Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient temporary file storage??

2012-01-24 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 1/24/12 5:51 PM, Vincent Hanquez wrote:

On 01/24/2012 07:33 AM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

On 1/24/12 9:43 AM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

Use cereal [1], usually it's fast and easy enough.

Out of curiosity, is binary no longer the recommended standard for 
such things?

binary got only an interface for processing lazy bytestring.
cereal is able to do strict and lazy bytestring and got a partial 
interface like attoparsec (which is required to do proper network/io 

Fortunately it's very simple to convert between the two, since the 
actual serialization API is really close.

Features-wise, in my view, cereal is a superset of binary. the only 
thing missing that i've noticed is that you can't tell how many bytes 
you have processed with cereal.

Fair enough, it's just that I had gotten the impression that for some 
time the binary package was considered by the community to the community 
to be the "standard" way of serialization/deserialization values.  Is 
this no longer the case?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Efficient temporary file storage??

2012-01-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 1/24/12 9:43 AM, Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

Use cereal [1], usually it's fast and easy enough.

Out of curiosity, is binary no longer the recommended standard for such 


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why were unfailable patterns removed and "fail" added to Monad?

2012-01-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/20/12 14:52, Michael Snoyman wrote:
> Essentially, I would want:
> SomeConstr args <- someAction
> to be interpreted as:
> temp <- someAction
> case temp of
> SomeConstr args ->

I completely agree;  perhaps what we really want though is something
more akin to a language extension --- say,


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Why were unfailable patterns removed and "fail" added to Monad?

2012-01-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/20/12 13:23, Edward Z. Yang wrote:
> In Haskell 1.4 g would not be in MonadZero because (a,b) is unfailable
> (it can't fail to match).  But the Haskell 1.4 story is unattractive 
> becuase
> a) we have to introduce the (new) concept of unfailable
> b) if you add an extra constructor to a single-constructor type
>then pattern matches on the original constructor suddenly 
> become
> (b) is a real killer: suppose that you want to add a new constructor and
> fix all of the places where you assumed there was only one constructor.
> The compiler needs to emit warnings in this case, and not silently transform
> these into failable patterns handled by MonadZero...

Okay, great, that explains two things that had not been clear to me: 
first, that the notion of "unfailable" was not removed from the language
so much as not added in the first place, and second, that if
"unfailable" *had* been added to the language then this would have
created the serious risk that adding a new constructor to a type could
change the meaning of your code by changing formerly irrefutable pattern
matches into potential sources of mzeros.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Why were unfailable patterns removed and "fail" added to Monad?

2012-01-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Today I learned (tldr; TIL) that the "fail" in the Monad class was added
as a hack to deal with the consequences of the decision to remove
"unfailable" patterns from the language.  I will attempt to describe the
story as I have picked it up from reading around, but please feel free
to correct me on the details.  :-)

An "unfailable" pattern (which is a generalization of an "irrefutable"
pattern) is a pattern which can never fail (excluding the possibility of
_|_), such as

let (x,y) = pair

Before "fail" was a method of the Monad class, using refutable patterns
in a monad required the type to be an instance of MonadZero (that is,
MonadPlus without the plus), so that for example

do Just x <- m

required that the monad be an instance of MonadZero.  If you avoided
such patterns, your Monad did not have to have this instance, so that
for example

do (x,y) <- pair

would not require MonadZero because the pattern is unfailable.

To me this seems like a lovely way of handling the whole matter, and
much improved over the incredibly ugly wart of having a "fail" method in
the Monad class.  In fact, I think I remember people on this list and in
other forums occasionally bringing something like this approach up as a
way of getting rid of the "fail" wart.

So my question is, why did we go to all of the trouble to transition
away from the MonadZero approach to the current system to begin with? 
What was so bad about "unfailable" patterns that it was decided to
remove them and in doing so replace MonadZero with a mandatory "fail"
method in Monad?  I mean, this *is* Haskell, so my safest assumption is
that smart people were involved in making this decision and therefore
the reasons much have been really good (or at least, seemed good given
the information at the time).  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to catch all exceptions that could be caught?

2012-01-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/12/12 16:58, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> Yes, that is a problem. But consider my PS in original mail, I have no
> idea what exception should I catch. Where could I get that
> information?

In my experience, exceptions fall into three categories.

First, when performing IO, some functions throw an exception instead of
returning an error code, as is the case for many of the functions in
System.IO;  however, in these cases the exceptions that can be thrown
are clearly documented.

Second, when a bug in your code has caused it to reach a point where it
can no longer proceed, such as when there is a deadlock, when there is
an infinite loop, when you violated a precondition of a pure function by
for example calling "head" on an empty list, etc.;  in such cases it is
very unlikely that you would even want to catch and gracefully recover
from them, so an exception specification would not help you very much

Third, when you are running someone else's code and you want to be able
to catch any exceptions it throws so that you can handle the error
reporting yourself; in this case the only thing that you care about is
whether the exception is an AsyncException or not, since if it is an
AsyncException then you should almost certainly should just let it
propagate up the call stack rather than dealing with it yourself.

Incidentally, in all of these cases catching *all* exceptions is a bad
idea unless you really know what you are doing for the reasons that
others here have pointed out, so I apologize for misleading you with
that suggestion.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to catch all exceptions that could be caught?

2012-01-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/12/12 17:23, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
> Indeed, and in fact this situation is a very natural occurrence whenever
> you are writing code that takes an arbitrary IO action, executes it, and
> then returns either the result or the exception that it threw. The code
> that I last used for this took advantage of catchJust and looked roughly
> like the following:
> execute :: IO a → IO (Either SomeException a)
> execute action =
> catchJust
> (\e → case fromException e of {Just (_ :: AsyncException) → Nothing; _ →
> Just e})
> (Right <$> action)
> (return . Left)
> Cheers,
> Greg

Ugh, I have no idea why the spacing got eaten;  it was meant to look like:

execute :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
execute action =
(\e -> case fromException e of
Just (_ :: AsyncException) -> Nothing;
_ -> Just e
(Right <$> action)
(return . Left)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to catch all exceptions that could be caught?

2012-01-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/12/12 17:07, Simon Hengel wrote:
> I think there are situation when it is justified to catch almost all
> exceptions.  And people do that a lot, which often leads to ctrl-c not
> properly working (e.g. we had this in HUnit before 

Indeed, and in fact this situation is a very natural occurrence whenever
you are writing code that takes an arbitrary IO action, executes it, and
then returns either the result or the exception that it threw. The code
that I last used for this took advantage of catchJust and looked roughly
like the following:

execute :: IO a → IO (Either SomeException a)
execute action =
(\e → case fromException e of {Just (_ :: AsyncException) → Nothing; _ →
Just e})
(Right <$> action)
(return . Left)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to catch all exceptions that could be caught?

2012-01-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/12/12 16:49, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:
> But it is usually recommended that you *don't* do this, as it even
> captures Ctrl-c invocations:

Is that true in all threads, or just in the main thread?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to catch all exceptions that could be caught?

2012-01-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On 01/12/12 13:03, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:
> Hi,
>   With Prelude.catch, I could write "catch () $ \_ -> return Nothing".
> But with Control.Exception.catch, I must specify a type for the "_".
> What should I do?

Use SomeException for the type, as it is the base of the exception

(Although Haskell does not have classes in the OOP sense and therefore
does not have a built-in means of expressing subtype relations, it
emulates this in a somewhat awkward manner for exceptions.)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] strict, lazy, non-strict, eager

2011-12-24 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:47 PM, Murray Campbell wrote:

> It's too late to avoid success at all costs but please don't banish our
> precious pedantry!
> Scare on!

Please don't misunderstand, I have absolutely no problems at all with people 
arguing voraciously and pedantically over ideas, as long as they are doing so 
respectfully, impersonally, politely and open-mindedly.  In fact, like you I 
welcome such discourse, and the fact that this list provides such a nice 
environment for it is part of the reason why I like it so much.  :-)  (See, for 
example, the argument that I started a few days ago over whether some/many 
belong in Alternative a few days ago.)

Having said that, there is no small difference between

"Hey everyone!  I have been thinking about something for a while, and I have an 
idea with which many of you will most likely strongly disagree.  Here it is, 
and I welcome your feedback on it!"


"You all have long been maintaining a cognitive dissonance that in some cases 
turns into plain hypocrisy, and the only reason I hadn't complained about it 
until now was because I have been waiting for unmistakable evidence, a smoking 
gun, a red hand so caught that you cannot explain away.  Here it is.  Now 
people, could you please make up your mind already?  It has been more than 13 

The former invites open discussion in a friendly and positive environment, 
whereas the latter at best turns people off from wanting to respond positively, 
and at worst provokes angry responses that further poison the well.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] strict, lazy, non-strict, eager

2011-12-24 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:22 PM, Tony Morris wrote:

> Wait what?
> I find it intriguing, helpful, provocative and potentially helpful toward the 
> common goal of helping others. I am interested in further commentary. I'm not 
> scared and you shouldn't be either.

Asking honest questions is imminently reasonable; accusing others of being 
incompetent hypocrites --- especially when you go to great length to make it 
clear that this is *exactly* what you are doing --- is not.  The former is 
helpful, but the latter is poisonous.  Yves's point is that doing the latter 
risks scaring people away.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-21 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 22, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

>   fst _|_ = _|_
> This expression is basically non-sense.

This is only "nonsense" because you refuse to accept that there are valid 
formalisms other than your own that contain _|_ as a perfectly valid entity.  

> Should we accept straight-forwardly ill-typed expressions like:
> data Strict a = Strict !a
> fst (Strict [1..])
> just because the argument is "strictly" a bottom? Bottom inhabits every type, 
> but only vacuously.

No, each type has its own value for _|_, and your example demonstrates why this 
makes more sense than making all _|_'s be equivalent.

> Things like seq, unsafeCoerce, and the like, are defined as (functions into) 
> bottom in GHC.Prim, and the real semantic-changing magic they perform is done 
> behind the scenes.  It cannot be expressed as Haskell in the same Haskell 
> context it is used.  So assuming you mean something like:
>fst (seq [1..] (1,2))
> I must respond that you are using one of these magical keywords which change 
> Haskell's semantics.  They should be avoided.

So... now you want to throw out seq so that we no longer have a way to force 
the evaluation of values, and the motivation for this is because when we throw 
out _|_ then we no longer have a formal way to describe the semantics of seq?

> Refusing to use bottom in our semantics doesn't make life better by forcing 
> us to stay within a total fragment of the language, it actually makes life 
> harder by removing from us a useful tool for knowing *how* to stay within a 
> total fragment of the language.
> I am collapsing the semantics for "distinct" bottoms into a single bottom and 
> noting that it has no interpretation as a Haskell value.

I agree that if you collapse all of the distinct bottoms then you get a mess, 
but since whenever we are talking about semantics in the Haskell community we 
give each type has its own _|_ it is an incredibly moot point;  it's like 
saying that the problem with cars is that if you remove all of their wheels 
then they have a lot of trouble getting anywhere at all.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-21 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 22, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> It is not "limiting" to make distinctions that capture real differences.  An 
> overly broad generalization limits what can be proved.  Can we prove that 
> every vehicle with wheels has a motor?  Of course not -- bicycles exist.  Can 
> we prove every car has a motor?  Yes we can.  Throwing bottoms into the 
> collection of values is like throwing bicycles into the collection of cars.  
> We can say /less/ about the collection than we could before, /because/ the 
> collection is more general.

