Re: [fpc-pascal] ExecuteProcess problem

2020-08-25 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 25/8/20 a les 14:31, Koenraad Lelong via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

I'm extending an old daemon so it writes the data to MQTT, using 

Not what you're asking, but did you try to send the messages yourself 
instead of using mosquitto_pub?

I didn't try it, but there's

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-23 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I just compiled a lazarus project made in 2105 with fpc 3.2.0 and, while 
it works here, it fails when the customer runs it.

I noticed that I'm using a dll and the functions and callbacks are 
declared stdcall (the platform is win32) but without the ;, i.e.:

function OnAttach(handle: pointer; userdata: ptrint): Integer stdcall;

instead of

function CPhidgetInterfaceKit_create(var handle: Pointer):Integer; stdcall;

The project compiles fine, could it be that the missing ';' causes the 
stdcall not to be taken into account?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-23 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal
But I don't have the hardware managed by the DLL so the callbacks are never 
called here.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-23 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal
I did more than that, I created a DLL that simulates the hardware (it's a 
phidget I/O board) and it works perfectly, both with the old and the new 
Thank you for the idea.


23 sept. 2020 15:33:05 Michael Van Canneyt :

> On Wed, 23 Sep 2020, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:
>> But I don't have the hardware managed by the DLL so the callbacks are never 
>> called here.
> Can't you create a stub DLL to test? it doesn't need to do anything, just log 
> the params maybe...
> Michael.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-23 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal
Nevermind, I checked with -s -a and the generated assembler is the same, with 
or without the ';'


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-23 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 23/9/20 a les 17:38, Santiago A. via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 23/09/2020 a las 13:54, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal escribió:


I just compiled a lazarus project made in 2105 with fpc 3.2.0 and, 
while it works here, it fails when the customer runs it.

What does "it fails" mean?
Any error message? Sigfault?

I'm not at the customer's site, but he told me that it does nothing, it 
shows nothing and it's not visible in the task manager.
What's worse, I have an application exception handler that logs the 
first unmanaged exception to a file and the halts the program, well, the 
customer says the file doesn't exist, so I presume there's no unmanaged 
exception or the application doesn't even reach the handler.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] stdcall without the ;

2020-09-24 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 23/9/20 a les 19:45, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 23/9/20 a les 17:38, Santiago A. via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 23/09/2020 a las 13:54, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal escribió:


I just compiled a lazarus project made in 2105 with fpc 3.2.0 and, 
while it works here, it fails when the customer runs it.

What does "it fails" mean?
Any error message? Sigfault?

I'm not at the customer's site, but he told me that it does nothing, it 
shows nothing and it's not visible in the task manager.
What's worse, I have an application exception handler that logs the 
first unmanaged exception to a file and the halts the program, well, the 
customer says the file doesn't exist, so I presume there's no unmanaged 
exception or the application doesn't even reach the handler.

It turns out everything's fine: I resent the exe, the previous one must 
have been corrupted in transit.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Adding file to string to the RTL

2020-10-06 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 6/10/20 a les 9:01, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

A simple filecreate, allocate buffer, fileread, fileclose will probably 
be easiest.

Lazarus has a ReadFileToString in fileutil.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] How to get the current translation of a resource string?

2020-12-01 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal
Since I want to treat a specific exception that cannot be distinguished 
by the class alone but only by the class and message, I need to find the 
current translation of the resource string used to create the exception.

The documentation at

mentions ResourceStringTableCount, ResourceStringCount, 
GetResourceStringCurrentValue but I can't find them anywhere in my copy 
of fpc 3.2.0 (they are in fpc 2.6.4 and 3.0.4).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to get the current translation of a resource string?

2020-12-02 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 2/12/20 a les 11:49, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On Tue, 1 Dec 2020, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:

Since I want to treat a specific exception that cannot be 
distinguished by the class alone but only by the class and message, I 
need to find the current translation of the resource string used to 
create the exception.

The documentation at

mentions ResourceStringTableCount, ResourceStringCount, 
GetResourceStringCurrentValue but I can't find them anywhere in my 
copy of fpc 3.2.0 (they are in fpc 2.6.4 and 3.0.4).

I already did corrections on the documentation for this.

But the 'current translation' is simply the value of the resourcestring, so
you should not need to look it up ?


I'm trying to detect this specific exception

  raise EInvalidOperation.Create(sCannotFocus);

(where sCannotFocus is defined in LCLStrConsts).

I tried

  if E is EInvalidOperation then
 if E.message=sCannotFocus

but it doesn't work (sCannotFocus holds the original, not the 
translated, string).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to get the current translation of a resource string?

2020-12-02 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 2/12/20 a les 13:30, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On Wed, 2 Dec 2020, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:

But the 'current translation' is simply the value of the 
resourcestring, so

you should not need to look it up ?


I'm trying to detect this specific exception

  raise EInvalidOperation.Create(sCannotFocus);

(where sCannotFocus is defined in LCLStrConsts).

I tried

  if E is EInvalidOperation then
 if E.message=sCannotFocus

but it doesn't work (sCannotFocus holds the original, not the 
translated, string).

Seems like Lazarus is not using the regular resourcestrings then, because
the whole point of using resourcestrings is that their value is the
translated value...

