Re: My filter stopped working

2005-12-28 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Britt,

>> What's not working in the filter? Is the message created by the regexp
>> in the template (I guess that the regexp is from a template for an
>> automatic reply) garbled or doesn't the filter get triggered by the
>> message?
> Oh, I'm sorry for my bad explications.
> The message is created, but with no "To"-person.

Your problem may have something to do with this BT report:

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.64.01 Christmas Edition

Re: Why does my autoresponder not put in the "to" address?

2005-11-18 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Britt,

>> There is certainly a bug somewhere, and a BT bug report too (see my
>> first reply)
> I don't quite understand the bug report, so I don't know if it's the
> same thing.

Well, the summary is that there is a problem with the %To macro.

>> and that is why I suggested the use of %SetHeader.
> Yes, thanks :-) Unfortunately that didn't work either.

Wait a minute! You almost got me. I have re-read your original message
and you write:

,- [  ]
| I have made the following filter, which starts the scheduled event. I
| have tried to send the message to the "linked address" and to put
| %OTOADDR in the specific address champ. Then I tried to include
| %TO"%OTOADDR" in the template.

I should have paid more attention. You cannot use %OTOADDR in a *new*
message, only in replies and forwards. As HELP says:

,- [  ]
| OTOADDR (replies and forward) insert the first TO address of the
| original message

So, as you have mentioned in one of your messages, you have to use an
Automatic Reply.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.62.14

Re: Why does my autoresponder not put in the "to" address?

2005-11-18 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Britt,

> But in fact, nothing happens here. At least with the Create/Send
> Message I get a message in the Outbox, but the field "To" is empty.
> So I guess there is a bug somewhere ... I would have liked it to work,
> but perhaps later on.

There is certainly a bug somewhere, and a BT bug report too (see my
first reply) and that is why I suggested the use of %SetHeader.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.62.14

Re: Why does my autoresponder not put in the "to" address?

2005-11-18 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Britt,

>> As an alternative I an using:
>>   %SetHeader('To','[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
>> And works just fine.
> But I guess this only works if you know who you are answering, doesn't
> it? Or did I misunderstand? In that case, where do you put it ... in
> the message?
> I have to answer different people, I don't knwo beforehand.

I assume you could do something like:


but I have not tried it.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.62.14

Re: Why does my autoresponder not put in the "to" address?

2005-11-17 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Britt,

> Everything works, expect that the to address is empty.
> I have made the following filter, which starts the scheduled event. I
> have tried to send the message to the "linked address" and to put
> %OTOADDR in the specific address champ. Then I tried to include
> %TO"%OTOADDR" in the template.
> Nothing worked. Any ideas?

It may be a problem related to bug described in:

As an alternative I an using:

  %SetHeader('To','[EMAIL PROTECTED]')

And works just fine.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.62.14

Re: Folder Maintenance wiping out messages

2005-09-04 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello alien,

> Is this a known problem or is the repair function not reliable? What
> can I do to avoid this disaster?
> .. Using The Bat! v3.5.26 on

Your beta is quite old. Have you tried with the latest release or one of
the recent betas?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.61.02 beta

Re: Sorting Question

2005-05-28 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Michael,

>   How has anyone else dealt with this? The beta list is a very active
>   list and I would like to try to keep up, but I am having a hard time
>   at that. :)

I have a view mode that I use for mailing list like TBBeta, this and
others. I thread by Reference (ideal for this type of lists) and sort on
Created-descending (newest messages at bottom) and I have never run into
the problem you mention.

Created times are converted to local before displaying them in Created
column. For example, you message was created at 12:00:39 your time
(-0500) but it shows as created at 19:00:39 my time. As all created time
are converted to local, sorting just works perfectly.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5.20

Re: selectionbar colour

2005-05-17 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Cees,

>   how can I change the selectionbar colour?
>   I mean the bar in the messagewindow and in de accountpane.
>   It's  in "I hate it"-blue :-) and I want to change that to either some sort
>   of  green  or  maroon.  But I can't find and have searched the Options menu
>   more than once.
>   thanks

That's a Windows thingy. On 2000 it is in Display Properties/Appearance
and then in Items:'Selected item'

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5

Re: large mailboxes

2005-05-04 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello ETM,

> Recipes in email form don't require bookshelf
> space and dusting and I plan to live at least that
> much longer .
> Elaine (70 this year)

Congratulations for your age and spirit :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5 Return RC2

Re: large mailboxes

2005-05-04 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello ETM,

> Cooking is a hobby, and I also maintain about 7000
> recipes in email form,...

7000 recipes? H..., if you wanted to try a different one every day
it would take you almost 20 years to try them all ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.5 Return RC2

Re: large mailboxes

2005-05-03 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello The,

JHK>> Seems like the built-in backup is useless for me. I currenly have
JHK>> 2,4 GB of mail, and growing.
> darn that's a lot of emails!
> I've been keeping all my emails for almost 10 years now and I dont have that
> much

If you wish I can let you borrow about 1 GB of mine ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.10

Re: Why does "importing messages" take 20 minutes?

2005-03-14 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Anthony,

>> Have you tried with any of the later betas of TB or even with a
>> different mail client?
> I've used Outlook Express in the past with no problems.
> I can't use betas on this machine because it is a production machine.

Well, I have been using v3.0.28 and v3.0.2.10, which are betas, in my
production machine for several months and they are more stable and bug
free than v3.0.1.33 that your using.

Anyway, the only alternatives I see for you:

1.- Post you problem in the TBUDL list where it will be seen by many
more people than in this list and see if you can get better help there.

2.- Try a beta in your production machine or set up another machine in
your same LAN where you can test with a beta.

3.- Switch to Outlook Express.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.9.5 Return (pre-beta)

Re: Why does "importing messages" take 20 minutes?

