RE: CS>Re: James/gallstones/Carmen

1999-12-02 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Katrina,

I am fairly confidant of the way it works.  A very brilliant man who is 
trained in both western alleopathy and homeopathy  as well told me about 
that one.

He  told me to eat nothing but drink apple juice for about 4 days, and then 
drink about 4 oz of olive oil.  Bile is important in digesting fats.  When 
fat shows up in the bloodstream, the gall bladder contracts, in proportion 
to the amount of  fat present.

4 oz of olive oil into an empty system is a lot of fat.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Katarina Wittich []
Sent:   Thursday, December 02, 1999 9:18 AM
Subject:CS>Re: James/gallstones/Carmen

Hi James,
I don't know why my friends doctor thought the flush was necessary in
addition to the apple juice. And I'm not certain that dissolving the stones
was the point of the apple juice. It was just a guess -- which is why I
think it is important that Carmen do it under supervision of someone who
would know the best way not to end up with a stuck stone.
Take care,

> That protocol is designed to build up a large store of bile in the 
> by not eating fats, which trigger bile secretion into the small 
>  When the olive oil hits the fasting system system the gall bladder
> contracts powerfully, and forces the stones out.  And yes, one can get a
> stuck stone.  If the Apple juice reduced the stones, then why not just 
> it until they gone?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: magnet therapy - HOLD ON

1999-12-02 Thread POTTED PLANT
Hey Jeannine,
I am sad to hear that you had a painful experience with
anything, let alone something seemingly benign as magnets.

It would be most helpful to hear more specifics about your experiences: North,
South, magnetic water, magnet suppositories, what?

David wrote:

> Okay Gang:
> in case this has never been discussed here - if you have reverse polarity
> (about 5% of the population does) using magnet therapy will increase your
> pain level !! - I found out the hard way.? I ended up in a hospital bleeding
> internally in 1998 from magnet therapy.
> as we have said here many times - what works for one - may not for other
> people.
> jeannine
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Particle size

1999-12-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Madore
Am I correct in interpreting this as saying that the various CS generating
methods that you list, produced similar sized particles? Would this then mean
that current limiting is really unnecessary? Obviously, the higher voltages
will produce higher initial currents and quicker runs if the current is not 
Would this produce the same size particle as carefully controlled current?

Another question that you might shine some light on: My HVAC (20kv) CS
is clear and stays clear. It also seems more potent. My LVDC CS is golden
and darkens with time. I keep hearing that color indicates larger particles.
I have a hard time with this explination. I see very fine particles as I observe
the light beam, and an occasional larger sparkle. Whatever creates the color
must be smaller than the particles I see in my light beam. And the fact that 
color darkens in time, leads me to believe it is something other than silver
particles. Maybe some type of oxidation. I'll admit, when it comes to chemestry,
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

I'd appreciate your thoughts.



> To all interested list members.  I have been
> reluctant to enter this discussion, but since we have some actual, objective
> data on this issue, I will break my covenant of silence.  I do this knowing 
> that
> many on the list do not possess the discretionary funds required to have
> multiple electron microscope runs performed (@ $120.00 each).  In 1997 we had 
> a
> number of specimens examined under electron microscopy, at an independent
> laboratory.  Among these were 27 vdc (using batteries),  36 vdc (regulated ), 
> 28
> vdc (regulated power supply),  18 vdc (reg. pwr supply),  12 vdc (reg.pwr.
> supply),  10,000 vac,  1000 vac;  generated using COLD (35 DEGREES  F..), ROOM
> TEMP  (80 DEGREES F.), and HOT (180 DEGREES F.).  ALL RESULTS were so similar,
> that NO visible differention was possible.using the unaided human eye.
> since the magnification was in excess of 100K, most of the discussion is---at
> least to us---moot.
> I do not mean to be confrontational/adversarial in 
> this
> matter.  These are just our findings.  Others may have data which contravenes
> ours.  If so, I would be most appreciative of receiving their commentary.
> Sincerely.  Brooks.
> Jeff Gilman wrote:
> > Mark Metcalf of Silver Solutions says that its impossible to change the
> > particle size. That the laws of electrochemistry prove that the particle
> > size remains constant regardless of the voltage, temp of the water, etc.  I
> > would like to get this issue settled once and for all.  Can anybody point me
> > to any references which will prove or disprove this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Jeff
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Katarina Wittich 
> > To: 
> > Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:44 PM
> > Subject: CS>Re: Bil, boiling water.
> >
> > >Hi Bil,
> > >so , I have two questions.
> > >Doesn't heating the water increase particle size? As the particles bump
> > into
> > >each other and agglomerate and make cs faster but bigger particles?
> > >
> > >And how do you boil water in a glass jar without it breaking? What kind of
> > >jar? I looked for glass kettles in the store but didn't find anything.
> > >Thanks,
> > >katarina
> > >
> > >
> > >> I have been making CS for some time.  I started out
> > >> with a 16 oz. jar and was told to use boiling hot
> > >> distilled water and no salt to have the smallest particle
> > >> size.
> > >>
> > >> Now I use a gallon jar.  The distilled water I buy here
> > >> in California always tests below 2 ppm.  I boil the
> > >> water in a very clean glass pot.  If I use cold water the
> > >> CS process takes forever.  Also no matter how much
> > >> I limit the current (as low as 2 mA) the cathode always
> > >> gets very thick with sludge.  This is my setup:
> > >>
> > >> One gallon glass jar (clean)
> > >> Plastic lid
> > >> 99.99% silver, 1" x 3.5" (wetted)
> > >> Food grade stainless steel, 1" x 8" (wetted)
> > >> Stainless steel bolts and nuts (on lid)
> > >> Electrodes spaced 1/2" apart
> > >> 30 volts DC
> > >>
> > >> Some of you guys are using 120 volts AC rectified and
> > >> filtered to produce ~170 volts DC.  How much current
> > >> are you running?  What is the advantage?
> > >>
> > >> Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
> > >> without the sludge using low voltage?
> > >>
> > >> Thank you very much for your replies.
> > >>
> > >> Bil
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> > >
> > >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> > >  -or-
> > >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > >
> > >To post, address your message to:
> > >Silver-list archive: h

RE: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hello John,

Good to hear from you, especially when there is a need.  

I had been planning to dig up your references and post them when I got a 
breather from dealing with other problems.  

I hope someone will quickly calculate the maximum consumption possible for the 
distressed lady, and set her mind at ease. 

I have widely recommended your book.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   John Hill []
Sent:   Wednesday, December 01, 1999 7:29 PM
Subject:Re: CS>alittle gray

The minimum cumulative amount of silver consumed and known to produce 
argyria is estimated to be approximately 900 mg. over a period of one 
year.  Some references state that as much as 6 to 10 grams are 
required.  It probably varies a lot from one individual to another.  It is 
important to estimate the total amount of silver consumed in 
milligrams.  It probably doesn't matter much whether it was colloidal or 
ionic, just the total amount that the body absorbed.

A toxicology summary for silver can be found at

Regards,  John Hill

At 07:59 PM 12/1/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Seems Donna is talking about her face, while James is talking about CS.
>Donna, if your skin is grey, you've consumed some huge quantities (and I
>mean many, many grams) of extremely large-particle silver which was NOT made
>electrolytically. What, exactly, have you consumed; how much; how long?
> > In a message dated 11/30/1999 7:41:10 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > writes:
> >
> > <<
> >  The grey is probably Silver Chloride and is in those quantities, for
> >  not harmful, physiologically or cosmetically.   I drank grey LV silver
> >  years.
> >
> >  Relax.  The cosmetic effect is usually blue, turning to black with
> >  to sunlight, with similar chemistry as a photo negative.
> >
> >  There could be other crap in the water though.  If it is tap water it has
> >  high possibility of being toxic in itself, or could react with the
> >
> >  James Osbourne Holmes
> >
> >
> >   >>
> > James,
> >   Relax you say, that is a good one.  So now it is a chance of getting
> > darker, that is what you are telling me. In some lights it looks silver
> > at night it looks dark gray.  I am at the point where I would try to
> > my face if I knew that it helped.   Any suggestions?
> >
> > Donna Earnest
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >


1999-12-02 Thread Debbie McDonald
Can anyone share any ideas for treating Parkinson's? Thanks much, Deb

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS and Arteries

1999-12-02 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Somewhere in my mass of not-well-organized.information?is an 
article saying that much of what was thought to be "degenerative"  vascular 
disease is now being attributed to pathogens.  Particularly heart disease. 
 Vaguely, I remember something about people who took small amounts of 
tetracycline not getting Mis.

Remember when ulcers were caused by "stress".  Now it is heliobacter 
 pilori.   We are probably just around a similar corner for some forms of 
arthritis too.

Remember too, what Dr. Robert Becker says.  CS facilities the transition of 
neoplasms  into stem cells, and then into the appropriate tissue 

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   Vilik Rapheles []
Sent:   Thursday, December 02, 1999 1:45 AM
Subject:CS and Arteries

Would someone be willing to tell me whether CS can be used to help
arterial health? How does it affect arteries, and the possiblity of
heart attacks or strokes?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Particle size

1999-12-02 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
To all interested list members.  I have been
reluctant to enter this discussion, but since we have some actual, objective
data on this issue, I will break my covenant of silence.  I do this knowing that
many on the list do not possess the discretionary funds required to have
multiple electron microscope runs performed (@ $120.00 each).  In 1997 we had a
number of specimens examined under electron microscopy, at an independent
laboratory.  Among these were 27 vdc (using batteries),  36 vdc (regulated ), 28
vdc (regulated power supply),  18 vdc (reg. pwr supply),  12 vdc (reg.pwr.
supply),  10,000 vac,  1000 vac;  generated using COLD (35 DEGREES  F..), ROOM
TEMP  (80 DEGREES F.), and HOT (180 DEGREES F.).  ALL RESULTS were so similar,
that NO visible differention was possible.using the unaided human eye.
since the magnification was in excess of 100K, most of the discussion is---at
least to us---moot.
I do not mean to be confrontational/adversarial in this
matter.  These are just our findings.  Others may have data which contravenes
ours.  If so, I would be most appreciative of receiving their commentary.
Sincerely.  Brooks.
Jeff Gilman wrote:

> Mark Metcalf of Silver Solutions says that its impossible to change the
> particle size. That the laws of electrochemistry prove that the particle
> size remains constant regardless of the voltage, temp of the water, etc.  I
> would like to get this issue settled once and for all.  Can anybody point me
> to any references which will prove or disprove this?
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> -Original Message-
> From: Katarina Wittich 
> To: 
> Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:44 PM
> Subject: CS>Re: Bil, boiling water.
> >Hi Bil,
> >so , I have two questions.
> >Doesn't heating the water increase particle size? As the particles bump
> into
> >each other and agglomerate and make cs faster but bigger particles?
> >
> >And how do you boil water in a glass jar without it breaking? What kind of
> >jar? I looked for glass kettles in the store but didn't find anything.
> >Thanks,
> >katarina
> >
> >
> >> I have been making CS for some time.  I started out
> >> with a 16 oz. jar and was told to use boiling hot
> >> distilled water and no salt to have the smallest particle
> >> size.
> >>
> >> Now I use a gallon jar.  The distilled water I buy here
> >> in California always tests below 2 ppm.  I boil the
> >> water in a very clean glass pot.  If I use cold water the
> >> CS process takes forever.  Also no matter how much
> >> I limit the current (as low as 2 mA) the cathode always
> >> gets very thick with sludge.  This is my setup:
> >>
> >> One gallon glass jar (clean)
> >> Plastic lid
> >> 99.99% silver, 1" x 3.5" (wetted)
> >> Food grade stainless steel, 1" x 8" (wetted)
> >> Stainless steel bolts and nuts (on lid)
> >> Electrodes spaced 1/2" apart
> >> 30 volts DC
> >>
> >> Some of you guys are using 120 volts AC rectified and
> >> filtered to produce ~170 volts DC.  How much current
> >> are you running?  What is the advantage?
> >>
> >> Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
> >> without the sludge using low voltage?
> >>
> >> Thank you very much for your replies.
> >>
> >> Bil
> >>
> >
> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> >with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >Silver-list archive:
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