Never mind, I was fooled by the debugger tool-tip, which shows the 
original definition and not the current value of the resourcestring  :-(

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Initialization of constant record member of pointer type

2020-12-14 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 1/12/20 a les 11:00, LacaK via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Thank you, yes it works. I have used:

   MyConst1: AnsiString = 'abc'
   MyConst2: TMyRec = (a: @MyConst1[1]);

It doesn't compile with fpc 3.2.0 (I'm trying, without success so far, 
your open62541 translation).

In order to compile your TestOpcUa1 I had to change the definition to

  MyStructTypeName1 = 'MyStructTypeName';// untyped 
constant for for Length()
  MyStructTypeName2: Array[1..length(MyStructTypeName1)] of char = 
MyStructTypeName1; // typed constant for @

and then use @MyStructTypeName1 (without the [1]) in the record definition.
Note that without the [1] it would also compile with an ansistring, but 
then the pointer wouldn't point at the first character of the string.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] callback from c with varargs

2020-12-19 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I'm trying to use a c library where I can define a logging plugin.

The c prototype for the callback is

void (*log)(void *logContext, UA_LogLevel level, UA_LogCategory 
category, const char *msg, va_list args);

however I couldn't find a way to define a suitable callback in fpc since 
the "array of const" construct is not allowed with cdecl without 
external, i.e.

procedure LogLog(logContext: Pointer; level: UA_LogLevel; category: 
UA_LogCategory; msg: PAnsiChar; const args:array of const);cdecl;

gives an error "Error: VarArgs directive (or '...' in MacPas) without 
CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal/StdCall and External".

I cannot add "external" (I don't want to call an external function, it's 
the library calling my function) or remove the cdecl (parameter passing 
wouldn't work then).

Is there some trick to define a function with varargs callable from the 
c library?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] callback from c with varargs

2020-12-20 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 19/12/20 a les 23:15, Jonas Maebe via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On 19/12/2020 22:35, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:

I'm trying to use a c library where I can define a logging plugin.

The c prototype for the callback is

     void (*log)(void *logContext, UA_LogLevel level, UA_LogCategory
category, const char *msg, va_list args);

however I couldn't find a way to define a suitable callback in fpc since
the "array of const" construct is not allowed with cdecl without
external, i.e.

It is indeed not possible to implement a function with C varargs in FPC.

I was afraid that's the answer :-(

as an ugly workaround, I wrote a c library that vsnprintf msg and args 
to a buffer and then calls a pascal function with no varargs.

It works but, as I said, it's ugly and I'd need to provide a .a for 
every platform I plan to use.

Is there a better/simpler way (apart from asking the library developers 
to use a callback with no varargs)?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Selecting Records with a variable

2020-12-20 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 20/12/20 a les 16:02, James Richters via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

What I’m hopping to accomplish isn't to get it to work... it's to consolidate a 
whole bunch of
functions and procedures that are all exactly the same except for which axis I 
am working with...

I have 9 possible Axis, X,Y,Z,W,L.R,A,B,C

Same thing 7 more times

This is a tedious situation.  If I want to change something I have to copy and 
paste it 9 times then go fix all the variables 9 times.. and it's easy to make 
a mistake.

Then change your data model.

Instead of

Axis_record = record
  X,Y,Z,A,B,C: Double;


AxisName = (X,Y,Z,A,B,C);
Axis_record = array[AxisName] of double;

then it's easy to do what you want.

procedure DoSomething(var Axis:Axis_record; const which:AxisName);

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] callback from c with varargs

2020-12-20 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 20/12/20 a les 14:00, Jonas Maebe via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On 20/12/2020 13:01, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:

El 19/12/20 a les 23:15, Jonas Maebe via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

It is indeed not possible to implement a function with C varargs in FPC.

I was afraid that's the answer :-(

as an ugly workaround, I wrote a c library that vsnprintf msg and args
to a buffer and then calls a pascal function with no varargs.

It works but, as I said, it's ugly and I'd need to provide a .a for
every platform I plan to use.

Is there a better/simpler way (apart from asking the library developers
to use a callback with no varargs)?



Oh, well, that's life.

Now I'm struggling to integrate my stub function under win32 (no problem 
with linux/64).

The linker complains about

Error: Undefined symbol: _vsnprintf
Error: Undefined symbol: _ua_pascallog

the first it's probably because it's missing some library (which?) but 
the second is defined in my program (and, as I said, it builds and works 
fine under linux/64) as:

procedure ua_pascallog(logContext: Pointer; level: UA_LogLevel;
  category: UA_LogCategory; msg: PAnsiChar);cdecl;export;

Any hint?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-07 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I need to tailor the content based on the remote ip address.
I use the property RemoteAddr of a TRequest, but sometimes it is empty.
I see that it is a header, what I didn't see (yet, I'll trace through 
the code later) is if it is sent from the remote host or is it filled 
based on the ip address of the connection.
If the former, is there a more reliable way to obtain the connected ip 

If the latter is it a bug?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-07 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 7/1/21 a les 16:15, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:


I need to tailor the content based on the remote ip address.
I use the property RemoteAddr of a TRequest, but sometimes it is empty.
I see that it is a header, what I didn't see (yet, I'll trace through 
the code later) is if it is sent from the remote host or is it filled 
based on the ip address of the connection.
If the former, is there a more reliable way to obtain the connected ip 

If the latter is it a bug?