2005-03-12 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Anthony,

> My impression is that TB is waiting for something from the server, or
> misinterprets something from the server, and gets stuck waiting for a
> time out--on every single imported message, perhaps.  It must be
> waiting, because it doesn't appear to use any processor time or do any
> I/O during these long delays (so it's not churning through filters or
> shifting files around).

Have you tried with any of the later betas of TB or even with a
different mail client?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.9.5 Return (pre-beta)

Re: Why does "importing messages" take 20 minutes?

2005-03-12 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Anthony,

>> 20 minutes is certainly an excessive amount of time. I would have to
>> download thousands (many thousands) of messages to take that long. In
>> one account I some time get well over 100 messages in a single
>> connection and they are imported in a couple of seconds at most.

> I've seen times of 22 minutes and longer, for only a hundred messages or
> so.

That is certainly too much. Even 1 minute would be too much.

>> You don't say what version of TB you are using (and if a beta, or not)
>> and that may make a difference.
> It's in my signature: v3.0.1.33.

Ooops! Sorry, don't know how/way I missed that.

>> Are you using many and very complex filters?
> I have about 80 filters for incoming mail.  Most of them look for
> specific content in sender or recipient fields ("contains" or "match")
> and file messages in appropriate folders.

That's not too many filters and I wouldn't call them 'complex' either.

> A further mystery is that TB is not doing any processing or I/O while it
> sits there.  It seems to be _waiting_ for something.
> As an experiment, I went into the Transport area of the properties on
> the account, and changed the time out delay from 60 seconds to 1 second
> (the mail server is on my own LAN, so a 1-second timeout is still plenty
> of time).  It seems to be helping.
> What could TB be waiting for?  The e-mail server uses qpopper to service
> the requests; qpopper is among the most popular POP e-mail servers
> around, so I don't think it's that.

If the server is on your LAN then it is even more strange, unless there
is some issue with 'qpopper' (with which I am not familiar at all).

Do you have any external account with your ISP or somewhere else? If so,
do you get the same delays when downloading messages from those servers?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.9.5 Return (pre-beta)

Re: Why does "importing messages" take 20 minutes?

2005-03-12 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Anthony,

> What exactly is TB doing when the Connection Centre says "Importing
> messages," and why does it take 20 minutes?

TB downloads messages from the server to temp files and, when all are
downloaded, it actually imports them into the message base. This is when
filters, etc. are applied.

20 minutes is certainly an excessive amount of time. I would have to
download thousands (many thousands) of messages to take that long. In
one account I some time get well over 100 messages in a single
connection and they are imported in a couple of seconds at most.

You don't say what version of TB you are using (and if a beta, or not)
and that may make a difference.

Are you using any antiviral software? If so, have you tried to disable
it and see if that makes any significant difference?

Are you using many and very complex filters?

How does your Temp directory look? Does it contain many (a huge number)
of *.tmp files? If so, delete them while TB is not running.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.9.5 Return (pre-beta)

Re: Using macros plugins with Version 3

2004-10-30 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Dan,

> MyMacros' web site says that MyMacros Version 1.11 will work with
> TheBat! Version 2, but the site doesn't say anything about MyMacros
> working with TheBat! Version 3. Has anyone used MyMacros with TheBat!
> Version 3?

Yes, they work. At least the ones I use.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush

Re: Sequential Autoresponder

2004-10-30 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Roelof,

M>> Not fully automagically but, why don't you ask your students to request
M>> each lesson when they are ready for it? I'm thinking on something like
M>> sending a message with "Get lesson N" in the subject so that you could
M>> filter on it and send an auto-reply with the proper lesson.
> What do you think of replying to the finished lesson?
> I considered that as an option, but there's hardly any challenge in a
> setup like that. ;-)

Yes, it may even be better and easier. I also though about that after I
had sent my message. If I was to do it I would probably use different
Reply-To addresses for the different lessons.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush

Re: Sequential Autoresponder

2004-10-30 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello tom,

> This is the hard part, a broadcast newsletter is easy, simply email
> the same thing to many people, but how to email a sequence of emails
> automatically and individually.
> Thanks for the suggestions,

Not fully automagically but, why don't you ask your students to request
each lesson when they are ready for it? I'm thinking on something like
sending a message with "Get lesson N" in the subject so that you could
filter on it and send an auto-reply with the proper lesson.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush

Re: Expanding threads in newsgroups

2004-09-28 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Chris,

> What  I mean is: I created a special view to manage these news groups.
> The  "View  Mode  Setup" screen has a checkbox "Expand all threads". I
> have checked it, but it doesn't do anything.
> I would like to have all threads expanded, because that way I can find
> posts faster then when I have to expand many threads first.

OK, now I understand. I had never used the "Expand all threads" option
but I have tested it just now and it works fine here. Note though that
I am using a 3.0 post release beta version.

> The  other settings I used (in case they may be of influence): "Thread
> by:  References"  and  "New Thread sorting" is also checked. The "Sort
> by" has "Message ID" selected.

I had never used the "New Thread sorting" option and I always sort by
Creation or Received date. But I have tested using both options and,
although I personally find sorting by Message ID a bit "awkward",
everything works fine here.

As mentioned above, I'm using a beta version. So maybe there was (is)
some bug in 3.0 that has been already corrected.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.0.19

Re: Automatic zipping of attachments

2004-09-17 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Graham,

> 4) .. but how do you get it attached back onto the message?

I suggest you explore the possibilities of the "Create a formatted
message" filter action. In the template you could use the ATTACHFILE

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.0.15

Re: Lost message from this list

2004-09-12 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Maksym,

> I just noticed that I received the "Re: Moving off" message by Dierk on
> Septwember 4, but _never_ received the original "Moving off" message by Jan
> Rifkinson. I received it on TBUDL though. For the record, I seem to have
> received just fine all the other messages from TBTECH immediately before
> and after that one. Jan seems to have sent the message in question to TBUDL
> and CCed it to TBBETA, and probably sent a separate copy to TBTECH (which I
> have never got as I have already said, but I see it in the list archive at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04338.html ).
> I suspect it might have something to do with my ISP's excessive "spam
> blocking".

