[RCSE] Baloon Glider Launch

2002-01-13 Thread RICHSHILL

When they tried it with full scale they had problems with the empennage 
getting tangled in the baloon tether line.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Viruses are no joke

2001-09-04 Thread RICHSHILL

I did an alert on the RCSE about the Sircam virus which I've now received no 
less than 19 times at work - twice in Spanish.  Before I did the post, I 
cheked out the virus warning at Carnegie Mellon (www.cert.org) and Symantec 
(www.symantec.com) .  Nothing wrong with virus warnings, it's passing along 
un-verified scares that's wrong.  Let's face it CNN is not a computer company 
they're the dread media, although I'm not clear that CNN actually had 
anything to do with the warning.

Please don't pass along un-verified virus warnings without checking them out 
first, and include in your warning the URL on Carnegie-Mellon or Symantic (or 
similar) that gives the full story.  Crying wolf is a bad thing, just ask 
Little Red Riding Hood.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] EC Mark

2001-08-16 Thread RICHSHILL

The EC mark means you have tested your product to the appropriate European 
Community directive and it passed and you are authorized to sell it all over 
Europe in the European community, who now share common standards.  There are 
many directives and more coming.  For example there is the Machinery 
Directive and the Electrical Directive.  They are pretty comprehensive.  My 
employer manufactures welding equipment.  To get the CE approval we had to 
pass the pull the handle off test and (believe it or not) the raindrop 
test.  Plus, of course various electrical tests.  Most electrical or 
electronic items that are sold internationally now bear the CE mark, the size 
and proportions of which are also defined!

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Ospreys in F/A 18 Blast

2001-07-27 Thread RICHSHILL

Birds are not brilliant, but they do what they do very well. Clearly the lift 
was better than you think and the bad effects of jet exhaust not as 
detrimental - or at least the Ospreys didn't think so!

Richar Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Flames, etc.

2001-07-07 Thread RICHSHILL

OK, I'll step in iter - give an opinion that is.

The text in the NSP ad sounds very like NSP's copy.  I read some other copy 
and it has a similar cadence and vocabulary.

Pictures are the same.  Who took them?  Is it possible that's a photo pack 
from the manufacturer?

Enquiring minds want to know!!!

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Full Scale and Models

2001-06-02 Thread RICHSHILL

When I was stationed in France in the late 50's, I accumulated 10 hours in 
gliders.  They wouldn't let me solo because the glider field was in the 
approach path of my USAF base and they figured if I wiped myself out, they'd 
be shut down.  I loved the flying and vowed to take up sailplane flying later 
in my life.

During my R/C sailplane career I investigated flying full-scale sailplane 
piloting.  Too far, too expensive and I was having too much fun with R/C 
sailplanes.  Eventually, I didn't miss the idea of full scale soaring at all. 
 Recently, after a 20 year hiatus, the thermal I hit was just as magic as the 
very first one in 1971!  If you can touch the magic, why not?

That said, my opinion is that R/C sailplane pilots make fine full-scale 
pilots.  They know how airplanes fly, respect them and let's face it - we've 
all crashed and know that things that fly can come down unexpectedly and 
suddenly; many full-scale pilots refuse to acknowledge this!  I was told 
recently that several of my generation of late 70's R/C flyers are now 
nationally competitive in sailplanes.  I think one was Rick Walters and there 
were a couple of the other guys whose names I can't recall.  Maybe a lister 
will fill in some details.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send subscribe and 
unsubscribe requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] IMS - AMA Show Report

2001-01-20 Thread RICHSHILL

To begin, if the AMA advertised that you get a buck or so off if you show a 
current AMA card - I missed it, so bring your card.  IMS seems to be gone as 
a designation, its now the AMA show, whoopee.

I couldn't find an exhibitor listing, evidently they passed them out the 
first day, people saw them, but nobody could lay their hands on one so I 
don't have a booth count.  Off the top of my head, the exhibitors are divided 
about 40% hobby suppliers - batteries, glue, radios, balsa, composite stuff, 
etc.  The remainder is about 30%-30% power and sailplane.  The USA F3B team 
was there, go say hello to Joe and Daryl and buy a tee shirt.

I didn't see anything that stopped me in my tracks, but the Pasadena 
Convention Center was pretty full and I have a limited tolerance for crowds.  
I did get to play with the Multiplex flight simulator flying a pattern plane. 
 I've never flown a real pattern plane and it was fun.  Crashed several 
times, once in a tree and the other as I was doing some wonderful manuver 
that just happened to be straight down!  I told the kid I handed the 
transmitter to: "that was the ground."  I thought he'd find that helpful.  
One of the vendors showed videos of the large power acrobatic models that I'd 
only seen in magazines and never saw fly in the flesh.  The flight attitude 
hanging on the prop to touch the rudder on the ground was impressive.  One 
hiccup from the engine and your no doubt expensive model is dead.