I now see that it set in TFPHTTPConnection.ReadRequestHeaders:

   Result.RemoteAddress := SocketAddrToString(FSocket.RemoteAddress)

In turn SocketAddrToString returns an empty string if the address is 
ipv6, but in my case it shouldn't be (the clients, firefox under windows 
10 uses the ipv4 address of the server and most of the time I get the 
correct remote address, even from the same client).
Another option is that  TSocketStream.GetRemoteAddress cannot get the 
address (if fpGetPeerName fails).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-08 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 7/1/21 a les 16:59, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 7/1/21 a les 16:15, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:


I need to tailor the content based on the remote ip address.
I use the property RemoteAddr of a TRequest, but sometimes it is empty.
I see that it is a header, what I didn't see (yet, I'll trace through 
the code later) is if it is sent from the remote host or is it filled 
based on the ip address of the connection.
If the former, is there a more reliable way to obtain the connected ip 

If the latter is it a bug?

I now see that it set in TFPHTTPConnection.ReadRequestHeaders:

    Result.RemoteAddress := SocketAddrToString(FSocket.RemoteAddress)

In turn SocketAddrToString returns an empty string if the address is 
ipv6, but in my case it shouldn't be (the clients, firefox under windows 
10 uses the ipv4 address of the server and most of the time I get the 
correct remote address, even from the same client).

Besides, it seems that the server only listens on ipv4.
I'm puzzled, I really can't see where this empty RemoteAddress could 
come from.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-08 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 8/1/21 a les 11:06, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Are you using https ?

No, plain text http.
An even weirder fact is that I seem to get the wrong ip address (i.e. 
the address of a different client).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-12 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 8/1/21 a les 11:14, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 8/1/21 a les 11:06, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Are you using https ?

No, plain text http.
An even weirder fact is that I seem to get the wrong ip address (i.e. 
the address of a different client).

I think I found the possible cause:

I have an own thread that spawns a TEmbeddedHttpServer (actually a 
derived class to manage server-sent-events, 
with threaded:=true.

My thread has a method to manage the requests and it does this

if FCommandQueue<>nil then .

I think that, since the method is called from a different thread for 
each request, if two requests come at the same time, the FRequest and/or 
the FCommandQueue (which is set in the synchronized method) could get 
mixed up.

I now did 2 things:

1) protected that part of the code with a critical section
2) use TThread.Synchronize(nil,..) (since it's not my thread but another one

   if LocCommandQueue<>nil then...


Am I right thinking that, even if several copies of the above method are 
running, each will get it's own local variables, so the LocCommandQueue 
variable (as well as the other locals) won't be clobbered by another copy?

Or should I declare them as threadvar?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fcl-web: Trequest.RemoteAddr is empty (sometimes)

2021-01-12 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 12/1/21 a les 10:24, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Am I right thinking that, even if several copies of the above method 
are running, each will get it's own local variables, so the 
LocCommandQueue variable (as well as the other locals) won't be 
clobbered by another copy?

Or should I declare them as threadvar?

If FCommandQueue is the only thing that is set during SyncNewConnection
based on TRequest, then yes.

yes to "each will get its [*] own local" or yes to "should I declare 
them as threadvar"?

For safety, I would Nil the FCommandQueue 

assigning it to locCommandQueue.

No need, it's only used as a return value from the synchronized method.

[*] sorry for the "it's" in the original sentence

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Dependency of OpenSSL 1.0.2 still in FPC 3.2.0 on some platforms?

2021-06-06 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 6/6/21 a les 8:58, gebylist via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Just place Synapse's
sources somewhere, where your project "see it".

That's what a lazarus' package does.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to check if a network is available?

2021-06-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 20/6/21 a les 19:38, Jean SUZINEAU via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Ping uses ICMP protocol.
I don't have currently Indy installed on my machines, but I think you 
can find pascal components for ICMP client and even ICMP server.

I think that this way you can do a single "ping", a single ICMP request.
It seems that Synapse has ping  support too:

Beware though: under raw socket access (needed for ICMP) is a privileged 
In older systems the ping executable was setuid root, nowadays it has 
the cap_net_raw capability.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] How to get fpc and lazarus sources when svn has shut down?

2021-08-12 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 12/8/21 a les 9:59, Martin Frb via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

If you have size restrictions, and can't do a full clone, you need a 
special translation (which you have to find, somewhere in a large manual).

SCNR ;-)

(OTOH that could be said also for svn, mercurial, etc.)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Inactive account on GitLab

2021-09-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/9/21 a les 8:12, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Then it means the FPC issues  should appear in your gitlab todo list.

I don't know if is there something wrong or I just don't know how to use 

I have reported some bugs, e.g.

my gitlab username appears in the "Original reporter info from mantis"

however my todo list is empty and if I search for issues I am the 
author, it doesn't list any fpc/lazarus bugs.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Inactive account on GitLab

2021-09-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/9/21 a les 9:39, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 10/9/21 a les 8:12, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Then it means the FPC issues  should appear in your gitlab todo list.