I too only received Jan's message in TBUDL and TBBeta and not in TBTech
and I can't "blame" my ISP because I'm running my own server.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.0.11

Re: RegEx for "null" or no body in message

2004-08-13 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Greg,

> No longer on TBBETA but it appears you still check out other TB lists.

Yes, I'm listening here and there :)

> On TBBETA new filter system looks like it is on the table, so
> you may want to re-join to check it out with all of your filters and
> stuff.

Hmmm, maybe I should rejoin. Thanks for letting me know.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.03

Re: RegEx for "null" or no body in message

2004-08-08 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Greg,

> I've been collecting spam some time and process with Spam Cop filter. I
> will use this population in the future to train program such as BayesIt.
> My problem is that a few messages have nothing in the body.

I know nothing about Bayesit but I assume that, like POPFile, it will
use the whole message (i.e. full headers included). So, I would use all
messages for training even if they have a blank body.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.03

Problem with the %CLEAR macro

2004-05-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello all,

Let me start by saying that I have looked in the archives and wasn't
able to find anything.

I am working on two QTs that I will here call QT1 and QT2 that try to do
the following when I reply to a message:

- QT1 checks for some condition that, if met, QINCLUDEs QT2.
- QT2 does a %CLEAR and then INCLUDES a .txt file that may in turn be
another QT or just plain text.

Here is the problem:
- If I reply to a message and on the reply I type QT1
everything works as it should and %CLEAR does its job clearing quoted
text, signature and everything.

- However, if in my reply template I do a %QUINCLUDE="QT1" at the end,
when I reply to a message the %CLEAR macro in QT2 doesn't clear the
quoted text, etc., at all or doesn't do it completely (i.e. clears
quoted text but not signature). It looks like if there was a "timing" or
"execution" priorities problem when doing several and "cascading"
QINCLUDES from the reply template itself.

Does anybody have a hint of what may be the problem? Or am I being thick
and sleepy again?


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.03

Re: How can I set a variable to a 'new line'

2004-05-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Marck,

> %_NLVAR='
> '%-

You can't be serious! Thaaat simple!?!? My gosh, and I was looking at
the Regex help trying to find a way to do it.

Miguel, it is about time you get a good night sleep one of these days :)

Thanks Marck.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.03

How can I set a variable to a 'new line'

2004-05-19 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello all,

For a QT I'm experimenting with, I would need to set a variable to
contain only a new line (\n) character for a later comparison. But I
can't seem to find the way to do it.

Am I perhaps too sleepy and thick tonight?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.03

Re: can i force a non-related message into a thread?

2004-04-18 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Charlie,

> so  is  there  any  way  for me to force it to insert into the thread,
> where i want it to go?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.10.01

Re: Changing SMTP server "on the fly": is the "%SMTP" macro worth introducing?

2004-04-14 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Maksym,

> There had been some questions already about using the same SMTP server
> for different accounts. For some people, however, the situation is the
> other way round. I would sometimes use different SMTP servers for the
> same account. Same "From:", same "Reply-to:", same POP3 mailbox - and
> two different SMTP servers used in different times.

I use three accounts for this purpose, one main and two alternatives.
The 3 accounts are the same except the SMTP server. I always write
messages from the main account and, if I need to use an alternative
server, before clicking Send (or Put in Outbox) I right click on the
account name that appears in the status bar at the bottom of the editor
window and select the appropriate alternative accounts (server). This
works fine for me.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v2.04.7

Winamp Playing: Tower Of Power - Keep Comin' Back (Smoothjazz.Com - The
worlds best Smooth Jazz - Live From Monterey Bay)

Re: TB! and wine

2003-03-19 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Greg,

Why not TB! and beer?

Sorry, I couldn't help it ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-12 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> In case you haven't noticed (most probably don't), I put the "cookie"
> type part of my message in the attribution line.  So like any random
> cookie system, it tends to insert meaning where there should be none.
> :-)

Yes, of course I had noticed :)

> Ah, a very insidious problem. Well at least we have something new to
> keep in mind when debugging templates.

I will certainly not forget next time. At least next time :)

MAU>> I owe you an infinite number of beers.
> I would have said that would take a long time to drink, but I'm
> Canadian... 

Oh dear! =:-O  I offered that because I though you were an Ozzie ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-11 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> On Sunday, March 9, 2003 at 11:31 GMT +0100, an infinite number of
> monkeys posting as Miguel A. Urech [MAU] typed:

What do you mean an infinite number of monkeys! Just one, but very

Yes, I must apologize because I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm
stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid,
I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm
stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid,
I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm
stupid, I'm stupid, and _I_ _am_ s-t-u-p-i-d! :-(((

Your QT's are perfect. I created my reply template and entered it in
each and every account, but I created your QT's just in my main
account and _forgot_ to share them   So, the two "failures" I
noticed were due to the fact the *only* my template was being used but
not your QTs.

I apologize again. I owe you an infinite number of beers.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Problems with Januk's "Recipient list -Indented" macro

2003-03-10 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> Note: I updated the regexps in print_recipient2 to handle special
> cases a bit better. You may want to try it:

Just FYI, no intent to put any "pressure" or "hurry" on you. I have
tested this updated print_recipient2 and, in my case, I don't see any
change, I still get the failures where I did before.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Problems with Januk's "Recipient list -Indented" macro

2003-03-10 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Nick,

> I can't seem to make this macro work at all. It seems to me that
> print_recipient2 is not getting called properly, or at all; the
> lines after To, CC, BCC are always blank.

