Re: [Qgis-user] UTM Zone

2014-06-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.06.2014 14:58, schrieb Daniel S.:

I try to define the coordinate system in my GIS Project. The Area of
interesset be situated in UTM ZONE 37P. If I want to define the project
properties the closest available ZONE is 37N.
Maybe someone can say me how I can define the correct Zone or explain the
reason if it´s not possible.

The UTM letters are an optional feature; QGIS only requires to know if 
you are North (37N) or South (37S) of the aequator.

So 37N should be good for you. You have to make sure that coordinates 
you add manually have not stripped off the first digits.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] reposting q on reprojection problem in QGIS 2.0

2014-07-01 Thread Andre Joost

Am 01.07.2014 14:48, schrieb Peter Aldhous:

Hi all,

Apologies for reviving this thread (below), but does anyone have a
solution other than using a different data format? I ask because I will
be do some teaching using QGIS and want to work with shapefiles for that.

This is a problem that's emerged for me only with recent versions of
QGIS, so something must have changed to cause the behavior. Might it be
at the level of GDAL?

A simple solution is to cut the data at 180°E/W.
I described  a detailed workflow for QGIS or GDAL here:

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Import of kml file containing an image

2014-07-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.07.2014 13:53, schrieb SCHULZ Wolfgang:

I would like to import the attached kml file which includes the attached gif 
file into QGIS but always get an error. There is no problem in Google Earth.
Any workaround for this?
Thanks for your help.

Simple answer: it is not implemented.

QGIS uses the GDAL driver, and that only reads vector data from the kml 

The gif file probably needs some georeferencing information, which you 
have to read from the kml yourself.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis 2.2

2014-07-04 Thread Andre Joost

Am 05.07.2014 05:01, schrieb Pablo Schweitzer:

I upgrade the qgis 2.2 to 2.4, on Ubuntu 12.04, but I use a lot the
openalyer plugin and in the 2.4 dont work. I chek the qgis webpage but cant
find any way to install the qgis 2.2. Can someone helpme to install the
qgis 2.2 o ubuntu?, of course on I need to finish a work for the nex monday

ppa:ubuntugis/ppa (not unstable!) still has the 2.2.0 package for precise.

You should completely remove the packages and references from 
or ubuntugis-unstable before installing.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] ECW file cannot open in QGIS 2.4

2014-07-13 Thread Andre Joost

Am 13.07.2014 06:14, schrieb zehari:

dear all,
thanks for information.

Before, ECW JPEG2000 SDK v51 it worked fine on my QGIS2.2.
but when i format the boot partition and I installed new ubuntu 14:04, and
I installed a new QGIS.2.4 and also install ECW.JPEG2000.SDK.v51, but the
program (QIS2.4) can not open the ECW file again.

ECW support worked with previous ubuntu relases, because there was a 
libgdal-ecw package at ubuntugis unstable, complied for GDAL 1.10 up to 
ubuntu raring. There is no package for trusty yet, and because QGIS 2.4 
is built against GDAL 1.11, the old package will not easily work.

I have described a workflow to rebuild the driver here:

It works for plain ubuntu as well. I did this with QGIS 2.2, and after 
the update to 2.4 it still works.

Maybe someone more familiar with ubuntu could create an ecw package for 
current GDAL 1.11.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-15 Thread Andre Joost

Am 15.07.2014 13:52, schrieb Pedro:


I'm trying to produce an html map from my QGIS Desktop map.

For what I saw the plugin OGR2Layers is the most suitable for my case.
But I’m having a major problem and cannot make that my QGIS map appear on
the html file.

But when open the created file (index.html) only have the google base map
and my qgis map is not shown (although the box on / off is there).

Do you any idea where I'm going wrong?

It works for me if all vector layers are in EPSG:3857.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 17.07.2014 19:24, schrieb Pedro:

Andre Joost wrote

It works for me if all vector layers are in EPSG:3857.

André Joost

Thanks for your answer André.

But I still having the same problem after change the layers to EPSG:3857.

If you have time and patience could you please try with my data that is this

That works for me too, but the geojson file gets rather big, and Firefox 
asks me several times if I want to stop the script.

If you can't find simplified polygons, using QGIS server or an export to 
mapserver might be a better solution. That would prevent the browser 
from loading data he does not need.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-18 Thread Andre Joost

Am 18.07.2014 11:31, schrieb Pedro:

Even after simplified the geometries I still don't see the layer.
I must be doing some very basic mistake 

Can you please look at the screenshots from my first post and see if there
is something wrong;

I don't see anything wrong.

Do I need any software installed on the PC for it to run properly?

Definitely no. Although Internet Explorer does not like Javascript by 
default, and the layer does not show up for me. Forefox should be ok, 
even older ones.

To speed things up, I have created centroids from your ploygons, and 
made the ogr2layers from that:

This is really usable fast, but IE still does not like it.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OGR2Layers

2014-07-22 Thread Andre Joost

Am 22.07.2014 11:22, schrieb Pedro:

It´s exactly that, the file generated by the OGR2Layers only open the qgis
layer correctly in Firefox!
With IE or Chrome I can never see the qgis layer.

It's a limitation in the plugin but it works.

If you search for OpenLayers Internet Explorer, you will get thousands 
of complaints. I have given up searching for a solution, because I 
rarely use IE. Chrome I do not even have installed.

It's not a problem of the plugin, but securitymania on Microsoft and 
Googles side.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenLayers available in 2.4?

2014-08-04 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.08.2014 16:07, schrieb Michael.Dodd:

However did you notice whether the accuracy was maintained when you
zoomed in a lot with the old version of openlayers, from memory it
seemed to jump to slightly wrong place (compared to other layers)
when you zoomed in too far.

That applied only to Google Satellite imagery. The other sources I never 
got that offset.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] CRS-problem

2014-08-04 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.08.2014 11:09, schrieb Hakala Oiva (MTT):


My decimal problem disappeared when I removed Qgis (sudo apt-get
--purge remove) and reinstalled it.

But a new problem appeared. When I open those old field data (as in
the zip file I sent to Werner), the CRS was OK (EPSG:2392) in Qgis
before. Now when I open the same data, Qgis says USER:10 as a

Can you select EPSG:2392 manually with Set CRS for Layer, or is it 

Does it help if you delete the .qpj file?

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Import and reference HDF4 data

2014-08-11 Thread Andre Joost

Am 11.08.2014 15:27, schrieb SCHULZ Wolfgang:

Hello, I want to import the following data (hdf format) into QGIS:

 Any idea how to georeference it? I can import it. The interesting
layer of the hdf4 file is the first layer. The layer should contain
data -180 to +180 longitude and -90 to +90 latitude in 0.5 degree
resolution. How can I tell to QGIS the limits of the data layer for a
hdf4 file?

If you query the subdatasets of the HDF file with
gdalinfo LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf
gdalinfo HDF4_SDS:UNKOWN:LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf:0
gdalinfo HDF4_SDS:UNKOWN:LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf:1
gdalinfo HDF4_SDS:UNKOWN:LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf:2

you learn that SDS 1 contains the longitudes from -180 to +180, and SDS 
2 the latitudes from -90 to +90. Unfortunately, the GDAL driver is not 
able to use these coordinate infos.

I got around it by extracting the SDS 0 and applying the corner 
coordinates with GDAL:

gdal_translate -a_srs EPSG:4326 -a_ullr -180 -90 180 90 -of Gtiff 
HDF4_SDS:UNKOWN:LISOTD_HRFC_V2.3.2013.hdf:0 test.tif

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] qgis 2.4 plugin manager problem

2014-08-18 Thread Andre Joost

Am 18.08.2014 19:38, schrieb Sergio Vignali:

Hi all, I've just upgrade my qgis to the latest version, but I can use only
very few plugins, If I open the plugins manager in the setting tab there is
this message: The settings on this tab are only applicable for Python
Plugins. No Python support detected, thus no settings available

So I can't use all the python plugins any ideas?

You have to check the setup log, if there were any errors during 
isnattation. Most probably the python support got broken. The solution 
is dependent on your operating system, and whether you have another 
python than 2.7 on your system, maybe linked with a PYTHONPATH 
environment variable.

Andre Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] qgis 2.4 plugin manager problem

2014-08-18 Thread Andre Joost

Am 18.08.2014 20:47, schrieb Sergio Vignali:

I use ubuntu 12.04 but I have no idea how to do that, could you explain me?