Sure, throwing bottom into the set of values means that we can no longer prove 
as many nice properties about them.  However, since bottom *does* exist in this 
set since functions cannot be guaranteed to terminate, the properties that we 
do prove will have more relevance.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-21 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 11:18 PM, Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:

> Tillmann Rendel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Robert Clausecker wrote:
>>> Image you would create your own language with a paradigm similar to
>>> Haskell or have to chance to change Haskell without the need to keep any
>>> compatibility. What stuff would you add to your language, what stuff
>>> would you remove and what problems would you solve completely different?
>> I would try to improve the language's support for the embedding of 
>> domain-specific embedded languages (aka. combinator libraries). Such 
>> embedding requires the integration of a domain-specific language's syntax, 
>> static semantics and dynamic semantics. Some (more or less far fetched) 
>> ideas about these three areas follow.
> I think this is a very good point. The things I would like to see:
> * Better syntax for observable sharing. Doaitse Swierstra proposed a 
> "grammer" construct that is basically a  let  statement where the binder 
> names can be observed. I'm not entirely sure whether that is the most general 
> or sufficient syntax, but something along these lines.
> * Meta-programming / partial evaluation. When designing a DSL, it is often 
> the case that you know how to write an optimizing compiler for your DSL 
> because it's usually a first-order language. However, trying to squeeze that 
> into GHC rules is hopeless. Having some way of compiling code at run-time 
> would solve that. Examples:
> ** Conal Elliott's image description language Pan
> ** Henning Thielemann's synthesizer-llvm

I am not disagreeing with anything that you have said here, but in a way it 
seems like the problem is more fundamental than all of these things since 
metaprogramming and type-programming in Haskell is not first-class, so it 
really isn't a language that is designed for DSLs even though people get a 
surprisingly long way abusing it for this purpose.  :-)  Really what we need is 
a language built from the ground up for this purpose, such as Lisp, but without 
the parts of Lisp that cause us to use Haskell instead.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Interruptible threads with IO loops

2011-12-21 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 21, 2011, at 6:52 PM, Fedor Gogolev wrote:

> Hello. I'm trying to get some threads that I can stop and get last
> values that was computed (and that values are IO values, in fact).
> Here is my first approach:
> [...]
> tick :: Int -> IO Int
> tick v = return $ v + 1
> [...]
> The problem is that it looks a little messy and what's worse it leaks
> memory. So I'm wondering if there is a better approach to do so or
> some fix to memory leak.

I don't have any tips for cleaning up the code off the top of my head, but I 
suspect that the memory leak is coming from the fact that the expression (v+1) 
is not being forced, which means that each iteration of the loop is 
constructing a new thunk with a reference to the old thunk resulting in a data 
structure that is growing in memory usage over time.  In this case the fix is 
easy:  just replace "return" in "tick" with "evaluate" from Control.Exception, 
since "evaluate" guarantees in this case that the expression will be evaluated 
before being returned.

(Caveat:  What I said about "evaluate" will be true for numeric expressions, 
but for non-trivial data structures "evaluate" only ensures that the expression 
is evaluated to something called weak-head normal form, which essentially means 
that it will only evaluate enough of the expression to figure out what the 
outermost constructor of the datatype is;  it just so happens that for numeric 
expressions the outermost data constructor is enough to give you the numeric 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 21, 2011, at 8:52 AM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

> I don't have experience with proof assistants, but maybe my answer to this 
> thread can be summed up as giving Haskell that kind of capability. ;) 

Okay, then suffice it to say that most of what you said *is* implemented in 
real languages like Coq and Agda so you should check them out.  :-)  
Unfortunately there are two hurdles one faces when using these languages:  
first, it is often very cumbersome to actually prove all of the invariants you 
want to prove to make your code total, and second, there is not yet a nice way 
of doing I/O actions and/or interfacing with external libraries written in 
other languages.

However, until we have solved the problems that make working entirely in 
dependently-typed languages a pain, we will need to stick with languages with 
weaker type systems like Haskell, which means that we can't get around _|_ 
since we cannot encode all of our invariants into the type system.

Incidentally, I would highly recommend learning more about Coq and Agda.  There 
is a great textbook to start from available here:

It is valuable because it is not Coq-specific but rather is a good general 
introduction to, exactly as the title promises, certified programming with 
dependent types.

You should also really check out Agda;  the main difference between it and Coq 
is the language in which proofs are written.  To make a long story short, in 
Coq proofs are often easier to write because they use a specialized language 
for that purpose but this often makes them a bit of a black box, whereas in 
Agda the proofs are fully explicit which makes them much more transparent but 
also more verbose and often harder to write.  Unfortunately the documentation 
for Agda tends to be sparse and split over several kinds of documents (such as 
theses, papers, etc.) so isn't an obvious guide for me to recommend to you, but 
if you look around you should find enough information to get you started.  The 
home page is

For me part of the most exciting part was reading through the Agda standard 
libraries, which you can download from

Just reading through their code is enlightening because it shows you just how 
much power is available from dependent types;  the standard library also covers 
a lot more than Coq's does.  Unfortunately it also showcases one of the 
limitations of Agda, which is things can often get cryptic and arcane very 
quickly, especially since Agda makes you work with "universes" explicitly (Coq 
handles them implicitly) which adds another layer of complexity.  :-)  (FYI, 
the universes are a hierarchy such that values are at the bottom, types of 
values one rung up, types of types two rungs up, types of types of types three 
rungs up, etc.  Haskell is limited in only having a three-level hierarchy, with 
values, types, and kinds.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:24 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> I would rather have an incomplete semantic, and have all the incomplete parts 
> collapsed into something we call "bottom".  We can then be smart and stay 
> within a total fragment of the language (where bottom is guaranteed to not 
> occur).

But part of the whole point of including bottom in our semantics in the first 
place is *exactly* to *enable* us to be smart enough to know when we are 
staying within a total fragment of the language.  For example, including bottom 
in our semantics allows us to make and prove statements like

fst (42,_|_) = 42


fst _|_ = _|_

That is, as long a you know that the pair is total and that the first element 
is total, calling fst on it is also total regardless of whether the second 
value is total.

Refusing to use bottom in our semantics doesn't make life better by forcing us 
to stay within a total fragment of the language, it actually makes life harder 
by removing from us a useful tool for knowing *how* to stay within a total 
fragment of the language.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:14 PM, wrote:

> I'd suggest, in addition to the symbols, renaming some of the fundamental 
> types and concepts, like Monad. I would violently agree that Monad is the 
> correct term, but try to communicate with a commodity software developer 
> sometime (or a government acquisition professional). RWH goes a long way to 
> explaining the concepts, as do the countless Web pages dedicated to 
> explaining the monad concept. 

I super-agree with you on this point;  just because something is modeled by a 
particular mathematical structure doesn't mean that it should be named *after* 
that structure unless said structure is a commonly known one.  In a programming 
language names should be chosen to maximize clarity, and the term "Monad" 
conveys absolutely no sense of what it is to anyone who isn't already 
well-versed in category theory.

I would go further and say that there is a problem in a lot of the 
documentation surrounding such concepts as Monads which is that they start with 
a mathematical definition --- i.e., a type with a return and bind method --- 
and then proceed from there, which obfuscates what Monads are all about.  It 
would be much better of a typical tutorial instead started by describing what 
problem exists that they solve.

> Haskell is a great language with solid mathematical underpinnings. I'm a big 
> fan of it. But, adoption is the key to success; need to make the ordinary 
> easy to understand unless the community wants to be relegated to Scala status.

Honest question here:  what exactly do you mean by being "relegated to Scala 
status"?  Scala seems pretty alive and kicking to me, with the added bonus that 
it runs on the JVM which gives it an advantage in many respects over Haskell.  
Is there something I am mising?  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 11:21 PM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Gregory Crosswhite  
> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2011, at 9:18 PM, Jesse Schalken wrote:
>> Why do you have to solve the halting problem?
> You have to solve the halting problem if you want to replace every place 
> where _|_ could occur with an Error monad (or something similar), because _|_ 
> includes occasions when functions will never terminate.
> I think we're talking about different things. By "bottom" I mean the function 
> explicitly returns "error ..." or "undefined". In those cases, it should go 
> in an error monad instead. In cases where there is an infinite loop, the 
> function doesn't return anything because it never finishes, and indeed this 
> separate problem will never be solved while remaining Turing complete because 
> it is the halting problem.

Then honestly you should choose a different term because I am pretty certain 
that my use of the term "bottom" is the commonly accepted one which (among 
other places) appears in denotation semantics.

>> Consider integer division by 0.  [...]
>> This is all I was talking about.
> But imagine there was an occasion where you *knew* that the divisor was never 
> zero --- say, because the divisor was constructed to be a natural number.
> Then use a separate type for natural numbers excluding 0. Then you can define 
> a total integer division function on it (although the return value may be 
> zero and so needs a different type).

That would certainly be a lovely idea *if* we were programming in Agda, but I 
was under the assumption that this conversation was about Haskell.  :-)

> Now there is no point in running in the Error monad because there will never 
> such a runtime error;  in fact, it is not clear what you would even *do* with 
> a Left value anyway, short of terminating the program and printing and error, 
> which is what would have happened anyway.
> What you do with a Left value is up to you - that's the point, you now have a 
> choice.

Yes, but it is a pointless choice because if you had any reason to believe that 
your value was an invalid input to a function you would have checked it by now 
or used an alternative non-partial function that did run in an Error monad for 
that specific purpose.

> In fact, the value might not even be being handled by you, in which case 
> someone else now has a choice.  Handling of the error is done in the same 
> place as handling of the result, no IO needed.

Yes, but all that the user of your library knows at this point is that there is 
a bug somewhere in your library that violated an invariant.  Nearly all of the 
time there is no way to recover from this in a useful way and so all the user 
will end up doing in response to your Left value is to abort anyway.

> The point is your program shouldn't be able to make assumptions about values 
> without proving them with types.

I agree but, again, we aren't talking about Agda here, we are talking about 
Haskell.  :-)

> The whole term "untrusted data" baffles me. How often can you actually 
> "trust" your data?

All the time!  For example, if I create a counter that starts at 1, only 
increase it, and give nobody else access to it, then I can be as certain as it 
is possible to be can be that it is not 0.

Also, there are occasionally times when I essentially check that a Maybe value 
is Just in one part of the code, and then in another part of the code need to 
extract the value from the Just;  in such cases there is no point in using 
method *other* than simply fromJust to extract the value.

(Of course, it would be better to have condensed all of this into a single case 
statement in the first place, but sometimes --- say, when interfacing with 
others' libraries --- this ends up not being an available option.)

> When you send your software out into the wild, what assumptions can you make 
> about its input?

None, which is why in that case you need to test your input in that case.

> Also I would like to think this "wasted overhead" can be optimised away at 
> some stage of compilation, or somehow removed without the programmer needing 
> to think about it.

I was thinking in terms of overhead from the coder's point of view, not from 
the compiler's point of view.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 9:18 PM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

> Why do you have to solve the halting problem?

You have to solve the halting problem if you want to replace every place where 
_|_ could occur with an Error monad (or something similar), because _|_ 
includes occasions when functions will never terminate.

> Consider integer division by 0.  [...]
> This is all I was talking about.

But imagine there was an occasion where you *knew* that the divisor was never 
zero --- say, because the divisor was constructed to be a natural number.  Now 
there is no point in running in the Error monad because there will never such a 
runtime error;  in fact, it is not clear what you would even *do* with a Left 
value anyway, short of terminating the program and printing and error, which is 
what would have happened anyway.  Furthermore, it is easy to imagine 
circumstances where you have now forced your entire program to run in the Error 
monad, which makes everything incredibly inconvenient with no benefit at all.

This is the problem with arguments against partial functions;  they don't solve 
any problems at all except in the case where you have untrusted data in which 
case you should be using a different function or manually checking it anyway, 
and they add a lot of wasted overhead.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:38 PM, Ben Lippmeier wrote:

> Some would say that non-termination is a computational effect, and I can 
> argue either way depending on the day of the week.

*shrug*  I figure that whether you call _|_ a value is like whether you accept 
the Axiom of Choice:  it is a situational decision that depends on what you are 
trying to learn more about.

> Of course, the history books show that monads were invented *after* it was 
> decided that Haskell would be a lazy language. Talk about selection bias.

True, but I am not quite sure how that is relevant to _|_...


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:40 PM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

> If you think a value might not reduce, return an error in an error monad.

Okay, I'm completely convinced!  Now all that we have to do is to solve the 
halting problem to make your solution work...  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:30 PM, Jesse Schalken wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 8:46 PM, Ben Lippmeier  wrote:
> On 20/12/2011, at 6:06 PM, Roman Cheplyaka wrote:
> > In denotational semantics, every well-formed term in the language must
> > have a value. So, what is a value of "fix id"?
> There isn't one!
> Bottoms will be the null pointers of the 2010's, you watch.
> This ×1000. Errors go in an error monad.

