote:
>> > 2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
>> > (instead of needing to go through Home)
>> i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a pulley
>> menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable
> I also have difficulties with the Home screen and I would rather use the
> Launcher screen to switch between apps. I think the reason is that
> in Home screen:
>  * Covers move around so I have to go through them one by one to find the
> app I need. Only if I continuously swap between two apps, I might trust that
> the app is the first or second one in the grid.
>  * Cover texts/images change, so I have to read/decypher images to
> understand which app they relate to. This is slow.
> in Launcher screen:
>  * App icons don't move around. I can rely on my spatial memory and find the
> app always at the same spot. Often, I have already moved my finger over the
> app before the screen has stopped scrolling.
>  * App icons don't change. Recognizing a familiar icon is faster than
> reading/decyphering images.
> Perhaps the number of covers displayed on Home could be customizable? I
> would limit it to three small ones (or remove all). The app icons could move
> up to occupy the free space.
> Also pinning the covers would help (I would pin most of them).
> I never close apps, so I have all the time nine small covers on the Home
> screen. Am I doing it wrong?
> Cheers,
> Kari
> 2013/12/14 AL13N 
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Moving from N9/Meego two days ago, I find Jolla/Sailfish very easy to
>> > use,
>> > and have some feedback (wishlist?). I hope this is the right place for
>> > this feedback, otherwise please point me to the correct place.
>> i'm not a jolla dev, nor do i have a jolla, but i'll reply and give my
>> thoughts...
>> > Current version: (notification for version upgrade came almost
>> > immediate I got online)
>> >
>> > Sailfish/Platform specific:
>> > 1. From Lock Screen, swiping-up should bring me to Home screen, but it
>> > often brings up the Events screen even if there is no
>> > notifications/events. A friend's N9 community edition Sailfish allows
>> > swiping from the left/right side on Lock screen - the same doesn’t work
>> > on
>> > my Jolla.
>> if you swipe up from the bottom, it brings event screen, if you swipe up
>> from the middle, it brings home screen. takes some getting used to...
>> maybe swiping left/right doens't work if you don't have a TOH?
>> > 2. There should be a way to go straight from Lock Screen to Launcher
>> > (instead of needing to go through Home)
>> i don't agree, for multi-processing this is better, plus there's a pulley
>> menu on lock for the relevant apps... i suppose this is configurable
>> > 3. Easier (less taps) accessible configuration (eg WLAN, Bluetooth) from
>> > any screen (not just "Settings")
>> wasn't there some kind of cover where you could do this? there's been a
>> request for pinning covers, i would like this in combination...
>> > 4. Need easier way view the current connection (All the connection
>> > related
>> > icons on Lock Screen are hard to decode at least initially - in
>> > particular
>> > for the Mobile Network Data icon, but WLAN icon also hard to decode)
>> > 5. More configurable settings (colour selection for text/notification
>> > icons/etc, background picture, additional items to be displayed on Lock
>> > screen)
>> this is done via ambience iinm, but i agree that this Abience should
>> really be allowed to be tuned/configured a bit...
>> > 6. Icon's Text on Launcher screen feels a bit hard to read (doesn’t look
>> > very solid)
>> Ambience?
>> > 7. Add ability to have different colours to different inbuilt apps (eg.
>> > Phone, messaging/SMS, etc) - they currently all look very similar on the
>> > Home screen and colour differentiation would help usability greatly.
>> i think this would have issues with different Ambiences
>> > 8. Auto-correct while typing (maybe as a configurable option)
>> > 9. Please bring Swype to Sailfish!
>> > 10. Chinese writing input (find the button = with extra -, that should
>> allow configuration) i heard this on #jollamobile at freenode IRC
>> >
>> > Jolla Applications:
>> > 1. Sometimes Email's connection frequency setting does not appear to be
>> > observed - email isnt checked every 30 minutes as I had configured, and
>> > Exchange email isnt "pushed" to me
>> > 2. Clock: configurable snooze time?

Re: [SailfishDevel] Bluetooth headset/carkit issue (and clock related feedback)

2013-12-17 Thread Valerio Valerio


On 17/12/13 09:59, Henry Kwong wrote:


Have been using the Jolla more and found a big problem with the bluetooth 
software (for a car kit which seems to act as a headset).

