[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: MDB extends base class: Verification of Enterprise Beans

2006-03-20 Thread erik777
I barely remember this, so bare with me if I'm not correct, but I do believe 
that at that time we were trying to isolate the EAR and progress towards J2EE 
compliance.  We avoided this problem by, for the time being, giving up on 
isolating any EAR that contained MDBs, and consequently, any other EARs they 
communicated with.  Our only isolated EARs today in 4.0.2 are those that don't 
contain MDBs and don't communicate via RMI to ears containing them, or any 
other unisolated ear.

The suspicion I have, but haven't had the time to prove, yet, is that unless 
the container itself is configured for J2EE compliance the ears containing MDBs 
can have this problem.  It is possibly related to a classpath issue, because 
during deploy I noticed that the classpath can be different than at runtime.  
This isn't the only issue where deployment errors were related to classpath 
issues that wouldn't have arisen if the EAR was isolated, or because the 
deployment classpath was different than the runtime classpath.

I know this is a vague explanation, and could be proven wrong, but it has 
explained our behavior and guided our decisions about which ears to isolate 
until we have the time to convert all our applications into a J2EE compliant 

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Is our container configured for J2EE compliance? I forgot the exact 
settings, but one is jboss-service.xml/...NamingService/CallByValue.  

2. Is your application containing the MDB isolated if your container is not?  
This setting is in jboss-app.xml for EARs and jboss-web.xml for WARs.

In our configuration, we did not get the error when both 1 and 2 were false.  
In the end, 1 isn't an option for us without code changes due to reliance on a 
hibernate2 sar, and that change isn't on the project plan yet, so we put off 
isolating most of our EARs for this release.  I suspect that if 1 and 2 are 
true, you may not get the error either.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - JmsXA not working across distributed JBoss servers

2006-03-10 Thread erik777
We're using Jboss 4.0.2 and currently support a single instance install of 
JBoss.  We are using XA datasources using DataDirect and SQL Server.

We're attempting to support distributing our applications among different 
instances of JBoss to better manage load.  Our tests have all passed in this 
area except one, JMS XA transactions.  We use CMT and JmsXA.

Our test goes like this.  Remote method on Stateless Session Bean A in JBoss 
instance 1 is invoked, and it calls Stateless Session Bean B in another ear, 
which then uses JmsXA to post it to a queue within the same JBoss instance.  
Stateless Session Bean A then throws a RuntimeException causing a rollback

If we run the above test in a single JBoss instance, it works perfectly.  The 
post to the queue is never committed and the MDB never receives the message.  
If we run the test with Session Bean B in another JBoss instance, with Session 
Bean A remotely invoking Session Bean B, then it fails to rollback the posting 
of the message, causing the MDB to erronesouly receive the message.

The only difference in the tests is whether or not Session Bean A finds Session 
Bean B in the same server or in a remote server.  Even if it is it is in the 
same instance, it uses the remote interface and supplies a PROVIDER_URL in the 
environment during the lookup.  It is oblivious and runs the same regardless of 
where Session Bean B is located

Has anyone been able to get this type of configuration to properly rollback?  
If so, how did you configure it?  Will using HA-JNDI/JMS solve the problem?  
That's a costly step for us as we have a lot of custom configuration and 
technological dependencies.  Right now though we need to get this to work in 
order to be able to distribute our applications across JBoss instances.

We had the same failure to do an XA rollback when we used OIL2 or UIL2 instead 
of JmsXA in a single JBoss instance.  However, in this case, we're using JmsXA 
and it now works in a single instance.  It appears as though the remote session 
bean invocation is not participating in the XA transaction correctly.  

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: XAConnectionFactory not bound

2006-03-06 Thread erik777
Try using jmx-console (http://localhost:8080/jmx-console).  Click 
"service=JNDIView", then Invoke on list().

Look near bottom for "Global JNDI Namespace" and see if it is there.  

Perhaps what you really want to use is "java:JmsXA" which is only in the Java 
namespace, not global.  In this case, you can't have a PROVIDER_URL in your env 
when you do the lookup because this namespace is only available locally.  Just 
use an InitialContext() without properties.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: How do JBoss Messaging guarantee delivery of messages?

2006-01-25 Thread erik777
In addition to ensuring that subcribers of topics are durable, the quick answer 
is to ensure the handler of the message is enrolled in a Tx and rolls back on 
exception.  JMS uses a data source, so you may want to ensure the data source 
is XA, as we do.  

The question is what do you do when you have to roll back message handling due 
to a temporary problem (remote connectivity issue,) and you want to ensure 
continued message delivery until the external problem is corrected, similar to 
how SMTP engines usually handle bounces today.  I'm working on a proposal for a 
workaround to issues that I'll post to get peer review here.  I'd really love 
to know how others are solving this problem.  If there is an easy solution, I'd 
sure like to know what it is before we implement a complex workaround.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Message resent too many times

2006-01-19 Thread erik777
I can understand your frustration with frequently asked questions on forums.  
Yet, ironically, I've read the docs 
(http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/jboss4guide/r4/html/ch6.chapt.html), I have a 
lot of experience with dealing with other issues with JBossMQ (such as memory 
management), I read the FAQs and I read everything I can find in the wiki that 
I though could be remotely pertinet to my issue.  I still can't find an answer. 
 Could I have missed something?  Of course.  I'm human.  

I believe that the personal attacks and undue characterizations should be taken 
offline (via email), so I won't respond to them here.  

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Message resent too many times

2006-01-19 Thread erik777
We have been using:


which is what the FAQ says to do.  The problem is it goes to the DLQ, because 
if there is a network disconnect in a service the MDB needs, then naturally, 
the retries run out quickly, as they'll surely fail in the short-term.

Ideally, I'd like an infinite retry on network disconnection issues, with a 
delay, perhaps with a readable retry counter or elapsed time since initial 
retry so we could determine to escalate it after so long via a per MDB business 
process solution.

anonymous wrote : If you don't want it to infinitely loop on the same error, 
then you need a DLQ or some other mechanism to avoid JMS trying to redeliver 
after the rollback/nack.
  | e.g. redelivery delay in JBossMQ. 

How can we programmatically throttle the redelivery delay of an individual 
message?  I suspect there's a way, but couldn't figure it out and couldn't find 
it by searching.  The only match I found by searching for "redelivery delay" 


Here is our Destination Manager definition:

  | jboss.mq:service=MessageCache
  | jboss.mq:service=PersistenceManager
  | jboss.mq:service=StateManager

If we can't throttle on a per message level within the MDB when we rollback the 
tx, it would be less ideal but still helpful to be able to throttle at the 
queue or MQ service level.  

This is not a new issue to us.  For a previous service, to avoid the DLQ, if 
there is an exception, we programmatically stop the queue, and require user 
intervention to restart it when the problem is resolved.  Unfortunately, as we 
increase our services, this becomes infeasible, particularly when server A is 
trying to send messages to server B, and server B is trying to send messages to 
server A.  This isn't practical in all situations, and certainly never 

Using JBoss search, I couldn't find anything on message or queue throttling.  I 
searched for that too before bumping this thread.

Thank you in advance for your courteous reply.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Message resent too many times

2006-01-19 Thread erik777
How about a link to information on how to:

1> Handle unavoidable exceptions in MDBs (highly unavoidable in today's 
distributed world where MDBs are expected to rely on remote services, such as 
the database, JNDI and web services.)  I'm more than willing to catch these 
exceptions, if by catching I can ensure requirement #2:

2> Ensure 100% message reliability.

3> Avoid the DLQ.

Really, all of our questions are about #2.  Reasons on why MDBs should or 
should not throw exceptions don't anwer question that brings us to this 

I found the post I bumped by searching.  I read the wiki on every topic and 
start my search there because it includes both the wiki and the forums.  I 
probably searched for about half an hour before bumping this post.  I probably 
missed something, but I'm not a deity, and am asking for help.  

I did this search:


and it only listed this thread.

If JBoss lacks features to support these requirements, it's better to say so 
and agree that these are good features for the next version.  I don't believe 
hiding JBoss' shortcomings is productive or in JBoss' best interest.  I, for 
one, have continued to give it my full support despite all the shortcomings 
I've been fully aware of since 2.4.0.  I always said that one of the benefits 
of open source is open peer review leading to higher quality.  This requires 
open discussion.

Erik Sliman
JBoss user since September 2001 (2.4.0), currently developing in 4.0.2

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: Message resent too many times

2006-01-10 Thread erik777
bump...  same question.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: cant get SecurityAssociation.setServer(); to work

2005-11-21 Thread erik777
Shameless bump.  

I have a situation where the client to JBoss is a multi-threaded server to 
other clients.  It uses two basic JNDI authentications, one on behalf of the 
clients, and one for itself.  The problem is that after it obtains a remote 
interface using its own authentication, when it logs in on behalf of clients 
(as guest), it gets a security exception when calling methods on the remote 
interfaces it has for itself.  This is because the SecurityAssociation is 
scoped to the whole application/JVM.  

Ideally it would preserve its context from the time the remote EJB was 
instantiated.  Short of that, however, I'd at least like to get it to scope to 
threads, as it's likely that it will never act on behalf of clients in the same 
thread it's using its own remote interfaces.

I tried creating two EJB modules in the same EAR with different security 
domains, and that didn't do the trick.  In this setup the guest authentication 
was isolated to calls to one EJB module and the host authentication to another. 
 Should I even bother to try to put the EJB modules in separate EARs?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Cannot access EJB from war inside container

2005-11-02 Thread erik777
Turns out the solution is same as for


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Problem with JBoss 4.0.3

2005-11-02 Thread erik777
LOL!  That's what I discovered yesterday.  I can definately confirm it.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Problem with JBoss 4.0.3

2005-11-01 Thread erik777
I get the just of what it's doing, but I don't understand why I can't 

I have only been able to successfully get call-by-value to work inside the same 
JBoss instance when one isolated app calls another isolated app.  I have yet to 
be able to get an unisolated app to be able to make a call by value to another 
unisolated app in the same JVM, or for an unisolated app to call an isolated 
app.  Because of the latter use case, I have a lot of unisolated apps because 
they need to call apps that need to call apps that ultimately can't be isolated 
either because they are using a hiberante 2 sar or because they contain an MDB 
which seems to have a bug preventing isolation.

In the most recent case, I'm trying to resolve a class cast exception on the 
home interface (see 
http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=71799).  So, I set 
true for the NamingService in 
jboss-service.xml.  That causes the invalid invocation exception.  If i'm 
asking it to use call by value for all naming lookups, then why is it throwing 
an exception caused by an attempt to pass by reference between two class 

I read somewhere that even if you provide a URL, JBoss detects that it is an 
intra-JBoss instance call, and converts it to a call by reference.  Is there a 
way to disable this behavior?  It would be nice to be able to control when it 
passes by reference and when it passes by value, and the URL is the most 
convenient way I can think of to do this.  If you don't provide a URL, then 
clearly you want to pass by reference, or at least invoke locally.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Cannot access EJB from war inside container

2005-11-01 Thread erik777
We have an instance where an independently deployed unisolated war cannot 
access the EJBs in an unisolated ear.  They are both in the same JBoss 4.0.2 

Applications running in their own JVMs have no problem accessing the EJBs 
remotely.  The problem appears to be related to the use of the UCL, and perhaps 
Tomcat's classloading behavior.