Re: CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread BinsMom1
In a message dated 12/02/1999 9:29:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> I think our society often 
>  underestimates what a loss it is to lose a baby, no matter how young, so
>  people seldom get enough support to mourn a miscarriage.
Yes, it is a great loss. Many people do not realize that it is something that 
can haunt a person for years. I am so sorry to hear that you (Diane, I mean) 
had a miscarriage. Some people think I have a lot of children -- 6, most of 
whom are grown now. What they do not realize is that I have lost about 10 
children to miscarriage. I feel blessed with the ones I did have and cherish 
them greatly.
Christ, my all  <><

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: magnet therapy - HOLD ON

1999-12-02 Thread DeathBH
Okay Gang:

in case this has never been discussed here - if you have reverse polarity 
(about 5% of the population does) using magnet therapy will increase your 
pain level !! - I found out the hard way.  I ended up in a hospital bleeding 
internally in 1998 from magnet therapy.

as we have said here many times - what works for one - may not for other 


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-02 Thread Duvall55
remove from list, have learned a lot will be back later, thanks

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Jeff Gilman
I can't help but chuckle.  So now if you get gray skin from too much silver
your going to get developed if you go out in the sun...just great!

-Original Message-
From: James Osbourne, Holmes 
To: '' 
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 8:27 PM
Subject: RE: CS>alittle gray

>The grey is probably Silver Chloride and is in those quantities, for sure,
>not harmful, physiologically or cosmetically.   I drank grey LV silver for
>Relax.  The cosmetic effect is usually blue, turning to black with exposure
>to sunlight, with similar chemistry as a photo negative.
>There could be other crap in the water though.  If it is tap water it has a
>high possibility of being toxic in itself, or could react with the silver.
>James Osbourne Holmes
>-Original Message-
>From: []
>Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 3:55 PM
>Subject: CS>alittle gray
>Hey everyone,
>  Well I don't know but the past couple of weeks I have had people tell me
>that my skin is not looking right.  Some have said it may even be alittle
>gray.  Scares the hell out of me now.  I keep looking in the mirror, there
>are some spots that are darker than normal.  My anxiety levels right now
>higher than usual.  I have stopped taking any CS in hopes that this will
>and it is not what I am dreading.
>  Don't know what I will do without my CS.   For now I am just keeping my
>fingers crossed in hoping for some fading.
>Just wanted to let you know.
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: OT miscarriage-kidney stones

1999-12-02 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/2/99 6:12:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<<  After the last miscarriage, 
 we were told she would be in harm's way if she were to get pregnant 
 again.  Well, our daughter is two years old, my wife and daughter are 
 both well, and CS is used as a daily health maintenance plan for the 
 whole family.  Sorry, but just had to share.   :) >>

Ha!!  Don't be sorry, that's great news!  

It's also more proof that we cannot always listen to the medicos.  They were 
going to stop me from having kids when I was barely 20 years old.  (long 
story)  Good thing they did not have their way. I was devastated as I wanted 
a large family since I was 9 years old. It was my dream.  I now have 6.  What 
do they know?  Sometimes nothing.


I wish I had known about cs many years least I do know now!  
Just since this last July, I had a lithotripsy done to blast a kidney stone.  
There are pros/cons to the procedure, but I chose it and had success.  The 
stone was totally shattered and passed.  I did have a few other tiny 
fragments (relatively speaking) pass, too.  When I saw some blood in the 
urine, my Dr tested it and said that he saw "white blood cells" and three 
times.since July, wanted to put me on abx.  I said NO and told him I'd 
take the cs and also some herbs.  I did, passed a few more stones and then I 
cleared up on my own.  WBC's can be from inflammation, not only infection.  I 
had no infection.  I swear the cs stopped it.  I can't prove it, though.  
Sure enough, when he actually had the urine cultured, it was free of 
infection.  YetI could have been on abx that I did not need.  Uh uh. Not 
me.  Been there, done that.  


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/2/99 5:54:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< Fortunately my four others are now healthy adults. >>

Yesthat is what I am choosing to keep my focus on.  I have healthy 
children and this was a fluke in my life.  Even at that, it could have been 
worse.  It happened very early on and for that I am very grateful.  Try, try 
again =-)


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Particle size

1999-12-02 Thread Jeff Gilman
Mark Metcalf of Silver Solutions says that its impossible to change the
particle size. That the laws of electrochemistry prove that the particle
size remains constant regardless of the voltage, temp of the water, etc.  I
would like to get this issue settled once and for all.  Can anybody point me
to any references which will prove or disprove this?


-Original Message-
From: Katarina Wittich 
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:44 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Bil, boiling water.

>Hi Bil,
>so , I have two questions.
>Doesn't heating the water increase particle size? As the particles bump
>each other and agglomerate and make cs faster but bigger particles?
>And how do you boil water in a glass jar without it breaking? What kind of
>jar? I looked for glass kettles in the store but didn't find anything.
>> I have been making CS for some time.  I started out
>> with a 16 oz. jar and was told to use boiling hot
>> distilled water and no salt to have the smallest particle
>> size.
>> Now I use a gallon jar.  The distilled water I buy here
>> in California always tests below 2 ppm.  I boil the
>> water in a very clean glass pot.  If I use cold water the
>> CS process takes forever.  Also no matter how much
>> I limit the current (as low as 2 mA) the cathode always
>> gets very thick with sludge.  This is my setup:
>> One gallon glass jar (clean)
>> Plastic lid
>> 99.99% silver, 1" x 3.5" (wetted)
>> Food grade stainless steel, 1" x 8" (wetted)
>> Stainless steel bolts and nuts (on lid)
>> Electrodes spaced 1/2" apart
>> 30 volts DC
>> Some of you guys are using 120 volts AC rectified and
>> filtered to produce ~170 volts DC.  How much current
>> are you running?  What is the advantage?
>> Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
>> without the sludge using low voltage?
>> Thank you very much for your replies.
>> Bil
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: David/Marshall/Magnets

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Okay -- I think I got this figured out -- but tell me if I'm wrong.

Both David and Marshall agree that from their research it appears that the
north pole of a magnet is the one to be used for most healing and for
magnetizing water. This pole can be identified as either the south seeking
side of a magnet -- or the side that the north seeking needle on a compass
points too.

So if this is true the large magnet that I bought for magnetizing water is
properly labelled -- but the two tiny ones that I bought in the health store
for my knuckle pain are labelled incorrectly and the reason they didn't help
my knuckles is that I was actually applying the south side.

Thats pretty scary that they sell (for a fair amount of money I might add)
improperly labelled magnets which could then end up having the opposite
effect of what you wish!!

But at least I know how to test now -- however - I have another question.
Yesterday - before I really understood this stuff -- I used my husbands
cheapo compass to check which poles the magnets were. Today his compass is
pointing it's red arrow at the south pole. He swears that it is supposed to
point the red part of the arrow at the north pole and that it was doing that
yesterday, but somehow got switched today.
Is that possible? Could pointing it at a strong magnet do that? It's not
demagnetized -- it points accurately at the north and south poles  (we
checked on the expensive compass which he won't let anywhere near my
magnets) but with the wrong sides of the needle.

Feedback, guys?? Other than that husbands are always right??


> Marshall Dudley wrote:
>> >We have been though all this before.
> Yep, we've been there', done that.
>> >The magnet may be labeled the north pole, or the
>> >north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, >but are opposite.
> Not sure what you mean here, but if you mean the north
> pole of a magnet is the opposite of the north seeking pole,
> I agree.
>>To make matters worse some literature considers the true
>>north pole of the earth as a south magnetic pole,<
>>so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the
>>magnetic would point north.
> I guess my magnets and I  are physically handicapped.
> I have a front side and a back side and I don't know
> how to get both sides facing the same direction.
> My magnets have a north pole (south pole seeking side) and a
> south pole (north pole seeking side) and they don't know how
> to get their north pole side and their north pole seeking
> side to face the same direction at the same time.
>> >Even worse, no one was able to say conclusively if the north >pole that
> is suppose to be
>> good for you is really the north >pole, or the north seeking pole.
> Not true. On page 22 of their book, "Magnetism and it's effects on the
> living System" 
> Davis and Rawls have a drawing that
> shows the "Earth" magnet as a bar magnet on the central axis
> of the Earth and the bar magnet's north pole is very clearly
> next to the Geographic north pole.
> On page 6, they say:
> "It is of the upmost importance that you understand how we arrived at
> identifying the poles
> of a magnet, as many present-day magnet manufacturers do not code or
> identify the poles
> correctly. The two poles of any magnet are the N
> pole and the S pole. As does the Earth, a magnet also has its two poles.The
> simple means of
> Identification of the two poles is to take a long straight bar or cylinder
> magnet and tie a
> string or thread at its center. Then tie the thread to a support that will
> allow the magnet
> freedom to swing freely, keeping it away
> from all metal objects. The magnet will turn and slow,then
> stop turning. The end of the magnet that is pointing to the N pole of the
> Earth is "the S
> pole of the magnet."
> This is the information I used to make my magnet pads.
> The magnets seem to have the effect Davis and Rawls say they
> should have. That's pretty much all I need to know relative
> to poles of a magnet.
> Best Regards Everyone,
> David

Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 14:45:17 -0500
From: Marshall Dudley 
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > >We have been though all this before.
> Yep, we've been there', done that.
> > >The magnet may be labeled the north pole, or the
> > >north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, >but are
> Not sure what you mean here, but if you mean the north
> pole of a magnet is the opposite of the north seeking pole,
> I agree.
> >To make matters worse some literature considers the true
> >north pole of the earth as a south magnetic pole,<
> >so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the
> >magnetic would point north.
> I guess my magnets and I  are physically handicapped.
> I have 

CS>Re: OT miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread Mike Marr
On Thursday, December 02, 1999  4:48 PM, Marsha Hallett wrote:
>> <<  it's still hard to say goodbye. >>
>> Yup.
>> Diane
>Date: 02-Dec-1999 14:48:40 -0800
>From: Marsha Hallett
>To: m...@jazz {}
>Subject: Re: CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage
>I know, too...lost my second one at 3 months. It hurt both ways.
>Fortunately my four others are now healthy adults.
My wife and I lost a child at five months.  This is what caused the 
doctors to run the test for Lupus.  At the same time, some friends 
suggested CS.  Since then, my wife's health has been great after changing 
eating habits, lots of exercise, water & CS.  After the last miscarriage, 
we were told she would be in harm's way if she were to get pregnant 
again.  Well, our daughter is two years old, my wife and daughter are 
both well, and CS is used as a daily health maintenance plan for the 
whole family.  Sorry, but just had to share.   :)

Mike M.
Michael Marr
Financial Analyst
Clark & Clark
901.537.2221 (Direct)
901.537.2233 (Facsimile)

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Re: CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread Marsha Hallett
> <<  it's still hard to say goodbye. >>
> Yup.
> Diane

I know, too...lost my second one at 3 months. It hurt both ways.
Fortunately my four others are now healthy adults.