I don't know if is there something wrong or I just don't know how to use 

I have reported some bugs, e.g.

my gitlab username appears in the "Original reporter info from mantis"

however my todo list is empty and if I search for issues I am the 
author, it doesn't list any fpc/lazarus bugs. 

This one works though

but I guess if one has a common word as a username it would get too many 
results (or none at all: I tried but it gave me a 500 server error)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Inactive account on GitLab

2021-09-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/9/21 a les 10:21, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit: 

This one works though 

I see you are referenced in many issues, and the link is 'active'. So I 
would expect the issues should somehow show up in your profile: 
activity, todo etc. Maybe you need to star ('favourite') the FPC project 
for them to appear.

I starred the projects of those bugs (FPC/FPC/Source and 
FPC/Lazarus/Lazarus) but my todo list is still empty.
Not a biggie now that I know how to find my bugs, though I'd prefer to 
find them with the proper filter (the first one with author_username) 
and not with a full text search.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Getting Last User Input reliably

2021-12-03 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 3/12/21 a les 14:52, James Richters via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

I'm trying to get the time lapsed since the last user input with keyboard or
mouse on a Windows PC.  For this I am doing:

IdleTime:= (GetTickCount - Last_Input_Info.dwTime) DIV 1000;

I was going to suggest

IdleTime:= DWORD(GetTickCount - Last_Input_Info.dwTime) DIV 1000;

but then I saw

On top of all this, I need to allow for the
possibility that there was no user input for more than 25 days.. which is
quite likely. 

so that's not going to work, sorry. I'm using the above for short 
intervals and it works in spite of the rollover (unless you enabled 
overflow checking, but that's another issue).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Getting Last User Input reliably

2021-12-03 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 3/12/21 a les 16:41, Travis Siegel via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
If there's some sort of a configuration file, just write out the 
time/date info at the time of leaving the input, then when that routine 
gets called again, grab the current time/date, and perform a 
comparison.  That should allow you to bypass any roll overs of any kind 
(unless it goes past the operating system's time keeping abilities), 
which isn't likely.

I suppose he wants to check for any activity, not just for input 
directed at his application.
One possibility is to have a thread calling GetLastInputInfo cyclically 
(say, every second or every half second), if the dwTime changed just 
register the current GetTickCount64 as the time of the input.
That should work unless the new input happens exactly after 49.7 days 
(that's the rollover time, not 25 days) from the last one, at the same, 
exact, millisecond. Quite improbable but not impossible.
Oh, and keep in mind that in older versions of windows there's no 
GetTickCount64, the rtl simulates it by using.GetTickCount.

Windows Vista and above should be fine though.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Getting Last User Input reliably

2021-12-03 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 3/12/21 a les 18:37, Dennis Lee Bieber via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Detection is normally done by: if current tick is less than saved tick,
roll-over has occurred. Make adjustments to the delta.

There is no need to do that, just make sure you're using DWORDs (i.e. 
unsigned arithmetic) everywhere and disable overflow checking.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] no array support in sqldb/sqldbrestbridge?

2022-06-07 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


since I'm going to need arrays in a postgresql database to expose via a 
rest api, I did a simple test with sqldbrestbridge.

I created a simple table:

create table prueba (x integer not null, y integer[]);
insert into prueba values (1, '{2,3}');

then I exposed it with sqlrestdb:


and when I browse the database I only see the x field:

  "metaData" : {
"fields" : [
"name" : "x",
"type" : "int"
  "data" : [
  "x" : 1

So, is there no array field support in sqldb and/or in sqldbrestbridge?

I dropped a TSQLQuery on a form and I could define both fields, but "y" 
was just a plain TField (i.e. it was not mapped to an array field, in 
fact I could not find definitions of array fields in DB.pas, apart from 
the ftArray constant in TFieldType).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] no array support in sqldb/sqldbrestbridge?

2022-06-08 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 7/6/22 a les 14:15, LacaK via fpc-pascal ha escrit:


So, is there no array field support in sqldb and/or in sqldbrestbridge?

there was added into DB.pas : TObjectField and TArrayField 

but implementation is incomplete. Methods in are empty.

Also in TSQLConnection descendants (like TPQConnection) there is no 

Oh, well, in the meantime I discovered postgREST so that's not an issue 


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Is there any benefit for a Delphi/Free Pascal/Lazarus programmer to build a C DLL in debug mode ?

2022-08-30 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 29/8/22 a les 9:50, Skybuck Flying via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
Is there any benefit for a Delphi or Free Pascal/Lazarus programmer to 
build a C DLL in debug mode ?

yes, because I found out that you can debug it right inside lazarus, 
almost like pascal code.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] reading a TFPGMap from several threads

2022-09-07 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I have a couple of TFPGMaps that I populate once and never change.
Is it safe to read them (i.e. use Find and Data[]) from different threads?
I'd avoid using a critical section if not absolutely necessary.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] reading a TFPGMap from several threads

2022-09-07 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 7/9/22 a les 14:12, Sven Barth via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal <>> schrieb am Mi., 7. Sep. 2022, 


I have a couple of TFPGMaps that I populate once and never change.
Is it safe to read them (i.e. use Find and Data[]) from different
I'd avoid using a critical section if not absolutely necessary.

I'd say that this should be safe indeed.