Try the solutions mentioned here:

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-19 Thread Andre Joost

Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions
posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I
could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to
screen dump with error):

It looks like QGIS is attempting to download data in a bbox of mercator 
projected coordinates, while the overpass API is expecting WGS84 degrees.

This is surely a bug of the OSM plugin.

Maybe the plugin uses the project CRS as default for the bbox coordinates.

This might work:
- Create a polygon layer in WGS84 drawing a bbox polygon of the area of 
your interest with EPSG:3857 as project CRS and Openlayers background

- Delete the Openlayers background layer, change project CRS to 
EPSG:4326 and zoom to the extent of your polygon

- Download the OSM data

- Switch project CRS back to EPSG:3857, and load the Openlayers background.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Reverting to version 2.2 from 2.4

2014-08-20 Thread Andre Joost

Second try, after reworking your steps on Windows 7 and QGIS 2.4 32-bit:

Am 19.08.2014 19:46, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

When I was using OSM/Open Layers before in QGIS 2.2 I used the tutorial
posted here:

What is written there is almost current.

When I attempted to re-create this process in 2.4 using the instructions
posted here by John I was able to load Open Street Map as the basemap I
could not download the data. I tried loading it from the canvas (link to
screen dump with error):

and loading it from the map layer (link to screen dump with error):

If you look in the bottom left corner of the Download Open Street Data
dialogue boxes in both screen dumps you will see that they have 0.0 MB
already hard coded. I could not remove or adjust this number. I didn't
attempt the manual entry because this same issue regarding the 0.0 MB
appeared again with this option checked off. As I can't get the data
downloaded I cannot move forward with downloading the tags I'm interested

Normally, you download the map extent, and the bbox coordinates are 
automatically reprojected to WGS84. For Toronto, it should be around:

West: -79.7523
North: 43.8554
East: -79.0002
south: 43.5806
Looking at your second error image, I see Extent from Layer for the 
OSM background checked, and West set to -180. That means you want the 
whole world! The overpass API rejects such requests, because it would 
need some GB of traffic. QGIS would not be able to handle that anyway. 
The MB reported is read-only, you can not enter anything there. I got 
291 MB for Toronto.

By the way, you can downgrade to QGIS 2.2, but you can not downgrade the 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis-user Digest, Vol 102, Issue 34

2014-08-20 Thread Andre Joost

Am 20.08.2014 21:21, schrieb Laura O'Grady:

 I'm in
the process of reverting back to QGIS version 2.2 as it worked fine before.

You might better stay with QGIS 2.4

I have both versions running on my PC, but OSM place search and 
Openlayers plugin in the current version are not compatible with QGIS 
2.2 anymore. And there is no easy way to get the old version of those 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] geometry attribute units

2014-08-22 Thread Andre Joost

Am 22.08.2014 23:27, schrieb john polo:

I have a polygon that I am trying to measure the perimeter for. I used
the Export/Add geometry columns function and a column was thus added.
The value in the column has a value that I don't understand, mostly
because I don't know what unit it used for the calculation. The
perimeter would probably be between .7 and 1 mile or the equivalent in
metric. The value given in the column is 0.0133.

How do I tell what the unit is supposed to be for these calculations?
(And how would I set/change it?) I've looked in SettingsOptions on the
main QGIS window and the layer and haven't found anything. I did find
where one sets the units for the measure tool and that is set to meters,
but I am assuming the units selected for the measure tool aren't
necessarily the same as for the calculation for the geometry.

The perimeter is calculated in units of the layer. If that has degrees 
(like EPSG:4326), the perimeter result is surely nonsense.
You have to reproject your datasource to a projected CRS that uses 
metres, feet or miles to get a useful result.

Note that the measurement tool behaves different in this point.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] orthographic projection for raster not working

2014-08-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.08.2014 16:15, schrieb muhali:

I am trying to project the Natural Earth raster (e.g. using the following

+proj=ortho +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs

It gives me nothing (white space). If I do the same for corresponding vector
data (e.g.
everything works.

The ortho projection does not cover the whole world, only the visible 
half. To avoid artefacts, you have to crop your data source to that 
visible half. I have described here how you can do it:

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] orthographic projection for raster not working

2014-08-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.08.2014 19:18, schrieb muhali:

Andre Joost wrote

The ortho projection does not cover the whole world, only the visible
half. To avoid artefacts, you have to crop your data source to that
visible half. I have described here how you can do it:

ok, but why does it generally work for vector data?

The vector data reprojection tool skips objects that fall behind the 
visible half, the raster reprojection tool seems to exit immediately.

And then, the
visible part depends on the chosen center of projection, so crop the data is
not easily done.

No, not easily. It could be automated, but I have not yet heard of a 
plugin that does it.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] geometry attribute units

2014-08-26 Thread Andre Joost
Am 26.08.2014 15:48, schrieb SIT delle Riserve Naturali di Legambiente 

But before you must be sure that layer and project have equal GCS !!!
Good Luck!

If you disable On-the-fly-reprojection, you will not have a project CRS 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Error when loading a shape file

2014-08-28 Thread Andre Joost

Am 28.08.2014 09:52, schrieb Siki Zoltan:


your shape file contains an error message:
Error with
- Please check the directory exists and the session has not timed out
It is the same for the dbf and shx files.

Maybe gmane does not like attachments above a certain size. Try dropbox 
instead and provide the link here.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Thread Andre Joost

Am 28.08.2014 16:15, schrieb Glenn Weller:

I have been using Qgis 1.8 for a couple of years and have decided
that it is time to upgrade. I have installed Qgis 2.2 on my Windows 7
laptop and I can no longer use OpenStreetMap.

By now, QGIS 2.4 is current. The Openstreetmap plugin of QGIS 1.8 did 
not work lately, so it was completely refurnished. As a consequence, 
older projects with OSM data will not work anymore, you have to add OSM 
manually again.

I opened a project I
made using Qgis 1.8 and the street map layer was no longer there. I
then opened the OpenStreetMap (Vector --  OpenStreetMap --
Download Data) in Qgis 2.2, left the defaults alone, and clicked on
the OK button. I received the following error message:

Cannot open output file:

The download area is dependent on the current canvas extent. If that was 
the world, the data provider (Overpass API) will reject your request.

Try with a smaller area of interest, or use a postgis database of your 
country filled with a Geofabrik extract via osm2pgsql, or use the 
Openlayers plugin with an Openstreetmap background. This is always 
available, independent from the size of the area of your interest.

P.S. I also could not use OpenStreetMap with Qgis 2.4 so I
uninstalled it and tried Qgis 2.2 with the hope that it would not be
a problem in an older version. No such luck!

No, between 2.4 and 2.2 was no big change in the OSM plugin. The 
Openlayers plugin, however, had to be changed at that point.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-28 Thread Andre Joost

Am 28.08.2014 21:19, schrieb Glenn Weller:

I also received a response from André who wondered if I was trying to
map too large an area (like the entire U.S.). I am trying to obtain a
Google/Yahoo map for an area in central California that I have been
able to successfully map in QGIS 1.8. I doubt that the area I am
trying to map is too large.

There are two ways to use OSM in QGIS:

1) by downloading OSM raw data with Vector - Openstreetmap
2) by using the Openlayers plugin, which will install into the web menu.

From your first message, it was not clear for me which one you have 
used in the past. The first choice (formerly known as Openstreetmap 
plugin) is restricted in the area, because you will be downloading 
Megabytes of data, and you have to set up rendering rules yourself.

The second one should fit your needs better. The OpenLayers plugin had 
some obstacles during the upgrade from QGIS 1.8 to 2.0 and from 2.2 to 
2.4. That is the reason why old projects with Openlayers background 
don't run with newer versions. Deleting the layer, and adding it should 
work (except for the known bug).

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap Error

2014-08-29 Thread Andre Joost

Am 29.08.2014 17:10, schrieb Glenn Weller:

In my earlier reply I spoke too soon. Since I had successfully used
the OpenLayers in QGIS 2.2 I decided to upgrade to QGIS 2.4. I
uninstalled QGIS 2.2 and then installed QGIS 2.4. Starting with a new
project I opened a shapefile I have used recently (it is located in
Central California) and then did the following:

Selected from the menu: Web --  OpenLayers plugin --  Google Maps
--  Google Streets

I then received the following error message:

 Begin Error Message *

An error has occured while executing Python code:

Traceback (most recent call last): File
line 97, in addLayer self._addLayerCallback(self) File
line 135, in addLayer self.setMapCrs(coordRefSys) File
line 176, in setMapCrs extMap = coodTrans.transform(extMap,
QgsCoordinateTransform.ForwardTransform) QgsCsException: forward
transform of (-238347.281680, 80050.655379) PROJ.4: +proj=longlat
+datum=WGS84 +no_defs +to +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137
+lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m
+nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs Error: latitude or longitude
exceeded limits

Try it this way:

Set project CRS to EPSG:3857, enableing On-the-fly-reprojection
Load the shapefile
Add Openlayers with OSM background.