I use a slightly modified version of Januk's macro for my reply
templates. It works quite well except in a couple of "peculiar"
occasions. Have you seen the thread in this list with subject
"Question about Januk's print template" that starts with

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Bayesian spam filtering

2003-03-09 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Ricardo,

> how do you tell popfile that a certain email is spam or not? the bat!
> doesn't include any button or command for that.

You open POPFile GUI in your browser (it's HTML) and manually
re-classify those messages that were erroneously classified. This is
how it learns. The first couple of days you may need to reclassify a
certain number of messages but, after that, and once it is at 98%
accuracy or higher, you only need to reclassify one every now and

I currently use three "buckets": English, Spanish and Spam and, as I
have said, it is running at 99.59% accuracy.

> I'm just curious, I thought that bayesian filters were impractical in
> The Bat because of lack of interface.

POPFfile _is_ very practical, at least for me. You can have a link to
it on your Desktop to open its GUI when you wish. Aside of that, it
can optionally include an "X-POPFile-Link:" header in all messages
with a link to the message as kept in its history list. So, from
within TB, or any other mail client, you can view RFC-822 headers and
double click on the link which will open POPFile and display the

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Bayesian spam filtering

2003-03-09 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Graham,

> Pity that TB! plug-architecture will not easily support Bayesian
> filtering, as you need a dynamically maintained "bad" and "Good" lists.

You don't need a plug in to use Bayesian filtering with TB, use
POPFile. I've been using it for several months now and I'm running on
99.59% accuracy.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-09 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> 1. Change the reply template so you remove the % symbol from in front
>of the %COMMENT macros and the %QINCLUDE macros.
>  - This will show us what exactly is being sent to print_recipient

 To: COMMENT="[EMAIL PROTECTED]; "QINCLUDE="print_recipient"
 To: COMMENT=""Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "QINCLUDE="print_recipient"

> 2. Reverse the change above and change the last line in the
>print_recipient template from %COMMENT="" to %COMMENT
>  - This will let us see how far the print_recipient2 template got
>before failing.


> 3. Reverse the change above and *add* a line to the beginning of the
>print_recipient2 template. Put the macro %COMMENT="" as the very
>first line of print_recipient2.
>  - This will tell us if print_recipient2 is being called, and what
>text is being sent to be processed.


> 4. Reverse the change above and change print_recipient2 to the
>  - This template is slightly modified to ignore some more
>white space.  The modification shouldn't hurt the performance
>of the template in normal cases.


> That seems ok.  Test number 1 above should give me the last bit of
> confidence to rule this out as the source of the problem.

Hope I haven't made any mistake when doing the changes.

Thanks a lot :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-08 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> Can you please post the exact templates you are using to produce these
> outputs?

,- [ My reply template ]
| %Cursor%QINCLUDE="SLANG"%-
| - Original Message -
|From: %OFromName <%OFromAddr>
|Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn  %IF:'%OTOLIST'<>'':'
|  To: %COMMENT="%OTOLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"' %IF:'%OCCLIST'<>'':'
|  Cc: %COMMENT="%OCCLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"'
| Subject: %OFULLSUBJ
,- [ My print_recipient ]
| %SETPATTREGEXP="(?s-m)^\s{9}(.*)\n$"%-
| %REGEXPMATCH="%QINCLUDE='print_recipient2'"%-
| %COMMENT=""%-
,- [ My print_recipient2 ]
| %REM='
|   Recipient List reformating routine.
|   recipient2 = recursive engine QT
|   Written by Januk Aggarwal
|   November 2002
| '%-
| %-
| %IF:'%-
| %SETPATTREGEXP=$(?i)^\d*\n(\"?(.*?)\"?\s*(\<.*?\>)?\s*[;,]\s*)$%-
| %-
| %-%-%SETPATTREGEXP=#^\d*#%-
| %-
| %SETPATTREGEXP=$(?i)^\d*\n((\"?(.*?)\"?\s*(\<.*?\>)?)\s*[;,]\s*)?$%-
| %SUBPATT=$2$
| %-
| %COMMENT=_%-
| %-%-%SETPATTREGEXP=$(?i)^(\d*\n)(\"?(.*?)\"?\s*(\<.*?\>)?\s*[;,]\s*)?(.*)$%-
| %-%-%SUBPATT=$1$%-
| %-%-%SUBPATT=$5$_%-
| %-
| %QINCLUDE="print_recipient2"'%-

MAU> | To: "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What is the output of a bare %OTOLIST on these messages?

If I use a template with To: %OTOLIST I get:

   To: "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Januk, thank you so much for the trouble your are taking for trying to
help :-))

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-08 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

Sorry to bother you about your macro again.

> Yes.  Just change which subpatterns you output in the print_recipient2
> template.  The following should do the trick.

I tried the changes suggested, it works but anyhow I am still using
the original version.

However I have detected a few occasions where something strange
happens, and I must admit I'm totally lost. Your macro is not easy to
follow and understand by RegExp beginners.

Here are the two cases:

,- [ Message I'm replying to includes: ]
| From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Sergi=20Bernal?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: [SIG] Archivo Autocad
,- [ And this is what I get in my reply ]
| - Original Message -
|From: Sergi Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Date: Saturday, March 8, 2003 4:00:48 AM  
|  To:  
| Subject: Re: [SIG] Archivo Autocad

As you can see, the To is blank.

,- [ Here is another case ]
| From: "Axel Ollmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: MailScan
,- [  ]
| - Original Message -
|From: Axel Ollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Date: Thursday, March 6, 2003 10:42:57 AM  
|  To:  
| Subject: MailScan

Same thing here, the To: is again blank.

As I have told you, I tried to understand why this happens but I am
totally lost.

I already owe you a few beers, but I'll be happy to owe you a few more


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-05 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> By the way, you'd probably want to change the BCCList macro.