Including all possible manifestations of infinite loops?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 8:05 PM, Tillmann Rendel wrote:

> Hi,
> Robert Clausecker wrote:
>> Image you would create your own language with a paradigm similar to
>> Haskell or have to chance to change Haskell without the need to keep any
>> compatibility. What stuff would you add to your language, what stuff
>> would you remove and what problems would you solve completely different?
> I would try to improve the language's support for the embedding of 
> domain-specific embedded languages (aka. combinator libraries). Such 
> embedding requires the integration of a domain-specific language's syntax, 
> static semantics and dynamic semantics. Some (more or less far fetched) ideas 
> about these three areas follow.
> To support better syntax for embedded languages, provide more rebindable 
> syntax à la do-notation. For example, (if c then t else e) currently desugars 
> to (case c of False -> e; True -> t). But it could also desugar to (if' c t 
> e) where if' is a method of a type class. For (c : Bool), the standard 
> library would provide an instance of this type class, but for other condition 
> types, third-party libraries could provide it. Alternatively, if-then-else 
> could even desugar to whatever if' is in scope. A similar idea is currently 
> applied to Scala in the scala-virtualized project. A large part of the 
> language should be virtualized this way, including pattern matching, lambda 
> expressions, maybe even type or class declarations.
> To support better static semantics for embedded languages, provide better 
> type-level computation, including some form of closed-world reasoning (for 
> example, backtracking or closed pattern matching) and a reification of names 
> at the type level, so that type-level computations can reason about the 
> binding structures of expressions-level code. Note that I am interested in 
> the static structure of terms, not their dynamic behavior, so this is 
> different from dependent types.
> With Haskell being a fine general-purpose programming language, and even 
> having a good foreign language interface, there is already plenty of support 
> for the specification of dynamic semantics. Nevertheless, for domain-specific 
> embedded compilers, it would possibly be nice to access a Haskell compiler at 
> runtime, to compile snippets of Haskell code and dynamically link them into 
> the currently running program.

So in other words, you would like Haskell to simultaneously become more like 
Lisp and more like Agda?  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] If you'd design a Haskell-like language, what would you do different?

2011-12-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 20, 2011, at 5:20 AM, Robert Clausecker wrote:

> What stuff would you add to your language

Gratuitous use of parentheses.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 4:45 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

> First, there needs to be lots of [STRUCTURE] that makes it easy for people to 
> skim through and pick out the specific information that they want to find out 
> about [...]

Grr!  I have no idea why that word got dropped out, since it was kinda 
important... writing too many words at once puts my brain in a fog.  :-)

Also, just to clarify I don't necessarily mean structure as in explicit 
headlines so much as any kind of structure --- including implicit structure 
from paragraph breaks and careful choice of presentation and ordering --- that 
makes it easy to pick up on how a text is broken into logical parts, what each 
part is roughly about, and how the parts are related.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 3:49 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> On 19/12/2011, at 5:46 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
> [improved Monoid documentation]

Thank you.  :-)

> I would go so far as to point out that "mappend is a generalisation of
> Data.List.sum, Data.List.product, Data.List.and, and Data.List.or,
> where the initial value and combining rule are implied by the type.

Inspired by the idea behind your suggestion, I modified the documentation as 

The Monoid typeclass provides a standard interface for specifying how pairs of 
values of a given type can be combined to form new values of that type, as well 
as an identity value for that type that when combined with any value x produces 
x.  The Monoid class typically appears in higher-order functions that produce a 
list of values that need to be summarized into a single result, such as in 
Data.Foldable.foldMap function or the Writer monad.

Formally, an instance of Monoid provides a binary associative operator with an 
identity element;  to do this one must specify (at a minimum) the methods 
mempty and mappend such that they obey following properties:

(*) mempty is the identity:
mempty `mappend` x = x `mappend` mempty = x
(*) mappend is associative:
x `mappend` (y `mappend` z) = (x `mappend` y) `mappend` z

Note that this structure is very generic; it includes addition with the 
identity element 0 (i.e. mappend = (+), mempty = 0), multiplication with the 
identity element 1 (i.e. mappend = (*), mempty = 1), list concatenation with 
the identity element [] (i.e. mappend = (++), mempty = []), logical and with 
the identity element True (i.e., mappend = (&&), mempty = True), logical or 
with the identity element False (i.e., mappend = (||), mempty = False), etc.  
Unfortunately, sometimes this very generality results in there being multiple 
equally sensible ways to define a Monoid instance for a type.  For example, for 
numeric values addition and multiplication work equally well, and for boolean 
values logical and and logical or work equally well.  In such cases, it is a 
good idea to define newtype wrappers for these types so that we can make it 
explicit which operation we are using.  In the case of the Int type, for 
example, we define the Sum and Product newtypes and make these instances of 
Monoid using the corresponding mathematical operator; see also Any, All, First, 
and Last for other examples of this.

Although not strictly necessary, for reasons of performance the Monoid 
typeclass also includes the method mconcat which combines all the elements in a 
list, i.e. it is a method which obeys the property

(*) mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

The above is the default definition of mconcat if no other is supplied, but for 
some times users may wish to override it when it can be performed more 
efficiently.  Regardless, the minimal complete definition for an instance of 
the Monoid typeclass is mempty and mappend.

>> This additional information unfortunately makes the documentation more 
>> verbose,
> One man's "more verbose" is another man's "less cryptic".

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you that adding more words for the 
sake of making a subject less cryptic is a net win.  :-)  There are two dangers 
that lurk, however.  First, there needs to be lots of that makes it easy for 
people to skim through and pick out the specific information that they want to 
find out about, and in particular the information that is most important/most 
urgently needed needs to be placed first so that it is the first thing that  
reader sees. Second, if you take too long to explain a point then you risk 
having your reader get fatigued so that all that effort you put in to make 
things clear just ends up getting going in one eye and out the other.  :-)

> I really don't like the emphasis on Num, as if it was a bizarre feature of
> Num that there's more than one Monoid reading for it.  This is a *common*
> property of data types.  For example, Sets can be seen as monoids with
> empty and union; and Sets with a universe can also be seen as monoids with
> universe and intersection.

In the revised version above, added Booleans as another example.

> The more I think about it, the less idea I have _what_ to expect for _any_
> instance of Monoid.

This is an inherent weakness of typeclasses, and why languages like Agda use 
record systems where instance declarations are records that you can either pass 
in explicitly or import explicitly to use implicitly within a particular scope.

I think, though, that for many types, though, there really is a sort of "most 
intuitive"/"most natural" Monoid operation.  For lists and sequences, for 
example, I think that the most int

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 1:01 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> Documentation for a library module needs to start by telling people what
> it is for.  For a particular function, someone needs to know very quickly
> "is this what I am looking for? is this the kind of thing I _should_ have
> been looking for?"

As I said before, some of this information really belongs in the Monoid 
typeclass itself, so here is my attempt at adding more information in this vein 
to the Monoid typeclass:

The Monoid typeclass provides a standard interface for specifying how pairs of 
values of a given type can be combined to form new values of that type, as well 
well as an identity value for that type that when combined with any value x 
produces x.  The Monoid class typically appears in higher-order functions that 
produce a list of values that need to be summarized into a single result, such 
as in Data.Foldable.foldMap function or the Writer monad.

Formally, an instance of Monoid provides a binary associative operator with an 
identity element;  to do this one must specify (at a minimum) the methods 
mempty and mappend such that they obey following properties:

(*) mempty is the identity:
mempty `mappend` x = x `mappend` mempty = x
(*) mappend is associative:
x `mappend` (y `mappend` z) = (x `mappend` y) `mappend` z

Although not strictly necessary, for reasons of performance the Monoid 
typeclass also includes the method mconcat which combines all the elements in a 
list, i.e. it is a method which obeys the property

(*) mconcat = foldr mappend mempty

The above is the default definition of mconcat if no other is supplied, but for 
some times users may wish to override it when it can be performed more 
efficiently.  Regardless, the minimal complete definition for an instance of 
the Monoid typeclass is mempty and mappend.

For many types there are multiple equally sensible ways to combine pairs of 
values;  for example, for the Int type one could use either addition or 
multiplication.  In such cases where there is no single "natural" way to 
combine values, we often (though not always) define newtype wrappers for these 
types so that we can make it explicit which operation we are using.  In the 
case of the Int type, for example, we define the Sum and Product newtypes and 
make these instances of Monoid using the corresponding mathematical operator.

This additional information unfortunately makes the documentation more verbose, 
but the hope was to try to explain as much as possible the "whys" and "whens" 
of the Monoid class (to a non-mathematician audience) in addition to the 
"whats", since as you point out often the most important part of the 
documentation is where it explains why something exists and when you would need 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 1:01 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

> On 19/12/2011, at 3:44 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:
>> So what do you all think about my own suggestion for the documentation?
> It is an improvement.
> Documentation for a library module needs to start by telling people what
> it is for.  For a particular function, someone needs to know very quickly
> "is this what I am looking for? is this the kind of thing I _should_ have
> been looking for?"

I agree, though really much of that kind of information should be in the Monoid 
typeclass rather than in the Maybe instance in particular.

> The point is not that your proposed documentation doesn't say that, but it
> doesn't say that the MonadPlus reading is a *LEGITIMATE* way to view Maybe
> as a Monoid, which happens not to have been the one chosen; also that this
> possibility that the Monoid instance you WANT might not be the one you GET
> is to me the first thing you need to understand about it.  Yes, there is a
> blanket warning about this, but it specifically mentions Num.  Whenever it
> is possible for a reasonable person to want a Monoid instance and get one
> that is not the instance s/he wanted, it's worth highlighting in the docs.

I understand what you are getting at here, but the reason why think that the 
word "warning" needs to appear somewhere is to get users' attention long enough 
to let them know that this instance might break their expectations since it is 
inconsistent with MonadPlus and Alternative.

Nonetheless, I agree that it is a good idea to let users know that the 
alternative behavior might be the most useful one in their own case, so how 
about the following (including changes listed in an earlier e-mail), which I 
will call Version 5:

This instance satisfies the property that, for all x any y:
(1) Nothing `mappend` Nothing = Nothing
(2) Just x `mappend` Nothing = Just x
(3) Nothing `mappend` Just y = Just y
(4) Just x `mappend` Just y = Just (x `mappend` y)

Put in formal terms, this instance performs the standard procedure of 
turning an arbitrary semigroup into a monoid by simply adding a new element to 
the semigroup to serve as the identity element, where in this case the identity 
element is the Nothing value of Maybe;  unfortunately, since the base libraries 
do not come with a Semigroup typeclass, this process is expressed in code as 
lifting from the Monoid typeclass.

CAVEAT:  Note that rule (4) here is different from the case of the 
MonadPlus/Alternative instances where the Just y value is discarded so that 
Just x `mplus` Just y = Just x <|> Just y = Just x;  if this is alternative 
behavior is what you were looking for, then try those typeclasses instead.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Alexander Solla wrote:

> The "incidental" comment is significantly more clear than an English 
> description.

That is only true for someone who has already seen a sentence like that one 
before and so can immediately pick up what it is getting at.  :-)  In 
particular, if one has never heard of a semigroup then the sentence is not very 

> I would rather see commutative diagrams (or what amounts to the same, usage 
> examples) that describe the behavior than a "plain English" description.

I find it amusing that anyone would consider commutative diagram to be the same 
thing as usage examples for anyone other than a mathematician.  :-)  
Nonetheless, I see your point that examples may be clearer than English, so how 

This instance satisfies the property that, for all x any y:
(1) Nothing `mappend` Nothing = Nothing
(2) Just x `mappend` Nothing = Just x
(3) Nothing `mappend` Just y = Just y
(4) Just x `mappend` Just y = Just (x `mappend` y)

(Warning: Note that rule (4) for this instance is different from the 
case of the MonadPlus/Alternative instances where the Just y value is discarded 
so that Just x `mplus` Just y = Just x <|> Just y = Just x.)

Formally, this instance performs the standard procedure of turning an 
arbitrary semigroup into a monoid by simply adding a new element to the 
semigroup to serve as the identity element, where in this case the identity 
element is the Nothing value of Maybe;  unfortunately, since the base libraries 
do not come with a Semigroup typeclass, this process is expressed in code as 
lifting from the Monoid typeclass.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-18 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 19, 2011, at 12:39 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 20:42, Richard O'Keefe  wrote:
> No.  Not by a country mile.
> It's better than "non-existent".
> It's better than "misleading".
> But it's not even on the same *continent* as "adequate".
> +1

So what do you all think about my own suggestion for the documentation?  The 
following is the same as what I've posted before, but with some tweaks such as 
swapping the last two paragraphs.