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Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread BinsMom1
In a message dated 12/02/1999 3:09:21 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

>  I trust that the skin discolouration is
>  the result of some readily reversed condition.
Several months back, I noticed that my skin looked gray and my fingernails 
were bluish. I had not heard of CS at the time, so that was not a factor. I 
was getting very upset, thinking that perhaps I had suddenly gotten some 
condition that wasn't letting my blood have enough oxygen. I went to look in 
the mirror, but my face looked OK. Then I looked more closely at my hands, 
which is where I had first noticed it. I scratched at one of the fingernails 
and discovered the color came off. When I washed my hands thoroughly (about 
20 times) finally all the color returned to normal. I was very puzzled until 
I remembered I had been canning peaches and tomatoes and perhaps the color 
came from a natural dye in them. I doubt that this is the problem here, but 
it would be an idea to get checked by a doctor to see if maybe it is her 
heart or lung function or something else.
Christ, my all  <><

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Re: CS>is this working?

1999-12-02 Thread Charles King
On Wed, 01 Dec 1999 13:17:44 -0700, "Katarina Wittich" 

>Is this working - all my mail to the list is getting returned.

No it's not!
Get rid of the Mac!!!
Being in politics is like being a football coach--
you have to be smart enough to understand the game
 and stupid enough to think it's important

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CS>Humor,Things I've Learned

1999-12-02 Thread Tai-Pan
RX humor,
 Things I've Learned...

 I've learned that I like my teacher because she cries when we sing
 "Silent Night"
 Age 6

 I've learned that our dog doesn't want to eat my broccoli either.
 Age 7

 I've learned that when I wave to people in the country, they stop
 what they are doing and wave back.
 Age 9

 I've learned that just when I get my room the way I like it, Mom
 makes me clean it up again.
 Age 12

 I've learned that if you want to cheer yourself up, you should try
 cheering someone else up.
 Age 14

 I've learned that although it's hard to admit it, I'm secretly glad
 my parents are strict with me.
 Age 15

 I've learned that silent company is often more healing than
 words of advice.
 Age 24

 I've learned that brushing my child's hair is one of life's great
 Age 26

 I've learned that life is too short to be unhappy.
 Age 28

 I've learned that wherever I go, the world's worst drivers have
 followed me there.
 Age 29

 I've learned that if someone says something unkind about me,
 I must live so that no one will believe it.
 Age 39

 I've learned that there are people who love you dearly but just
 don't know how to show it.
 Age 42

 I've learned that you can make some one's day by simply
 sending them a little note.
 Age 44

 I've learned that the greater a person's sense of guilt, the
 greater his or her need to cast blame on others.
 Age 46

 I've learned that children and grandparents are natural allies.
 Age 47

 I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it
 seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.
 Age 48

 'I've learned that singing "Amazing Grace" can lift my spirits
 for hours.
 Age 49

 I've learned that motel mattresses are better on the side
 away from the phone.
 Age 50

 I've learned that you can tell a lot about a man by the way
 he handles these three things:  a rainy day, lost luggage,
 and tangled Christmas tree lights.
 Age 52

 I've learned that keeping a vegetable garden is worth a
 medicine cabinet full of pills.
 Age 52

 I've learned that regardless of your relationship with your
 parents, you miss them terribly after they die.
 Age 53

 I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as
 making a life.
 Age 58

 I've learned that if you want to do something positive for
 your children, work to improve your marriage.
 Age 61

 I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance.
 Age 62

 I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catchers
 mitt on both hands.  You need to be able to throw something
 Age 64

 I've learned that if you pursue happiness, it will elude you.
 But if you focus on your family, the needs of others, your work,
 meeting new people, and doing the very best you can,
 happiness will find you.
 Age 65

 I've learned that whenever I decide something with kindness,
 I usually make the right decision.
 Age 66

 I've learned that when I have a tough decision to make, all I
 have to do is remember what my Mom always said "do your
 best and the reward will justify"
 Age 67

 I've learned that everyone can use a prayer.
 Age 72

 I've learned that it pays to believe in miracles. And to tell the
 truth, I've  seen several.
 Age 75

 I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be one.
 Age 82

 I've learned that every day you should reach out and touch
 someone.  People love that human touch - holding hands, a
 warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.
 Age 85

 I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.
 Age 92

  Bless you  Bob Lee
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Madore

Marsha Hallett wrote:

> If hubby says it is OK, believe him!

This indeed, is the eleventh commandment!!!


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Re: CS>Liver

1999-12-02 Thread Carol M. Ryan
Hi Sam
Can you tell me what the liver cleanse you did was, I am thinking of doing
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 10:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Liver

> I read Clark's book and have done the liver cleanse a couple of times.  It
> works extremely well.
> Dhyana
> >According to Hulda Clark, gallstones are parasitic cysts. Go read her
> >"The Cure for All Diseases," and give her remedies a try before you have
> >body parts removed by barbarians.
> >Sam
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/2/99 12:29:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<<  it's still hard to say goodbye. >>



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Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Charles King
On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 18:00:05 -0500, "Corvus Corax"  wrote:

>Please find out what this is, if this is not caused by silver, then it could
>be some medical condition that could make you very ill.  It is not normal
>for your skin to change and while if it is silver it is only cosmetic, if it
>is something else, please don't let it get to far.

Are you eating something in large quantity?
For example, carrots to excess will turn your skin orange due to beta carotine.
Some bodybuilders used to use a red carotine supplement to simulate tanning.
It goes away when discontinued.
"Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are"
- Anonymous

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Marsha Hallett
Dear Donna, Get a mirror, go outside into the sunshine, whenever you have
some, and check the color then. It is really hard to check color in indoor
If hubby says it is OK, believe him!

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Re: CS>Re:Donna/ CS questions for everyone

1999-12-02 Thread Mardicon8
In a message dated 12/2/99 10:07:56 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

<< WaterOZcalls their silver an "ionic" silver rather than a colloid.
 Supposedly they have
 a way to break the silver particles up even smaler than a colloid.
 Somebody on this list surely has the phone number, you can order 4 gallons,
 it's around
 $125.00 or so including shipping.
 Sparrow >>

Yes, I got the info privately via email.  Thanks for thinking of me!


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CS>OT, here`s a good one!!

1999-12-02 Thread Marsha Hallett
Dear Listers, Here`s another goodie for you all to enjoy!
Donna, read, laugh, and RELAX!!! :o)
Love to you all,


'Twas the night before Y2K,
And all through the nation
We awaited The Bug,
The Millennium sensation.

The chips were replaced
In computers with care,
In hopes that ol' Bugsy
Wouldn't stop there.

While some folks could think
They were snug in their beds
Others had visions
Of dread in their heads.

And Ma with her PC,
And I with my Mac
Had just logged on the Net
And kicked back with a snack.

When over the server,
There arose such a clatter
I called Mister Gates
To see what was the matter.

But he was away,
So I flew like a flash
Off to my bank
To withdraw all my cash.

When what with my wandering eyes
Should I see?
My good old Mac
Looked sick to me.

The hack of all hackers
Was looking so smug,
I knew that it must be
The Y2K Bug!

His image downloaded
In no time at all,
He whistled and shouted,
Let all systems fall!

Go Intel! Go Gateway!
Now HP! Big Blue!
Everything Compaq,
And Pentium too!

All processors big,
All processors small,
Crash away! Crash away!
Crash away all!

As I drew in my breath
And was turning around,
Out through the modem,
He came with a bound.

He was covered with fur,
And slung on his back
Was a sack full of virus's,
Set for attack.

His eyes-how they twinkled!
His dimples-how merry!
As midnight approached, though
Things soon became scary.

He was chubby and plump,
Perpetually grinning,
And I laughed when I saw him
Though my hard drive stopped spinning.

A wink of his eye,
And a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know
A new feeling of dread.

He spoke not a word,
But went straight to his work,
He changed all the clocks,
Then turned with a jerk.

With a twitch of his nose,
And a quick little wink,
All things electronic
Soon went on the blink.

He zoomed from my system,
To the next folks on line,
He caused such a disruption,
Could this be a sign?

Then I heard him exclaim,
With a loud, hearty cry,
Happy Y2K to all,
Kiss your PC's goodbye!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley

> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > >We have been though all this before.
> Yep, we've been there', done that.
> > >The magnet may be labeled the north pole, or the
> > >north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, >but are 
> > >opposite.
> Not sure what you mean here, but if you mean the north
> pole of a magnet is the opposite of the north seeking pole,
> I agree.
> >To make matters worse some literature considers the true
> >north pole of the earth as a south magnetic pole,<
> >so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the
> >magnetic would point north.
> I guess my magnets and I  are physically handicapped.
> I have a front side and a back side and I don't know
> how to get both sides facing the same direction.
> My magnets have a north pole (south pole seeking side) and a
> south pole (north pole seeking side) and they don't know how
> to get their north pole side and their north pole seeking
> side to face the same direction at the same time.

If the true north pole of the earth is actually the south pole of a magnet, 
then the north pole
of the magnet would be the same side as the north seeking pole.

For instance:  where it says:

"We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
 to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
 North Pole of a magnet points towards the
 earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
 Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
 Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
 magnet’s) North Pole points North."

> Not true. On page 22 of their book, "Magnetism and it's effects on the living 
> System"
> Davis and Rawls have a drawing that
> shows the "Earth" magnet as a bar magnet on the central axis
> of the Earth and the bar magnet's north pole is very clearly
> next to the Geographic north pole.

Like I said before, there is disagreement, we could both produce documents that 
contradict each
other on this all day.

> On page 6, they say:
> "It is of the upmost importance that you understand how we arrived at 
> identifying the poles
> of a magnet, as many present-day magnet manufacturers do not code or identify 
> the poles
> correctly. The two poles of any magnet are the N
> pole and the S pole. As does the Earth, a magnet also has its two poles.The 
> simple means of
> Identification of the two poles is to take a long straight bar or cylinder 
> magnet and tie a
> string or thread at its center. Then tie the thread to a support that will 
> allow the magnet
> freedom to swing freely, keeping it away
> from all metal objects. The magnet will turn and slow,then
> stop turning. The end of the magnet that is pointing to the N pole of the 
> Earth is "the S
> pole of the magnet."

So this is the opposite of the above reference (which is only one of many I 
have found that say
this, and just as many say what you are saying).

> This is the information I used to make my magnet pads.
> The magnets seem to have the effect Davis and Rawls say they
> should have. That's pretty much all I need to know relative
> to poles of a magnet.

So from this information we need to use the end of the magnet that points south 
when you hang
it from a thread.  That is the bottom line.  It is good that they are bringing 
together the
healing end of the magnet in the same text as how the poles are determined.  
Finally we can
maybe know for sure how to determine the "healing" end.


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CS>More interesting information on Sun Weirdness

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is looking more and more like we have some really big ships or something near
the sun:

Very interesting reading.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread POTTED PLANT
Marshall Dudley wrote:

> >We have been though all this before.

Yep, we've been there', done that.

> >The magnet may be labeled the north pole, or the
> >north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, >but are opposite.

Not sure what you mean here, but if you mean the north
pole of a magnet is the opposite of the north seeking pole,
I agree.

>To make matters worse some literature considers the true
>north pole of the earth as a south magnetic pole,<

>so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the
>magnetic would point north.

I guess my magnets and I? are physically handicapped.
I have a front side and a back side and I don't know
how to get both sides facing the same direction.
My magnets have a north pole (south pole seeking side) and a
south pole (north pole seeking side) and they don't know how
to get their north pole side and their north pole seeking
side to face the same direction at the same time.