I have actually deleted the whole BCC %IF line. It has no sense on a
reply template.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: [eng] Re: Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-05 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Januk,

> Look at the headers of the message you are replying to, and you'll
> see the quotation marks there. My templates merely separate the
> provided list into a vertical list.

You are darn right! Sorry about that. I was confused because the
quotations marks are stripped by TB when displaying in the header

> Yes. Just change which subpatterns you output in the
> print_recipient2 template. The following should do the trick.

I will try it later. But anyhow, now that I know that I am not
"introducing" the quotation marks in the reply, it is not "so

Thanks for your help. Great macros, yes sir! :-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Question about Januk's print template

2003-03-04 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello all,

I am using Januk's template to print a vertical list described in:

It works very well and I have adopted it for my business mail reply
template also

Basically, all I have done is change the actual print template:

=[Begin print]=
From: %FromName <%FromAddr>
Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn  %IF:'%TOLIST'<>'':'
  To: %COMMENT="%TOLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"' %IF:'%CCLIST'<>'':'
  Cc: %COMMENT="%CCLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"' %IF:'%BCCLIST'<>'':'
 Bcc: %COMMENT="%BCCLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"'
 Subject: %Subj


=[ End  print]=

To a reply template as follows changing TOLIST to OTOLIST, etc.

,- [  ]
| %Cursor
| -Original Message-
|From: %OFromName <%OFromAddr>
|Date: %ODateEn %OTimeLongEn  %IF:'%OTOLIST'<>'':'
|  To: %COMMENT="%OTOLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"' %IF:'%OCCLIST'<>'':'
|  Cc: %COMMENT="%OCCLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"' %IF:'%BCCLIST'<>'':'
| Bcc: %COMMENT="%BCCLIST; "%QINCLUDE="print_recipient"'
| Subject: %Subj

It works great, this would be an example:

,- [  ]
| -Original Message-
|From: Anil Subramanya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 4:56:14 AM  
|  To: "Helen Rosa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|  "Miguel A. Urech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|  Cc: "Mick Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|  "Isabella Blueml" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|  "Mike Dunne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Manuals translations

Not that it is very important but, my question is, why do the names
in To: and Cc: appear in between quotation marks? Is that avoidable?


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.62i

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Filter (Regular Expression) Me and "Only" ME

2003-02-06 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello ~John,

On Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 19:35:20 -0600 you wrote:

> Now I can safely say that I am close to spam free, while only using
> theBat! filters!

I am sure you must have a reason to have your date set to 5 years ago.
With this, my systems regards all your messages as SPAM.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-22 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Carsten,

> The References: header is the only header that counts for this
> regular expression.
> ((?:\nReferences:[^\n]*?)(?:\n\s[^\n]*?)*(>))
> It looks for the string References: only at the beginning of
> lines. If the domain part of the message id isn't in this first line
> (line 3 from our example) it examines the following lines (4-9) as
> long as they start with a whitespace character (folding).

Wow! Thanks for that! You "regexperts" amaze me. I'm now going to need
to sit down and try to understand why and how "this bunch of garbled
characters" works :)

> BTW if isn't "unique" enough (also interesting for gmx,
> hotmail, myrealbox, etc. users) there is a way in the TB! to
> customize the domain part of your message-id:
> In the account properties choose a (invalid) From: address like
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and your message ids will look like
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Okay, you have to change back your
> from adress to the correct one (automatically in your templates via

In my case is unique enough, but this is certainly a
valuable tip. Thanks.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Jonathan,

> I'm not sure what the "" option means under the
> filters, and cannot find anything in the help.

It is the default group, None. Just try it, edit colour groups and
assign a background or font colour to it and see what happens.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Filtering messages with creation date newer than now?

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Jonathan,

> That is 2:01am on 22nd January for you... right?

Nope, it is (was) 01:01am :) The +0100 means just show the difference
with GMT.

> Well for me that same date is being displayed to me as 6:01pm. TB!
> has calculated the date the message was created relative to my time.
> The same would apply (I assume) for filters, as it does in the
> Message Dispatcher.

I don't know about filters, I'd have to test it.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Jonathan,

> So are all messages that come in assigned a colour group? If they
> don't match a certain other criteria, they are assigned to the
> "Generic Group" colour? Or are the ones that have been processed been
> assigned that colour group? If the former, then yes, I'd probably
> consider it a bug, will have a quick test of it later and see if I can
> duplicate the problem. If the later, then you have the option
> switched. You want it to process everything NOT in a colour group.

I don't know when are the incoming messages assigned to a group. I
have assumed that all incoming messages are not assigned to any, which
is (should be) equivalent to being assigned to Generic Group. I'd like
to use this condition because I have a couple of filter higher on the
list (executed first) that can assign messages to a different group
and would not want to change this.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Filtering messages with creation date newer than now?

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Manuel,

>"If you look in the Advanced tab in the Sorting Office, you'll find
>an option called "Messages is newer than", simply check it and
>leave it to zero. And, it will filter everything dated tomorrow and
>beyond. If you set it to anything else than zero, then the
>filtering goes a few days back in your messages."

I didn't know. Anyway, that could filter out "legal" messages, for
example your message and mine if someone in the US was using it. It is
Wednesday 22nd here while in the US and many other places it is still
Tuesday 21st, right? Or is TB smart enough?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Jonathan,

> Then replace Sender with Kludges again, and in the strings part, make
> a regex that matches the other fields, such as:
>   X-Envelope-From|From|: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

No, if I include X-Envelope-To then I would match any message at all
because *all* message include X-Envelope-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

> So I cannot see what it'd be doing wrong. How is it failing the test
> again? Just failing completely? A silly question, you are getting it
> to search the correct folder yes? The few things I can think of it
> causing the filter to fail is, wrong folder, and the message id is
> appearing without the < >.