The first exception it throws is a class cast exception when trying to cast the 
home interface.  The second time it tries, it throws 

2005-11-01 09:39:31,651 ERROR [com.nwms.emrweb.services.JNDIClientUtil] 
lookupHome(..)-NamingException: Could not create initial context for 
environment null
  | javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: 
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory [Root exception is 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/jnp/interfaces/NamingContextFactory]
  | at 
  | at 
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:223)
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.(InitialContext.java:197)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at com.nwms.emr.context.CPRContext.deactivateUser(CPRContext.java:316)
  | at com.nwms.emr.context.CPRContext.destroy(CPRContext.java:550)
  | at com.nwms.emr.context.CPRContext.finalize(CPRContext.java:582)
  | at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
  | at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)
  | at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)
  | at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:160)
  | Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
  | at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
  | at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:242)
  | at 
  | at 
  | ... 16 more

I've never had to add jnp-client within a client app deployed in JBoss before, 
but for kicks, when I try it, it throws a socket timeout exception.  

I'm debugging in IntelliJ, and can breakpoint the app code when these 
exceptions are thrown, but have not been able to gleen any useful information, 
such as the host/port being accessed when the socket exception is thrown.

There are only two instances of the remote home interface being deployed, one 
in the ear and another in a client jar in the war.  The classes are exactly the 
same.  It's compiled once and packaged into the EJB jar and the client jar.  
Opening the archives in WinRAR reveals that they have the same CRC and 

Using name=Default,service=LoaderRepository from jmx-console reveals that the 
UCL is loading the class from the ear.  It does not list the instance from the 
war, and I suspect this is because it is being loaded by Tomcat.

This is a very critical bug.  Please help if you can.  I've spent two days on 
it so far and have run out of configuration permutations to try, including with 
and without the JBAS-1875 patch, with and without JAAS, etc,...  Right now I'm 
trying to get it to work with the most common configuration.  

Thanks a bunch in advance!

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread erik777
WOW!  I got it.  Thanks to the post of tineq I noted that he was using


whereas I was using org.jboss.security.jndi.LoginInitialContextFactory per the 
recommendation of 


What do you know, I just plugged and found a 



With this class, you don't need to use Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL or setup 
jaas.conf on the client.  It's as easy as it looks.

Both classes are in the 4.0.2 source.  I'm not sure at this poitn whe you'd use 
the class without the Jndi prefix, but it's looking more like a base class 
rather than a class you'd want to use directly.  Perhaps it's needed for some 
things like LDAP.

Anyway, thanks for your help tim.cockle; and your inadvertant help tineq!  
Hopefully someone else can benefit from the this thread.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread erik777
Thanks a million.  That pushed me closer.  I created a jaas.conf containing:

JaasJNDI {
  |   com.sun.security.auth.module.JndiLoginModule required;
  | };

and confirmed in debug mode that it loads the configuration.

It gets past the point where it threw an exception trying to extablish a 
context in org.jboss.security.jndi.LoginInitialContextFactory.java because it 
couldn't find a configuration,

LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(protocol, handler);

and now fails on the next line where it tries to login:


with this exception:

javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Error: Unable to locate JNDI user 

Although I have trace enabled in JBoss for org.jboss.security, nothing is 
output when this happens, so I'm not sure if it actually tries to talk to the 
server at this point.  

The JNDI URL for the home interface is correct, as it succeeds to invoke the 
session beans that don't require authorized users of roles when the JNDI 
SECURITY_ parameters are not supplied or do not prevent creation of the home 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-24 Thread erik777
I got a little further when I found this wiki page:


The question is, what exactly does SECURITY_PROTOCOL map to?  No matter what I 
try, I get the following:

  | java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration
  | at com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile.(ConfigFile.java:97)
  | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:494)
  | at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
  | at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.Configuration$3.run(Configuration.java:216)
  | at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext$1.run(LoginContext.java:237)
  | at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.init(LoginContext.java:234)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.(LoginContext.java:403)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:223)
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.(InitialContext.java:197)
  | at com.domain.services.JNDIClientUtil.lookupHome(JNDIClientUtil.java:22)

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: getUserPrincipal() returns null after successful JAAS Lo

2005-10-24 Thread erik777
Does using Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS in the 
properties/env when you remotely obtain the home of the EJB count as a JAAS 
container login?  I'm getting null on the principal/password check when 
invoking protected EJB methods, verified by both trace output and debugging 
SecurityAssociationHandler, UsernamePasswordLoginModule and 
UsersRolesLoginModule in the IDE.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/passwo

2005-10-24 Thread erik777
I'm trying to get simple login to remote EJBs to work using the Duke example, 
putting the properties files in the EJB module.

The problem is that even though I set the Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL and 
Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS when obtaining the home inteface, a trace of 
org.jboss.security indicates that it sees the user id and password as null.

Here's the trace:

  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,387 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfigImpl] Begin 
getAppConfigurationEntry(nmsBusinessServices), size=8
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,387 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.login.XMLLoginConfigImpl] End 
getAppConfigurationEntry(nmsBusinessServices), authInfo=AppConfigurationEntry[]:
  | [0]
  | LoginModule Class: org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule
  | ControlFlag: LoginModuleControlFlag: required
  | Options:
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,387 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] initialize
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,387 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] findResource: null
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,387 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Properties 
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Loaded properties, 
users=[duke, java]
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] findResource: null
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Properties 
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Loaded properties, 
users=[duke, java, java.CallerPrincipal, duke.CallerPrincipal]
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] login
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,388 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Authenticating as 
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,389 DEBUG 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] Bad password for 
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,389 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule] abort
  | 2005-10-24 10:45:10,389 TRACE 
[org.jboss.security.plugins.JaasSecurityManager.nmsBusinessServices] Login 
  | javax.security.auth.login.FailedLoginException: Password Incorrect/Password 
  | at 
  | at 

You can see from the trace that it successfully loads the properties files.   
The "Authenticating as unauthenticatedIdentity=null" output also indicates that 
the username and password are null, as the source code shows that this is what 
triggers this output:

  |   if( username == null && password == null )
  |   {
  |  identity = unauthenticatedIdentity;
  |  super.log.trace("Authenticating as 
  |   }

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: relationship between JAAS, JGSS, Kerberos and JBoss

2005-10-22 Thread erik777
I can't say I have anything resembling an answer, but I'd have to theoretically 
ask the question:

Can you populate Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS in your environment properties 
when you invoke the EJB?  

You could have a different login module in your EJBs designed to accept 
Kerberos credentials.  The question is primarily then how you can obtain the 
credentials necessary to populate Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS in your web 
context when you obtain the home interface to your EJB.


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: MDB extends base class: Verification of Enterprise Beans

2005-08-30 Thread erik777
Right now I'd settle for understanding what's wrong and hearing either 
confirmation that there is a bug in 4.0.2 or an example of a workaround for it. 

Even this doesn't work:

  | public class SubscriberTxBean 
  | implements MessageDrivenBean, MessageListener
  | {
  | private static Logger logger = 
  | private static final String subscriberName = "local/SubscriberTxBean";
  | String getSubscriberName()
  | {
  | return subscriberName;
  | }
  | public void setMessageDrivenContext(
  | MessageDrivenContext messageDrivenContext) throws EJBException {
  | public void ejbRemove() {}
  | public void onMessage(Message message) {
  | logger.info("Processing message!");
  | }
  | public void ejbCreate() {}
  | String getBinding()
  | {
  | return "singleton-message-driven-bean";
  | }

anonymous wrote : 12:19:19,486 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
  | Bean   : SubscriberTxBean
  | Section: 15.7.4
  | Warning: The message driven bean must declare one onMessage() method.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - EJB jar and War classpath issues with deployment verificatio

2005-08-29 Thread erik777
We're upgrading from JBoss 3.2.3 to JBoss 4.0.2.  We have lots of ears with 
wars and ejb jars, as well as some standalone wars, and a hibernate.sar.

We'd like to enable isolation.  However, we've discovered a lot of classpath 
issues that were hidden by 3.2.3's non-compliance.  It's often clear when one 
module is "reaching" into another module or ear when you remove the one it is 
undesirably obtaining the class from.  What's baffling though is that once you 
do this the verifier doesn't always appear to be able to resolve classes in its 
module's own path!

In one case, we have a war that is finding a class in another ear.  If you 
remove the ear from the deploy folder and restart JBoss, the war fails to 
deploy because it can't find the class, although the class is clearly in a jar 
in its WEB-INF/lib folder!

In another case an ear can't find a class in the ear's lib folder, even though 
it's correctly declared in the ejb module's manifest.mf.

In both of these cases, they find the class in another module, ear or sar if 
you deploy them first.  

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: MDB extends base class: Verification of Enterprise Beans

2005-08-29 Thread erik777
That's an option we'll consider if a patch becomes available.  Until then, does 
anyone have any suspicion as to the cause or possible way around it?  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: EJB deployment problem

2005-08-29 Thread erik777
You're missing some XML.  Try this:

  | this is a test
  | Test
  | TestSessionEJB
  | au.com.twtva.ejb.TestSessionHome
  | au.com.twtva.ejb.TestSession
  | au.com.twtva.ejb.TestSessionBean
  | Stateless
  | Container

You need to use the home and remote tags.

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Remote call between isolated EARs

2005-08-29 Thread erik777
We're having the same problem in 4.0.2.  We need to use remote invocation 
between ears because the ears may or may not be deployed in the same JBoss 
instance at a customer site.  

I don't want to use external references in the ejb-jar.xml, because we read our 
configuration in and prefer to dynamically construct the JNDI lookup at 

The code is the same as that used by one of our standalone Java apps that 
connects successfully, as well as another ear-to-ear case that works.  

The difference here is that the client is an MDB.  The Ear it's invoking 
containing a stateless session bean is isolated.  If the MDB's ear is not 
isolated, it produces the Invalid invocation.  If the ear with the MDB is 
isolated, it produces:

  | 18:14:22,897 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
  | Bean   : SubscriberBatchBean
  | Section: 15.7.4
  | Warning: The message driven bean must declare one onMessage() method.
  | 18:14:22,897 ERROR [MainDeployer] could not create deployment: 
  | org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Verification of Enterprise Beans 
failed, see above for err
  | or messages.
  | at org.jboss.ejb.EJBDeployer.create(EJBDeployer.java:553)
  | at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.create(MainDeployer.java:918)
  | at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.create(MainDeployer.java:910)
  | at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(MainDeployer.java:774)
  | at org.jboss.deployment.MainDeployer.deploy(MainDeployer.java:738)
  | at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor47.invoke(Unknown Source)
  | at 
  | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
  | at 
  | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.dispatch(Invocation.java:80)
  | at 
  | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:74)
  | at 
  | ptor.java:127)
  | at org.jboss.mx.server.Invocation.invoke(Invocation.java:74)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at org.jboss.mx.util.MBeanProxyExt.invoke(MBeanProxyExt.java:177)
  | at $Proxy8.deploy(Unknown Source)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | ymentScanner.java:204)
  | at 
  | nner.java:277)
  | at 
  | at 
  | ...
It's worth noting that we're using the prefix deployment sorter, which is not 
the default.  This shouldn't matter, but it's possible that it invokes 
different code.  You can see that it's part of the stacktrace above.  