> >Even worse, no one was able to say conclusively if the north >pole that is 
> >suppose to be
> good for you is really the north >pole, or the north seeking pole.

Not true. On page 22 of their book, "Magnetism and it's effects on the living 
Davis and Rawls have a drawing that
shows the "Earth" magnet as a bar magnet on the central axis
of the Earth and the bar magnet's north pole is very clearly
next to the Geographic north pole.

On page 6, they say:
"It is of the upmost importance that you understand how we arrived at 
identifying the poles
of a magnet, as many present-day magnet manufacturers do not code or identify 
the poles
correctly. The two poles of any magnet are the N
pole and the S pole. As does the Earth, a magnet also has its two poles.The 
simple means of
Identification of the two poles is to take a long straight bar or cylinder 
magnet and tie a
string or thread at its center. Then tie the thread to a support that will 
allow the magnet
freedom to swing freely, keeping it away
from all metal objects. The magnet will turn and slow,then
stop turning. The end of the magnet that is pointing to the N pole of the Earth 
is "the S
pole of the magnet."

This is the information I used to make my magnet pads.
The magnets seem to have the effect Davis and Rawls say they
should have. That's pretty much all I need to know relative
to poles of a magnet.

Best Regards Everyone,


E-mail to:?? (no attachments)


Fax to:? 1-253-681-1133

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

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1999-12-02 Thread Sinaj101
 This is not the WaterOz I order from.  Mine is coming from Grangeville, 
Idaho and this company seems to be more expensive.  If you want the toll free 
phone number of the one I order from let me know.  They will send you a 
couple of booklets and a cassette tape that explains their theory.  I heard 
at one time there was some battle over the two companies having the same name 
but hadn't heard anything lately on it.   I didn't see a price for 4 gallons 
at a time and that is what I order to get a price break.  But some of their 
information sounds a lot the same on ionic silver.  That is the reason I am 
sending you this link.  Let me know if you can access it or not.  I am sure 
there is some techier folks than I that may not agree with some of this.";>, alternative health 
.999 pure + or - ionic minerals, stabilized oxygen, ozone purifier 

Take care,

In a message dated 12/02/1999 12:04:42 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Could someone please tell me in plain english, suitable for a blond, 
 colloidal particles are smaller than ionic or the opposite is true and
 whether one is better to take than the other? I know this may be debatable
 but I gotta' know. :o)
 So far the ionics are winning with me.

§Lyme Survivor§

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Marshall/magnets

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Oh Marshall,
that's depressing that even you can't answer this question. I was hoping it
was just me being dense.
 Makes me think that the only safe way of magnetizing water until someone
figures this out is Lew's way of mixing both pole waters!! When you
magnetize water -- what do you do? Use the pole that the north seeking
magnet points to? Or south seeking?
Take care,

> We have been though all this before.  The magnet may be labeled the north
> pole, or the
> north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, but are opposite.
>  To make
> matters worse some literature considers the true north pole of the earth as a
> magnetic pole, so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the
> magnetic would
> point north.  So basically there is no consensis.
> Even worse, no one was able to say conclusively if the north pole that is
> suppose to be
> good for you is really the north pole, or the north seeking pole.
> Marshall

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: David/Magnets

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey David -- I think my magnet weighs five pounds so the string thing won't

> Hi Jeff and magnetees,
> When Davis and Rawls check out a magnet, they don't even
> bother with a compass. They say they hang the magnet on a
> string and which ever end, side,or face orients itself towards
> the northern hemisphere is the *south* pole of the magnet.
> I guess they never played with boats when they were children.
> Maybe they were never children.
> The compass needle is just a magnetized needle and the end that points to
> north is the
> south end or otherwise known as the
> *north-seeking* end.
> Yeah, Jeff, you must have had the south side up, under the pillow. I'll try
> tonight.
> Hey, Jeff, something just occurred to me.
> Maybe the magnet you used is one of those new imported
> Israeli Mother-in-law magnets. After it gives you the headache,
> it gives you a craving for chicken soup.
> The S and N markings don't mean South and North.
> They mean Son-in-law and Not-son-in-law.
> Okay, I'll stop.
> David

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CS>Re: Donna/skin coloration

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich

I wish so much that we could do something to help alleviate your anxiety
because that has to be doing you so much harm right now. I know that when I
am scared about something -- like a cancer scare that I had a while ago -- I
keep reminding myself that things usually turn out for the better -- and
that if they turn out for the worse than I will have to deal with it then --
and that I will manage, but that meanwhile it does me no good and a lot of
harm to let myself worry about something that might not be wrong.

I think it would really help us help you if you could sit down and type out
all the details.

Like : Where is it near your nose? How much area does it cover? Anywhere
else? (there are a lot of blood vessels in that area and it could be that
they are showing more for some reason) Is your skin darker all over?
Did you notice greying before or after your bowels were loose?
I assume you were taking the cs for lyme? Is that true? What other
medications are you on and have you been on?
Have you taken any homemade cs or just the WaterOz and CsPro?

And what are you doing to take care of yourself and check out what might be
causing this? It seems really important to find out what this is - not just
wait for it to go away -- if only because it is causing you such anxiety.
And the loose bowels might be a symptom of something - although they could
just come from the anxiety.

Are you going to see a doctor and get checked out? Even if your hubby and
son don't see it  (which is good news because it means it is probably not as
bad as you think) it is important to honor your own perceptions and make
sure this is not a warning signal. And none of us can tell you what it is -
we will only be guessing -- you need to see a health professional for that.

But please, do whatever you can do to help yourself get calm about this --
find some way to hold your own hand and let yourself know that whatever it
is - you will be allright -- and a most likely a month from now you will
look back with relief that there was nothing very wrong at all.


> Katarina,
>   It is not blue it is a gray color.  It is near my nose, my hubby and son do
> not see it.  I have also had loose bowels for about two weeks and I am in
> high anxiety mode right now.  My skin looks darker also.
> Donna Earnest

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CS>Re: Marshall/disolved gases.

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hi Marshall,
thanks for your explanation of how agyria works and for this one about
boiling water.
I find when I boil the water and use it still hot my solution is yellow
instead of clear -- indicating larger particles. I also find it really hard
to boil anything without contaminating the water as my ceramic teapot seems
to collect deposits which are hard to get off.
But maybe I will try some experiments with boiled cooled water -- once I get
my meter going and figure it all out.

> If the water has dissolved gases in it then the conductivity goes up, and most
> likely the particle size goes up as well.  Boiling will degass the water and
> should produce smaller particle size.  Hot water increases the conductivity
> also, and produces larger particle size, likely due to aggregation.  Smallest
> particle size should be produce with pure water that is degassed, that is,
> boiled, and cooled to room temperature before using.
> Marshall

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CS>Re: Jeff/magnets

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Uh -oh, Jeff,
see this is what was confusing me and I go hopelessly dislexic even thinking
about it -- so I hope you guys can figure it out and let me know!!!

> This is really very interesting!
> I tried sleeping with a magnet under my pillow.  I woke up with a headache
> most every time. Maybe I had the wrong pole up!
> I assume the compass needle end that says north, is magnitized as a south
> If not, it would not be attracted to north. I have floated a magnet in water
> a piece of styrafoam) and it alligns with the earth's poles. Using this
method, one
> would call the end pointing south, the north pole.
> Does this make sence?
> Jeff

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: David/Magnets

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hey David,

Great! that's the answer I needed. The side the North needle points at is
the north magnet -- I guess it's simple!

Now for the other questions.
Most important -- do you think it would work to put a magnet under or on the
5 gallon metal holding tank of my reverse osmosis water system and
magnetize the water that way?? And would it be a bad idea to make all of my
drinking water north magnetized -- so far I've been doing a lot of mixing
north and south as per Lew. What do you think?

And for placing a woter container on a magnet -- does the entire bottom of
the container have to be on the magnet? Will it also work if the magnet is
thick- one inch -- and 3900 gauss, but only covers 1/3 of the bottom of

Thanks for the info!!

Take care,
> Hi Katerina and listees!
> I'll go with the compass!
> When I recently bought some more magnets to make a
> "magnetic pad" I marked each side of each magnet according
> to the north-seeking end of the compass.
> I aimed the compass at each magnet and which ever side of the
> disk magnets attracted the north-seeking end of the needle I marked as north.
> marked the other side as south.
> Now, Davis and Rawls say that the north pole of a magnet
> has a soothing effect and is what you should put on an injury.
> They say that north will reduce swelling and accordingly, pain
> and bruising.
> They say that the south pole is invigorating and will tend to increase the
> swelling of an injury.
> They took a bunch of earth worms and divided them into three
> groups-- a control group, a "North" group and a "South" group.
> The "south" box of worms rested on the south pole of a magnet and was kept
> distant from the other worms. The "north" box
> of worms was on the north pole of their magnet, while the control worms had no
> magnet.
> The control worms lived normal lives and deaths and *did not*
> chew their way out of the box.
> The north worms were not as healthy as the control worms and had a higher
> count.
> The south worms were healthier than the control worms, ate
> all the food in the box and most chewed their way out of the box.
> I managed to ram my right knee onto the end of a board and
> that is when  I decided to try the magnet pad idea. (Hobbled right out to Home
> Depot). I put the *north* side of my home-
> made pad against the owie and wrapped it with an elastic
> bandage which I got when I was hobbling home.
> In less than 8 to 12 hours later the pain  minimized to the point
> that I some times had to stumble over the coffee table to
> remember that I was a cripple.
> There was hardly any bruising at all and three days later I stopped using the
> pad.
> S, I'll believe the compass! Although, to properly
> test this I should bang my other knee and use the south side
> this time and see if I am in agony for 6 weeks.
> oo I'm feeling achy already just at the thought.
> I put some Mexican jumping beans on the north pole of one
> magnet and some on the south side of another.
> The south beans jumped all over the place.
> The north beans didn't do as well.
> In 4 days we could have had Mexican coffee.
> Compass works for me.
> David
> Katarina Wittich wrote:
>> Okay guys, lots of questions.
>> I just got my large magnet for magnetizing water and it's north side is
>> marked differently than the north side on my smaller magnets -- so one of
>> them is wrong. I know this because when I put a compass near the large
>> magnet the needle swings north when faced with the north marked side -- but
>> when I put the compass near the north side of the small magnets the compass
>> needle swings to the south. Help!!!Which one is right??? This could be kind
>> of dangerous!!
>> Next question is that I got a 3 by 6 by 1 inch because it ws the cheapest I
>> could find. Does the magnet need to completely cover the bottom of the water
>> container you put on it? Or will it work if it only covers part??
>> And, lastly -- I asked this before but nobody answered -- is there any
>> reason I couldn't put the magnet on the metal tank of my reverse osmosis
>> system? The water sits in there for a long time -- and I've heard of
>> attatching magnets to pipes -- but don't know if they work that well. Would
>> the fact that it is metal matter -- or that it is large -- 2 gallons --
>> instead of a litre. If the magnet was there permanently -- would it work?
>> Help!! and thank you.
>> Katarina
>> Ps -- I know there was a lot of discussion about whether the north side of
>> magnets is really the north or the south -- but it just confused me terribly
>> -- so what I need is a simple and practical answer. Thanks.

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1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
Normally ionic is what you have when you dissolve an ionic compound, such as
silver nitrate in water.  Each atom of silver is an ion, coupled loosely with
the cation, which in this case is the nitrate. Normally ionicsilver is poisonous
due to the cation, and can cause bluing of the skin.  If there is no cation,
then I am not quite certain what is going on.