I haven had the time to re-test everything but, as I wrote in this
same thread, on :

| I wanted to set the messages that matched the rule to an specific
| Colour Group. Because I already have some messages assigned to other
| colour groups, I wanted to run this rule only on those messages that
| had not previously been assigned to any group (i.e. assigned to
| Generic Group). So, on the Advanced tab of the rule I had selected
| (ticked) "Message is associated with a Colour Group" and selected
| "Generic Group" from the drop-down list.
| So, just to see what happened, I un-ticked this box and Voila! the
| rule works. And it does work with my string as well as with Tim's and
| yours. And if I select this tick box again, none of them work. Why? I
| don't know
| Since I am going to use this rule as an Incoming one (on of the first)
| and "continue processing" with other rules, I actually don't need to
| select this box on the Advanced tab.

Anyway, when I have some time I will re-test to see if I can
understand why it fails when selecting "Message is associated with a
Colour Group" - "Generic Group". A bug perhaps?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Filtering messages with creation date newer than now?

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Gerd,

>> Is it possible to make a filter which filters messages where the
>> creation date is newer than "now"? Because many spam message sender
>> set the creation date like something in 2012...
> SortingOffice, Incoming Mail, tab Advanced, "Message is newer than..."

I think that will not work because it only accepts positives numbers
and then, newer than N means less than N days old.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech

>> Anyway, why don't you look for "Message-ID:\s*<.*?>"
>> so you don't need to look for your email-address.
> Because I'm looking in messages not from me in the References: header
> line(s).

Although I should have added that I don't mind matching my own

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Jonathan,

>   This would mean that your filter would only match if he was
>   searching for messages he had sent, but from the description he's
>   looking to flag messages he has replies to.  But also from
>   his description, he's looking to *not* flag his own emails (am I
>   right?). This'd require a multi-part filter (using AND instead of
>   OR), and doing something like this:
> Strings: <.*?>
> Location: Kludges
> Presence: Yes
> Strings: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Location: Sender
> Presence: No

Not exactly. Maybe I should have given more detail in my first
message. I am actually looking for threads that I am involved in, that
is why I am looking in the References: header for a mid from my
domain. I don't mind matching my own messages because of the
Message-ID: header. What I am trying to avoid is to match my own
e-mail address, but not just in the From: (which is what the second
part of your AND is looking for) but in the X-Envelope-To header. Why?
Take this list, or any other list. *All* messages I receive from them
include an X-Envelope-To to my e-mail address. That is why I am
looking  for _1 digit_ followed by the "".

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Gerd,

> To have a positive match "\[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" should already work

I'll try this one also, thanks.

> Anyway, why don't you look for "Message-ID:\s*<.*?>"
> so you don't need to look for your email-address.

Because I'm looking in messages not from me in the References: header

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Brano,

> try [0-9]

Ahhh! That's a good one, thanks. I'll certainly try.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Manuel,

> No, makes * ungreedy in this case 8-)

Glups! You are right. I said I'm not a Regex expert :-(

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hola Manuel,

> What about <.*?\[EMAIL PROTECTED]>?

No, it doesn't work. In Regex, ? = Zero or one instances of the atom.

Thanks anyway, and see my reply to Daniel.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hi Daniel,

> In the slot for the string, type in the logically ORed expression:

Thank for the suggestion. I tried it and it didn't work either. I
could not believe it didn't work neither my way, not Tim's not yours.
So, I though there must be something else, and there was but I don't
understand why, at least for the moment.

I wanted to set the messages that matched the rule to an specific
Colour Group. Because I already have some messages assigned to other
colour groups, I wanted to run this rule only on those messages that
had not previously been assigned to any group (i.e. assigned to
Generic Group). So, on the Advanced tab of the rule I had selected
(ticked) "Message is associated with a Colour Group" and selected
"Generic Group" from the drop-down list.

So, just to see what happened, I un-ticked this box and Voila! the
rule works. And it does work with my string as well as with Tim's and
yours. And if I select this tick box again, none of them work. Why? I
don't know

Since I am going to use this rule as an Incoming one (on of the first)
and "continue processing" with other rules, I actually don't need to
select this box on the Advanced tab.

Thanks to all for trying to help.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello all,

I need/want to set up a manual filter to flag messages that include a
MID from me (my domain) in the References header line. I'm certainly
no expert with Regexp and, aside of that, I didn't have a good night
sleep last night.

I have set up the following:

Strings: <.*\[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Location: Kludges
Presence: Yes

And I have selected Regular Expression on the Options tab.

Note: I use the \d so it will look for a digit before @ and therefore
not have a match with my e-mail address in X-Envelope-To.

But this is not working, not finding any. Any idea why?


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Bat not shutting dowm?

2002-12-01 Thread Miguel A. Urech

> I have switched over to Win 2K Pro and have noticed that The Bat does not
> shut all the way down when I closed it

> I'm using The Bat! Version 1.62 Beta/17

Since you are using a beta version I think you should report these
problems in the TBBETA list. If you are not subscribed, go to:

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Automating Mail Backup

2002-10-29 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hi Robert,

> I have seen that TB has a few command line parameters but there is
> nothing that it has for controlling system backups.  I am trying to
> find a way I can update my .tbk file in an automated process without
> me having to manually do it.  Any suggestions on how I might do this?
> Or am I stuck doing it by hand.

Try Second Copy 2000 ( Simple, efficient and
reliable. I use it every night to back up all my important stuff, not
just email.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Programming Plugins (?)

2002-10-15 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Lennie

> No, No! I would rather say: "... a reason to not even consider VB as a
> possible tool." !

Agree. VB is just a toy :)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re[2]: Programming Plugins (?)

2002-10-02 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Marck,

MAU>> Hey, I also work! But not in s/w development.
> Oops - not well worded by me! I didn't mean to imply that you didn't
> work (but you know that anyway ).

'Course! :-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re[2]: Programming Plugins (?)