Ok, thank you.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Access Violation When SetLength(DynArray, Value)

2022-09-09 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 8/9/22 a les 16:53, Anthony Walter via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

 > curious minds want to know: what was the fix?

In a separate part of the pool table initialization, I was 
precalculating the midpoints and normals for bumper rails. I had 
carelessly written this code:

   for I := 0 to Length(Rails) do
     RailInit(Rails[I], I);

To avoid this kind of error you can use

   for i:= 0 to High(Rails) do

or even

   for i:= Low(Rails) to High(Rails) do


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] TJSONRPCModule: access the request from an handler.

2022-09-09 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I added a "Web JSON-RPC Module" to my project, I dropped on it a 

I find no way to access the request (I want to check the RemoteAddress):

1) the module has a "Request" field but it is always nil (either in 
DataModuleCreate, which isn't called with every request so it's unusable 
anyway, in BeforeExecute and in Execute, I didn't check AfterExecute but 
it would be too late).

2) the JSONRPCHandler has no way to access the request (or I couldn't 
find it).

I guess that, instead of calling the RegisterHTTPModule of the module, I 
should register the route in my webserver class (with 
httprouter.RegisterRoute), but what should I do in the handler to 
delegate the handling to the JSONRPCModule?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Access Violation When SetLength(DynArray, Value)

2022-09-09 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 9/9/22 a les 14:58, James Richters via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Is there some nifty way to increase a dynamic array by 1 that is more
Inc(MyArray); would sure be nice

If I know that I have to regularly add a single element to an array, 
instead of using a dynamic array I just use a TFPGList (if the elements 
are simple types or records) or a TFPGObjectList (if the element are 
objects and I want automatic housekeeping) from the fgl unit, then I can 
just do MyList.Add(element).

I don't know if it is more or less efficient than using a dynamic array 
but I think it's nicer.

There are other generic classes that may be more efficient than fgl but 
I'm just used to fgl.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TJSONRPCModule: access the request from an handler.

2022-09-09 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 9/9/22 a les 15:50, Michael Van Canneyt ha escrit:

The solution is much more simple.

Override HandleRequest() in the module.
Save the request in a variable and call inherited.

Much simpler indeed! Thank you.
In my case I just save the remote address, but in your example below I 
suppose you redefined FRequest (and FResponse) to hide the private one 
in the ancestor, but what I don't understand is the C:=C+C and the need 
to set FRequest and FResponse to nil.

I have code that needs to work with 3.2.2 and I do this:

procedure TUserRPCModule.HandleRequest(ARequest: TRequest; AResponse: 

   C : String;

     inherited HandleRequest(ARequest, AResponse);


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] fpwebfile, indexPageName and query -> 404

2022-09-13 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


if I request, e.g.

http://localhost:8080 or http://localhost:8080/

fpwebfile returns the document defined as IndexPageName (in my case 
index.html), but if I request

http://localhost:8080?xxx or http://localhost:8080/?xxx

I get a 404.

That's because TCustomFileModule.GetRequestFIleName with an empty 
PathInfo uses the URI and thinks that the filename is ?xxx.

Maybe the

if (Result='') then

should be eliminated?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] fpwebfile, indexPageName and query -> 404

2022-09-13 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 13/9/22 a les 16:28, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On Tue, 13 Sep 2022, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal wrote:


if I request, e.g.

http://localhost:8080 or http://localhost:8080/

fpwebfile returns the document defined as IndexPageName (in my case 
index.html), but if I request

http://localhost:8080?xxx or http://localhost:8080/?xxx

I get a 404.

That's because TCustomFileModule.GetRequestFIleName with an empty 
PathInfo uses the URI and thinks that the filename is ?xxx.

Maybe the

if (Result='') then

should be eliminated?

No, it needs to strip the query parameter.

But that's already in PathInfo:

procedure ParseStartLine(Request : TFPHTTPConnectionRequest; AStartLine 
: String);

  Function GetNextWord(Var S : String) : string;

P : Integer;

P:=Pos(' ',S);
If (P=0) then

  S : String;
  I : Integer;

  if aStartLine='' then
  if (I>0) then
  If (Length(S)>1) and (S[1]<>'/') then
  else if S='/' then
  Request.PathInfo:=S; <<<<<<<<<<<<


fpc-pascal maillist  -

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] JSON RPC changes in 3.3.1

2022-09-27 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 28/9/22 a les 3:06, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

:: <~~ pascal-language-server 6: {'message': 'Parameters must be passed in an 
object or an array.', 'code': -32602}

Maybe related to this?

(though I'm getting it with 3.2.2).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] JSON RPC changes in 3.3.1

2022-09-28 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 28/9/22 a les 8:51, Hairy Pixels via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On Sep 28, 2022, at 1:34 PM, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal 

Maybe related to this?

The question then is did they change something in 3.3.1 in regards to how parameters 
can be sent? The error "Parameters must be passed in an object or an array.” 
Suggests maybe I was sending the params as  some other type and this is now illegal 
in 3.3.1.

In my case there was no parameter at all (since it was an empty array), 
which is either a fault of the client library (pas2js) or of the server 
(which should not consider it as an error if the method needs no 

For the time being I modified my code to send a dummy parameter.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Why TSqlScript has no parameters?