I am not sure what projection your shapefile is in, but QGIS treats it 
as WGS 84, but the coordinates do not fit to that.

It might help to change in Settings - Options - CRS to 'Prompt for 
CRS' for new layers.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] opening kml files

2014-08-30 Thread Andre Joost

Am 30.08.2014 08:53, schrieb Innisfree McKinnon:

Hello all,
I'm also having an issue opening a .kml file. I downloaded a .kmz file of a
historic map and would like to open it in QGIS. After reading what I could
find online, I opened it in Google Earth and saved it as a .kml file. Then
I went into QGIS and attempted to open it as a vector layer, selecting
files of type:Keyhole Markup Language. The title appears under layers,
but it doesn't actually display. I thought it might be a projection
problem, so I tried zoom to to layer but that doesn't seem to have any

Any help would be much appreciated. I could georeference the file myself,
but since it has already been done, I was trying to avoid duplicating that

The KML driver is designed for importing vector data (points, lines and 
polygons). From your description, the .kml seems to display a raster 
file, therefore nothing gets imported. The same might happen if the kml 
only contains an internet link to the raster file.

You can however look into the kml file with any text editor, and look 
out for georeferencing information. That can be used to build a .vrt 
file, which serves for QGIS as a wrapper the same way as your kml does 
for Google Earth.

Mabe you can provide the dwomload link of the original kmz to help further.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] procedure for submitting bugs

2014-09-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 09.09.2014 16:22, schrieb Stefan Löhr:

Did I make a mistake by publishing the problem like this?


Is the description to complicated?
Should I have contacted a specific developer first? Which one?

From you can 
see that there are 1210 open bug tickets, and 182 developers to solve 
the problems. As you might know, they don't get paid for it, so they 
doing it in their free time.

 What can I do better to get a response on my problem?

If you are able to review the code (it's open source!), you could give 
detailed hints for solving the issue, or even supply a patch that workes 
for you.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] shapefile .cpg ignored

2014-09-19 Thread Andre Joost

Am 19.09.2014 11:05, schrieb Redoute:

Am 03.09.2014 13:13, schrieb Redoute:

in QGIS 2.4, when I use Add Vector Layer to open a shapefile, the dialog
forces selection of an encoding. I see no option for auto detect. Then
this encoding is used, and a cpg file attached to the shapefile is

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

The auto detect option is hidden in Settings, Options, Data Sources,
[ ] Ignore shapefile encoding declaration
which is set by default, meaning auto detect is disabled. Weird.

When this feature was introduced in GDAL/OGR some time ago, we got a lot 
of complaints because OGR and QGIS both tried to do the encoding. So it 
was decided to let QGIS do the job (as it was before), and ignore the 
new encoding possibilites of OGR unless the user wishes to do so.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] A great example of QGIS symbology in action

2014-09-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 23.09.2014 18:24, schrieb G. Allegri:

I think it's a great example of QGIS symbology professional use, and an
educational resource.
I've created a web page to explain how to download the project and set it

This looks good, but I can't get the svg symbols displayed. I added the 
path to them to the system tab, and I can manually select and assign 
those svg symbols, but the symbols from the project file only come as 
question marks.

What Operating System and QGIS Version are the project files created with?

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Problem installing qgis-dev with OSGEO4W installer on Windows

2014-09-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.09.2014 11:09, schrieb Darek Bobak:

I have installed all OSGEO4W packages except of Web category, ie:
mapscript-java, mapscript-java-dev, mapscript-java-stable-dev,
mapscript-python, mapscirpt-python-dev, mapscript-python-stable-dev,
mapserver, mapserer-dev, mapserver-stable-dev, qgis-server.

Installing all packages is not a good idea, some packages don't like 
each other ;-)

Try again with the basic package you need, dependencies will be added 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap - Cannot load open ways

2014-10-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.10.2014 07:34, schrieb Tony Bazeley:

Many thanks to the author of the new OpenStreetMap loading

It looks like an excellent tool but I'm having some trouble using it
in v2.4 under Ubuntu 14.04.

Same here on Windows 7, so it has nothing to do with the OS.

In short the osm data attached appears to be loaded correctly into
the spatialite database, but extraction from the database into qgis
is incomplete.

No, not really. You can load the data alternatively with Add vector
layer, which gives me 35 lines and 40 polygons, instead of 6 and 15
with the Vector-OSM import. Looking into the spatialite database with
spatialite GUI, I still see only 6 lines and 15 polygons, so they are
not improted into the database.

1. VectorOpenStreetMapDownload data - I can download the required
data from OSM 2. VectorOpenStreetMapImport topology from XML - The
data seems to be loaded correctly into a database 3.
VectorOpenStreetMapExport Topology To Spatialite - fails to load
open ways as expected.

That is ok so far.

Querying with the Spatialite Gui indicates that open ways are loaded
 into the database
 but fail to be extracted into the display table.

You compare to the OSM tile background. With Add vector layer I see all
lines and polygons that are fully in your download bbox.

This is a known issue, and might adress
your problem too. Feel free to add your case there.

Unfortunately, I have no clue why the lines and
polygons are silently dropped.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OpenStreetMap - Cannot load open ways

2014-10-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.10.2014 17:02, schrieb Andre Joost:

Am 02.10.2014 07:34, schrieb Tony Bazeley:

Querying with the Spatialite Gui indicates that open ways are loaded
into the database
but fail to be extracted into the display table.

You compare to the OSM tile background. With Add vector layer I see all
lines and polygons that are fully in your download bbox.

Sorry, I looked at the wrong dropbox content.

The spatialite database has 86 ways, but from those only 6 polylines and 
15 polygons were created.

The Add-vector-layer method produces some more content, but I get 11 
invalid geometries in the multipolygon layer. Maybe the OSM plugin fails 
on those, and rejects the rest of the input file.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Copying / pasting polygons between layers?

2014-10-08 Thread Andre Joost

Am 08.10.2014 17:56, schrieb Luciano:

thanks ...

and copying between layers of points.

Why can not perform the copy / paste? because whenever I take the following
error: ogr error ...

Can you report the full error message? It works for me usually.

Some data formats are not writeable, so try shapefile or sqlite database.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Vectors data and raster with same projection didnot overlap

2014-10-22 Thread Andre Joost

Am 22.10.2014 um 19:35 schrieb Yada Elisabeth:

I follow many methods (exploring differents tutorials documents):
1- I set the in one project properties under CRS: EPSG:32631 -WGS 84 / UTM
zone 31 N and open my layers
2- for the second project, I Rightclick - Set CRS for layer
3- I tried the both (project properties and rightclick)

The only correct way to reproject a vector layer is to use Save as... 
under a different filename and different CRS.

If you are not sure which data is correct:

Set Project CRS to EPSG:3857 and enable on-the-fly-reprojection
Add a Openstreetmap or Google background with the Openlayers plugin
Add the untouched datasources one by one and chekc if they align to the 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Vectors data and raster with same projection didnot overlap

2014-10-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 23.10.2014 um 08:51 schrieb Nadarajah Thirugnanasothy:

I was trying to help someone and had similar problem with two sets of
vector data. Tried all these methods and failed.When I searched the
net to find an answer, I found many people have similar problem.What
about some one actually showing how to do this with a data set and
posting it as a tutorial (with screen shots) some where. I do not
have the data set that I was playing with. Thank youThiru(I am 70
years old  retired now. Had used ESRI/ArcView  Arc Info about 10
years ago )

Unfortuantely, there is no easy way to discover the reasons for not 

If it is about 100m, this is most likely a datum shift issue.

Google/Web Mercator datasources may shft to about 20km vertically if the 
transformation method is wrongly implemented (like EPSG:3395).

If the images are totally off, most probably projection definitions have 
been simply exchanged instead of doing a correct coordinate 
reprojection. Comparing the layer extent is the best to sort this out.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 32 or 64-bit

2014-11-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.11.2014 um 10:48 schrieb Lester Anderson:

Hi all,

Rather basic query, but is there a real advantage of the 64-bit version
over 32-bit when on say Windows 7/8 ? I use QGIS at home and work, and have
readily had multiple copies of QGIS running for separate projects and not
seen any real problems (subject to memory on the system of course).