2002-10-02 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Marck,

> If I may give my point of view here, although not asked for.

Of course you may, I don't have the power to declare this thread a
dead horse before you post ;-)

> As a software engineer (for at least as long as you ), but one
> who still works...

Hey, I also work! But not in s/w development. And I must admit I miss
it :-(

> MSVC++ turns out the tightest code but requires a greater knowledge
> and more attention to detail. For robust, clean code it's hard to
> beat.

My only experience on Windows environment was with MSVC++, and I
really liked it. I assume they have probably improved it quite a bit
along the years.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re[4]: Programming Plugins (?)

2002-10-02 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Mark,

> 1. variables can be used without previously declaring them. It's
> therefore much harder to catch typing errors since the compiler is
> quite happy accepting them and it's only at runtime that the errors
> are apparent. This creates enormous debugging headaches. Take it from
> one who has had to work with other people's code. I much prefer the
> strong typing of C++, letting the compiler do the work of catching my
> typing errors *before* the code runs.

I was a software developer for over 25 years but I haven't written a
single line of code in 8 years or so now. So, I am not at all familiar
with Delphi. But if I was to come back to s/w development, what you
say would be enough a reason to not even consider Delphi as a possible

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Filter into the original mail's folder, help needed

2002-08-25 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Carsten,

> I've been thinking about a solution for filtering replies into the
> original mail's folder (a top 10 wish .-) for some days now. I'm at a
> point where I could need some help and ideas...
> Okay, this is what I've done so far:

I think what you are trying to do is a bit complicated and/or
convoluted, if I may say so.

I am assuming you are using Incoming filters to sort incoming messages
to different folders, right? If my assumption is correct (and only if
my assumption is correct), then there are at least 2 simpler methods
to achieve what you want: that replies are sorted to the same folder
of the message you are replying to.

Let's take one example to illustrate them. Let's assume you are
filtering incoming messages from "Joe Blow" ([EMAIL PROTECTED], Sender,
Yes) to folder "Joe", and now you want that your replies to Joe go
into the same folder.

  Method 1:
  - Create a "matching" Outgoing filter with: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Recipient,

  Method 2:
  2.1 - In your "Joe Blow" Incoming filter add an Alternative:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], Recipient, Yes.
  2.2 - Modify your Reply Template(s) to BCC yourself.

Method 2 is better if you are filtering, for example, on Subject. Then
you don't need 2.1, just 2.2.

Again, this is assuming you are using Incoming filters to sort
incoming mail to the different folders. If your are sorting incoming
messages manually...

I personally use a different approach: messages that I have to reply
to are sorted to a unique folder "Must Reply" and then, when I reply
to a message, both the 'replied to' and the 'reply' are sorted to the
same folder.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Problems rendering html mail

2002-07-02 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hola Ricardo,

> Can you confirm it?

Yes, I can confirm it. But I am using 1.60c just as you are. Let's see
if someone with a different version can also confirm it.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

Archives   :
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Setting initials used in quoted reply

2002-06-29 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Perry

>   Is it possible to tell The Bat! what to use as initials in a quoted
>   reply?

Account/Properties/Templates/Reply/Sender information used for

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: A small Rex Question (I think)

2002-06-06 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello David,

> I can insert my sig mid reply but I want to cut out everything after
> the sig that I have just put in. Is there an easy way to do that ?

I don't know if there is a RegExp that can do what you want but, if
the cursor is placed after your signature, you can always Ctrl+Shift+End
and then hit Delete.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: idea of qouting messages

2002-05-28 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Brano

> ... but, what do you think, it is usable ? :)

No. The ">" is best and actually the de facto standard.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: has text in message

2002-04-27 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Marck,

> I guess that, what we're saying here is that it would be an idea to
> have two separate forwarding templates; MIME and non-MIME.

Basically yes. Although, in a way, MIME is already a "template" which
includes the whole message (RFC-822 headers also) as an attachment.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Marck,

> It is reasonable to set up a template with a %IF that looks at "Fwd:"
> in the subject and %ATTACHMENTS and makes up its mind from there. It
> is not reasonable to expect that intelligence to be built into the
> %TEXT macro (IMHO).

No, I wasn't suggesting building intelligence into %TEXT macro but
into TB itself. That is, if I have "MIME standard" selected, then
normal forward should ignore the template which would be used if
Alternate Fwd is used. And the other way around.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Mark,

> Miles - this is disgraceful behaviour. I'm leaving you subscribed to
> this list but not allowed to post until you learn some manners!

Miles needs to learn some manners and learn to look and read. He could
have seen how to un-subscribe if he had just looked two lines above
the one he was writing. Look:

> Archives   :
> Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===8<===End of original message text===
> Stop sending me...

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Miguel A. Urech

> Wouldn't it be more "reasonable" to include one or the other, but not
> both?

Forgot to ask the usual "am I missing something somewhere?"

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Marck,

> Account Properties | Templates | Forward | Use MIME standard...
> To forward a one-off message as a MIME forward use "Alternate
> forward". (or vice versa if "MIME standard" is on by default).

There is an issue with this that I saw a few weeks ago, that I forgot
to ask about, and I don't know if it could be considered some "sort of

If I don't select "MIME standard" and use a template which includes
%Text, when I use Alternate forward I get both the MIME attachment and
the text because of %Text. Now, if I select "MIME standard", to avoid
the repetition of the message text, I would actually leave my FWD
template blank. But then, if I use Alternate forward, I get nothing as
the template is blank.

Wouldn't it be more "reasonable" to include one or the other, but not


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re: Red X questio

2002-04-25 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Paul,

> Is there a way that i may send 'dummy' messages to everyone in my address
> book, to make sure they still have a valid address?

Maybe you want to try Advanced Maillist Verify (AMV). Take a look at:
Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re[2]: Freeze subject on replies

2002-04-09 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Lars,

> But that would also make subjects like "Re: Freeze subject on replies
> (was: Starting of a new thread)" impossible.