The show is worth going to if you're in the area, but maybe after attending 
for the last several years I've got all the goodies I need and I'm getting 

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Warps, etc.

2001-01-01 Thread RICHSHILL

Spending lots of money for molded planes is no assurance that they are 
absolutely straight, flat or square.  In any manufactured item there are 
"production tolerances".  I have no idea what the tolerances or acceptable 
deviations are, or should be, for molded models, but I've certainly never 
seen any published by the manufacturers, who are so small they are unlikely 
to have a QC manual.  To be honest, I have no experience whatsoever with 
molded wings, but I have some experience with fiberglass fuselages which 
commonly have bends, twists or corkscrews built in - at no extra cost.

What you did with your Eclipse makes sense and yes, the "experts" do it as a 
matter of course.  I do wonder if the "wash-in" along the entire trailing 
edge isn't actually reflex on the airfoil that's supposed to be there?  
Comments from other Eclipse owners?

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Free Magazines - So Cal

2000-11-17 Thread RICHSHILL

In a rush of tidyness we (me under pressure from Barbara) can now park two 
cars in the garage!  We can also see the top of my bureau.  Next to be given 
away is several years worth of Electric Flight International, Quiet Flight 
International, Flug + Modell Technik, etc.  The stack is over two feet high.

I won't pack them, you pick them up.  Home Phone (310) 459-1813, e-mail 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  First come, first served!

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Re: Fletcher

2000-08-03 Thread RICHSHILL

try: http://dutlhs7.lr.tudelft.nl/~frits/fletchtxt.html

Incidentally, a lot of questions on the RCSE about "where can I find" can be 
located with the Google search engine:  www.google.com   All I did was put in 
"fletcher sailplane" and it was the second or third citation.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Yoshioka

2000-05-14 Thread RICHSHILL

I found the following on the Google.com search engine, Richard Shilling:

Yoshioka Model Factory 
Yoshioka, a Japanese company, offers only one model, the "3ch Radio Control 
Balloon" with a volume of 100 liters. (They traditionally manufacture gliders 
and electric sailplanes). Like all ultralight indoor blimps, it is very 
fragile. But it offers an insane amount of fun. You can maneuver around 
furniture, make precision landings and fly races because six different 
frequencies are available. In addition it is impressively fast. Its price is 
affordable (ca. 350.- Swiss Franks in Switzerland = ca. 250.- US$) and for 
purely flight related fun it offers a maximum of bang for the buck. You may 
contact Yoshioka by mail at: Yoshioka Model Factory, 1-1-19 Hagimachi, Kochi 
City 780, Japan. Tel: 0888/33'25'32; Fax: 0888/33 68 94. 
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
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[RCSE] Re: Graupner

2000-05-06 Thread RICHSHILL


It looks like their site is improved.  It looks like you can download the 
2000 catalog.  I didn't try it, my 1999 catalog is 862 pages, so if you get 
the whole thing I think my computer would die.  Maybe one of you brave guys 
will download it and tell us how it works.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Towhook

2000-04-06 Thread RICHSHILL

I responded to an ad on the RCSE from Ziegelmeyer Enterprises for an F3J 
towhook.  He's got a web site which address I lost, but the e-mail is: 

1.  As advertised, a husky, sturdy looking towhook.  Said to be heat-treated.

2.  For the information of our service and shipping fans, I ordered on 
Saturday and got the hook on Wednesday with a shipping charge of..55 
cents!  Came in a padded envelope.

The only flaw is that he forgot to put L.A. County sales tax on the web site 
but since I live here I asked about it and included it.


Richard Shilling who has studied maps carefully and can now point to 
Australia (the big one) and New Zealand (the long skinnny one).
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Re: Marios Italian Site

2000-03-21 Thread RICHSHILL

I agree with the guys who visited the site, it's really interesting.  Mamma 
mia, what a big first page!  The photos of the mountains are stunning and 
there's a lot of interesting technical stuff as well.  Somehow I think you'd 
feel pretty insignificant launching a foamie in those mountains!  Welcome 
Mario, keep us notified when you post new things on the site.  If you missed 
the URL its: A HREF="http://users.iol.it/maudib/"http://users.iol.it/maudib/

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Answer to Kevin re: CA

2000-02-20 Thread RICHSHILL

Curt at Model Research Labs: A HREF="http://www.bestpc.com/mrl/"http://www.b
estpc.com/mrl//A claims to have the best stuff around.  I don't know, I 
havn't tested it.