The Monoid instance for Maybe has the property that, for all x and y, (Just x) 
wins when combined (on either side) with Nothing values, and when (Just x) is 
combined with (Just y) then the result is (Just (x `mappend` y)).

Note that the behavior of the Monoid instance of Maybe is *different* from the 
behavior of the MonadPlus and Alternative instance of Maybe.  For the latter 
two typeclasses, the behavior is that when (Just x) is combined with (Just y) 
the x and y values themselves are not combined but rather y is discarded so 
(Just x) simply wins;  put another way, for all x and z, we have that (Just x) 
`mappend` z is *always* equal to (Just x), regardless of whether z is equal to 
Nothing or whether it is equal to (Just y) for some y.  For this reason, unlike 
the instance for Monoid, the instances for these MonadPlus and Alternative 
place no additional constraints on the type lifted into Maybe.

Incidentally, for the more mathematically inclined, you may think of this as 
being equivalent to the standard practice of turning an arbitrary semigroup 
into a monoid by simply adding a new element to the semigroup to serve as the 
identity element, where in this case the identity element is the Nothing value 
of Maybe;  unfortunately, since the base libraries do not come with a Semigroup 
typeclass, this process is expressed in code as lifting from the Monoid 

I welcome any feedback that you all have to offer.  If some iteration of the 
above is considered an improvement, then I would be happy to submit a patch 
using whatever process someone is kind enough to point me towards.  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type checker for haskell-src-exts (was: Typechecking Using GHC API)

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 9:58 AM, Thomas Schilling wrote:

> Wll... I've gotten a little bit of a different perspective on this
> since working at a company with very high code quality standards (at
> least for new code).  There is practically no observable code review
> happening.  I'm sure Dimitrios and Simon PJ review most of each
> other's code every now and then, but overall there is very little code
> review happening (and no formal, recorded code review whatsoever).
> Cleaning up the GHC code base is a huge task -- it uses lots of dirty
> tricks (global variables, hash tables, unique generation is
> non-deterministic, ...) which often complicate efforts tremendously (I
> tried).  The lack of a unit tests doesn't help (just rewriting code so
> that it can be tested would help quite a bit).

So in other words, would it be helpful it we recruited GHC janitors?  That is, 
similar to how we have the Trac which gives people bug reports to pick out and 
work on, would it make sense to have a Trac or some other process which gives 
people chunks of code to clean up and/or make easier to test?

(I am of course inspired in suggesting this by the Linux kernel janitors, 
though it doesn't look like the project has survived, and maybe that portends 
ill for trying to do the same for GHC...)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 2:57 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

> +1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.

Sorry about the double-post!  I was foolish enough not only to use 
unsafePerformIO to send my e-mail, but to forgot to mark the sending routine 
with NOINLINE pragma.  As a result, the sending action was sparked and run 
twice by the runtime environment.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:51 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

> By my reason, the instance (Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a)) is
> appropriate, since we have another class for inner-type-agnostic
> choice -- Alternative! (and MonadPlus, but that's essentially the
> same, and would be if (Functor m => Applicative m => Monad m), as it
> ought).

Yes, but the problem here is that having different behavior for Alternative, 
MonadPlus, and Monoid instances is inherently confusing, in the sense that this 
would almost certainly surprise someone who wasn't already aware of the 
difference between the instances.

Regardless, even if we keep the current behavior, we *really* *really* need to 
improve the documentation for the Monoid instance of Maybe.  Currently it reads:

 "Lift a semigroup into Maybe forming a Monoid according to "Any semigroup S may be turned into a 
monoid simply by adjoining an element e not in S and defining e*e = eand e*s = 
s = s*e for all s  S." Since there is no "Semigroup" typeclass providing just 
mappend, we use Monoid instead."

Now, I just happened to have recently spent time studying the properties of 
Semigroups and Monoids, so this explanation made perfect sense to me and was a 
beautiful way of explaining what is going on.  A typical user, however --- 
which would have included me roughly one month ago :-) --- would have looked at 
this and just seen goobledegook which reinforced their perception that Haskell 
is first and foremost a playground for mathematicians.  It would be much, much 
better for the documentation to be something like this:

The Monoid instance for Maybe has the property that, for all x and y, (Just x) 
wins when combined (on either side) with Nothing values, and when (Just x) is 
combined with (Just y) then the result is (Just (x `mappend` y)).

For the more mathematically inclined, you may think of this as being equivalent 
to the standard practice of turning an arbitrary semigroup into a monoid by 
simply adding a new element to the semigroup to serve as the identity element, 
where in this case the identity element is the Nothing value of Maybe;  
unfortunately, since the base libraries do not come with a Semigroup typeclass, 
this process is expressed in code as lifting from the Monoid typeclass.

NOTE THAT the behavior of the Monoid instance of Maybe is DIFFERENT from the 
behavior of the MonadPlus and Alternative instance of Maybe.  For the latter 
two typeclasses, the behavior is that when (Just x) is combined with (Just y) 
the x and y values themselves are not combined but rather y is discarded so 
(Just x) simply wins;  put another way, for all x and z, we have that (Just x) 
`mappend` z is *always* equal to (Just x), regardless of whether z is equal to 
Nothing or whether it is equal to (Just y) for some y.  For this reason, unlike 
the instance for Monoid, the instances for these MonadPlus and Alternative 
place no additional constraints on the type lifted into Maybe.

Incidentally, would people be interested in me sending a patch to update the 
documentation to be more along these lines?  (After applying your feedback, of 
course!)  If so, could you point me to where I could learn about the process 
for doing so?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

> "1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?"
> Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
> Int itself is not a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or Mult.
> It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we 
> only use First and Last.

+1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 1:26 AM, Yves Parès wrote:

> "1) What about the First type? Do we {-# DEPRECATE #-} it?"
> Personnaly, I'm in favor of following the same logic than Int:
> Int itself is not a monoid. You have to be specific: it's either Sum or Mult.
> It should be the same for Maybe: we remove its instance of Monoid, and we 
> only use First and Last.

+1 for this idea, because it follows the principle of least surprise.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-16 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 17, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Matthew Farkas-Dyck wrote:

> (1) If we do (4), then the documentation ought to be adequate as-is.

I see your point that if we do (4) then some and many are no longer problematic 
for Maybe and [], and thus we don't need warnings for those types.  However, 
nonetheless we will *still* need *big warnings* *for the sake of others who 
write Alternative instances* for new types to make sure that these instances do 
not fall into the same trap as Maybe and [].  That is, we want to let future 
authors of instances know about the conditions under which they will need to 
write their own versions of some and maybe in order to make sure that these 
methods have sensible behavior.

In addition to this, we also really need some additional documentation 
explaining what the point of some and many are, since few people have any clue 
about them.  :-)

Finally, if we adopt (4) then we will need to change the documentation to 
remove "least" from "least solutions of the equations" since the phrase will no 
longer be correct.  Better still, we could replace the phrase entirely with 
something like "least *converging* solutions of the equations". (*)


(*) P.S:

Dear people who are better at this kind of technical language than I:

I am fully aware of the fact that the phrase "least converging solutions of the 
equations [...]" is sloppy wording at best and absolutely wrong at worst, but 
hopefully you should at least understand what I am *trying* to get at.  Thus, I 
would welcome either your feedback on what it is that I am supposed to be 
thinking and saying, or an explanation about why the idea I am trying to 
conceive and convey is so intrinsically poorly formed that I am best off just 
giving up on it.  ;-)___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 16, 2011, at 3:59 AM, Carl Howells wrote:

> Monoid and Alternative are not the same.  There is a very important
> difference between them:
> class Alternative f where
>(<|>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
> class Monoid a where
>mappend :: a -> a -> a
> The equivalent to Alternative is MonadPlus, not Monoid.  The kinds
> matter.  In Alternative, you are guaranteed that the type that f is
> applied to cannot affect the semantics of (<|>).

I understand that one needs to worry about kinds in general, but in this 
particular case such a subtlety is non-issue because you would always be 
defining Monad for a particular type.  That is to say, given an alternative f, 
the instance of Monoid would be

instance Monoid (f a) where { ... }

where in the above a is an arbitrary type variable.

To give you a more concrete example, the following code compiles and runs, 
producing the output [1,2,3,4,5,6]

import Data.Monoid

newtype L a = L [a] deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Monoid (L a) where
   mempty = L []
   mappend (L x) (L y) = L (x ++ y)

main = putStrLn . show $ (L [1,2,3]) `mappend` (L [4,5,6])

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] some/many narrative

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 16, 2011, at 3:34 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> This is both confusing and incorrect. It's entirely possible for an action in 
> the Maybe type to fail.

Okay, so inserting the phrases "that either fail eventually or" and "that 
succeed forever if they do not immediately fail" so that that the documentation 

   -- [Warning]: This is only defined for actions that either fail immediately 
or that eventually fail
   -- after being performed repeatedly, such as parsing. For pure values such
   -- as 'Maybe' that succeed forever if they do not immediately fail, this 
will cause an infinite loop.

makes the situation more clear.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 9:31 PM, malcolm.wallace wrote:

> I do not regard that as a change in their semantics - it is perfectly allowed 
> already  Indeed, the instances of some/many that I write are already 
> lazily-unfolding, wherever possible.  It all depends simply on whether your 
> instance of Applicative is lazy or strict.

That makes sense.  So the problem is not with Alternative but with Maybe:  
specifically, the problem is that there is no way to write a fully lazy 
instance of Applicative for Maybe since both arguments have to be reduced to 
WHNF before we can determine the WHNF of the result of applying (<$>), and this 
is why some/many cannot return lazily generated lists of results.

Put another way, the problem with Maybe computations is that if there is a 
failure at any point in the computation than *the entire computation fails*, 
and this means that you can't lazily generate a list of results using some/many 
because you can't tell whether your computation was a success or a failure 
until the entire infinite computation has been run;  the only solution to this 
problem is, as others have suggested, to build domain-specific knowledge about 
Maybe into the some/many methods of Alternative instance, which I think is one 
of the good solutions that has been brought up in this discussion.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Alternative versus Monoid

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone,

First, thank you all for this great discussion!  I unfortunately have been home 
due to health concerns which gets really boring after a while, so being able to 
participate in such a fun intellectual exercise like has really been making my 
day.  :-D  Sorry that this has resulted in such a flood of commentary on the 

Antoine Latter has pointed out to me that (using my own words here) essentially 
entire parser libraries are built around the assumption that many and some are 
sensibly defined the way that they are, and that as a result much of their 
functionality simply doesn't make sense for Maybe and [].

So maybe the best approach to take really is to remove the instance for Maybe 
and [] from Alternative.  After all, some and many simply are not well-behaved 
for them, and if you are using Alternative you are expecting them to be 

Now, on the other hand, one might argue:  but Maybe and [] have well-defined 
functions for empty and <|>, so since some and many are defined in terms of 
these operations, shouldn't that make Maybe and [] natural instances of 
Alternative anyway?

And *this* is where Haskell separates its way from other languages.  In others 
language we may very well just say, "Well, good point, why not make them 
instances of Alternative, and simply not worry about the fact that some and 
many don't behave well --- just don't use them like that!"

But in Haskell we don't do things this way.  When we make something be an 
instance of a typeclass, we want that to *mean* something.  In the case of 
Alternative, we want, among other things, for it to mean that our type has 
sensible meanings for some and many --- and if Maybe and [] simply do not meet 
this criteria, then THEN THEY DESERVE TO BE CAST OUT!

I know, I know, I can hear you all shouting:  This is blasphemy! This is 

Madness?  This... IS HASKELL!

But on a more serious note, it turns out that we *already* have a typeclass 
that does everything that Alternative does but without the "some" and "many" 
baggage:  it's called "Monoid"!  So we can already get all of the features that 
we need (and most likely have been using anyway) by using the Monoid instances 
for Maybe and [] and just forgetting about the existence of Alternative 

So at the end of the day... what is the point of even making Maybe and [] 
instances of Alternative?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 6:19 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

> After all, we already have the Monad typeclass which gives them essentially 
> the same functionality.

Make that the *Monoid* typeclass.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 5:40 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

> I said 'combinators', not 'instances'.

Oh!  Okay, that was my bad then.

> A lot of popular parsers
> combinators can be written exclusively from (<|>) and empty, but make
> little sense for List and Maybe, and may not even function properly.
> The 'trifecta' package includes a nice reference:
> See 'skipSome' through 'chainr1' - I wouldn't be surprised if most of
> these lead to the same infinite loop behavior for Maybe as the stock
> 'many' and 'some' in base.
> These sorts of functions are what Alternative is for.