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: MDB extends base class: Verification of Enterprise Beans

2005-08-26 Thread erik777
I'm getting this in 4.0.2, only I can't find a workaround.  In my case, two 
conrete MDBs subclass an abstract one that contains the onMessage(), declared 

public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message message)

To try to get around the validation error, I subclassed and had the conrete 
classes call super:

public void onMessage(Message message) {
  | super.onMessage(message);
  | }

I'm really confused why this doesn't work.  I can understand a bug that can't 
find the method signature via the parent class; but not one that's clearly 
defined in the concrete classes as well.  

Is there a fix?  Is there a way I can work around this until we can upgrade?   
We just spent a month upgrading to 4.0.2 from 3.2.7, so 4.0.3 probably won't be 
an option this year.


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - EJB Exception handling

2005-07-28 Thread erik777
Does anyone know the rules of how to throw and catch exception using stateless 
session bean web services that also have a remote and local interface?

I've noticed that it deploys without error if you throw Exception or 
RemoteException, although you can't throw the latter from your bean if you have 
a local interface.  It won't allow you to throw EJBException, which certainly 
does confuse how you implement CMT.

In our case, we're converting current code that runs in production in JBoss 
3.2.3 to JBoss 4.0.2.  The current code throws custom application exceptions 
that extend Exception, but wscompile chokes on these.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: using WSEE doclet

2005-07-27 Thread erik777
Does anyone else get

  | [wscompile] error: class java.lang.StackTraceElement does not have a public 
accessible empty constructor

when they run wscompile.  I get this error when I run it from Ant or command 
line, and when I use JDK 1.4 or JDK 1.5.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: WebSphere War to JBoss EJB lookup - how to?

2004-10-31 Thread erik777
It's been awhile, but I did get this to work.  The problem is that WebSphere doesn't 
have the classes for JNP in its classpath.  IIRC, adding 
JBOSS_HOME/client/jbossall-client.jar to WebShere's server classpath resolved it.  It 
then worked great.  I had no problem accessing JBoss EJBs from WebSphere deployed apps.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Orion Rhapsody

2004-09-30 Thread erik777
Has anyone been able to get a JMS Comm Point to work in Rhapsody with JBoss?  If so, 
can you please post the Comm Point configuration you used.

Currently, I get the following in Rhapsody when I try to start the point:

  | com.symphonia.rhapsody.commpoint.ConnectionFailedException: Failed to create 
initial jms connection with this configuration.:- nested message:null
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
com.symphonia.rhapsody.commpoints.JMSCommunicationPoint.getConnection(Unknown Source)
  | at com.symphonia.rhapsody.commpoint.CommunicationPointHandler.run(Unknown 
  | at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  | Nested exception is:-
  | java.lang.ClassCastException
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
com.symphonia.rhapsody.commpoints.JMSCommunicationPoint.getConnection(Unknown Source)
  | at com.symphonia.rhapsody.commpoint.CommunicationPointHandler.run(Unknown 
  | at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Apache 3.2.3, mod_jk and JBoss 3.2.3

2004-06-07 Thread erik777
Add this to your JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/log4j.xml:


Someone responded with fix back in January, but it must have been on another thread.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: AutoGenerating PK & Oracle

2004-06-05 Thread erik777
This is a bit offtopic, jdacev, but how does XDoclet handle cases where your beans are 
subclassed from classes in a reusable library?  Particularly, what about when the 
methods aren't even overriden?  This means your project's classes don't actually have 
the methods, and thus don't have the comments for XDoclet tags.  

I'm just curious, because this is the case with all my CMP beans as well as some 
session beans.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Mapping Entity Beans to Database Tables

2004-05-31 Thread erik777
Try removing or commenting the  from your ejb-jar.xml to rule that out, since it isn't 
needed for findByPrimaryKey().  It looks OK, but doesn't hurt to rule it out since 
this is a needle in a haystack.

I'm wondering why it's looking for a relation.  That seems really odd since you didn't 
define any relationships.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Index already exists in statement

2004-05-30 Thread erik777
It appears as though it creates the index the first time, but can't detect that it 
already exists the next time, since it's trying to create it again.  

I would try another database, such as MySQL, to try to determine if it's a JDBC 
problem.  If it works in MySQL or another database, then it is most likely a JDBC 
problem with HSQLDB.

If it iturns out to be a problem in other databases, and thus unlikely to be a 
specific JDBC problem, can you show the entire trace instead of just the first 3 

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: MySQL 4/JBoss 3.2.3 and CMP 2.0

2004-05-30 Thread erik777

You did the same thing.  Your CMP field used a lower case 'd':

  | productId

And your primary key class used an upper case 'D':

  |  public String productID; 

Also, I can't remember if it is a requirement as I replaced all my composite primary 
keys with sequence numbers awhile back when there was a problem with foreign keys in 
primary keys, but it couldn't hurt to add get/set access methods to your primary key 

Sun's tutorial isn't very clear on what a "field" is in this regard, as they later say 
that the CMP bean implements the field with its access methods, but includes the 
instance variable in parenthesis:

  | In the PurchaseOrderBean class, the following access methods define the persistent 
fields (vendorId and productModel) that make up the primary key:
  | public abstract String getVendorId();
  | public abstract void setVendorId(String id);
  | public abstract String getProductModel();
  | public abstract void setProductModel(String name);
  |  (http://java.sun.com/j2ee/tutorial/1_3-fcs/doc/CMP8.html#72960)

Of course, in their PK example, both the instance variable and the access methods are 
public.  The ejb-jar 2.0 DTD is equally vauge, just saying that "the fields of the 
primary key class must be public" needs to be public.  After you get it working with 
access methods, just for kicks, try making the instance variable private and see if 
that breaks it, then post back.  I don't have any code I can try it with, because, 
like I said, I got rid of all my composite primary keys when I upgraded to JBoss 3.0 
and implemented CMR.

It's not exactly related, but Struts actually reads a form bean's access methods, 
allowing you to use private or "calculated" instance data.  You'd think J2EE would do 
the same, but who knows.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: MySQL 4/JBoss 3.2.3 and CMP 2.0

2004-05-30 Thread erik777
You used a lower case 'd' when you defined the CMP field:

  |   cliId

and an upper case 'D' when you defined your accessors in your primary key class:

  | public Long getCliID() {  
  | return cliID;
  | }

Alex, Ironbird seems thus far to be a good person and is trying to help people.  I 
understand your concern about misinformation on the JBoss forums, yet you can't fault 
him for intention, as he really does try to be correct.  Over time, I think he'll 
become much more on target and, if he continues to be as eager to help people, could 
become an indispensable asset on the forum.  I'd urge patience. while continuing to 
help him become a JBoss expert.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: MySQL 4/JBoss 3.2.3 and CMP 2.0

2004-05-29 Thread erik777

LOL!  I noticed someone said "it should be" to you before when you posted a TRACE 
log4j property.  I believe what he was saying is that for TRACE, 
class="org.jboss.logging.XLevel" is required.  It isn't required for DEBUG, though, 
since DEBUG is built into log4j.  

DEBUG worked for me for the purposes of seeing the SQL CMP outputs, so that's what I 
recommend.  TRACE can output a LOT of information, so I only recommend it when DEBUG 
doesn't suffice.  I don't mean to nit pick, but I can see we're both frequently 
recommending DEBUG and TRACE to people, so at least now you'll understand future posts 
why I recommend DEBUG.:)

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-29 Thread erik777
Thanks, hbaxmann, for the offer to further analyze the issue.  Since the issue is 
resolved, I consider its relevance reduced to being an example of the greater problem. 
 I'd love to spend time using examples to go over the theoretical possibilities, but 
really do have a lot on my plate today.  

For those following this, the current status on the JSR follows.

JSR 220 (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=220) is developing EJB 3.0, which includes 
improvements to EJB-QL.  The JSR is scheduled to release either an EARLY or PUBLIC 
DRAFT in June 2004, so will hopefully be releasing it soon.  Due to the 
confidentiallity agreemant JCP members sign (JSPA para 9), any current discussions and 
draft copy is "hush hush" until they officially release an EARLY or PUBLIC DRAFT.  

Although this spec promises to focus on usability and productivity of developers, the 
spec description does say it is not limitted to that, and even appears to emphasize 
the need to improve EJB-QL: 

anonymous wrote : "Enhancements to container-managed persistence and EJB QL to provide 
greater usability and to facilitate the development of frameworks based on 
container-managed persistence."

I believe their creation of the early draft could use even more public transparancy 
than JCP 2.6 provides (http://jcp.org/en/procedures/jcp2).  

Since JSR 220 was started with JCP 2.5, its not clear if an EARLY DRAFT was already 
completed that might have been public if it began under 2.6.  It's under 2.6 now, 
which is fairly new (http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/jcp26/).  Yet, I 
think for important JSRs like this one, even JCP 2.6 is too restrictive since the 
non-member public at-large cannot review or discuss drafts until they are stamped 
ready for public review.  This is why you don't see anyone from JBoss posting on this 

Let's hope we can publicly discuss it in June.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: MySQL 4/JBoss 3.2.3 and CMP 2.0

2004-05-29 Thread erik777
Whenever your exception is being caused by a database error, the best bet is to see 
the exact SQL JBoss is sending to the database.  There are two options for this.

One is to enable logging in MySQL.  In your my.cnf, you can add the line:


This can get huge, and is not recommended in production, but is suitable for 
development.  You can always comment it out and restart MySQL when it's no longer 

Another tip to view recent transactions when the log is large is to stop MySQL, rename 
(mv) general.log, then restart MySQL, so you start from a new log.

The other method is to enable logging of CMP in server/default/conf/log4j.xml, which 
should show the SQL being generated:


When you see the potentially offending SQL, you can often copy and paste it into a 
command line MySQL client to determine the exact problem, if it isn't already clear.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Configuring JBoss CMP for a caching enviroment

2004-05-28 Thread erik777
I haven't done this in a long time, and I only did it for BMP, but the method is the 
same for CMP.

You do it all in jboss.xml.  Container configurations are defined as elements of the 
jboss tag.  Here's a sample BMP custom configuration:

  |   Custom BMP EntityBean
  |   false
  |   false
  |   false
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.MetricsInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityLockInterceptor
  |   org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstancePool
  |   100
  |   A

Also in jboss.xml, where you define your enterprise beans, you can optionally specify 
a custom configuration to use:

  |   jdbc/OSnetDataSource
  |   OSnetDataSource
  |   OSnet_OrganizationEJB
  |   OSnet/Organization
  |   Custom BMP EntityBean

I actually did created this entity back in JBoss 2.4.0.  I don't use BMP anymore.  I 
was just experimenting with it so I could objectively contrast it to CMP; so the 
Organizations list on http://www.OpenStandards.net happens to still be in BMP today.  
Everything else is in CMP.

You can copy default container configurations from 
server/default/conf/standardjboss.xml into your jboss.xml, rename it, and then 
customize it.