It's interesting that you have some UHU and like it.  I've been a fan of some 
of the UHU products for years and on the occasions I get to Germany, I always 
go in a hobby shop and buy some.  It's possible that the difference between 
their CA and ours is that the EPA got involved.  At work, we've had problems 
with several of the plastics that were re-formulated because of Volatile 
Organic Compound regulations.  The re-formulations were'nt as good as the 
previous versions.  Maybe the German EPA hasn't gotten there yet.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] SWC Pictures by Skip

2000-02-13 Thread RICHSHILL

Skip may be a self-described beginner, but his pictures are really the way to 
show a contest.  Volume.  Volume is the answer!  Plus low res JPEG for fast 


Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-12-12 Thread RICHSHILL

I haven't gotten an RCSE since Thursday, so I know something's wrong.  I 
unsubscribed and re-subscribed, sucessfully, I think because the server sent 
me messages acknowledging the un- and re-subscribe.  I did do it for the 
Digest, so maybe that's the problem and the RCSE is operating OK.

Would someone getting the digest e-mail me, please.  And, if anyone has the 
e-mail address of the guy at Model Airplane News who runs the RCSE, please 
e-mail me.

I must be hooked, I really miss the RCSE.  Plus I wanted to read the posts 
about Joe Wurtz' seminar and see if any of the 40 attendees thought it was as 
terrific as I did.

Richard Shilling

RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Storing Nicads

1999-10-28 Thread RICHSHILL

How to store Nicads?  The references I've read said to store them discharged. 
 I look forward to other opinions.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Electric Gentle Lady

1999-10-26 Thread RICHSHILL

Harold Ochs wrote about where to get a battery pack.  I'm sure 
www.srbatteries.com (site's not complete use the site to get the phone 
number) or Cermark (714) 680-5888 can provide.

But, I must comment that a 05 motor with a 12 X 8 prop on a Gentle Lady seems 
like gross overpowering and might rip the wings off!  I flew a SR Batteries 
X-440 on a Speed 400 with a 7-cell KR600AE pack and it did fairly well.  It's 
better with a brushless 020 and a 11 X 8 prop, but it's also bigger than a 
Gentle Lady.  The 800 maH pack will also be heavy and quite a load for a 
Genle Lady to lug around.  If you havn't visited the on-line electric flight 
magazine the E-Zone Magazine (www.ezonemag.com), take a look.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] HLG Kit for Sale

1999-10-17 Thread RICHSHILL

For Sale - Simprop Champion HLG.  Cleaning out the garage and I'll never get 
to build this one.  Foam wings with balsa covering, nice fiberglass fuse with 
slip-on nose cone.  Needs new leading edge stock - the stuff in the kit is 
warped and the wing tip balsa is too heavy.  I thought the dihedral was too 
skimpy and consulted with Blaine Rawdon whose eyeball and spreadsheet agreed 
- you get the new dihedral recommendations.  This is what I'd call a 
middle-level HLG.  You won't win the IHGL with it but it's a nice kit.  
$50.00 including UPS.

Richard Shilling 
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Visalia Results

1999-10-04 Thread RICHSHILL

For a comple results report and photos go to: www.rcsoaring.com

What's the Grey cup?  In honor of Lee Grey?  Old dudes like me?  Please 
enlighten me.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Personal Airlift System

1999-09-25 Thread RICHSHILL

Regarding: http://www.solotrek.com/mjet/photos.html

1.  I e-mailed Tord so he wouldn't miss it.
2.  You (underlined) be the test pilot!
3.  Did anyone other than me think "Buzz Lightyear"?

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Vinyl Covering

1999-09-10 Thread RICHSHILL

Back in the good 'ol days, Bill Watson discovered kitchen shelf covering 
which is made from plastic.   At the edges of my memory was one of his slope 
combat plane with a tasteful sunflower motif on the wings from the shelf 
covering.  It also comes in white.  The stuff is available in hardware stores 
and probably home stores.  It's made from a slightly stretchy plastic with a 
sticky back and it's not too expensive. I know it was applied to styrofoam 
wings and it may well stick to EPP, which was unknown back then.  If someone 
tries this and it works - do a post.  I have no idea how it compares to sign 
vinyl but it may well be cheaper, plus think of the design possibilities!

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] Joe's Seminar

1999-01-03 Thread RICHSHILL

It is a great idea to video tape the seminar.  But somehow I missed when and 
where.  Please enlighten me.

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[RCSE] DFS Reiher

1999-01-03 Thread RICHSHILL

I think that Jimmy doesn't need a canopy.  The original had a framework.  It 
was a 1937 - 1938 German high-performance sailplane.  Somewhere I have some 
history and will look for it tomorrow.  In the meantime, take a look at:
A HREF="http://www.segelflug.de/vereine/oscwasserkuppe/reiher/histpic.htm"Wa
sserkuppe Page/A

Just in case the hot link doesn't work: 

Richard Shilling
RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News.  Send "subscribe" and 
"unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]