If you want to run QGIS server, the 32-bit version is still preferred.

The OSGEO4W64 packages still miss the apache packages.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Printing with OSM layers

2014-11-03 Thread Andre Joost

Am 03.11.2014 um 08:15 schrieb Paolo Cavallini:

Il 02/11/2014 05:09, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt ha scritto:

I am on a WIN64 (Home Premium) machine trying to get OSM layers to print via 
but nothing I do seems to give a result. The maps are always minus the OSM 
(or Google or anything from the Open Layers plugin)

Am I missing something? Should they print? I am on a very slow internet 
which doesn't help with rendering these tiles.

I have tried with both QGIS 2.2 and 2.6

I think QGIS is simply waiting for the tiles to come through the net.
Try with a faster connection.
All the best.

Alternatively, you could prefetch the tiles you need, store them locally 
and use the TileLayer plugin to add them.

Google does not like that, Openstreetmap does as long as you do no bulk 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds (not digitizing)

2014-11-05 Thread Andre Joost

Am 05.11.2014 um 13:06 schrieb Filipe Dias:


The plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds was available in QGIS a few
versions ago. I would like to create a feature request for a tool that
implements this plugin's functionality but I can't find the repository.

Does anyone have the email of the author and/or the url of the repository?

The plugin was in the old contributed repository which is down now.

I have made a copy way back in 2012, and it is still working with QGIS 
1.8 Lisboa. It will however not work with any QGIS 2.x version due to 
the API changes. The author (same as rectangles ovals digitizing) seems 
to have no interest to keep both running.

You can download it temporarily from
You have to expand it to your .qgis/python/plugins folder (not .qgis2!).

If you open a ticket on, I could add the zip file there too.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Plugin Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds (not digitizing)

2014-11-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.11.2014 um 00:33 schrieb Filipe Dias:

Hi, I'm referring to a different plugin but with a similar name:
Rectangles, Ovals and Diamonds rather than Rectangles Ovals and Digitizing

This plugin generates geometries based on data from the attributes table.
There's no digitizing involved

Perhaps you should point out that it is more a kind of you are after.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] MTR and Postgis - lots of crashes

2014-11-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.11.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Andreas Neumann:


Am I the only one that still gets a lot of crashes with complex projects
when the data sources are on Postgis and MTR (parallel rendering in
multiple cores) is turned on? I get most crashes on Windows, hardly any
on Linux, but this may be due to the fact that Linux accesses Postgis
locally, whereas the Win QGIS clients access Postgis remotely. Turning
off MTR -- no more crashes.

Is MTR and Postgis working flawlessly for everyone?

These crashes really annoy me and I have to turn off MTR until these
problems are fixed.

Thank you for any hints / sharing your experiences with Postgis and MTR.

Does it help if you use one core less than you have?
I had no crashes with that so far, using 32bit Windows builds.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] MTR and Postgis - lots of crashes

2014-11-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.11.2014 um 11:15 schrieb Andreas Neumann:

My PC has 8 cores. I reduced it to 7 max cores (still crashes), 4 (still
crashes), 3 cores (still crashes), 2 (no more crashes).

Very strange ...

So obviously, things get worse if I go beyond 2 cores (out of 8).

Well - two cores are better than one, but it is not very nice that the
other six can't be used.

Have you tried a 32bit build? I still don't trust the 64bit ones...

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Home range plugin and animove plugin

2014-11-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.11.2014 um 16:43 schrieb

Hello everybody, anybody know what I have to do install Home range plugin and 
animove plugin? What version of QGIS I need for windows 7 ?
Thanks a lot


It should work with QGIS 2.6 as well.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Creating DEM from ASCII Coordinates

2014-11-07 Thread Andre Joost

Am 07.11.2014 um 09:16 schrieb berounba:

Hi all,

I have a ASCII-File with x-/y-/z-Values.

For using in QGIS2threejs is is necessary to have a DEM. I assume it is a
geoTIF. Is there possibility to convert the Vector-Layer (ASCI Values) to a
DEM or may be a plug in?

If the ASCII file follows a regular grid, you can load the file into 
QGIS using XYZ format, and create a tif file with Raster - Conversion 
- Translate.

If the points do not form a regular grid, you have to load the data as 
delimited text, save it to Shapefile format, then run Raster - Analysis 
- Grid on the layer.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Creating DEM from ASCII Coordinates

2014-11-08 Thread Andre Joost

Am 08.11.2014 um 14:56 schrieb berounba:

Using Raster - Conversion - Translate I've got the error
ERROR 1: At line 1, found 5550999.00 instead of 5551154.00
for nBlockYOff = 0


Cells with same Y coordinates must be placed on consecutive lines. For 
a same Y coordinate value, the lines in the dataset must be organized by 
increasing X values.

The lines you show are correct, don't know about the rest.

Running Raster - Analysis - Grid on the layer after RMC save as Shapefile
results in an GeoTIFF-File with nan-Values

In the dialogue, you have to specify which data field contains the Z 
value for interpolation. default is nothing.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list


2014-11-10 Thread Andre Joost

Am 10.11.2014 um 18:58 schrieb Diego Lawrie:

El complemento digitizing tools tiene una opcion que dice flip lines. Hay
que instalar previamente este complemento

There is also a plugin called Swap Vector Direction for that purpose.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Drawing over lapping polygons from postgis vector data table.

2014-11-13 Thread Andre Joost

Am 13.11.2014 um 10:34 schrieb Dave Potts:


I am trying to display the results of a spatial analysis, the return
form is a set of polygons of increasing size. All located on top of each
other.  I want to draw it, so it looks like a target, but all that
happens is that the largest polygon is drawn last which blocks out all
of the others.  Is there an easy way of display the result?

I can not see any way of using an outside function so that the largest
polygon would be drawn firsts with the next polygon drawn on top of it.

Since its an import from a postgis table every does have an unique id.

In Layer Properties, Style tab you can use a categorized or graduated 
style based on the unique id, or some other field of the attribute table.

Then click on the Advanced button beneath the symbol table, and select 
Symbol levels. If you check Enable symbol levels, you can predefine 
in which order your symbols should be rendered.

You can even set all colours equal or a fill style No Brush if you 
only want to see the contours.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Quick query re plugins

2014-11-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 16.11.2014 um 21:46 schrieb Goyo:

2014-11-10 11:38 GMT+01:00 Lester Anderson

Hi Nathan,

OK I have tested a couple plugins (all stated as working for 2.x) but they
do not show up in the manage plugin list:


Copied into python folder: points2one and profiletool - neither shows up.

Is there another folder to put these in?  Not sure what the issue is.

Zip archives with plugins should be unzipped to

Make sure the files are in .qgis2\python\plugins\points2one\ and not in 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Original Shapefile update

2014-11-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 16.11.2014 um 17:35 schrieb Alexandre Neto:

Hello Tom,

Any change made to a shapefile in one project will be updated in other
projects that use the same shapefile.

If you have both projects open at the same time, it might be necessary 
to refresh the canvas in the other project to see the change .

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Loading rectangular raster data in QGIS

2014-11-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.11.2014 um 12:39 schrieb Nicole Stoffels:

Dear all,

I am trying to load a raster file containing rectangular cells into
QGIS. The header looks like this:

ncols 97
nrows 60
xllcorner 276591.68
yllcorner 5539072.48
cellsize  58.198 , 87.623
NODATA_value  -

I'm not sure which ratser format you ahve, but reading I assume GDAL expects DX and DY in 
two lines instead of two values for CELLSIZE in one line. This could be 
changed with a good text editor.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] program crash qgis 2.6 while closing program

2014-11-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.11.2014 um 15:49 schrieb Tourspur Infopost:

I recently installed the new version of qgis 2.6 on my pc (windows 7). Every
time I try to close down the qgis software properly via Project/close qgis
or via x-corner, a program crash occures (while creating a minidump-dmp file
stored in my local temp).

How can I stop this error?

The issue is known, and a bugfix release 2.6.1 is expected to be ready 
within the next days.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Cannot open GML files in Qgis 2.6 under Windows

2014-12-04 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.12.2014 um 13:23 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:

I tried it with this GML:

And indeed only get tables and no geometries...