I don't see any need for those type of subject, a new thread should be

Anyway, I hope you understood that the real intention of my message
was not to suggest that change in TB.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Freeze subject on replies

2002-04-09 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello all,

I wish TB! (and all other mail clients) would not allow editing the
subject on a Reply. That way, people (lazy people who do not want to
waste their time looking in their AB for the e-mail address of a mail
list) would use New Message for a new subject.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re[2]: OT:Help me..

2002-03-30 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Jan,

>   The koffee [sic] command can only be effected by one of
>   the more complex shortcut keystroke sets ever constructed
>   by RIT Labs.

>   k

Complex? I can do it with one hand and still have 1 finger free ;)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re[2]: OT:Help me..

2002-03-29 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Dierk,

> As Thomas F. pointed out some time ago, TB! is actually able to brew
> coffee or tea.

I couldn't find the option in the Menu Navigator. Do you know what's
the keyboard shortcut for coffee? ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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Re[4]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-22 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Alexander,

> You translation "If not checked, use plain-text" is simply wrong :-)

No, I understand what TB is doing and that I just wish it didn't.

Let's take my fax program for example, it allows me to set the modem
speed to use. Then, if for whatever reason I tell it to use 9600, or
even lower, I would be "upset" if the program "decides" to use 14400
just because the modem supports it. If it is going to use the fastest
speed available, why give me any option to choose?

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-22 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Johannes,

> Ah okay I understood. But this is really not a problem of TheBat!, I
> think it's rather a feature, that it negotiates the secure protocol
> between two parties.

Yes, I know it is not a problem of TB. But, if there is an option to
select the type of authentication and I select simple, I think TB
should stick to that and not decide by itself to use MD5 just because
Mercury supports MD5. Once the option is there, TB should do as I tell
it to do. I may need simple auth. for testing purposes, like it was
actually my case, and TB just won't let me.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Johannes,

> Mhh. It seems I don't get something I'd like to understant :) If both
> the server and the client support a stronger AUTH mechanism, and your
> AV tool is hooked into the TCP/IP-Stream, opposed to being a
> "server"/listening on it's own port, then why would this clash? MD5 is
> only used for the preliminary authentication, enabling a relay.

It is due to a "design feature" in MailScan that has been already
addressed by developers and will be fixed soon. It only happens when
sending "large" attachments. It looks like (more or less) MailScan
thinks it is going to take too long to scan the attachment for
viruses, so it "grabs" the message and the attachment to allow the
connection between TB and Mercury to close. Then it passes the
attachment to the virus scanner and, if safe, it will have to open a
new connection with the server (Mercury) to actually send the message
and the attachment. Here is where MD% authentication fails and the
message is not sent at all.

However, if I could "force" TB to use simple authentication, it would
not fail. If, for example, I use Outlook Express to send the same
attachment it goes through with no problem because OE only uses simple

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Johannes

> Show the log.

It went down the recycle bin days ago :-)

> I don't think TB tries AUTH mechanisms which aren't supported.

I never said that. What I have said is that because Mercury/32
supports both simple and secure (MD5) authentication, TB will always
use MD5 even if I don't want it to do so.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Roelof,

> MD5 is failing on my system too, when I'm sending large messages,
> small messages go well.

That is exactly the problem with MailScan. As I say in my reply to
Syafril, I reported it to Microworld and they are working on a fix for

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-21 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hello Syafril,

> Are you sure Mailscan is the culprit ?

Yes, of course.

> Have you contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] yet ?

Yes, of course. And they are working on a fix that should be available

But MailScan problems is not what I actually wanted to bring to this
list. What I wanted to point out about TB is this:

> Even when "Require secure (MD5) authentication" is off, if the
> server does supports it, secure authentication will take place.

I believe and wish TB would allow me to select if I want to use simple
or secure authentication, even if it just for testing purposes. In
general, I don't like software that "decides what is best for me", I
like to decide and take my own risks.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Visit for more info on eScan and MailScan.

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Syafril,

> Hmm weird, what's Mercury S log said ?

It reports: "501 Authentication failed - bad user or password", and
that is true. MailScan is not using MD5.

> Have  Thomas R. Stephenson (or others Mercury Support Team) comment on
> Mercury List ?

No, nobody has replied. But it is not Mercury's problem. The problem,
until MailScan can also use MD5, is that TB uses MD5 even though I
tell it to use simple authentication. I think it should use the kind
of authentication I tell it to use. I don't like software that decides
"what is better for me".

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Hi Syafril,

> What happened if using Plain SMTPAUth instead of MD5 ?

I can't, TB won't let me. This is what I say in my original posting

  Although I have The Bat! set up for simple authentication,
  because Mercury supports MD5, TB will use MD5.

See my original message yesterday for a more complete explanation.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-20 Thread Miguel A. Urech


>>>> My question is: is there any way I can force TB to use simple
>>>> authentication?
>>> Try to disable MD5-Auth in Mercury.
>> I though it about this also, but I don't think it is possible. I have
>> asked in Mercury's mailing list but haven't had any reply yet.
> Put   all  Local  LAN Client address accept for relay, check the relay
> setting.

I am using local IP addresses for all clients on the LAN, but I need
SMTP authentication when someone is on travel and not at the office.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

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Re[2]: Problem with SMTP Authentication

2002-02-19 Thread Miguel A. Urech

Dear Johannes,

Thanks for your reply.

>> My question is: is there any way I can force TB to use simple
>> authentication?
> Try to disable MD5-Auth in Mercury.

I though it about this also, but I don't think it is possible. I have
asked in Mercury's mailing list but haven't had any reply yet.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.53d

Scanned by  MailScan Content-Security and Anti-Virus Software.
Visit for more info on eScan and MailScan.

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