Here is the standard CMP 2.x configuration from JBoss 3.2.3:

  |  Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean
  |  false
  |  false
  |  false
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.MetricsInterceptor
  | org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityLockInterceptor
  |  org.jboss.ejb.plugins.EntityInstancePool
  | 100
  |  B

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-28 Thread erik777

Thank you for posting the message with kinder English and approaching it technically 
without commenting on a person's skill levels.  I apologize if I was harsh on your 
choice of words, or use of English.  

I'll respond to the technical notions in your post now as best I can.

anonymous wrote : EJBQL: SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(t) FROM TheTable t WHERE t.Zip IS NULL 
OR t.Zip =?1
  | The ?table.col = ?1 OR (table.col IS NULL AND null=?1)? does not work, because 
there will occur a short-circuit to ?table.col = ?1?, because of ?NULL=anything? is 
always false. 

The problem with that EBJ-QL query isn't that ?NULL=anything? is always false, but 
that it will return all nulls (t.Zip IS NULL OR ...) even when ?1 isn't null.  What 
would be ideal is:

  |WHERE (t.Zip IS NULL AND ?1 IS NULL) OR t.Zip =?1

but ?1 IS NULL is not an option in EJB-QL today.  The problem currently with EJB-QL is 
that you cannot test if the parameter itself is null.  

The original question I had is when will it or an equivilant be an option, since 
testing for null parameters has never been an issue with SQL development before?  
Although EJB-QL chose to adhere largely to SQL syntax, I think that to solve the 
problem where it is clearly deficient in contrast to SQL, and particularly dynamic SQL 
where you combine code logic with resulting SQL output, it could improve by doing 
things differently.  In Java, variable=null does return true if the variable is null.  
Why not permit it in EJB-QL?  

The requirements for this entity are:

  - Reusable by all applications
  - Works with all database vendors
  - Works with all J2EE vendors
  - Very high performance
  - Extremely simple

Views are ruled out for two reasons.  One, they are an unacceptable hit on 
performance.  Two, they are not supported by all database vendors.

Now, let's say that views were acceptable.  Using your example, 16 views would be 
necessary in this case.  The reality is there are 4 optional columns in the business 
key.  Any of them can be null.  The keys are not related to each other.  Any 
conceptual relationships that might occur inthe applications is arbitrary.  Using the 
samle you posted, meaning that views didn't have unions, you would have to have 16 
individual views just for this one query to handle every possible combination of null 
/ not-null values.

Contrast this to my current solution of using dummy null values.  It's working today.  
It doesn't have the high performance cost of views, and works with all database 
vendors.  It is seemless to the applications, since they can still use nulls, and will 
still get back nulls, never knowing that a dummy null value was substituted.  

Thus, this entity became one of a growing list of examples since EJB-QL came out of 
problems with nulls in the queries.  But, using views clearly are not in line with the 
requirements.  The question I originally asked is what was the progress of JBoss or 
J2EE on this issue?  The question was partially answered when someone said you could 
do it today with DynamicSQL.  That last time I check, DynamicSQL couldn't do it, 
ironbird essentially answered my question as to where JBoss has progressed on it 
today.  The only question I still have is where is J2EE and the JSR's on this?  

Thank you hbaxmann for helping.  Your proposal to use views to denormalize certain can 
work and has merit.  It's just not the option for the problem I have.  

And thank you ironbird for the DynamicSQL info.  Although this entity needs to work 
with all J2EE vendors since it's in a foundation class library, I'll probably use 
DynamicSQL until a JSR fixees this for entities that can afford some vendor 
dependency.  Happy JBoss development!

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: getting error message

2004-05-28 Thread erik777
You can turn on CMP logging to see what it is sending to the database by adding this 
to your server/default/conf/log4j.xml:

As for how to implement sequence numbers in Oracle, I'm not sure how to set it up to 
get CMP to automatically do it.  Here's a variation of the method I use that uses 
Oracle sequence objects:

- Create sequence controller session bean.

- Implement getNextVal and other sequence related methods.

- Have it, based on the parameter you pass, do a JDBC call to select the next value 
from a sequence object.  

- Have your onCreate CMP methods call the sequence controller and set the primary key 

- Develop the sequence controller to use "caching" for optimal performance.  Create or 
alter your sequence objects to jump a specified interval.  We had ours increment the 
sequence object by 100.  This had the effect of "caching" 100 sequence values.  Thus, 
the sequence controller would still return an increment of 1 to your CMP bean, but 
would only call the database to obtain the "nextval" from the sequence object every 
100th time.  This increased performance dramatically, particularly during large 
quantities of inserts, which was typical of our system.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread erik777

You're right.  And I do apologize for coming off as condescening.  

Believe me, though, it has nothing to do with his being a newbie.  I am normally very 
supportive of people learning something new.  

His tone was condescending, so I felt he needed to hear himself in context.  There's a 
difference between someone that is new, and someone that just learned something in a 
class and think they know it all and can log onto a forum to insult everyone that 
think exactly like he thinks.  I figured a gentle correction on a JBoss forum was a 
better place for him to learn than on a job.  Unfortunately, I didn't know how to do 
that without coming off as condescending.  

I would have probably dismissed what he said outright, if it wasn't for his display of 
lack of ettiquette:

  - "your ER model sucks"
  - "because in this kind of usage your Entity design simply lacks"
  - "dont blame the J2EE for not resolving bad RDBMS design"

This is in addition to outright illogical statements he made, his assumption that he's 
completely right without even understanding the problem, his inability to listen to 
why I chose certain options, like avoiding dynamic SQL or direct JDBC, and the lack of 
inquiry into the actual table design and purpose.  

By the way, the table which he thinks needs to be normalized with views only consists 
of a primary key (generated sequence number), a composite business key, and a single 
column for data.  It's ok if his logic is incomplete, but he should try not to 
condescendingly insult people when he displays his lack of understanding of other 
people's problems.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-27 Thread erik777

You are clearly learning relational theory in an academic setting.  What school are 
you attending?  What is your major?

For one, no one completely normalizes data in the real world, and by real world, I 
mean business applications.  When someone does, it's clear it's a college student or 
grad that hasn't had the experience beyond what he learned in school.  

Null columns exist because the user is not always required to provide them.  Like you 
said, it gives us the ability to detect that there is no data for it.  It's a very 
nice concept and works really well in relational databases.  There's no normalization 
problem because you have optional columns.  If I wasn't using EJB-QL, but DynamicSQL, 
as someone suggested, or direct JDBC, I wouldn't have a problem at all.  

Using the example of customer registration, here are columns I might make optional 
because I wanted customers to register even if they didn't have or want to provide the 

- All address information.  Definately second address line if I chose to require 
address information.
- Second email address.
- Additional phone numbers.

Now, all this info could be normalized, but with an OO front-end, the benefits are 
near nill.  Take the phone number, for instance.  Phone numbers can be handled in a 
standard way via application objects.  This mutes the benefits of normalization.

However, even if I normalized it, I would still have optional foreign keys... and thus 
nulls.  This would not resolve the problem EJB-QL has, as it applies to relationships 
as well as regular columns.  Optional is optional, whether they are regular columns or 
relationships.  Optionality is defined by the business requirements.  If the phone 
number is not required information, then either a column for phone number data or a 
foreign key can be null.  

As for ER modeling, I've been developing relational applications since the early 80s 
prior to SQL's definition in 89.  I've read quite a few books over those years, 
including the adademic books you're reading now, as I have a degree in IS.  I've used 
ERwin, Oracle Designer, Rational Rose and other tools for ER modeling.  Last year, I 
lead the effort to create a 150+ table data model for a large commercial payroll 
company for DB2.  We used Rational Rose to create an ER model.  When that was 
complete, we generated the data model, and then revamped it some more.  Then we 
generated it in DB2 migrated an entire commercial payroll system to use it.  It was 
successful.  We did a lot of normalization of the data coming in, which came from the 
mainframe in over 100 formats.  Creating a practical normalized model was one of our 
goals.  But knowing when to normalize and when not to normalize isn't something you 
can learn in an academic book on relational theory.  It's something you learn by 
repeatedly doing it in the real world for many years.  Building data models for large 
businesses over and over again is the real world.  Learning relational theory in a 
class is not.  

Using views to try to normalize a single table is rediculous in this case, both in 
terms of practability and the end result's ability to actually solve the EJB-QL issue. 
 Even if it did somehow miraculously help, it would run completely counter to why I'm 
using CMP, and the database vendor independence required by the application.  Please 
read comments I made earlier on why I am using CMP.

It's exciting to see you learn relational theory.  Clearly, you are grasping the 
concepts your class is teaching you.  However, I highly recommend you try to learn 
from others who have applied it in business environments, and give them the benefit of 
the doubt until you have a chance to learn the practicality of some of the academic 
ideas when developing large business applications.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Configuring JBoss CMP for a caching enviroment

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
JBoss caching is very configurable.  I CMP configuration samples on this computer, but 
I'm sure others can show you examples of how to configure CMP's caching.  

Virtually all database caching uses "lazy loading", since you can't anticipate what 
the user will need to read ahead of time, and don't want to load the whole database in 
memory by default.

Principally, you can primarily tweak the timings and pool sizes.  With the former, 
you're anticipating usage patterns.  With the latter, you're weighing memory usage 
efficiency usage versus performance.  

JBoss comes out-of-the-box with default configuration for your CMP beans.  To 
override, you create your own configurations (can copy JBoss default, and then rename 
and modify.)  You can then apply your configuration to beans on an individual basis.  
You both define configurations and then associate them with individual beans in your 

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777

anonymous wrote : solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will 
vanish, not the denormalized table 

This isn't a relational issue.  The query I mentioned with 4 columns ironically has no 
relationships whatsoever.  However, it does have 4 optional columns I need to filter 
on.  They happen to be parts of a business key, but that's arbitrary.  They could be 
any optional column that I need to filter on.  Remember, this issue is I'm passing a 
parameter and pulling values that match that paramter.  This isn't complext, and has 
nothing to do with normalization because it has nothing to do with joins or 

anonymous wrote : if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - 
your ER model sucks 

Huh?!?  More than half a table's columns are often optional.  Any column can be 
filtered via a parameterized where clause in the real world.  These are common 
business requirements.  Just because a customer table does require an email address 
doesn't mean the user shouldn't be able to query based on the email address.  Just 
because an email address is optional doesn't mean that every other piece of customer 
information has to be mandatory.  How is having multiple optional columns a bad model?


I think you understand where I'm coming from.  J2EE has some great enterprise quality 
standards.  But other standards, such as JAAS, don't fit the bill for "enterprise" 
readiness, IMHO.  

While I know CMP has is a bit short on some critical areas, such as its support for 
optional columns in a query where the parameter can be null, I'm investing in CMP for 
the long run vision.  Thus, I'm taking the time to try to find the best-of-breed 
solutions that others are using to deal with the bump along the way; and, in the 
absense of such, trying to sense the priorities of others and how it's driving the 
improvement of the standard.  In other words, I need to understand the priorities the 
CMP developers are sensing so I can bet on likely improvements.  

anonymous wrote : And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% compatible with all 
the databases because SQL address the database compatibility before java and J2EE. 