1. The bluetooth connects well only on the first time, after a disconnection 
and reconnection, the phone says it is connected but audio is not routed to BT. 
A phone reboot is needed to resolve this.

2. After connecting to BT and then disconnection, audio is no longer routed to 
the speaker during a call (the hold-phone-to-head way), but pressing the 
loud-speaker button (so it would be on handsfree mode) is ok. Switching off the 
loud-speaker results in no audio again. Phone reboot is needed to resolve.

Other feedback - both are clock related:
1. Lock page currently displays time-of-day, it would be good to have option to 
display date and day-of-week also
2. There is no line/bar on top of the screen to show clock (which is ok) - it would be 
good to have a way to access the clock from apps (instead of needing to switch back to 
main screens) - suggestion is a standard behaviour for all apps to show clock when drag 
down (eg. for Mail, instead of just "New Mail" there would also be a line that 
shows the current date/time).

you can access that info at anytime by doing a peak gesture:

Best regards,


Currently on


___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Quickfix for SailfishOS SDK available today.

2013-12-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Juha

Unfortunately the Updater is giving me the error

"The hash of one component does not match the expected one"


Could not download meta information for component: Error: Bad hash.

I am running 1312 on OSX


Zitat von "Juha Kallioinen" :


this Qt Creator fix will be available only as an update to the  
"1312" installer. We won't make another complete installer because  
of this.

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 10:22, wrote:

Hi Jarko

Super, I am very glad this was given priority.

Can you confirm, we can just update, no need to completely  
deinstall like previous SDK updates?


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

Hello again,

Today at 10:00 UTC we will publish an update for Qt Creator  
(SailfishOS SDK IDE), which fixes the missing application output  

The update will be made available via the SDK maintenance tool and  
Qt Creator will display an update notifier when it is ready for  

Here's are the release notes for this update:

SailfishOS SDK IDE:
* Qt Creator updated to version 2.8.1-4
* Fixes missing application output logs - emulator traces can be  
now seen in Qt Creator's application output window.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish  
developers mailing list at

Happy hacking,
The Jolla SDK Team

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

[SailfishDevel] Bluetooth headset/carkit issue (and clock related feedback)

2013-12-17 Thread Henry Kwong

Have been using the Jolla more and found a big problem with the bluetooth 
software (for a car kit which seems to act as a headset). 

1. The bluetooth connects well only on the first time, after a disconnection 
and reconnection, the phone says it is connected but audio is not routed to BT. 
A phone reboot is needed to resolve this.

2. After connecting to BT and then disconnection, audio is no longer routed to 
the speaker during a call (the hold-phone-to-head way), but pressing the 
loud-speaker button (so it would be on handsfree mode) is ok. Switching off the 
loud-speaker results in no audio again. Phone reboot is needed to resolve.

Other feedback - both are clock related:
1. Lock page currently displays time-of-day, it would be good to have option to 
display date and day-of-week also
2. There is no line/bar on top of the screen to show clock (which is ok) - it 
would be good to have a way to access the clock from apps (instead of needing 
to switch back to main screens) - suggestion is a standard behaviour for all 
apps to show clock when drag down (eg. for Mail, instead of just "New Mail" 
there would also be a line that shows the current date/time).

Currently on


___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Quickfix for SailfishOS SDK available today.

2013-12-17 Thread Juha Kallioinen


this Qt Creator fix will be available only as an update to the "1312" 
installer. We won't make another complete installer because of this.

Best regards,

On 17.12.2013 10:22, wrote:

Hi Jarko

Super, I am very glad this was given priority.

Can you confirm, we can just update, no need to completely deinstall 
like previous SDK updates?


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

Hello again,

Today at 10:00 UTC we will publish an update for Qt Creator 
(SailfishOS SDK IDE), which fixes the missing application output logs.