Okay, I see better now what you mean.  Thank you.

But then, if so much code based on Alternative makes little sense for List and 
Maybe, then maybe this should be a signal they we should remove their instance 
from Alternative?  After all, we already have the Monad typeclass which gives 
them essentially the same functionality.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] summary of my understanding so far

2011-12-15 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone!

First of all, it sounds like we all agree that the documentation for 
Alternative needs to be improved;  that alone would clear a lot of the 
confusion up.

I think that a fairly convincing case has also been made that removing 
many/some from the typeclass doesn't help too much since they are generically 
defined in terms of the other methods.  Put another way, arguing that removing 
many/some makes Alternative more safe would be like arguing that removing 
"forever" from the definition of Monad (assuming it were currently a method 
rather than a function) made Monad more safe.  (On the other hand, it might be 
nice if many/some were not featured so prominently above other 
functions/combinators in the module.)

As a corollary to the above paragraph, if the many/some methods *were* moved to 
a subclass --- call it, "Parser" --- then essentially this subclass would be 
redundant.  Nonetheless, such a subclass could still be useful because it 
supplies more information to the user about how the type behaves.  That is, 
while any user of an instance of Alternative can always theoretically use 
something like many/some, in practice a user might want to add the Parser 
constraint to their type just to get an extra guarantee that many/some not only 
exist but are well-behaved.

Although many/some cause infinite loops for the current instance of Maybe and 
[], forever also causes loops for (return (undefined)) for any Monad.  Thus, 
even in the likely event that we decide to keep many/some in Alternative, it 
still makes sense to have Alternative instances for Maybe and [], despite the 
fact that they don't play well with many/some for non-empty values.

In fact, if anything the existence of the Maybe and [] instances provides a 
strong reason *to* have the many/some methods inside Alternative, precisely 
because it gives us a customization point that allows us to make many and some 
provide well-defined answers for all values of these types.  To quote Ross 
Paterson's proposals:

instance Alternative Maybe where
   some Nothing = Nothing
   some (Just x) = Just (repeat x)

   many Nothing = Just []
   many (Just x) = Just (repeat x)

instance Alternative [] where
   some [] = []
   some (x:xs) = repeat (repeat x)

   many [] = [[]]
   many (x:xs) = repeat (repeat x)

The only price that we pay for these instances is that, while some and many are 
still solutions of

• some v = (:) <$> v <*> many v
• many v = some v <|> pure []

they no longer the *least* solutions of these equations.  In my opinion this is 
a relatively small price to pay since they nonetheless *are* solutions to these 
questions, and they have the nice property that they converge sensibly.  In 
fact, in a sense they are the least solutions to the equations that out of all 
the solutions that converge, though I don't know enough about the theory 
involved to use the proper technical terminology to express what I really mean, 
or even if what I just wrote was true.  :-)

Anyway, as the above discussion illustrates, the existence of pure types that 
are instances of Alternative actually *adds* to the case of keeping some and 
maybe in Alternative.

So in conclusion:

1) Documentation really needs to be improved
2) some/many cannot be physically separated from Alternative, but there *might* 
be an advantage to creating a subclass for them anyway purely for the sake of 
conveying more information about a type to users
3) Maybe and [] are sensible instances of Alternative, even if many/some often 
enters an infinite loop.
4) It is possible to provide special instance of many/some that satisfy the 
equations of many/some, with the slight disadvantage that these solutions are 
no longer the "least" solutions.

Based on all of this, at this moment in time it seems to me that the most 
sensible way forward is to fix the documentation, tweak the definition of 
Alternative to no longer require the least solutions of the equations, and then 
to adopt the new instances for Maybe and [].


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] some/many narrative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 4:29 PM, Chris Wong wrote:

>> Okay, so how about the following as a user narrative for some and many?
>> ...
> I was in the middle of writing my own version of Applicative when I
> stumbled on this intense debate. Here's what I wrote for the
> documentation:
> class (Applicative f, Monoid f) => Alternative f where
>-- | Keep repeating the action (consuming its values) until it
> fails, and then return the values consumed.
>-- [Warning]: This is only defined for actions that eventually fail
>-- after being performed repeatedly, such as parsing. For pure values such
>-- as 'Maybe', this will cause an infinite loop.
>some :: f a -> f [a]
>some v = ...
>-- | Similar to 'many', but if no values are consumed it returns
> 'empty' instead of @f []@.
>-- [Warning]: This is only defined for actions that eventually fail
>-- after being performed repeatedly, such as parsing. For pure values such
>-- as 'Maybe', this will cause an infinite loop.
>many :: f a -> f [a]
>many v = ...
> Warnings are repeated for emphasis :)

I think that merely putting up documentation along these lines would be a huge 
improvement, though it should also contain the formal definitions from the old 
documentation in it somewhere as well.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 3:36 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

> That's the interesting thing about type-classes like Alternative and
> Functor - they mean very little, and are used in widely varying
> contexts.

So... your point is that in the Haskell community we don't tend to care about 
whether our types, typeclasses, typeclass instances, etc. make any sense at all?

> Heck, Control.Monad.void has the type signature "Functor f a
> => f a -> f ()" - how many functors is that operator sensible for?

All of them.  I can't conceive of a single case where this would result in an 
undefined operation;  can you?

Furthermore when people write code using monadic combinators they toss out 
results all the time so this kind of function makes perfect sense.

> There are a lot of combinators you can build from (<|>) and empty that
> go terribly wrong for Maybe and List but are still quite useful.

Yes, you *could* do that, but the whole point is that you shouldn't.  
Typeclasses generally come with informal laws that must be obeyed.  If your 
instance does not obey those laws, then it should not be an instance.

Incidentally, exactly what use cases do you have in mind?

> Even
> the operators at hand ('many' and 'some') are partial in parsing, but
> I'm not prepared to throw them out.

Okay, I must confess that this straw man has been causing my patience to get a 
little thing.  *Nobody* here is saying that many and some should be thrown out, 
since there are clearly many contexts where they are very useful.  The *most* 
that has been suggested is that they should be moved into a subclass in order 
to make it explicit when they are sensible, and that is *hardly* banning them.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 2:13 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

> Isn't this what Ross previously suggested? I think his suggested
> instance methods for Maybe return the elements of the lists
> incrementally.

Yes and no.  Yes, his excellent suggestion is one of my favorite ideas for what 
we should do with Alternative that I have seen so far and was the inspiration 
for my proposal, but no it is not the same idea at all.  Whereas his suggestion 
keeps the types and generic definitions of some and many the way that they are 
but overrides them manually to work for types such as Maybe, my proposal is 
that we instead change the types and generic definitions of some and many 
themselves so that they automatically do the right thing for the Maybe and List 

To justify my idea in a different way, it seems to me that somehow some and 
many somehow aren't lazy enough, because if they *were* lazy enough then we 
wouldn't have to hack into them for some types (Maybe and List) in order to get 
them to generate the infinite lazy lists that we were expecting.

Again, though, this is all crazy talk, and the only way to bring my epic vision 
into creation might be through abundant use of magic fairy dust.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] change some/many semantics

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone,

This is even more out there than my previous posts, but the following just 
occurred to me:  is it absolutely necessary that some/many have produced the 
entire list of results before returning?  Couldn't we change their semantics so 
that the list of results is computed and/or extracted lazily?  For example, if 
this were the case, then we would have that (some (Just 1)) returns an infinite 
list rather than running in an infinite loop (even without defining a special 
case "some" implementation), which is exactly what my intuition would expect.

Of course, this is not a simple change at all because it would have to be done 
in such a way as to respect the ordering of actions --- that is, we can't have 
each action executed only when the corresponding element of the list demanded 
is forced, or else actions would undesirably interleave.  For example, in a 
parser when we use "many v" we expect everything matching v to be consumed by 
the time "many v" returns, but if instead "many v" only consumed as much of the 
input as we demanded from its result list then we might see a chunk of input 
matching v in another part of our parser despite having assumed we'd gotten rid 
of it, which would cause our parser to be broken.

Nonetheless, if there were some way that we could use magic fairy dust to have 
the results returned by some and many be lazily generated lists, then this 
might solve many of the problems that come up with them performing infinite 
loops in cases where it seems like they shouldn't.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] [Alternative] some/many narrative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Okay, so how about the following as a user narrative for some and many?

many v = repeatedly execute the action v and save each obtained result 
until v fails;  at that point, *succeed* and return a list with all of the 
results that had been collected
some v = like many v, but if v does not succeed even once then *fail* 
instead of return the empty list

Note: If v *never* fails, then at best many/some will return infinite lists, 
and at worst they will repeat your action forever. 


P.S.: And yes, I know that many of you will complain that these definitions are 
not mathematically precise or what not, but it is important to be able to build 
up narratives at a sufficiently high level that they explain the essentials of 
what is going on for the benefit of users who are unfamiliar with the precise 
mathematical language used to precisely define their semantics.___
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 12:52 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> These statements are not mutually logically consistent, and leave me 
> wondering if Applicative and/or Alternative have been fully thought out.

Oh, that particular question is *super*-easy to answer:  based on what I've 
been reading, they *weren't* fully thought out.  ;-)  It would seem that they 
were tacked onto the base libraries because people had learned from experience 
(mostly while writing parser libraries, in the case of Alternative) that they 
were sufficiently useful in a general setting that doing this made sense at the 
time.  (I am exaggerating a little but that's the general idea.)

Mind you, this was not meant to be a criticism at all --- design is an 
iterative process where at each step you make the best decision that you can 
based on the available information, hopefully setting yourself up so that at 
the next step you can make an even better decision.  :-)  What we seem to be 
learning now is simply that things that may have seemed obvious years ago are 
not as obvious now as they had seemed to be at the time.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Antoine Latter wrote:

> Although I'm still not sure why I would be using these operations in
> maybe or list.

You probably wouldn't use these operations directly on Maybe or List, but the 
whole point is that when you are using a typeclass you have cannot assume that 
you know what they underlying type is.  If your algorithm needs to make use of 
many and some, then as long as the type is an instance of Alternative then you 
know that you can do this regardless of what the type actually is.  If certain 
types break your algorithm, then the constraint on the type being Alternative 
is clearly insufficient.

I wish that I had a more concrete example of how this could happen in practice 
off the top of my head --- say, when writing something like an alternative 
stack transformer (analogous to a monad stack transformer).

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 12:03 PM, Ross Paterson wrote:

> The current definition says that some and many should be the least
> solutions of the equations
>some v = (:) <$> v <*> many v
>many v = some v <|> pure []
> We could relax that to just requiring that they satisfy these equations
> (which I think is what John wants).  In that case there would be another
> possible definition for Maybe:
>some Nothing = Nothing
>some (Just x) = Just (repeat x)
>many Nothing = Just []
>many (Just x) = Just (repeat x)

That is a really good idea!  In fact, this behavior was exactly what my 
intuition had at first suggested to me that these methods should do.

But the part that still confuses me is:  why are these not considered the 
"least" solutions of the equations?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 15, 2011, at 3:37 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> But that's precisely what the Alternative class is already for! If you are 
> writing an Alternative instance at all, then you are asserting that it must 
> be possible and reasonable to replicate the existing behaviour of some and 
> many.

So... in other words, the Maybe and [] instances are wrong, and in an idea 
world would be removed?  As I thought I stated before, I would be perfectly 
okay with that.

> The fact that those functions are currently methods of the class is 
> completely irrelevant, and perhaps this is a source of your confusion. They 
> can be - and used to be - implemented as normal functions with Alternative 
> class constraints, then at some point someone moved them into the class 
> itself, solely to allow implementors to write faster versions.

Hmm, that's a fair point that I hadn't considered, namely that some and many 
can always be defined in terms of the other methods so moving them out of the 
typeclass doesn't make them inaccessible.  Thus, splitting them off into a 
subclass if Alternative would in some sense just be a formality;  nonetheless, 
I think that it would be a useful formality because it would make explicit when 
these two methods are actually useful.  Those who have more efficient versions 
for some/many can write them manually, and those who don't could just add a 
line "instance Parsive T" (or whatever) and be done with it.