BUT if I use ogr to open them:

ogrinfo -al Ogoz.gml

   UIDN (Real) = 16
   OIDN (Real) = 16
   CODOGOZ (Integer) = 16
   NAAMOGOZ (String) = OG Puttenbeek
   NUMAC (Real) = 2014035191
   ININMRID (String) = 20001
   ININMR (String) = Provincie Vlaams-Brabant
   OPPERVL (Real) = 17031.46
   LENGTE (Real) = 969.01
   POLYGON ((138955.079 183000.758,138911.506 182970.395,138897.621
   ... truncated ...
   183007.847,138961.648 183005.335,138955.079 183000.758))

The GDAL that comes with QGIS 2.6.1 standalone reports for the same file 
for me:

Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `ogoz.gml'
  using driver `GML' successful.

Layer name: Ogoz
Geometry: None
Feature Count: 17
Layer SRS WKT:

  UIDN (Real) = 16
  OIDN (Real) = 16
  CODOGOZ (Integer) = 16
  NAAMOGOZ (String) = OG Puttenbeek
  NUMAC (Real) = 2014035191
  ININMRID (String) = 20001
  ININMR (String) = Provincie Vlaams-Brabant
  OPPERVL (Real) = 17031.46
  LENGTE (Real) = 969.01

So your version can read the geometry, mine not? The gisinternals-SDK of 
gdal-1.11.1 and gdal-dev report the same.

Converting to spatialite database works quickly, but no geometry in 
there either.

Dev's? Any idea about this?
Should we open an issue?

Should go for the GDAL bug tracker, I think.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Cannot open GML files in Qgis 2.6 under Windows

2014-12-05 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.12.2014 um 17:32 schrieb Even Rouault:

The fact that it worked for some people is if you read the .gml without having
the .xsd next to it.

Deleting the .xsd makes the files accessible with full geometry in QGIS too.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Which Projection to use?

2014-12-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 09.12.2014 um 13:14 schrieb Joris Hintjens:

thanks Kristin and Nicolas,

Now I get which UTM zone I’ min, and I’ve been spending the last
hours in trying to find the corresponding EPSG code and/or the proj4
code to enter in QGIS. they are not listed in the default list in
Qgis Any suggestions welcome

To get the UTM zone, simply add 3 to your local easting, divide by 6, 
round to integer and add 30. The UTM North zone EPSG code is 32600 + UTM 
zone, UTM South is 32700 + UTM zone

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Errors when re-opening new installation of QGIS

2015-01-14 Thread Andre Joost

Am 14.01.2015 um 17:32 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:

Upon retrieving of the new plugin.xml this is

At least for me. I (and most others who reported the bug) don't have the 
plugin installed.

Or is it still a problem when you have the plugin locally installed?

The buggy version was just one day old, and maybe the bug prevented 
anyone from updating an older version.

Should this be fixed in the plugin manager also? Bad metadata should not
be able to break QGIS or the plugin manager?

It should not. Maybe the repository should refuse to upload plugins with 
such metadata. Or there could be some daily test to run on the hosted 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Aerograms style

2015-01-22 Thread Andre Joost

Am 21.01.2015 um 20:16 schrieb

Dear all, I would like to customize the map using the style as
aerograms to show the intensity of a phenomenon, but I do not find
this option in QGIS. Can anyone help me?

I am not sure what you mean by aerogram style.

You can use a categorized or graduated style with colour ramps of reds, 
greens or blues on the data field you want to visualize, and add some 
transparency if you want to have a basemap shining through.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] How to get a raster base layer file?

2015-01-22 Thread Andre Joost

Am 22.01.2015 um 17:02 schrieb image93:

I would like download a raster base layer representing streets (like open
streeet map for instance).

For openstreetmap data, you could use the BigMap service, as described here:

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Transformation using NTv2 grids

2015-02-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 17.02.2015 um 17:33 schrieb Pedro Venâncio:

Here [0] we have an explanation of how the coordinate systems works in
general, and in particular in QGIS. You also find solutions to use the NTv2
grids with QGIS. Unfortunately, the text is in portuguese, but perhaps
Google Translate can help [1].

To be honest, gooogle translate is of limited help for people who use 
English only as a second language. I think it would help more if you set 
up a special English page, as the Dutch QGIS community does for issues 
with worldwide interest.

And would be a good platform to promote 
those topics.

This is a way that each user must do individually. To make life easier for
portuguese users, as we also have a lot of information that needs to be
transformed to ETRS89, portuguese QGIS User Group developed the plugin that
Giovanni told you [2], which greatly simplifies things, because it is
integrated into Processing Toolbox and already provides the NTv2 grids.

As Giovanni said, if there is interest from other countries and if we can
freely redistribute the NTv2 grids, we can expand the plugin.

There are lots of ntv2 grids available for free, and telling the user : 
Put your local ntv2 grid in here is affordable. That works for 
non-free grids too.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Slow switching on or off a vector layer

2015-01-28 Thread Andre Joost

Am 28.01.2015 um 13:37 schrieb Antonio Di Lecce:

Any suggetion how to solve the problem working with EPSG 2462 Albanian
1987/Gauss Kruger Zone 4 without waiting so much to switch on a layer.

It might help to store vector data in a spatialite database instead of 
using shapefiles.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Fwd: QGIS crash on loading projects

2015-01-29 Thread Andre Joost

Am 29.01.2015 um 08:38 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:

and if you use both the optionspath parameter, AND removed your .qgis2
directory with all stuff in it, then it should really be an installation
or dll-hell problem.

And please also try it on another computer,

... and give the 32-bit version from OSGeo4W or standalone a try. They 
can live happily next to a 64-bit install on Windows 7 64-bit.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] qgis / windows upgrade from 2.6 to 2.6.1

2015-01-25 Thread Andre Joost

Am 25.01.2015 um 15:55 schrieb Tourspur Infopost:

I recently installed qgis 2.6, which caused a series of problems, although I
saved old 2.2 project versions als 2.6 version before continuing working.
E.g. project files collapsed while changing legend items and where
completely destroyed afterwards (impossible to open them again!), or every
time I closed down a project  by end qgis/project, the system creates
minidump ending files.

The problems with old project files are mainly related to print composer 
settings that have been changed internally.

As an alternative, you could save the styles of your layers to qml 
files, and try to create new project files by adding the datasources and 
stylings to that. That way you only have to recreate the print composer 
part of the project files.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Cutting lines with a polygon boundary

2015-01-25 Thread Andre Joost

Am 25.01.2015 um 13:51 schrieb Zoltan Szecsei:

So, does anyone know of a way to efficiently cut features in multiple
layers using a polygon, and then to be able to select the pieces
(multiple layers) that are either inside or outside the polygon, and
then delete them?

Disregarding the multiple:

Vector - Geoprocessing - Clip deletes the items outside the polygon
Vector - Geoprocessing - Difference deletes the items inside the polygon

You would have to do it for every layer you want to be cut, the dialogue 
box will stay open after cutting. If the polygon layer contains just one 
polygon, no selecting is necessary.

BTW: make sure all layers share the same CRS (i.e. turn 
on-the-fly-reprojection off)

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Coordinate Display

2015-01-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 10.01.2015 um 00:07 schrieb Willem Buitendyk:

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for the response but I think I’m not explaining myself
clearly.  I have a map that I want to keep in the BC Albers (meters)
projection but I also want to have the coordinate display show in
decimal degrees.  It seems with QGIS I currently cannot have it both

Yes, you can:

Rename it to and save it to C:/users/username/.qgis2/python 
(not .qgis as mentioned in the text).

I got that working, but you will get nasty errors if you leave QGIS 
while the CRS is set to some local system.

Deleting the \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QGIS\QGIS2\CoordsConf entry in 
the registry solved the problem. I'm not sure how to clear that for 
other OS.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] export coordinates in diferent src

2015-01-10 Thread Andre Joost

Am 10.01.2015 um 11:17 schrieb daniel pinto:

hello i have a poligon wit 120 vertices and i have the coordinates in wgs
84 espg 4326

i need the same coordinates im the atribute table in utm 33s espg 32733

is it possible to export them in this src and add to the atribute column
witout usic coordinate capture and doing it one by one???

You have to save your layer using rightclick, Save As... to another name 
and EPSG:32733, and add the result to the canvas. From that, you can 
export the vertex coordinates to CSV with the mmqgis plugin.

For a polygon, you will not get the coordinates into the attribute 
table, because the whole polygon has only one row in the attribute 
table. You can get coordinates in the attribute table only for point layers.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis run time error

2015-01-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 09.01.2015 um 15:28 schrieb Gerardo Jiménez:

Each time I try to open qgis 2.61 64 bits on win7  I get this error.