Wouldn't that be nice if it were true.  To name a few differences:  the formatting of 
a date in the where clause, unique identifier generators and the syntax of outter 
joins.  I wrote one system that ran in both SQL Server and Oracle.  Last year, I lead 
the migration of a J2EE application to use a new DB2 data model with 150+ tables while 
still working 100% with its Oracle 90+ table predecessor.  To complicate things, we 
had to use stored procedures for all data communication for DB2 (dumb corporate 
"security" standard.)  The calculation code (business logic,) which never stopped 
being fully functional during the migration, was 100% independent of the database 
vendor, but it wasn't SQL that made it possible.  We used a Data Accessor pattern.

There are two problems with SQL:  The ANSI 89 and 92 standards that became popular did 
not address all the needs (e.g., dates in the WHERE clause).  The second problem is 
that it is relational, making it difficult to migrate to object database technologies. 
 Thus...  CMP, and the current trend of using object-relational to implement it.  CMP 
offers a migration path if you believe it will one day support object database 

If Sun's Java certification has anything that requires CMP to use a relational 
database, then they are not testing the standard, because nothing in the standard 
requires a relational database for implementation.  If the relational database 
requirements have drifted into it, then it's probably just because every vendor out 
there implemented it with a relational model.  Thus, when vendors start to implement 
it with object databases, Sun will be obligated to remove any relational specific 
requirements that slipped into their test suite.  However, this is all conjecture.  Do 
we even know that Sun's test suite has relational database requirements unwittingly 
embedded into it?
It's Sun's own website that states that CMP does not need to be implemented using a 
relational database.  Here's one instance:  

anonymous wrote : "It is unlikely that the EJB expert group will accept any form of 
Java transparent persistence as an EJB requirement; however, some J2EE vendors may 
well use JDO as the underlying implementation of CMP."

- http://java.sun.com/products/jdo/JDOCMPFAQ.html

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777

anonymous wrote : solution: build a db view per optional field, null-'key' rows will 
vanish, not the denormalized table 

This isn't a relational issue.  The query I mentioned with 4 columns ironically has no 
relationships whatsoever.  However, it does have 4 optional columns I need to filter 
on.  They happen to be parts of a business key, but that's arbitrary.  They could be 
any optional column that I need to filter on.  Remember, this issue is I'm passing a 
parameter and pulling values that match that paramter.  This isn't complext, and has 
nothing to do with normalization because it has nothing to do with joins or 

anonymous wrote : if your app rely on more then one _significant_ optional field - 
your ER model sucks 

Huh?!?  More than half a table's columns are often optional.  Any column can be 
filtered via a parameterized where clause in the real world.  These are common 
business requirements.  Just because a customer table does require an email address 
doesn't mean the user shouldn't be able to query based on the email address.  Just 
because an email address is optional doesn't mean that every other piece of customer 
information has to be mandatory.  How is having multiple optional columns a bad model?

anonymous wrote : And your query, even implemented in SQL, is 100% compatible with all 
the databases because SQL address the database compatibility before java and J2EE. 

Wouldn't that be nice if it were true.  To name a few differences:  the formatting of 
a date in the where clause, unique identifier generators and the syntax of outter 
joins.  I wrote one system that ran in both SQL Server and Oracle.  Last year, I lead 
the migration of a J2EE application to use a new DB2 data model with 150+ tables while 
still working 100% with its Oracle 90+ table predecessor.  To complicate things, we 
had to use stored procedures for all data communication for DB2 (dumb "security" 
standard .)  The calculation code, which never stopped being fully functional during 
the entire migration, was 100% independent of the database vendor, but it it wasn't 
SQL that made it possible.  We used a Data Accessor pattern.

There are two two problems with SQL:  The ANSI 89 and 92 standards that became popular 
did not address all the needs (e.g., dates in the WHERE clause).  The second problem 
is that it is relational, making it difficult to migrate to object database 
technologies.  Thus...  CMP, and the current trend of using object-relational to 
implement it.

If Sun's Java certification has anything that requires CMP to use a relational 
database, then they are not testing the standard, because nothing in the standard 
requires a relational database for implementation.  If they relational database 
requirements have drifted into it, then it's probably just because every vendor out 
there implemented it with a relational model.  Thus, when vendors start to implement 
it with object databases as well, Sun will be obligated to remove any relational 
specific requirements that slipped into their test suite.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : 
  | Why do you want the container do the job for you ? 

Because I am using container managed persistence (CMP) and EJB-QL is a the Query 

Are you asking why I'm using container managed persistence?  

  | - To obtain database vendor indepedence.  The application is 100% compatible today 
with MySQL, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and any other database that provides a compliant 
JDBC driver and a configuration in the J2EE server.  The differences between them that 
that JDBC doesn't handle, JBoss handles through CMP configurations.  
  | - To develop using a Java database interface that's independent of the underying 
database technology.  JBoss and other vendors just happened to be using 
JDBC/relational to implement CMP today because relational databases are still popular. 
 But there's nothing in the spec to prevent them from adding an object database engine 
for CMP down the road.  I won't have to change a single line of code to be able to use 
object databases when this happens, since I never use SQL in the application.

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : Path expression navigability is composed using ?inner join? 
semantics. That is, if the value of a non-terminal cmr-field in the path expression is 
null, the path is considered to have no value, and does not participate in the 
determination of the result.
If that's the standard, then that is just assinine.  Why should I have to choose 
between 16 EJB-QL queries or "fake" nulls?!?  Imagine 8 optional parameters.  That 
would require 256 EJB-QL queries, rendering "fake" nulls virtually inevitable!

If I were generating the SQL myself, I would do this to generate the component of the 
WHERE clause for one comparison (in psuedo code):

  | if ({the parameter is null})
  |   whereComponent = field + " IS NULL ";
  | else
  |   whereComponent = field + " = " + parameter;

If this violates the standard, then the standard is overdue for a change.  I heard 
that UNIONS were coming out in a future release.  That's a cheesy solution to me.  
There's no reason why it can't be a simple and fast query.  UNIONS are slow.

I'm not blaming JBoss at all for this.  I blaim the JCP.  I love J2EE.  It has a lot 
of good well thought out standards.  But this is not one of them.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-26 Thread erik777
The problem with that query is that it will return rows where c.customer IS NULL but 
the parameter ?1 is not null.  You only want rows where c.customer is null and ?1 is 
also null.  The equals doesn't work, and IS NULL only tests one side of the equation.  
You can't apply it to the parameter to be sure both the parameter and c.customer are 
null at the same time.

I've worked around this by creating multiple queries to test for the various 
scenarios, and then aggregating the results.  That's extremely inefficient, but the 
runtime inefficiency is not the biggest problem.

The problem is that the number of queries you need is the number of optional 
parameters you have to the power of 2.  For instance, if you have two optional 
parameters, then you need 4 queries to cover all possible combinantions of null and 
not null values.  However, I'm asking this question today because I now had a case 
where the business key has 4 optional columns.  This would require 16 queries, and I'm 
not going there.

To get around this for now, I created a "dummy null" value, and have a lot at points 
to convert it back and forth between a real null.  This was at least better than 
creating 16 EJB-QL queries and creating a lot of Java code to tie them together.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Rollback

2004-05-24 Thread erik777
Did JBoss rollback the forums?  I received email that someone replied to a post I put 
on the security forum, but it appears to be gone.  Most recent date on forum posts is 
May 20th?!?

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - JAAS authentication vendor independent custom login

2004-05-24 Thread erik777
Is there a way to implement a custom JAAS authentication login without referencing 
vendor specific classies (ie, JBoss).  The only way I've seen here is to extend JBoss 
DatabaseServerLoginModule.  Does this mean that there is no way to create a custom 
JAAS login module that runs in any J2EE container, today?  I can only use JAAS if I 
can be sure that the WARs and utility jars used by the WARs continue to be portable to 
any J2EE container.  

If no one knows of a way, does anyone know if there is a JSR that will address this, 
or if it is slated for J2EE 1.4 or 1.5?

Thank you in advance for your help,

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Nulls in CMR where clause

2004-05-24 Thread erik777
Does anyone know what the status is of fixing the ability to use 'table.col = ?1' in 
EJB-QL without losing rows with null values?  I remember that some future version of 
JBoss was supposed to address it, but can't remember which version, so don't know if 
it is supposed to be out now.

I'd even settle for something along the lines of:

table.col = ?1 OR (table.col IS NULL AND null=?1)

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[JBoss-user] [Nukes User] - Search for EJB-QL

2004-05-24 Thread erik777
How do you do a search on the forums for EJB-QL?  It seems to treat the dash as 
whitespace, and EJB\-QL doesn't work.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security context propagation from web client to ejb

2004-05-16 Thread erik777
This is why I chose tokenized security instead of JAAS, which I view as a work in 
progress.  You can pass a user session token as a simple parameter to any EJB method 
from any Java client.   With one line of code, your EJB method can validate that the 
user has access to the business method.  The line of code will throw an AccessDenied 
exception if the user does not have access, which your client framework can handle in 
a standardized way.  No container context is required for tokenized security.  Indeed, 
it is even J2EE vendor independent, so your WebSphere clients can call JBoss EJBs.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: request.getUserPrincipal returns null

2004-04-21 Thread erik777
I was thinking request, but typed response.  Don't know how I found it in 1.4 but not 
in 1.3.  :)


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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Getting login name in a jsp

2004-04-21 Thread erik777
IMHO, using JoshuaBranch AS is a better way.  :)  But, that's just my humble opinion.

One note about your code, request.getUserPrincipal() can return null.  You might want 
to use something like this:

  | <%! 
  | private String getName(HttpServletRequest request) {
  |   Principal user = request.getUserPrincipal();
  |   if (user != null)
  | return user.getName();
  |   return "";   // or return null
  | }
  | %>  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Getting login name in a jsp

2004-04-20 Thread erik777
A JSP page is a servlet, so you can do everything you can do with a servlet.  

The JSP page gives you objects that you would normally either receive or derive from 
servlet parameters:  application, session, request and response.  Although you could 
derive the application and session from the request object, JSPs save you the effort.

Based on other posts, request.getUserPrincipal() returns the user name.


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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: request.getUserPrincipal returns null

2004-04-20 Thread erik777
I'm a little confused.  I thought JBoss 3.2.x used J2SE 1.4 and J2EE 1.3.  Does it use 
all or some of J2EE 1.4?  I checked the API docs for 1.3 and 1.4, and I only saw 
response.getUserPrincipal() on 1.4.  

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: WAR not deploying properly, despite logging showing so

2004-04-17 Thread erik777
I think I had this problem a long time ago, and resorted to recompilling all classes.  
I'm not sure it was the same problem, but recompilling all classes instead of only 
those I modified did solve a problem for me.  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: how to start deployment on jboss

2004-04-17 Thread erik777
Never used deploy.jar before.  Use run.bat in the bin folder to run JBoss.  Then just 
drop an ear or war in the server/default/deploy folder.  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: jboss on redhat 9

2004-04-17 Thread erik777
I've never had a problem running JBoss 3.2.3 on RH 9.  I'd recommend downloading it 
again, and checking that the 
server/default/deploy/snmp-adaptor.sar/META-INF/jboss-service.xml is there when you 
unarchive it.  