> I think we should take any further discussion off-list. Your messages from 
> last night betray a deep misunderstanding that I'm not sure everyone else 
> needs to sit through :-)

I know that you meant no offense, but your remark was essentially just a nicer 
version of "Clearly you simply don't know what you are talking about, so shut 
up and go away so that those of us who *do* know what we are talking about can 
be left alone," which comes across as really condescending and offensive.

Also, frankly, I haven't seen much of a sign that the community itself has some 
kind of deep understanding of some/many that I lack.  People have been giving 
me different answers to my question, many of which are not consistent with each 
other, and some of which seem not to be consistent with themselves.  Regarding 
what to do about Alternative, I have been getting a whole range of answers, 
including:  do nothing but add more documentation, split some/many off from 
Alternative into a separate subclass, remove instances from Alternative got 
Maybe and [], etc.  So it's not as if there is this obvious and complete 
picture of what Alternative is or should be about that is available to nearly 
everyone here but me, an part of the reasons why I have been pushing so hard 
here is to see if we can work towards a consensus of some kind on this issue.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 14, 2011, at 4:40 PM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

> [...] Apart from some
> basic combinators in Control.Monad or the definitions of monad
> transformers, how much of what you write in do-blocks is applicable to
> some generic Monad instance as opposed to a specific Monad?

Well, if my *only* constraint on a type is that it be an instance of Monad, 
then *all* of the code written in do-blocks will be applicable to a generic 
Monad instance.  That's the whole point.  :-)

Furthermore, you make it sound like this generic case scenario is incredibly 
rare, but in fact it is very common:  it occurs whenever someone writes a 
monadic transformer, which happens all the time.  Imagine what writing monadic 
transformers would be like if you couldn't always trust that, say, (>>=) was a 
well-defined operation?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 13, 2011, at 3:32 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> Don't be silly. The purpose of some and many is to be used with combinators 
> that are expected to fail sometimes. If you use them with combinators that 
> always succeed, of course you're going to get an infinite loop.

Yes, but how can someone using a typeclass *know* whether a type has values 
that will always succeed?

> Apparently the confusion here lies with the fact that the documentation for 
> some and many are too terse for their behaviour to be easily understood. 
> That's a whole different category of problem than "ban them!".

Nobody has been calling for them to be banned at all --- or at least, I 
haven't, and I am the one who has started the thread.  :-)  What we (if I may 
be so bold as to use the royal we here :-) ) would like would be for these 
methods to be moved into a separate class.  This way users of the classes will 
know whether their type has well-defined instance for some and many or not.

Or, alternatively, we could add documentation making it clear that one should 
*only* make a type be an instance of Applicative *if* all values of that type 
will eventually fail in combination, thus ensuring that some and many will 
always be well defined.  Thus, in particular, Maybe would no longer be a 
well-formed instance of this type, though we might decide to keep it around 
anyway in order to avoid breaking old code.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 14, 2011, at 8:38 AM, Thomas Schilling wrote:

> On 12 December 2011 22:39, Antoine Latter  wrote:
>> But now they look as if they are of equal importance with the other
>> class methods, which is not really true.
> Maybe, but something like this is best fixed by improving
> documentation, not by shuffling things around and needlessly breaking
> APIs.  I also agree that if an Alternative instance doesn't make sense
> it should be removed.   The current documentation is indeed very terse
> indeed.  In particular it needs a section on the pitfalls that users
> are likely to run into (like infinite loops).

It seems that if we go down this route, though, then what we really need is a 
big, bold warning at the top of the Alternative class saying something like, 
"Do *not* implement this class for your type unless you *really* know what you 
are doing, which will probably only true if you are writing a parser.  If you 
fail to heed this advice, then many and some will almost assuredly be broken 
for your type, which will cause code using it to have infinite loops."

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 13, 2011, at 5:09 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> Correct. And your example of "some (Just 1)" inflooping was not a 
> counterargument, but rather an illustration that perhaps some people (and I'm 
> not trying to imply you here, don't worry) don't understand what some and 
> many are supposed to do.

But does it really make sense to have class methods with the property that they 
are undefined on all but a special value of a type?  It seems extremely silly 
to me to keep these two methods in the class and to get around this problem by 
adding documentation that essentially says, "Don't use these methods because 
they are not actually defined in general."

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 13, 2011, at 5:09 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> Correct. And your example of "some (Just 1)" inflooping was not a 
> counterargument, but rather an illustration that perhaps some people (and I'm 
> not trying to imply you here, don't worry) don't understand what some and 
> many are supposed to do.

But if you can't determine whether you can use certain methods of a typeclass 
without first knowing more about what type you are working with, then that 
breaks the abstraction since you can no longer treat a typeclass as a promise 
that given set of methods can be applied to a type.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On Dec 13, 2011, at 3:06 AM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

> There is absolutely no implication of consuming anything in the definitions 
> of many or some. This is how they happen to behave when used in the context 
> of some parsing libraries, but that's all. If many or some always go into an 
> infinite loop for some Alternative instance, then I suspect that the instance 
> itself is either broken or shouldn't exist.

Yes of course, so I suppose my point was that when I thought about them in this 
way their purpose made sense for the first time.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Linear types using kinds?

2011-12-12 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone!

So, I was on LtU reading about F*

and an idea just occurred to me which *must* have occurred to someone smarter 
than me, so I would love your feedback on the following question:

Could Haskell be extended to support linear/affine types (in order to have, for 
example, more efficient resource management) by extending the kind system to 
include such types?  Or, even if the answer were yes, does the use of monads 
and higher-order types (like those used in "runST" function for the ST monad) 
make linear/affine types completely redundant in Haskell.

Thanks a lot!
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Splitting off many/some from Alternative

2011-12-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone,

I am sure that it is too late to do more than idly speculate about this, but 
could we split the some/many methods out from Alternative?  They simply don't 
make sense except in a subset of possible Alternatives --- in most cases they 
just result in an infinite loop.  That is to say, it is not just that they are 
extraneous functionality, but most of the time they are *impossible* 
functionality to even implement!  In a way, it is a lie to be including them in 
Alternative since people making use of the class might incorrectly (but quite 
reasonably!) assume that any type that is an instance of Alternative *has* a 
well-defined some and many method, when this is actually the exception rather 
than the rule.

It is only recently that I have been able to grok what some and many are even 
about (I think), and they seem to only make sense in cases where executing the 
Alternative action results in a portion of some input being consumed or not 
consumed.  "some v" means "consume at least one v and return the list of items 
consumed or fail", and "many v" means "consume zero or more v and return the 
list of items consumed or the empty list of none are consume".  It thus makes 
sense for there to be some subclass of Alternative called something like 
"Consumptive" that contains these methods.  The majority of "Alternative" 
instances would no longer have these methods, and again that would actually be 
an improvement since in such cases some/many were unworkable and did nothing 
but cause infinite loops anyway.

Normally it would be unthinkable to even consider such a change to the base 
libraries, but I suspect that there are not more than a couple of packages out 
there that make active use of the some/many instances of Alternative;  it is 
really only parser packages that need some/many, and users most likely use the 
versions included with the packages themselves rather than the Alternative 
version.  Could we verify that this is the case, and if so split them away?  I 
thought I heard a trick whereby people were able to grep all the source on 
Hackage, but I can't remember what it was.  :-)

Just a thought.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Built-in LLVM exception handling

2011-11-28 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Purely out of curiosity, would it be more efficient for GHC to use the new 
built-in exception handling instructions in LLVM?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Hackage feature request: E-mail author when a package breaks

2011-10-31 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone,

I have uploaded a number of small packages to Hackage that I no longer actively 
use so that I don't find out immediately when a new version of GHC has broken 
them.  Since Hackage is going to the trouble of finding out when a package no 
longer builds anyway, could it have a feature where when a working package 
breaks with a new version of GHC the author is automatically e-mailed?  This 
would make me (and probably others) a lot more likely to notice and proactively 
fix broken packages.  (Heck, I wouldn't even necessarily mind being nagged 
about it from time to time.  :-) )

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] MonadPlus versus Alternative

2011-10-29 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone,

What is the difference between MonadPlus and Alternative?  In my mind, it would 
make sense for the difference to be that the former provides "and" semantics 
(i.e., x `mplus` y means do both x and y) whereas the latter provides "or" 
semantics (i.e., x <|> y means do x or y but not both).  However, when I look 
at the instances defined for List I see that it is exactly the same as 

So is there any difference between the interpretation of MonadPlus and 
Alternative, or is the only difference between them that the former applies to 
Monad whereas the latter applies to Applicative?

Also, along similar lines, why does MonadPlus exist when it is essentially just 
a special case of Monoid?  (That is, any MonadPlus instance could be 
equivalently cast as a Monoid instance.)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] The Typeable class is changing

2011-07-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 7/11/11 11:18 AM, Yitzchak Gale wrote:

The standard way to create a Typeable instance is
just to derive it. If you do that, you will not be affected
by this change.

This is only the "standard way" if one is willing to sacrifice Haskell98 
or Haskell2010 compatibility by using the non-standard 
DeriveDataTypeable extension.

But it seems that many packages create Typeable
instances by explicitly using mkTyCon. If your package
does this, it will eventually break, after a deprecation

I have done this in at least one of my packages 
(type-level-natural-number) because I wanted to keep my library 
compatible with Haskell2010 rather than relying on GHC-specific extensions.

To be clear, I think that the new Typeable is an improvement and don't 
mind migrating my package to use it, I just get the sense after reading 
the linked exchange that those discussing this have just assumed that 
the standard way to use Typeable *should be* to use "deriving Typeable" 
and are missing what I suspect is a major reason why people avoid using 
it, which is to reduce dependence on GHC-specific extensions.

Again, this not a complaint or an objection at all, I'm just sharing my 
own thoughts on the matter.  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Lazy Evaluation in Monads

2011-05-31 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/31/11 12:49 PM, Scott Lawrence wrote:

I was under the impression that operations performed in monads (in this
case, the IO monad) were lazy.

Whether they are lazy or not depends entirely on the definition of the 
monad.  For example, if you look up the ST and State monads you will 
find that they come in strict and lazy flavors.

As a general rule, operations in the IO monad are strict except for very 
special cases which are explicitly labeled as such, e.g. 
unsafeInterleaveIO, lazyIO, etc.

FYI, in GHC the definition of IO is at

You can tell it is strict because the result of the map is an unboxed 
tuple, which is strict (at least, if I understand correctly :-) ).

If you are curious, State# and RealWorld are defined here:

State# and RealWorld do not contain data constructors because they are 
not intended to contain data but rather to parametrize types --- that is 
to say, you can think of IO as being a special case of the strict ST 
transformer which uses a special type tag to keep different ST threads 
separate (even though this type is never instantiated), and in the case 
of IO the state tag is RealWorld.

So in short, monads need not be strict but often are, and in particular 
IO is designed to be strict because it is essentially just a special 
case of the strict ST monad.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Erlang's module discussion

2011-05-30 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/28/11 10:11 AM, Alex Rozenshteyn wrote:
Since no-one has yet mentioned it, and I think it might be relevant,

I haven't read it with any degree of understanding, but I don't think 
it's tractable to remove modules from haskell, nor desirable.

Aww... I read that paper and got really excited thinking, "Wow!  I 
didn't realize that people were working on that;  I wonder when I'll get 
to play with it!", and then I saw the paper was written for a seminar 
that took place in 2002, so I guess the idea just didn't pan out...

Would anyone involved in the matter want be so kind as to fill me in on 
how that particular story ended (i.e., why everyone gave up it)?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] *GROUP HUG*

2011-05-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

Hey everyone,

Okay, this will sound silly, but I ventured into the Scala mailing list 
recently and asked an ignorant question on it, and I was shocked when 
people reacted not by enlightening me but by jumping on me and reacting 
with hostility.  I bring this up not to badmouth the Scala community 
(they are apparently going through growing pains and will hopefully 
mature with time!) but just because it made me appreciate just how 
awesome you guys are, so I just feel the need to publicly express my 
admiration and thank to everyone on this list for having fostered such 
an incredibly professional, fanatically nonhostile, and generally 
pleasant place to talk about Haskell!!!


Okay, I'm done now.  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Maybe Int] sans Nothings

2011-05-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 05/23/2011 12:08 PM, Brent Yorgey wrote:

Just a minor quibble: note that

>  filter (not . isNothing)

is slightly preferable since it does not introduce a frivolous
equality constraint on the type wrapped by the Maybe.