Run time error
Program c:\programa~1\qgisbr~1\bin\qgis-bin.exe
An application has made an attempt to load the c run time library
incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more

As an alternative, you could try the 32bit standalone (which I use 
without problems), or OSGEo4W 32bit or 64bit installers.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] projection center

2015-01-03 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.01.2015 um 00:47 schrieb JoeLemonnier:

How do I shift the center of projection.
For instance:
1) how would I make a map of the Bering Straits , showing Russia on the left
and Alaska on the right.
2) How would I make a world map centered at 11 degrees so that the
continents are unbroken.

This might help you on the way:

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] projections and measuring

2015-01-03 Thread Andre Joost

Am 04.01.2015 um 00:06 schrieb Barbara Burcul:

hi! i want to measure something in raster file, and i set crs to wgs 84/UTM
zone 33 N to get coordinates in meters, but they are still in degrees so i
don't understand if i'm doing something wrong?

'Set CRS for layer' is NOT the right way to reproject the coordinates of 
a layer.

Use 'Raster - Projection - Reproject' (or what it is called in your 
language) to save the file to another name and CRS, add that to your 
project and remove the degree one.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS on WinXP

2015-03-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 17.03.2015 um 17:02 schrieb geoff carver:

I have a lot of error messages in the postinstall text file:

G:\qgistextreplace -std -t G:\qgis\bin\grass64.bat
'textreplace' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

G:\qgisxxmklink C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\QGIS Brighton\GRASS GIS 6.4.4\GRASS 6.4.4 GUI.lnk
G:\qgis\bin\grass64.bat -wx \ Launch GRASS GIS 6.4.4 with wxGUI 1
'xxmklink' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

These lines are for me:

C:\PROGRA~1\QGISWI~1textreplace -std -t 

C:\PROGRA~1\QGISWI~1xxmklink C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All 
Users\Startmenu\Programme\QGIS Wien\GRASS GIS 6.4.4\GRASS 6.4.4 GUI.lnk 
C:\PROGRA~1\QGISWI~1\bin\grass64.bat -wx \ Launch GRASS GIS 6.4.4 
with wxGUI 1 

You are installing into a different drive than the operating system is 
installed to. Maybe that throws some errors.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGS project file clean-up?

2015-03-20 Thread Andre Joost

Am 20.03.2015 um 19:43 schrieb magerlin:

Am I the only one experiencing this?:

When opening a saved QGS project file I have several times (also with older
versions of Qgis) got messages like Loading layer xxx even though the
layer xxx has previously been removed from the project? It has once been
there, but I have right clicked and chosen remove (and saved).

Opening the QGS file (in the recommendable free  Foxe xml-editor  ) I can find this even though
the layer has been removed:

In the actual case the problem is a WFS layer - I am not sure whether the
problem only concerns this type of layers.

It might be that styling or snapping information is still stored in the 
project file.
Saving all styles to files and creating a new project file with the 
datasources and style files should remove those traces, but I have not 
yet had the need to do that.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS on WinXP

2015-03-17 Thread Andre Joost

Am 16.03.2015 um 23:00 schrieb geoff carver:

Has anyone been able to install any of the last several versions of QGIS on
If so, how?

I just did a fresh install on a Virtual Box running Windows XP (inside a 
Windows 7 host) of QGIS 2.8.1 standalone. It works with no problem, and 
the old install of QGIS 2.6.1. standalone still runs too.

I had however problems installing on a XP machine using hard drive D:\. 
The C runtime complains twice at startup, but then it runs fine.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Problem loading ArcGIS georeferenced map in QGIS 2.8

2015-03-11 Thread Andre Joost

Am 11.03.2015 um 10:55 schrieb Nicole Stoffels:

I have an old ArcGIS project, that was build before we switched to QGIS.
I have already worked on it with my older QGIS versions (= 2.6) and
added new shape files to an ArcGIS georeferenced map.

Now I opened it with my new QGIS version 2.8. My shape layers are
displayed correctly but my old ArcGIS maps are not shown underneath the
shape layers. I can zoom to them, but they suddenly have a completely
different projection (a strange user CRS), while the original EPSG of
the project is 31466 (Gauss-Krueger Zone2).

Guass-Krueger usually has a datum shift, but ARCGIS datasources don't 
store that inside the raster or vector files. QGIS behaves different, 
and stores datum shift or EPSG code in .qpj files only for vector files.

That might be the reason why you get the offset. It might help to change 
the CRS of the layer from the user-defined to the official EPSG code.

The datum shift from Gauss-Krueger to WGS84 is not constant, but varies 
across Germany. The official EPSG code has an average value for Germany. 
Better values can be found here:

and in the links given there.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Query expression bugs with NULL Values

2015-03-25 Thread Andre Joost

Am 25.03.2015 um 20:07 schrieb José Carlos Martínez Llario:

The layers has 48 NULL values,


amenity is not NULL returns 48
amenity is NULL returns  4587

This does not make nuch sense to me. Do you have 48 empty (NULL) 
entries, or 48 non-empty values?

THIS IS WRONG (if null values can not be treated as a text in the syntax
it shouldnt work in both cases or throw some error)
amenity  'NULL' returns 48
amenity  =  'NULL'  returns 0   

No, NULL and 'NULL' are two different things. It is possible to write 
'NULL' as a text value for amenity (although it does not make sense, but 
the OSM database does not reject it).

So it should be ok that amenity  =  'NULL' returns nothing in your 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS 2.8 runtime error

2015-03-31 Thread Andre Joost

Am 31.03.2015 um 09:56 schrieb McDonaldR:

Hi Leo

I had the same error a while back and I posted this to the UK QGIS
user group:

Anyone getting the following error on the latest update to QGIS via
OSGeo4W? The problem is a copy of msvcr90.dll in the
C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis\bin folder which clashes with the copy in
C:\Windows\winsxs\ folder.  Removing the DLL from the QGIS folder
allows the program to start without a hitch.

I had the same issue with the standalone 32-bit version on Windows XP.

In my case, deleting the dll from C:\Windows\system32 solved the problem.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Where is SAGA's polygons intersection

2015-02-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.02.2015 um 18:59 schrieb Carlos Cerdán:

I want to use SAGA Intersection tool from processing in QGIS 2.6, under
Windows 7, but it doesn't appear in list of processing modules. Checking
SAGA directly, I can see this tool under Modules -- Shapes -- Polygons
-- Polygon intersection. It has another name in QGIS processing?

Same here, and it is missing on ubuntu 14.04 also (QGIS 2.6.1 from 
ubuntugis unstable).

But if you install the latest qgis-dev from osgeo4w, you get Shapes - 
Polygons - Intersect, as well as some other algorithm interfaces that 
are not in original SAGA. So it might be worth to wait for the upcoming 
QGIS 2.8.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Where is SAGA's polygons intersection

2015-03-02 Thread Andre Joost

Am 02.03.2015 um 14:37 schrieb Carlos Cerdán:

Thank you very much André, I will wait for QGIS 2.8 for use it on
Windows... if this issue is fixed.

It is just released, and Shapes - Polygons - Intersect is included.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS - GRASS problem

2015-02-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.02.2015 um 14:34 schrieb Velizar Strumberger:

Hi all
OS: Windows 7
Installation: OSGeo4W

I installed QGIS 2.6 but the GRASS 6 and 7 algorithms from the toolbox do
not work.  I get the following error message  Missing dependency.This
algorithm cannot be run :-(

I re-installed  QGIS 2.2 and the GRASS algorithms and they work work!

I tried everything but no results
What am I doing wrong!

Are you sure that GRASS itself is installed, and that the path to it is 
correct under Processing - Options - Dataprovider?

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble projecting on the fly

2015-02-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.02.2015 um 05:55 schrieb Sharon Selvaggio:

I noticed that the PROJCS is labeled as Custom...could that be
confusing QGIS?

No, only the parameters matter.

Or is it because one is a projected CRS and one is a geographic CRS?

Should be no problem with OTF enabled.


If I load a file with that projection, it gets identified as
EPSG:2992 NAD83 / Oregon Lambert (ft)

xMin,yMin 183871.74,88600.9 : xMax,yMax 2345213.24,1675042.97

That is the extent of whole Oregon in that projection.


This gets identified as EPSG:4269 NAD83

xMin,yMin -123.522,43.356 : xMax,yMax -121.714,45.4562

An area south of Portland.

Help very much appreciated.