One of the apparent mechanisms by which silver kills pathogens is by maintaining
a positive charge on the particle, which attracts oxygen, which then sticks to
the surface.  This cancels the positive charge of one atom of silver in the
particle.  The particle remains positively charged, and if a negatively charged
pathogen happens by, attracts it like an electrostatic dust cloth.  Now the
pathogen and the oxygen are both adhering to the surface of the particle of
silver, and both have lost their negative charge by gaining a positive charge
from the silver atoms.  They no longer repeal each other and quickly react,
oxidizing the pathogen, and killing it.  The enzyme that keeps the pathogen
negatively charged breaks down, and the dead uncharged pathogen floats away, and
the silver particle is left to do it all over again.  This is a catalytic
reaction where the silver catalyzes the oxydation of the pathogen.

Now, if you have ionic silver, you have only one atom.  Once it has attracted
the oxygen, it is now neutral and no longer attracts any pathogens.  If a
pathogen happens to bump into the ionic atom then it can still be oxidized, but
the likelyhood of this happening is thousands of times less than if the silver
still had a positive charge and actively pulled it in.

The bottom line is that this catalytic efficiency of silver clusters is very low
at the ionic level, increases as the particles contain more atoms, then finally
begins dropping again once too many atoms are hidden in the center.  The peak
efficiency has been reported to be in the range of 35 to 1,000 atoms or so.  Big
clumps of silver, and atoms of silver are almost nil in their catalytic effect.

It seems quite likely that silver kills pathogens by other means as well, since
this would not kill aerobic bacteria, yet silver does kill them.

Hope this helps.


Mercer wrote:

> Could someone please tell me in plain english, suitable for a blond, whether
> colloidal particles are smaller than ionic or the opposite is true and
> whether one is better to take than the other? I know this may be debatable
> but I gotta' know. :o)
> So far the ionics are winning with me.
> Jo
> >That is not how it works.  What happens is the same as when you develop
> film,
> >silver compounds plate out onto any particles of silver that are there,
> making
> >them grow until they are trapped.  Particles large enough to get caught
> with
> >colloidal silver are too large to make it through the stomach lining.
> >
> >Marshall
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-02 Thread Mercer
Could someone please tell me in plain english, suitable for a blond, whether
colloidal particles are smaller than ionic or the opposite is true and
whether one is better to take than the other? I know this may be debatable
but I gotta' know. :o)

So far the ionics are winning with me.


>That is not how it works.  What happens is the same as when you develop
>silver compounds plate out onto any particles of silver that are there,
>them grow until they are trapped.  Particles large enough to get caught
>colloidal silver are too large to make it through the stomach lining.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Sam/olive leaf/Carol

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Oooh, Sam, that's scary about East Park. I'm definitely curious to hear what
Carol has to say. I wonder what her healer who makes the stuff thinks about
right and left spin.

Thanks for the warning.

> Olive LeafFolks,
>   Carol and I caught East Park in a bit of a fraud, so I'd not recommend =
> their credibility. They claimed the book about olive leaf was written =
> about their product, and we discovered it most decidedly wasn't. Wait to =
> hear what Carol has to say. She's got the goods on olive leaf, among =
> other things.
>   Sam

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CS>Re: OT Diane/miscarriage

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I think our society often 
underestimates what a loss it is to lose a baby, no matter how young, so
people seldom get enough support to mourn a miscarriage. And even if it
means that that little one probably wasn't strong enough to come out into
the world, it's still hard to say goodbye.
so I hope you are okay and wish you great luck with the next one!
Take care,

> I have not been current on all the posts in the last few daysI've been
> "busy" having a miscarriage.  and no.I was not taking any cs.  I'm sure
> it was a fluke.  But...we'll try again =-)  AnywayI've used the delete
> button a lot lately, as I know I'll never catch up.
> SoI dont' know what I've missed here, but I am interested to know  more
> about this "ionic silver".  Is that what this WaterOz is
> Where does one obtain four gallons of it???  Whatever other info you can send
> me on it to bring me up to speed, I'd appreciate it.
> Diane

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CS>Re: James/gallstones/Carmen

1999-12-02 Thread Katarina Wittich
Hi James,
I don't know why my friends doctor thought the flush was necessary in
addition to the apple juice. And I'm not certain that dissolving the stones
was the point of the apple juice. It was just a guess -- which is why I
think it is important that Carmen do it under supervision of someone who
would know the best way not to end up with a stuck stone.
Take care,

> That protocol is designed to build up a large store of bile in the bladder,
> by not eating fats, which trigger bile secretion into the small intestine.
>  When the olive oil hits the fasting system system the gall bladder
> contracts powerfully, and forces the stones out.  And yes, one can get a
> stuck stone.  If the Apple juice reduced the stones, then why not just take
> it until they gone?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread POTTED PLANT
Hi Jeff and magnetees,

When Davis and Rawls check out a magnet, they don't even
bother with a compass. They say they hang the magnet on a
string and which ever end, side,or face orients itself towards
the northern hemisphere is the *south* pole of the magnet.
I guess they never played with boats when they were children.
Maybe they were never children.

The compass needle is just a magnetized needle and the end that points to north 
is the
south end or otherwise known as the
*north-seeking* end.

Yeah, Jeff, you must have had the south side up, under the pillow. I'll try that

Hey, Jeff, something just occurred to me.
Maybe the magnet you used is one of those new imported
Israeli Mother-in-law magnets. After it gives you the headache,
it gives you a craving for chicken soup.
The S and N markings don't mean South and North.
They mean Son-in-law and Not-son-in-law.

Okay, I'll stop.


"Jeffrey A. Madore" wrote:

> This is really very interesting!
> I tried sleeping with a magnet under my pillow.? I woke up with a headache
> most every time. Maybe I had the wrong pole up!
> I assume the compass needle end that says north, is magnitized as a south 
> pole?
> If not, it would not be attracted to north. I have floated a magnet in water 
> (on
> a piece of styrafoam) and it alligns with the earth's poles. Using this 
> method, one
> would call the end pointing south, the north pole.
> Does this make sence?
> Jeff
> ?

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CS>[Fwd: THE SILVER UPDATE NEWSLETTER� -� Fall 1999, Issue #6]

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley

--- Begin Message ---

Fall 1999 Issue #6

Now serving over 4,000+ subscribers world-wide!


1. Colloidal Silver - Discovery Center 
2. Colloidal Silver - Experiences
3. Colloidal Silver - Research & Discoveries
4. Colloidal Silver - Chat & Message Board at Yahoo!
5. How to Buy or Make your own Colloidal Silver

>> Note: This monthly newsletter is sent only to
subscribers who request it.  Forward this to your
friends who would like it.

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1. Colloidal Silver - Discovery Center

Welcome to The Silver Update Newsletter.  This is a
compilation of experiences and research on colloidal
silver. This newsletter is a community effort from
people around the world who have had personal
experiences with colloidal silver.

Your input is very valuable to us! We will soon allow
you to input your colloidal silver experiences directly
into our web site!  We will notify you when that
feature is functional.  Until then, you can email your
testimonials to us at

2. Colloidal Silver - Experiences

Many excellent experiences are emailed to us daily,
below are a few powerful and thought provoking
testimonials of the effectiveness of colloidal silver.
For a complete list of all the colloidal silver
experiences on the Discovery Center go to


"I wouldn't have believed it but it happened - I had an
abscessed tooth. It had been getting progressively
worse for days until the weekend when on Saturday
morning I could no longer take enough aspirin (nuprin)
to kill the pain and keep the swelling down. 

I'd heard about colloidal silver and sent my boyfriend
out for it. He came home with 2 bottles telling me I
needed to call the doc(preaching) but I told him,
"Let me try this first. At $60 for 2 bottles, it costs
1/2 of what I'd spend seeing our dentist & taking
antibiotics for 6 weeks." 

I tipped my head back and soaked the tooth area with
the colloidal silver and let it absorb into my gums. I
saw results in hours! The swelling went down and to
this day the abscessed tooth has not bothered me again!
(I still need dental work on it.)

Keep spreading the word!"

To view more experiences on Colloidal Silver used in
oral applications go to


"Recently our male cat had an eye infection which was
so bad the eye wouldn't open and when I pried it open a
bit it's "third eye-lid" was closed. Thinking, "Here
comes another Vet bill" it suddenly occurred to me that
this might be a job for CS. So I squirted about 1cc
into his eye from a little syringe (needle removed!)
opening his eye the best I could and the next morning
(about 12 hours later) when I went to give him a second
dose, the eye was so cleared up that I was uncertain
about which eye had had the infection...I couldn't
believe it!!! I'm still amazed and tell the story to
others frequently. The eye looked COMPLETELY normal! Go

To view more experiences on Colloidal Silver used with
Animals and Pets go to


"I am a retired chemist and I have been making CS for
nearly 3 years now. I have had some great cases clear
up very quickly. One case of a young man, 35, had
lymphoma and the MD's gave him 2 weeks!!! I got him
started on CS last Dec 1, which was about 10 to 15 PPM
along with MSM. The CS he took 4 times daily and the
MSM once. Within 20 days he returned to his MD and they
did a blood exam and pronounced him free of

To view more experiences on colloidal silver used as an
alternative healing agent go to


"I purchased a Robey Deluxe Colloidal Silver Generator
about a year ago and I am happy to report some very
good results. After 15 years suffering nail fungus and
trying everything on it, the 80 PPM silver has it
almost cleared up. I use a sprayer attached to a
peroxide bottle two or three times a day. Nails take
about a year to fully grow out, so it takes patience
and determination. I was afraid to use the Lamisil the
doctor prescribed for fungus, as a possible side affect
is kidney damage. I have also used it topically on cuts
bruises and infections. I swallow about a teaspoon of
20 PPM a day and never have a sic day. I use a couple
of drops of 10 PPM in my eyes with an eyedropper when
they are burning, and a saturated swab inside my ear
canals when they are itching. As an aftershave
treatment I pat on 40 PPM, this also works for me on
itchy scalp. I was a little reluctant at first until I
saw it work for myself under a microscope. I placed a
culture o

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
Interesting.  I noticed you footnoted several paragraphs, but did not give
the references.  Could you give me the refs?