One thing worth mentioning, though, is that when you run as root, certain files that 
JBoss writes to will become owned by root.  This creates a problem when you then try 
to run it as a non-root user.  You need to do a chown or chgrp -R to reenable another 
user to run it anytime you run it as root.  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-16 Thread erik777
In a word, yes.  I was using

  su - jbossuser

And the man pages say that - is the same as -l.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-15 Thread erik777
The formatter ate the host part, so here's a retry to print one of the lines in the 
previous message:

../jboss-3.2.3/server/default/work/MainEngine/(host)/(JSP servlet java and class files)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-15 Thread erik777
I'll test this as soon as I can take the server down (production).  But, I don't think 
this is the same thing.  

Currently, when I don't use SU, it creates a work directory under the jboss tree, and 
this works fine.  The compiled JSP pages go there.  E.g.,


You can see this for all the hosts I have setup in the file you referred to.  

When I use SU and a restricted user, it can't get far enouth to produce a servlet for 
the JSP.  The temporary files where it is erroring on are very very temporary files, 
not the resulting Java and class files for the JSP pages that end up in the work 
folder.  They have cryptic names, as you would expect for temporary files (something 
like 'fileX827SEJ8293').  They appear to be files Jasper is creating in the compile 

Thus, the error says something like ...

   java.io.BufferedInputStream... cannot read file "/home/sam/fileSKJ2354SJS3"

I'm going off the top of my head, but I'll copy and paste when I can take the server 
down and play with it again.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-15 Thread erik777
I wish that were true, because all users have write access to the folder it points to: 

Unfortunately, it's trying to write then read a file in the home folder of the user I 
initially log into before I SU to 'jbossuser'.  Thus, if I originally log in to user 
'sam', then I get java.io errors while compiling JSP errors saying it can't find file 

Since user B doesn't have access to user A's home folder, this can never work unless I 
find a way to override its current behavior.

Is anyone else having trouble compiling JSPs running under a very limitted JBoss user 
after doing an SU?  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: SSL configuration

2004-04-15 Thread erik777
There are two ways you can do this.  One is through Apache HTTPD, and another is 
directly in Tomcat.  I use the former.

To use Apache as your HTTPD, you use Tomcat's JK to forward requests from Apache to 


Then you setup Apache to use SSL:


I found the FAQ to be the most useful, giving step-by-step instructions for creating 
and deploying a certificate.  I had to Google search to create the sign.sh.

Then you simply define a virtual host that both enables SSL and defines your JK 
forwarding request.  Here is an example:

  |ServerName secure-webserver.com
  |ServerAlias *.webserver.com  
  |DocumentRoot "/usr/local/www/data"
  |ErrorLog /var/log/httpd-secure-error.log
  |TransferLog /var/log/httpd-secure-access.log
  |SSLEngine on
  |SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.crt/sitessl.crt
  |SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/etc/apache/ssl.key/sitessl.key
  | osnet:/ 
  | ## Static files  
  | #Alias /moredocs "/usr/local/www/moredocs"
  |Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  |DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html index.htm  
  | # Forwards ALL requests to Tomcat
  |JkMount /*  ajp13
  | # Optional limitted forwarding examples:
  | # JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
  | # JkMount /servlet/* ajp13

Keep in mind that named virtual hosting doesn't work with SSL as it can't read the 
header in the HTML.  Thus, the ServerAlias is kinda useless.  You can, however, use IP 
or port based virtual hosting, which, of course, can be mapped to subdomains.  
Otherwise, when using SSL, it will grab the first virtual hosting entry you have for a 
given IP/port.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: J2EE and JBoss virus alerts

2004-04-15 Thread erik777

I'm happy to report that the XmlHelper that the virus scanner gave the alert for has 
the same md5 of jboss-3.2.3.tgz that I just downloaded and checked the md5 for.

XmlHelper md5:

To tell you the truth, Scott, the BAT virus was never my concern.  I simply posted it 
here because I was hoping that since a JBoss class was included, someone else had the 
same experience, and could offer some insight from what they learned.  

This experience does make me concerned about the prospect of backdoor IRC viruses, 
though.  I'll be thinking a lot more about establishing procedures to ensure the 
integrity of classes, particularly on production servers.  In the meantime, I am glad 
that I can run it on Linux/BSDs where I can tighten down the file security.  

I did put another post though where I ran into a snag tighening down JBoss by running 
it under a 'jbossuser' with very limitted rights.  Primarily, even though I SU'd to 
'jbossuser' to run JBoss, it still tried to put the temporary files in the home folder 
of the original user I logged in as when it compiled JSPs.  I can't log in initially 
as 'jbossuser' because I need the ability to SU as root and don't want to give this 
ability to 'jbossuser'.  

Do you know how to solved the temporary file problem?  Is there a way I can tell it 
where to create temporary files during JSP compilation?  This is using JBoss 3.2.3, 
integrated Tomcat and Jasper.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: ssl config in Jboss-tomcat

2004-04-14 Thread erik777
I'm curious, what are the benefits of using SSL in Tomcat instead of Apache?  I'm 
wondering if it overcomes any of Apache's limitations.

The primary limitation in Apache is that named virtual hosts doesn't work, although 
you can still use IP or port virtual hosting.  Does named virtual hosting work if you 
use Tomcat for SSL?  

Do you have to sacrifice anything to use Tomcat's SSL?  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: J2EE and JBoss virus alerts

2004-04-14 Thread erik777
I'll check it tomorrow, and post the results.  I highly suspect that these are false 
positives, but not for the same reason as you.

I get the impression you're still caught up on the fact that it reported BAT (win32), 
which is OS dependent.  The point I made in the previous post is that Java code could 
still be used to propogate win32 viruses, even on Linux boxes, because you don't need 
to execute the virus being propogated to propogate.  Propogation can be done entirely 
with network communications.  

However, it's also important to know that Java can execute win32 code.  For a project 
I worked on last year, our tax libraries were compiled in DLL and SO formats for 
Windows and Linux respectively, with a Java wrapper so we could call them in Java.  
Thus, Java can call OS specific executables.  I'm not sure how the Java wrapper 
worked, but it worked.  I can assure you of that.  I do remember that the wrapper used 
reflection.  It loaded the correct libarary at runtime based on what we put in a 
properties file. 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Jboss and Apache and PHP?

2004-04-14 Thread erik777
I can't say it's not possible, as you can now run scripts in Java.  You should look at 
apache's Jakarta projects, as I remember one of them giving the ability to run script 
languages from a Java web server.  I'm not sure if you could extend this to run PHP.  
Even if you do, how would PHP access the session information?  You'd probably end up 
creating a servlet wrapper for your PHP so it could supply this info.  

Other than that, though, I'd say typically the answer to your question is no.  PHP is 
configured in Apache.  The way you configure JK is you tell Apache to forward requests 
that match a pattern to Tomcat.  I've never heard of Tomcat being able to handle PHP, 
except possibly through the theoretical method I mentioned in the first paragraph.

I've thought a lot about this problem.  You can have Apache forward only requests that 
match *.jsp or /servlet/*, but then what about images and other things that could 
feasibly be in both Apache and your war?  For the time being, I've resorted to putting 
everything in the war, because I don't want a war to have to depend on external 
images, html, or any other type of file.

There is one work around, though.  You could create separate virtual hosts, and have 
one forward to Tomcat, while another accesses a local repository.  You might use a 
different subdomain.  You can setup each virtual host's JK forwarding differently.  If 
I need infrastructure outside J2EE, such as PHP, this is what I do.  

But, let's say you have php.mydomain.com setup for your php applications, and 
www.mydomain.com setup for Tomcat.  The problem in your case is still session 
management.  Since J2EE handle's user session manangement internally, how can your PHP 
content running through Apache possibly share the same session information?

I do plan to solve this sometime down the road with JoshuaBranch AS (JB-AS), which 
uses tokenized user access.  Eventually, I'll have SSO completely integrated in it, 
which can be shared across any server using JB-AS.  Then, I'll have client interfaces 
for PHP, among other languages.  This will permit J2EE, PHP, Python, Perl, and even 
.NET to share a user's session across all servers in an enterprise.  This is down the 
road, though.  

Today, JB-AS has a client interface for any J2EE container (JBoss, WebSphere, 
etc,...), and can secure both the Web and EJB modules  They can all share the same 
live data, so you can centrally manage your application security for all your J2EE 
applications on all your servers.  However, the current API doesn't offer applications 
the ability to share a user session (SSO), and the API for non-J2EE clients isn't 
available, yet.  Since, the security is centralized and tokenized, though, most of the 
development to enable these features is in the API.

Let me know how you end up solving your PHP problem.  If I can help answer any 
questions you have, feel free to ask.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: J2EE and JBoss virus alerts

2004-04-14 Thread erik777
Thank you, Scott, for the MD5 link.  I was really hoping for come class level checks, 
but I can md5 the downloaded file, then md5 the individual classes immediately after 
unarchiving them from a verified tar ball.  

I'm also thinking about ways to automate daily class integrity verification in all 
libraries installed on a machine, including the JVM, the servers, third-party 
libraries and applications, and custom applications.  Personal firewalls already do 
this for executables on Windows, so why not something that does it for all Java 

A Java class can contain ANY payload as data, and then use Java bytecode to install or 
propogate the "data" when a method is called.  The data can end up being a platform 
dependent virus or anything under the sun.  There's no limit to what a class can hold 
as data.  

In other words, it is entirely possible to create a Java class that carries a BAT 
virus so it can unload and infect Windows machines the class is run on.  The Java 
class can also be used to propogate the virus, perhaps sending out emails.  While 
Linux machines wouldn't be the target for a BAT virus, Java on any OS can be used to 
propogate it.  

A virus scanner simply looks for a payload, which is treated as data for all intents 
and purposes.  Whether or not the file containing the payload has the ability to 
directly execute it as code, or is simply carrying it for propogation purposes, is 
irrelevent to the virus scanner.  

I believe a JVM can be secured, but I do not believe that security is inherent or 
automatic.  By default, JVMs running local programs are not sandboxed, giving code 
free reign to access the file system under the user ID the JVM is run under, in 
addition to access to the Internet.  

I believe open discussion of how to secure a JVM and server applications is critical 
to the long-term success of Java.  If we ignore it, it will come back to haunt us, the 
way it did for Microsoft.  I celebrate that people are flocking away from Microsoft 
because of their security vulnerabilities.  Let's not let it happen to us, giving 
people a reason to continue with or return to Microsoft.  

I also consider it a responsibility for anyone creating applications for a client, 
employer or customer to do the best to provide robust security.  

Symantec spots first Java virus (1998)

java virus (2004)

First 'proof of concept' .Net virus appears (2002)

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-13 Thread erik777
Forgot to mention this is JBoss 3.2.3 with Tomcat and Jasper.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - SU jbossuser temporary file problem

2004-04-13 Thread erik777
For some reason, when I SU to a user for JBoss to run, it still tries to use the home 
directory of the user I physically logged into before I used SU to write temporary 
files for JSP compilation.  