Or even better,

filter isJust



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Maybe Int] sans Nothings

2011-05-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/23/11 9:29 AM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:
On 23 May 2011 17:20, michael rice <>> wrote:

What's the best way to end up with a list composed of only the
Just values,
no Nothings?

Data.Maybe.catMaybes is what you want :-)


On 5/23/11 9:25 AM, Malcolm Wallace wrote:

On 23 May 2011, at 17:20, michael rice wrote:

What's the best way to end up with a list composed of only the Just values,
no Nothings?

Go to
Type in "[Maybe a] ->  [a]"
Click on first result.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

On 5/23/11 9:25 AM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

On 5/23/11 9:20 AM, michael rice wrote:
What's the best way to end up with a list composed of only the Just 

no Nothings?

Try catMaybes in Data.Maybe.



Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [Maybe Int] sans Nothings

2011-05-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/23/11 9:20 AM, michael rice wrote:
What's the best way to end up with a list composed of only the Just 

no Nothings?

Try catMaybes in Data.Maybe.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Status of Haskell + Mac + GUIs & graphics

2011-05-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/20/11 8:35 AM, Jeremy O'Donoghue wrote:
I would like to suggest, quite seriously, that the Haskell community 
try to come to a consensus about supporting a single Haskell GUI, with 
a view to distribution in the HP. Obviously my vote is for wxHaskell, 
but I'm quite prepared to loose the vote. Reason is that I think we 
need to concentrate some effort on getting one GUI binding to 
'production' status, and I don't believe that on the current basis we 
will ever do this. From my perspective, only GtkHS and wxHaskell look 
like serious candidates with at least some history and maturity behind 

If you are going to rule out Qt, then the only good cross-platform 
option remaining is wx since Gtk is not fully native on OSX but instead 
uses X11 which results in an inferior user experience, and it would be a 
bad idea to have that be the standard that everyone associates with 
applications written in Haskell.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using cmake with haskell

2011-05-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
What on earth are you doing that mixes Haskell, C++, Scala, and Python?  
I am very intrigued by the very idea of such a project.  :-)

I have to confess that don't care for waf myself because I had 
unpleasant experiences using it which stemmed in part from its design 
which I also didn't like.  For example, if you don't get the proper 
complex incantations correct then it will simply fail silently without 
giving you any hint as to what you might have gotten wrong, even for the 
most basic of tasks!  Also, the last time I looked into waf in depth a 
couple of years ago the basic task model was designed around a language 
like C++  where there is a build phase and then a link phase and 
everything within a phase can be built in any order, so to compile 
something like Haskell code you need to essentially put every file in 
its own phase, but the scheduler they used for phases was not optimized 
at all precisely because they were assuming a C++-like model where there 
were only a couple of phases;  they could have changed this since then, 

But anyway, I am always willing to keep an open mind about tools if 
someone convinces me that my current negative impressions about them is 
wrong or outdated, so if you got waf to build a project with all four of 
those languages then that does definitely give it extra points in my 
book.  :-)


On 5/14/11 6:12 PM, Nathan Howell wrote:

Waf supports parallel builds and works with GHC without too much 
trouble. I use it in a mixed Haskell, C++, Scala and Python build. If 
there is interest I could conceivably clean up the ghc waf tool and 
release it.

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Gregory Crosswhite>> wrote:

On 5/14/11 1:25 PM, Maciej Marcin Piechotka wrote:

(to mention
one which is often neglected - parallel build).

While I do appreciate you stepping in to defend autotools (if for
no other reason then because someone has to so that the discussion
is balanced :-) ), I think that you are wrong to say that
autotools is unusual in getting the idea of parallel builds right,
since in my experience the opposite is the case:  most systems
support parallel builds --- such as SCons, CMake, I think waf,
etc. --- with Cabal being an outlier here.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list <>

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using cmake with haskell

2011-05-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/14/11 1:25 PM, Maciej Marcin Piechotka wrote:

(to mention
one which is often neglected - parallel build).

While I do appreciate you stepping in to defend autotools (if for no 
other reason then because someone has to so that the discussion is 
balanced :-) ), I think that you are wrong to say that autotools is 
unusual in getting the idea of parallel builds right, since in my 
experience the opposite is the case:  most systems support parallel 
builds --- such as SCons, CMake, I think waf, etc. --- with Cabal being 
an outlier here.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Using cmake with haskell

2011-05-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 5/11/11 3:11 PM, Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:

It's a fairly terrible piece of software.
My experience is that it is the only cross-platform build system I have 
used to date that hasn't made my eyes bleed, though I only use it for 
C/C++/Fortran.  I suppose that counts as a personal testimonial in favor 
of it.  Put another way: it is definitely the worst of all build systems 
--- except for all the rest.  :-)

Also, my most recent experience with Cabal is that it is a serious PITA 
if you want to do any non-trivial cross-language stuff with it, since 
essentially its only support for non-Haskell stuff is its hard-coded 
support for C/C++.  It is true that you can add hooks to do arbitrary 
stuff, but at that point you are basically bolting your own build system 
on top of it and have to start from scratch --- or worse, *autotools* 

At one point I was working on my own build system Blueprint that was a 
generalized build system where GHC was just one specific tool within the 
system, but although I got it working just fine, at some point 
implementing all of the of the crazy stuff that is needed for proper GHC 
package support burned me out so I stopped short of finishing it since 
it's not like I didn't have other things to do with my time.  :-)  You 
might ask why I didn't just use the Cabal libraries to help myself out, 
and while I was able to get some use out of them unfortunately most the 
functionality in the Cabal libraries is simply not designed to be used 
by third parties.  (For the curious, the sources are available at;  look at the *blueprint* branch, not 
the *master* branch which was a first attempt that has been superseded 
by a complete rewrite.)

So anyway, what it comes down to in my experience is

1) Cabal is a tool that can only be used to build Haskell packages with 
some supporting C/C++ code thrown in


2) Cabal is currently the only tool that can realistically be used to 
properly build and install Haskell packages due to the great complexity 
involved with getting all the details right


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Proving correctness

2011-02-14 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 2/11/11 1:25 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:

I would like to see a language
that allowed optional verification, but that is a hard balance to make
because of the interaction of non-termination and the evaluation that
needs to happen when verifying a proof.

I believe that ATS (short for Advanced Type System) allows this.  
Although I haven't actually programmed in it, I read through the 
documentation and it looks to me like it is a fully dependently-typed 
language that allows you prove as little or as much about your program 
as you like.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Type System vs Test Driven Development

2011-01-12 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 1/12/11 5:05 AM, Ketil Malde wrote:

Of course, ideally you should design your types so that all possible
values are meaningful:-)

Sadly we cannot all program in Agda.  :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] [darcs-users] Darcs failure

2010-12-24 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 12/24/10 4:08 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:
Gotta love the way that this is THE MOST COMMON USE CASE for kill, and 
yet kill itself doesn't support doing this.

The problem with killing processes by name is that names aren't unique, 
so you might unintentionally end up killing other processes that share 
the same name.  If you want to kill all processes with a given name, 
then you can use the "killall" command, which explicitly indicates that 
you are willing to kill everything with that name.


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] IO, sequence, lazyness, takeWhile

2010-12-13 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 Take a look at the monad-loops package.


On 12/13/2010 06:15 AM, Jacek Generowicz wrote:

-- Is it possible to rewrite code written in this style

untilQuit = do
  text <- getLine
  report text
  if text == "quit"
 then return ()
 else untilQuit

-- in a style using higher order functions for abstract iteration? For
-- example, something along these lines:

untilQuit' = (fmap (takeWhile (/= "quit"))) (sequence $ map (>>= 
report) (repeat getLine))

-- The latter version shows the report, but it doesn't stop at the
-- appropriate place, so I'm guessing that I'm being bitten by my
-- ignorance about the interaction of actions and lazyness.

-- For completeness, here's a definition of report
report text = do
  putStrLn $ "You wrote " ++ text
  return text

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Wondering if this could be done.

2010-11-21 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 11/21/10 10:48 PM, Magicloud Magiclouds wrote:

   For example, I have a data A defined. Then I want to add (+) and (-)
operators to it, as a sugar (compared to addA/minusA). But * or other
stuff defined in class Num is meanless to A. So I just do:
(+) :: A ->  A ->  A
(+) a b =
   A (elem1 a + elem1 b) (elem2 a + elem2 b) -- I got errors here, for
the (+) is ambiguous.

   So, just wondering, does this way work in Haskell?

One solution to this problem is to use slightly modified operators, such 
as ".+." and ".-.", or anything else that crosses your fancy and is 
accepted by the compiler.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Impredicative Types

2010-11-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 11/19/10 12:22 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:

Use the Force
I tried, but I'm not yet strong enough in the Force to read citations 
with my eyes closed.  :-(

(PS:  Thanks for pointing me to the paper, Simon!)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Impredicative Types

2010-11-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Awesome, thank you.  :-)  One more question out of pure curiosity, if 
you have the time:  What is allowing you to keep them in?  I thought 
that the problem was that they made a mess that touched every party of 
the type checker rather than being centralized in one place.  Was there 
a trick you discovered that now allows you to support them without 
creating such a mess?


On 11/19/10 11:45 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

Yes, impredicative types are still in, but in a simpler form than before, along 
the lines of QML

I have been too busy with getting the new type checker working to describe or 
document it.  Notably, I have not yet added syntax for QML's rigid type 
annotations, which leads to a loss of expressive power.

too much to do!

Bottom line: if you are interested in impredicative polymorphism, let me know.  
A good way to do so would be to register your interest on
Just add your email address to the cc list, *and* write a comment giving an 
example of how you are using impredicative poly, and pointing to any further 
info.  That'll help motivate me to do the remaining work!



|  -Original Message-
|  From: 
|  On Behalf Of Gregory Crosswhite
|  Sent: 19 November 2010 19:23
|  To: Haskell Cafe
|  Subject: [Haskell-cafe] Impredicative Types
|  Hey everyone!  I haven't had a chance to try out GHC 7 myself, but I saw
|  in the documentation that Impredicative Types are still supported.  Is
|  this true?  I thought that they were on their way out because they
|  overcomplicated type checking;  has this plan been changed?
|  Cheers,
|  Greg
|  ___
|  Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

[Haskell-cafe] Impredicative Types

2010-11-19 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Hey everyone!  I haven't had a chance to try out GHC 7 myself, but I saw 
in the documentation that Impredicative Types are still supported.  Is 
this true?  I thought that they were on their way out because they 
overcomplicated type checking;  has this plan been changed?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Serialization of (a -> b) and IO a

2010-11-11 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 11/11/10 12:07 PM, C. McCann wrote:

To retain sanity, either "types
that can be serialized" must be marked explicitly (perhaps in the
context, similar to having a Data.Typeable constraint) to indicate
potential non-parametric shenanigans

You mean, like Data.Binary?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] How to put a string into Data.Binary.Put

2010-11-06 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 11/6/10 6:38 AM, C K Kashyap wrote:

Thanks a lot Gregory and Daniel,

I think I'll go with the "mapM_ (putWord8 . fromIntegral . ord)" approach.

If your string has any chance of containing Unicode characters then you 
will want to use the "encode" function in the module 
"Codec.Binary.UTF8.String" in the package "utf8-string", so that the 
code becomes

mapM_ putWord8 . encode

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-04 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 On 11/04/2010 03:06 PM, Dan Doel wrote:

Implementing type inference can be very easy in a logic language, because most
of the work in a non-logic language is implementing unification:

3 lines of Prolog to infer types for the simply typed lambda calculus with
meta-variables (not counting the operator fixity declarations). I've written
something similar in Haskell, and it's more like 80 lines of real code, a lot
of which is implementing things that are simply part of Prolog's computation

-- Dan

Cool!  Thank you very much;  that is exactly the kind of thing I was 
looking for.  :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Re: "Haskell is a scripting language inspired by Python."

2010-11-04 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 On 11/04/2010 03:30 PM, Lennart Augustsson wrote:

KRC, Miranda, and LML all predate Haskell and have list comprehensions.

Just because those languages predate Haskell and have list 
comprehensions doesn't mean that they still couldn't have gotten the 
idea from Haskel!.  After all, I fully anticipate us using the Haskell 
language in the near future to build a time machine that will allow us 
to beam some of our insights back to influence earlier programming 

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-04 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 On 11/02/2010 08:37 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:
Indeed. If your program requires unification or constraint solving 
then logic programming or constraint programming[1] is the way to go.