Ivan Anderson wrote:

> The mechanism for the darkening of tissue by silver is as follows:
> Silver chloride is photo-reduced by UV light to metallic silver and is
> then reoxidised to black silver sulphide and bound to the tissue. If a
> high concentration of selenium is present the silver sulphide will be
> converted to silver selenide, which may result in higher deposition
> than with silver sulphide. (1)
>  ATSDR (1990) reports that the deposition of silver in tissues is the
> result of the precipitation of insoluble silver salts, such as silver
> chloride and silver phosphate.  These insoluble silver salts are then
> transformed into soluble silver sulfide albuminates, to bind or to
> form complexes with amino or carboxyl groups in RNA, DNA, and
> proteins, or to be reduced by ascorbic acid or catechol-amines.  The
> skin discoloration of humans with argyria may be caused by a
> photo-reduc-tion of silver chloride to metallic silver.  The metallic
> silver is then oxidized by tissue, sub-sequently forming black silver
> sulfide. (2)
> Colloidal silver is in fact oxidised and therefore an oxidising agent
> which partly explains its biological action.
> I am coming to the opinion that as silver must be ionic in form to be
> biologically active, the only value in CS over soluble silver salts is
> that one does not need to ingest the anion part (negative part of a
> silver salt, eg NO3-) which may be toxic. As it is likely that the
> silver ion will form a bond with the first available anion (Cl- ?),
> and does so in the stomach or blood, it is just as well that the
> Chloride anion is readily exchanged for  Sulphide etc. and so the
> silver is able to perform its actions in bonding to and disrupting
> cell walls, and so on.
> Metallic silver, which is not readily dissolved by HCl, but will
> release some ions over time, is unlikely to be absorbed by the stomach
> but may be absorbed in the small intestine. It is mildly antiseptic
> and will find its way to the liver just as any reduced silver not
> bound in the tissue will.
> It is the ionic silver which will find itself attached to body tissue
> and it may be wise to take small doses through out the day rather than
> large single doses to limit this occurrence.
> Thoughts any one?
> Ivan.
> - Original Message -
> From: Marshall Dudley 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, 2 December 1999 05:18
> Subject: Re: CS>alittle gray
> > Normally graying is caused by silver compounds.  The process is
> exactly the same
> > as photo developing.  When light strikes a silver compound it
> disassociates,
> > producing a small particle of silver metal.  This particle will be
> produced
> > where light can reach the compound, ie. the skin.  Then if
> additional silver
> > compounds are present, and the ph of the blood is correct and there
> is a
> > developer present, additional silver will dissociate at the sites
> where a silver
> > atom is present, causing the atom to grow into a clump.
> >
> > Many compounds are developers, such as caffine and tannin, both of
> which are in
> > tea.
> >
> > Since colloidal silver is already reduced, this should never happen
> with pure
> > colloidal silver.  If indeed this is what is happening then it
> sounds like you
> > are getting some silver compounds in your colloid.  Are you using
> pure distilled
> > water without adding any salt or anything?  If you have a TDS meter,
> check the
> > distilled water for purity, they may be putting in filtered
> municipal water.  If
> > you don't have a TDS meter, boil down 8 oz of supposedly distilled
> water in a
> > clean pyrex container, and see if you get any residue left.
> >
> > Marshall
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > James,
> > >   Could this gray be a build of of silver in my blood maybe?  I am
> really
> > > reaching for straws here.  If it is from the CS then everytime I
> go into the
> > > sun it will get this what you are saying?
> > >
> > > Donna Earnest
> > >
> > > --
> > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> > >
> > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> message to:
> > >  -or-
> > > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > >
> > > To post, address your message to:
> > > Silver-list archive:
> > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
We have been though all this before.  The magnet may be labeled the north pole, 
or the
north seeking pole, either of which may be labeled north, but are opposite.  To 
matters worse some literature considers the true north pole of the earth as a 
magnetic pole, so in that case both north seeking and north pole of the 
magnetic would
point north.  So basically there is no consensis.

Even worse, no one was able to say conclusively if the north pole that is 
suppose to be
good for you is really the north pole, or the north seeking pole.


Jeffrey A. Madore wrote:

> This is really very interesting!
> I tried sleeping with a magnet under my pillow.  I woke up with a headache
> most every time. Maybe I had the wrong pole up!
> I assume the compass needle end that says north, is magnitized as a south 
> pole?
> If not, it would not be attracted to north. I have floated a magnet in water 
> (on
> a piece of styrafoam) and it alligns with the earth's poles. Using this 
> method, one
> would call the end pointing south, the north pole.
> Does this make sence?
> Jeff
> > I'll go with the compass!
> >
> > When I recently bought some more magnets to make a
> > "magnetic pad" I marked each side of each magnet according
> > to the north-seeking end of the compass.
> >
> > I aimed the compass at each magnet and which ever side of the
> > disk magnets attracted the north-seeking end of the needle I marked as 
> > north. I
> > marked the other side as south.
> >
> > Now, Davis and Rawls say that the north pole of a magnet
> > has a soothing effect and is what you should put on an injury.
> > They say that north will reduce swelling and accordingly, pain
> > and bruising.
> >
> > They say that the south pole is invigorating and will tend to increase the
> > swelling of an injury.
> >
> > They took a bunch of earth worms and divided them into three
> > groups-- a control group, a "North" group and a "South" group.
> > The "south" box of worms rested on the south pole of a magnet and was kept
> > distant from the other worms. The "north" box
> > of worms was on the north pole of their magnet, while the control worms had 
> > no
> > magnet.
> >
> > The control worms lived normal lives and deaths and *did not*
> > chew their way out of the box.
> >
> > The north worms were not as healthy as the control worms and had a higher 
> > death
> > count.
> >
> > The south worms were healthier than the control worms, ate
> > all the food in the box and most chewed their way out of the box.
> >
> > I managed to ram my right knee onto the end of a board and
> > that is when  I decided to try the magnet pad idea. (Hobbled right out to 
> > Home
> > Depot). I put the *north* side of my home-
> > made pad against the owie and wrapped it with an elastic
> > bandage which I got when I was hobbling home.
> >
> > In less than 8 to 12 hours later the pain  minimized to the point
> > that I some times had to stumble over the coffee table to
> > remember that I was a cripple.
> >
> > There was hardly any bruising at all and three days later I stopped using 
> > the
> > pad.
> >
> > S, I'll believe the compass! Although, to properly
> > test this I should bang my other knee and use the south side
> > this time and see if I am in agony for 6 weeks.
> > oo I'm feeling achy already just at the thought.
> >
> > I put some Mexican jumping beans on the north pole of one
> > magnet and some on the south side of another.
> >
> > The south beans jumped all over the place.
> > The north beans didn't do as well.
> > In 4 days we could have had Mexican coffee.
> >
> > Compass works for me.
> >
> > David
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re:Donna/ CS questions for everyone

1999-12-02 Thread Scharbach

>I have not been current on all the posts in the last few daysI've been
>"busy" having a miscarriage.  and no.I was not taking any cs.  I'm sure
>it was a fluke.  But...we'll try again =-)  AnywayI've used the delete
>button a lot lately, as I know I'll never catch up.

Oh, I'm sorry.   What a shame!

>Where does one obtain four gallons of it???  Whatever other info you can
>me on it to bring me up to speed, I'd appreciate it.

WaterOZcalls their silver an "ionic" silver rather than a colloid.
Supposedly they have
a way to break the silver particles up even smaler than a colloid.

Somebody on this list surely has the phone number, you can order 4 gallons,
it's around
$125.00 or so including shipping.

>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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1999-12-02 Thread Fernwoods
I typed Argyria under alta-vista search and got several sites with 
.x=28&search.y=9">AltaVista - Web Results

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Madore
This is really very interesting!

I tried sleeping with a magnet under my pillow.  I woke up with a headache
most every time. Maybe I had the wrong pole up!

I assume the compass needle end that says north, is magnitized as a south pole?
If not, it would not be attracted to north. I have floated a magnet in water (on
a piece of styrafoam) and it alligns with the earth's poles. Using this method, 
would call the end pointing south, the north pole.

Does this make sence?


> I'll go with the compass!
> When I recently bought some more magnets to make a
> "magnetic pad" I marked each side of each magnet according
> to the north-seeking end of the compass.
> I aimed the compass at each magnet and which ever side of the
> disk magnets attracted the north-seeking end of the needle I marked as north. 
> I
> marked the other side as south.
> Now, Davis and Rawls say that the north pole of a magnet
> has a soothing effect and is what you should put on an injury.
> They say that north will reduce swelling and accordingly, pain
> and bruising.
> They say that the south pole is invigorating and will tend to increase the
> swelling of an injury.
> They took a bunch of earth worms and divided them into three
> groups-- a control group, a "North" group and a "South" group.
> The "south" box of worms rested on the south pole of a magnet and was kept
> distant from the other worms. The "north" box
> of worms was on the north pole of their magnet, while the control worms had no
> magnet.
> The control worms lived normal lives and deaths and *did not*
> chew their way out of the box.
> The north worms were not as healthy as the control worms and had a higher 
> death
> count.
> The south worms were healthier than the control worms, ate
> all the food in the box and most chewed their way out of the box.
> I managed to ram my right knee onto the end of a board and
> that is when  I decided to try the magnet pad idea. (Hobbled right out to Home
> Depot). I put the *north* side of my home-
> made pad against the owie and wrapped it with an elastic
> bandage which I got when I was hobbling home.
> In less than 8 to 12 hours later the pain  minimized to the point
> that I some times had to stumble over the coffee table to
> remember that I was a cripple.
> There was hardly any bruising at all and three days later I stopped using the
> pad.
> S, I'll believe the compass! Although, to properly
> test this I should bang my other knee and use the south side
> this time and see if I am in agony for 6 weeks.
> oo I'm feeling achy already just at the thought.
> I put some Mexican jumping beans on the north pole of one
> magnet and some on the south side of another.
> The south beans jumped all over the place.
> The north beans didn't do as well.
> In 4 days we could have had Mexican coffee.
> Compass works for me.
> David

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1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is not how it works.  What happens is the same as when you develop film,
silver compounds plate out onto any particles of silver that are there, making
them grow until they are trapped.  Particles large enough to get caught with
colloidal silver are too large to make it through the stomach lining.


Katarina Wittich wrote:

> It was my understanding from the Water Oz literature that ionic silver was
> even smaller than colloidal and therefore there would be even less chance of
> it getting trapped under the skin and turning you blue.
> > Several other people, (myself included) are taking WaterOZ as well.   They
> > advertise it
> > as a "ionic" silver, not a collodial silver.   Could this be different
> > enough from the collodial
> > (Bob says it measures out at about 60ppms) to cause this greying?Or
> > could it be
> > that with the higher ppm, and drinking the same amounts as the weaker home
> > made
> > stuff, that Donna has indeed drunk enough to have arygria?
> >
> > And in the meantime, is there anyone out there who has any ideas, comfort,
> > whatever for
> > Donna?   I'd be freaking out if I were her, and I'd like to see this list
> > help her out!
> >
> >
> > A confused,
> >
> > Sparrow
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Boiling water Special Glass

1999-12-02 Thread Marshall Dudley
2001 TV VCR wrote:

> Katarina,
> If I remember correctly he said that boiling
> water will help produce the smallest particle
> size.  This conflicts with what Marshall said.
> Russ, from Sota Instruments claims to have
> sent the CS which they made using method
> to a lab for testing.  He said that photo of
> the CS (made using an electron microscope)
> showed that the particle size was very small.
> The small size that so many people refer
> to in fractions of a micron (.001 to .015?
> microns I believe).
> So who is right?  Marshall seems to know more
> about chemistry, etc. so I will follow his advice
> for now.

If the water has dissolved gases in it then the conductivity goes up, and most
likely the particle size goes up as well.  Boiling will degass the water and
should produce smaller particle size.  Hot water increases the conductivity
also, and produces larger particle size, likely due to aggregation.  Smallest
particle size should be produce with pure water that is degassed, that is,
boiled, and cooled to room temperature before using.


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CS>Re: Miror effect

1999-12-02 Thread Jeffrey A. Madore

Fred wrote:

>  The glass we use to do the initial
> meter calibration also grows mirror spots, even though it is
> never used over 5 minutes and then emptied and stored
> upside down until the next use. Time definitely works against
> producing fine particle size. Use part of your last batch to
> reduce the required run time!  Do you have any idea what the
> PPM is? Send an ounce of Cs and water and we will test them
> for you free, to: PII, 3516 Delilah Drive, Cape Coral, FL 33993

Hi Fred,

I've let batches cook for 24hrs plus at very low current, (0.5ma) without
any plating effect on the glass. I've also run batches without current limit,
for an hour and ended up with major plating. I don't stir and my electrodes
are large and about 5" apart.

The runs I've made with 20KVAC, however, stay clear and show no signs
of plating. If I really over do it (electrode very close to the water) and run 
I still get no plating, but the solution starts to look grey.