2022-10-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I need to execute more than one statement.
TSqlQuery it seems to accept multiple statements but then it gives a 
strange error (posgtresql error "no parameter $2", the parameter it 
refers to is defined and used in  the second statement).

So I tried a TSQlScript but then I could find no way to pass parameters.
I'm used to the zeos components and its TZSQLProcessor (rough equivalent 
of TSqlScript) has parameters just like a query.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Why TSqlScript has no parameters?

2022-10-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/10/22 a les 19:30, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

This feature is missing in TSQLScript, because I never needed it, but it
should be easy enough to add.

No, don't bother, it's just two statements and I can simply use 
TPQConnection.ExecuteDirect (in fact that's what I'm using).

I just wanted to know if I missed something.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I'm using a TFPHTTPServerHandler in threaded mode.
I'm also using a TJSONRpcModule.
I see that, even if the calls come from different threads, only one 
instance of the rpc module is ever created (on demand, the first time an 
rpc request comes in) and used.
Since I'm relying on this behaviour, can I be 100% sure it's by design 
and not a quirk of my test setup?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 21/10/22 a les 9:39, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

And a property of your module:

  property Kind: TWebModuleKind read FWebModuleKind write FWebModuleKind 
default wkPooled;

wkPooled is the default, but if you explicitly set this to 'wkPooled' in 
the constructor, you'll be sure there is only ever 1 instance of the 
module, which is reused for every request...

Thank you,

I see that the property isn't published, so it's not available in the 
object inspector.

Can I set it in the DataModuleCreate os is it too late?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 21/10/22 a les 9:48, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 21/10/22 a les 9:39, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

And a property of your module:

  property Kind: TWebModuleKind read FWebModuleKind write 
FWebModuleKind default wkPooled;

wkPooled is the default, but if you explicitly set this to 'wkPooled' 
in the constructor, you'll be sure there is only ever 1 instance of 
the module, which is reused for every request...

Thank you,

I see that the property isn't published, so it's not available in the 
object inspector.

Can I set it in the DataModuleCreate os is it too late?

I overrode the CreateNew method, I hope that's enough.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 21/10/22 a les 9:57, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 21/10/22 a les 9:48, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 21/10/22 a les 9:39, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

And a property of your module:

  property Kind: TWebModuleKind read FWebModuleKind write 
FWebModuleKind default wkPooled;

wkPooled is the default, but if you explicitly set this to 'wkPooled' 
in the constructor, you'll be sure there is only ever 1 instance of 
the module, which is reused for every request...

Thank you,

I see that the property isn't published, so it's not available in the 
object inspector.

Can I set it in the DataModuleCreate os is it too late?

I overrode the CreateNew method, I hope that's enough.

I see that Kind is used after the module has been created, so setting it 
in either method (CreateNew or DataModuleCreate) should be OK, am I right?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 21/10/22 a les 12:48, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

I see that Kind is used after the module has been created, so setting 
it in either method (CreateNew or DataModuleCreate) should be OK, am I 

You are right.

I will publish the method. That's an oversight.

Meanwhile I changed the method I use to route the calls to the main 
thread (Application.QueueAsyncCall instead of a critical section and 
Synchronize) so it doesn't matter any more if there is just one instance 
or more than one.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Threaded webserver and TJSONRPCModule instances: can I be sure there's only one?

2022-10-21 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 21/10/22 a les 17:09, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

El 21/10/22 a les 12:48, Michael Van Canneyt via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

I see that Kind is used after the module has been created, so setting 
it in either method (CreateNew or DataModuleCreate) should be OK, am 
I right?

You are right.

I will publish the method. That's an oversight.

Meanwhile I changed the method I use to route the calls to the main 
thread (Application.QueueAsyncCall instead of a critical section and 
Synchronize) so it doesn't matter any more if there is just one instance 
or more than one.

Now that I think of it, even with the previous method it wouldn't have 
mattered (since each instance would have been using its own critical 
section and other fields).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

2022-11-02 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

IIRC I did it in the past but now:

C:/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-Win32/ppc386.exe fpmake.pp -n -Fu../../rtl 
-Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process 
-Fu../../packages/hash -Fu../../packages/libtar 

Fatal: Can't find unit system used by fpmake
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make: *** [fpmake.exe] Error 1

D:\fpc-3.2.2\packages\fcl-web>fpc fpmake.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.2.2 [2021/05/15] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2021 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling fpmake.pp
Linking fpmake.exe
438 lines compiled, 0.3 sec, 330944 bytes code, 15364 bytes data

./fpmake.exe compile --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=win32 
--cpu=i386 -o -di386 --compiler=C:/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-Win32/ppc386.exe -bu

The installer encountered the following error:
Could not find unit directory for dependency package "rtl" required for 

make: *** [all] Error 1

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

2022-11-02 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 2/11/22 a les 9:37, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

IIRC I did it in the past but now:

C:/FPC/3.2.2/bin/i386-Win32/ppc386.exe fpmake.pp -n -Fu../../rtl 
-Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process 
-Fu../../packages/hash -Fu../../packages/libtar 

Fatal: Can't find unit system used by fpmake
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make: *** [fpmake.exe] Error 1

OK, the problem is that I installed the compiler with the windows 
installer and the makefile expects it to be in its tree (hence the "-n" 
and the "-Fu" options).
Is there something I can do (other than building and installing the 
compiler from the source tree)?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

2022-11-02 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 2/11/22 a les 15:54, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

OK, the problem is that I installed the compiler with the windows
installer and the makefile expects it to be in its tree (hence the
"-n" and the "-Fu" options).
Is there something I can do (other than building and installing the
compiler from the source tree)?