I have started with a project in EPSG:3857, added Openstreetmap 
background from the openlayers plugin, and the extent points as 
delimited text with the EPSG codes above.

Make sure that QGIS prompts you for CRS of new layers, and delete .qpj 
files that may come from earlier tries you did.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] exporting graduated scale from polygon to point

2015-03-05 Thread Andre Joost

Am 05.03.2015 um 15:48 schrieb Matteo Ghetta:

Is it possible to export just the numeric values of the graduated scale I
made (manually) to other layers?

I don't think so, but if you set the same extent for the data range and 
the same colour ramp, polygons and points should coume out with the same 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Transferring QGIS work when you used a PostGIS database

2015-03-05 Thread Andre Joost

Am 05.03.2015 um 13:01 schrieb Rémi Cura:

The equivalent way, that is also the simplest, is to dump the tables (and
related functions/triggers if necessary) into a file, then restore the
table in the target postgis database!

Does this work if the users are on different OS, like Windows/Linux/Mac 
OSX, 32bit or 64bit, or maybe different PostgreSQL/Postgis versions?

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] transformation

2015-02-23 Thread Andre Joost

Am 23.02.2015 um 13:57 schrieb Goran Pavic:

Recently, in Croatia we must use new official reference coordinate system for 
map projection HTRS96/TM. All data I used before are in
HR_GK_6 projection.
I'm interested how to make transformation of shapefiles which I have in HR_GK_6 
projection into new one HTRS96/Croatia TM projection?

HR_GK_6 - +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=18 +k=0. +x_0=650 +y_0=0 
+ellps=bessel +units=m +no_defs
HTRS96/Croatia TM - +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=16.5 +k=0. +x_0=50 
+y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

I tried with on-the-fly CRS transformation but my data didn't landed on the 
right place. All data get a shift Δx=397,85 m and Δy=22,25 m

Your reprojection does not work correctly because the source CRS has no 
dataum shift, hence there will be made no datum shift at all.

Official values for the datum shift can be found here:

The old Gauß-Krueger system is usually named MGI 1901/Balkans zone 6 or 
MGI Balkans zone 6.

QGIS offers these EPSG codes:

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=18 +k=0. +x_0=650 +y_0=0 
+ellps=bessel +towgs84=577.326,90.129,463.919,5.137,1.474,5.297,2.4232 
+units=m +no_defs

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=18 +k=0. +x_0=650 +y_0=0 
+ellps=bessel +towgs84=682,-203,480,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs

which differ in the datum shift (and therefore accuracy). The values 
from the linked article should give best accuracy. Or use those from

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble projecting on the fly

2015-02-23 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.02.2015 um 02:20 schrieb Sharon Selvaggio:


I'm a new user of QGIS but have many years experience with ArcGIS.

I am working with two datasets from two different sources and cannot get
project-on-the-fly to work.

I am using QGIS 2.8.0 on Ubuntu 12.04.

What I have tried:

(1) right clicking each layer, going to Set Layer CRS, setting all the
layers to the same projection (NAD83  EPSG:4269)  and I've also tried
(NAD83(CSRS)  EPSG:4617).

Set CRS for Layer is not the right way. You have to save the layers 
under a different name and the target CRS.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Trouble projecting on the fly

2015-02-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.02.2015 um 07:55 schrieb Ramon Andiñach:

On 24 Feb 2015, at 14:06, Sharon Selvaggio

I start by setting my project CRS.

And make sure OTF is on.

You have no choice of setting a project CRS if OTF is off.

But when I do this with files that have originated from two
different sources with different native projections (or no
projection?) they still do not align.

Different sources or different layer CRS shouldn't matter.

Shapefiles without .prj file are still existing in the world.

There is an option mentioned previously so that you can set how QGIS
handles layers that it can't tell what the CRS is.

Settings - Options, CRS Tab, CRS foor new layers.

If you can point us at the files you're using - or excerpts from them
- then we might be able to understand where the problem is better.

Or tell us the extent of every layer, as reported by Rightclick - 
Properties, metadata tab.

1. On a side note. Do not use the Google maps/satellite images to
check if your layers are in the right place unless you understand the
gotchas in using that service.

I don't agree with that.
If some layers come up on the wrong part of the Earth, it is a good 
reference to see which layers are right and which are wrong.

Natural Earth shapefiles can be a reference as well.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Qgis 2.8 on Mac

2015-02-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.02.2015 um 17:12 schrieb Jesús:

Anyone know when will be available? I can not wait :)

You should better wait, there are serious blockers still to be resolved.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Raster calculator: different extents and nodata

2015-02-24 Thread Andre Joost

Am 24.02.2015 um 18:21 schrieb Michael.Scholz-

3) How can I query the nodata value of a band?? Without being able to
query it, I cannot set it to 0 which would solve all my problems.

gdalinfo should report nodata values, and gdal_translate -a_nodata 
should assign a defined value to it.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS on WinXP

2015-03-19 Thread Andre Joost

Am 17.03.2015 um 07:08 schrieb Evert Groenewald:

Installed Qgis 2.8.1 last week on XP. Had problems with 32 bit net
install, so used 32 bit stand alone installer. Don't know what
happened during net install as I had to leave the computer during
install process, but the result was a incomplete install. Qgis not
present after install but Grass was present.

Please look into the postinstall.log for any error messages.

My XP version started with error messages because of msvcrt version 
conflicts. Deleting the msvcr90.dll from windows/system32 solved the 
issue. See 
if you run into that.

Cleaning the PATH variable might help too.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] QGIS on WinXP

2015-03-19 Thread Andre Joost

Am 17.03.2015 um 17:02 schrieb geoff carver:

I have a lot of error messages in the postinstall text file:

G:\qgistextreplace -std -t G:\qgis\bin\grass64.bat
'textreplace' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

G:\qgisxxmklink C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start
Menu\Programs\QGIS Brighton\GRASS GIS 6.4.4\GRASS 6.4.4 GUI.lnk
G:\qgis\bin\grass64.bat -wx \ Launch GRASS GIS 6.4.4 with wxGUI 1
'xxmklink' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

textreplace.exe and xxmklink.exe should both be in the \QGIS\bin folder. 
Inside a OSGEO4W shell, they can be started.

I still don't know what went wrong with your installation.

If you use the advanced OSGEO4W setup.exe, try again with a fresh copy 
of that, or the standalone version. If you used standalone, try the other.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Cutting lines with a polygon boundary

2015-01-25 Thread Andre Joost

Am 25.01.2015 um 21:43 schrieb Zoltan Szecsei:

/*but meant: */Vector- GeoProcessingTools- Clip, but. /*(my bad,
/*It does not delete, it clips them out into a new layer/- which is not
what I'm hoping to achieve./*/

I usually copy the styling from the old to the new layer, throw away the 
old layer and work on with the new one. If anything goes wrong, I still 
have the untouched original old layer.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] How to define which CRS to use?

2015-04-30 Thread Andre Joost

Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 16:27:42 +0200
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 
Thunderbird/31.2.0 Hamster/

Am 29.04.2015 um 18:16 schrieb Joris Hintjens:


I have a csv file with a list of coordinates. for example one of
them: X Y 12374462.4355 4877977.8396

notice the (to me at least) strange X coordinate: in the 12millon

This might be a false Easting. In the Soviet Union, 3-degree or 6-degree 
Gauss-Krueger systems based on the Pulkovo datum were common. To 
distinguish the zones, a high value of false Easting was added.

I know the point should land somewhere near the Kazach town of
Shalkya, with coordinates in the EPSG3857 (WGS 84 pseudo mercator) of
+/- X: 750800 Y: 5472000

These coordinates end up in the South of France for me.
There might be one digit missing for the Easting.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Open street map

2015-05-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 09.05.2015 um 08:55 schrieb Paolo Cavallini:

Il 09/05/2015 01:46, Tony Bazeley ha scritto:

I think the spatialite import facility is broken

Could you please confirm and open a ticket?

Confirmed and opened:

See also the OSM data gaps thread.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] VIIRS geolocation data

2015-05-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 09.05.2015 um 02:38 schrieb Noli Sicad:

Is this raster data?

I think you have georeferenced it.

It is not that easy. The data is raw data from a satellite flight. The 
HDF contains several subdatasets, including longitude and latitudes of 
every cell. Unfortunately, the cell coordinates are not equally spaced, 
and there is no CRS given.

The best result I get is transforming the longitude, latitude and 
aerosol subdatasets with gdal_transform to XYZ format, then stitch them 
together with LibreOffice Calc, and import them as delimited text.