I've observed the following:

1. All of the above products kill the bacteria on contact, according to my 
fecal matter test (patent pending!). Although, some of the above products
themselves, do appear more feculent than others. VBG

2. All of the products seem to affect my Lyme Disease, according the herx 

3. The HVAC seems to cause the strongest herx.

Can you or anyone comment on my observations as I search for which method
and parameters are best.

Thanks for any thoughts, critisizm, etc.

Jeff-in-a-petri-dish (feeling like a laboratory rat, but a white rat still!)

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Re: CS>Janis///Recovery

1999-12-02 Thread Sinaj101
In a message dated 12/02/1999 2:23:56 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< --Did you have initial die-off herx reaction?  Valik for some unknown 
reason some Lyme patients don't have herxes.  I got slowly better on 
Doxycycline and had reached the 95% better mark before I started WaterOz  I 
now consider myself 98% better as I still have some numbness in my left hand 
due to the Lyme.  It may be permanent damage and I may never get all the 
feeling back but it doesn't bother me and I have learned to live with it.  I 
take the WaterOz now in hopes of being able to stay off abx and keeping 
control of the Lyme which so far so good.  Here is my story on the Lyme Quilt 
page if you are interested in reading it from beginning to end.";>http://www.angelfire.c
 --How long before you saw improvement?  My problems when I started silver I 
think was yeast as I had some mild joint pain and stiffness and after 
stopping the abx and starting WaterOz I noticed that went away and it was in 
the first few weeks of taking silver.  I feel I was one of the lucky ones as 
in the abx did help me but I didn't want to stay on the abx forever.  I felt 
like silver was a good alternative to the caustic abx I was taking.  6 months 
off abx and no symptoms at this point and I think its the silver keeping it 
all under control. My joints are in better than shape than they have been in 
years.  My shoulders were weak and sore when I started working out and now 
they are painfree and stronger than ever before.  I wonder if the silver and 
exercise didn't help the joints to sort of regenerate themselves.  
 --What other things were you doing?  Read the story and it will explain all 
the rest I have done.  :)

The one thing that concerns me is Donna has told me its just her face 
effected by the color change.  Would this be normal for silver to do?  
Wouldn't it effect the rest of her body not just her face?  

Take care,

§Lyme Survivor§

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Re: CS>Re:Donna/ CS questions for everyone

1999-12-02 Thread Donna2424
  It is not blue it is a gray color.  It is near my nose, my hubby and son do 
not see it.  I have also had loose bowels for about two weeks and I am in 
high anxiety mode right now.  My skin looks darker also.

Donna Earnest

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Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Ivan Anderson
The mechanism for the darkening of tissue by silver is as follows:

Silver chloride is photo-reduced by UV light to metallic silver and is
then reoxidised to black silver sulphide and bound to the tissue. If a
high concentration of selenium is present the silver sulphide will be
converted to silver selenide, which may result in higher deposition
than with silver sulphide. (1)

 ATSDR (1990) reports that the deposition of silver in tissues is the
result of the precipitation of insoluble silver salts, such as silver
chloride and silver phosphate.  These insoluble silver salts are then
transformed into soluble silver sulfide albuminates, to bind or to
form complexes with amino or carboxyl groups in RNA, DNA, and
proteins, or to be reduced by ascorbic acid or catechol-amines.  The
skin discoloration of humans with argyria may be caused by a
photo-reduc-tion of silver chloride to metallic silver.  The metallic
silver is then oxidized by tissue, sub-sequently forming black silver
sulfide. (2)

Colloidal silver is in fact oxidised and therefore an oxidising agent
which partly explains its biological action.

I am coming to the opinion that as silver must be ionic in form to be
biologically active, the only value in CS over soluble silver salts is
that one does not need to ingest the anion part (negative part of a
silver salt, eg NO3-) which may be toxic. As it is likely that the
silver ion will form a bond with the first available anion (Cl- ?),
and does so in the stomach or blood, it is just as well that the
Chloride anion is readily exchanged for  Sulphide etc. and so the
silver is able to perform its actions in bonding to and disrupting
cell walls, and so on.
Metallic silver, which is not readily dissolved by HCl, but will
release some ions over time, is unlikely to be absorbed by the stomach
but may be absorbed in the small intestine. It is mildly antiseptic
and will find its way to the liver just as any reduced silver not
bound in the tissue will.
It is the ionic silver which will find itself attached to body tissue
and it may be wise to take small doses through out the day rather than
large single doses to limit this occurrence.

Thoughts any one?

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Thursday, 2 December 1999 05:18
Subject: Re: CS>alittle gray

> Normally graying is caused by silver compounds.  The process is
exactly the same
> as photo developing.  When light strikes a silver compound it
> producing a small particle of silver metal.  This particle will be
> where light can reach the compound, ie. the skin.  Then if
additional silver
> compounds are present, and the ph of the blood is correct and there
is a
> developer present, additional silver will dissociate at the sites
where a silver
> atom is present, causing the atom to grow into a clump.
> Many compounds are developers, such as caffine and tannin, both of
which are in
> tea.
> Since colloidal silver is already reduced, this should never happen
with pure
> colloidal silver.  If indeed this is what is happening then it
sounds like you
> are getting some silver compounds in your colloid.  Are you using
pure distilled
> water without adding any salt or anything?  If you have a TDS meter,
check the
> distilled water for purity, they may be putting in filtered
municipal water.  If
> you don't have a TDS meter, boil down 8 oz of supposedly distilled
water in a
> clean pyrex container, and see if you get any residue left.
> Marshall
> wrote:
> > James,
> >   Could this gray be a build of of silver in my blood maybe?  I am
> > reaching for straws here.  If it is from the CS then everytime I
go into the
> > sun it will get this what you are saying?
> >
> > Donna Earnest
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
message to:
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> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Ivan Anderson
> CsPro should be ok, it is colloidal silver. But I have read that the
wateroz is
> ionic silver, which to me means that it is silver compounds...

Not necessarily. I believe wateroz mean by this, single charged atoms,
ie single ions not clusters.
I believe their process is laser ablation, if the silver vapour or
plasma can be caught in time, it is possible to make extremely small
particles which can be considered to be dissolved rather than


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Carol/Olive leaf

1999-12-02 Thread O2 Communication
Dear Carol

-Original Message-
From: Katarina Wittich []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 12:09 AM
To: Silver A
Subject: CS>Re: Carol/Olive leaf

> Wow Carol,
> how wonderful that you have had the courage to help so many other people
> turn their lives around. There should be more of you! Especially because
> then you'd have more time to share with us!! So don't feel pressured to
> us the info -- but I appreciate it hugely and look forward to hearing what
> you have to say.
> Take care,
> Katarina
>> Olive LeafOlive Leaf Respsone:
>> Hi everyone, I am sorry I did not realize that there was such a response
>> to Olive Leaf.  I have been very busy taking care of my husband who has =
>> myasthenia Gravis, a muscle paralysis disease and my 87 year old father =
>> who opted to go nutritional rather than surgery on his eye that has a =
>> cataract, glaucoma, a blocked retina, a mini stroke in it, and a blocked
>> carotid artery.  For both of them what I have done would be called a =
>> miracle because they have both improved so much.  I know its not a =
>> miracle its just simply the knowledge that if your give your body what =
>> it needs it will heal itself.  My husband spent most his home time in =
>> bed for the last year.  Colloidal Silver got him out and mowing the =
>> lawn.  A friend of mine designs extremely potent, organic supplements =
>> that have promted my husband to say he almost feels normal again.   =
>> Doctors told my family they would probably have to take my fathers eye =
>> out if he did not have their surgery.  So much for the EXPERTS
>> Well, as for Olive Leaf Extract I will have the Master Herbalist on line
>> to answer all questions because he is so informed and he owns the =
>> company that makes  the Olive Leaf I buy.  Right now it 10 PM so I will =
>> call him in the AM.  I use to buy East Park Research Olive Leaf also, =
>> but switched to Ameridan.  He does not spray the Olive Leaf leaves.  His
>> product is high potency.  He is not a business man he is into healing.  =
>> I have the utmost respect for Richard Hall.  I don"t mean to hold off =
>> for another day but your health and questions are to important and there
>> is no obligation to buy from just to learn. I know I told some of you I =
>> would tell you what formulas I have come up with to help my father and =
>> husband buy I was so busy researching and learning what to do for them =
>> that I never got around to sharing what I have learned.  I will now take
>> the time to put it on the silver list.   My sister who is stage four =
>> cancer is doing pretty good too, I have her on some specially designed =
>> formulas that after chemo and radiation treatments the nurse took some =
>> tests and was amazed that she did not need to have some injections that =
>> other chemo  Now that she is not taking the rest of chemo =
>> she is just taking nutrition she is perking up.  Stay tuned.
>> I threw the nutritional book at her and she is doing it, with the help =
>> of my friend the nutritional formulator.
>> Carol Ryan

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Carol/Olive leaf

1999-12-02 Thread O2 Communication
Dear Carol

This is fantastic - looking forward to hearing of your usccessful
ministrations - well done on overcoming some amazing odds.   This is
heartening for Donna too (the chelation therapy per separate posting sounds
very positive).   Thinking of you Donna - perhaps you've been selected to be
the catalyst for some amazing breakthrough - I know you'll come through

-Original Message-
From: Katarina Wittich []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 12:09 AM
To: Silver A
Subject: CS>Re: Carol/Olive leaf

> Wow Carol,
> how wonderful that you have had the courage to help so many other people
> turn their lives around. There should be more of you! Especially because
> then you'd have more time to share with us!! So don't feel pressured to
> us the info -- but I appreciate it hugely and look forward to hearing what
> you have to say.
> Take care,
> Katarina
>> Olive LeafOlive Leaf Respsone:
>> Hi everyone, I am sorry I did not realize that there was such a response
>> to Olive Leaf.  I have been very busy taking care of my husband who has =
>> myasthenia Gravis, a muscle paralysis disease and my 87 year old father =
>> who opted to go nutritional rather than surgery on his eye that has a =
>> cataract, glaucoma, a blocked retina, a mini stroke in it, and a blocked
>> carotid artery.  For both of them what I have done would be called a =
>> miracle because they have both improved so much.  I know its not a =
>> miracle its just simply the knowledge that if your give your body what =
>> it needs it will heal itself.  My husband spent most his home time in =
>> bed for the last year.  Colloidal Silver got him out and mowing the =
>> lawn.  A friend of mine designs extremely potent, organic supplements =
>> that have promted my husband to say he almost feels normal again.   =
>> Doctors told my family they would probably have to take my fathers eye =
>> out if he did not have their surgery.  So much for the EXPERTS
>> Well, as for Olive Leaf Extract I will have the Master Herbalist on line
>> to answer all questions because he is so informed and he owns the =
>> company that makes  the Olive Leaf I buy.  Right now it 10 PM so I will =
>> call him in the AM.  I use to buy East Park Research Olive Leaf also, =
>> but switched to Ameridan.  He does not spray the Olive Leaf leaves.  His
>> product is high potency.  He is not a business man he is into healing.  =
>> I have the utmost respect for Richard Hall.  I don"t mean to hold off =
>> for another day but your health and questions are to important and there
>> is no obligation to buy from just to learn. I know I told some of you I =
>> would tell you what formulas I have come up with to help my father and =
>> husband buy I was so busy researching and learning what to do for them =
>> that I never got around to sharing what I have learned.  I will now take
>> the time to put it on the silver list.   My sister who is stage four =
>> cancer is doing pretty good too, I have her on some specially designed =
>> formulas that after chemo and radiation treatments the nurse took some =
>> tests and was amazed that she did not need to have some injections that =
>> other chemo  Now that she is not taking the rest of chemo =
>> she is just taking nutrition she is perking up.  Stay tuned.
>> I threw the nutritional book at her and she is doing it, with the help =
>> of my friend the nutritional formulator.
>> Carol Ryan

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Ivan Anderson

Sorry to hear about your complexion. Stopping CS ingestion would seem
to be a wise decision at this time, although a grey complexion can be
caused by a number factors other than silver ingestion.