This is not matter of the compiler location (the current directory is 
the location where you started make.exe). However, you are supposed to 
have the packages sources together with the rtl sources. The location 
where you start make seems to be the directory of compiled fcl-web 
package rather than the directory with the respective sources. Did you 
copy the fcl-web sources there manually?

No, in fact "make clean; make" under linux, with the same tree(*), works:

luca@seis:~/Datos/fpc-3.2.2/packages/fcl-web$ make clean ; make
./fpmake clean --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=linux 
--cpu=x86_64 -o -Cg -o -dx86_64 --compiler=/usr/local/bin/ppcx64 -bu
./fpmake compile --localunitdir=../.. --globalunitdir=.. --os=linux 
--cpu=x86_64 -o -Cg -o -dx86_64 --compiler=/usr/local/bin/ppcx64 -bu

Start compiling package fcl-web for target x86_64-linux.
   Compiling BuildUnit_fcl_web.pp
   Compiling ./src/base/fpmimetypes.pp
   Compiling ./src/base/httpprotocol.pp
   Compiling ./src/restbridge/sqldbrestauthini.pp
   Compiling ./src/restbridge/sqldbrestmodule.pp
[100%] Compiled package fcl-web

The difference is that under Linux I built and installed fpc from that 
tree, but there are no compiled units for windows there (only the sources).

(*) when I say "the same" I mean "the same", i.e. linux is the host and 
windows is a guest VM with the "~/Datos" directory mapped as network 
drive D:


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

2022-11-03 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 2/11/22 a les 17:06, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

I see. This means that you already have the prerequisites fulfilled in 
the source tree for Linux, but not for Windows. Start by issuing 'make 
rtl_all packages_all' in D:\fpc-3.2.2. Then try rebuilding fcl-web in 
the fcl-web directory - I believe that it might work then.

Yes, that worked, but then it caused another problem: I wanted to 
recompile fcl-web because I couldn't install the lazsqldbrest package

Compile package sqldbrestschemadesigner 0.0: Exit code 1, Errors: 1, 
Warnings: 1
Warning: Recompiling sqldbrestmodule, checksum changed for 
build304.pp(19,58) Fatal: Cannot find sqldbrestmodule used by build304. 
Make sure all ppu files of a package are in its output directory. ppu in 
wrong directory=C:\FPC\3.2.2\units\i386-win32\fcl-web\sqldbrestmodule.ppu..

Most probably because I modified some units to correct a couple of bugs.
Now, after "make rtl_all packages_all" and copying the fcl-web units to 
the correct location, I get this

Compile package sqldbrestschemadesigner 0.0: Exit code 1, Errors: 1, 
Warnings: 1
Warning: Recompiling sqldbrestschema, checksum changed for 
sqldbrestschema.pp(13,55) Fatal: Can't find unit sqldbrestschema used by 

Might as well build and install fpc from source :-/


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Can't build single package

2022-11-03 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 3/11/22 a les 9:31, Tomas Hajny via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Might as well build and install fpc from source :-/

That's always an option, of course. ;-)

For the record (and for my memory, since I'm sure I'll forget), I almost 
did that (i.e. make rtl_install, make packages_install then copied the 
resulting units from d: to c:). Probably installing fpc completely would 
have been less effort :-D

However, I guess that it would 
also help to run 'make rtl_clean packages_clean rtl_all packages_all' or 
even 'make distclean rtl_all packages_all'. Did you combine compilation 
using an IDE (e.g. Lazarus) with compilation using makefiles? That may 
easily lead to problems (especially due to compiled files being placed 
in locations not expected by the makefiles, thus resulting in multiple 
compiled versions of the same unit in different places)...

No, I just use lazarus to install its packages (in fact lazsqldbrest was 
already installed in lazarus 2.2.2, but I had to uninstall it in order 
to compile lazarus 2.2.4: since I had modified the units in fcl-web the 
old lazarus was still working but the new one wouldn't compile).
It doesn't help though that, in a futile attempt to avoid useless 
recompilations, I have this as a global lazarus  "Additions and Overrides":

OutDir -> lib/$(PkgName)/$(FPCVer)/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)/$(BuildMode)

Anyway, for the time being, issue solved.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] TSQLQuery doesn't work with a lookup field if it is a memo (text)

2023-01-13 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


I just found out that if I try to create a lookup field that points to a 
memo field (in postgresql the field is defined as text), it bombs out 
with "list index (-2) out of tange" (or a similar message).

It seems it is because a TMemo lookup field is assigned -1 as its index.
TO solve the issue I just cast the field in the query to a varchar(100), 
but, FYT, TZQuery (zeos) has no problem with that (but in this project 
I'm using sqldb).