Would you be kind enough to give me or point me towards a good example 
of such a case?  I've been trying to understand what the point of logic 
languages is for a while now, but whenever I look at them I have trouble 
seeing what exactly it is they offer that solves some problems 
better/more easily than functional languages.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-02 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 11/2/10 8:37 PM, wren ng thornton wrote:
Though I would suggest you look at the LogicT library instead of using 
actual lists... Also, you may be interested in reading the LogicT 
paper[2] or this paper[3] about search combinators in Haskell. Both 
offer a number of optimizations you should be aware of.

I considered it, but wasn't there discussion recently about how LogicT 
is a lot slower than the list monad?

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] What is simplest extension language to implement?

2010-11-02 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
I haven't ever used it myself, but I've heard good things about Lua, 
which was designed to be an embedded scripting language for applications:

If you believe the Programming Language Shootout 
( it is pretty fast for a dynamic 
interpreted language, though JavaScript is much faster since the latter 
has more companies piling work into making it fast.


On 11/1/10 11:04 PM, Permjacov Evgeniy wrote:

Let us think, that we need some scripting language for our pure haskell
project and configure-compile-run is not a way. In such a case a
reasonably simple, yet standartized and wide known language should be
implemented. What such language may be?
  R(4/5/6)RS ?
  EcmaScript ?
  Some other ?
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-01 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 On 11/01/2010 06:19 PM, Richard O'Keefe wrote:

On 2/11/2010, at 1:27 PM, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

Hey everyone,

This is a little off-topic, but I just ran into a problem which might benefit 
from being attacked by a logic language,

Why not describe the problem?

My goal is to exhaustively search through a space in order to categorize 
all of the elements in that space.  This space is combinatorial, so I am 
looking for a good domain specific language for letting me break up the 
space into a bunch of generators which can be combined combinatorically 
to generate the list of elements in the space.  What makes the 
generators non-trivial is that I am choosing them carefully in order to 
eliminate many symmetries of the problem that effectively result in 
equivalent/redundant elements of the search space, and a consequence of 
this is that some generators depend on the results of other generators.  
The combinatorics of the problem are such that there are about a billion 
elements in the space if I try tackling a small version of my problem, 
and a trillion if I try tackling a slightly larger version of my problem.

(More background:  The elements in this space are choices of quantum 
measurement operators which are used to implement a quantum 
error-correcting code, and I am interested in knowing if the code is 
"good" or not.  My goal is to systematically search through all codes 
with a small (<= 5-6) number of qubits in order to be able to classify 
all of the possible of error-correcting codes one can implement using 
that many qubits.)

It is worth mentioning that the function I am applying to these elements 
to compute the desired properties is very fast.  I have had benchmarks 
showing the ability for this function to scan through up to ~ 500,000 
elements a second (It helps that it is written in C++ :-) ).

Actually, the more that I think about my problem the more that I'm 
thinking I should just stick with the List monad.  This gives me a way 
to create generators that can rely on the results of other generators 
and put them all together using the List monad, taking advantage of 
Haskell's laziness to iterate in O(1) space.  Which does raise the 
question: when is it better to use a logic programming language instead 
of the list monad?

so I've been looking for a good one to try out --- and hopefully one that has a 
very efficient implementation since I want to iterate through billions and 
possibly trillions of nondeterministically generated solutions.

I think about the practical success of Model Checking, and wonder whether it
might be better NOT to iterate through so many.

What exactly do you mean by Model Checking?

Anyway, there might be more clever ways to eliminate possibilities from 
my space (other than the ones I have already) but the advantage of 
having a computer search all of it is that it can scan through all of 
the millions and even billions of possibilities in a stupid brute-force 
fashion in less time than it takes for me to come up with a clever way 
to analyze the space using theoretical analysis.  :-)

I've also been looking at Prolog but I am having trouble seeing whether I can 
process N non-deterministic solutions in O(1) space (rather than first 
generating a O(N) size list),

The point of backtracking search is that you need only space for the current
candidate solution, not for all solutions visited so far.  So much so that the
Iterative Deepening family of search algorithms cheerfully *revisit* graph nodes
in order to save time over all.

Yes, exactly, but my point is that in Prolog I am having trouble 
figuring out if there is a way to iterate over all of the solutions 
generated non-deterministically in O(1) space because all of the library 
functions which run an accumulator over a generated set of results seem 
to operate by first generating the full list and then accumulating over 
it which takes O(n) space, which is wasteful since as you point out it 
should only take O(1) space to do this.  However, it is also possible 
that I misunderstand the semantics of how Prolog works and so things 
which look like O(n) to me are actually O(1) --- similar to laziness in 

and I checked out Mercury but the documentation for it is a bit sparse.

The Mercury documentation I downloaded in March comes to 773 pages.

faq.pdf   6 pages
library.pdf 470 pages
reference_manual.pdf150 pages
transition_guide.pdf 10 pages (Mercury for Prolog programmers)
user_guide.pdf  137 pages

Packing the tutorial into a single HTML file gives another 19 pages.
Ralph Beckett's tutorial adds another 53 pages of PDF.

So that's 845 pages all up.  "sparse"?

"a bit sparse"?

Yes, because although there is a tutorial with the trivial stuff, and a 
references for people who already know what they are doing, there is not 
much intermediate-level d

[Haskell-cafe] Is Curry alive?

2010-11-01 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

 Hey everyone,

This is a little off-topic, but I just ran into a problem which might 
benefit from being attacked by a logic language, so I've been looking 
for a good one to try out --- and hopefully one that has a very 
efficient implementation since I want to iterate through billions and 
possibly trillions of nondeterministically generated solutions.  I was 
thinking about using Curry, but it looks to me like the language is dead 
and hasn't seen much activity for a few years.  Does anyone know about 
whether there is still much going on over there?  Or, alternatively, do 
you have any suggestions regarding other logic language/implementations 
I should check out?  I've also been looking at Prolog but I am having 
trouble seeing whether I can process N non-deterministic solutions in 
O(1) space (rather than first generating a O(N) size list), and I 
checked out Mercury but the documentation for it is a bit sparse.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Monads and Functions sequence and sequence_

2010-10-29 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

The expression

sequence [a,b,c,...]

is roughly equivalent to

r_a <- a
r_b <- b
r_c <- c
return [r_a,r_b,r_c,...]

The expression

sequence_ [a,b,c,...]

is roughly equivalent to

return ()

Does that help?


On 10/29/10 10:07 PM, Mark Spezzano wrote:


Can somebody please explain exactly how the monad functions "sequence" and 
"sequence_" are meant to work?

I have almost every Haskell textbook, but there's surprisingly little 
information in them about the two functions.

 From what I can gather, "sequence" and "sequence_" behave differently 
depending on the types of the Monads that they are processing. Is this correct? Some concrete 
examples would be really helpful.

Even references to some research papers that explain the rationale behind these 
(and all the other..?) monad functions would be great.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Spezzano
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] who's in charge?

2010-10-28 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

Also, this is a complete aside but what the heck.  :-)

Has anyone else been driven crazy by the way that Java code and 
libraries are documented?  It seems like whenever I try to figure out 
how to use a piece of Java code, the functionality is spread out over a 
huge collection of classes and methods so that it is impossible to 
figure out where things actually happen and how the code is supposed to 
be used.  Am I correct to perceive this as a general trend in Java, or 
is it just the projects that I looked at and/or my lack of experience in 
how Java sources and libraries are organize?


On 10/28/10 9:53 PM, aditya siram wrote:
I understand your frustration at not having free tested libs 
ready-to-go, Java/any-other-mainstream-language programmers tend to 
expect this and usually get it.

If a lack of libs is a dealbreaker for you and you want to use a 
functional programming language with some of Haskell's advantages 
(like immutability, lazy data structures and STM) I encourage you to 
check out Clojure [1] a nicely designed Lisp. It is tightly integrated 
in to the JVM and you have access to all the Java libs you want.



2010/10/27 Günther Schmidt >

Hi Malcolm,

well if I would like to point out that, for instance, Haskell
exists for a lot more than 10 years now, and that, while the
language per se rocks, and there are cool tools (cabal) and
libraries (list, Set, Map), there still isn't even a mail client
library, I wonder whom to escalate this to, and who is going to do
something about it.

I understand some parties wish to avoid success at all costs,
while others, commercial users, benefit from the edge haskell
gives them already and which probably can help themselves in case
of, again, for instance a missing mail client library.

And then there is the ones like me, which also want to benefit
from the edge Haskell gives them over users of other languages and
want to develop Real World Apps and who cannot easily help
themselves in case of a missing mail client library.

So while there are many aspects of the future of haskell, who
effectively is it that steers the boat?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] who's in charge?

2010-10-28 Thread Gregory Crosswhite
Or if you want to keep the advantages of a powerful type system, you can 
use Scala.


On 10/28/10 9:53 PM, aditya siram wrote:
I understand your frustration at not having free tested libs 
ready-to-go, Java/any-other-mainstream-language programmers tend to 
expect this and usually get it.

If a lack of libs is a dealbreaker for you and you want to use a 
functional programming language with some of Haskell's advantages 
(like immutability, lazy data structures and STM) I encourage you to 
check out Clojure [1] a nicely designed Lisp. It is tightly integrated 
in to the JVM and you have access to all the Java libs you want.



2010/10/27 Günther Schmidt >

Hi Malcolm,

well if I would like to point out that, for instance, Haskell
exists for a lot more than 10 years now, and that, while the
language per se rocks, and there are cool tools (cabal) and
libraries (list, Set, Map), there still isn't even a mail client
library, I wonder whom to escalate this to, and who is going to do
something about it.

I understand some parties wish to avoid success at all costs,
while others, commercial users, benefit from the edge haskell
gives them already and which probably can help themselves in case
of, again, for instance a missing mail client library.

And then there is the ones like me, which also want to benefit
from the edge Haskell gives them over users of other languages and
want to develop Real World Apps and who cannot easily help
themselves in case of a missing mail client library.

So while there are many aspects of the future of haskell, who
effectively is it that steers the boat?


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Edit Hackage

2010-10-28 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 10/28/10 12:34 PM, Andrew Coppin wrote:
More specifically, I copied the Cabal description from another package 
and then updated all the fields. Except that I forgot to update one. 
And now I have a package which I've erroneously placed in completely 
the wrong category.
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who has done this.  :-)  I 
second the notion that it would nice to be able to tweak the meta-data 
of a package after uploading it.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] concurrency vs. I/O in GHC

2010-10-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 10/23/10 12:57 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

On 23/10/10 17:42, Gregory Crosswhite wrote:

On 10/23/10 7:54 AM, John Lato wrote:

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Bulat Ziganshin

This doesn't work, which was why the OP asked in the first place. When
a thread calls an unsafe foreign function, it blocks everything until
that function returns.

Is that true? The last time we discussed this in Haskell Cafe the
conclusion I drew from the discussion was that unsafe foreign functions
block the current thread but not any other thread.

The conclusion I drew was that "unsafe" foreign functions block the 
current "capability" (OS thread) and any "threads" (Haskell forkIO 
etc) currently scheduled on that capability, but other capabilities 
and threads continue executing as normal.

Yes, that is what I really meant to say;  thank you for using the 
correct words. :-)

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] concurrency vs. I/O in GHC

2010-10-23 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 10/23/10 7:54 AM, John Lato wrote:
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Bulat Ziganshin>> wrote:

Hello John,

Monday, October 18, 2010, 8:15:42 PM, you wrote:

> If anyone is listening, I would very much like for there to be a
> mechanism by which external functions can be called "unsafe"-ly, but
> without blocking all other Haskell threads.  I have code that
does this:

+RTS -N2

This doesn't work, which was why the OP asked in the first place.  
When a thread calls an unsafe foreign function, it blocks everything 
until that function returns.

Is that true?  The last time we discussed this in Haskell Cafe the 
conclusion I drew from the discussion was that unsafe foreign functions 
block the current thread but not any other thread.

Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Re: [Haskell-cafe] Are newtypes optimised and how much?

2010-10-20 Thread Gregory Crosswhite

On 10/20/10 4:09 AM, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:

No, this isn't optimised.  The trouble is that you write (map Foo xs), but GHC 
doesn't know about 'map'.  We could add a special case for map, but then you'd 
soon want (mapTree Foo my_tree).

How about a special case for fmap?  That seems like it should handle a 
lot of cases.

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