Unless you have taken large amounts of CS in the past months it is
likely that the change in skin colour is due to some other condition.
However, it has been reported that those people who are deficient in
Vit E or Selenium and those who take large doses of Selenium or have
damaged livers are more at risk of Silver toxicity.

"Generalized argyria is indicated by slate-gray skin and hair
colouring, silver finger nails, a blue halo around the cornea and in
the conjunctiva of the eye, disturbance of dark adaptation and
turbidity of the anterior lens capsule. The tissue content and
distribution pattern of silver deposition is a function of the intake
route, quantity and chemical form."

Not a happy time for you, and I hope the professional advice you seek
will resolve the matter, and I trust that the skin discolouration is
the result of some readily reversed condition.

Our hearts go out to you Donna,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>is this working?

1999-12-02 Thread 2001 TV VCR


- Original Message - 
From: Katarina Wittich 
To: Silver A 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 12:17 PM
Subject: CS>is this working?

> Is this working - all my mail to the list is getting returned.
> Katarina
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


1999-12-02 Thread O2 Communication

Hi there!

Does anyone out there have a remedy for bunions - aside from the painful
hacking/sawing operation?

I have a colleague who's been throught the op several years ago and they've
grown right back in the same spot!

Wondered if there's some "magic remedy" like, for eg. "zapping" them with a
bit of current (hopeful hey!)


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Re: CS>Re: Magnets/Help!!!!

1999-12-02 Thread POTTED PLANT
Hi Katerina and listees!

I'll go with the compass!

When I recently bought some more magnets to make a
"magnetic pad" I marked each side of each magnet according
to the north-seeking end of the compass.

I aimed the compass at each magnet and which ever side of the
disk magnets attracted the north-seeking end of the needle I marked as north. I
marked the other side as south.

Now, Davis and Rawls say that the north pole of a magnet
has a soothing effect and is what you should put on an injury.
They say that north will reduce swelling and accordingly, pain
and bruising.

They say that the south pole is invigorating and will tend to increase the
swelling of an injury.

They took a bunch of earth worms and divided them into three
groups-- a control group, a "North" group and a "South" group.
The "south" box of worms rested on the south pole of a magnet and was kept
distant from the other worms. The "north" box
of worms was on the north pole of their magnet, while the control worms had no

The control worms lived normal lives and deaths and *did not*
chew their way out of the box.

The north worms were not as healthy as the control worms and had a higher death

The south worms were healthier than the control worms, ate
all the food in the box and most chewed their way out of the box.

I managed to ram my right knee onto the end of a board and
that is when? I decided to try the magnet pad idea. (Hobbled right out to Home
Depot). I put the *north* side of my home-
made pad against the owie and wrapped it with an elastic
bandage which I got when I was hobbling home.

In less than 8 to 12 hours later the pain? minimized to the point
that I some times had to stumble over the coffee table to
remember that I was a cripple.

There was hardly any bruising at all and three days later I stopped using the

S, I'll believe the compass! Although, to properly
test this I should bang my other knee and use the south side
this time and see if I am in agony for 6 weeks.
oo I'm feeling achy already just at the thought.

I put some Mexican jumping beans on the north pole of one
magnet and some on the south side of another.

The south beans jumped all over the place.
The north beans didn't do as well.
In 4 days we could have had Mexican coffee.

Compass works for me.


Katarina Wittich wrote:

> Okay guys, lots of questions.
> I just got my large magnet for magnetizing water and it's north side is
> marked differently than the north side on my smaller magnets -- so one of
> them is wrong. I know this because when I put a compass near the large
> magnet the needle swings north when faced with the north marked side -- but
> when I put the compass near the north side of the small magnets the compass
> needle swings to the south. Help!!!Which one is right??? This could be kind
> of dangerous!!
> Next question is that I got a 3 by 6 by 1 inch because it ws the cheapest I
> could find. Does the magnet need to completely cover the bottom of the water
> container you put on it? Or will it work if it only covers part??
> And, lastly -- I asked this before but nobody answered -- is there any
> reason I couldn't put the magnet on the metal tank of my reverse osmosis
> system? The water sits in there for a long time -- and I've heard of
> attatching magnets to pipes -- but don't know if they work that well. Would
> the fact that it is metal matter -- or that it is large -- 2 gallons --
> instead of a litre. If the magnet was there permanently -- would it work?
> Help!! and thank you.
> Katarina
> Ps -- I know there was a lot of discussion about whether the north side of
> magnets is really the north or the south -- but it just confused me terribly
> -- so what I need is a simple and practical answer. Thanks.
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have just found out that I have Gallstones , in my Gall bladder and one
> > large one stuck in my bile duct, and I think I have to have an operation.
> >
> > I am seeing a specialist surgeon tomorrrow, I wonder if this could have
> > anything to do with the chronic diarrhea I have had suffered with for over
> > 30 years.
> >
> > Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
> >
> > Carmen
> > -
> --
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RE: Cs Mucus

1999-12-02 Thread Fred

I believe you will find your 6 hour process is the problem! We
had found in early testing that with extensive runs we would
easily form complex streamers and when they touched the
glass container, a shiny silver plating (mirror) occurred . If
that same glass was used again the mirror spot would grow
even without the streamers! That was part of our reason to 
design our unit to fit into a gallon jug, so no one had to clean
and maintain containers. The glass we use to do the initial
meter calibration also grows mirror spots, even though it is
never used over 5 minutes and then emptied and stored
upside down until the next use. Time definitely works against
producing fine particle size. Use part of your last batch to 
reduce the required run time!  Do you have any idea what the
PPM is? Send an ounce of Cs and water and we will test them
for you free, to: PII, 3516 Delilah Drive, Cape Coral, FL 33993

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and Arteries

1999-12-02 Thread Vilik Rapheles

Would someone be willing to tell me whether CS can be used to help 
arterial health? How does it affect arteries, and the possiblity of
heart attacks or strokes?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Boiling water Special Glass

1999-12-02 Thread 2001 TV VCR

If I remember correctly he said that boiling
water will help produce the smallest particle
size.  This conflicts with what Marshall said.

Russ, from Sota Instruments claims to have
sent the CS which they made using method
to a lab for testing.  He said that photo of
the CS (made using an electron microscope)
showed that the particle size was very small.
The small size that so many people refer
to in fractions of a micron (.001 to .015?
microns I believe).

So who is right?  Marshall seems to know more
about chemistry, etc. so I will follow his advice
for now.


- Original Message -
From: Katarina Wittich 
To: 2001 TV VCR 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: Boiling water Special Glass

> Hey Bil,
> do you know why he said it was so important?
> Thanks,
> Katarina
> > Hi Katarina,
> >
> > I was told by the owner of Sota Instruments,
> > maker of the Silver Pulser (and an associate
> > of Bob Beck), that boiling the water is
> > important to make good quality CS.
> >
> > Marshall has just informed me that hot water
> > causes larger particle size.  I am going to
> > play it safe for now and use cold water.
> >
> > You can buy a "glass" pot made of Corning
> > Ware at stores that carry a large variety of
> > pot and pans.  It is actually not glass but an
> > alloy of glass and many metals.  It looks and
> > feels just like glass (transparent brown).
> >
> > Corning say that you can run it under cold
> > water when it is extremely hot and it will not
> > crack.  I use a Pyrex pot (by Corning).  Not
> > near as heat resistant buy so far it has not
> > cracked.
> >
> > Bil
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Katarina Wittich 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 8:36 AM
> > Subject: CS>Re: Bil, boiling water.
> >
> >
> >> Hi Bil,
> >> so , I have two questions.
> >> Doesn't heating the water increase particle size? As the particles bump
> > into
> >> each other and agglomerate and make cs faster but bigger particles?
> >>
> >> And how do you boil water in a glass jar without it breaking? What kind
> >> jar? I looked for glass kettles in the store but didn't find anything.
> >> Thanks,
> >> katarina
> >>
> >>
> >> > I have been making CS for some time.  I started out
> >> > with a 16 oz. jar and was told to use boiling hot
> >> > distilled water and no salt to have the smallest particle
> >> > size.
> >> >
> >> > Now I use a gallon jar.  The distilled water I buy here
> >> > in California always tests below 2 ppm.  I boil the
> >> > water in a very clean glass pot.  If I use cold water the
> >> > CS process takes forever.  Also no matter how much
> >> > I limit the current (as low as 2 mA) the cathode always
> >> > gets very thick with sludge.  This is my setup:
> >> >
> >> > One gallon glass jar (clean)
> >> > Plastic lid
> >> > 99.99% silver, 1" x 3.5" (wetted)
> >> > Food grade stainless steel, 1" x 8" (wetted)
> >> > Stainless steel bolts and nuts (on lid)
> >> > Electrodes spaced 1/2" apart
> >> > 30 volts DC
> >> >
> >> > Some of you guys are using 120 volts AC rectified and
> >> > filtered to produce ~170 volts DC.  How much current
> >> > are you running?  What is the advantage?
> >> >
> >> > Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
> >> > without the sludge using low voltage?
> >> >
> >> > Thank you very much for your replies.
> >> >
> >> > Bil
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> >>
> >> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >>  -or-
> >> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >> Silver-list archive:
> >> List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >


1999-12-02 Thread Vilik Rapheles
Janis wrote:
>I have taken the WaterOz Silver a cup a day for the first 3 weeks then I 
>dropped it down to 1/2 cup a day for a couple of weeks.  I started WaterOz 
>May 30 of this year and have been taking it ever since.  Since I am now in 
>remission I only take 1/4 cup a day sometimes I still take 1/2 cup on 
>occasion.   I am getting ready to order another 4 gallons of it because
I have been doing so well.  I want to >keep my Lyme in remission and I think
 WaterOz Silver is part of the reason for that now.


What an inspiring story. You must be so happy. I took WaterOz for some 
time,but in the Tablespoon range, not the cup range,and I am wondering 
if I should give it a shot again.

You may have answered these questions before, but I hope you will again...
my memory is a bit lacking.

--Did you have initial die-off herx reaction?

--How long before you saw improvement?

--What other things were you doing?

Congratulations on your recovery!


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>alittle gray

1999-12-02 Thread Corvus Corax
I am new, and I know very little.  However I thought that a skin biopsy
would be able to determine if there was reduced silver in your skin.  I
don't know where you live or what kind of medical insurance you have.  If
you havn't already done so, I would see a doctor.  I would not mention
colloidal silver as you would plant an idea in the doctors mind.  But I
would ask for a skin test.  I would suggest the possibility of argyria and
ask that that be tested for.

Please find out what this is, if this is not caused by silver, then it could
be some medical condition that could make you very ill.  It is not normal
for your skin to change and while if it is silver it is only cosmetic, if it
is something else, please don't let it get to far.

I don't mean to trivialize argyria, but it isn't life threatening.  My
father's complexion turned grey in the months before his heart attack.  He
survived, and is well, but it would have been better if someone had noticed
the greyness and urged him to seek medical attention prior to the chest

If it is colloidal silver, please let us all know as soon as possible.

I will say some prayers for you.  If that bothers you let me know and I will
just think good thoughts at you or something.

Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: CS>alittle gray

> Marshall,
>   I have stopped all CS.  Please does anyone know what I can do?
> Donna Earnest

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