The process goes like this:

  - Log into OS with user "joe"
  - Launch X (gnome)
  - Run script in terminal that runs JBoss as user "jbossuser"
  - JBoss runs successfully, because during initialization, it only accesses the 
files inside the JBoss folder, which "jbossuser" is the owner of.
  - Try to access JSP page.
  - JBoss gives JSP compile error, which traces down to file.io error, because it 
 find a temporary file it thought it created in "/home/joe"!  "jbossuser" does not
 have read/write access to "/home/joe", so naturally this is going to throw an 

When I SU as "jbossuer", "~" and "$HOME" both correctly map to "/home/jbossuser".  
"$home" maps to "/home/joe", so I exported it to "/home/jbossuser" before launching 
JBoss.  This still didn't fix it.  

Where is it getting the location for temporary files when it compiles JSP pages?  How 
can we tell it to put the files elsewhere?  

The only way I could get it to run successfully under the jboss user was to initially 
log in with that user.  This is not acceptable since this user cannot SU as root, and 
giving it the ability to SU as root defeats the whole purpose of creating an ID that 
has minimal privileges.  The idea is that if the web server is compromised, I want to 
limit the damage.  This, of course, means that I absolutely want to do everything I 
can to ensure that access via "jbossuser" cannot be escalated to root.  


Basically, I prefer to run the OS with X and JBoss in a terminal so I can see all 
output at any time, live.  By logging in initially with a user that has the ability to 
SU as root, I can fullly administrate the server while JBoss continues to run.  

Due to this problem my options are only to run JBoss under a user that can SU as root, 
which goes against the whole purpose of creating and using a user ID that has 
minimalistic privileges.  Or, I can initially log in as the JBoss user, losing the 
ability to SU as root to administrate the server, something I do often (e.g., to 
change Apache configuration files.)

If I use the latter, then I have to take down JBoss, and thus my web sites, just to 
update something that has nothing to do with JBoss.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: J2EE and JBoss virus alerts

2004-04-12 Thread erik777
I use and love Linux and FreeBSD.  Windows is a necessary evil though to ensure and be 
able to support and document cross-OS compatibility.  MySQL and Apache are configured 
differently on Windows, and are 

How can a batch virus infect a class file?  The same reason an email can carry any 
virus/worm payload... to propogate.  

AntiVirus eXpert Professional is detecting the payloads.  

I'd like to believe these are false positives, and consider it a high possibility, but 
need to be sure.  

The JBoss jars are dated 11/30/03 3:45a.  I ran the scan on the files that I had on 
FreeBSD, which I consider more protected and obtained the same results.

I realize this tempts us to try to deny the possiblity that class files could become 
infected, or that JBoss might be vulnerable, but this would deny one of the primary 
benefits of open source...  open peer and critical review for security.  This is 
something I believe in, so I believe it's better to discuss the possibility and how we 
can protect our applications, JVMs and class files in general rather than hope blindly 
that running on Linux is a cure all for security.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - J2EE and JBoss virus alerts

2004-04-11 Thread erik777
Can anyone tell me how I can verify if these virus alerts are valid or false positives:

  | C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere 
 infected: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  | C:\Program Files\Rational\Rational 
  | C:\Programs\Java\j2ee\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar/ObjectKey.classinfected: 
  | C:\Programs\Java\Sun\AppServer\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar/CacheEntry.class
infected: Backdoor.SDBot.Gen
  | C:\Programs\JBoss\jboss-3.2.3\client\jboss-common-client.jar/XmlHelper.class   
 infected: BAT.SmogDopper
  | C:\Programs\JBoss\jboss-3.2.3\client\jbossall-client.jar/XmlHelper.class
infected: BAT.SmogDopper
  | C:\Programs\JBoss\jboss-3.2.3\lib\jboss-common.jar/XmlHelper.class
infected: BAT.SmogDopper
  | C:\Programs\Java\J2ee\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar/ObjectKey.classinfected: 

If they are valid, how did they get infected?  I don't have untrusted entries in the 
Run keys of the registry.  The only other files showing virus alerts are countless 
emails we all receive and know better than to open (e.g., Skynet via PIF files.)  All 
indication is that barring the J2EE classes above, my machine is not running a virus.  

I was able to visually verify that the product_update.htm alert was a false positive, 
unless my eye missed something.  I didn't see any scripting in the file.  

Has anyone automated the process of verifying the integrity of their Java components?  
Do I have to compile to be sure?  Even so, how do you know javac is not compromised?

In this case, I'd really like to check the integrity of just the individual classes, 
but don't really want to go through the hoops of downloading all the source and 
compiling, and I'm not sure that's possible in all cases or realistic.  

Even on FreeBSD, where I compiled the JVM, I'm not sure what the best process is for 
daily checking the integrity of the classes.   I dread recompiling the JVM since it 
takes so long, and will require bringing the server down.

Due to Window's lame file security, the possibility of having your Java classes in 
various libraries become infected is significantly higher on Windows than 
BSD/Linux/Unix OS's.  The Windows box I'm concerned about is used for testing and 
production backup, though.  

Until this is resolved, I'm not running J2EE on this computer.  Unfortunately, since 
this is a test box, this puts a damper on my application escalation process, delying 
production updates  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Opening RMI to the Internet?

2004-04-11 Thread erik777
One poster noted that you can obtain a CMP data source via JNDI (1099).  A reply noted 
that you can secure it with a SecurityManager, but I'm not sure I understand how this 
works with remote connections.  Until I fully undestand how to implement container 
security across a remote connection, I consider 1099 something to be firewalled.

Even if you can secure your EJB API (which I already did with tokenized security) and 
secure the data source with container security, what about the default JBoss features 
of JNDI?  What about undocumented or rarely understood queries?

I think we need a comprehensive guide to securing JBoss, particularly JNDI/RMI.  

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Dynamic creation of Roles and Users

2004-03-31 Thread erik777
I created JoshuaBranch SA to do just that, among other things.  You can read the 
features it has at http://as.JoshuaBranch.com.  

Is your use for a for-profit or not-for-profit corporation? 

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Remote EJB connectivity... compatability

2004-03-31 Thread erik777
Can anyone help me determine the compatibility of having non-JBoss J2EE servers 
connect to JBoss EJBs remotely, including what it took to get to work?  Currently, I 
tested WebSphere 5 successfully, with the following requirements identified:

- Had to define  INITIAL_FACTOR: table.put( Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, 

- Had to include jbossall-client.jar in WebSphere's classpath.

Can anyone tell me if this is all that was needed on WebLogic?  What about WebSphere 
4?  Other J2EE containers?

Basically, I've created a J2EE centrally managed application security service that 
deploys on JBoss (http://as.JoshuaBranch.com), but is designed to support client 
applications on other J2EE servers.  I can only attest today though that it works with 
JBoss and WebSphere client applications.  It's very difficult, costly and time 
consuming to get involved in testing all the other vendors today; so, any help of any 
kind is very appreciated.  :)

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: comminucate to another application server.

2004-03-31 Thread erik777
I have found that JNDI works great, so you don't need the complexity of rmi-iiop.  
Currently, I tested it successfully with JBoss --> JBoss and WebSphere --> JBoss, 
although I had to include the JBoss client jar for WebSphere.

Basically, if your JNDI look internally was "MyApplication/MyBean", then your JNDI for 
remote lookup might be "jnp://remotehost:1099/MyApplication/MyBean".  You can obtain 
any remote EJB interface this way so long as you can plug the host name or IP address 
for the remote server in the lookup string.  I have the Web module grab this from a 
properties file.  For EJB to EJB, you might grab the remote host or IP from a user 
updateable database entry.  

Let me know if you need more details.  

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: J2EE CMP EJB Error compiling ejbql FROM not found

2004-03-31 Thread erik777
I use AS to alias entities in the FROM clause.  Here's an example of EJB-QL that works:

  |   findByGlobalApplicationDomain
  | java.lang.Integer
  | [CDATA[
  |FROM rolemodules AS rm
  |WHERE rm.role.application IS NULL AND 
  |  (rm.role.domain IS NULL OR
  |   rm.role.id = ?1)
  | ]]
I'm also using JBoss 3.2.3.  Have you considered upgrading?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: BUG: EJB-QL OR operator fails with nulls in inner join

2004-03-28 Thread erik777
Here's the DEBUG output:

Executing SQL:

  | SELECT DISTINCT t0_rm.id 
  |   FROM rolemodules t0_rm, 
  |   userroles t12_ur, 
  |   sessions t1_s, 
  |   roles t5_rm_role, 
  |   domains t2_rm_role_domain, 
  |   modules t4_rm_module, 
  |   applications t3_rm_module_application, 
  |   users t13_ur_user 
  |   WHERE 
  | ( (t1_s.id = ? AND t1_s.randomId = ? AND 
  | (t1_s.domainId IS NULL OR   
  |  t1_s.domainId = t2_rm_role_domain.id) AND
  |t3_rm_module_application.name = ? AND t4_rm_module.name = ? AND 
  |t0_rm.roleId=t5_rm_role.id AND t5_rm_role.domainId=t2_rm_role_domain.id AND 
  |t0_rm.moduleId=t4_rm_module.id AND 
  |t4_rm_module.applicationId=t3_rm_module_application.id)) AND 
  | t13_ur_user.id=t1_s.userId AND t12_ur.userId=t13_ur_user.id AND 
  | t5_rm_role.id=t12_ur.roleId AND t0_rm.roleId=t5_rm_role.id

The problem appears to be that t1_s.domainId = t2_rm_role_domain.id creates an inner 
join limited to domains entries that match t1_s.domainId (session.domainId), thus 
excluding all sessions with a null domainId.  

Can you think of another way to write the EJB-QL to accomplish this?  After looking at 
the SQL I think I'd probably consider a subquery or union to avoid the inner join if I 
were doing this in SQL.  Of course, MySQL is adding these features into its newer 
versions, so I'm not even sure they are options.  

I'm not too sure how the J2EE spec handles this.  My guess is that it doesn't address 
it.  The question is, does JBoss need to use some sort of DISTINCT UNIONs or 
subquerires (simuluated of driver or database doesn't support) to handle OR operations 
containing an inner join on one side of the OR?  Does it perhaps need a level of 
abstraction to complete queries in object form instead of converting them entirely to 
a single SQL statement?  I'm not familiar enough with the details of CMP 2.0 
requirements to really understand what all is involved.  

Of the least, I hope JBoss CMP developers are involved in the JCP process.  We sure do 
need them there.  There's nothing I want to see more than CMP 3.0 become available 
with dramatic improvements to EJB-QL.  

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: BUG: EJB-QL OR operator fails with nulls in inner join

2004-03-28 Thread erik777
I am using JBoss 3.2.3.  I'll report back when I have time to post the SQL.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - BUG: EJB-QL OR operator fails with nulls in inner join

2004-03-27 Thread erik777
 I think I found a bug in EJB-QL.  Please correct me if I am doing things incorrectly. 

I'm very much aware of the limits in EJB-QL today with regards to NULLs, and have had 
to create many queries to handle instances where parameters would otherwise NULL 
values.  There's nothing more I'd like to see fixed in J2EE than today's limitations 
to EJB-QL.  However, this is different as it does not depend on parameters at all.  
Instead, it is based solely on the values in the database.  