It is possible to extract single bands with gdalwarp. This seems to 
work, but the GCP information inside the file is wrong. Longitudes are 
added by 180°, and the last line of GCP matches 0/0 to 0/0, which makes 
no sense to me.

Reading the data with python code inside a plugin might be an alternative.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OSM data gaps

2015-05-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 08.05.2015 um 22:55 schrieb JOE LEMONNIER:

I've download the OSM data from Vectoropen street map download
data. Then imported the topology from xml then exported to Spatialite
specifying poly lines. When do this for the span of lower Manhattan
in New York City, I get a beautiful set of map data that is
unfortunately missing quite a few major streets. Exporting as
polygons doesn't omit those streets from the map but I need the
center lines. Importing the .osm file directly gives the same results
of missing  streets. I've tried 4 times with same results.

What am I doing wrong

I can replicate your error. Maybe the data is just too big and crashes 
the importer. Unfortunately, you get no error message.

However, you can still use the downloaded .osm file which is complete.

As Anita suggests, you can use

ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco SPATIALITE=YES newyork.db ny.osm

or just drag and drop the .osm file into the legend, and select the 
lines for importing. This needs quite some time, and you should save the 
result to a shapefile for further use. Both methods use the GDAL osm 
driver, hence contain the same amount of data (both 53607 lines from my 
canvas extent instead of 37602 from the importer).

Using osm2pgsql, I get 59667 lines. Some incomplete multipolygon 
relation members are treated differently in GDAL and osm2pgsql.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] OSGeo4W's QGIS Web Server install problem. “Not Found ... qgis_mapserv.fcgi”

2015-05-09 Thread Andre Joost

Am 08.05.2015 um 21:16 schrieb dennis mckay:

Question:  Does qgis_mapserv.fgci.exe return good debugging info if run from 
command line?
Question:  What is the format for passing parameters to qgis_mapserv.fgci.exe 
in the command line?
Question:  In Apache .conf files, can quotes in path names be dropped if there 
are no spaces?

The Real Question:  Why does my browser not find qgis_mapserver.fgci.exe?

I strongly recommend to stick to one architecture.

Since OSGEO4W 64-bit does not include apache (see , I 
suggest to run everything on 32-bit, as included in the OSGEO4W 
packages. A mixture of 64-bit and 32-bit software will most likely run 
into problems at one point.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] VIIRS geolocation data

2015-05-15 Thread Andre Joost

Hi Mitch,

you should better include the whole list in your reply, so that others 
can benefit (or help).

If you want to run gdal commands in a QGIS installation, you have to run 
the OSGE4W shell, then enter commands inside the shell.

This looks quite old-fashioned, and you need to remember old 
DOS-commands to navigate between folders, but otherwise the environment 
for GDAL is not setup correctly.

Am 11.05.2015 um 21:56 schrieb Dr. Mitchell Andrew Schull:


My gdal doesn’t recognize VIIRS datasets now!  Its odd because gdal
works perfectly in qGIS.  Any idea why all the gdal capability is not
available in qGIS?  I could just do it in the customized gdal scripts
in gdal_transform but it doesn’t allow me.


On May 9, 2015, at 6:54 AM, Andre Joost wrote:

Am 09.05.2015 um 02:38 schrieb Noli Sicad:

Is this raster data?

I think you have georeferenced it.

It is not that easy. The data is raw data from a satellite flight. The 
HDF contains several subdatasets, including longitude and latitudes of 
every cell. Unfortunately, the cell coordinates are not equally spaced, 
and there is no CRS given.

The best result I get is transforming the longitude, latitude and
aerosol subdatasets with gdal_transform to XYZ format, then stitch
them together with LibreOffice Calc, and import them as delimited

It is possible to extract single bands with gdalwarp. This seems to
work, but the GCP information inside the file is wrong. Longitudes
are added by 180°, and the last line of GCP matches 0/0 to 0/0,
which makes no sense to me.

Reading the data with python code inside a plugin might be an

Greetings, André Joost

___ Qgis-user mailing

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Converting an OSM XML file to a SpatiaLite DB file

2015-06-10 Thread Andre Joost

Am 10.06.2015 um 20:22 schrieb Lucas Bernard Grigri:


Please let me know if you have experienced this same problem and how to
go about fixing it.

You can look into the imported data with any text editor. It should end 
with an /osm tag.

However, if you try to download too much data, the server refuses your 
request, and you will get an empty file. In that case, start with a 
smaller area in the canvas.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] failed - OpenStreetMap import

2015-05-27 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.05.2015 um 07:19 schrieb K Imran M:

I could open it with notepad.

The last few lines were these:

 nd ref=2419974227/
 nd ref=1186348382/
 nd re

Nope, I could not see /osm at the end of it

So the download was incomplete. You have to do the first step again. 
Make sure your hard disk is not full, and internet connection is stable.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] failed - OpenStreetMap import

2015-05-26 Thread Andre Joost

Am 27.05.2015 um 05:32 schrieb K Imran M:

Hi Jim,

I am not using any extra plugins but the existing ones coming with QGIS.

I clicked
Vector-OpenStreetMap-Download Data No problem here

But, then
Vector-Import Topology from XML
then I clicked OK

Immediately, I received this error:

failed to import OSM data:
XML error: Premature end of document

The imported file from step one is a text file. Can you open it with a 
text editor? It should end with /osm.

If it looks complete, you can drag and drop it from the Windows Explorer 
directly into the table of content of QGIS. Does that work?

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] matching .prj (ArcGIS) with CRS in QGIS

2015-05-31 Thread Andre Joost

Am 30.05.2015 um 23:31 schrieb Nicolas Cadieux:

I am assuming QGIS cannot read this projection?

You are right, the projection name is not known for QGIS.

The WKT string for Kertau RSO is:

PROJCS[Kertau (RSO) / RSO Malaya (m),
GEOGCS[Kertau (RSO),
SPHEROID[Everest 1830 (RSO 1969),6377295.664,300.8017,

which looks similar to the one given, but the ellipsoid major axis is 
different, and False Easting.

For the different namings of the projection, see

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Question

2015-05-21 Thread Andre Joost

Am 21.05.2015 um 16:31 schrieb peter spence:

Dear Qgis Users,

Is there anyone in Holland who can help with Qgis.

should guide you to other Dutch users.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] Create polygons with attributes from csv-file

2015-05-21 Thread Andre Joost

Am 21.05.2015 um 15:08 schrieb Nicole Stoffels:

Dear QGIS-users,

I have a csv-file containing the corner coordinates of different forests
with different heights. The file is structured like this:


Now I want to make two polygons from the two different forests
containing the attribute height.

You can get the polygons easily with the MMQGIS plugin - Import/Export 
- Geometry Import from CSV file.

It lets you select the common ID column, X, Y and geometry type.

Only height is not imported.

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] How to downscale shapefile data

2015-07-06 Thread Andre Joost

Dear Francesco,

please use a meaningful topic so that others can search for it.

Am 06.07.2015 um 10:50 schrieb

Dear all,
I have a shape file tha for a certain reason has wrong coordinates.
The areal geometry data originally come from a dgn file with EPSG3004
coordinates, but now as I edited and exported from Geomedia, they have been
multiplied for a factor 100, ie the exported shape has coordiantes 100times
greater than real ones.
How can I go back (re-translate) to EPSG3004 coordinates?
I saved a custom CRS ading to EPSG3004 string,the keyword +to_meter=0.01 ,
but it doesn't work.

EPSG:3004 is defined as:

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=252 +y_0=0 +ellps=intl 
+towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68 +units=m +no_defs

If you want to change the units, you have to replace the +units=m part 
with +to_meter=0.01:

cs2cs +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=15 +k=0.9996 +x_0=252 +y_0=0 
+ellps=intl +towgs84=-104.1,-49.1,-9.9,0.971,-2.917,0.714,-11.68 
+to_meter=0.01 +no_defs +to +init=epsg:3004 in.csv out.txt

25000 45000

250.00  450.00 0.00

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

Re: [Qgis-user] shapefile only shows one feature

2015-07-06 Thread Andre Joost

Am 06.07.2015 um 13:20 schrieb Richard Duivenvoorde:

So it looks like something has damaged the dbf file?

No, it is the index file .shx that has been broken.
The shapefile could live without a .dbf, but not without the .shx.

I'm not aware of a way to repair such problems, I hope somebody else can
help you...

Try the shapechk.exe from

It will revive at least three objects. The other two have definitely got 

André Joost

Qgis-user mailing list

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