The update will be made available via the SDK maintenance tool and Qt 
Creator will display an update notifier when it is ready for 

Here's are the release notes for this update:

SailfishOS SDK IDE:
* Qt Creator updated to version 2.8.1-4
* Fixes missing application output logs - emulator traces can be now 
seen in Qt Creator's application output window.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish 
developers mailing list at

Happy hacking,
The Jolla SDK Team

___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] journalctl workaround to see console.log

2013-12-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Thanks Kalle(s)

Sounds like lots of fun, but now the Console.log to QtCreator thing  
has been fixed, best left alone ...



Zitat von "Kalle Vahlman" :

2013/12/17 Kalle Jokiniemi :


On Mon, 2013-12-16 at 22:29 +0200, Kalle Vahlman wrote:

2013/12/16  :
> Hi All
> As reported in a previous thread, the latest SDK release does not spool
> console.log output to the QtCreator application output.   
journalctl has been

> suggested as a workaround.
> Having experimented with journalctl, Is it possible that  
console.log output
> to journalctl either gets lost, or is reported many seconds /  
minutes later?

> That seems to be the behaviour I am observing.

If you flood messages, they might be suppressed. There's a limit of
200/10s or so. If that happens you should see a message about it in
the journalctl output.

There are some knobs you can tune in /etc/systemd/journald.conf

Just don't touch those on a device without being 100% sure of the
changes, broken config will most likely result in a bootloop... :)

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 8567 6400
Fax +358 9 8567 6401
___ Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] Quickfix for SailfishOS SDK available today.

2013-12-17 Thread christopher . lamb

Hi Jarko

Super, I am very glad this was given priority.

Can you confirm, we can just update, no need to completely deinstall  
like previous SDK updates?


Zitat von "Jarko Vihriala" :

Hello again,

Today at 10:00 UTC we will publish an update for Qt Creator  
(SailfishOS SDK IDE), which fixes the missing application output logs.

The update will be made available via the SDK maintenance tool and  
Qt Creator will display an update notifier when it is ready for  

Here's are the release notes for this update:

SailfishOS SDK IDE:
* Qt Creator updated to version 2.8.1-4
* Fixes missing application output logs - emulator traces can be now  
seen in Qt Creator's application output window.

If you encounter any issues, please report them to Sailfish  
developers mailing list at

Happy hacking,
The Jolla SDK Team

___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] journalctl workaround to see console.log

2013-12-17 Thread Kalle Vahlman
2013/12/17 Kalle Jokiniemi :
> Hi,
> On Mon, 2013-12-16 at 22:29 +0200, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
>> 2013/12/16  :
>> > Hi All
>> >
>> > As reported in a previous thread, the latest SDK release does not spool
>> > console.log output to the QtCreator application output.  journalctl has 
>> > been
>> > suggested as a workaround.
>> >
>> > Having experimented with journalctl, Is it possible that console.log output
>> > to journalctl either gets lost, or is reported many seconds / minutes 
>> > later?
>> > That seems to be the behaviour I am observing.
>> If you flood messages, they might be suppressed. There's a limit of
>> 200/10s or so. If that happens you should see a message about it in
>> the journalctl output.
> There are some knobs you can tune in /etc/systemd/journald.conf

Just don't touch those on a device without being 100% sure of the
changes, broken config will most likely result in a bootloop... :)

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
Tel +358 9 8567 6400
Fax +358 9 8567 6401
___ Devel mailing list

Re: [SailfishDevel] journalctl workaround to see console.log

2013-12-17 Thread Kalle Jokiniemi

On Mon, 2013-12-16 at 22:29 +0200, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> 2013/12/16  :
> > Hi All
> >
> > As reported in a previous thread, the latest SDK release does not spool
> > console.log output to the QtCreator application output.  journalctl has been
> > suggested as a workaround.
> >
> > Having experimented with journalctl, Is it possible that console.log output
> > to journalctl either gets lost, or is reported many seconds / minutes later?
> > That seems to be the behaviour I am observing.
> If you flood messages, they might be suppressed. There's a limit of
> 200/10s or so. If that happens you should see a message about it in
> the journalctl output.

There are some knobs you can tune in /etc/systemd/journald.conf

Hope it helps.

- Kalle

> --
> Porkkalankatu 20, FI-00180 Helsinki
> Tel +358 9 8567 6400
> Fax +358 9 8567 6401
> ___
> Devel mailing list

___ Devel mailing list