Basically, I have a case where a user session (s) includes a domain ID, which may be 
null.  Similarly, each user role is tied to a domain, which may be null.  The null 
values represent a concept I call "GLOBAL" and are valid.  

In EJB-QL, I am tryting to say the following:

- If the session domain Id is NULL, give me all roles belonging to the user.  
- only give me user roles that match the sesion's domain Id.

This is the logic that fails wiht EJB-QL:

s.domainId IS NULL OR
s.domainId = rm.role.domain.id

In a test case, a user has 3 roles, and one of them is GLOBAL (null domain).  For the 
GLOBAL one, the following assertions are true:

s.domainId IS NULL 
rm.role.domain IS NULL

The latter assertion is where I believe JBoss is having trouble handling the OR 
propertly.  If I only include 

s.domainId IS NULL 

in the EJB-QL, then I get back all three roles if the domainId is null, which is 
correct.  If I only include

s.domainId = rm.role.domain.id

in the query, then I only get back the two matching roles if s.domainId is not null.  
This is correct, since rm.role.domain is null in this case, making it impossible to 
obtain the id of the domain.  

However, when you combine them with an OR statement, I suspect that JBoss is 
incorrectly restricting the results to this inner join even when s.domainId IS NULL .  
Thus, it is not correctlyapplying the OR statement, which should in effect return a 
"unique union" of the two result sets on both sides of the OR.

Here's is the complete EJQ-QL that fails to ever return roles with a null domain:

  |FROM rolemodules AS rm, 
  | IN (rm.role.userRoles) ur, 
  | IN (ur.user.sessions) s
  |WHERE s.id = ?1 AND s.randomId = ?2 AND 
  |  (s.domainId IS NULL OR
  |   s.domainId = rm.role.domain.id)  AND
  |  rm.module.application.name = ?3 AND
  |  rm.module.name = ?4
Has this been fixed in 3.2.4?  If not, how do we submit bug reports?  I've been using 
JBoss since 2.4.0, and honestly don't know how to submit bug reports.  LOL

Thank you,

application security today

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Virtual Host Aliases

2004-03-14 Thread erik777
It works now that I capitalized the Alias tags.  In other words:

  |  this.works.now.too
  |   ...   

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[JBoss-user] [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)] - Re: setting up a virtual host with 3.2.3 (without Apache)

2004-03-14 Thread erik777
NM.  I discovered that I didn't capitalize the Alias tags, which fixed it.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Virtual Host Aliases

2004-03-14 Thread erik777
In Tomcat, I have not been able to get it to recognize any of the aliases (JBoss 
3.2.3).  It only seems to works with the value I put in the host name:

  |  this.does.not.work
  | ...

When I enter an alias for the url in the web browser, JBoss/Tomcat appears to try to 
look for that context in localhost:

02:53:28,461 INFO  [Engine] StandardHost[localhost]: MAPPING configuration error for 
request URI /the-app

Since the application is tied to the "thisworks" virtual host, it is no longer 
available in localhost, but is available under http://thisworks/the-app, but is not 
available under http://this.does.not.work/the-app.  Thus, virtual hosting appears to 
be working, but aliases are not.  

Am I doing something wrong?  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: JBoss LDAP configuration with Novell eDirectory 8.6

2004-03-13 Thread erik777
I've created a centralized role-based J2EE security service called JoshuaBranch AS and 
plan to publish a commercial version (free for non-profits) this month at 
JoshuaBranch.com (the site will be up within a few weeks).  

LDAP authentication is planned for one of the upcoming versions.  LDAP authentication 
is a bit complicated, but it will be simplifid for the Security Administrator (SA).  
The applications using the security service will be oblivious to how the users are 
authenitcated, so users of the current version wil not need to change a single line of 
code to utilized LDAP.  The SA will define how users are authenticated via a security 
administration web front-end to the centralized service, and configure LDAP connection 
parameters, meaning that applications using the current version will not need to 
change any code to use it, although a redeploy could be required to include up-to-date 
client jars.  

Currently, any J2EE application can use the centralized security service, including 
JBoss and WebSphere, even though it runs in JBoss.  In other words, you can 
administrate security for all of your J2EE applications via a single security 
administration web console even if the applications are running on disparate J2EE 
vendor servers and multiple server instances.  This is ideal for enterprises migrating 
over to JBoss, while continuing to use WebSphere or WebLogic.  

If you would like to be informed on the roll out of JoshuaBranch AS, send an mail to 
joshuabranch-as-news at joshuabranch.com requesting to be put on the news list.

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[JBoss-user] [Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)] - Re: setting up a virtual host with 3.2.3 (without Apache)

2004-03-13 Thread erik777
This certainly helped, as it now recognizes the virtual-host setting.  However, my 
problem is that I need it to support multiple virtual host settings.  This is to 
support escalation from development to testing to production, each having a diferent 
virtual host name.

I have alias tags in the host setting of jbossweb-service.xml.  If I change the 
virtual-host setting in jboss-web.xml to any of them, it works only for that host 
name.  This is good in that it indicates that my alias tags are working.  However, I 
need it to work for all the alias tags for that host.

If I try to set more than one virtual-host tag, I get the following error:

org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Failed to parse WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml; - 
nested throwable: (org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: expected only one 
virtual-host tag)

The bottom line is that JBoss needs to support multiple virtual-host tags, or have a 
means to support virtual host aliases.  

Is there a workaround?  Is a fix in the works?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Crazy problem

2004-03-08 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : ref = jndiContext.lookup("java://"); 

Isn't that supposed to be "jnp" instead of "java" for the JNDI scheme?  

ref = jndiContext.lookup("jnp://"); 

That's the only way I know how to connect remotely in JBoss.  If there's another way, 
I'd sure love to understand it, because right now I cannot figure out how to get a 
WebSphere client to obtain the remote home interface of an EJB in JBoss because it 
considers the 'jnp' protocol invalid.  But this does work fine from a JBoss client.  

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - WebSphere War to JBoss EJB lookup - how to?

2004-03-08 Thread erik777
How do you do a JNDI lookup from WebSphere from a War to obtain the home reference of 
a remote EJB in JBoss?

It currently works from JBoss clients without a problem using this PROVIDER_URL for 
the JNDI lookup:


from WebSphere, however, I get this error:

javax.naming.ConfigurationException: Bad protocol: jnp

Basically, I have a service in JBoss I want to be accessible to all J2EE clients, 
starting with JBoss and WebSphere.  

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[JBoss-user] [Advanced Documentation] - Free online user commented documentation

2004-03-08 Thread erik777
Is there any talk of creating free user created and commented documentation?  I 
personally would love to contribute.  JBoss needs high quality documenation today.  
MySQL.com has an excellent model of high quality documentation.  I'm a firm believer 
that enabling the masses to create leads to higher quality and quantity output.  

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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Re: jboss support EJB QL??

2004-02-26 Thread erik777
anonymous wrote : if the field type is TDateTime (in DataBase) ,how can i map it to 
JBOSS? to String type or to java.sql.Date ? or to java.sql.Timestamp?? 

I use MySQL, and the defaults work.  I also have instance in jbosscmp-jdbc where I 
have the following, which may be the same as the default:

  | logoutTime
  | logoutTime

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: accessing Local Interfaces from JSP's

2004-02-15 Thread erik777
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I would still recommend using only local interfaces for entity beans and only letting 
EJBs access them to ensure several things:

  - They cannot be accessed by remote machines (security).

  - You'll have the ability to use CMR with CMP beans.

  - You create proper design where the Web tier is oblivious to data sources and 
operations.  The EJB tier, likewise, should focus on data and business functionality, 
oblivious to client presentation.  This design encourages modularity and reuse, among 
other things.

Keep in mind that remote interfaces are accessable anywhere on the network that is 
reachable.  Local interfaces are not accessible outside the container.  

I personally never access local interfaces from outside an EJB module to ensure that 
the remote session interfaces correctly spec the requirements of the web modules, no 
more, no less, so web modules can be safely distributed in any container while EJB 
modules truly encapsulate the "how" of the business process.  

An example is an EJB module that authenticates users.  The client can call it 
oblivious to how users are authenticated.  They do not need to know that LDAP even 
exists, let alone if it is being used.  At the same time, the remote interface methods 
are limited enough to ensure that it is impossible to obtain a valid session token 
without proper credentials.

I wish that local interfaces weren't accessible outside the EJB module because it is 
unnecesarily challenging to secure an EJB module from rogue or compromised processes 
in the same container.  

If classes can have private and protected members, then why can't local interfaces 
have some sort of intrinsic protection?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Tomcat loses connection to JBoss

2004-02-12 Thread erik777
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There are a lot of benefits to doing what he's doing.  For one, he can have many 
clients access the central EJB server.  Security is also increased as clients don't 
have access to local interfaces or the data source on the EJB server.

Another alternative is to setup a timer for redoing the lookup.  Of course, the 
clients will still be down until the timer resets, but this still offers the 
efficiency benefits of cached home interfaces while permitting the clients to reset 
without restarting them if JBoss or the applications are restarted.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: EJB Lookup, Connection Refused.

2004-02-12 Thread erik777
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This blows me away because when I set JBoss' host to be via --host= I get 
connection refused from  But, when i set JBoss' host to, I get 
connection refused from!  

Here is the code I'm using to try to connect:

  Context context = getContext();

  log.debug("Context.DNS_URL: " + context.DNS_URL);

  log.debug("Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY: " +


  log.debug("   Context.PROVIDER_URL: " +


  Hashtable table = context.getEnvironment();

  String url = (String) table.get(context.PROVIDER_URL);

  log.debug("URL: " + url);

  ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();


  url = config.getRemoteJNDIurl();

  log.debug("new URL: " + url);

  try {

table.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);

context = new InitialContext(table);

Object remoteObject = 

  context.lookup(url + "/" + SECURITY_CONTEXT_NAME +


log.debug("Obtained remote home interface.  Narrowing...");

securityControllerHome = 




return securityControllerHome;

  } catch (Exception ex) {

log.debug("Caughting exception trying to get remote interface");

log.debug("Message: " + ex.getMessage());



I'm using JBoss 3.2.3.  

If this is not the correct way to connect to an EJB in another container, then can 
someone please clarify.

The actual host IP will be dynamically configured.  It cannot be in the ear.  So I am 
intentionally using the JNDI code to get it to look at the host I specify.

The code above is just test code to get it to work.  Later I'll clean it up and make 
it truly dynamic.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: Mapping Configuration error

2004-02-05 Thread erik777
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You mispelled it.  It is 




(x instead of s).

For anyone else reading this is the Apache Tomcat "HTTP Status 500 - No Context 
configured to process this request" error, not the Apache HTTPD "500 Internal Server 
Error", unless I am unaware of JBoss/Tomcat using that latter as well.

Please be clear about which 500 error you get if you need help diagnosing problems.  
The 500 errors from Tomcat and HTTPD are completely different and represent completely 
different issues.  

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: JBoss 3.2.3 restarts involuntarily on Windows NT

2004-02-04 Thread erik777
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The Java version shouldn't matter since it is the exact version that works on W2K.  To 
rule it out, though, I upgraded to the latest J2SE (1.4.2_xx) and J2EE.  It still did 
the same thing.

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