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] TSQLQuery doesn't work with a lookup field if it is a memo (text)

2023-01-13 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 13/1/23 a les 16:54, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

TO solve the issue I just cast the field in the query to a varchar(100), 
but, FYT, TZQuery (zeos) has no problem with that (but in this project 
I'm using sqldb).

That was meant to be "FYI" :-/


fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] heaptrc under linux points to the wrong line

2023-08-28 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal


as per the subject, with heaptrc enabled, output to a file and using the 
"view leaks and traces" feature of lazarus, I see several leaks, always 
on the same line.
However, under linux 64 bits, the line it points to is not where the 
leak is created.

Linux was reporting the leak in this function

function TSseResponse.Send(const command:TDisplayCommand):boolean;
const eventstring='event:';
  cmd: TSseCommand;
  if command=nil then
  end else
cmd:=command.GetCommand;  <--- here

TSseCommand is declared as

  TSseCommand = record

I compile the same project under windows (32 bits) and there I see the 
real location of the leak: inside the "GetCommand" method of one of the 
classes derived from TDisplayCommand.

Fpc 3.2.2, lazarus 2.2.6, debug info automatic (-g) and using the 
external debug symbols file (-Xg).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Need some advice

2024-01-24 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 24/1/24 a les 20:31, ppadilcdx via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
Trying to use the fgl unit, specifically the TFPGMap.   Below is a 
simple program I'm trying to compile; it gives me two errors:

fgl.pp(1582,18) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "pair" < "pair"
fgl.pp(1584,23) Error: Operator is not overloaded: "pair" > "pair"

add a {$Modeswitch advancedrecords} and use class operators

program test;
{$mode objfpc}

  {$modeswitch advancedrecords}


    pair = record
   x, y : integer;

class operator < (a,b:pair):boolean;
class operator > (a,b:pair):boolean;


operator < (a,b: pair) r:boolean;

   class operator pair.<(a,b:pair):boolean;

    if a.x < a.y then
   r := true


   r := false;




fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] opening a serial port in a dll called from dot net fails

2024-03-09 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

I'm writing a dll that is used by a dot net application (32bits).

If I call SerOpen in the initialization section of the dll there is no 
problem, but if I call it from one of the exported functions it gives me 
an access denied (GetLastError gives me a 5), and I really need to call 
it from a function (due to some quirks in the calling program which is 
not under my control).

A search in the usual places tells me that in dot net opening a serial 
port with CreateFile (which is what SerOpen does) is forbidden, that you 
should use the SerialPort class (which I don't think I can do from my 
dll written in freepascal).

Is there any way to solve my problem?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] opening a serial port in a dll called from dot net fails

2024-03-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 9/3/24 a les 16:24, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

Never mind, I put the serial port access in a separate exe and the dll 
communicates with it via an udp socket.
I'd still like to know why I got an access denied when trying to open 
the port from an exported procedure, typical ms bullshit or another case 
of pebkac?


I'm writing a dll that is used by a dot net application (32bits).

If I call SerOpen in the initialization section of the dll there is no 
problem, but if I call it from one of the exported functions it gives me 
an access denied (GetLastError gives me a 5), and I really need to call 
it from a function (due to some quirks in the calling program which is 
not under my control).

A search in the usual places tells me that in dot net opening a serial 
port with CreateFile (which is what SerOpen does) is forbidden, that you 
should use the SerialPort class (which I don't think I can do from my 
dll written in freepascal).

Is there any way to solve my problem?


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] opening a serial port in a dll called from dot net fails

2024-03-11 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 11/3/24 a les 11:38, Elmar Haneke via fpc-pascal ha escrit:
Presumably the problem is caused by calling your function from a 
different thread.

Perhaps it is a solution to put the SerOpen in a thread created by FPC 
and signal that thread from your dot-net-called function.

Nope, I tried, same error.

Am 09.03.24 um 16:24 schrieb Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal:

I'm writing a dll that is used by a dot net application (32bits).

If I call SerOpen in the initialization section of the dll there is no 
problem, but if I call it from one of the exported functions it gives 
me an access denied (GetLastError gives me a 5), and I really need to 
call it from a function (due to some quirks in the calling program 
which is not under my control).

A search in the usual places tells me that in dot net opening a serial 
port with CreateFile (which is what SerOpen does) is forbidden, that 
you should use the SerialPort class (which I don't think I can do from 
my dll written in freepascal).

Is there any way to solve my problem?

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Signing applications, how?

2024-08-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/8/24 a les 11:28, Jeppe Johansen via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

It's fairly straight-forward to use this on executables. You point it at 
the EXE and the code signing certificate you will use.

I guess you'll have to get ($$$) a valid signing certificate too.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Signing applications, how?

2024-08-10 Thread Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/8/24 a les 15:32, Bo Berglund via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

On Sat, 10 Aug 2024 13:32:12 +0200, Luca Olivetti via fpc-pascal

El 10/8/24 a les 11:28, Jeppe Johansen via fpc-pascal ha escrit:

It's fairly straight-forward to use this on executables. You point it at
the EXE and the code signing certificate you will use.

I guess you'll have to get ($$$) a valid signing certificate too.

Can I use LetsEncrypt certificates or must I cash out big to get a working one?

I'm not sure but I fear the latter.


fpc-pascal maillist  -